Chapter 141: Little Annie and Little Vanessa (2)

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In Stormwind City, the heavy rain continued. When the most wanted criminal of Stormwind City, the leader of the Defias Brotherhood, Edwin Van Cleef, was executed outside the Cathedral Square of Lights, and ordered a team of soldiers to him. After the head went to the gate of Stormwind and hung up for public display, King Varian led his guard and a group of nobles from the Kingdom of Stormwind to ride through the dwarven area under heavy rain.
They are now on their way back to the main castle of Stormwind Fortress.
Others, after watching the thug give the law, saw that there was no more excitement to watch, the citizens of Stormwind were unwilling to continue to be exposed to the icy rain, and they all began to rush away. One after another, they were scattered, each rushing home to change clothes and get warm.
Amidst the rain curtain, a group of cavalry troops were marching in silence. Apart from the sound of rain, only the cluttered crashing sound of the countless horseshoes when they stepped on the pebble road was heard. King Varian, with a dark face, rode on his tall steed and took the lead in the front of the team.
Although, now the culprit of the Kingdom of Stormwind, the former leader of the Masons Guild, Van Cleef, has already passed the law to give the head, and the head has been taken to the public. But... I don't know why, his heart, Varian didn't feel any pleasure, but always felt upset from time to time!
Especially when he thought of those words of heart-stirring words that Van Cleef said before he died, he originally thought that as long as he got rid of this enemy, he could calm down his heart, and he couldn't be at ease!
I don’t know what’s wrong. When Varian combined with the current situation of Stormwind Kingdom, thinking about the manners of those nobles, and even his usual ways of Varian, he always felt that what the other party said seemed like , Is that really a huge hidden danger?
But... what if you know?
Can he Varian do something about this? After being ravaged by the orcs, what can he do if he is a king, a country that is riddled with blemishes and awaiting prosperity, as well as the arrogant, prosperous, and corrupt nobles of the upper kingdom? How to manage and guide? In addition to temporarily taking care of the overall situation, what can he do?
The more I thought about it, the more upset Varian became! Even if the icy, majestic rain fell on him and poured his armor and clothes through, it failed to calm his mood!
Under his upset and irritability, King Varian began to slap the horses under his hips with his riding whip, leading the Duke of Bourval and other royal knights. Under his leadership, the cavalry began to speed up. Horses are running wildly on this pebble street in the rain...
He Varian now wants to go back to the castle in Stormwind Fortress quickly, then, take out the ale, get a good drink and get drunk, so that all the unhappiness today will be forgotten!
When King Varian was leading his cavalry team on the way back to Stormwind Fortress on horseback, outside the gates of Stormwind City that he didn't know about, under the rain, it happened here with a little girl and a group The battle between the city gate guards has just begun now.
Amidst Annie’s clear and delicate voice, a red flame suddenly lit up on her free right hand, and then, the two Stormwind guards who were rushing up with their swords, were ecstatic. In their eyes that turned into consternation and fear, the burning flames swallowed the two of them directly. They couldn't even scream and were burned to ashes...
However, this is not the end!
Little Annie is not a good girl, she is very sensible, or it can be said that she doesn't reason with you!
In addition, she is still in anger now, besides, those people over the city gate have just been identified as bad guys by Little Annie. Then, they are all bad guys, right?
Since these soldiers are all bad guys, then, after being labeled as burnable by Little Annie, their ending seems to be doomed.
"... is my favorite toy!"
Under the horrified and trembling gazes of the guards in those city gates and the captain of the guard who was carrying Vanessa about to receive the reward, Annie's right hand was still burning with fire and claws. , Once again threw out a few fireballs with the size of a washbasin, and then these fireballs directly rushed through the heavy rain curtain, whizzing towards the soldiers in the city gate hole.
The hot high-temperature energy of the fireball itself even turned the majestic rainwater that fell on the way to a boil and instantly turned into a stream of hot steam!
Under this circumstance, the guards seemed to have seen a series of ferocious flame monsters, dragging their long white steam tails, and attacking them! But they had no time to raise the shield in their hands in vain, watch the fireballs, and engulf themselves in the flames...
After several short screams, the soldiers, including the captain of the guard who made Annie look very unpleasant, all of them, after a piercing wailing sound, their original bodies and the boards they were wearing A shield and weapons were all burned into a pile of indistinguishable shapes by the terrifying flame magic, black charcoal and molten steel mixed together ugly!
And the poor little girl was caught by her mage's hand before Annie cast the spell, and pulled back from the shoulder of the guard captain to her side. At this time, the little girl was floating out of thin air. , Fell asleep weakly in the lava shield that Annie put on her.
"Enemy attack!!!"
Seeing such a brutal little girl mage suddenly appeared outside the city, they burned several of their colleagues and the powerful high-level guard captain into a human form before they could react. This made the two Stormwind soldiers who were standing guard behind the city gate and farther away, seeing their nerves split, almost fleeing without fail!
As a result, as soon as they drew out their swords and picked up their shields to be on guard, they also began to scream loudly. The enemies outside were too cruel and they needed more support.
Soon, in just a few breaths, a squad was equipped and guarded near the gate of Stormwind. Nearly 30 Stormwind guards rushed into the rain screen and gathered, and quickly formed a team in the city. The standard phalanx of thirty people, then, they began to hold their shields, blocking the vital points of their chests, lined up a neat standard phalanx, and slowly pushed towards the little girl mage outside the city. .
"Brothers pay attention! The enemy should be a flame mage. Use your shield to block the vitals. Once she releases the spell, when the fireball touches your shield, she will immediately discard it! The others will immediately disperse. Before she had time to cast the spell again, she rushed forward and killed them on the spot!"
Although the captain of the city gate guard is dead, the deputy captain is still alive. Just now, they were not here at the city gate, but in a barracks hut behind the city gate, drinking hot soup on standby or resting.
Therefore, when the deputy captain heard the alarm and saw the piles of the remains of the corpses of his colleagues still burning in the city gate cave, he soon came up with a satisfactory response plan and began to scream for his own. The subordinates formed a tight formation together, slowly pushing towards the little girl outside the city.
"Everyone, don't panic, she is only one person now!"
Dealing with the mage, he is well-informed and as the deputy captain, he is confident and somewhat experienced. He is now waiting as he is approaching, and when the enemy casts the spell again, he will lose three or two manpower, and the others will directly charge up and chop them into pieces!
Annie dismissed the army of these bad guys, she was a mage, and also a super powerful mage! Besides, she is not stupid, so she won't go to play hand-to-hand combat with them! These bad guys, who are you showing this kind of battle? Moreover, she is even arranged in such a neat and tight formation, is she worried that she will not be able to blow up a spell?
Little Annie didn't pay attention to them, these bad guys didn't know what kind of existence they were facing! If it weren't for Annie not wanting to play with them for too long now, she would have released Tibbles the bear and squashed them in twos or twos to break up their formation!
Little Annie looked at the wooden stake that had fallen down because of her fireball attack and the head of Van Cleef that had fallen out of the wooden cage on the wooden stake. She wrinkled her cute little brow a little disgustedly.
It seems that this hapless beheaded is a relative of the little sister next to her? If this is the case, then just burn all the gates!
Anyway, Xiao Anni wouldn't kindly help the sleepy little sister next to her to take that person on the road. Thinking about it, she was disgusting!
So, why not just burn all the gates here, as long as they burn down, Annie won't have to think about these troublesome and disgusting things! That's right, that should be done!
"Hey! Have you seen this big fireball of mine?"
Looking at the group of soldiers who were about to walk out of the city gate in a neat formation, Xiao Annie smiled evilly, and her right hand suddenly mobilized the strong mana in her body. A huge fireball instantly formed above her right hand. , And then, under the bright red flame, she smiled so evilly and looked at the soldiers who had been marked as badass.
This is a super blasting fireball with a big water tank, bad guys, are you afraid?
"Not good! Retreat at full speed!!!"
Upon seeing this exaggerated spell and the terrifying heat radiating from the blazing fireball of Nuo, the deputy captain of the gate guard decisively recognized it!
Seeing this big fireball, he knew that enemies of this level were definitely not something they could deal with! Even if he is himself, he is just a high-level warrior. A mage as powerful as the one in front of him is better left to the big bosses above to deal with it.
Therefore, he immediately issued the order to retreat at full speed. He and his well-trained soldiers quickly completed the turn, and at the same time spread their legs, and rushed to the city regardless...
Unfortunately, they still ran a little slower.
When they could run to the other side of the city gate hole and were about to rush into the city, the huge fireball, like a huge and angry fire bull, roared and crashed into the city gate hole...
Then, a huge roar sounded, and the burst of flames and violent energy directly razed the entire gates of Stormwind City and the surrounding buildings within the ten digital range to the ground... a lot of broken rocks, bricks , The city gates and body residues were all under the terrifying flame explosion, like exploded fireworks, with raging flames, flying high in the sky for dozens of yards in the heavy rain...
Except for the few lucky ones who were at the back of the team, turned and ran the fastest, those Stormwind soldiers who had not had time to run out of the city gate, at this moment, I am afraid that there are no scum left behind. Up!
Huh? Is there a powerful enemy coming?
When Annie was about to continue casting the spell, she suddenly sensed a strange wave of magic, and then she frowned and looked far away.
Over there, beside an arrow of the city wall, under the propped canopy, it seems that a powerful mage has been teleported over? Although it is still raining heavily, the rain has blocked the vision from a distance, but Annie still clearly feels the presence of the other party from her perception!
Well, since this is the case, Annie thinks it's better to leave here early!
After all, this is the home ground of others, in and outside the city, they must have many soldiers and various powerful presences. She is only alone now. Once a large number of enemies gather, it will be no fun. !
Besides, this place is too far away from her flame kingdom. Under the watch of the enemy, it seems that it is not easy to summon helpers? Moreover, there is still such a heavy rain here, which is very detrimental to the fire elements under her, then...
Annie thought about it for a short while, then looked at her own side. Next to her, the little sister who was so angry and whose vitality began to disappear a little bit, little Annie finally decided that she would accept it now. Better.
Don’t accompany them, these bad guys. Let’s just teleport it back. Now that they have blown up their gates, they must have been taught a lesson. Then, if there is a chance next time, try to find a way to be severe Pack them up!
"Let's go!"
Soon, after a burst of blue arcane rays lighted up, Little Annie and the little sister she had just saved, who seemed a little younger than her, disappeared outside the gates of Stormwind City. What remains is the gate of Stormwind that was razed to the ground by the explosive fireball, and a flame ruin that is slowly extinguishing under heavy rain...
boom! ! !
The gate of the fortress of Stormwind. Just as King Varian and the Duke of Bourval had just returned to the castle of Stormwind and were about to dismount, suddenly, behind them, there was a huge roar in the direction of the gate in the distance, and an explosion After that, the echo has been reverberating in Stormwind for a long time...
"This...what happened to this?"
King Varian, who turned his horse's head, looked at the direction of the gate of Stormwind in the distance.
Now, where, a huge fireball is flying into the air in the rainstorm, and at the same time, he can still see that those shattered white rocks were lifted into the sky in the explosion...
Even, he Varian actually saw a half-broken door?
Was that... the gate of Stormwind was blown up? Just when he ordered Van Cleef's head to be hung at the city gate for public display? Did the revenge of those mob remnants come so quickly?
"Asshole! Hurry, ring the alarm! An enemy is attacking Stormwind! Knights, follow me!"
After hurriedly instructing a stunned guard next to him, Varian hurriedly turned his horse's head and led the knights who had just returned from the cathedral, who had been drenched into chickens by the heavy rain. The city galloped away in heavy rain.
Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that after the explosion, the enemy had already teleported away...
At the same time, on the side of an arrow tower on the wall of Stormwind, Countess Katrana Prestor, who had just teleported here, had a smile on her mouth, looking at the gate of Stormwind with interest in the distance. Two little girls who made trouble and sent away.
Just now, when she heard the explosion, she teleported here for the first time.
Originally, she planned to go up and fight with the other party, but when she remembered the bombed city gate, where Mrs. Fancree's head was asked to hang, she then looked at the little girl who had passed out in the distance. She seemed to think of something interesting, and then she didn't rush to do it.
Especially when Katrana discovered that the little girl who had just blasted the gate of the city had even discovered her own existence, she didn't even want to do it! Therefore, she smiled like that, separated from the heavy rain curtain, and after contacting the other party in the spiritual perception of the mage, she let the other party teleport away calmly.
"It seems... things have become more interesting..."
Just now, Katrana used a spell to overheard the whispering in the mouth of the little girl who was floating in mid-air and fell asleep. So, she seemed to have misunderstood something, thinking that the two little girls below, What kind of close relationship do they have with the beheaded Van Cleef?
If you think about it this way, it seems that she doesn't need to make any more arrangements, just another three to five years, and the Kingdom of Stormwind will face the re-emergence of the Defias Brotherhood in the future, right? Or more serious?
Moreover, look at that cruel little girl who can blow up an entire city gate on her own. Then, there must be room for growth in the future? And she is probably the enemy that Stormwind City needs to face in the future?
If this is the case, then things have really started to become more and more interesting...
In the heavy rain, Countess Katrana Prestor, just holding her arms, stood under the canopy of the arrow tower, watching the bombed gate and the two little girls who had just escaped. Place, began to laugh softly.
And beside her, a soldier with a crossbow in Stormwind looked at her inexplicably, at the Countess who was laughing out loud.
He didn't understand. Now that the other party has blown up the city gate, this countess can still laugh? Is this so funny? After he mumbled two words of unknown meaning in a low voice, he did not dare to look at this fascinating Earl Katrana again. Anyway, he couldn't figure out the silly thoughts of these upper-class nobles!
"Asshole! What is going on here? The enemy? Where is the enemy?"
Finally, the furious King Varian and the Duke of Bourval, as well as the knights arrived here in time, but unfortunately, they were still too late!
Now, here, all they can see is the ruins of the broken city gate that was blown up and shattered, still emitting bursts of gunpowder after the heavy rain, and those few lying on the ground, dead or dead. Wounded gate guards.
However, no one answered the king’s question now. The soldiers who arrived here first did not know what happened. When they came here, there were no enemies, only the ruins and those who fell all over. Colleagues wailing in pain.
And now, the Stormwind soldiers, who arrived here earlier than King Varian, are braving the rain to rescue the wounded who are still alive, and trying to clean up the ruins to see if they have survived among the broken rocks. Poor worm.
"Say! What happened here! Who did it? See?"
After jumping off the horse and observing for a while, after confirming that no enemy was found around, Varian hurried forward and grabbed a soldier who didn't seem to be seriously injured. This man just suffered a slight injury to his arm. It looks bloody, presumably, he should know something.
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty... Yes, it is the remnant of Van Cleef. It should be his two daughters... One of them is also a powerful mage. It was she who used spells to blow up this place..."
This pie soldier was relatively lucky. When Little Annie's spell came over, he ran the fastest and was not in the city gate, so he escaped by luck. As for the people who ran slower and lagging behind... Now, if you can find the debris in the ruins, it would be pretty good!
"Van Cliff has two daughters? They are both powerful mages? Bastards!"
Hearing the soldier's answer, Varian sighed.
Now, Storm Kingdom’s trouble is really big! He knew that these messy things would definitely not end so easily. In the future, I'm afraid they will continue to make endless noises, right?
"Did you see their looks clearly?"
The Duke of Bourval, who was next to the king, frowned. After inspecting the ruins of the city gate for a while, he also leaned forward and asked a crucial question.
"Hug, sorry... Lord Duke, because I'm far away, I only know that they are two seven or eight-year-old girls who can perform terrifying spells... As for the looks... I'm sorry."
After speaking, the soldier looked at the ruins of the city gate, and he could see the looks of the two little girls. They were probably all over there, right? Now, I guess I can only ask about their undead!
Annoyed, King Varian had to let go of the soldier, allowing him to be taken away by two soldiers and sent for treatment.
"If the order is passed down, the whole area of ​​Stormwind Kingdom will offer a reward for two daughters of Van Cleef! About seven or eight years old, they can cast spells, this is the point! Then...describe a little bit based on Van Cleef's appearance, and that's it!"
Waved his hand, Bolvar issued two high reward orders in place of King Varian.
In any case, these two remnants of Van Cleef must be grasped, otherwise, the future will definitely be a big trouble! Two little girls of seven or eight years old, and they all cast spells, they should be easy to find!
If you can't catch the opponent, let them continue to grow...Look, now the gate of Stormwind City has become a ruin, and in the future, what kind of disaster it will be!
At this time, both Varian and Berwar seemed to have misunderstood something. They all thought that the two little girls who made trouble and blew up the gate of Stormwind should be together. However, this is not the case. ...
In the northern continent, before the gate of the Queen's Palace in the City of Flame, a burst of blue arcane light suddenly lit up. This should be a long-distance teleportation spell.
However, after seeing this situation, the elite fire demon royal guards who were on duty were not too surprised, nor did they make any movements. Because, they knew, it must be their majesty the Queen who had gone out to play crazy for many days, and now finally came back.
They are still faintly looking forward to it. I don't know what weird or delicious things Her Majesty will bring back this time?
Last time, when Her Majesty the Queen came back, she grabbed a huge Tyrannosaurus rex and let them eat a bunch of fire monsters. Then, the last time, Her Majesty brought back a huge Tyrannosaurus. Great white sharks also made them enjoyable!
Although food is not necessary for their fire elemental life, but for them, some food is better than none! Appetite, human delicacy, but one of their few pursuits!
Finally, the blue arcane light gradually dissipated, and Her Majesty of the Flame Kingdom finally appeared, but... What made the fire demon royal guards on the side very puzzled was how her Majesty brought her back this time. , But such a small human being? Didn't she say that you can't eat humans?
"Hey! You guys, hurry up and call Sister Lana over! And you, send someone to the city at the fastest speed to see if there are any priests or anything else, and bring them to me at the fastest speed. Here is the palace! What are you still doing, why don't you go?"
After coming out of the teleportation spell, Annie didn't even look at it, and directly ordered a fire demon guard next to her.
"His Majesty... Such a small human being, where is enough to eat..."
A little fire demon leader, who was closest to him, still stared blankly at the little human girl who was cast by the queen floating in the air for half a lifetime. It hadn't recovered from the huge gap.
"What? Eat?"
Seeing that the fire demon was still looking at the little girl she had brought back in a daze, she was still saying something to eat.
When Annie was angry, a fireball with a big basin directly smashed into the face of the little fire demon leader: I'll leave you in a daze!
She smashed one and she was still not So Annie was a fireball and smashed towards the other side of her ugly face again: I let you know how to eat!
Anyway, these fire monsters are not afraid of ordinary flames, and her two fireballs can't hurt them, but a burst of pain is definitely inevitable.
The little fire demon leader finally recovered after two screams, and immediately began to scream for orders. The guards under his hand are near here, so that they can immediately follow Her Majesty’s orders with the fastest speed. To do it.
Then, while rubbing and covering his face vigorously, he nodded and begged for mercy to Her Majesty the Queen who walked into the palace with the little girl floating in a coma.
It turns out that the little human girl brought back by their Majesty the Queen was not meant to be eaten... It seems that there is nothing weird to eat this time, so they just looked forward to it for a long time! Moreover, what makes it even more unlucky is that not only did it have no good things to eat this time, but it was also beaten by Her Majesty for no reason. When Grandmaster Shanknox returns from the Land of Fire, he will definitely be Catch yourself and punish yourself, right?
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