Chapter 1359: ?*. ?(?)??* announced: People will now...

‘Meeting, chairman? ’
‘Cheer up! ! ’
'what happened? ’
‘What happened above? We didn't seem to feel the movement of fighting. Why did we suddenly lose? ’
‘Hush! ’
‘Keep your voice down, the president may not necessarily be defeated. ’
‘What the happened? ’
'do not know……'
‘How could this happen, I don’t feel the traces of magic power on the old man's body at all...Even if he is really defeated, it won’t be like this? ’
‘Looks like an ordinary old man...’
'hateful! ’
'What exactly is going on? ! ’
‘Why is it like this? ’
‘President? ’
At this time, in addition to Elisa who was kneeling on the ground, Gray, Naz, Elfman, and Kana, etc., all approached in unison, and looked worried and shocked as she was being nervously The President Makarov who was protecting.
They couldn't imagine how the guild leader who had just rushed to the castle aggressively and was unstoppable was defeated and fell down?
Isn't the guild leader invincible, isn't he the top ten holy wizards?
Moreover, why didn't they seem to feel the traces of battle above the castle? Of course, the most important thing is: Why doesn’t President Makarov feel a trace of magic in his body now? He looks like an ordinary, dying, ordinary old man?
Why did he suddenly fall? Above, in the office of the "Ghost" guild president above the castle, what happened? Why did he become like this? !
Makarov, who was dragged by Elisa in his arms, wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything at all. He just combined them one by one in vain and couldn't even utter a complete word.
'That is……'
‘Their chairman was killed? ’
When the members of the "Fairy Tail" guild were frightened and stopped pursuing them, the members of the "Spectre" guild could not help but stop and just watched from a distance.
'Seems! ’
'No way? Was defeated so soon? ’
‘There can be fakes, that old man, isn’t it Makarov? ’
'what! ’
'Hey! Hey! ’
‘Since their chairman has been killed, then, shall we...’
'what! ’
‘Yes! Did you guys see it? Their president was defeated by us, so we don't need to be afraid of them at all! ’
'Correct! ’
Soon, when the members of the "Ghost" guild figured out what was going on, they finally stabilized and cheered in an instant. At the same time, they were caught by a trick because of Jagiru Lightfox. And the morale that fell to the bottom also instantly rose.
Think about it, even though the iron dragon-slayer slayer of their "Spectre" guild was caught in a sneak attack by a little girl of the other party, but the leader of the other "Fairy Tail" guild, that holy ten demon The mentor Makarov was also defeated almost at the same time by the high-level of their "Spectre", and it still looks like a head-on defeat?
‘! ! ’
‘Look, everyone! ’
‘Their "Fairy Tail" are just a bunch of useless paper tigers. Since their presidents have been defeated, the rest is not worth mentioning! ’
‘Everyone charge! ’
‘Kill! ! ’
‘Beat them! ! ’
‘Kill back! ’
‘Oh! ! ’
‘Beat them! ! ’
In the comparison between the two, even fools know the current situation is better or worse, so after reacting and knowing what happened, the members of the "ghost" guild stopped and planned to retreat. The thought of fleeing turned into a rainbow of chanting slogans, and then aggressively toward the "Demon Tail" guilds that not only had fewer numbers than them, but also suffered a shock in their minds and bodies, and had almost no courage to fight again. The members killed it!
"Naz, Gray! Go and block them first!!!"
"You cheer up!!"
Seeing the enemy counterattacking back, Elisa didn't think much about it. She yelled and told the companions around her to go back to fight quickly, and then screamed again to President Makarov in her arms. .
She just wants to know what the is going on now, and why the president who is better than their "Fairy Tail", the top ten holy wizard who has been famous for many years, has defensive magic, huge magic, light magic and super magic. Existence, would be defeated by the enemy in such a short period of time, and be beaten so badly? !
"Small, be careful..."
‘That person...’
‘Give... give my magic to... take away...’
Finally, with great difficulty, in the chaos, President Makarov finally had enough energy and said intermittently without beginning and ending.
"That person?"
She was taken aback, and then subconsciously, Elisa raised her head for the first time, looked towards the top of their battle hall, and saw someone wearing a green robe, a green gentleman's hat, and purple. Scarves, but weird people with blindfolded eyes.
"It's him?"
"Be careful, everyone! That is Aria, the sorcerer of the sky, who is the head of the four elements, and can completely take away man's magic!"
After seeing the person, Elsa, who remembered something, quickly remembered who the enemy was slowly floating down, and finally knew why her own President Makarov became like this. Therefore, she reminded her surrounding team members so loudly, lest they encounter the same tragic fate as President Makarov.

"It turns out that this old man became like this because he has no magic power? So..."
?? 乛?? ??
After knowing what was going on, and knowing that a bad old man had lost his magic power due to a sneak attack, Little Annie, who had been watching from the side, suddenly thought of something important.
and so……
"Aha! They announced: Because President Makarov has no magic powers, he will abdicate now, and they are now the new President!!"
??. ??(??)????
"Everyone listened to me, attacked with all their strength, defeated them, and paid for the bad old man!!"
To be honest, Annie has been waiting for this day for a long, long time, and now, it is hard to wait until the bad old man Makarov loses the qualification to continue to be the president, then she will definitely not give up this opportunity to seize the position easily. .
'what? ’
"That little guy..."
‘? ? ’
'Do not make jokes! ’
‘That little Annie is going to be the chairman? No way? ’
'Be careful! ! ’
'fast! Stop them first! ! ’
‘Damn it! ’
There is no doubt that the loud announcement of a certain little girl really caused a small disturbance among the members of the "Fairy Tail" guild, but soon everyone devoted themselves to resisting the members of the "Ghost" In our counterattack, few took her words seriously.
'Well? ’
‘Where’s that guy Jajiru, he’s not here? ’
After successfully attacking and evacuating all of Makarov's magic power and defeating the opponent, Alia, the head of the four elements, floated down slowly while looking around strangely.
Because he didn't seem to see the figure of the Iron Dragon Destroyer Sorcerer. According to the original plan, the opponent should be here at this moment to preside over the situation and suppress the formation.
"You guys don't retreat, go attack! Listen to the guild leader, they have to prepare for a big move!!"
Seeing that those people were retreating steadily, and only focusing on shrinking the defense line instead of attacking with full force like at the beginning, Xiao Annie angrily attacked them with some unhappiness, and began to hold her free hand. She was brewing magic power, and she was about to use her never-used big move for the first time, so that the villains of the "ghost" would know how powerful her Queen Anne, the new president of "Fairy Tail" is?
"To shut up!"
"Annie! Retreat!"
"Everyone listens to my orders and retreat!!!"
However, contrary to Annie's so-called "new guild leader" order, Elisa was worried that after seeing Alia, the head of the four elements, the appearance of the other guild leader would cause greater disadvantage to her. In the situation, she directly reduced Chairman Makarov and hugged him, and then shouted loudly to the members of the "Fairy Tail" who were still fighting.
"Retreat? Why do you want to retreat? They are just getting ready to make a big move!!"
Hearing the other party's order, Little Annie, who was just about to throw her big move on Naz, who was particularly arson, had to stop abruptly, and then turned around and asked in confusion.
"No reason!"
"Withdraw first!!"
"Everyone listens to my orders: shrink the line of defense, take the wounded, and we are ready to retreat!!!"
Holding the fainted guild leader in one hand, and summoning a big sword with the other, Elisa, whose aura became extremely terrifying, retreated towards the gate while loudly toward her guild. The other members of.
"Why should everyone listen to you? You are not the president, people are new..."
However, Anne's words suddenly couldn't go on, because she found that it seemed that her previous order to attack with all her strength was not very effective, but instead the retreat that Eliza had just issued but coincidentally got the "Demon Tail". The positive response of the guild members?
(● ̄?? ̄●)
(Undoubtedly, Tibbers knows with his butt, that the wretched little lord’s wishful thinking before usurping the throne is obviously in vain. Her reputation and qualifications are obviously too low and too low. In the guild, let alone reach the level that Makarov or Elsa can instantly suppress the audience, even, it is possible that even Naz and others are far less able to make other people respond positively?)
"Everyone listens!"
"All members retreat!!!"
Finding that the members of the guild had gradually shrunk the line of defense, and after finding that everyone had brought the wounded, Elisa made a decisive decision and gave the order for all members to retreat before Alia, the leader of the four elements, went on the field.
No way, she found that she became the president and let everyone respond to her. There was still a long way to go, little Annie could only hold a certain poor tin lizard bitterly, and then reluctantly followed. Behind those guys, they fought and retreated, preparing to exit the castle.
'Hey! ’
‘Where’s Gajiro? ’
‘Did you see him? ’
Alia, the head of the four elements, did not rush forward to pursue, but grabbed a member of their "Ghost" guild, and then asked so strangely.
‘In her hands! ’
‘Whose hand? ’
‘That little girl’s hand is the lizard! ’
'Oh? ’
'stop! ’
‘Keep Jahjiru! ’
Hearing that, after knowing that Garjiru was caught by the opponent's guild, Alia was puzzled, but still had to step forward and prepare to attack those enemies.
‘! ! ’
'Be careful! ’
‘Lord Aliya, don’t get close to that little girl, she will turn people into small animals, and that’s how Gajru was caught by her! ’
'what? ! ’
‘There’s that kind of thing? ’
Hearing that there was something like that, Alia who was just about to step forward to let those people know that he was amazing had to stop abruptly.
‘Lucy is in their hands...’
At this time, Makarov, who was held in Elsa's arms, was awakened, and when he heard something, he hurriedly said these words to Elisa in a low voice.
"Annie! Take that guy. Lucy was caught by the enemy. Let's use him as a hostage. Don't let him run away. Get out!"
Hearing that the president said that Lucy, who stayed in the resident of Magnolia City and was responsible for taking care of Lebby and them, was caught by the enemy, Elisa couldn't help but startle! Then, who didn't know why the president knew the information, she quickly recovered, and thought of a way to deal with it, and shouted directly at a little girl who was about to let go.
Now, the other party has arrested Lucy from their "Fairy Tail" guild, and they also arrested Gajiro from the other guild. In this way, whether it is used to threaten the other party at that time, UU Reading will let the other party have something. If scruples are still used to exchange hostages, they will not be too passive.
( ̄△ ̄;)
When the other party said that Miss Lucy was actually caught by the enemy, Annie was also a little surprised. After all, among all the people in the guild, Lucy, who had the same blond hair as her, had the best relationship. .
~( ̄0 ̄)/
"I see it!"
Although Annie wants to say that it doesn’t matter if President Makarov loses, her ultimate is not inferior to the opponent’s huge magic, and it can be more than the opponent’s combat power, and she can definitely defeat the bad guys. Guys!
Since Lucy, who is far away in Magnolia City, was caught by the bad guys, and since everyone is retreating now, and no longer wants to fight, then let him go temporarily, and wait until Lucy is rescued. It doesn't seem too late to clean them up?
So, even though she was a little uncomfortable in her heart, she still had to retreat behind the large army, and after exiting the gate of the opponent's guild castle, a shining spear knocked the gate into ruins. , Temporarily prevented the chase of those bad guys.
??°(°??????????°)°???? Seeking everything????°(°??????????°)°??
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