Chapter 1376: ? The Top 8 Tournament?

After yesterday's harvest festival and parade and various carnivals were successfully concluded, it finally ushered in today's first ‘fairy martial arts competition’ officially began. Therefore, at this time, on the dams, reefs, and roofs of houses facing the sea in the northern bay area of ​​Magnolia, the tourists and tourists from all over the mainland who came to watch specially came to watch.
As previously advertised, the location of the game is of course set up at the destroyed mobile castle of the previous "Spectre Dominator".
However, the ruins of the castle have changed a lot under the magic of the "Fairy Tail" guild and the powerful magic transformation.
Its superstructure has been almost completely eradicated and leveled, and the remaining foundation part has been transformed into a huge sea competition arena, and all around the arena is the sea, and there is a long safe distance from the audience. There is no need to worry about the kind of vicious incident that accidentally injures the audience or damages the city’s houses due to mishandling during the competition.
‘Come on! ’
‘Come on! ! ’
‘Kill that scar head! ! ’
'Damn! ’
'What a pity……'
‘Is that person a trash? Such a big man can't even beat a little girl. I even bought his 200 j lottery ticket at a loss, and I want to wait for him to survive the first six rounds of the knockout rounds! ! ’
‘Don’t tell me, am I still the same? ’
At this moment, from the hustle and bustle of the crowd of onlookers, you know that this is no longer just a contest between the members of the "Fairy Tail" guild to compete for the throne of the president. This has become a grand game!
‘Wow! ’
‘Look! That magician with a gun is really amazing! ’
'Ok! Yes it is! ’
'But let me say that the female magician who plays cards over there seems to be very good, she has a good body, and the power of the card is also very strong. This has passed four consecutive rounds, and I made more than a thousand j. ! ’
‘The Card Sorceress? Which one is it? ’
‘Here! The eighth group is in the fifth round of elimination! ’
'Oh! I saw it...but I still think that the red-haired woman in plate armor is a bit more powerful. I am the most controlling sister... It is said that she is still the queen of fairies, and when she changes her outfit...hehehe...’
‘You mean that fairy queen? I saw it just now, it's really strong! ’
‘It’s just that if the Holy Light is a little bit dim, you can only vaguely see an outline every time you change your outfit. That figure... Tsk Tsk, it’s really a shame, the evil Holy Light. ’
'Hey! Yes, it would be nice if I could get closer, maybe I could see more clearly...’
‘Enough is enough, you guys, heard by the wizards of their guild, be careful to beat you up! ’
'Well? ’
'Look! That blonde Protoss Sorcerer is also very good. She is dressed very stylishly, but she has never done anything before, and she summons Protoss to help fight...’
‘I know, it’s said to be a newcomer to the guild, it’s really beautiful! ’
'Pooh! ’
‘If you want me to say, it’s still the most beautiful mila sauce! She is so strong after her transformation, basically the battle is resolved within three or two rounds! ’
'Yes! Fairy Tail is really amazing. I used to think she was just an ordinary signature girl, but who would think that she was still a powerful wizard? ’
‘The magician named Lebby is also good. He looks cute, but he was eliminated too quickly. He fainted when he was electrocuted by the scar head. I heard that he was electrocuted to incontinence. ’
‘! ! ’
'Hey! Are you here to come to see the women or to the martial arts? ’
‘Is there any difference between watching a woman and watching a martial arts contest? ’
'How not? ’
‘Haha, young man, watching female wizards is much more interesting than watching fights! ’
‘That’s it! ’
'This time it may really be the one who used thunder to win. He is the most ruthless. All his opponents were knocked into the sea or directly stunned by his one move. No second move was used. I have to buy him quickly. Note the lottery ticket. ’
'and many more! ’
'I am coming too! ’
‘Buy two bets for me...’
'And I! ! ’
Because many people in the "Fairy Tail" guild knew that they couldn't win, but they still registered for the competition with a focus on participating. Therefore, with too many people, the initial knockout tournament was directly divided into ten. Several groups are going on in a small field.
As a result, the number of participants is too large, and certain evil agents have naturally made money for the brokerage. God knows how much money they have made from the pockets of the massive travellers and tourists!
However, those things are not important!
Because, the next morning is almost over. The viewers on the coast feel a little dazzled from a distance. Even with telescope equipment, they don’t know who to see first, and what they are talking about. When the scene was a bit chaotic and noisy, the morning game gradually came to an end.
After the hustle and bustle of the morning, the knockout round will soon be over...
And the "Fairy Tail" guild’s first quarter-finals will soon be released. When the time comes, after the contestants take a rest and recover for two hours, the crucial decisive battle in the afternoon is about to come.
At this time, it is the most critical final game for each group to determine the quarterfinals!
So, inevitably, Little Annie, who was determined to get the first place, naturally met with a good young lady in her team.
"Annie! I beg you, let me win, okay?"
"Just one?"
Looking at the little guy standing in front of her staring at her, Lucy kept a relatively safe distance from the other side vigilantly, while persuading her with a smile, and she did not forget to sigh unlucky in her heart. .
To be honest, the thing that Lucy probably didn't want to meet was the nasty little guy with a sullen face.
She just saw it in the gap of the trimming. In the previous two games, the little guy simply used the sparkling spear and the skill that can reshape reality and change the essential structure of the world to easily solve the opponent. of!
She even saw that there was another hapless guy who was turned into a bunny that couldn't swim by her and was thrown into the sea. When it was found and picked up by the rescue staff, the sea water in the other's stomach Have your belly rounded up?
To be honest, if it weren't for the competition here in the arena on the ocean, if Lucy has a natural home court advantage, I am afraid she now has the idea of ​​surrendering directly and giving up the game, how dare to provoke the opponent?
"Look at you, why are you robbing the president of such a small person? What use is it for you to grab it?"
"Be good, give up quickly, everyone will definitely not laugh at you!"
Before the official start of the game was announced, Lucy grabbed a certain ‘key’ in her hand, and continued to plead and joking at the opponent with a hippy smile, trying to persuade the opponent to give up the game or something.
Although she also knows that she herself definitely cannot persuade the other party, but... she thinks that this should be able to disturb the other party's emotions or rhythm as much as possible, let the other party's attack appear flaws or hesitate, and then create a little bit of victory for herself Given the opportunity, she continued to work hard.
"Sister Lucy, it's been decided: Later, we must turn you into a little monkey, and then make your red!"
Seeing that the other party not only didn't rush to concede defeat, but instead persuaded herself to surrender, Annie was so angry that she almost didn't act first!
However, knowing that she would be judged by that annoying referee as a violation and sentenced, she resisted it, and just stood there and threatened fiercely.
"Monkey, monkey?!"
"Don't think about it!!"
Subconsciously, Lucy quickly covered the back of her skirt.
"You don't need to fight, the monkey's is red!"
"Do you dare to do that, I'm never finished with you!"
Lucy knew that some nasty and mischievous little guy would definitely be able to do that kind of thing.
If she was really turned into a monkey by the other party and caught and spanked, she would have no face to see people in the future! Because the monkey's is bare, which is equivalent to her own naked! That kind of thing, thinking about it, can make her feel ashamed and embarrassed, and it's in nature much better than the who made her kind of figure that can undress and sell it!
"Just dare!"
"If you're afraid... Then don't you surrender quickly?"
(? ̄?? ̄??)??°
Anyway, Annie would never be merciful just because the other party was Lucy.
The guys who had just met her didn’t get close to her, but as a result, they were either beaten by her and flew into the sea, or they were thrown into the sea after turning into a variety of small animals. What is she? Have your hands softened or hesitated?
"Just wait and cry, don't think you will win!"
Lucy gritted her teeth bitterly, and while watching the referee step forward to set the hourglass, she held the key in her hand tightly and was ready to take the initiative at any time.
She is a Protoss Sorcerer, she doesn't have much attack power, so if there is no time to summon a powerful Protoss before the opponent launches an attack, then she will lose.
‘Two contestants, please listen to my password! ’
At this time, a frogman referee who was sitting on a small floating flying magical mobile platform and acting as a referee did not know where he was invited by Makarov and suddenly raised the small starting gun in his hand. , And reminded Annie and Lucy who still wanted to say something.
Then, after seeing the two of them quiet down instantly and making some preparations, he nodded in satisfaction and raised the starting gun in his hand.
‘Now, the final round of the sixth group of eight qualifying matches...’
'Officially begin! ! ’
A green firework exploded in the sky between Annie and Lucy, announcing the official start of the game!
"Open it! The gate of Taurus! Talos, defeat that nasty kid for me!"
At the moment when the referee announced the start of the game, while the opponent was subconsciously looking at the fireworks of the starting gun, Lucy hurriedly seized the opportunity and did not give a little guy a chance to approach or react to casting a spell, and directly used herself The key in his hand summons one of the zodiac signs, the Taurus and Protoss.
Although, she also knows that Talos is very lustful, and will reduce the desire to fight for women with good figures. It is easy to fall into the enemy's seduction tricks... But now the other party is a little girl who wants to be breastless and has no buttocks. Under the circumstances, Talos will definitely be able to give full play to its tremendous strength and good combat skills.
"Moo~! ’
‘Aha! ’
‘Don’t worry, my dear Lucy, Talos will definitely help you knock down that nasty little guy! ’
'watch out! ! ’
Knowing that it was in the game now, so as soon as Talos appeared, he waved the giant axe in his hand unambiguously and rushed towards a little girl standing on the other side of the playing field.
"Breast smelly?"
"Is that cursing someone?"
Seeing that the cow man actually dared to speak rudely, and even rushed straight towards herself, Annie didn't even think about it, but directly hit the opponent with a ‘fantastic idea’.
Then, under the stunned Miss Lucy, who was standing at a distance, she directly transformed a certain nasty cow-man Protoss into a short-legged little pig, and then she hurryed without waiting for the other person to land. Step forward.
"Let you curse!!"
Bang! !
Annie kicked the opponent into the air with just one kick, and flew far to the sea outside the competition venue.
As the bewildered little pig fell into the sea and splashed a high ground spray, Annie looked at Lucy, who was hiding on the edge of the field, unkindly.
"You, don't come over!"
Lucy had always thought that that kind of magic with changing shapes could only be used on people, but how could she think that the summoned Protoss was also slapped?
"Sister Lucy, are you ready?"
"Do you want to surrender directly... Or, wait for someone to turn you into a red-assed monkey and give up again?"
With that, Annie walked towards the other side step by step.
She didn't want to bombard the opponent with the ‘shining spear’ directly, because it was not necessary!
However, if the opponent hasn't surrendered actively or surrendered to the boundary line before entering her casting range, she will definitely fulfill her promise and turn the opponent into a little monkey without the ability to resist!
In a hurry, Lucy quickly canceled the summoning, sent a guy who had been turned into a piglet and flopped in the sea in vain back to the astral world and took out another key.
"What do you want to do?"
"Annie, I, I warn you, don't mess around!"
Unexpectedly, even the Protoss could not escape the opponent's transformation spell, which inevitably made Lucy a little panicked and had to temporarily change her plan.
You know, although she didn't think that Talos would definitely defeat the opponent, she should at least support it for a while and waste more of the opponent's magic power.
"You come here again, I have to zoom in on the move!!"
Lucy stepped back timidly and threatened.
Originally, at the beginning, she planned to use wheel warfare, summoning the protoss to consume the opponent's magic power, and see if she could find a chance to defeat the opponent.
Now she knows that the wheel warfare that is very effective against others seems to have no effect on the little guy in front of her. Therefore, Kesha of Cancer, Barugo of Virgo, and the Sagittarius obtained last time in Alcatraz Sarchidarius seemed to have no need to be summoned anymore.
Therefore, she can only hope for her last-reliant super big move.
"Big trick?"
"I want to lie to others, what are your big tricks? Realize, they are going to punish you!!"
For Annie, who has known the abilities of these partners a long time ago, she has already understood clearly what kind of ability the other party has. She has long known that the other party can only summon some useless celestial spirits. If you don't want to, just keep walking forward, planning to make an emergency landing on the opponent, or just turn the opponent into a little monkey?
"You forced me!!"
"Open it! The door of Aquarius!"
Seeing that the other party was about to approach me and began to use that terrible transformation spell against me, and thinking that for some reason, I didn't dare to carry the kind of counter-transformation method Lucy that Naz and the others had found before. I had to viciously take out the Aquarius key of the Golden Zodiac Protoss, and directly summoned her protagonist, who is known to be the most powerful but must be close to the water source, to the beach not far behind the venue.
As a contestant, she must not go out of the arena, but the Protoss she summons does not have that restriction! In the previous rounds of the knockout rounds, she relied on this rule to easily defeat those difficult opponents one by one.
"Hurry up! Use your power to defeat her..."
"Hey! Hey! Don't charge directly at me...Ah!!!"
That's right, summoning Aquiya, who is Aquarius, in the sea is Lucy's ultimate move!
Because, Lucy is pretty sure that no one will be the opponent of the grumpy Aquarius star in this kind of ocean environment! That guy would instantly engulf everyone, including her, into a huge wave, and then she couldn't win, and no one else would want to win.
‘Didn’t I tell you not to call me again these two days? ’
‘I was dating just now! ! ’
'and so! ’
‘Go to death for me! ! ! ’
With a roar of the summoned mermaid, she directly used the magic water bottle in her hand to pump the huge amount of water in the sea, and then used the huge waves to directly head towards Lucy and the entire competition stage. All of them directly rolled over.
Of course, the first to bear the brunt is definitely Lucy! !
Of course Annie knew about Aquiya in Aquarius, but she never thought that Lucy would actually dare to summon the Protoss who could ‘die’ with the enemy here.
"I forgot she still has this..."
Seeing the huge wave that suddenly roared and rolled up, and several meters above the sea than the martial arts arena, Annie couldn't help but murmur a bit.
In fact, the giant waves, let alone her great existence like Queen Anne, even other magicians, they are not much lethal, unless the person is a dry duck? But... at the moment, once the opponent is really washed away from the ring, doesn't it mean that she will also face the fate of failure?
Therefore, in an emergency, Annie felt that she must quickly think of a good way to resist the huge waves!
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
‘! ! ’
'Hey! Referee, referee! The six groups of people attacked indiscriminately. Is this a foul? ! ’
'hateful! ’
'Wow! Lucy, are you crazy, even hit us? ! ’
'Humph! ’
‘Summon: Armor of the Sky Wheel! ! ’
‘Help, help! I can't fly, nor can I swim! ! ! ’
‘Thunder! ! ’
‘Run away! ’
"It's over..."
Although Lucy's play was very happy, the teams in other venues in the arena, those players who have already decided or are about to decide the quarterfinals, are unlucky!
They were inexplicably killed by the pond fish, and they could only hurriedly use their own means in front of the huge waves. Those who can fly quickly use magic to fly, and those who can’t use other magic to avoid the edge, as for those who can’t fly. I don’t know how to use magic to evade, I can only stand in panic on the playing field, and watch the monstrous waves roll down in an instant, and drown them and some of the initiator Lucy together. Rolling towards the shore fiercely.
'what! Go on! ’
‘! ! ’
'hateful! This is not fair...’
‘Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon! ’
‘? ? ’
‘Naz! you also……'
‘Ahhhhhhh! ! ! ’
When the huge wave rolled, while those other team players tried to circumvent each other, they did not forget to drop their opponents and beat their opponents to the huge wave. in.
Rumbling rumbling...
After a while, when the huge waves roared and the sea gradually calmed down, when the competition arena resurfaced, when the hapless contestants and many referees were swept ashore by the tsunami, many of them were affected by the tsunami. After finally standing up in shock, the civilian viewers of, they were shocked to find:
In the distance, on the ring where the sea is gradually receding, there are no more or less, standing or flying, or eight players slowly falling from the sky?

(?w?)? Ask for a ticket? (?w?)
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