Chapter 1383: (???) A wild way to make money

In the few days after the harvest festival, everyone in the guild was staring at every move of a certain little girl president, expecting and guessing what kind of weird their president Anne would do when he took office. For example, will it affect the vital interests or development of the guild and its members?
   They were disappointed.
Because they found out that the fact is that the tragic little girl didn’t take any action at all, and she didn’t even make troubles about the appointment of a new official, or even add a new regulation or treat the guild. There are no new welfare policies for members!
   Anyway, business as usual?
Miraj is still the secretary to the president of the guild and the chief internal affairs chief, while the former president Makarov barely rested and wandered for two days, but he was not eye-catching, and he had to return to the guild honestly again. Going to work normally, I took over a job that Miraj couldn't do, but a little girl didn't bother to do it.
Anyway, everyone can see that a certain little girl guild leader, except for the title of "Fairy Tail Guild Official President" on his head, it seems that the entire guild has not changed at all. ?
   This situation has made many guild members who had planned to watch the excitement not to be too big a sense of disappointment, and it has also relieved some people who are worried about the development of the guild.
The new guild leader did not rely on the power of the guild leader to do whatever he wanted. The entire guild can maintain its original system and order to continue its healthy development. Some bad things that members of the guild have been worried about will never happen again. Perhaps, Is that the best result everyone expects?
Anyway, in the eyes of many people, it must be Bilaxus who has won the position of president and implemented that kind of radical elite strategy, directly opening a considerable part of the lower-level guild members to people who are garbage and useless. It must be countless times better to get rid of it.
So, gradually, everyone quickly got used to a certain little girl who had nothing to do all day and became the official president. Although the former president of Makarov retired in name, he was actually still working and managing the guild. That fact.
   What they didn’t know was that a certain little girl was not doing nothing at all, but was doing something very important to her!
   "You are Lucy's friend, called..."
Looking at the little girl in front of him, and at this little girl who didn’t know why he came to intercept him, Jiud Hartfilia thought for a while before he got the information from his previous search and investigation of his daughter. The long-lasting intelligence memory remembered who was the little girl who was carrying a stuffed bear and the guild emblem on the plush bear’s belly.
   "Hey! Uncle!"
   "I heard what Lucy said. Your company went bankrupt. Even that beautiful mansion was robbed and driven out by those people, right?"
On this road outside the city of Magnolia, he successfully stopped a miserable bearded uncle who was walking on the road wearing a tattered windbreaker and a hood, and was talking briefly with him. After a few sentences, Annie, who was about to cut directly to the topic, asked so carelessly.
Although I didn’t want to bring up those sad things again, but for those things that I didn’t intend to escape from, and were ready to start all over again, Jude Hatfilia, who started all over again, did not hide it, and directly nodded openly. And admitted:
"Yes it is……"
   "But, what do you want to do when you ask about this?"
   After all, there is no way to deny that kind of thing. With this desolate appearance, anyone can see his general situation at a glance, even if the other party is a child.
   So, he did not deny...
   It’s just that what makes Jiud Hatfilia a little confused is that the other party ran out of the city by himself, and it seemed that he was looking for himself specifically, what exactly was it?
Anyway, in his opinion, he may not be able to make up a hundred J on his body now, and he can only rely on the cheapest hard bread for three meals a day to barely eat his stomach. There must be nothing of value. It is worth the little guy in front of me to come here.
   "In fact, it's nothing!"
"People just heard Lucy say that you seem to be good at doing business and making money, and then they happen to be very good at spending money at the moment, so... I want to take advantage of your bankruptcy opportunity to come and hire you and let you be someone else. Agents, make money for others!"
   That's right!
Anne just heard Lucy accidentally sigh and talk about something last night, she thought of such a great idea for the first time, and went out early the next morning, and then was here outside the city. Successfully intercepted the dumb guy who was walking silently on the country road.
   "Hire me in business? Although it sounds ironic, but... it doesn't matter, it's not impossible."
   Jiud Hatfilia actually didn't take such a weird little girl's words to heart, even if he knew that the other party was a wizard of a guild.
   He doesn't think that such a little guy can hire himself and put out enough start-up capital to give full play to his expertise, let alone such crazy things as agents.
   And if the other party can't come up with enough start-up funds, then I might as well go to the chamber of commerce for a period of time according to my own plan, use my contacts, insights and wrists to work hard for a while, and then prepare to wait for the opportunity to rise again!
Although, it may take at least a year or two to accumulate enough funds, but, no matter what, Jude Hatfilia is still very confident in his ability to do business, and he believes he will There will be the day when he regained his strength and redeemed Hatfilia Manor.
   "Little guy, do you have the capital? If you have enough capital, maybe I can accept your employment and make money for you?"
   So, Jude Hatfilia, who didn't think the little girl in front of her could afford to hire herself, shook her head and laughed and teased.
   "Of course there is!"
   In the shocked gaze of the other party, Annie, who had been prepared for a long time, reached out and handed a large envelope to the other party's hand.
   Unexpectedly, Jude Hatfilia, who was really prepared for the other party, couldn't help but be a little curious, and then subconsciously turned out and opened the envelope, and gently pulled out a piece of paper from it.
   "This is... a cash check of one billion yuan?!!!"
   Immediately after, seeing the cash check voucher with the guild magic seal on it and a crooked signature on it, Jude Hatfilia was stunned in an instant.
   Then, he couldn't help but look at the weird little girl who looked ordinary, but was a billion dollars in one shot.
"is this real?"
   "But here is the signature..."
   "Little guy, the "Annie Hasta" above seems to be your name, right? This check should only be signed by the guild president to be legally valid, so are you sure, it can really be cashed?!"
Jiud Hatfilia is not someone who has never seen the world, so I first judged the authenticity of the cash check, and found that all the procedures above are legal and valid, and the large check receipt should also be true... …However, it was the not-so-serious signature that made him hesitate. As for other things, there was really no suspense.
   "Of course you can exchange money!"
   "Don't you know? They are now the new president of the guild!"
"If you don't believe me, you can just go to someone or Lucy at your house to ask. They won in the competition, and then the bad old man Makarov passed on the position of chairman to others. , That was a few days ago!"
Although for now, there are not too many people who know that they are the guild president, Annie believes that after a while, when she will carry forward her guild or do some earth-shattering events, she will definitely be able to More people know her name as President Anne.
Before, Jude Hatfilia was going to find his daughter Lucy to borrow one hundred thousand J for travel and living expenses. Then, of course, he was severely humiliated by his daughter, and then he couldn’t. Instead of walking to Agalifa, west of Magnolia, he went to a business guild where he had stayed before and tried to use the power of that commerce to make a comeback.
  If the ‘billion’ cash check receipt in his hand is true, then maybe he has a better choice, and it’s by no means as simple as just going to that chamber of commerce.
   "No need to ask..."
   "Whether it is true or not, you will know when you go to the bank and ask."
   "I'm a little worried. When you signed this check, did some people in your guild, such as finance or elders, agree?"
Even if the other party is really the president, but Jade Hatfilia doesn’t believe that the other party’s age can easily get so much money out. Therefore, before accepting the other party’s
, some He must first ask clearly about the matter.
   "Our guild does not seem to have finance or elders..."
   "And they are the president, why do they have to get the consent of those guys to get the money from their guild?"
   As she talked, Annie couldn't help being a little evasive, and she didn't dare to look at each other's eyes that seemed to have insight into something.
"is it?"
   "I think I understand..."
   "I'm sorry, little guy, if you can't tell the source of the funds clearly, I'm afraid I still can't accept your employment, because I don't want to cause trouble to your guild and Lucy."
   "You should understand, right?"
I sighed, although I was a little bit dissatisfied with this large cash banknote that would allow me to slow down in a very short period of time and start over from scratch, but after considering for a long time, Jade Hatfilia still couldn't afford it. He put it back in the envelope without regret, and then handed it back to the little girl, beckoning the other party to take it back quickly.
   "Okay! Let me tell you that, this is indeed the secret signature of Sister Miraj and the bad old man Makarov. If they know about it, they will definitely block it!"
  Ε=)) alas
  Think about the reaction of a certain old man who jumped up and down anxiously after seeing a sudden loss of a large sum of money in the guild account, as well as the general manager of Miraj and others. Annie couldn't help but feel a little guilt.
But there is no way, she must do this, not only because of the need for the new'system mission', but also because the two guys always prevent her from using the guild's money to eat and drink at will, so she urgently needs to get herself out It’s a small treasury, and it’s the kind that can’t be spent anymore and doesn’t need to complete the commission and make money by yourself?
So, after hearing about what happened to Lucy’s house, she came here deliberately, ready to let the uncle who is said to be very profitable in front of her help her work, and then she will have a small amount of money that she will never spend. Up!
   At that time, when she is rich again, she has to be so angry that she has been groaning bad Lucy after buying her winning lottery ticket and earning hundreds of thousands of dollars!
"People can guarantee that they will not find out within two or three months. If you can use it to make a lot of money during that time and then return it to your bank account, then you can do something. It never happened!"
   You know, Anne used to watch many of these things in TV and movies.
Those guys who misappropriated public funds are just like she is doing now, but she is different from those guys. The bad guys can't afford to pay after the misappropriation, and then pretend to go to jail to repay the bill, but her Queen Anne is definitely not. Will do that because she can afford it completely, and she has great confidence in the uncle in front of her.
   "It turned out to be like this..."
   After listening, he found that the other party was honest and almost the same as he had guessed, and Jade Hatfilia nodded clearly, indicating that he probably understood the situation clearly.
   "Let me think about it first..."
   Then, he didn't say yes or no, he just stood still and frowned and thought, weighing the gains and losses.
   He began to seriously consider whether he should accept the employment of the little girl president who is obviously embezzling the funds of the guild account in front of him, and become the partner of the other party who embezzled public funds to make black-hearted money?
   Annie didn't urge, she just stared at each other and waited impatiently.
   "Good too!"
   "The situation can't get worse anyway...just, little guy, I ask you, if I fail and fail to return the money in time, what kind of trouble will you have?"
   In the end, Jude Hatfilia seemed to suddenly understand and made up his mind, so he nodded, and did not insist on handing back the envelope in his hand, but tentatively asked at last.
   "People are the president, and all of them can't beat them, so what can be the trouble?"
   "The big deal, they will pay them back the money themselves!"
   Annie looked indifferent, and didn't think that the kind of trouble the other party was talking about might happen.
   "Do you have other money? Then why did you embezzle the guild's account money again?"
   Jiud Hartfilia is a little puzzled. If there is other money, then why would he embezzle the guild’s account and funds privately?
   This kind of thing seems a little unreasonable logically, so he has to ask more clearly.
   "It's easy! You see?"
  嘭! !
After finishing talking, Annie threw out a two-meter-square industrial gold nugget, and then let the large pile of gold hit the ground next to the two of them under the consterious sight of the other party and made a heavy muffled noise, even He fell deeply into the soft soil.
"this is……"
Jiud Hartfilia almost didn't round his eyes, and subconsciously reached out and touched it, and also digging with his nails. He was shocked when he discovered that it was indeed a huge gold ingot. Look at some little girl who still looks indifferent.
   "It's gold!"
   "However, as a last resort, people don't want to use the gold!"
   Talking, Annie waved her hand again and put away the huge piece of industrial metal material, although it is not circulated in this world, it may at least be worth tens of billions to hundreds of billions of J.
But unfortunately, she would not really use that kind of thing, because once it was used, it would prove that she had lost. After all, it was a foul, and how could her Queen Anne do it casually. What about this foul thing?
   "This way..."
"To understanding!"
   "Then Annie, now let's talk about some details of cooperation..."
Looking at the two-meter square stamp on the ground that was dented, and thinking about the touch just now, he thought it was real and definitely not like an illusion, and finally made up his mind. , Ready to let go and do a thorough battle!
   Annie doesn't care about the details!
Anyway, she is only responsible for paying out the principal, and then no matter what, at most she will be responsible for providing some protection to the other party by force, and the other party is responsible for earning herself honestly. After making the money, she will get nine shares. The other party can barely get half of it.
   When the time comes, is there any way that hateful Miraj can limit his high consumption?
and also!
The thing, she must also let the bad Lucy, who just made hundreds of thousands of J's and hesitating, know that when the other party is still complacent about hundreds of thousands of J's, she is already thinking about how. Exploit the other party's dad and let the other party's dad be a bully for her, as Mrs. Anne, to earn millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of fortunes.
But no matter what happens, she really has no money now, and she doesn’t want to learn from those guys to work at all. She just wants to wait for a large amount of cash to fall from the sky to give her wanton. Eating and drinking and having fun without scruples are the kind of what you want to eat, what you want to buy, and what you want to buy!
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