Chapter 1385: (??ˇΕˇ??) Bad guy, still want to destroy...

A crusade plan against the "Six Demon Generals" has been drawn up and officially implemented.
In short, after a meeting and discussion among the leaders of the Sorcerer Guild Alliance, it has been decided that the four guilds of "Fairy Tail", "Snake Girl Scales", "Cyan Pegasus" and "Fairy Cat No Sudden" will each send a powerful The elite wizards attacked together.
The plan after consultation is to find the stronghold of the "Six Demon Generals" and lead them to the stronghold, and then the "Blue Pegasus" air magic crit ship will make no difference to the marked enemy strongholds. The bombing, thereby completely destroying those powerful enemies at the lowest cost!
Then, of course, someone who didn’t plan to join in the fun, just wanted to stay in the guild’s resident, waiting for the money to fall from the sky, the president of the bad little girl, at the strong request of everyone and some bad old man, she had to go too. Participated in this action.
However, she did not directly carry out the task of attacking and guiding the enemy on the ground with the representatives sent by the four guilds. Instead, she stayed on the air magic crit ship'Christina' on the "Blue Pegasus". In the construction of the bridge of the'number, it is responsible for commanding the spacecraft and launching air strike missions.
"Hey! You guys are faster!"
"After a while, if Elisa and the others have finished fighting and you haven't reached the sea of ​​some tree, they will definitely turn you all into loaches and flush them into the toilet!"
In this beautiful, blue-white and golden-looking steel magical airship "Christina" with the shape of a flying pegasus, there is a certain Anne Hasta "Captain" who has finally won the command. Just sitting in the captain's position with a careless grin and shouting to the wizards of the "Blue Pegasus" guild.
As for a certain captain who originally belonged to the "Cyan Pegasus", before the spacecraft took off, because he had a conflict with Annie, and also expressed strong opposition to her taking over (seizing) the command, she was changed. It became a mouse and threw it out the window and left it directly on the ground.
So, after having the authorization of the "Cyan Pegasus" President Bobb and suppressing the opposition with force, she successfully took over everything here, and controlled those responsible for those in the bridge of the magical crit ship. The sorcerer crew cried out commands arrogantly.
‘Report, report to President Anne! ’
‘Now the air magic crit ship ‘Christina’ is rising, so it really can’t be any faster...’
‘Furthermore, if you hadn’t had to fight with the captain before, we wouldn’t be late...’
Thinking of the fierce argument and force confrontation between the little girl and the captain of her own guild before setting off, a certain chief mate in a crew uniform protested towards the other party with a bit of bitterness.
If it weren’t for the other party wasting so much time fighting for the
command authority
that didn’t exist, they would definitely have been on the way to the sky above the destination now, where they are still sluggish as they are now. Swallow the ground to raise the height?
"Are you weird?!"
"If it wasn't for that stupid guy who didn't want to give way to life, how could he waste so much time?"
o(^`)o hum!
"You only need to sail the boat quickly, and then quickly get to the top of that sea!"
o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)
"Chairman Annie..."
'That one……'
‘It’s not a sea, it’s a sea of ​​gas trees, it’s an ancient forest...’
Seeing that the little girl couldn’t even remember the place name, the chief mate didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know if their guild leader let this chaotic and unreasonable little fellow come to the battleship. a good thing.
Moreover, the order they received was just to receive each other well, but when the opponent came up and saw that their battleship was beautiful, they had to be the captain and control, and of course the captain before them It is not easy to give, but the other party will deform it and throw it out the window.
Then, after they discovered that the other party was very powerful and seemed unable to resist, they had to contact Chairman Bobu.
Then, this thing is like this, the other party directly overwhelmed the host, from the original "invited guest" to their "Cyan Pegasus" guild's "temporary captain" of the air magic crit ship "Christina" !
Anyway, President Bobb could only acquiesce in his protest after the protest was invalidated.
"People don't care what forest or sea it is. Anyway, you can go quickly!"
Annie can’t wait to control the large and small magic cannons of the air magic crit ship "Christina". She wants everyone here and Elisa who is on the ground in action. When people know, to eliminate those "six demon generals" or something, she only needs her President Anne to be alone!
And ah, she is considering, after she goes back, should she embezzle the guild's public funds again and secretly buy a gorgeous strategic weapon for the "Fairy Tail" guild?
Think about the previous "Ghost Dominator". The opponent had a moving castle and Magister Gundam. At that time, if her Queen Anne was not strong enough, the "Fairy Tail" guild might have been defeated and disbanded. Up!
And now, even the "Cyan Pegasus" guild has this powerful and beautiful aerial magic crit ship "Kristina", but their "Fairy Tail" guild has nothing, there is a newly built guild. What's the point of breaking the castle?
"Hurry up! Speed ​​up!!"
'understood. ’
'helmsman! ’
'in! ’
‘Full rudder on the left, turn to the sea of ​​gas trees and move forward at full speed! ’
'Yes! ’
‘Full rudder left, full speed ahead! ’
'Full speed ahead! ! ’
Originally, the chief mate wanted to hover and rise before heading to the destination.
However, since a certain little girl can’t wait, and it seems that their battleship is indeed delayed, so he has to compromise and go straight to their destination at a height that is not too safe. Fly away at high speed.
"Yes! That's it!"
"Full speed ahead!!"
Soon, after a little girl stood on the captain’s seat and cheered, the beautiful, flying horse-shaped aerial magic crit ship'Christina' drew half a circle in the air. , And then at a height of a few hundred meters, galloping in a certain direction at high speed.
Was tree sea...
According to legend, the ancient wizards sealed a certain powerful forbidden magic in it, and the name of that magic was Nirvana!
No one knows what Nirvana is, and of course Annie doesn't know it herself! Because the people of the "Cyan Pegasus" guild did not understand it, they only knew that it was a very destructive destructive magic, and their intelligence agents in the dark guild sent them reliable news saying: "Six Demons The goal of "General" is probably the'Nirvana' magic, and the terrifying six people in the "Six Demon Generals" of the Dark Guild have already assembled in the sea of ​​trees, and are trying to break the seal and obtain'Nirvana 'The conspiracy?
Given that the enemy’s goal is very clear, what they, the decent Sorcerer Guild Alliance, must do is something that can’t be more obvious. This is also the fact that this Sorcerer’s Warship is flying towards the Sea of ​​Vash Tree at high speed. The main reason to go.
About an hour later.
The air magical crit ship finally reached the outer sky of the destination, and saw the large stretch of dense jungle on the ground in front of it.
‘! ! ’
'report! ’
‘Boat... Chief Mate! An unknown target was found, and the opponent is flying towards our ship! ’
At this time, a crew member acting as a watchman operated the magic radar device in front of the opponent for a while, then suddenly a screen was brought up, and he turned his head to report to their first officer.
And a certain little girl captain who was sitting on the main seat and napping, who was supposed to be the subject of his report, was directly ignored by him gorgeously.
'That is……'
‘A flying snake? ’
Seeing the guy in the picture standing on a ferocious snake and flying towards them, the first officer couldn't help but feel a little puzzled and surprised.
Because, it seems that the other party is here specially waiting for them, but... they don't know each other, and they don't know if the other party is a member of the Sorcerer's Guild Alliance, which makes him feel somewhat Hesitated.
'he is……'
‘What do you want to do? ’
So, he was going to look at it first, and then ask after the other person approached.
"That's the enemy!"
"Quick! The main gun is warmed up and ready to fire!!"
Without waiting for the first officer to make a decision, Little Annie, who was still drowsy in her seat, woke up, and then hurriedly jumped up excitedly, and hurriedly gave orders.
'what? ’
‘Fire, fire? ! ’
‘This is too messy, right? ’
‘First Mate? ’
Obviously, a certain girl guild leader who seized power by force has no prestige in the "Cyan Pegasus" guild, so the crew on the bridge did not directly obey her orders, but subconsciously resisted and moved towards The first officer looked.
‘Wait! ’
‘Ann, President Anne, we are not sure that it must be the enemy...’
'and so……'
In short, when you see someone coming, you are ready to fire. Such things are obviously too messy, and if you accidentally hit the wrong person, the result will be very serious.
"Not the enemy? Do you know him?
Thinking these guys knew the guy who flew head on on the flying snake, Annie frowned and asked.
'know him? ’
'Do not! Do not! ’
‘We don’t know him...’
‘He’s not from our guild, we don’t wear that ugly one in our guild, and there is no one riding a flying snake...’
The first mate didn't even think about it, so he hurriedly shook his head.
That's the truth, because almost all of their "Cyan Pegasus" guild is full of handsome men and beauties, and the man with a cold expression and messy brown hair in the magical screen before him will definitely not belong to their guild!
"Since you don't know him, it must be the enemy! Hurry up! Shoot! Shoot! You fools, is it possible that you have to wait for him to get on the boat before you go to fight him?"
Obviously driving a gunboat, but turning a blind eye to the enemy's approach, Annie couldn't help but scolded her angrily.
You know, when she used to command those Terran battlecruisers or battleships in the star zone, where did she have such trouble? Her former subordinates, if they saw the kind of unidentified target approaching, they would have been eagerly blasted past by a long shot. Where would she need to give orders?
'Right! ’
‘Then shoot! ’
The first officer hesitated for a moment, and finally gave in after thinking about it.
‘Disperse and shoot! ’
‘Use the secondary cannon to drive him away, just don’t let him come near us! ’
However, he was still worried that the man was a friendly army, so he did not give an order to shoot down directly.
'Yes! ’
‘The secondary gun is loading! ’
‘Loading is complete! ’
'fire! ’
boom! ! !
Soon, a magical cannonball blasted from the front end of the beautiful Pegasus body of the magical crit ship "Christina" towards the "unidentified person" who was still approaching!
'report! ’
‘Warning shot completed, missed! ’
‘! ! ’
'report! ’
‘The goal is accelerating! ! ’
'not good! ’
‘First Mate! It seemed to be really the enemy, he flew over, fast! ’
'what? ’
'fast! Shoot him down! ! ’
‘Hurry up! ! ’
After discovering that the enemy riding a flying snake approaching was still unmoved after seeing their demonstrative shelling, and not only did not leave, but accelerated to approach. It was indeed bad intentions, the first officer was also anxious. Hurry up and ordered the gunner to turn on the fire, be sure to knock down the enemy who wants to rush over.
'Yes! ’
boom! boom! boom!
The continuous sound of cannons rang, and the hull of the magical crit ship "Christina" also began to tremble slightly in the sound of one after another.
However, judging from the anxious look of the gunner and the constant attempts to use the aiming instrument to target the small target flying at high speed in the air, it is not difficult to find: he seems not proficient in air defense, so that he can't hit the enemy at all. Always wasting shells?
"It's so stupid!"
"I can't even shoot, get out of the way and let people come!!"
ヽ(ヽ`д′)┌┛★)`з゜) Ah!
Finally, seeing the enemy gradually approaching, seeing that the gunner was still in a hurry, and seeing that the interception was about to fail, Annie, who couldn't help it, rushed over and kicked the opponent away.
"You are optimistic, we need to calculate the lead!"
Then, she couldn't wait to sit at the gunner's position, and according to the operation method she had just observed, she skillfully controlled the aiming equipment.
Then, she didn't wait for the enemy to be in the red circle, and then shot towards an unrelated position.
boom! ! !
A roar of a cannon sounded, and the spacecraft began to tremble slightly.
Then, something that surprised everyone in the bridge happened:
The guy who was riding a flying snake trying to get close to the spaceship was obviously a bad intention. He hit the track of the cannonball so he could not die. Then in the flames of an explosion, the man and the snake were all dragged by. The magic flame and dense smoke hit and ignited by the magic bullets swirled towards the ground and plunged headlong into the ground.
"Bah! Bad guy, still want to board the ship and destroy my spaceship?!"
ε=(ˇεˇ))) Bah! !
A cannon shot down the opponent. After seeing the opponent planted in the forest below, Annie clapped her hands triumphantly, released the cannon lever and spit fiercely.
I was stunned to see a certain proud little girl who actually did her best work, and then stood up from the gunner's position proudly. The first officer, the crew, and the gunner who had just been kicked to the ground were all stunned. I was so shocked that I didn't know what to say.
Although, they really want to correct each other one point, that is: This air magical crit ship, it seems that it should be the spaceship of their "Cyan Pegasus" guild, not the other's "Fairy Tail" family?
"What to look at!"
"Hurry up and go to by the way, contact those guys on the ground to see how they are going. Why would the enemy send someone to intercept us in advance?"
The spacecraft was intercepted before it even entered that sea. Even her little bear Tibbers knew it with his butt. So, of course, Annie wanted to contact Elisa and others on the ground. A little bit.
'what! ’
'fast! According to what President Annie said, try to contact the operatives on the ground first! ’
'Yes! ! ’
After a tragic little girl showed her own perfect art of artillery, the wizards and crews on the bridge were shocked, and of course they finally became a little more convincing. .

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