Chapter 1388: Cannonball is coming (???′)?···*~●

The coalition forces of the four guilds, including "Fairy Tail", "Snake Ji's Scales", "Cyan Pegasus" and "Fairy Cat No.", once again returned to the ground, back to the dense forest of the Vasi Tree Sea. Ready to continue the plan they had agreed upon to strike and smash the "Six Demon Generals" conspiracy.
This time, their group was divided into several groups, and they were scattered into the dangerous forest.
Each group of them brought magic tools that could be connected to the magical crit ship "Christina" hovering high in the sky. Once a force majeure enemy was discovered, such as a certain member of the "Six Demon Generals" One or a few times, they will use tools to call aerial artillery strikes for the first time, thereby destroying the enemy, smashing the enemy's conspiracy, and achieving the main purpose of rescuing the captured friendly Wendy and the cat Hobby.
At this time, Naz, who was put into one of the groups, was groping and advancing in this dense forest with Gray and the pink-white cat Xia Lulu.
However, it didn't take long before they were surrounded by a group of gorillas and apes who claimed to be the "Naked Bandage Men" of the Dark Guild.
But it's okay!
Those boring guys, it must be difficult to bother Naz and Gray.
Therefore, in the horrified eyes of the cat Xia Lulu, they three times and five divided two, and quickly let the apes enjoy the ultimate massage of the ice and fire, and let the apes revel in the flames and frost. In the feast, the ground fell to the ground'comfortably', and lay a piece of it.
"Okay, amazing..."
"Only two people, just wiped out an entire guild of the enemy?"
Looking at the dozens or hundreds of apes who fell on the ground and passed out, and at the two guys who were almost unscathed, the white cat Xia Lulu didn't know what to say.
You know, at the very beginning, she felt that the enemy was too few, but she was almost ready to contact the Christina in the sky to request artillery support, but I didn’t even think about it, she hadn’t waited for her to come up with her contact. Tools, the two of them fought so unscrupulously, and then, when she recovered from the consternation, the battle was over?
"Naz! Gray! Be careful! There is another person over there!!"
Xia Lulu, who just wanted to go out from her hiding place to praise the two guys, suddenly exclaimed. Then, she hurriedly pointed to a certain place to remind the two comrades who seemed to be a little lax in front of them. Tao.
"one left?"
"Where? Where?!"
"you are……"
Following Xia Lulu’s reminder, Naz and Gray immediately raised their heads and looked aside in a certain direction, and then they saw a weird guy standing on a tree looking at them coldly. .
‘Yo~! ’
‘Cinderblind, it’s you guys, it’s really a friend on the road, it’s been a long time since I saw you...’
‘Humph! ’
‘I was taken care of by you a while ago, but it’s still fresh in my memory! ’
Then, a harsh and cold voice rang from the strange man's mouth, and the other party first greeted Naz and Gray in an unfriendly manner.
"Why does this guy look familiar?"
At a glance, Naz felt that the other party seemed familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but for a while, he couldn't remember it.
"It's you?"
"Naz, have you forgotten? He is the president of the dark guild "Iron Forest", the one who wants to use the cursed land to curse and kill the presidents of our guild alliance! "
Unlike Naz, who lacked heart and eyes, Gray's heart shuddered, and after a little thought, he instantly remembered who the other party was.
Why did the opponent appear here? Gray is actually not surprised, because he knows that the Dark Guild "Iron Forest" that was destroyed by them originally belonged to the "Six Demon Generals", just like the one they just defeated. Like "Naked Bandage Men", they are all raccoon dogs!
However, what he never thought was that Eligore, who had fallen into the Grand Canyon and disappeared, and was judged by them and the Magic Council to be probably dead, would appear here again. That is indeed to make him. Quite unexpected.
However, Gray knew better, that Ellie Gore was not easy to deal with at all!
"President of Iron Forest?"
"Yes! I remember it too!"
After Gray's reminder, Naz finally thought of who the other party was.
"Didn't you ran away to steal the magic-powered four-wheeled vehicle from Annie, then rushed off the rails and fell into the Grand Canyon?"
"You guy hasn't been thrown to death yet?"
"You are really resistant to falls, how did you do it?!"
Naz felt very admired for this matter. Anyway, that kind of thing, if he were to change it to his own, even if a person with a car fell into such a high canyon, it would definitely not be better.
"Hmph! That's not even far away!!"
Eli Gore said hard.
In fact, he would not tell the two people in front of him. If he had not had his eyesight and quick hands, and before landing, he had broken away the manacles that supply magic power in the car, I am afraid that he would have fallen to death now. Understand.
But fortunately, he broke away at that time. Although the process was a bit dangerous and suffered a lot of injuries afterwards, he was still alive and flew up at the last minute, avoiding a crash with people and cars. The tragic fate of meatloaf or powder.
"Don't you know?"
"Since my guild was disbanded because of you, I went to work under the "Six Demon Generals" guild, but I never expected that I would meet you here..."
"Ha ha!"
"You said, isn't it a coincidence?"
At first, if it were not for the two guys in front of him, and the hateful "Fairy Tail" guild members who were stigmatizing them, he would have already completed his plan to use that flute to use the flute to bring those self-proclaimed righteous wizards. The leaders of the guild alliance have been exhausted.
If it weren’t for them, why would he need to be like this, not only had all his subordinates been arrested and locked up by the Magic Council, but also led to the dissolution of the guild. Even as the president, he had to be driven by others, and Have to live in hiding?
"I can't wait to get justice from you flies..."
"Do you think about how to die?"
However, things have passed, and those are no longer important.
Because Avery Gore knew that he had suffered injustice and grievances, today he will get back from these two guys and other members of the "Fairy Tail" guild little by little.
Whether it's the two flies playing with fire and ice, or those nasty women, especially some little girl, all of them must die in this gas forest! !
"Naz, look, he said he wants revenge, so what should we do?"
Cursing his lips in disdain, Gray asked Naz next to him.
Although the two of them had just wiped out the dozens of hundreds of people in the "Naked Bandage Boys" guild, they had consumed a lot of physical and magical power, but he thought, since they met such an old opponent here, they would simply knock them down. , And then grab it and hand it over to the Magic Council to receive the bounty. That's still a thing worth doing.
"Then you need to talk about it?"
"I'm already burning, let's fight another fierce battle!"
Naz, who had always seen a fight that was not too big a big deal, naturally clenched his fist, and smiled grinningly at the Aligore who was slowly flying down from the tree in front.
He doesn't care who the opponent is. As long as there is a fight, as long as the opponent is not as strong as the guys in the "Six Demon Generals", they don't even have the power to fight back, then he has nothing to fear at all.
Of course, even if he meets those guys in the "Six Demon Generals" now, he is not afraid of Naz, and he still dared to rush up with his burning fists to fight the enemy fiercely!
When the enemies were extremely jealous when they met, Gray, Naz and Eligore stood up to each other at a distance of tens of meters, and were ready to fight and fight together at any time.
"Those guys..."
"So much time has been wasted just now, so they still intend to continue?"
At this time, Xia Lulu, a pink-white cat, who was hiding in the grass not far away, finally couldn't stand it anymore, so after thinking about it, she gritted her teeth, resolutely took out some magical communication tool, and pressed it directly. The button that provides coordinate locking.
( ̄~ ̄) Chew!
'Alas! ’
‘It turned out to be Lulu, you stupid cat...what’s the matter, what’s the matter with you? ’
Soon, the magical communication tool flashed with lightning, and then Annie appeared in it, sitting in the captain's position, and then eating, and excitedly approaching Xia Lulu's questioning head.
"I'm not a stupid cat..."
"Forget it!"
"President Anne, that's the case. We have a powerful enemy here that is more difficult to deal with. He seems to be the president of the "Iron Forest" guild. You should know him? "
"I am worried that Naz and Gray will not be able to fight, so, can you provide artillery support quickly?"
"The coordinates have just been sent to you."
If she was on the spaceship, Xia Lulu would have to argue with the little girl who was a "stupid cat" for a long time!
However, while she is currently on the mission and is anxious to rescue Wendy, she doesn't want to talk nonsense and waste time with each other.
"The president of the "Iron Forest" Guild? I don’t seem to know...’
Obviously, a certain tragic little girl has almost forgotten those insignificant negative supporting roles.
Of course, it is also possible that the other party has never been taken care of by her?
"Leave him alone! The coordinates you sent have already been seen by others..."
"It's definitely okay, you can rest assured!"
‘I’ll start reloading now, and fire the cannon in ten seconds. Run quickly! ’
?. ?(ˊΩˋ)??.
After speaking, Annie jumped directly from her seat, leaving only an empty captain's position in the magic communication screen, apparently she had run to the gun position to operate.
"Ten seconds..."
Xia Lulu, the cat star, was stunned.
Ten or ten seconds? !
"Naz! Gray! I just called Annie, run away!"
"Only ten seconds!!!"
But soon, Xia Lulu reacted, and jumped directly into the sky, changing her wings and flying in a direction away from this place, she didn't forget to turn her head and pull her throat away, and she was still talking to that Aili not far away. Gray and Naz, who were confronting Gore, shouted loudly.
‘? ? ’
‘What’s only ten seconds? ’
Naz was a little bit inexplicable, wondering what the white cat was doing.
‘You called Annie? ! ’
'not good! ’
‘Naz, run! ! ’
Fortunately, Gray is different from a guy who has never used his mind, so he immediately realized what Xia Lulu meant, so he turned around and ran Naz directly without thinking.
'Hey! ’
‘What are you doing? Let go! ’
Naz struggled, wondering what the two were going crazy, you know, he was just about to fight the enemy for three hundred rounds.
‘? ? ? ’
'you guys……'
Eli Gore didn't know what happened to the two people and the startled white cat, but no matter what, he couldn't let each other escape easily.
'Humph! ’
‘Want to run? ’
Therefore, he slowly floated up and was thinking about what kind of magic he would use to smash the two nasty flies who dared to leave his back.
‘! ! ’
'what? ! ’
Without waiting for him to take action, ten seconds passed quickly, so when he noticed something was wrong, he exclaimed for the first time and turned his head to look up to the sky.
boom! boom!
'Do not! ! ! ’
‘Don’t you talk about...’
There was no opportunity for Eli Gore to protest and react. A series of dozens of artillery shells fell from the sky and bombarded them, directly covering this area with a radius of more than 100 meters on the flames of the explosion.
boom! boom! boom!
"Wow~! ’
'Uh! ! ’
Then, of course, Gray and Naz, who barely ran to the periphery of the cannonball’s coverage at a speed of 100 meters and five seconds, were also severely overturned by the shock wave of the explosion and hit one. After being shaken by the blast wave and the blast wind, the tree trunk barely stopped.
"Really fired..."
'Ok! ’
‘Luckily we run fast, otherwise...’
‘Grey, you say, that Ellie Gore, this time he is dead, right? ’
'do not know……'
For a long time, struggling to stand up again, watching the large area in front of it was instantly covered by fire and smoke, watching the exploded woodland, Naz and Gray didn’t know what to say. Up.
"you two!"
"See it now, next time, if you encounter an enemy, you just need to do this!"
"Our time is running out. The "Six Demon Generals" may find what they want at any time, and Wendy may also have trouble at any time. We must hurry. "
"All right!"
"If it's okay, just keep going!"
At this moment, she flew over unscathed, looked at the sea of ​​fire in front, and then at the two dull-looking companions, the cat Xia Lulu raised her chin so proudly and reprimanded the two of them.
boom! boom!
Rumbling rumbling...
As Xia Lulu, Naz, and Gray continued to go on the road, in other parts of the Vash Forest, one after another short explosions also sounded from time to time, and also shocked the birds and animals in the forest. Flee towards a place far away from here.
Obviously, the same thing is happening everywhere in the forest.
Those groups seemed to be willing to do the same thing as Xia Lulu, calling for air strikes when they couldn’t fight or there were too many enemies. So soon, they arranged the Six Demon Generals at the various subordinates of the Dark Guild outside the forest. The enemy suffered heavy losses from the bombing, and was completely unable to withstand the continued advance of their various groups.
'Humph! ’
On a high ground in the depths of the gas forest, the strong guy holding a skeleton staff with white beard and hair and strange runes painted on his face saw thick smoke and firelight in the distance, and listened When the explosions came to a halt again, he snorted coldly.
‘Where’s that guy, is he back? ’
Then, he turned to the exposed dress behind him, who looked rough and deep in front of him, asked the woman who was very ‘City House’.
'Yes it is! ’
‘But he was seriously injured, I’m afraid he won’t be able to fight in a short time. ’
‘He was shot down when he approached the enemy’s airship. He also said that the enemy’s artillery fire was very precise and it would be difficult to approach from the air. He could not avoid it at that time, so...’
The woman said in that kind of regretful voice, and at the same time tried to excuse the companion in her mouth.
‘Useless guy! ’
'go with! ’
‘Call back all the people outside, if they don’t try to destroy the gunboat, they will not be able to stop them! ’
As a last resort, the strong man with white beard and hair issued a new order. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm
'what? ’
‘But, if you just leave it alone, they will find us sooner or later. ’
'Humph! ’
'Not urgent! ’
‘We still have hostages in our hands, even if they are found out, they will not dare to bomb them directly. ’
'Yes! I understand. ’
After being silent for a while, the woman finally did not dare to raise her own objection, but gently nodded, then turned and left, ready to convey the order they had just issued.

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