Chapter 1389: ?(????)σ Don’t worry, they are playing very...

In that vast green tree Haiwasi forest, at this time there are not many organized or large-scale dark guild forces to resist and intercept "Fairy Tail", "Cyan Pegasus", "Snake Princess Scales" and " "Demon Cat's Place" is the coalition formed by the four guilds.
Therefore, it didn’t take much time. They each used various methods to learn about the strongholds of the "Six Demon Generals" and others from the enemies they defeated, as well as the companion Wendy who was captured by the opponent. The approximate whereabouts of a certain cat.
Of course, Gray, Naz, and Xia Lulu, the cat who rushed to the enemy's stronghold first!
Therefore, they thought they could not fight the enemy with their own strength, so they naturally contacted the air support force they believed to be the first time.
'crooked? ’
'what? ’
‘You said that the enemy’s stronghold is to the west, deep in the sea of ​​gas trees, at the ruins of an ancient village? ’
‘Okay, I see! Then you have to wait a moment! People may have to wait a while before they can rush over. Now they are still here in the east. They just chased a bunch of bad guys and came here by accident...’
'That's all! People will be there later, you wait first, don't rush to alarm the enemy! ’
After speaking, Annie in the communication did not give the white cat Xia Lulu, Gray, and Naz the opportunity to continue to speak, and directly closed the magical communication.
"What shall we do now?"
"You heard it just now. Your President Anne said that she is now at the east end of the Vasi Tree Sea, which may be a little far away from here. Even if the airship is fast, it may be possible to fly here. It will take at least ten minutes..."
"So, are we waiting here for her now?"
After putting away the magical communication device for contact and positioning, the cat Xia Lulu sighed and asked Gray and Naz who were standing by with their arms.
At this time, under the cliff of the three of them, under the tiankeng composed of cliffs, waterfalls and small lakes, is a ruined ancient building that looks very dilapidated, and beside the waterfall, there is a Inside the cave, a voice that Xia Lulu was very familiar with was faintly heard.
Gray did not speak, nor did he intend to rush down directly, but stood aside frowning.
Because he knew that there was at least one or more of the "Six Demon Generals" guarding underneath. He and Naz alone, plus a white female cat who was basically incompetent, rushed down like this. If you do, there will be no good fruit to eat!
Maybe, at that time, it will be more than Wendy and Hobby who will be captured, maybe they will be added?
"I can smell the smell of Hobbit, it came from that cave!"
"In addition to the taste of Hobbi, there is also the taste of Wendy's and the other two enemies. They must be the people of the "Six Demon Generals"! ’
"There is another, very familiar, as if I have smelled it somewhere..."
"Anyway, it's a very annoying guy, he must also be an enemy!"
Unlike Xia Lulu and Gray, who stood staring and staring, Naz only sniffed slightly into the air, and quickly distinguished the direction of the smell and the approximate number of enemies.
"I don't even smell any temperature, are you sure you are not guessing?"
"Is that a dog nose?"
Xia Lulu was slightly surprised.
You know, she is a cat, and the other person is a person. She just heard Wendy and a male cat in the cave a little bit. Why did the other party be one step ahead of her and smell the smell directly? , And also judged the number of enemies, is it possible that her own nose is not as good as that of a human?
"It's not a dog nose, but it's almost the same."
"Are you afraid you don't know? His nose is very clever. If he says that is the case, then there is definitely nothing wrong with it!"
"In other words..."
"At present, it can be determined that there are three enemies in that cave, and at least two of them are "Six Demon Generals"? "
Gray didn't question Naz, but frowned in contemplation, and racked his brains to think about countermeasures.
"You are the dog nose!!"
Naz protested that if the situation did not allow him, he might have been directly fighting the enemy in front of him.
"Three enemies, and at least two of them are from the "Six Demon Generals"..."
"Then there's no way!"
"Naz, we two definitely can't fight so many enemies alone. It seems we can only wait until Anne and the others arrive, or wait for other teams to arrive?"
If it really rushes straight down, the result will definitely be bad luck. Anyway, Gray definitely doesn't recommend doing that.
"It had to be that way."
In this regard, Xia Lulu has no other way, because she has no combat power, at most, she can fly with one person.
"Can't wait any longer, I don't want to wait for a moment!!"
However, Naz didn't pay attention to the two people's opinions. Instead, he walked to the edge of the cliff and took a deep breath.
‘What is he doing? ’
"Naz, don't mess around!!"
Seeing the movement of a certain guy, Xia Lulu and Gray secretly said that they were not good at the same time, and then they all exclaimed.
A huge shout swayed directly around this tiankeng-like village ruins for sake, and then the echo oscillated around the cliff, but it also clearly spread to the cave.
"Are you in there?!!!"
Of course, Gray and Xia Lulu were surprised to see that the guy in the "Six Demon Generals" guild seemed to be named'Lisa'. After Naz shouted, he rushed out of the hole at an extremely fast speed. , And rushed to the two of them in an instant, and drew a whip leg towards them fiercely.
"Damn it!"
Bang! !
After a dull collision, Naz, Gray and the cat Xia Lulu were all kicked out by the enemy.
With a grunt and a backflip, Gray was dangerously stable in the chaos and imbalance, and as soon as he reached out, he caught the cat who was about to fall to the ground.
"Naz! What are you thinking about?"
Then, Gray, of course, yelled at the companion who was not far away, who had also risen quickly from the ground.
"Of course it is to print out the enemies and destroy them one by one!"
"Now only one has come out. As long as we defeat him, there will be one less enemy!"
That's right, Naz's idea was to get the snake out of the hole, and he just yelled like that on purpose.
"is it?"
"This is really not a good idea..."
Although Gray still wanted to refute the other party harshly, he didn't dare to be careless when he saw the enemy staring at him coldly, so he quickly let go of Xia Lulu and signaled the other party to find a place to hide. Concentrated on guard, ready to cooperate with Naz to fight the enemy in front of him.
‘Beat me? ’
‘Humph! ’
‘Then you guys have a try! ’
The enemy of course also heard the conversation between Naz and Gray, so after a sneer, the opponent's figure disappeared instantly, and then appeared behind Naz in the next instant, and then another whip leg turned towards Naz. The lower back drew in.
At this moment, in the sky...
‘! ! ’
'report! ’
On the air magical crit ship "Christina", which was turning around and flying to the west, a magician in charge of radar found a large group of magical reaction red dots on the magical screen, and then he Based on the distance and location, as well as the contact tool mark of the feedback information, it is quickly determined who is fighting the enemy.
‘Report to President Annie! ’
‘According to the magical radar detection, beside the ruins to the west, a group of squad members were found fighting the enemy. It should be the three who called us just now! ’
'and also! ’
‘My magician’s magic power is rapidly consuming, the battle situation may not be optimistic? ’
After testing for a while, although there is no most direct battle scene to watch, he guesses from the magic feedback of each other and the strength of the magic power from then on. He also probably knows who the two sides are at this time. Occupying an advantage.
"Damn it! Didn't people just ask them to wait first, why did they suddenly start fighting?"
"Can the spacecraft drive faster?"
It was discovered that Gray and Naz were fighting the enemy, and seeing that their magic power feedback value was indeed gradually decreasing, Annie had to ask the chief mate on the side.
‘No! ’
‘President Annie, our spacecraft is already at its fastest speed. ’
‘It’s driving force can only make it cruise at its current speed, it really can’t be any faster. ’
In this regard, the first officer is also helpless, because the speed is indeed the maximum now.
"How long will it take to fly over there?"
'Let me see……'
‘According to the distance calculation, there will be about eight minutes or so before we can enter the visual range, and then we can start to provide aerial artillery support. ’
Based on the distance between the two parties, it is not difficult for this chief mate to calculate the time.
"Eight minutes..."
In eight minutes, Annie felt that when they arrived, those guys should almost be killed or arrested by the enemy?
"do not care!"
"You keep sailing, people will start shelling now!!"
Since they couldn't fly in a short time, and those guys didn't seem to be able to insist on the arrival of their warships, then, besides direct long-range shelling, Annie really couldn't think of a better way.
Anyway, she really couldn't figure it out without cheating.
"Ann, President Anne!?"
"Are you serious? If you think about it, if we carry out an over-the-horizon shelling now, our people will definitely be injured by mistake!"
At this time, the first officer hurried over and exclaimed that he wanted to stop it, because, there is no doubt that it must be the worst situation in which accidental injuries will occur.
"What are you afraid of?"
"Didn't the green dots of our three people and the red dots of the enemy appear on the radar? This point is not very far away. It should be fine after a little calculation!"
With that said, Annie sat directly at the gunner's position, and then began a violent operation, allowing the secondary guns to start charging and reloading and adjust the angle.
"They have been fighting, and it takes a long time for the shells to fly past, and they are not to hit a fixed target. How do you calculate this?"
The first officer was stunned when she saw Xiao Annie's movements.
Anyway, he only knew that if the little girl in front of the president really fired at this line of sight, something big would happen, that's for sure!
"Do not worry!"
"People used to be the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most-, most-, most-, most-, the most,, and,,,,, and, the, most powerful ghost agents in the Kepulu region!"
"At such a distance, and still condescending, it should be easy!"
(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!
In short, in Annie's view, this is not to carry out that kind of indiscriminate fusion strike, like this kind of boring magical shells, it's just a ringing, where is it so easy to accidentally hurt, then She too underestimated her Master Anne's ability.
The first officer still wanted to say something, but didn't know how to express it, so he was so anxious that his head was in cold sweat.
"Stop it!"
"Anyway, they are not members of your guild. People who are presidents are not in a hurry, so why are you in a hurry?"
??(?? ̄?? ̄?)????
"Furthermore, if you don't fire the cannon anymore, they will be killed by the enemy. It's better to let the family smash them along with the enemy!"
"So, you just continue to sail, remember not to let the spaceship sway!"
(? ̄?? ̄??)??°
With that, Annie continued to operate, and after frowning and calculating silently, she resolutely shot a tentative shell.
boom! !
With the sound of the cannon, the entire hull trembles slightly.
(● ̄(?) ̄●)
The other party's words seemed to make sense, but the first officer was speechless...
Moreover, the other party has already fired, and now it is too late for him to say anything.
However, if you think about it carefully, the person who is being bombed is from the opponent’s own "Fairy Tail" guild. As the president of the opponent, he is not in a hurry. The first officer of the "Cyan Pegasus" does not need to interfere too much. many?
As for the cat...
Well, the cat is not their "Cyan Pegasus" guild, so let the other party bombard him. He has persuaded him anyway, and now he can only pray to them silently, hoping that the shells will not be too crooked.
At this time, on the cliff side of the sinkhole several minutes away from the air-magic crit ship "Christina", Naz and Gray were fighting hard with the rivals in the "General of the Six Demons". .
Bang! !
puff! !
'what! ! ’
Boom! !
In front of the enemy with absolute speed advantage, Gray and Naz have begun to have various injuries on their bodies, and their various counterattacks, except for those range attacks that occasionally make the enemy embarrassed, this battle is just Not much progress has been made.
"It doesn't seem to hit him at all! What should I do?"
"Naz, you shouldn't have been messing around just now!"
"Now it's too late to say anything!"
heads up! !
At this time, a cannonball pierced from the air and exploded not far away in an instant. While Naz and Gray were shocked, the enemy had to stop.
"It's a cannonball!"
"Where are you calling, is our spaceship coming?"
"I don't know! I didn't see it!"
"Over there?"
Gray glanced into the sky, in the direction where the shell just flew.
"It seems to be calling from a long distance..."
However, at this time they didn't even seem to see the shadow of the spaceship. Then, the matter was very simple. There is no doubt that the shells can only be blasted from far, far away!
A certain messy little girl, their president, Annie, seemed to fire a cannon directly at them from an exaggerated distance?
"Shooting from so far away, is Annie crazy?"
"not good!"
"heads up!!"
boom! boom! boom!
Soon, as more shells fell, and with the explosions one after another, Naz and Gray could no longer think about more.
Because, at this time, more and more shells began to explode around them indiscriminately, leaving them to lie on the ground, and covered the bodies of the two with ice, and they didn't dare to move anymore.
Because a little guy said before, if you can’t run a safe distance in time during the shelling, it’s best to lie on the ground and not move, and pray for the shell to fall farther. In that case, there will be another one. A little chance of surviving, will not be like a certain hapless Elisa, be blown up directly in the bed and can't get up?
‘Damn it! ’
‘What’s the matter, didn’t the spacecraft be diverted away? Why dare to shoot at such a distance? They don’t want their own lives? ’
Although I don’t understand why the enemy is at such a distance, UU reading www. would dare to fire a cannon when there was one of its own, but Lisa, who was too late to think about it, could only avoid it in vain, but soon, he didn’t last long before he was exploded by the magic bullet. The fire, smoke, and rubble were overwhelmed...
boom! boom! boom! boom!
More shells fell.
"How dare she..."
‘Are all the people in "Fairy Tail" a bunch of lunatics? How dare you be so messy? ’
At this time, the cat Xia Lulu, who had been away from the explosion site for the first time since the first shell fell, could only fly into the distance in midair dumbfounded, and then watched those shells continue from a distance It flew from a certain direction in the sky, and smashed it precisely and fiercely towards the location of Naz, Gray and the enemy, completely submerged in endless fire and explosion.
boom! boom! boom!

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