Chapter 1396: (????`?) Damn it! dare…

Dang~! Dang~! Dang~!
Surprisingly, standing on the flat and empty square where the original "Fairy Tail" guild castle was located, listening to the rapid ringing of bells in the entire city of Magnolia, and seeing the city Therefore, it began to change under the influence of the magic circle and became a straight avenue, which also leads directly to the place where the guild’s original residence was. Let’s take a look at the guild members who came here to cheer and celebrate. The elder girl couldn't help but looked at Lucy, who was closest to her, a little strangely.
"Lucy! What are they guys doing?"
To be honest, if it weren't for seeing those people's ecstatic looks, Annie looked at the battle and almost thought it was an enemy attacking!
If that's the case, it is estimated that she will definitely run to the sky garden, and then activate the city-level cannon to give the incoming enemy a super cannon ball!
Just like that mechanical dragon made by a boring guy not long ago, and even grabbed Naz as a battery, but in the end it was easily crushed by her Master Anne?
"I do not know either……"
"I just saw everyone running down excitedly, and then I ran down too..."
"It's incredible, the city is divided into two halves!"
"It looks like you are defending against some powerful enemy?"
That's right, of course Lucy doesn't know why, because she has seen this battle for the first time, and she is still confused now!
No way, Annie turned her head and looked at the two Elisa and Miraj who seemed to know something, hoping that they could solve their doubts for her own president.
"It's easy!"
"This is because Kildas is coming back!"
"That's it!"
"Kildas is the strongest wizard in our "Fairy Tail" guild, and uses that kind of smashing magic. Everything he touches will instantly become shattered, and when he is in a daze, he will often smash. Wearing private houses caused a lot of unnecessary damage and chaos, so..."
Pay attention to the public account: Book Friends Base Camp pays attention to cash and coins!
"So Magnolia specially transformed him into what he is now. Whenever he comes back, it will become a'Kildas' mode to ensure that he will not go the wrong way or cause more damage?"
"Mira is right, that's probably it!"
In your words and my words, Elisa and Miraj quickly clarified the matter.
"So this is ah……"
"But it's too exaggerated to make the city like this for one person..."
"Is there really such a dumb person in the world?"
I slapped my lips in amazement. Lucy couldn’t imagine anyway. A magician would not be able to control his own power, and would destroy the house for no reason... You know, even Naz, Elsa, and Gray's saboteurs are all just going to destroy them without scruple when they fight. Are they still honest?
"This is not an exaggeration!"
"Because Kildas is such a person!"
Elisa and Miraj smiled on the side and began to wait patiently.
Now they can be slightly fortunate that their guild castle has been moved to the high hanging garden on the sea, so when Kildas arrives here, they will no longer have to worry about the other party's intentional or unintentional destruction. The beautiful newly built castle of my own guild is now.
"What the strongest wizard..."
"You're talking nonsense again, isn't the strongest magician right here?"
Annie did not agree with the statement that Miraj or Elisa had just said.
Because in the "Fairy Tail" guild, she herself is obviously the strongest one, and she is still the title won by her skill and real sword in the first fairies tournament, and these guys are self-proclaimed ones. "The strongest fire dragon, the strongest alternate, and the strongest wizard" are nothing to count!
(● ̄(??) ̄●)
"Dear President Annie, that's not necessarily true!"
Miraj saw the expression of a nasty little girl, then she smiled and said jokingly.
"If Kildas was there at the time, I also think he would definitely win the first place!"
After thinking about it for a while, Elisa on the side was also helping with a smile.
"People don't believe your nonsense!"
"Huh? He seems to be here, is he just a bit spicy?"
Soon, Annie saw:
A man with a big orange back, with some stubble stubble on his face, wearing a dark green cloak, and shoulder armor on the cloak, looks dirty, and seems to be limping when he walks. The uncle, who seemed to be awake, just walked along the deep and straight passage like a deep gully step by step towards their original guild residence.
"That's right, that person is Kildas, Kildas Klevey, using super superior destruction magic—Crash's strongest wizard!"
"I'm afraid you don't know yet, do you?"
"It's been a long time since he went to carry out that hundred-year mission. Now that he is fine, he is finally back!"
Miraj said excitedly.
Because, when Kildas left, she was just a teenager, and she was still a young girl, but now, when the other party came back, three years have passed, and she has grown into a Miao Man's signature girl. Up.
"A hundred-year mission?"
"What kind of mission is that? Are there any more powerful missions above the S-level mission?"
At this moment, Lucy on the side suddenly asked, because it was indeed the first time she heard such a statement.
"of course!"
"S-level missions upwards are also called SS-level missions, and SS-level missions upwards, there is also a mission called ten-year missions!"
"That is to say, once no one can complete it for a full ten years, and it has to be backlogged, it will be recognized by everyone as the kind that is very difficult to complete!"
"Such missions are often paid large amounts of money because they can't be completed for a long time, but even in that way, there are very few wizards that can be completed..."
"On top of the ten-year mission, there is a more powerful one. Within a hundred years, there have been countless guilds and countless wizards who have challenged them, but they have not been able to achieve the super mission!"
"And that kind of task is a century-old task!"
"Three years ago, Kildas did exactly that. It was such a difficult task. It was tried by countless guilds and wizards, but in the end it was a ‘hundred-year mission’ that ended in failure!!"
Without waiting for Miraj to speak, Elisa, whose expression gradually became a little admired and sighed, said suddenly.
"Then, is it that powerful?"
Lucy couldn't imagine a task that could not be completed in a hundred years!
You know, the S-level tasks they completed with Naz and Elisa before, she already found it very, very difficult, and it was still the kind that would easily kill you if you were not careful! But now, there are still people who dare to take on that kind of "hundred-year mission" alone, and finally come back alive, she can hardly imagine... and what is even more dare to imagine is the strength of the other party. How much?
"Isn't it just a strange uncle? What's so great? Someone else will pick up a thousand-year mission to show you!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
Annie saw that the power of that strange uncle was just like that, so-so, although it was indeed much stronger than the others in the guild, even stronger than the bad old man Makarov, but, unfortunately, compared to her Annie As far as the president is concerned, it's still a long way off.
There may be hundreds of streets, or even a distance of several cosmic dimensions?
"Annie, don't be kidding, where is there any thousand-year mission?"
"Mira, please ignore her, Kildas is back, let's go and ask!"
Seeing that the former chairman of Makarov had brought Naz, Gray, Elfman and others to greet him, Elisa also hurriedly pulled Miraj, and followed the crowd towards the one that seemed a little confused, some The sleepy guy leaned over.
Because they saw it, Kildas seemed to have been talking to their former Makarov president at this time. They had to go and see if they hadn’t heard from each other for three years, and now they have brought back what’s amazing. New news?
‘President! ’
‘Long time no see, I’m back! ’
‘It’s fine to come back, but now I’m no longer the chairman. ’
‘? ? ’
‘Isn’t the chairman? ’
‘Yes, the president of the guild has someone else, and I’m mainly a member of the council. ’
‘Meeting, congressman? ’
'what! Old man, have you been promoted? ! ’
‘Let’s not talk about it, how is it, Kildas, work is going well, right? Have you completed your task? ’
'This one……'
‘Hahaha...Of course not! ’
‘No way, there were some accidents, I couldn’t cope at all, so I had to give up honestly and slip back. ’
'is it? ’
‘I know, but it’s good to come back, it’s good to come back...’
First, he glanced at Kildas in astonishment, and found that the other party was not joking, Makarov sighed, and finally did not criticize too much.
‘! ! ’
'No way? ’
‘Even he failed? ’
‘He’s Kildas. If he fails, I’m afraid no one will ever be able to complete it! ’
'Yes! ’
‘This is the first time I heard that his mission will fail...’
'me too! ’
‘If even the uncle can’t do anything, then it’s really impossible! ’
‘Yes! ’
Unexpectedly, everyone in the "Fairy Tail" Guild who finally got such a news, at this time, all exclaimed and started talking on the sidelines.
'correct! ’
‘President, where is our guild residence? ’
"Should it be..."
‘You’re afraid of me destroying, so hide it, right? ’
At this moment, Kildas seemed to react. He looked left and right, and found that there was a flat square all around, but the original guild residence was completely gone, which made him a little surprised.
'This one……'
Makarov hesitated, because it was a long story, and he didn't know where to start.
"I didn't hide it!"
"Uncle Kildas, in fact, our guild residence was placed in the sky. Look, it's over there!"
At this moment, Miraj walked over and excitedly pointed to the sea in the distance, and pointed to the six exaggerated giant feet high in the sky. It looked very beautiful from a distance. The sea water pumped up by the giant feet flows down and forms a beautiful rainbow under the sun's rays, like a heavenly "fairy castle in the sky"
"Are you Xiaomi?"
"It's all so big..."
"Is that our new location? Why, how can it be so exaggerated, still in the sky?!"
After three years of not coming back, I found that many faces have changed drastically. I found that some of the little girls had grown a tall and slim girl. I found that the guild’s residence was more than a hundred times higher than the original specifications of Kildas. Was stunned.
As a result, he was somewhat unacceptable for a while, just opened his mouth wide, staring blankly at the huge sky garden set off by the colorful rainbow above the sea, and couldn't say a word.
"It's not an exaggeration!"
"Because, that's all due to the new president of our "Fairy Tail" guild! "
Miraj blinked playfully and mentioned it a little, but he didn't say it too clearly.
"The new president..."
"President Makarov also said just now, who is our new president?"
Kildas was a little curious, and he also wanted to see which old friend was able to reassure President Makarov and voluntarily give way, and also developed the guild so well, and gave it to everyone. A huge sky garden so beautiful come out?
"The new president is someone else!"
Finally, seeing the crowd gradually disappearing, and seeing a certain uncle who came back to explain the task finally asked, Annie squeezed the crowd away proudly, and appeared in front of the other party with her head up tall and proud.
"Are you the president?"
"This one……"
"Stop kidding, whose little girl are you, why did you come here to play?"
Finding that a strange seven or eight-year-old girl was squeezed out of the crowd, and that the other party claimed to be the new president of the "Fairy Tail" guild, Kildas froze for a while before subconsciously raising his head. Laughed.
"Damn it! People are really the new president, you fellow, dare to laugh again, and be careful that they will fire you soon!!"
"In fact, what Annie said is really right. She... is indeed the president of our "Fairy Tail" guild, the real one! "
At this time, Makarov opened his mouth to help, and said solemnly to Kildas who was going to laugh at it for a while.
"No, no?"
Subconsciously, Kildas looked at the people around him.
However, what made him feel even more astonished: whether it was the familiar Miraj, Elsa, Naz, Hobbit, or the other members, old and young, they all swept past his inquiring eyes. At that moment, nodded to him without exception?
"She really is the president of our guild?"
After confirming something, Kildas exclaimed again.
"Just a few years old, you just let her be the president, are you all crazy?!"
Then I subconsciously felt that what I encountered today was even more shocking and unexpected than the guy I met when I was on the mission in the expedition to Lingfeng Zhuonia, and seeing that it was about to be completed?
Anyway, in Kildas's opinion, anybody, whether it's Miraj or Elsa, or the unreliable guy Naz, is better than such a small one as the president, right?
Seeing that the other party dared to look down upon herself, Annie became and ran to the sky garden of her guild.
She was going to check and see what the ‘hundred-year mission’ the other party took was, and then, President Anne, her President, would go out and complete the mission directly!
At that time, look at that guy. Does that strange uncle dare to underestimate her?
ε=(????`●))) alas
‘? ? ’
‘What’s wrong with her, is she crying? ’
Seeing the little girl running away angrily, Kildas was suddenly at a loss.
‘No way! ’
‘How can Annie cry? ’
‘Come on, Uncle Kildas, we will take you to see your new home! ’
‘My home? ’
‘Isn’t my home in the city? ’
Kildas subconsciously stretched out his hand and pointed towards the city that also made him feel strange.
‘Not now! ’
‘All members of the guild have new houses in that sky garden, and you are no exception! ’
‘You must pay attention to control your abilities, otherwise, if you damage something, President Anne will definitely turn you into a loach and flush to the toilet! ’
'what? ’
‘She is really the chairman? ’
'of course! ’
‘Anyway, you will know from now on! ’
Soon, a group of people were joking and huddling around Kildas, who was still a little confused, and walked towards the beautiful "fairy castle in the sky" surrounded by colorful rainbows in the "Fairy Tail" guild.

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