Chapter 1422: !(;?o?)o people didn't mean it!

The rain is still pattering, but compared to the previous downpour, the situation is much better now.
At this time, an old guy with short white hair, long beard, armor, and a blindfold on his right eye has walked to the bow terrace of a magical airship docked on the coast. He was silently looking at the silent dense forest of Sirius Island.
Now the entire island is silent, there is no more fighting before, and the massive troops he sent out, the seven dependents of Purgatory, and the vice president and others have never returned.
Therefore, at this moment, what happened on the island, he had a vague premonition in his heart, and he just held his arms and stood in this place waiting to confirm his bad thoughts.
Soon, he was condescending to see that there was a group of people coming here from the dense forest in the distance, and he could see from the quick glance between the branches. Those people seemed to be not him. 'S men?
"Unexpectedly, the seven dependents of Purgatory and Brunot were all defeated..."
Seeing those people passing by somewhere in file, the strong old man with short hair and long beard sighed sadly.
"It seems that I should praise Makarov and his children frankly..."
"That's enough..."
"In that case, come on and let me play with those little ghosts myself!"
"The time for frolicking should be over..."
Wearing a black cloak, the tall old man who wet his hair in disregard of the pattering rain in the sky whispered to himself, until a nasty little girl cooperated with Makarov. , With Elisa, Miraj, Kildas, Naz, Gray, Gajiro, Elfman, Lucy and several cats, etc. All the current "Fairy Tail" guilds are still there After the people on the island came to this huge magical airship and came to him, the last remaining president of "Devil's Heart", he showed a grinning smile.
"Since it's here..."
"Then I will be a little bit patient and have fun with you!"
Seeing that the people had walked out of the jungle one by one to the empty beach, looking at the "Fairy Tail" guild with a total of 20 members of all ages and young and old, the "Great Army", the president of "Devil's Heart" Hades suddenly turned An old man headed by the head said loudly.
"Save it!"
"Prechto, although I don't know why you became like this, but everything is over, you have no chance of winning, hurry up and surrender!"
Although Makarov is still not suitable for fighting, and he was defeated completely by the opponent's men before, but seeing so many people in his own guild here, seeing the opponent is only a poor lonely one, the power of the two sides is very different. Immediately below, his courage exploded, and he proudly shouted and persuaded the'Second-Generation President' standing on the bow terrace above the floating boat.
"Do not…"
"I won't surrender. On the contrary, believe me, you all have to die here today. Even if you have the magical shelter of Sirius Island, it won't save you!"
"I will defeat you first, and then completely destroy this island!"
"Devil's Heart" president Hades, or the former second-generation president of "Demon Tail", Prechto said so.
Of course, destroying the island or something must be after the capture of Seref.
"Master, do you know that guy?"
"Are you familiar?"
At this time, Naz suddenly discovered some problems in the dialogue between Makarov and the enemy, so he took advantage of the silence of the two and did not have the opportunity to officially start the fight, and suddenly asked Makarov.
However, Makarov had no time to answer him, but clenched his fists, silently looking at the familiar and strange old man standing on the bow of the ship in a daze.
"And everyone..."
"Actually, that person, he is the second-generation president of our "Fairy Tail" guild, Prechto Gelberg! "
"He disappeared without a trace after he passed the position of president to President Makarov. I never dared to think that he turned out to be the president of "Devil's Heart" and took a'Hadi 'S' name. "
At this time, without waiting for Makarov to answer, Kildas, who was the oldest and the most qualified, was completely different from the new generations of "fairy tail" such as Naz, Elsa, and Gray, smiled bitterly for Maka. Rove answered like this.
"What, what?!"
"He is the second-generation president of our "Fairy Tail"? ! "
Naz was the first to exclaim, the expression was very exaggerated and not artificial at all.
"how come…"
"No? He is really the second-generation president of our guild?!"
"My God, doesn't that mean that our "Monster Tail" has been fighting a civil war all the time? ! "
"This is really big news..."
"I know!"
"It’s no wonder that Mestre, that is, Mr. Dolan Bart, will be dispatched to our guild to lurch! You see, the presidents of several powerful dark guilds were originally from our "Dark Tail" people, and we are again The most powerful guild in the Justice Guild Alliance, in this way, the big figures in the council will definitely not be assured of us! "
"It seems that it makes sense to hear Lucy's analysis like this?"
"It really is…"
Obviously, the fact that Hades is the second-generation president of his own guild is really exciting, so that all of a sudden, everyone does not want to fight against each other. After the excitement, they exclaimed and discussed loudly.
Then, they quickly analyzed the reason why the council has always been uncomfortable with them:
For those who do not understand, the influence of the "Fairy Tail" guild in the Justice Guild Alliance and the Dark Guild Baram Alliance is really too great. Many guilds are different from the "Fairy Tail". The unclear relationship, coupled with the appeal of "Fairy Tail" in the Justice Guild Alliance, and once these connected people unite, it will instantly overthrow the Magic Council and dominate the entire wizarding world. Easy, right?
"Children of Makarov, have you said enough?"
"If you have said enough, let it go!"
The absurd topics that everyone had just discussed, Prechto, had obviously heard him too, so, who didn't agree with those things coldly, interrupted everyone's words, and then provocatively said.
Because he is no longer a member of the "Fairy Tail" guild, and he doesn't agree with that sense of belonging.
"You guy!"
"Stop Naz, you calm down!"
"What are you doing, let me go!!"
"The guy that President Makarov can't beat, do you want to go up and die alone?"
"No! I am much better than the old man now!"
"To shut up!"
"Heh! Naz, let's let Annie grow a horse. Isn't this something that we just said?"
"Yes, I understand."
Naz just wanted to be the first to rush up, but was stopped by Elisa and Kildas, who was most afraid of him, so he had to put out the flames on his hands in frustration, and stood aside honestly. .
"President Anne?"
"Who is Annie? Isn't it her?"
"Makarov, you are really getting worse and worse, not to mention that the magic has regressed, and you have chosen such a guy as the president of the guild?"
Seeing Naz and the others arguing, and hearing what they said, Prechto naturally glanced at the people of the "Fairy Tail", and quickly locked on a petite one, and someone helped with an umbrella. Little girl.
"Bad guy, if you use this tone to talk to others, do you have any opinion on the guild president that they have become by their ability?!"
Annie didn't admit that the position of the chairman of her own was passed on to her by Makarov, because, ah, it was obviously she grabbed it by her ability, so where did she get the guy above to ridicule it again?
"is it?"
"Well, little girl!"
"I ask you, those people under me, where did you catch them?"
Obviously, Prechto didn't believe that "Fairy Tail" these people would kill the killer and destroy the subordinates in his guild.
Therefore, before the start of the fight, he hopes to know the whereabouts of those guys, after all, after the fight, he may still need the help of those trash men to deal with the follow-up matters.
"Fun old man, you see, this cage is very big, and they have specially prepared a small cage for you in it. This is a VIP level treatment. After they beat you, they will also put you in!"
(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!
Annie didn't mind at all and picked up the birdcage in her hand, so that the other party could see that the pile of feathers inside had become soggy and pitiful, and she was staring at him with helpless goals. , But the birds who dare not make noise or make noise.
During this period of time, the
Seven Dependents of Purgatory
and a certain vice-chairman who were caught inside were taught several times by Anne, such as: soaking in sewage, wrapping them in mud and putting them on a bonfire and roasting them slowly, The super roller coaster went in circles and forcibly fed the "real caterpillars", etc., threatening to pluck their feathers more than once and actually plucked a few of them, turning them into humans and again After the birds continued to pluck their hairs, they all became honest.
"Is it transformation magic?"
"If that's the case, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. That kind of trick won't work for me."
After squinting at Annie and the poor birds in her hands for a while, Prechto sneered and shook his head, obviously not taking a little girl's words to heart.
However, now that he knew the whereabouts of his subordinates, he could feel relieved.
After a while, he will definitely knock down all the people in the "Fairy Tail" guild in front of him, and then release all his trash men from that cage.
"What if someone can catch you?"
Although he said that, Prechto knew that Makarov would not pass the position of the president to a little girl casually, so he was still secretly vigilant, especially now that the other party still has With so many people.
In fact, let's not talk about anything else, the Elusa and Kildas alone are enough to make him pay attention to it a little.
"Bad guy above!"
"You must not be able to beat Annie. It is her. She almost destroyed your entire guild by herself, and she did not use all of her power. You will definitely not be her opponent. I advise you to surrender quickly. it is good!"
At this moment, Lucy on the side didn't know why, and suddenly opened his mouth and shouted to the enemy at the bow of the ship.
"The yellow-haired girl who lives and lives!"
Seeing a astral wizard dare to talk back in front of him, Prechto, who was already faint and a little impatient, suddenly stretched out his hand, condensing a burst of dark magic power, like a bullet. The magic missile blasted towards Lucy who spoke!
"Lucy be careful!"
"not good!"
Naz and the others on the side exclaimed, but fortunately, Elisa was pretty reliable, and she transformed a shield with a horizontal displacement, stood in front of Lucy, and used those black magic bullets for her. They all resisted, so that they could only smash black pits on her shield in vain.
"That little girl!"
"Since you are the president, come up and let me see, what are you capable of?"
"You can come together?"
Standing on the bow terrace, watching Elisa block her attack, Prechto didn’t say much, just holding his arms so that he could talk in time, and he was ready for the battle. .
"Weird old man, in fact...people have already gone up!"
Surprisingly, at this time, without waiting for everyone to say anything, Annie suddenly made a grimacing face at Prechto so unreasonably, and then turned into a cloud of smoke under the astonishing gaze of everyone except Lucy. Become two two lovely blue dolls Protoss.
Now that the time is up, they have to change back to their original form.
"She is Lucy's Protoss?"
"No way?"
"Where is Annie?!"
"what happened?!"
Everyone in the guild around the Gemini Protagonist'Jemini' who saw Anne instantly turned into Lucy looked at Lucy in amazement.
"I don't know either!"
"Anyway, Annie asked for that!"
With that, Lucy quickly snatched the birdcage from'Jemini', for fear that the prisoners inside would run out.
However, at this moment, Prechto, who was also slightly surprised, didn't have time to look after the "Demon Tail" people underneath. Instead, he turned his head for the first time and looked at the inside of his spaceship.
"I am here, weird!"
Seeing that Prechto found herself, Annie was not in a hurry, because at this time, she had already sneaked into a close enough distance, so...
"Wonderful thinking!"
After discovering that the other party had been turned into a bird by herself in an instant, Annie cheered, ran over and grabbed the other party easily.

"Is the fourth-generation president of this family more powerful than his second-generation?!"
Hahaha?? (???)
In this way, Annie was holding each other, standing on the bow terrace of the magic floating boat, pierced her waist and raised the bird in her hand, stunned at the people below, she didn't know when she dived into the boat. His companions laughed triumphantly and showed off.
"Be careful!"
However, Makarov saw something wrong, and directly exclaimed to remind Annie.

"Wow! Why is it bigger?!"
At this time, Annie also discovered that the fairy magic that she had used to reshape reality and change the essential structure of the world to make smaller villains and villains suddenly began to swell?
"Huh! Bad guy, don't try to succeed!"
The opponent's ability is obviously very powerful. It is possible to break through Annie's "wonderful ideas" with magic alone, but it is useless to break through, because ah, when the opponent gets bigger, Annie will also become bigger!
So, amidst the exclamation of the people in the "fairy tail" on the beach below, as the Prechto continued to grow bigger and reverted back to the human form, Annie's body shape was constantly under the "wild wild growth". Become bigger, and stubbornly continue to hold the opponent firmly in the palm of his hand.
"Stupid little girl!"
"You wait!"
"I will burst your palms!"
Prechto roared, and at the same time a black energy wave began to form a black ball around his body, and it became bigger and bigger.
"Don't think about it!"
Seeing that the other party refused to confess, where could Annie give up?
Therefore, she is also getting bigger and bigger under the magic of ‘Crazy and Wild’, she just so tightly held the opponent’s ball in her palm, not letting go.
"not good!"
"Everyone, get away from here!"
"Let go, his power is too strong, it will really burst you!!"
While Makarov exclaimed for everyone to flee away from the beach, he did not forget to yell at a little girl above the sky who was also growing bigger.
"I won't let it go!"
There was a buzzing, thunderous little girl's sweet chick.
At this moment, she continued to grow bigger as the enemy's energy sphere grew, even if the terrible black energy had been shot out from her palm, even if it seemed that a terrible explosion was about to happen.
After all, that was the prisoner she finally caught, how could she let go easily?
"Stupid guy!"
"I will blow you and the entire Sirius Island to ashes!!"
After seeing a little girl who can actually master Makarov’s huge magic, and barely knowing why she was chosen by Makarov as the president of the fourth generation, Prechto found that she couldn’t escape. He also roared furiously, and at the same time began to mobilize the demon energy in his body frantically.
He is still riding a tiger. After all, if he doesn't continue to do this, the huge power of that little girl will definitely crush him!
"If you blow it up, people are scared!?"
Anyway, Annie just didn't let go, but continued to pinch, and planned to pinch back his energy.
boom! !
At this time, both Anne and Prechto seemed to have overlooked one point, that is: Anne is now standing on the deck of the magic floater. As her size and weight gradually increased, she finally , The spacecraft that belonged to the "devil's heart" couldn't hold on anymore, it was instantly crushed by Annie's huge weight and was completely broken.
At this time, Annie realized that she seemed to have accidentally stepped on something, and then something that surprised her even more...
"Do not!!"
The stubborn old man in her palm who wanted to burst a powerful dark energy to blow up an entire Sirius Island, she didn’t know why her magic power suddenly declined, and then the black energy ball quickly dissipated. Come on...
=???? ('ヮ'三'ヮ'=????)
At this moment, Annie saw that some bad old man in the palm of her hand had become extremely weak in an instant?
"What happened? People didn't seem to have done anything to him..."
So, wondering in her heart, she used huge fingers to easily hold one of the other's feet and put it in front of her, and began to examine it carefully.
"Is it because someone stepped on something just now?"
After observing for a while, Annie seemed to understand something from the magic connection in the opponent's body, and then she looked down at the ground with some embarrassment. UU reading www.uukanshu. com
There, a certain magical spaceship that had become like a toy relative to her current size had been completely trampled by her.
And since the spaceship is destroyed, something in the spaceship, such as the other party's energy source, must be impossible to keep.
Anyway, Annie said that she really didn't mean it. She just wanted to hold on to the other party. How could she have thought that if she accidentally stepped on the other party's source of magic?
(● ̄(?) ̄●)

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