Chapter 1433: The supreme brilliance of the fairy

On the 21st day, the third week of the conflict, the Sorcerer's Battle that took place in Magnolia was finally over.
Although the Magic Council and the self-proclaimed righteous guild alliances have invested nearly 10,000 in the Luen Knights and gathered more than 20,000 wizards, but after a week of fierce battles in the city, they finally followed each other The guild’s high-level leaders and the council chairmen and other members were annihilated and declared a complete failure.
The next two weeks will naturally be the long and unnutritious negotiation process.
In the beginning, it was really not easy...
However, when Makarov, who was in charge of singing the white face, and Prechto, who was in charge of singing the black face, really threw those captives in the surgical cell and starved to death for a few back and forth, waited until the magicians. Disputes between the guild alliance and the council broke out. After the council and the Luen Knights began to split and some people first announced the unconditional surrender, the next negotiation work was finally much easier.
The magic agreement signed between the two parties is very complicated. In addition to the thoughts of a messy little girl, Makarov and Prechto have reached the following major aspects:
The new magic council is reorganized, and 80% of its members must be the president or vice president of the "Fairy Tail" guild or the pro-"Fairy Tail" guild.
The Rune Knights reorganized and eliminated some of the officers who were hostile to the "Fairy Tail" guild and were appointed by members of the "Fairy Tail" guild or the pro-"Fairy Tail" guild.
The Magic Council returned all the illegally invaded assets that belonged to the "Fairy Tail" guild, including the "Nirvana" platform, and compensated the "Fairy Tail" guild for 100 billion yuan of mental losses.
Members including Guran Doma and others who initiated the crusade against the "Fairy Tail" guild must unconditionally resign and must not join any guild or wizard organization for life! At the same time, the above-mentioned personnel must report to the council when participating in a gathering of three or more wizards.
Prechto Gelberg will assume the position of the new chairman of the Magic Council.
The council declared that the'criminal order' was illegal to the entire continent, and formally apologized and restored its reputation to the "Fairy Tail" guild in various media in written form, and recognized the "Fairy Tail" guild as the leader of the Justice Guild Alliance and recognized " "Fairy Tail" related rights above the guild.
Acknowledge that the "Fairy Tail" guild has the right to claim compensation from the council or request changes to the terms of the agreement at any time in the future.
The above is the general content of the talks between Makarov and Prechto after the Battle of Magnolia.
Then when the representatives of the various guilds, the president, and the council signed the magic agreement and recognized the legality and validity of the agreement, the magicians and the Luen Knights who were tossed by the operation were finally released. , And fled away from the city of Magnolia, so that the bustling and noisy city once again returned to calm.
However, I don’t know if Makarov and Prechto have any other thoughts. The "city-level dungeon technique" created by a messy little girl didn’t come after they won a big victory. Just cancel it, but temporarily hide it, and provide the best magic crystal to maintain the most basic operation, and then use magic to protect the underground of Magnolia city so tightly. deep.
On the tenth day of the defeat of the Council and the Justice Guild Alliance, the "Nirvana" platform, which was basically restored, was sent back to the bay north of Magnolia by the Council. , Making it once again the residence of the "Fairy Tail" guild and the landmark of Magnolia City.
"It's still more comfortable for our "Demon Tail" station, great, it's finally back! ! "
"Oh yeah~!"
"Yes, it's great, it feels more at home here."
"Yes it is!"
"Unfortunately, there are a lot less familiar faces here, and Uncle Macao and them are also old..."
"Yes, although everything has been restored to its original state, it seems that there are less than a hundred members in the guild now..."
"Come on, everyone drink, don't be sentimental, even if we are few people now, we are also the strongest guild in the entire continent. Tens of thousands of magicians have been defeated by us. What else is there to worry about?"
"makes sense!"
"Drink and drink! I want to drink you all by yourself!"
In the guild, Naz, Gray, Kana, Gajiro and others are fighting wine in this huge and empty castle hall.
Although their "fairy castle in the sky" is back now, the castle group is also back, and even a whole "devil's heart" senior staff has been added to the guild, but compared to the previous "Fairy Tail" in its heyday , The popularity is still too far behind.
When dozens of people stayed in this huge guild castle hall, it was indeed a bit deserted, so that even the sounds of Naz and the others arguing and playing could clearly spread to every corner.
"They are still that way..."
"But have you heard? I heard that the kingdom will send Princess Emerald E. Fiore to greet us!"
"Furthermore, Lucy, that princess is just like you, a celestial wizard!"
"is it?"
"of course!"
"That's OK, I will have a good communication with her then!"
"You must have a common topic."
"By the way, Lucy, I heard that you chose to resurrect Mr. Hatfield in the end?"
"Yes it is!"
"Sure enough, Lucy you still love him."
"No! I just want the guy who lied to my tears to come back and help me take care of the property for a few more years. When I no longer need to worry about money, he can go back to accompany my mother again!"
"But Lucy, you seem to be rich now, at least a few hundred million dollars worth of split meals, how much do you want Mr. Hatfilia to make for you?"
"Maybe you want hundreds of billions of that?"
Hearing Lucy’s answer, Elisa, Miraj, Lisana and others on the side closed their mouths, and didn’t plan to continue discussing with some arrogant Hatfield consortium’s eldest lady. The problem of money.
For those of them who may have less than ten million net worth, going to discuss that kind of issue with Lucy is just humiliating themselves.
"Think about Biska and Arzac, who are already married and have children. If anyone marries Lucy, you, a rich woman, they will definitely make a lot of money!"
"At least one hundred years less struggle!"
"It's really cheap Naz kid."
At this moment, Elisa on the side suddenly slapped her with a punch, and then said solemnly.
"Wha, what marriage, what rich woman, Elisa, don't talk nonsense!!"
When Elisa suddenly said something like that, Lucy's face flushed suddenly, and then she was a little bewildered to defend herself, not even knowing where to put her hand.
However, Miraj and Lisana on the side looked at each other and did not say anything, nor did they participate in the topic of Eliza just now. They just frowned slightly and drank their wine without knowing. What are you worried about.

"Why are you so busy here?"
"Are you eating something delicious?"
At this time, Annie, who heard the laughter and jokes here, also ran over for the first time, and then squeezed to Wendy's side. She snatched the other party’s drink and drank it'sniffingly'. At the same time, his eyes kept scanning on everyone's desk.
"Dear President Annie, there is nothing delicious here."
"We were just talking about adult affairs with Lucy. You won't be interested in it!"
As he said, Lebby blinked at Lucy playfully, causing the redness that finally faded on Lucy's face to gradually rise again.
"My lord's matter?"
"The adults' things are not fun at all, people thought they had something delicious!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
"Annie, that's mine!"
"Don't grab it!"
"You better go grab Lulu!"
First she grabbed her own drink, and now she was going to grab her own pastry. Of course, Wendy wouldn't let a messy little guy succeed, she just protected her with her arms and refused to give him anything.
"Don't do it, the food that cats have eaten is so dirty that people don't want to eat it!"
Annie was full of disgust, and didn't want to pay attention to the piece of cake in front of Xia Lulu.
"I am not a cat, we are Exit!!"
Hearing what Annie said, of course a certain white cat on the side was struggling with his hips akimbo.
"Don't think that if you can speak human words and walk upright, it is not a cat. People have encountered a dog who can speak human words before, and it claims to be an alien!"
Annie thought of her partner during the time at the headquarters of the Man in Black, the bad alien dog Frank, of course, and the one who got out of the TV and wanted to scare herself, and then she was caught by herself. The creatures of the secondary planes, the alien Sadako, don’t know, how are they doing now?
But speaking of it, it seems that Annie has been in this world for a long time. Maybe it's time for her to go back and see those friends?
"Talking dog?"
"Are you talking about that Yumaz?"
Xia Lulu looked at the big yellow dog not far away who was drinking with a big white rooster. Like other members of the "Devil's Heart" guild, the big brown dog also joined the "Fairy Tail." In the guild.
"It's not it!"
"Frank wants to be smaller, more fun, and more cunning. That's a stubborn guy!"
Annie can still remember, when she went to greet each other for the first time, and then the stupid dog actually pretended to be a dog, and then ignored her. In the end, she still threatened to buy the female cat that the other party liked. Eat it, the guy was willing to speak.
"There seems to be nothing more here, and it's time for people to leave."
"go away?"
"Where are you going back to sleep?"
Xia Lulu was taken aback for a moment, wondering what Annie meant.
"certainly not!"
"I'm going back, go to another world to play!"
Yes, look at the peaceful guild now, and think about it again, it seems that there really is nothing wrong here. After defeating the council and ruthlessly cleaning up the other dishonest guilds, strength and power The "Fairy Tail" guild, which has been greatly improved, really has nothing to worry about.
Aside from other things, it was the dragon alone, and Annie felt that the people in this guild would definitely never be afraid of being bullied.
And ah, Annie also knows that Naz's potential is very good. If you practice more in the future, it will definitely help a lot.
At this time, Wendy, who was sitting next to Annie and Xia Lulu, also heard Annie's words and exclaimed directly.
"What's wrong, Wendy?"
Hearing Wendy's exclamation, Miraj, Rebby, Elsa, Lucy, Lisana and others cast inquiring eyes towards this side.
"Ann, Annie, she said, she is leaving..."
"go away?"
"What do you mean?"
"It means to leave!"
"Are you going home?!"
Soon, Miraj, who had reacted, exclaimed and asked.
She knows a lot of Annie's secrets, so of course she knows what Annie means to them when she goes home.
"It's not going home either..."
"I just want to go shopping in other worlds!"
"But Annie, what should the guild do after you leave?"
"Also, what shall we do?"
"Yes, Annie?"
"President Anne..."
Soon, a group of people surrounded Annie one after another, and asked with some reluctance.
"People have been traveling between different worlds. They have stayed here for long enough. Maybe some idiots called readers are already impatient?"
"what is that?"
"The reader is impatient, why can't you leave?"
With question marks on Lucy, Elisa, and Miraj, I don't know why Annie said that.
"Oh, you won't understand anyway!"
Annie wouldn’t tell them that everything here is now in a book called "The Journey of the Shadow Bear Tibbers", except for her, the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful Annie will grow up to be able to powerfully influence Outside the "outside" world of the book, other people, even the most powerful gatekeeper Long Wangcai, are just a few words in the book.
However, Anne would definitely not explain that kind of thing to these idiots.
"Before you leave, let me give you a gift. Since your method of receiving the task is too backward, I think about it and still think that this good thing should be left for you, but only members who truly approve of the "Fairy Tail" guild can receive it. Mission! "
With that said, Annie pulled out a big ball of light...
In x791, after defeating the Council and the Justice Guild Alliance and establishing the absolute supremacy of the "Fairy Tail" Guild on the mainland Tail" Guild's fourth-generation president Anne Haas The tower disappeared into a blue arcane portal during a lively and noisy celebration party among all the members.
No one knows where she has been, and no one knows whether she will return.
However, in her story, her "the strongest guild leader of the monster tail", "the strongest fairy wizard", "the existence of the dragon of subduing the end", "the youngest guild leader of the monster tail", " The names of the three-badge Saint Ten Sorcerer, the richest richest man, the strongest magician in history, etc., will definitely be in the "Fairy Tail" guild and the entire Aslant world. Passed on until it became a legend.

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