Chapter 151: I let you burn the witch

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Little Annie looked at the jewel floating in front of her and spinning endlessly.
What a shame! This broken stone must be intentional, right? Look, it actually ran back to Earth again!
The first time she came here, Annie carefully observed the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, the composition of the air, the distribution of surrounding vegetation, and the distant sea, plus the small human city below, and those ordinary people watching during the day. The moon and stars that are not in sight, Annie can be sure that this is still the earth...
Moreover, Annie also perceives the magic power on this earth. It is very thin. In addition, SHIELD’s mobile phone still has no signal, so she can be sure that this one does not have SHIELD and is not the same as Hogwarts. The third earth of the plane...
Annie felt that now, if there was no other choice, she really wanted to lose or smash the square blue gemstone in front of it!
Hey... Fortunately, when Annie was on the earth of S.H.I.E.L.D., she passed a gem of time, so that she herself had enough time to play with this broken rock. She didn't believe it anymore. After countless attempts Isn’t it right?
At this moment, after opening the portal from the world of Azeroth and walking in, Annie appeared on the top of this grassy mountain.
"Let's go, Tibbers, let's go down and look at the earth of this age."
After putting away the broken stone that made her angry, little Annie picked up her bear Tibbers and walked directly down the mountain.
She had already seen the port city far below the mountain. Now there was a sailing wooden boat slowly sailing out of the port. Numerous seagulls were crowing on the mast of the sailing boat at the beginning. Sun, this is another beautiful day.
Hope...this ancient earth will not be so boring, will it?
Annie judged it at a glance. Not only did she return to the earth again, but this earth was still many years earlier than the New York she had visited before, or the earth age of the magic world she had visited!
Because, you can see some clues from the backward port alone, and look at the horse-drawn carriages driving in the port city, and the many sailing wooden boats parked in the port.
Really annoying! When this continues, when will I be tall...
After sighing slightly in her heart, Little Annie walked directly down the mountain without using any flying spells or teleportation. She needed to relieve her irritability.
It seems that we can only stay in this world for a while!
Annie sighed again. If she knew this was the case, she would not be lazy or partial, and would definitely study those space magic carefully! Now that she is very proficient in flame magic, she is not very reliable. As for the teleportation between the stars, let alone.
By now, Xiao Annie has completely understood, and there are some things that really can't be solved with fireball!
Port Royal, which is located in Jamaica in the Caribbean Sea.
Originally, it was a colony of Spain, but for various reasons, after losing the war and signing the Madrid Treaty, Spain had no choice but to ceded Jamaica, this important port on the Caribbean Sea and other places to the United Kingdom. .
As a result, after surveying, the location on the southeast coast of Jamaica Island, due to its good natural deep water environment and suitable for sheltering ships from wind, was opened up by the British and gradually formed a prosperous seaport city.
It is an important maritime transportation hub connecting the New World (Americas), the British mainland, and the European continent. Whether it is from the New World to Europe or Europe to the New World, it will stay here and supply or repair ships. , Here has become the jewel on the sea of ​​Britain!
This port city has the largest population in the New World in this era, the best port environment, the best shipyards and sailors, and the most prosperous commodity trading market. Therefore, it can provide Britain’s fiscal revenue every year. , Contributing a huge amount of gold coins and other material wealth.
Now, after walking for almost half an hour, Xiao Annie finally walked into the gate of this port city with a frown under the eyes of the red musketeers guarding the gate.
This quaint city full of medieval custom buildings, the first impression it gave Annie was not very good, and even disgusting!
Because Annie saw the dusty dirt roads where the horse-drawn carriages passed by; the people and animals everywhere urinate and defecate, all kinds of unidentified objects exuding fishy smell, the air is still filled with all kinds of sweat and the smell of sea breeze. , Those strange smells, after they were mixed together, they formed a disgusting and peculiar smell in the hot sun, which almost didn't make Annie vomit on the spot!
Had she not put on a transparent shield to purify air, dust and heat in time, Annie swears that she would never stay in such an ugly and dirty city for even a minute or half a minute. !
This is a dirty and smelly city, and Annie quickly defined it.
After wandering in the city for a while, Annie, who was originally a little hungry, wanted to find a restaurant to deal with a meal, but when she saw the black bread that was as hard as a rock, the roasted blackened potatoes, more than fingers After the thick noodles and the cheese that exuded the fishy smell, Annie felt that, fortunately, she had the habit of stuffing food into her pockets. Otherwise, she must be hungry today!
However, she is still a little worried. One day, after the food stored in her space pocket is eaten, she herself will be starved to death in this world, right? Take a look, there is no ice cream, no delicious cream cakes, no roasted lynx legs with salt and pepper, and no spicy Velociraptor eggs!
What she saw right now was all those extremely inferior, disgusting and crude and crude food. This was really a of a mess.
However, no matter how she complained, Annie still planned to stay here for a while.
Because, she found that the magical elements on the sea near the world seemed to be much richer than those on land. In this case, in order for the space gems to be recharged earlier, she had better stay in this port city. For a while, or just go to the sea to play?
Little Annie, who was walking with her head down and thinking about master control, suddenly discovered that many people here were happily pouring toward the big square in the middle of the city. What seemed to be fun?
Because she was idle and boring, and she was also a little curious, so Annie thought about it, and speeded up her pace, planning to follow these people to the front to see what happened, anyway, fun things, or watching the excitement. , She is the favorite!
After walking with the crowd for a long time, Annie came to a slightly larger square. Now, it was already crowded with dirty people inside and out. She definitely didn't want to rub these messy people. .
Originally, she wanted to float up and take a look directly with magic, but when she saw an exquisite carriage parked next to her, she jumped directly on top of the carriage and stood on the cowl of the carriage. At this moment, she was finally able to see the situation in the square clearly!
"You mix...! Okay..."
In the carriage driver's seat, sat a coachman in a tuxedo, closing his eyes to rest.
When he noticed that someone had climbed into the carriage, he was about to say a few words, or pick up the whip, and beat the opponent down. You know, the car he is driving now belongs to your Governor's house. How can these filthy civilians climb up? Don't want to die?
However, when he opened his eyes to see Little Annie's gorgeous clothes and her delicate and clean face, he didn't dared to say anything further.
Looking at the other person's appearance, he thought it was the daughter of a nobleman or a large merchant family, and the lady behind him did not reprimand him for this, so he didn't dare to talk more.
"So many people!"
After standing firmly on the big wooden slats of the horse-drawn carriage, little Annie looked at the crowd around her with an angry word.
Then, she put her hands on her forehead, avoiding the glare of the afternoon sun, and looked in front of her: It turned out that there was a huge boulder about a yard above the ground inside, in the middle of this square. Where is the high platform where there are four wooden crosses erected, and three of them have been scorched to black. The human figures on it are still emitting waves of black smoke, showing a twist Gesture.
Aha! It turns out that they are actually burning people to play? Are those burned bad guys?
Regarding the human-shaped distortions that were burned into coke, Annie said that she was very familiar with them, and there were too many bad guys burned like that!
And there was a woman on the other one. Her filthy hair fell down and covered her entire face. Even Annie, who had performed the Eagle Eye technique, couldn’t see her outline clearly, and the one next to her Others were piling up dry wood next to her wooden stakes, and then some others went up and poured fire oil.
"Hi, hello, big sister! What are they doing? Are they burning people?"
Annie had already noticed that the twisted objects on the three wooden stakes nearby that were burnt into coke were people. After seeing what those people did around the last wooden stake, she probably figured it out.
cut! This square turned out to be the execution ground. They came here to see people burned? Really annoying! If she knew this was the case, she would not come! What is so good about burnt eggs?
Finally, Annie couldn't help but turned around and asked about the beautiful big sister who was sitting in the main seat behind the open carriage and shook her fan.
"Ah! Little sister, were you asking me just now?"
Elizabeth Swann has always liked the sea, and especially liked the stories of pirates!
From a young age, she longed to be a captain, and then sailed the big sailing ship, sailed the sea to adventure, to pursue the legends of the pirates, and find the lost treasures!
However, the reality is cruel! All of this is so unattainable for her as the governor's eldest!
And just today, due to being forced to marry by father Wetherby Swan, who is the governor of Port Royal, she was depressed and took a carriage to the port for a trip.
However, on her way back, the lunatics who came across the church were executing their torture again, and her carriage was blocked by the surging crowd coming to watch the torture. For a while, she couldn’t advance or retreat. Sitting on the carriage like this, he was in a daze, planning to wait for the crowd to disperse before returning.
"Yeah! I just wanted to ask you, are those people burning people?"
After seeing the beautiful big sister in front of her finally came back to her reaction, Xiao Anni continued to point to Xingtai in the distance and asked.
"Burn people?"
Elizabeth came back to her senses and was curious about the little girl who climbed into her carriage. Before she could think of the daughter of this gorgeously dressed little girl, she couldn't help but say it again. After a while, she responded with a sneer after a while.
"You are wrong, not all people who are burned are bad guys! They are burning now, it is said to be a witch!"
That's it!
As the governor's daughter, Elizabeth certainly knows the doors and ways in it!
Anyway, she often met people in the church saying that they burned witches, burned witches, and did not see which of them was the real witch? They are nothing more than carrying out their own selfish desires for religious purposes.
"Huh! Little sister, who is the bad guy up there, maybe!"
It's just that the power of the church is too strong right now, even her father, who is the governor, dare not entangle with the church people more, let alone herself? At best, she was not seeing her. After a bunch of thoughts flashed through Elizabeth's mind, she finally could only snorted again.
"Burning witches? Why are they going to burn witches? Could it be that those witches did anything bad?"
When Annie went to school in New York or when she was a professor at Hogwarts, she didn’t read too many Western history books. New York’s elementary schools would not teach these cruel things, and the Hogwarts Library would not collect those hemp. She is not aware of the cruel persecution of witches by religion in the medieval history of the earth.
Therefore, when she suddenly heard what this beautiful sister said, knowing that those people were burning not bad guys, but witches, she felt a little bit confused and surprised.
In Little Annie's opinion, are witches so burnable? Let those people dare to try to burn her, and see if she doesn't confuse them with a fireball?
"Heh! Bad thing? No, little sister, you are wrong, as long as they suspect that you are a witch, they will burn it all! How can you care whether you are good or bad? Over the years, fewer women have been burned by them? "
Elizabeth stopped the fan in her hand, looked at the religious elements in the center of the square, and began to sneer in disdain.
She has long looked down upon these church extremists! Seeing the beautiful, eye-catching ones without backstage are called witches; those who provoke them a little bit are also called witches; those who have a little knowledge and dare to question the church are also vilified as witches! If it weren’t for the daughter of the Governor, and the backstage was hard enough, I’m afraid they would even want to burn themselves?
Those are a bunch of dirty underdevelopers! Scum! douchebag! In Elizabeth's view, they should all go to hell!
"As long as it is a witch, burn it?"
Annie had already seen that the people who had been burned in the field, and the woman who was about to be burned, they were not witches!
Because Annie didn't feel any magic fluctuations in their bodies, and there was no magic left behind!
So, those people are killing people? And, in the name of burning a witch?
Little Annie was very puzzled, she didn't understand, what happened to the witch? Did the witch provoke them? Whether it is good or bad, as long as they suspect that it is a witch, they will burn it?
what! This is very interesting!
Annie felt that her own anger value was now at max!
She herself is a little witch! Her own mother, Amoryn, is also the Shadow Witch! So, do they even want to burn themselves?
It's really great. Little Annie feels that she is in a bad mood anyway. She was tricked by Space Gems again and she was trying to find someone to vent her temper!
So, now, don't guard against accompany those people to have a good time, Annie wants to let them know what kind of existence is the real witch! Then, she also wanted to see, in the end, who burned whom?
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