Chapter 1466: -???(?????) The strongest in Sword Art Online...

Half a day passed...
SwordArtOnline, based on the NERvGear civilian terminal, has been running stably for several hours. Now many players who log in to this game are still immersed in this new type, the first large-scale VRMMO fully online virtual space sneak game developed with advanced technology. And some can't help it!
Although it is already dusk in both the game and the reality, most people still indulge in the gorgeous scenery, beautiful sunset, novel combat methods, beautiful (handsome) new friends and various kinds of new
. In all kinds of magical interaction methods, I don't know what they will face soon, the 10,000 lucky ones and the 1,000 "precursors" of the closed beta.
Finally, until the bell on the tower of the novice village (city) quietly rang and spread to the entire city, and then the system instantly teleported all of them back to the huge square where they logged in at the beginning, they are talents Finally came back:
It turns out that all this is really just a game, and when they haven't recovered, so long has passed?
After regaining their senses, they soon discovered that this game, it can't even go out?
Then, just as they were hesitating, disturbed, and tens of thousands of people crowded in the square to discuss, not knowing what to do, the sky suddenly became blood red, and then a dome composed of codes completely enveloped the sky of the entire square. Then the sky dripped with blood, and a guy with a huge GM image appeared high in the sky.
Subconsciously, most people thought that it was a certain operation speech of the developer, so they closed the option to quit the game and forced everyone back to the city?
Of course, some people think that it may be because the game has a BUG, ​​so that the players can't quit, so the game developers sent everyone here, ready to announce some emergency measures and corresponding compensation conditions?
Therefore, people gradually began to quiet down, and looked up towards the huge, hooded giant in the sky, towards the guy who seemed to be really a GM, and wanted to hear what the official game did. What kind of rhetoric is there?
"Dear players..."
"Welcome to my world!"
"I am the designer of SAO "Sword Art Online"-Kayaba Akihiko!"
In the sky, the huge giant didn't even care about the feelings of the thousands of players below, and began to speak as if it was condescending and overlooking the sentient beings.
"Now, I am the only human being able to control this world..."
"Presumably, all the players just noticed that the logout button in the main menu is gone, right?"
"I want to tell you, that's not a problem with the game."
"Repeat it again, it's not that there is a problem with the game, but SwordArtOnline was originally set to play like this."
"From now on, all of you will not be able to log out actively, and outsiders will not be able to stop or assist you in disarming that NERvGear..."
"If you dare to try, the high-power microwaves emitted by the signal unit of NERvGear will instantly destroy your brains. By then, you will completely stop all life activities!"
"So far, some players’ relatives and friends have ignored the warning and tried to forcibly disarm NERvGear. So far, there have been 213 players from our Aincrad world and the real world forever. Exited."
Kayaba Akihiko was like a machine without emotions, completely ignoring the life and death of those more than two hundred unlucky players and how terrifying the number of "over two hundred people" was, and he still said to himself.
"Now that everything is irreversible, I hope you can rest assured to play the game?"
"However, I hope you can pay attention to the fact that in the future, the original resurrection in the game will be cancelled. When your HP is cleared, your characters and real-world lives will disappear forever!"
"NERvGear will directly destroy your brains when you die!"
"Correspondingly, there is only one condition for you to be liberated and return to the real world: to get through this game!"
"Now, you are in the lowest level of the Aincrad world. As long as you go to the maze area of ​​each level and defeat the defending boss, you can enter the upper level, and as long as you defeat the final boss of the 100th floor, this game It will naturally end."
"Finally, I gave you some gifts..."
"Everything is over. My purpose has been completed. SwordArtOnline will officially operate from now on. Good luck to everyone?"
Soon, as the Kayaba Akihiko in the sky completely disappeared, this place was restored to the original dreamlike and beautiful game world.
"Do not…"
"I do not want!!"
"What are you kidding?"
"Quick! Quickly let me out!"
"I don't want to play this broken game, let me get out of here!"
"Damn it!"
"I have to work the night shift at night, so I'm going to be late!"
"My husband will be off work soon, I haven't gone to cook dinner yet!"
"What a broken game, I will never believe it!"
"Don't die, let me go!"
"Let us out..."
"Kayaba Akihiko! My dad is a heavy-mouthed group, let me go out quickly, or you will be dead!"
"Did you hear that?"
"I do not believe…"
"Shut up!"
"What the is going on, why can't I get out?"
"My logout option is gone..."
"Look for GM!"
"This must be fake!"
"It must be fake!"
"Could it be that the game official is acting for hype?"
"do not know…"
"Do not!"
"Hurry up and end it all!"
In the next instant, the entire square suddenly became noisy.
At this moment, the players can no longer experience this so-called new type of virtual space stealth game, and no longer want to stay in the so-called Aincrad world of swords and swords. They just want to return to reality quickly. Go into the world.
No matter how they are making noise, hysterical, cursing, or constantly trying to contact the outside world, contacting GM, complaining, calling the police, and constantly clicking the ‘logout’ button that has disappeared, it will not help.
The fact before everyone is: all of them are really trapped in this game. They can’t contact the outside world, and they can’t quit. They have no way to go except for themselves and their characters. Seek any help!
Of course, not everyone is arguing, cursing, or hysterical. Among the crowd, there is a little girl bitterly toward the sky of Aincrad World, toward the place where Kayaba Akihiko just disappeared. He curled his lips staringly and disdainfully.
"People just managed to kill that little BOSS in the wild, before he had time to open the treasure chest, that bad guy actually sent them here?"
That's right, just before teleporting here, while others were still happily killing wild boars, Annie had already killed a small boss in the wild.
"Wait, people will go to get through the broken tower in a few days and you off as a villain!"
"Wait and see!"
ε=(ˇεˇ))) Bah!
Since the other party did not allow herself to enjoy the fun of opening the treasure chest, little Annie, who was particularly careful and obsessive, decided on the spot: to demolish the one-hundred-story tower another day, let that guy know that she is Queen Anne. It's amazing.
With that said, among others, when the game players who don’t know whether it was 10,000 or more than 10,000 are still arguing and have not yet accepted the reality, Annie has already carried her iron sword upside down, bitterly. Di took the lead to kill out of the city.

Half an hour later, when most of the players in the city of Beginning were still making noise, a player named'Kirito' had already reacted, and after bidding farewell to his friends, he stepped forward resolutely. On the way to the next town.
Because he knew that soon, when the players in the city of Beginning came back to their senses and had to accept the reality, the monsters around the town would definitely be hunted out soon. Therefore, in order to level up effectively, For the sake of his own life, he could only plan early if he felt that he had to become stronger.
He took advantage of the closed beta (clobber) he had participated in, and took the lead in going to the next village through the safe route he found during the closed beta, and then took the advantage of those people in the city to occupy the superior leveling place to achieve Grab resources, become stronger as soon as possible and clear the maze to go to the next level, and then leave the purpose of this game early!
During the closed beta, they hit the seventh floor. Those are all known content. He, the closed beta player, must seize the opportunity.
"that is…"
Outside the city, Kirito, who was running on the road, unexpectedly ran into a little girl who was beheading wild beasts in the wilderness beside the road.
It was a group of steppe wolves. When the players in the city of Beginning were still dealing with those clumsy wild boars, the opponent could already dance and kill wantonly among the dangerous wolves with one person and one sword. Just looking at it from a distance, Kirito was already a little surprised.
You know, although he and Klein have practiced for an afternoon, they are still LV1. Even with their own skill and skill, they can deal with that kind of speed in the case of LV1. Steppenwolves with sharp claws and teeth must be very careful. It is already very reluctant to win in a one-on-one situation. How can they dare to rush to the wolves alone like the other party?
So, unconsciously, he gradually stopped and looked at it with a little solemnity.
Not long after, when seeing the little girl perfectly avoid all the attacks of the wolves, and finally solved them all unscathed, and after she had successfully reached one level, Kirito immediately decided to go to the next town on her own. Before, should I get to know such a powerful player?
"That one…"
"You, how are you?"
So, when he saw the little girl finishing the spoils and preparing to walk away, he stammered and said hello to the other party.
"Who are you, do people know you?"
After looking at the other party, Annie said that the first one in her friend list was her own game character ID, and the others were all blank. She obviously didn't know the other party.
"Is such that…"
"My name is Kirito. Excuse me, are you also a beta tester?"
In Kirito's view, such a powerful player was a wild boar group before, and now a steppe wolf. If the opponent is not a beta tester, he might not believe it first!
"But, what is a beta tester?"
"Before the public beta, players who had grabbed those 1,000 places, got the game device NERvGear in advance and accepted the invitation to test this game..."
"Could it be that you are not?"
Kirito felt a little weird, and couldn't believe that the little girl in front of him who ran to such a dangerous place to level up alone was not a closed beta player.
"This is my first time playing today!"
"The first time..."
"Then what level are you now?"
To be honest, Kirito still feels a little reluctant to believe that this kind of performance can be achieved the first time I play.
"How many levels?"
"People have forgotten that there is a level, wait a minute!"
"Huh? They seem to be level 7 now!"
"Level seven or seven?!"
Kirito was stunned. Now he is still at level LV1, but the other party has reached level LV7...Who is the ‘sealer’?
"It's level seven! Besides, I seem to have forgotten to add some..."
With that said, Annie started to add up the points obtained after the leveling up indiscriminately.
"Where are you going now?"
The opponent is actually at level 7. If you go to the town like yourself, Kirito feels that the two should be able to go together in a team. That way, the dangerous points on the road should be easily crushed by the opponent's level. When you press over, you don't need to be so careful.
"Northern? But the monsters in the north are very strong. Even if you rise to level 10 soon, it's better not to go too early?"
Frowning, and after bringing up the map and taking a look, Kirito soon knew what the little girl was referring to. Therefore, in a serious and responsible manner, he carefully persuaded the other party.
"Very strong?"
"Yes it is!"
Kirito nodded.
"How do you know how strong you are?"
"Anyway, very strong..."
"Because I am a beta tester, I have been there before when I was level 10, but I was quickly killed by a monster there. At that time, it was just a test, and I can be resurrected if I die."
"but now…"
Thinking about the terrible punishment of failure now, Kirito couldn't help but shudder, not knowing what to say.
"Is it this way?"
"That's easy, people go there now! People like that kind of super monster!"
() Hey!
"Did you not hear what the madman said?"
"You can't be resurrected if you die!"
Seeing that the little girl had to insist on going, Kirito couldn't help feeling a little anxious.
"People won't die! Those monsters have never been able to touch them!"
In fact, it doesn't matter even if the game character is dead. Anyway, Annie didn't wear the so-called NERvGear game helmet at all, so a bad guy would definitely not be able to burn her brain!
Moreover, even if she let the bad guy burn it, it would definitely not be burnt.
"Can't touch it?"
"You mean..."
"Are you still avoiding everything up to now?"
His eyes rounded in an unbelievable way, and Kirito exclaimed as if he had discovered something extraordinary.
"Of course!"
"how did you do it?"
If the other party has any skills, Kirito is obviously willing to learn.
"It's a short answer!"
"Look at the movements of those foolish monsters, and then just avoid them in advance!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
Put it lightly!
Obviously, Kirito didn't believe the other party's nonsense, he just subconsciously believed that the other party would not speak his skills.
"I won't tell you, it's the north side, right? I went to fight those powerful monsters. Goodbye, Uncle Tongren!"
ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~
After speaking, Little Annie looked to the west and then to the north. She felt that the steppe wolves in the west were a little weak, so she decided to go north and fight the more powerful monsters.
"Big, uncle?!"
"Hey, you haven't said your name yet!"
Seeing that the other party was leaving, Kirito hurriedly shouted, and wanted to add the other party as his friend.
"You are too weak, and they refuse to tell you their name!"
After looking at each other contemptuously, Annie ran away with her small broken iron sword, and quickly disappeared at the end of the northern wasteland path, obviously not planning to have a relationship with the trumpet named Tongren friend.
You are too weak, too weak, too weak, too...
The echo rang in Tong Ren's ears, making him feel like a thunder, and he couldn't recover for a long time.
You know, UU reading www. is a fraudster. When others are still wailing, cursing or complaining about the information, he is already on his way to a new village, and he is a steppen wolf that can only be dealt with by ordinary people at level three. LV1 can kill solo, where is he weak?
"Forget it!"
"Anyway, you can't lag behind that guy too much, you should hurry to the village, and then quickly occupy the monster resources and upgrade before others come!"
"I will definitely go back alive!"
"Most definitely!"
First, he secretly cheered on himself from the bottom of his heart, and then, Kirito didn't say much, but resolutely ran toward the west and ran along the road.
Not long after the two were separated, the sky in Aincrad’s world gradually turned black, and in the distance, in the city of initiation, including the beta testers, there are now at least more than 10,000 players. Stay in the city.

-() Seeking monthly pass
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