Chapter 1483: (●??`●) The big bald head in 1 Punch Man (...

City Z, it was originally a relatively large city. Of course, it was before the disaster. Now City Z is definitely not more prosperous than other cities around it, and heroes. City A, where the headquarters of the association is located, is the difference between heaven and earth.
In the current city of Z, only the central area is inhabited, but the population density is relatively low. Outside the central area, there are large expanses of no-man’s land with warning signs!
There, the frequency of weird people or monsters is very high, and it has overwhelmingly surpassed other places in the entire island country. It is a terrible place that scares people and is unwilling to live with money.
Since weird people began to appear ten years ago, especially those high-level weird people who frequently appeared in the no-man’s land of Z City, residents have either fled City Z or moved to live in the center of the city, houses, water and electricity in the no-man’s land. Living facilities such as natural gas are so abandoned that even maintenance workers dare not repair or close them.
In addition, it is necessary to supply people’s lives in the central city of Z, and energy facilities such as water, electricity, etc. lead from outside the city to the city. The key line is in the no-man’s land, so that is the house where Annie lives. The area where the apartment building of a certain bald-headed man is located still has the real reason why water and electricity can continue to be used.
Over time, the famous no-man’s land in Z city began to have such terrible titles as
ghost city
unmanned ghost mythical creature
no owner’s land
, etc., and the price and rent of the urban area became so cheap. The point is that it can't be cheaper anymore.
In fact, there is no rent at all!
Anyway, it is probably: in the no man’s land of City Z, all the houses, water, electricity, land and other facilities, no matter who they are, can go in and use them freely, and the rent, water, electricity, etc. are all covered. It's free, as long as you are not afraid of the various super scary monsters in it, and you are not afraid of being caught and killed or eaten by monsters at any time?
So far no one knows why only the weird people in the no-man’s land of Z City appear frequently and the number has been increasing. I don’t know why the weird people never emerge from the no-man’s land of Z City and then directly kill the terror. Spreading to the central area of ​​City Z, this is something that even the Heroes Association headquarters has not yet been able to figure out or understand.
Therefore, today, they sent two A-level heroes, the Golden Ball, who ranked 29th in A-level heroes, and Spring Beard, who ranked 29th in A-level heroes, and Spring Beard, who ranked 33rd in A-level heroes, and let them team up to go to City Z. The No Man’s Land investigates the cause of the formation of the ghost city and the mysterious truth about the frequent occurrence of weird people.
But then...
When Annie and Bald Saitama heard the movement of the battle and rushed over together, they found:
The golden ball, ranked 29th in the A-level League of Heroes, and the spring beard, ranked 33rd in the A-level, had fallen tragically under the weird man with his head covered in kelp and passed out directly. Passed.
"Uncle Bald, look, there seems to be a weird person over there. Did he just crawl out of the sea? Why is there so much hot kelp on his body?"
Standing side by side on the roof of this building with bald Saitama, Annie saw it at a glance:
On the street in front, there is a weird man with weird kelp on his head?
It’s now daytime. If it’s night time, that hideous face, mossy body skin, and slimy and dancing kelp hair will surely scare many kids and cowards. .
"do not know……"
"It's also possible that the mutated weirdo caused by the excessive discharge of nuclear waste water?"
Scratching his sleek head, and then looking at the dense kelp hair of the other party, somehow, Saitama felt jealous.
He always has an urge to rush forward regardless, defeat the opponent, and tear off his overly lush ‘hair’?
In short, Saitama just couldn't see others have lush hair, especially the weird guy with the thick ‘hair’ at the front that covered his body, making him feel that the other party was blatantly mocking him for being a bald man.
"Uncle Bald, do you want to beat it?"
Annie felt the faint hostility on the other party, and couldn't help asking a little strangely.
"Don't do it for now, right?"
"We just hit the ball yesterday, and we took photos and uploaded them. We don't have to worry about active tasks anymore this week, or should we just let it go for two days and wait until next Monday to clean it up?"
"And I seem to forgot to buy seaweed sauce today..."
Yes, in Saitama's opinion, whether it is the identity of the other party's weird person or the active task is secondary. The most important thing now is that he didn't remember to buy kelp sauce when he went shopping in the supermarket today, and if he didn't buy kelp sauce If it is, those kelp will definitely have a smell of sea, and the experience is definitely not very good.
When you can wait for them to go to the supermarket a few days later, you must remember to buy that sauce, and then stop by to clean up each other when they come back?
In that way, the problem of ingredients is solved, the problem of tasks is solved, and many days of garnishing money can be saved. Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?
"Uncle Bald, the kelp on that weird head is slimy and dirty. It doesn't look like that delicious..."
As a foodie, Annie naturally knows what the bald-headed Saitama is trying to do, and also knows that the dense head full of kelp on the head of the weird person below must be able to eat for a long, long time, but...the thought of spicy kelp is the head of a weird person. She had no appetite instantly when it grew out of it.
"Can that thing be eaten?"
"People always think it's better not to try those weird things?"
Anyway, Annie herself would definitely not try it lightly, and if it were the ones that grew out of the sea, there would be no problem.
"Of course you can eat it!"
"Wash it and use it to make soup. It must be delicious..."
"If you can't finish it, you can dry it. That thing can be kept for a long time! It just so happens that the balconies of the surrounding apartments are empty and unoccupied. Can we unplug it to dry on the balcony for a few days?"
He stretched out his nose and sniffed in the air. Soon, bald Saitama, who smelled a strong smell of sea, nodded firmly.
The smell of kelp on the strange man was so strong that he could smell it on the roof of the building where he and Xiao Annie were. So, it must be kelp, it must be correct.
At this time, the weird man on the abandoned road below did not notice the existence of Saitama and Xiao Anni at all, just looking at the two A-level heroes defeated by it and triumphant.
‘Jie! ’
'what the hell! ’
‘It’s so hard to come here, but I ran away for nothing and knocked down two heroes? ’
'no! ’
‘How can you be famous if you stay in a place like this? ’
‘It seems that I’m going to break into the residential area and kill all the residents. Only then can I cause enough sensation? ’
‘Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie...’
'Decided! ’
As if talking to himself, after the kelp weirdo finished speaking, he no longer cares about the two A-level heroes who passed out.
At this time, without waiting for Annie's reaction, Saitama's brows were raised and he jumped straight down and stood in front of the weird man.
Originally bald Saitama really planned to raise each other for two days, and wait until next week, and wait until he buys the seaweed sauce before tidying up the other party, but now it doesn’t work, because he will definitely not tolerate the other party going to live in the center of Z city. The district is troubled.
Otherwise, when all the people in the central area of ​​Z City die or run away, and the entire Z City becomes a no-man's land, where will he go shopping in the future?
You know, due to the fact that the population of Z City has been dwindling, supermarket prices have always been very low, and he often has big promotions on Saturdays, but he likes it very much, but he can’t let that kelp monster turn Z City over the past few years. The stable ecological and cultural environment that was formed with great difficulty have been destroyed.
"Who are you?"
"Are you a hero again?"
Seeing Saitama jumping from the sky, the kelp monster was startled.
"Yes! I am a C-ranked hero, and my hero rank was originally C-ranked 388th, second to last!"
"Mr. Frankenstein, let’s discuss it. It’s like this. You live here for two days. Don’t rush to the residential area. After two days, I will buy the seasoning and then come here to kill you. What do you think of this suggestion? Sample?"
Looking at the other party's kelp, and then at the thick, tough and flexible appearance of the kelp, Bald Saitama swallowed first, and then solemnly proposed to the kelp monster.
"You die for me!!!"
How could the kelp weirdo accept that kind of outrageous suggestion?
Therefore, it didn’t even think about it. After being silent for a while, looking at the expressionless dead fish face of Saitama for a few seconds, it turned its face and sold it, controlling the kelp that covered the sky from all directions. Shaved Saitama rolled over!
The kelp was so dense and terrifying that even the sun was completely covered, and it directly shrouded Saitama in the terrible dark shadow.
But then...
puff! !
A dull collision sounded from a fist to the flesh, and when Little Annie followed and floated down the stairs and fell to the ground, the kelp monster had fallen to the ground motionless.
"It's dead?"
Stepping forward, first tentatively kicked the weird person in the foot, and then Annie turned her head and asked the uncle bald.
"I do not know either……"
"You see, he did it first, and I returned a punch."
As he said, Saitama leaned down, grabbed one of the other's kelp hair, pinched it with his hand, then licked it, and finally even opened his mouth to take a bite.
Saitama's face changed.
"What are you doing?"
"This is really kelp..."
"Do you want to eat kelp at night?"
Saitama pulled out one of them easily when he applied force, and found that its roots were exactly the same as kelp, and the thickness and toughness were even better. It could be said that it was the best kelp, and his hands started to start. Some shivered.
"Eat, eat its hair?!"
"I don't want to grin, it's disgusting! And, it looks dirty..."
Without thinking about it, Annie directly shook her head like a rattle, and then took two big steps back hurriedly.
You know, Annie almost never eats intelligent creatures, let alone humanoid creatures!
And that weird person is obviously also a humanoid, and even talking, he will definitely not appear in Annie's cookbook.
Although the other party’s hair is real kelp, Annie wouldn’t eat anything on that monster, even kelp!
"It's free!"
"Do not want?"
"All right……"
Seeing that Xiao Anni continued to shake her head and took two steps firmly back, there was no way, but Saitama had to give up regretfully.
"Don't forget it, but I want to try..."
Saitama wouldn't tell Xiao Anni that in that kind of kelp factory, the unprocessed kelp in there, the workers used shovel shovel, took their feet to step on, it was much dirtier than this.
But anyway, kelp or something can be eaten as long as it is washed and washed. He doesn’t mind whether it grows on a rock or on a weird person’s head, that kind of boring Of course, the most important thing is. Yes: The kelp in front of him doesn't need to spend money. Although he has made a lot of money recently, if he can save it, he still has to save a little bit of money as much as possible.
Not long after, Saitama, who used both hands and feet, quickly plucked out the head of the weird person under Anne’s gaze, turning it into a big bald head, and then happily Hugging the kelp and walked towards the apartment.
"I want to cook a pot of seaweed miso soup tonight. Please come to our house as a guest, okay?"
Feeling that I often go to the neighbor’s little girl’s house to eat rice, but Saitama seems to be planning to be courteous and use the fresh kelp I harvested today to entertain his good neighbors?
Of course, if you cook miso soup, probably one is almost enough, and if you leave the extra, he can let Janos dry it and eat it slowly.
During this period of time, because Genos had to come and practice with him, his family’s food expenses had doubled out of thin air, so he had to make careful calculations, especially the ingredients, and the food should not be wasted. Also continue to buy special products that are about to expire!
"People don't want to eat at your house!"
"Don't even think about it!!"
"That's a shame..."
Soon, as Xiao Anni and Saitama left, there were only the two comatose A-level heroes and the kelp weirdo with their ‘hair’ pulled out on this street.

(?ω?) Monthly pass (?ω?)
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