Chapter 1516:

I went to the Japanese country to fight the Japanese pirates, burned two ports, wiped out the largest Japanese pirates who came to the island, forced the surrender of the Hizen family and the shogunate, burned at least a thousand sampans of large and small sea ships, and also obtained the Japanese sampan. The Li family fleet with exclusive rights to trade is returning on this sunny sea, loaded with countless gold and silver and precious goods.
Although today’s weather is very good, due to the headwind, the Li family’s large fleet of ten terrifying super flying shear battleship fleets can only move forward slowly in a zigzag manner using crosswinds, and the speed is probably only Less than one-fifth of the downwind, and the voyage has become farther, so I have been sailing at sea for several days, but it is still floating on the sea, probably only about half of the voyage from Wa to Hangzhou. .
However, the fleet is not in a hurry, because they have nothing important to do. They just return to Hangzhou to replenish and process some seized goods. At the current speed, even with headwinds, up to three to five days, they will definitely be able to do so. I saw the Qiantang River.
And what they are more worried about now is whether the docks in Hangzhou can berth their giant ships?
Also, will the big ship run aground in the Qiantang River?
Anyway, the crew knows that if the ship is too big, unloading will definitely be a big problem. As for the massive amounts of gold and silver, they definitely don’t need to worry about it, because they are not cargo, but can be used directly. The money is used, and then it can be directly transported back to the fortress base in Xiaoliuqiu for storage. There are deep-water ports and many large berths there.
"There is a situation!!"
"There is a boat! Someone is waving a flag at us, and there is a bit of smoke!"
At this time, just as the fleet was headed by the flagship of the Xiang Feihu and headed towards the sea off Hangzhou in a row, suddenly the watchman on the mast supported the hanging basket for the watch, The captain with the beard, who was sipping tea on the podium, let out a cry.
"Waving the flag?"
"Worry about it?"
It’s not surprising to run into other ships at sea. After all, although Daming has been implementing strict maritime bans, ocean-going trade has huge profits. Making money outside the scope of the law is more fragrant than anything, so Many merchants, shipowners, and even the declining navy will take risks and use sea ships to secretly do business in the Daming waters, making a fortune in a muffled voice.
However, under normal circumstances, the other party would avoid the fleet of their Li family from a distance, and they rarely waved flags at them and lit up smoke from a distance to attract attention.
"It seems that the sails are broken?"
"Then a broken offshore ship, how come that kind of Cangshan ship came to the deep sea, and they would die?"
The bearded Captain with a ferocious face picked up the binoculars and looked around for a while, and he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.
Because he recognized that kind of ship, it was obviously the Cangshan ship of the Daming Navy. It was the smallest of the Haicang ships. It was also known as Cangshan Iron. Sail, the wind will swing.
This kind of boat is light and dexterous. It is mainly used for chasing enemies and catching the first stage. It is equipped with two Qianjin Flange machines, three Wankou guns, four Lumi guns, 40 nozzles, 60 chimneys, and firebricks. Thirty yuan, one hundred rockets, four medicine crossbows, and one hundred crossbow arrows.
"Pass the order!"
"The other ships continue to move forward, our Xiang Feihu directly leaned over to see what happened to them!"
After pondering for a while, the beard still planned to go up and take a look.
Because the other party sent a distress signal, and since they ran into it at sea, it was reasonable to see and rescue them. Besides, they have a fleet of ten huge ships here, and a huge fleet with more than 10,000 crew members. How can they be afraid of any conspiracy and tricks on the other side's small sampan?
Soon, under the beard’s order, after the flag bearers raised the signal flag, the flagship of the
Xiang Feihu
headed out of the queue, and the remaining nine warships in the fleet were still heading slowly in the original direction. As it headed west, it deftly turned around and rushed towards the small sampan Cangshan ship found to the north.
About a quarter of an hour later, the flagship of the'Xiang Feihu' slowly approached the Cangshan ship that was floating on the sea at this time.
"Who are you?"
"Is it Daming's navy?"
Just tossing down the cable to fix the opponent, the bearded captain with a row of musketeers condescendingly looked at the opponent asked, and the old man below who looked very embarrassed and had chapped lips opened his mouth and asked hopefully.
Looking at the men and women who filed out of the small cabin of the other party at this time, and even a few Sergeant Daming with swords, the bearded heart couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, wondering what is going on with these people in front of him.
"We belong to the Li family fleet!"
However, he still didn't try to make things difficult for the other party. Instead, he replied heartily and loudly after confirming that these people were probably only in trouble at sea, not the kind of pirates who don't know the heights of the earth.
"Li's fleet?"
"Dare to ask, which Li family fleet is it?"
The old man obviously didn't know any Li family fleet, so he looked at the huge ship like a lofty mountain, and then looked at the big'Li' hanging on the top of the sail mast that completely covered the sun. He hesitated for a while, then asked again with the strange black blind man's prow like the big banner of the word and the bow.
"Hangzhou Li Family Fleet!"
Seeing those below who were clearly asking for help, but still a little distrustful, and even the old guy who even asked questions, the beard began to snorted impatiently.
"That's great, then you must be Ming people?"
Hearing that Beard said it was a certain Li family in Hangzhou or the fleet of General Li, the old man finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly waved towards the cabin, as if he was preparing for some people to come out?
Although the other party asked nonsense, but the beard still patiently answered such a sentence.
"Dare to ask the strong man!"
"Where do you come from and where are you going?"
"I just went to fight against the Japanese country, and now I am triumphant, and I am going to return to Hangzhou for some supplies."
"Back to Hangzhou?"
"Are you really Da Ming people?"
"Look at what you said, is it possible that what I'm waiting to say is the Japanese dialect, and the Li-shaped banner above is a fake?"
The beard is really impatient, he can see it, the guy below has made it clear that he refuses to trust them, he doesn't understand it, the other party is in such a difficult situation why he still asks so many things, if not look at them Poor, seeing that they are all of Daming's people, maybe he directly ordered the sail to go for a long time.
"Very good!"
"The sky has eyes, and the sky has eyes!"
"We escaped from Zhigu, which is Tianjin, hurry up! Get down and drive, we have a princess Daming on board!"
Finally, after speaking of this, the bad old man with chapped lips finally put down all his defenses, and shouted directly toward the big beard with excitement.
"Princess Daming?"
"Really, your little broken ship is still equipped with a princess?"
"I don't really believe it!"
The Bearded Captain did not move, still frowning condescendingly.
If the other party’s ship is a
closed boat
or another larger lucky ship and there are a lot of following ships, he may really believe it, but now, such a small broken ship, dare to say that it’s installed on top If there is a princess, let him greet him and treat him as a three-year-old child?
"This is absolutely true!"
The bad old man below was taken aback, obviously he didn't expect that the beard would be this reaction and attitude.
"Then how did you float here?"
"I waited for heavy rain on the sea, but I didn't dare to dock and stop the boat. I lost my way without checking. I floated on the sea for many days. The food was exhausted, and there was not much water left."
"But, good point, why doesn't the princess stay in the capital?"
"The capital?"
"You don't know?"
"what do you know?"
"The capital has long been broken by thieves. I was waiting for the princess to escape with desperate effort. Your majesty has been martyred to the country, and I am dead!"
The old man was also a little bit mournful suddenly, couldn't help but sighed with grief.
At this time, in the small cabin of the Cangshan ship, two young girls in palace costumes finally supported a pale, sluggish girl who was still wrapped in a gorgeous cloak and got out of the cabin. .
Captain Bearded was taken aback, the original look on his face quickly turned into consternation, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.
"I Daming..."
The exquisite single-scope telescope in his hand fell directly onto the deck, but the beard didn’t mean to pick it up at all. He just looked at the small Cangshan ship below with a little bewilderment, and at the same time the focus of his eyes was also Began to separate gradually.
"This is impossible!"
You know, they just went to the Wa country to show off their power, and they almost did not destroy the other country directly. They also earned countless gold and silver, forcing the other party to sign a series of unequal treaties with their Li family. But now, They only returned halfway. When they were still a few days away from Hangzhou, they encountered a broken ship. The people on the ship told him that the Ming Empire was dead and the capital was captured by thieves. Even the Emperor Chongzhen was martyred. ? !
"You bastard!"
"Is it enough? Why don't you greet you?"
"hurry up!"
"The princess still has injuries, she has been hungry for two days!!!"
Seeing the people around the big beard on the big ship began to whisper to each other, and the head of the beard himself was even more silly and not knowing what he was thinking, the thin, horrible old man once again shouted towards'Xiang Feihu The people on the'number' rebuked.
"Send someone down and let someone use a basket to pull them all up!"
"and also!"
"Immediately report to the Grand Admiral!"
Frowning, black face, and groaning for a while, the bearded captain, whose expression turned a bit sullen, couldn't think about more, had to clear up his mood and turned and spoke to the officers.
Soon, the sailors on the "Xiang Feihu" began to get busy. Some followed the rope ladder and went straight down. Others put down the hanging baskets and dragged down the guys who claimed to be Princess Daming and his entourage. On the deck.
At the same time, someone rushed to the spiral staircase on the deck for the first time, and began to slap the largest cabin under the ship's command platform, which is the door of the captain's room.
Two hours later, Xiang Feihu caught up with the fleet again, and at the same time, it was still dragging the empty little Cangshan ship with a cable behind it.
At this time, in the infirmary of the'Xiang Feihu', two palace maids who were relieved after eating and drinking were carefully supporting the pale face on the hospital bed. Princess Changping, who still seemed weak, was feeding some food. Liquid meat porridge, while her left arm sleeve was empty, the wound medicine and bandage were replaced by the medical officer on the ship not long ago.
At this time, as the chief admiral and the second admiral of the fleet, Xiao Anni and Song Yifeng must also be qualified to be in the infirmary here, but they were not here to meet and drive, they just heard that the fleet had rescued one. Princess, that's why it's rare to come here with the heart of looking at the excitement and not too much.
"Annie, is she really Daming's princess?"
After watching for a while, looking at the so-called princess who was groggy after drinking less than half a bowl of gruel, and then asked the two court ladies to support the so-called princess again, Song Yifeng leaned to Annie's ear and asked in a low voice. Writes.
"Does anyone know?"
"They said yes, that's it!"
Anyway, Annie doesn't know these people, so, is the other party a princess? It seems that she has nothing to do with her?
"But why did she break her hand?"
"It looks so pathetic..."
"Did the rebels really hit the Daming Capital? Then will Hangzhou and Yizhou also be attacked by the rebels? What should we do if we return to Hangzhou two days later and encounter the rebels?"
Song Yifeng was a little worried.
Because the Daming Empire is the suzerain state of their North Korea, but now it’s better. Daming has collapsed due to civil strife. Even the capital has been taken down, and even the emperor has died. In the future, it is uncertain what Hangzhou, Yizhou, and Quanzhou will become. When the time comes, how will the Li family fleet continue to do business?
"People don't know..."
"Whoever dares to embarrass our Li family fleet, let's go bombing whoever is right!"
"It's a big deal, you just need to take over those places, and then you don't have to pay taxes anymore!"
(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!
Annie suddenly thought of such a good idea.
Now that Ming is dead, can it be said that they should take advantage of the bad guys called the thief to take advantage of Hangzhou, Yizhou, and Quanzhou before they can occupy those places, so as to facilitate the Li family fleet to do business in the future?
"Can you do that?"
Song Yifeng was a little at a loss, wondering if their chief admiral was serious.
"It can be, but it seems a little troublesome to think about it..."
Yes, Annie pondered for a moment, and she felt that it was indeed troublesome.
Because those cities are not islands, nor are they surrounded by the sea like the Wa country, their fleets seem to be unable to effectively guard those cities, let alone drive them ashore.
"Anyway, let's take a look at that time!"
ε=(′ο`))) alas
Anne obviously didn't like to think about troublesome things, so she didn't plan to think about it at all, and planned to wait until then to talk about it.
"In this way, Da Ming is really dead..."
Standing with the skinny old man who is said to be an by the door of the infirmary, he didn’t hear what the two messy little girls in the cabin were talking about. That princess, he couldn't help but sighed again with a bit of sorrow.

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