Chapter 1543: ?|·'-'·) Devil from the East

In the Tripoli port tavern on the southern coast of the Mediterranean in northern Africa, a group of drunk and dirty drunks, downcast sailors waiting for work, barely dressed and lingering dancers, and those who don’t know what they want to do. The guys in the captain's hat are caring here or whispering to each other, making the entire tavern miserable.
In fact, in this crazy era of great navigation, this situation can't be more normal in taverns all over the world, which is not surprising.
At this time, in a corner, an alcoholic was sitting at the table and didn't know what he was saying, and gradually attracted the attention of many people.
"To tell you the latest news, uh..."
"Pirate King Haireding!"
"You should all know, right?"
After a burp of alcohol and a turbid and foul-smelling odor in his throat, the drunkard whose teeth turned yellow and his face was full of dirt did he continue to say:
"The king of pirates in the Mediterranean, Barbarossa Fasser Heleding, threatened the admiral of the Li family fleet in Algiers port a month ago!"
"The results of it……"
"You might as well guess?"
Halfway through, the drunkard stopped abruptly, and then asked with a grinning grin towards the surrounding drunk prostitutes and the captains who were attracted by his topic, and then unconsciously surrounded him.
"Say it!"
"Less long-winded! Say it!"
"I have your glass of wine!"
After noisy for a while, without waiting for the people to continue to urge more, a captain who seemed to have a little money directly threw a coin into the emptied oak cup in front of the drunkard, indicating that he could continue talking .
"Good good!"
"I'm telling you, that Li family fleet, those Orientals, after they had finished their supplies, they went out of the port and fought with the pirate king Barbarossa Fasr Hereding who wanted to them away! "
Having said this, the drunkard stopped again, and looked around at the people around him who were listening to him with their breath, without mentioning how proud he was.
"Then what?"
"Say it!"
It was the captain who had just dropped the coin, he was obviously already a little impatient.
"Of course..."
This time, the drunkard didn't continue to sell off, but after seeing everyone was attracted and no one was talking to interrupt, he said with lingering fear:
"Of course the dozen or so ships of the Pirate King were all sunk!"
"It's all gone!"
"Don't you know, those Orientals are too cruel... The naval gun came directly from a few hundred yards away, and one shot came over, and then the hull of the pirate king fleet appeared one by one big breaches, and the sea continued to flow. The madness rushes in, and it can't be saved!"
"The artillery of the Li's fleet is really well-deserved. It's really too ruthless and accurate, just like the devil!"
"At that time, the Pirate King ordered to abandon the ship on the spot!"
"They fled back to Algiers in embarrassment. Only less than half of them returned..."
Having said that, the drunkard seemed to be remembering something, and it took a long time before he continued.
"You know, I was slapped severely in the face by those Easterners just after the threat. Of course our Mediterranean pirate king wouldn't let it go, right?"
"Half a month later, they were here again, fighting in the sea north of Tripoli!"
"This time, the Pirate King learned his lesson. He dispatched nearly 30 Clippers, all of them are Clippers! Because he knows that the Li family's cannons are powerful, so he doesn't plan to play artillery battles with those Orientals at all. Now, he is ready to fight for help!"
"As you also know, the pirate king Barbarossa Fasser Hayreddin is the closest existence to human limits. No one can beat him!"
"not a single one!"
At this time, almost all the people in the tavern were quiet, and they gathered here unconsciously, surrounded by several floors, even the owner of the tavern and the pungent waitress gathered around, all waiting for the teeth to turn yellow. , The drunk sailor with the dirt on his face continued.
"No one thought of..."
"The ships of the Li family fleet, those warships that are bigger than the largest Dutch pot-bellied cargo ship, run faster than the Pirate King's Clippers?"
The drunkard's eyes gradually became a little blurred, and he began to recall full of memories.
"It was a stormy, fan-like night..."
"Taking advantage of the night, the squally wind and the huge waves, against the downpour, the pirate king Barbarossa Fasser Hereding naked upper body, holding two scimitars in his hands, his feet nailed like nails. On the deck behind the bow, like a lion, glaring fiercely at the front of the Li family fleet in the dark."
"That night, the sky was raining heavily, and the sky was dark. Only the occasional lightning that struck the sea could the sailors on both sides see each other's position and distance briefly."
"The Pirate King’s plan is correct. In that bad sea condition, both the accuracy and firing frequency of the Li’s fleet’s naval guns have been greatly reduced. More than a dozen ships successfully rushed to within three hundred yards of the Li's fleet!"
"It was a successful strategy and a perfect sneak attack, just like the pirate king usually did against those merchant ships or warships."
"When the two sides reached a distance of two hundred yards, it was surprising that the Li's fleet's naval gun suddenly rang again and blasted towards the Pirate King's fleet overwhelmingly!"
At this point, the drunkard with yellow teeth and dirt on his face stopped again, and the expression of fear began to appear on his face as if it were on the scene.
"too frightening!"
"Those Easterners are really cunning. They actually let the Pirate King's fleet get closer, and then they suddenly opened fire like that."
"It's too tragic..."
"It's really tragic!"
"You think, because I was going to fight for the jump, so almost all the melee fighters under the Pirate King gathered on the deck braving the wind and rain, but it turned out..."
"Under the violent shelling of the Li family fleet and the double blow of platoon guns, don't mention how miserable it is!"
"One by one shells roared over, and all the people on the deck in a straight line were instantly shattered to pieces!"
"There is no place to hide!"
"Because, in addition to the cannonballs, the overwhelming, raindrop-like rows of gun bullets also shot from a high altitude and diagonally."
"It didn't take long for the entire deck to be left with dead bodies..."
"Those oriental cannons continue to roar..."
"More than 20 Clippers, at the end of the first round of shelling, nearly ten were sunk on the spot, and several were scattered!"
"Immediately afterwards, the opponent's second round of shelling rang again..."
"In the end, only Hai Redding's flagship'Bald Eagle' was like a flash of lightning. Taking advantage of the chaos and darkness, it detoured and rammed the Oriental's flagship'Xiang Feihu' head on."
"Then guess what?"
Having said that, the drunkard with a look of fear and confusion on his face suddenly stopped talking, but kept going into his already emptied wine glass.
"Say it!"
"Say it quickly!"
"Anxious to death!"
"that is!"
"Shut up!"
"I invite you to drink two glasses, go ahead!"
Before the irritable alcoholics clamored, two beers violently photographed the table in front of the drunkard sailor with yellow teeth and dirt on his face.
Upon seeing this, the drunkard couldn't wait to pick up one of the cups and gulped.
Soon, he drank one of the cups in one breath, and then slowly said under the impatient eyes of everyone and the various urges to greet his ancestors and women:
"To be honest, at that time, the Bald Eagle almost really succeeded..."
"It is like a bolt of lightning. Under the control of the best red-nosed helmsman under Hai Redding's command, it dexterously avoided the enemy's shelling, preventing the enemy from wanting to change course and use the side-side shelling, and use the waves to go up and down. Use the hull to block the enemy's platoon guns."
"They quickly rushed to within fifty yards of the bow of the Xiang Feihu, and even the Flash saw clearly the bow of the fierce demon bear on the bow of the Eastern ship, and they could proceed immediately. Rely on help!"
"You can't think of it, right?"
"At this time, the bow of the'Bald Eagle' is facing the bow of the'Xiang Feihu', seeing that the two sides will hit each other severely, and then the Pirate King and his men can jump on the ship. When the Easterners were slaughtered, the bow guns of those Easterners actually fired!"
"Moreover, that God or the gods may really be the pirate king who abandoned us..."
"Four shells came, and three failed."
"That's a normal thing. After all, it was night, with heavy rain and strong wind, and the waves were higher than two people. In that case, the best gunner could shoot cannonballs into the sky. Nothing is surprising."
"But but..."
"At that critical moment, a cannonball seemed to grow eyes. Once a shot came, it accurately and precisely interrupted the two masts of the'Bald Eagle'..."
"Then there was chaos on the deck of the'Bald Eagle', and after losing the two main masts, it quickly lost power and control, just lay across the sea, shaken by the merciless waves."
"All the crew heard it."
"The king of pirates, Barbarossa Fasser Heleding, roared angrily on the bow, and when the Li family fleet's flagship adjusted its direction and prepared to shell him, the flag of invitation was hung!"
"It's the dueling skull flag that asked for a decisive battle with the opposing captain or the strongest on the ship, so that all the captains and admirals in the Mediterranean were frightened!"
The king of pirates, Barbarossa Fasl Hayreddin, can become the leader of North African pirates and dominate the Mediterranean for no reason. At least people here know that no one can defeat Barbaro in a gang fight or a duel. Sand, no one!
And anyone who dares to meet the challenge is all dead!
"Then what?"
"The Li family fleet must not agree, and directly bombarded the Pirate King's flagship, right?"
"Change to me, I will also shoot, I am not stupid!"
"You all shut up!"
"Say it!"
"What happened then?"
The audience made a noise, and after guessing each other for a while and expressing their opinions, they continued to ask the drunkard who was drinking the second glass of wine.
The emptied oak cup slammed on the table, and then the drunkard continued:
"You all guessed wrong. The Li family fleet did not fire the gun. They agreed to the invitation of the pirate king Barbarossa Farsir Hereding to fight and allowed him to board the flagship of the Xiang Feihu for a duel."
"No one knows what happened on the spacious deck of the'Xiang Feihu'..."
"Anyway, in less than ten minutes, the pirate king Barbarossa Fasser Hereding returned in embarrassment, with three wounds on his upper body."
"He said nothing, went straight to his captain's room and closed the hatch!"
"Some people say he won, but he was humiliated by the enemy?"
"Some people also say that he lost, and he lost terribly..."
"But who knows?"
"Anyway, after two big defeats, you also know the rest."
"The Pirate King no longer mentioned the trouble with the Li family fleet and the Easterners. He even gave orders to all the ports along the Mediterranean and North Africa, saying that everyone should not embarrass the Li family fleet and allow them. Docking for supplies?"
Finally, the drunkard with yellow teeth and dirt on his face finished telling his story, and then drunkly stretched out his hand and took out the coin that he didn't know who had just thrown it into his glass.
"How can you know so clearly?"
"Couldn't you make it up?"
"I still don't quite believe that Barbarossa, the pirate king, has never lost. If those Orientals really dare to fight him, the opponent must lose!"
"That's it!"
After listening to the story, the sailors, pirates, dancers, and captains who were surrounded here were not too buying, and some even doubted the drunkard's words.
I spit viciously, and then, a bandage and prosthetic leg foot was placed on the table.
"Tell you guys!"
"I was on the'Bald Eagle', and this leg was interrupted by a shell at the time!"
"Otherwise, why do you think I don't continue to go to sea to eat fragrant and spicy food, but drink here every day?"
"I tell you that the pirate king Barbarossa was indeed defeated, and it was a terrible defeat!"
"Also, you must not have thought of it?"
"In the duel, he was defeated by the chief admiral of the Li family fleet, that devil-like little girl!"
"Just three swords!"
"At that time, there were three swords. It was recognized by everyone that the fighting power exceeded the limit of human beings. It is impossible for anyone to be an adversary. Barbarossa Fasr Hereding, the king of pirates in the Mediterranean, was in the little girl’s place. The subordinates are defeated!"
Sticking out three fingers that were also dirty and the nail gaps were full of black material, the drunkard pirate sailor smiled triumphantly when he saw the crowds were suppressed, and said why he knew so clearly. .
At this moment, everyone gradually believed a little, and couldn't help taking a breath.
"A little girl can't beat Barbarossa!"
"He's lying!"
"Hereding seems to have indeed lost. You heard the rumor, right?"
"That little girl, is she a witch?"
"do not know……"
"Do not!"
"She is not a witch, she is a devil!"
"It is the devil admiral from the distant, ancient, and mysterious East Ming Empire. She is here to punish us Europeans who have invaded the distant and sacred eastern waters!"
"We are all over!"
"To shut up!!"
"Damn, dare to step on me, come on, let's fight!"
The tavern was silent for a while, and then soon became noisy again.
And what the drunkard who claimed to be Hayredding just said was quickly forgotten by people.
After all, it’s just a post-dinner talk. People may write it down and brag about it when everyone meets them, and then develop many song versions. They may even substitute themselves for the lame sailor. Bragging to those who don’t know that they once fought side by side with the king of pirates and resisted the devil of the East together?
Istanbul City, in this Mediterranean port city of the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman Navy Commander-in-Chief Hedem Afmeedo Pasha finally received from his ally the North African pirate leader, Barbarossa, the king of pirates in the Mediterranean. An autograph letter from Farsell Hereding.
"Even Barbarossa failed?"
Seeing what was written in the letter, Hedham Afmeedo Pasha was really taken aback.
"Go, send orders to our warship admirals to stop them from embarrassing the Li family fleet for the time being, and the port officials who govern our fleet, starting today, the port we control will be open to the Li family fleet, allowing them to dock or supply! "
After pondering for a while, Hedham Afmeeduo Pasha didn't even put down the letter, and directly said to a herald on the side.
The herald didn't dare to ask more, so he went out to convey the order.
"Let the Easterners fight Barudis first, and wait until those guys are almost consumed, that's when we dominate the Mediterranean!"
"Hum hum……"
Hedham Afmeedor Pasha snorted and laughed out loud.
In Asia Minor, the powerful Ottoman navy has wiped out the countries along the eastern Mediterranean one by one. However, in order to gain sea power, all this is not enough. It is far from enough for him to attack Italy, attack Spain and open the Strait of Gibraltar!
Otherwise their Ottoman navy will always be the Inland Sea Fleet, and there will never be a way to get involved in the trade of the New World or the Far East!
To achieve his goal, Spain's invincible fleet is a hurdle that cannot be overcome!
It is said that at this time the Italian Paolo Chantelio has also completely fallen to Barrudis. In that case, the Ottoman navy's desire to invade Italy has gradually become an unlikely thing.
The situation is different now. Those Orientals are here, and it is said that they beat the port of Seville very badly, and also wiped out a lot of ships in the Invincible Fleet?
In that way, it seems that their Ottoman Empire has more room and opportunities to operate.

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