Chapter 1553: (· ̄?? ̄?·)??°?

The Kingdom of Lugonica, also known as the'Kingdom of the Dragon, Lugonica', is a big foreign country ranked among the top four in different worlds. It has a monarchy and was ruled by the royal family of Lugonica in history. But now, the direct bloodline of the royal family has long been extinct.
Lugnika has a vast land and abundant resources, a large population, rich and diverse geographical scenery and climatic patterns, and borders neighboring countries in many ways, making it a multi-ethnic and multi-ethnic country.
It has a long history, which can be traced back at least four hundred years or so. The 25th of the month of Mashba is the National Day.
Nowadays, although most of the country’s economy is gradually recovering and the kingdom is in a relatively peaceful and stable state, Lugonica still faces the following major problems, such as: frequent civil strife, tensions in ethnic relations, The life of the lower classes is difficult, the public and the weak transitional government hope for strong leadership, and the recent spread of religious extremist and terrorist organizations.
And this, as seen in the fifth district of the capital city of the Kingdom of Lugonica where Annie is currently located, everything here looks tattered, the people are numb, life is unsustainable, stealing, robbery, fighting, etc. It's endless!
Because, this is the slum of the capital of the Kingdom of Lugonika, the most miserable and forgotten place in this prosperous city.
"Not bad……"
"This badge was actually stolen by you. It seems that asking you to do it is a bit easier than doing it myself."
"What about the money?"
"Of course! Your commission will not be lost."
In a big wooden house that looks a little shabby in the slum, a giant, a fourteen-five-year-old girl with blond hair and red eyes, and a glamorous and revealing black-haired woman are gathered around the table, wondering what they are discussing. matter.
"These are ten holy gold coins, right?"
"Badge, can you bring it?"
"Huh? What?"
"I regret it, but you didn't tell me that the person who was going to steal was a witch. This transaction was too risky for me afterwards, so I decided to increase the price!"
"Fare increase?"
"Yes! You must give me ten more, that is twenty holy gold coins, I can give you this badge!"
"Let me think about it first..."
Seeing the little girl with blond hair and red pupils unexpectedly changed her mind temporarily, the glamorous and revealing black-haired woman licked her lips seductively, then tilted her head and thought with a wicked smile.
"All right!"
"Your request is reasonable. It just so happens that the employer's highest bid is also twenty holy gold coins..."
Soon, the black-haired woman thought about it, and then, in the astonishment of the blond and red-eyed girl and the vigilant gaze of the giant, she actually took out ten more holy gold coins and placed them on the table.
"Good! Deal!!"
The little girl with blonde hair and red eyes was overjoyed when she saw it, and directly patted the badge on the wooden table, and then couldn't wait to reach out and draw the twenty holy gold coins to her.
"very good!"
"So, now our deal has been concluded, is that true?"
When the little blond girl with red eyes looked down and counted the valuable holy gold coin, the black-haired woman didn't rush to get the badge, just smiled indifferently, and then asked softly.
"you can go now!"
The little girl with blonde hair and red eyes was full of joy. She had obtained ten extra holy gold coins, and now she no longer wants to bother with her employer.
"However, before leaving..."
"I have one more thing to do."
Licking her lips again and greedily glanced at the white belly of the little girl with blond hair and red eyes, the black-haired coquettish woman slowly stretched her hand behind her, while pretending to say inadvertently.
"whats the matter?"
"Say quickly!"
The little girl with blond hair and red pupil became impatient, and urged without looking back.
"that is……"
Huh! !
In the next moment, the knife glides!
With a scream, most of the eyes were attracted by the giant's 20 holy gold coins. A dazzling blood flower was directly on the chest, then his eyes were rounded, and he screamed and fell directly to the ground.
"Grandpa Roma!!"
"you dare?!"
Finally, seeing that grandfather Roma, who was like a relative, the old man of the giant tribe who was muscular and more than two meters tall, was chopped over by the opponent, the little girl with blond hair and red eyes screamed, and then no longer cared about the person on the table. Gold coins and badges, took out her knife straight from behind, and then pressed her feet, her figure quickly moved forward, as if accelerated by the magic "protection of the wind", with a single knife, she slammed toward that before. The laughing employer's neck was chopped off.
"The speed is several times faster, is it the'Blessing of the Wind'?"
"I was loved by the world at a young age, I really envy you..."
The black-haired charming woman was avoiding the serial high-speed slashes of the blonde and red-eyed girl, while speaking gloomily, and at the end, all of the girl’s serial slashes were shot into the air, her body speed and action response gradually slowed down. After getting down, she suddenly accelerated, and cut the girl's chest and abdomen from top to bottom with a single knife.
"Just let me take out your intestines!"
"I can not wait any more……"
Yes, she thought and did it that way. She was going to cut open the other person, and then looked at the other person’s small jumping heart and squirming intestines. In her opinion, that is the most poignant and inspiring. The stunningly moving picture.
The knife is swept down! !
But then...
clang! !
To the surprise of both parties, they discovered that a blue transparent light curtain appeared directly on the blond girl with red pupils, and blocked the fatal blow for her?
"What, what's going on?"
The little girl with blond hair and red eyes was shocked, but she couldn't think too much, she used her feet, her figure retreated violently, and she retreated directly to the distance, pulling herself away from the terrifying black-haired woman.
"come out!!"
She frowned and looked at the little girl with the same shocked face. Soon, the black-haired woman thought of something, and then stood with a knife in her hands, facing the dark house surrounding the darkening sky after dusk. The place yelled.
She obviously knew that someone must have taken action just now and saved the little girl!
"Hi everybody!"
After the two people in the house waited for a while, a certain messed up little girl was still able to continue to pretend to be a ghost after all, but jumped directly from a hole in the house and slowly, like a feather It fell gently to the floor.
"It's you?"
At this time, the little girl with blonde hair and red eyes recognized Annie.
When she came back, she had met Annie when she was passing by that alley. She even remembered that at that time, the little girl seemed to be besieged by three gangsters, but she was not nosy at the time, but she did not expect that now He was actually saved by the other party?
"A witch?"
Just seeing the posture of Little Annie landing, the black-haired woman seemed to think of something, and then looked at the new ‘guest’ from the top and bottom with great interest.
"It looks delicious!"
With that, the black-haired coquettish woman stretched out her bright red tongue and licked her lips, looking at Annie as if she was looking at some kind of delicious food.
"What to look at, do you still want to eat others?"
Seeing that the other party was licking his lips and looking at him with that kind of extremely greedy eyes, and seeing herself from the head to the feet, where did Annie still not know what the other party was thinking?
Because, when Queen Anne wants to eat those cute rabbits or sheep, she seems to have that look in her own eyes?
"Little girl witch?"
"It's rare..."
"Don't worry, I won't eat you, I will only taste the taste of your blood, and then pull out your intestines?"
After speaking, the black-haired woman shook the knife in her hand, and after dancing a knife, she smiled unscrupulously.
She has a nickname called'Intestine Hunter'. She likes to pull out the intestines of the other party when she kills the target. However, she does not intend to tell the other party because she will pull out the intestines of the little girl later. , The other party will definitely have a deep understanding.
Of course, in addition to the little girl, there is also the blond and red-eyed little girl who seems to have some kind of protection on her body and is favored by the world. Don't both of them want to run!
"It's been decided: let the little bear eat you!!!"
After being sluggish for a while, Annie quickly reacted and threatened the bad woman with a stern face.
(Tibbers said that it didn’t want to eat at all, because the black-haired female human had a bad taste, and it seemed to be a bit older. The meat must be very woody, so I replaced it with the blonde and red eyes over there. The little girl is about the same.)
"go to hell!"
Just after Annie's words were finished, the black-haired coquettish woman suddenly disappeared, and when she reappeared, she had already come to Annie's side, and cut it towards Annie's lower abdomen with a knife.
clang! ! !
In the next second, a dark red shield suddenly appeared around Annie, and while blocking the intestinal blow, it directly bounced the blade back.
At the same time, there was a flash of fire on the shield that the blade touched, and the flame followed the black-haired woman's cane towards her arm.
Exclaiming, while her figure retreated, looking at the hot red blade, the black-haired woman lost her weapon for the first time.
However, she was still burned...
"Then, what kind of magic is that?!"
Looking at the burned arm skin and the completely burnt sleeves, watching the originally fair right arm burned to the ground, and even with bright red muscles exposed in some places, the woman's face inevitably began to become a little savage.
She didn't seem to see any movement of the little girl witch just now, she just chopped off towards the other party, and then between the sparks of the stone and the fire, a red light flashed, and a shield appeared on the other party's body, and then she was bounced away. , Her hand was also burned at the same time, which made her feel a little inexplicable while resenting her.
"you guess?"
"Damn it! Go to hell!!"
Huh! Huh! Huh!
Seeing the little girl witch dared to despise herself so much, the black-haired woman waved her hand, and the blades flew towards Annie.
Apparently, she started to attack Annie with long-range weapons.
But unfortunately, she soon saw that all the flying knives were blocked by a dark red shield and bounced away. At the same time as they were bounced away, the blades of those flying knives also appeared just now. Kind of red fire that burned her into the flesh.
"So it's like this..."
"I will make you suffer the same pain as me!!"
I thought I had seen through Annie's tricks, and after knowing the reason for her burns, the black-haired woman smiled again, and disappeared in a flash, and then there was a sound of a knife blade in the wooden house. The sound on the shield.
After a few muffled noises, looking at her severely burned hands, feet and body, and then at the little girl still motionless, the black-haired woman was finally scared.
"You wait!!"
She could see that the little girl's shield was very powerful and terrifying. It was not like she just thought she could break through after a few blows, and as long as she released the knife in time, she wouldn't be burned. That kind of rebound. Magic is very strange, as long as it is a close-range attack, they seem to spread to the attacker himself, even if he releases the knife at the moment of the attack, it is completely useless!
Therefore, she must run away if she is seriously injured at this time. Otherwise, it is estimated that she will be planted here today?
Once again throwing away the sharp blade that had become red and hot at this time, the black-haired woman ignored the burned clothes and the injuries on her hands, feet and body. She jumped for life and broke through the roof of this dilapidated wooden house. , Ready to rush towards the darkness of the slums outside.
"Want to run?"
!? (??\'\'????)??
"Ha! Come back!"
Seeing that the other party wanted to run, Annie stretched out her hand, and a chain of flames quickly jumped out, like a living poisonous snake, directly turned into shackles to lock the opponent's ankles, and then dragged the other party straight back.
"This, what is this?"
Seeing that she was instantly pulled back to the wooden house, looking at the red chains on her ankles and burning them so that her bare ankles smelt and smelled of meat, the heartbroken black-haired woman began to wave regardless. The sharp blade, who didn't know where she had escaped from, kept cutting toward the chains and shackles.
But it's a pity that no matter how she cuts it, she doesn't seem to be able to cut it.
"Hey! Tibbers, are you going to eat her?"
Annie ignored the other party's behavior, because she knew that the other party must be unable to escape, so she raised her own little bear and asked.
(do not want!)
"Really not?"
(Tibbers still thinks that the little girl with blond hair and red eyes may be more palatable, but the burnt-out girl here is really unsatisfactory.)
"All right!"
ε=(??ο`))) alas
"That person had to..."
At this moment, Annie, Xiao Xiong and the little girl with blond hair and red eyes present together discovered that the fierce black-haired woman was so sturdy that she cut off her own ankle with a single knife, and then she could pull out one leg quickly. From the ground, jumped out of the gap again and jumped out?
"Want to run?"
This time, Annie didn't hesitate, and a ball of blasting inflammation flew out.
The flames exploded, and a large group of exploded fireballs appeared in the sky, directly reflecting the night here in the slums.
"The desire to survive is so strong..."
Annie saw it. The other party didn't seem to be dead, but at a critical moment, she didn't know what was thrown out and hit her blasting inflammation technique, and then detonated the fireball. Then, the other party was blown away by the explosion.
"Forget it, let's talk about it next time!"
The other party is quite strong, and how hot can she try to escape, even cutting off a foot, so Annie felt that she didn't need to continue chasing after her, after all, the other party had been beaten badly enough by her.
"Thank you for saving me!"
At this time, seeing that the enemy had run away, and seeing Roma just passed out, the little blond girl with red pupils who did not die, after simply bandaging the opponent, turned her head and expressed her sincere gratitude to Annie. road.
"No need!"
"Because, people are not here to help you this time, they are here to punish you!"
One yard goes to one yard, Annie still clearly remembers the heinous thing that the other party hits her own snacks, even worse than the weird woman who just wanted to eat her, so the punishment must be indispensable. !
The little girl with blonde hair and red pupils was a little inexplicable, she didn't know what Annie meant.
"that is......"
"Tibbers, catch her!"
Suddenly, Annie threw the bear Tibbers in her hand towards the opponent.
????????????: Ow!
Soon, a certain bear gradually grew bigger and jumped in front of the little girl, and then grabbed a certain female human who wanted to run and pressed it on his bear's leg, and even took off the other's pants.
"You! What are you doing?"
"Let go of me!!"
Although everyone is a woman, this kind of thing still makes the little girl with blond hair and red eyes feel panicked and embarrassed.
"Why not, Tibbers, spank her a hundred times!"
"You! Dare you?!"
The little girl began to struggle, but she soon discovered in despair that the power of the strange bear was surprisingly great, and no matter how hard she struggles, she couldn't break away a bit?
Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!
At this time, when the little girl with blonde hair and red pupil was struggling, a certain bear waved its paw and beat it up...
After half a minute...
When the strange ‘pop’ sound continued, the door of this wooden house was finally pushed open again from the outside.
"Who of you put the flame magic just now?"
"Although you may be great!"
"Also please be sure to return my badge to me!!"
At this time When Annie looked back in surprise, she saw a lady with silver hair and waist, walking in while talking, and countless ice lings were floating beside him, who seemed to be a witch. ?
"You are..."
However, after seeing the situation inside, the visitor had to exclaim and cover his mouth!
She saw it. Inside, there was a little girl, a comatose giant, a giant bear (demihuman?), and a spanked by the giant bear on the bear’s leg. At this time, she was beating red and tender flesh. There are still bear paws on the board, and are crying and struggling... Female thief? !
That's right, it was the female thief who stole her badge! !
"You are..."
Seeing that it turned out to be like this, the young lady with waist-length hair couldn't help but feel a little surprised.
"Why, did you come to trouble her too?"
"Then... do you want to vent your anger?"
Annie invited generously.
"No! I don't need it!"
"I just want to get back my things..."
Looking at the place where the other party had been stamped one by one, the woman with silver hair and waist hurriedly waved her hand to reject Annie's kindness.

(??????????????)????°?? A little more monthly pass, a little harder.
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