Chapter 176: Little Annie said, there must be light in this world

After sailing at high speed for two days, the Intrepid, which was full of sails and relied on the power of magic sails to fully open, dragged two Spanish battleships that did not put down any sails at all, and finally arrived on time for their second purpose after searching for treasure Location: Bailang Bay!
Bailang Bay, the once prosperous place on the Caribbean Sea Route, has become an unmanned ruin.
At this time, it was late at night, except for the quiet sea breeze and the stars in the sky. In this bay that had been abandoned by the British for a long time, apart from the sound of the waves, the entire port was empty, only the distant shore. Those dilapidated trestle bridges immersed in the night are still telling the prosperity of the past here.
"See? There's nothing fun here, Master Witch, I think we should almost go back? Or, change the anchor?"
Barbossa began to come up again, and he felt flustered when he saw the scene around him.
Now, in this clear and moonless night, it is when those mermaids like to float on the surface of the sea, he really doesn't want to meet them here. Therefore, Barbosa approached the little witch once again, trying to persuade her to change her mind, even if she changed her anchor to rest, and waited until the day to come here ashore to find the treasure.
"This is Bailang Bay? It's really a good port, what a pity."
This is the first time Norrington has arrived at White Wave Bay. He felt that it was close to the route and was a good deep-water port. It was really a pity that it was abandoned like this.
Is it really because of the mermaid?
The probe looked at the dark sea outside the ship's edge. The three of them had been parked here for a while, and he did not find any marine creatures that could equate with the mermaid. Therefore, he still somewhat doubted the real reason why this port was abandoned.
Norrington felt that the British were forced to give up here by the mermaid? How can this be? How could the powerful and powerful British Empire be frightened by a group of marine creatures to give up this excellent natural deep-water port?
Therefore, he felt that there should be something hidden in it that he didn't know, and it was definitely not like what the rumors said, just because there was a mermaid here?
"Everyone, watch out!"
The Spanish captain Hilton on the other ship began to give orders to his crew.
He knows a lot about the situation in Bailang Bay, and he knows that these mermaids are definitely not good things!
Although there are many people in their own fleet, as well as powerful witches who have guaranteed that there will be no accidents, he still has no bottom after hearing the legends here and witnessing some things. This kind of looking at the calm sea, The more I watched, the more I felt rested, I could only pray and draw a cross on my chest.
"This is Bailang Bay? Where are the mermaids? Where are the mermaids? I didn't see anything!"
Now, Xiao Annie's entire upper body was leaning out of Chuanxuan's railing, but she didn't see the legendary mermaids, the whole sea was so dark, where are there any mermaids?
For these mermaids, Annie is looking forward to it!
When fooling around in the world of Azeroth, she only saw those naga and deep-sea murlocs, but whether it was the hideous naga or the murlocs with huge heads and eyes, they were all the same The two words "beauty" don't match up!
Even the female naga, besides their faces, they can look at them, whether it is snake hair or multiple skinny arms, they are even uglier than the fire monsters in her family!
Little Annie has also heard that it is said that in the deep sea of ​​their Valoran world, there are actually people who fish! They are still a special race, there are males and females, but she has never seen them, and the world of Valoran is super dangerous. Mother Amoryn is very strict with her, and Little Annie herself does not dare to be alone. Go to the deep sea in private to play.
"Where is the mermaid?"
After opening her eyes wide and searching the sea for many times without seeing any mermaid, Annie became a little angry, so she turned her head impatiently and asked about the Jackspie who seemed to know many things. Luo.
"What about the good mermaids? Where are they? I didn't see anything!"
If these people lie to herself, Annie swears that they must look good!
At this moment, Annie had completely forgotten. At the beginning, it was the three witches' own ideas that were going to come to see the mermaid here at White Wave Bay. Most of the others were opposed to it.
Jack Sparrow didn't say much, he just walked carefully to the ship's side, and then poked his head out to look at the quiet, dark sea outside, and after a glance, he quickly retracted again.
"The mermaids are definitely in this sea area, I can guarantee that! Maybe they are sleeping now? Or... they need a little movement to draw them out?"
Jack Sparrow also said a little uncertain.
"Anyway, their mermaids must be in this sea!"
Of course he knows that there are mermaids here, and he has been to this place, but every time he comes here, he comes and goes in a hurry. He never thought about how to die to draw out those mermaids.
"Then how can I draw them out? Where are they? I didn't see anything!"
Annie felt that she was going to be angry. She was here to see the mermaid, not the sea.
They had been staying here for so long, and she hadn't seen anything except the dark water. If, after a while, there are no more mermaids, she will go back to the captain's room to sleep, regardless of the lives of these people!
"Uh... Well, it is said that they like to listen to the songs sung by sailors... Maybe you can try and let those sailors try to sing?"
Jack Sparrow thought for a while, he felt that this should be a good way.
Of course, the way is to say it, but the person who sings must not be himself! Therefore, he inadvertently took two steps back quietly and stood a little further behind the witch, hoping that she would not notice him.
"Singing? This is simple!"
After knowing how to draw the mermaid, Annie nodded and turned to the other side, who also looked at the lively sailors.
"Hey! Say you guys! Who of you can sing? Hurry up and sing!"
Annie didn't want to stay on the deck all night. Now, her patience was almost exhausted, so she began to urge the sailors to follow her instructions.
"No, no, no! Honorable witch, we don't know how to sing, we are just rough sailors!"
Seeing the little witch looking at herself and the others, the sailors were so frightened that they immediately moved away from Chuanxuan's guardrail. They all retracted back together and waved their hands vigorously to refuse. They were definitely not the ones who spent time singing on the deck before!
Are you kidding me? They have heard a lot about the legend of the mermaid! They all know that if the mermaid really comes out, the first ones to catch must be those who sing. The current situation is: whoever sings is unlucky!
They are just a group of sailors who have mixed lives. They only made a windfall of ten gold coins not long ago. Now they don't want to die so quickly. Whoever loves to sing, don't come to them!
"Yes! Yes! We don't know how to sing! Master Anne, we really don't know how to sing. Whoever has the idea, who do you ask to sing."
The other sailors who were swept by Annie's sight also hurriedly agreed.
It is already very embarrassing for them to accompany the witch to Bailang Bay. Now, even want them to sing to attract mermaids? Don't even think about such a terrible thing! They would rather be burned to death by a witch than to be dragged to the bottom of the sea by a mermaid to drown, and then be eaten bite by bite as food!
"Huh! You are really useless! No one can sing?"
After seeing all the sailors retracted, Little Annie could only take away her gaze boringly, and looked at Jack Sparrow who gave the idea: "So, what about you? You should always sing, right?"
"No! Honorable witch! I can't sing either! Really! Look at me now, do I look like a person with the art of singing?"
Jack Sparrow shook his head and grinned, showing his golden teeth.
"They can't sing, neither can you! Then tell me, what should you do?!"
Annie looked at Jack Sparrow with a threatening look. If he couldn't think of any other way, she would throw him on the sea, and then try to see if this way could attract the mermaid.
In any case, she must be here tonight, and see those mermaids in this port of Bailang Bay, can't let her come all the way, but can't see anything!
"Ha! Yes! I suddenly remembered. It is said that mermaids like white moonlight very much!"
In order to get rid of the sorrow of the witch and to avoid being ordered to sing forcibly, Jack Sparrow thought hard, and suddenly clapped his hands and shouted.
Then, he squeezed the orchid finger, trot two steps to the side of Annie, squatted down, leaned to the side of Little Annie, and pointed to a small hill on the harbor where there seemed to be some tall building?
"Have you seen the lighthouse? There is a British whale oil navigation light there! Just send someone to light it, and when its white light shines on the sea, I believe it will attract mermaids!"
It turns out that mermaids are a kind of nocturnal marine magical creatures like cats. During most of the day, they hide in the deep seabed and sleep.
Because, if they float on the surface during the day, the direct burst of the sun will dry their delicate skin. Under normal circumstances, they will only come out to the sea to move around at night.
Therefore, on a moonless night, if there is no loud singing to attract them, you can also use the light of the navigation light to attract them to this sea. This is also the reason why the mermaid was attracted to Bailang Bay in the first place. The navigation lights that use oil as fuel are too bright and bright.
"That's a lighthouse?"
Annie looked up and looked into the distance. There was indeed a dilapidated lighthouse on the dimly lit port.
She just wants to see the mermaid, it's a strange one! How can you ever think that it is still so troublesome? Could it be that someone is going to light up the lighthouse now? Is that too much trouble?
"Is it enough as long as there is enough light to attract them?"
After thinking about it, Annie decided to change to a time-saving method. She didn't want to go to the lighthouse. It was troublesome! If she only makes the light source, she can do it herself.
"Yes, as long as there is enough light, the color like moonlight, it should be all right. The lighthouse is a good choice."
"Ah! Um... I suddenly feel that my stomach is not feeling well, so... you'd better send them up!"
Jack Sparrow replied affirmatively, and then, he quickly reacted and immediately added his stomach. After he finished speaking, he also specifically moved aside so that the little witch could see Norrington and Barbosa who were watching the show behind him.
"Well... My legs and feet have always been bad. It seems a bit difficult to climb the lighthouse? So, I think Brigadier Norrington is a good choice."
Barbossa is not stupid, he will not go to this muddy water!
He didn't propose to come to Bailang Bay! Besides, rowing to the shore in a small boat is a life of nine deaths and it is very dangerous! Who knows, will a mermaid suddenly appear in this dark sea? Then drag the people on the boat directly into the deep sea?
"I am the captain, and I need to direct sailors and soldiers to deal with emergencies!"
Norrington’s eyes flashed a glimmer of coldness, and he stared blankly at the two pirate leaders who wanted him to die. This Liangzi, he wrote it down today. If there is a chance in the future, there will always be the same two. A day when pirates liquidated.
Seeing the three shirk each other, it seems that I can't count on it. Then, the others must be the same as them, right? These people are very slippery! Although, she herself had never thought of asking them to light the tattered lighthouse.
Sure enough, when Annie looked at the other sailors onlookers, they were so frightened that they hurriedly retreated and shrank further away, looking at her in horror.
See! Seeing them so bearish, Annie felt that she should not count on them.
"Forget it, this kind of thing, don't bother you, I'll do it myself!"
Little Annie turned her head angrily and looked at the sea, doesn't she just need some light! She herself has 10,000 ways to create bright light. She is a super powerful mage.
But, now she needs to think, which method is better? There are too many magics that can create light. Almost all fire spells can emit fire light. If it is fireball, it is usually red light, which seems to be different from moonlight?
If this is the case, then you can only try another spell.
"Sister Cecilia, and Sister Christina! You are optimistic, I want to teach you a new spell!"
After talking, Annie stretched out her finger, pointed to the sky, and whispered something in her mouth: Fluorescence flashes!
I saw a white ball of light gushing out of Annie’s fingertips, and slowly swelled while flying high in the air, until it swelled to a diameter about the length of a small boat, and then stopped. A strong white light began to erupt, directly illuminating the entire Bailang Bay like daylight.
The soft ball of light, like the moon, floats above the sky out of thin air, looking beautiful, just like a miracle when God descends on the earth.
"This is incredible!"
Jack Sparrow, Barsab, Norrington and the others also looked up at the white ball of light high in the sky.
Although it is not the first time to see a witch cast a spell, this time it still makes them feel a tremor. This is the universal fear of mortal powers. They have always thought that witches generally set fire to people, or Those weird enchantments?
"God... this is such a beautiful spell..."
Spanish Captain Hilton was on another ship, and he also mumbled to himself in Spanish. Then, he looked at the little the Intrepid...Is that really a witch? Could it be... the little angel God sent to the world? Is there any misunderstanding in this?
This was the first time he saw a witch cast a spell directly, and he finally had a deep understanding of the power of a witch. Prior to this, he only learned about witches from the enchanted props of the magic battleship Intrepid and Jack Sparrow.
"Hmph! Now, those mermaids should always come out?"
Annie said triumphantly. The lighting spell she saw from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had improved her a little, and now it immediately became like a small sun. It was used to illuminate or something. It's too easy.
"Hey! You guys now sing to me immediately! Who dares not to sing, I will burn him to death!"
Little Annie waited for a while. She felt that the light alone seemed a little unsafe. So, in order to ensure that she could see the mermaid tonight, she started to catch a big fireball in her hand. She was shocked by the spells that were shocking her. The sailors threatened.
Okay... The little angel has changed back to a little witch again...
On this quiet night, when the voice of the little the opposite boat was heard clearly, Hilton quickly corrected his wrong idea: the opposite is indeed an evil little witch! angel? nonexistent!
God, have you abandoned mortals...
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