Chapter 179: Bones and other things, the most annoying!

After Little Annie went crazy and conquered the mermaids and explored the island to find the San Diego, they got a whole ship of gold and silver treasures and filled all the cabins of the three warships.
Then, for unknown reasons, what puzzled all the sailors and soldiers was that the little witch, she did not order to set off again to explore the immortal spring that is said to be able to live forever, but directly ordered the fleet to set sail and set foot on it. The way home is the Port Royal when they set off.
At this time, the magic battleship Intrepid took the lead and dragged the two Spanish battleships that were connected end to end with several thick cables, and began to drive against the wind on the remote channel back to Port Royal.
This expedition to find the treasure is basically over here.
The gains from this trip for Little Annie and the others, apart from the capture of two Spanish warships, the rest is the gold and silver treasures containing the cabins of three warships. The three ships are full, and the cabins that can be stuffed are all pockets. And the treasure chest is full.
Caibo is touching! In particular, with such a huge wealth in front of us, I am afraid that it is nothing more than a wealthy country, right?
If the sailors and Spaniards may be a little jealous before seeing the terrifying little witch showing her extraordinary powers, this ship full of treasures, with the desire to take risks and them, then, in the frozen harbor of Bailang Bay After the incident, no one dared to have a double heart anymore!
Because, let’s not talk about the terrifying deterrence of the witches, the more than a thousand mermaids that are following the battleship in the sea under the three ships are enough for them to panic!
Because it was powered by the Dreadnought of Magic Sails, the sailors who didn't need to sail, had nothing to do for the first time, and now they gathered on the deck in twos and threes, and started blowing cowhide happily.
Before, after Annie had bound the leaders of the mermaids, signed a contract, and spent a lot of energy to remove the thick ice caused by magic, many sailors who were captured were actually given away by those mermaids. come back.
Originally, the troublesome little Annie didn't want to accept these mermaids, but due to the persuasion of the twin sisters, she reluctantly accepted them. After the contract prohibition, she planned to take them back to Port Royal to deal with Charlotte.
"I'm telling you, I'm afraid you must not think of it?"
"That mermaid, she kissed me! Really! After I was kissed by the mermaid, I could really breathe directly in the sea in a short time! This is simply amazing!"
A sailor armor who was sent back after being captured was proudly bragging to the sailors surrounding him.
This time, he not only survived a catastrophe, but also enjoyed a little bit of beauty, and saw the peculiar environment of the deep sea and the exotic customs of the mermaid tribe. This matter may be able to blow for a lifetime.
"Also, let me tell you! In fact, the reason why the mermaids took us away doesn't seem to be for food!"
After seeing the sailors around him attracted by his own words, he got closer and whispered mysteriously.
"Isn't it for food? What's that for? Is it because they are like men, so they took you away and kept you as husbands?"
"Where is such a good thing?"
After hearing this, a sailor who was watching began to retort and said an outrageous speculation. Then, a group of people roared, exchanged eyes and laughed trivially.
"Hey! You are really right! The reason why their mermaids caught us is to breed!"
Sailor Armor looked like a pig brother, and began to remember, while drooling, he felt a little regretful.
At the beginning, when he was on the bottom of the sea, there was really a group of mermaids surrounding him, and he was dazzled. Unfortunately, he was sent back before he had time to enjoy it. This What a pity!
If it can be a little late for a long time, then...
"Ahhh! You just keep blowing!"
"Come on! You don't look at your crooked melons, nor are you afraid to frighten them?"
"That's it! Even if their mermaids really look for a man to fight back, I guess they won't look for you?"
The sailors next to them started to roar again. Although they were now roaring, and they were constantly retorting them, they didn't seem to believe what the other side said very much, but the envy, jealousy and hatred expressions on their faces had already betrayed them.
"I swear to God! I have never lied!"
The sailor who had experienced a deep-sea adventure became anxious and began to blush and swear loudly. Then, after thinking about it again, he continued to add:
"You might as well think about it! Those mermaids, they are all women, right?"
This sailor is eager to pay taxes. These people believe their words and make them envy themselves so as to satisfy his superficial sense of vanity.
"Aren't you nonsense?! The mermaid is not a female, so is it still a male?"
Everyone looked at him disdainfully, and when they thought of if there were any male fish, they would feel chills.
"So, now the question is: if mermaids are all female, how do they breed the next generation? Have you thought about it?"
When I think of this, Sailor First is annoyed. If, if the witches ordered the mermaid to let the mermaids come back, it would be fine for a while...
Several sailors who were watching and listening began to look at each other. They really didn't know this question.
"So, they caught us in the deep sea to breed the next generation! They didn't simply want to eat us! Right? They should always need men to breed the next generation for them, and, you used to hear Did you say that mermaids catch women?"
Whether it was the mermaid that emerged out of the sea at that time, or what he saw in the mermaid tribe after he was caught in the deep sea, this sailor had never seen any male or male mermaid.
Because of this, he strengthened his guess. Therefore, he now seems so remorseful, wishing the mermaids continue to capture themselves into the sea.
"It makes sense..."
"Sounds pretty reliable..."
"Tsk tusk! Think about it, this is really possible!"
"It should be true. Think about it. None of the people who were captured died. If they were to eat people, it would be easier to drown and get back to the tribe?"
After thinking about it, the sailors began to discuss.
Indeed, when a mermaid was raging in Bailang Bay, had you really never heard of a woman being taken away? Those captured, without exception, were all male sailors or soldiers! Of course, it is also possible that there are very few women who act as sailors or travel on ships?
"God! That said, this thing might really be true?"
"It's not fair! Why did I hold the mast so tightly at the beginning? If I knew this was the case, just let them catch me too!"
An onlooker second sailor began to cry loudly.
Late last night, when the mermaid started catching people, their peculiar whips had already stuck to his legs, but he hugged the mast desperately at the time, and in the end, he pulled at the whip. The rotten trousers made him escape. He had always been very thankful that the quality of his trousers was not very good.
However, now he deeply regrets it!
At that time, if they had known that they would be released again, it was time for them to drag themselves down to the sea. There was no danger to their lives, and they could still enjoy an affair and underwater exploration, which was a great advantage.
Sailor First saw the shock and envy of his surrounding companions, and couldn't help feeling proud.
Although he didn't know the saying that he would not know the blessing, but this did not prevent him from using it as a capital and becoming an object of envy and hatred by others.
For this sailor, everything is fine, but the only pity is that he was rescued too early, so he lacked the capital to continue to brag.
"Come on! You were sent back so soon last night, surely nothing happened? What's so good about this?"
One of the sailors onlookers looked at Sailor Armor with contempt. Although he said that, he was actually a little jealous of the other person in his heart.
"Yeah! This definitely didn't do a good job!"
"Yes, that makes sense!"
A group of sailors began to discuss loudly again, the envy expression on their faces was diminished a lot, and soon began to talk about other things.
"It's not a big deal for him to be caught by a mermaid. I tell you, we encountered a situation this morning when we were following the Lady Anne Witch to find the treasure ship in San Diego. That was the real excitement!"
While these sailor soldiers were bragging and chatting with each other, a brawny man who hadn't spoken from the beginning finally interrupted and drew everyone's attention in an instant.
"Yeah, Santiago! I heard about that too, but it's not very clear what the specific situation is. Tell us!"
They only knew that in the morning, some people followed the witch to find the treasure ship San Diego, and soon afterward they moved back a lot of treasure!
They also heard that at that time, a powerful undead appeared on the treasure ship, but they didn't know exactly what it was.
"Don't worry, don't rush, listen to me slowly! At that time, the situation was like this..."
After the brawny sailor stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, he began to slowly talk about the details of the situation.
After conquering the mermaid population in Whitelang Bay, in the early morning of the next morning, when the sun slowly rose above the sea level, Little Annie took the twin sisters, the maidservants, and nearly 300 sailors and soldiers. , Followed the lead party Jack Sparrow landing in the port and ashore.
They crossed the ruins of the abandoned Bailang Bay port city, and after a jungle trek for nearly a morning, they finally reached their destination, under a towering circular cliff.
"Look! This is my destination, and the San Diego, it's there!"
Jack Sparrow led the crowd quickly to the bottom of a cliff eroded by seawater, standing on a pile of pebbles, and then pointing to a tattered wooden sailboat on the cliff high.
"Our destination this time is a ship full of treasures, and it's on top!"
Sparrow squeezed his orchid finger, turned around, and smiled triumphantly at everyone.
Now, Jack Sparrow has fulfilled his promise and brought the witches to find the treasure here. Then, when he returns to the voyage, they will help him deal with some difficult enemies.
"It's really high..."
Annie followed the crowd and looked up to the top of the cliff.
Little Annie didn't understand, how did that ship hang on it? This is really amazing!
I saw that half of the broken hull of a sailing ship was exposed on the edge of the high cliff, and, most importantly, there seemed to be no way to go up here?
The most important thing is that the ship is so dilapidated. She is really worried. When they step on the ship, will it break and fall off the cliff?
She didn't want to fly up with this large group of people, that would be too much trouble! So, she was going to find a simple way, not only to get the treasure on that ship, but also to see the undead inside and the map?
"Hmph! There are indeed a lot of treasures in that ship, and it's still full of gold and silver jewelry!"
At this time, Barbosa, who had been following the team, finally walked out, looking at the broken ship on the cliff a little dignifiedly, while speaking in a cautious tone.
"However, what it contains is not only a treasure, but also an undead who does not want to die-Ponce De Leon!"
Even when Barbosa was cursed, they didn't dare to come here to disturb this true undead's sleep. Compared with their previous skeletons, this was the existence of evil.
"Who is that? Is it amazing? The same as your previous curse?"
Annie is a bit weird. If it's just the undead, this strange uncle, when they were cursed before, they were similar to the undead, right? Anyway, it is a group of disgusting bones, so why should he be afraid of this called Ponce? Could it be that this one is particularly big? Especially fierce?
"Humph! It's much worse than our previous curse!"
Bassabo looked at the little witch and began to remember.
"You have to know that before, we were only cursed and turned into immortal monsters. Except for the immortal body, we don’t have any extraordinary powers, and this Ponce de Leon, it’s said that he passed The magic of the Fountain of the Undead has turned into an undead monster that is undead and undead, that is much more evil!"
Barbossa quickly said what he knew, and he thought the legend was pretty reliable.
"Huh? Didn't you say before that the Fountain of Eternal Life can immortalize people? How can it become an undead?"
For this statement, Little Annie finds it relatively new.
Originally, she was still a little interested in this so-called fountain of immortality, but now she has heard that someone has turned into an undead through the fountain of immortality? Is that still the fountain of immortality? Must be fake, right?
If someone really wants to become a lich or undead, where do they need to find this extra thing? Isn’t it enough to just use the transformation ceremony?
"This, it's a long story..."
Barcelona paused before continuing to say:
"It is said that after Ponce de Leon and his party found the fountain of immortality, he wanted to gain immortality and swallow the treasure of the entire ship. So, he tricked all the sailors into willingly drinking the evil fountain of immortality. , And he secretly drank another cup with mermaid tears..."
Speaking of this, Barbosa’s seriousness flashed with confusion and greed. He himself yearned for eternal life, but when he thought of the time he was cursed before, they could also be said to be eternal existence. Up.
However, when he thought of the painful state where life is better than death, you can't die if you want to die, and the torture that seems to be in all the time, he thinks that the limited life now is better!
"Originally, he thought he would be able to obtain the life of all the sailors smoothly to reach immortality, and then live a happy life with those treasures! But how could he have thought of it, but he was hit hard by the mortal counterattack of the sailors who discovered that the situation was not right. And after losing his life, he became an evil undead, guarding his treasure forever!"
"It is ridiculous that even if he died, he never forgot the map that recorded the fountain of youth, even if it turned into an undead skeleton, he would still hold on to his map."
Speaking of this, Barbosa began to laugh, in his opinion, that Ponce was just a poor worm! Immortality, what can it be?
He had already experienced it himself, it was nothing more than endless torture, that kind of false immortality without life, he would never want it again!
"Wait! Isn't this right?"
Annie frowned more and more, and then interrupted Barbossa aloud.
"Hasn't he already drunk the fountain of eternal youth and gained the countless lifespans of other sailors? Then why would he still die? He also became an undead?"
Anne said that she was understandable when she was injured by the sailor's counterattack, because even she would be injured if she encountered a powerful existence! However, that Ponce, after he had gained his life, died of a severe injury and turned into an undead, that would be a bit strange.
"That's because: The Fountain of Youth will only give him the lifespan of others, but it will not increase his own lifespan! These are two different things!"
"Ponce himself was hit hard by the sailor's counterattack, and then died soon! His own life span is over!"
"However, due to the effect of the fountain of youth, he still has the life span of more than a hundred sailors. Even if he turns into a skeleton after death, he will continue to live in the form of a skeleton until this part of his life. It's over!"
Speaking of this, Bassabo smiled wanton again. The life span of more than a hundred people is enough for Ponce! This is really impossible to die if you want...
That is the life span of more than a hundred long is it? a thousand years? Or more? This can really be said to be immortal, right?
Take a look, this is a full tens of thousands of years! Moreover, in the form of the undead, there is no feeling or touch. At night, you cannot really sleep and sleep; during the day, you cannot feel the warmth of the sun; you can always only feel the biting cold, that icy world of death , His group of Barbosa, only insisted for ten years at the beginning, they were driven to go crazy.
And now, this Ponce, he still has tens of thousands of years to enjoy all this, this eternal hell-like pain... This is what it deserves! He really asked for it!
" seems that this fountain of youth is really not a good thing!"
Annie groaned, depriving others of their lifespan, and what she gained was the false cursed lifespan, which is really not a good thing.
Originally, she still wanted to see the so-called Fountain of Youth, but where did she think that it was such a thing? Therefore, she is now ready to give up looking for this spring. When she thinks about it, it is probably just a transformation ritual for stealing life. These idiots don't know how to mistake it for the fountain of youth?
"How about? There are many people who know the legend of the old fountain! But why are not many people keen to find it?"
Anyway, Barbosa felt that he would never use the Fountain of Youth!
Its side effects are too great! After being cursed by Aztec gold coins, he was particularly disgusted with words like immortality and age. He would rather live a day as a living person than a hundred years as an undead!
"Dear witch, what Barbossa just said is not necessarily correct!"
At this moment, Jack Sparrow ran back from the front again, leaning to the side of Little Annie and talking.
"I have another legend: It is said that Ponce at that time, they did not find the fountain of eternal age, they were attacked by the mysterious natives on this island, and finally died here! Then, under the influence of his huge obsession Only then will he become an evil undead, clinging to the map when he is dying, trying to find the mysterious fountain of youth?"
Jack Sparrow, who was specifically at odds with the traitor Barbosa, ran over and told a different legend.
Anyway, as long as Barbosa agrees, he must oppose it! The more the other party didn't want to find that old fountain, the more Sparrow wanted to encourage the little witch to find it!
"Okay, no matter what, let's get down the treasure ship first. The cliff is too high, and the ship looks broken and broken, I don't want to go up!"
Annie looked at the hull on the cliff. She didn't want these sailors to climb up. It was a waste of time to wait for others to climb up; and she herself didn't want to fly up for fear of trouble!
Besides, on the above, it is said that there is an evil undead skeleton named Ponce. Under such circumstances, these sailors would not dare to go up, right?
Then, you can only get the boat down by yourself.
"Get it down? How to do it? Use a cannon? Or, let someone climb up and tie a cable, and then pull it down?"
Hearing that the little witch was going to get the ship down, Jack Sparrow also felt that this method was more reliable, and it was better to do so than to send someone up.
As long as the ship gets down, whether it is dealing with the undead inside or searching for the gold and silver treasures, it should become easier.
"Huh! Don't be so troublesome, you guys get out of me!"
It's the cannon or the rope again. Does it need to be so troublesome?
Annie herself is the witch in their mouth, since she is a witch, of course it is the witch's method!
"Magic: Hand of Super Mage!"
On the ground where Annie was standing, a blue surrounding magic circle suddenly appeared, scaring Jack Sparrow, Barbosa and Norrington back several steps.
The ship on the cliff is too big, and the distance is a little far away, so Annie needs the assistance of a magic circle to strengthen her spellcasting. Otherwise, the hand of an ordinary wizard can't move the big wooden boat on the cliff.
A group of people watched in horror as the little witch was casting a spell, and then they found that the ship on the cliff, the San Diego, was moving. The countless boulders and floating soil around it began to shake and roll off the cliff. When he came down, he smashed a pool of water below.
"This cliff, it won't fall down, right?"
After screaming, Jack Sparrow hurriedly twisted and ran to the back. This place is so close to the cliff. If any boulder falls here, it would be fatal!
However, when he ran, the gesture of pinching orchid fingers and exaggerated twisting made the twin sisters feel chills, and almost didn't hold back a fireball directly at him.
"Wow, what a great job! Witch Anne is mighty!"
In the distance, Jack Sparrow, who was standing still at a safe distance, started shouting and cheering loudly.
I saw that the dilapidated sailing boat on the cliff slowly floated from the cliff, and following the direction of Annie's outstretched hand, slowly broke free from the cliff and began to float at a constant speed. Come down.
boom! ! !
Not far from the ground, Xiao Annie suddenly released the floating spell, causing the whole ship to fall to the ground at once. After the violent crash, it fell apart, and then, after a while Dust rose in the sky, and at the same time, countless gold and silver jewels shot out from the broken hull. Under the direct sunlight at noon, a piece of gold glittered, scattered all over the surrounding ground, everywhere.
"Who is it! Disturbed my sleep?!"
After the dust gradually dispersed, a tall skeleton with a crown on his head and ragged clothes, holding a musket in his right hand and a map in his left hand, slowly walked out of the smoke formed by the dust.
There is no doubt that this should be the hapless one who has endured eternal torment: Ponce? De Leon?
"You...all...will die...come out, my undead servants, crush them!"
After seeing a large group of sailors and soldiers across from him, this skeleton did not support it, but directly used his most proud of the undead skills of summoning skeleton servants.
In the next moment, the ground around this ring-shaped canyon began to shake slowly, and then, one by one, dirty and tattered skeletons, holding various similarly rusty swords and long swords, or they were already blocked by the sand. The tattered rifle with its muzzle slowly struggled out from below the ground.
"Everyone, stand up! Prepare to attack!"
Seeing this change, Brigadier General Norrington and Spaniard Commander Hilton hurriedly opened their mouths and shouted loudly, so that their respective men hurriedly began to deploy muskets and prepare for the enemy.
"Aim! Shoot!!!"
Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!
Countless bean-like muskets sounded. Under the volley of the British Royal Musketeers and the Spanish Musketeer phalanx, countless standing skeletons were crushed by hot lead bullets with powerful kinetic energy or important parts of the real question. A bunch of useless bones, but more skeletons still rushed up.
"Back! Reload quickly! Get bayonet!"
Norrington and Hilton, the army commanders of these two different countries still screamed, their faces a little pale.
The number of these skeletons is really too much. They just killed less than a hundred in a volley of two hundred people? The other party, I'm afraid I won't give them time to reload how many times, right?
"Sir Witch, help!"
Seeing that something was wrong, Jack Sparrow, who wanted to run out of the canyon first, now had to twist his and ran back embarrassedly.
Because, he found that a large number of undead appeared at the exit of the ring canyon, they had already blocked their way back, and he would definitely not be able to rush out by himself! So he ran back again and ran to the witch's side to seek protection.
Before he thought about it, these skeletons, these mortals might not be easy to deal with, but this little witch is different. She is so powerful, not only can directly freeze the sea, but also can catch such a big and heavy one out of thin air. A sailboat full of treasures, it will be easy to deal with these bone racks, right?
If you really can't deal with it, you can also grab him Jack Sparrow and fly him away from this dangerous place. Isn't that okay? These witches can all fly, so if you take one or two people away, there must be no problem!
"Hey...I hate undead, it's not without reason..."
Looking at the surroundings, there were at least three to five thousand undeads popping up in an instant, Xiao Annie sighed helplessly.
This kind of undead is really annoying! They never play single-on-one singles with you. Every time they make a move, they always summon hundreds of skeletons, zombies, or disgusting things like ghouls.
They are not as powerful as they are, but if they are too numerous, tired people can be exhausted! If they are facing ordinary people.
However, in the eyes of Little Annie, the big skeleton in front of her was a good deal.
It only summoned about three to five thousand undead? There shouldn’t be too many corpses for it to summon, right? Moreover, its own strength does not seem to be very powerful, but it has some strange ability to wake up skeletons!
So, in order not to waste time, Annie decided to burn it directly, so she didn't have time to play with her little skeleton here!
Chapter 1, more than eight thousand one hundred words...
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