Chapter 182: Burning a witch is not unreasonable

Little Annie’s fleet of treasures has been traveling at sea for several days. It lasted more than two months and sailed for so long. She didn't know what happened in Port Royal, nor did she want to know what happened. 『→お Kanshuge Free Serial Novel Reading Network ℃www. K.A.N.S.H.U.G.E. La
For Annie, she is just a passerby in this world. Will she come back here in the future? So, no matter what Charlotte and the others have tossed the world into, how many people they killed and how much land they occupied, what did it matter to her?
It's just to teach the other party some magic, give a magic book, and let the little bear borrow a little bit of power. Now something big has happened, do you want to blame her?
At this time, the exploration and exploitation or plundering of the New World by European countries is in full swing.
And in the Caribbean, the route here is even more lively!
Ships of various merchants, pirates or gold diggers, large and small, can be seen everywhere in this area of ​​the Caribbean Sea. Basically, after entering important routes, other ships can often be seen from a distance.
Little Annie’s fleet, on the way back, will occasionally encounter merchant ships or warships of certain countries, although the other side is still close to this fleet consisting of a full-sailed warship dragging two non-sailed warships. The more than ten knots of high-speed sailing was very curious, but they didn't dare to be nosy, they just circumvented immediately after seeing it from a distance. Of course, this also includes the suspected pirate ships that haunt from time to time without flying any flag.
In the past few days of voyage, no ship dared to provoke or approach the strange fleet composed of these three warships at will. As long as it is not a fool, no one would dare to touch this one and know that it is a warship with a hard nail.
In the case of pirates, they usually grab ordinary merchant ships at most, and even when they encounter armed merchant ships, they will collapse if they are not careful!
Because, on the armed merchant ships, there are usually about ten to twenty artillery pieces, and if they encounter some frenzied merchant ship captains, they are more likely to stuff thirty or forty artillery pieces on the armed merchant ships. The idea is: the weight of artillery and shells must be consistent with the weight of the product!
In the Caribbean Sea, there are many jokes, saying that a certain group of pirates with short eyes tried to looting an armed merchant ship with two smaller clippers. As a result, two pirate ships approached and prepared to jump to help. At that time, the captain of the merchant ship gave an order to open the gun door, and the large merchant ship, which looked very ordinary on the outside, turned into a quasi-warship with nearly forty artillery pieces, shocking the pirates. Finally, He was beaten up by a merchant ship for an afternoon. If it weren't for running fast, he almost sank!
"Ha! Dear... Captain Jack Sparrow? I found an interesting situation. Recently, you have become very, very anxious?"
Barbossa saw Jack Sparrow using his binoculars to look at the surrounding sea from time to time, and he seemed to be guarding against something, so he walked behind the opponent and began to joke in a bad tone.
This behavior of the other party is very abnormal in Barbosa's view!
You know, Jack Sparrow is not the captain of the Intrepid. What is it like to observe the surrounding situation so diligently? Moreover, when he was the captain of the Black Pearl, he didn't work so hard, right?
Besides, it is the duty of the watchmen on the mast to observe the surrounding sea conditions. What kind of heart does Sparrow have? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't he drink in the cabin or sailor room?
"Scared? Oh... it's you asshole, Barbosa!"
Jack Sparrow was taken aback by the sound behind him and almost threw the telescope into the sea.
When he turned around and saw Barbossa standing behind him, he was a little relieved, and quickly put his binoculars away carefully, and forced to speak calmly.
"Anxiety? What's so anxious about me? You see? No! Not at all! You must be wrong, that's it!"
Jack Sparrow replied pretentiously, but he betrayed him deeply with his slightly nervous movements. Normally, he is definitely not like this.
"Oh? Is that true?"
Barbossa stared at Jack Sparrow for a while before grinning.
"If, if I remember correctly, you still seem to owe some people a debt? Now, it's almost time to repay it, right?"
Barbosa was angry when he remembered that Jack Sparrow had tempted the little witch to find trouble with the big monster.
"No! No such thing at all, I, Jack Sparrow, has no debt to anyone! Instead, you! You still owe me a Black Pearl! You be careful, traitor!"
Jack Sparrow looked at Barbosa with bad eyes.
"Well, then, do I need to remind you?"
Barbossa ignored Jack Sparrow’s threat, pretended to think for a while, and then said in an exaggerated tone:
"Ha! I remember, what's his name? By the way! What? Oh! David Jones!"
Regarding this entanglement between David Jones and Jack Sparrow, he was very clear. How could he be confused by the other party in a few words?
"Please stop saying that name!"
As soon as he heard the name, Jack Sparrow's expression of composure immediately collapsed, and he looked at Barbossa in a semi-pleading tone.
"Please! Never mention that name in front of me!"
Jack Sparrow is really a little scared, he really doesn't want to serve on that ghost ship for a hundred years! Let alone a hundred years, not even one year!
"Oh! Come on, Jack! You can't just avoid it. I advise you to go and serve on the Flying Dutchman for a hundred years. Then, when you are released from prison, I will do it. The Black Pearl is back to you! Hahaha!"
After speaking, Barbossa laughed to himself, and finally did not forget to add one sentence.
"If I am still alive by then, I will definitely return it to you!"
Barbosa's greatest happiness is to make the other person uncomfortable.
After sailing for so long, he was suppressed by Jack Sparrow everywhere, so now that he can find the other party unhappy, it is his pleasure, there is no better than this.
Jack Sparrow was so angry that he just wanted to get a guy to have a fight with this bastard. Now, the other party is not an immortal, and there is no need to be afraid of him!
However, when he grasped his sword hilt, Jack Sparrow was stunned for a while, as if suddenly remembering something, his expression suddenly became relaxed.
"Ah! I suddenly remembered, or you are right, I don't need to escape anything at all, just let them come, I am not afraid of them at all!"
After seeing the three witches on the bridge who were teasing the seagulls with food, Jack Sparrow suddenly brightened his eyes and soon calmed down.
"Really? I don't think you are as relaxed as the one on your face."
Barbossa said with some skepticism, he felt that this Sparrow must be playing some tricks again, he had to be careful, and cut his way.
"No! Barbosa, you were wrong! I really don't worry about it anymore!"
After speaking, Jack Sparrow also got to Barbossa and whispered:
"Because, I suddenly remembered that I am different from you. I am now, but I have a powerful witch as my backer!"
Although I had talked to the little witch about the sea monster before, Jack Sparrow was still a little uneasy now, when things were coming.
He was worried, if this little witch couldn't beat that huge sea monster, wouldn't he be dead? Thinking of serving on the flying Dutchman for a hundred years, he felt unwilling.
"Jack Sparrow! You really fell!"
Barbossa looked at Jack Sparrow with a shocked look. He didn't expect that this shameless would even have this idea. It turned out that he was talking about the sea monster with the witch at that time.
"Now, you actually want to rely on a little girl to escape your debts? You really make me feel disgusted as a pirate!"
Barbossa doesn't care much about whom Jack Sparrow wants to rely on to get rid of David Jones' debt collection.
What he cared about was that he was still in the same boat with the other party. Before returning to Port Royal and being free, he didn't want to be extravagant, and he didn't want to be put into danger because of a bastard.
"No! You are wrong again, I want to make a statement now."
After Jack Sparrow figured it out, he picked up his signature orchid finger and walked to the guardrail.
"You know, I, the great Captain Jack Sparrow! Now I am employed by a witch, and as an employer, I help the staff solve a little trouble. Isn't this a matter of course?"
Speaking of sophistry, Captain Sparrow was never afraid of anyone, even the old rival Barbosa.
"Jack! Do you think that those witches will be the opponents of David Jones and the Flying Dutchman?"
Barbossa shook his head, and continued in an angry tone.
"You will kill everyone on the boat!"
If his Black Pearl was nearby, Barbosa would have left Yang Fan long ago. He definitely didn't want to go to this muddy water with this Jack Sparrow, this is simply killing his life!
It's a pity that he doesn't have much choice now, unless he is willing to abandon the Black Pearl and get a small boat to leave the fleet now.
"Why not? They are powerful, you must have seen it too? I am very confident in Lord Witch!"
Jack Sparrow retorted with a sneer, Barbosa had just been unhappy to himself, and now it is his turn to be unhappy to him.
"If you still have a little bit of conscience, I think you'd better leave the fleet in a small boat to save time and kill countless innocent people! Don't forget, David Jones is not only flying. Dutchman, he still has that sea monster, the big octopus sea monster!"
Barbossa began to growl angrily, and the stars splashed Jack Sparrow on his face.
"Huh? Conscience? This is the funniest joke I heard today!"
Jack Sparrow pushed Barbosa and his big bearded face away from him.
"A traitor who shamefully betrayed his captain, now, what kind of conscience does he say to me? Don't you think this is very unconvincing?"
When he remembered that when he was going to find the treasure, he was betrayed and lost his beloved Black Pearl immediately after being trapped by this bastard. Jack Sparrow felt a wave of gritted teeth.
If it weren't for this bastard, how could those sailors unite to rebel? If it weren't for him, how could he be thrown to the desert island and almost killed?
"Sea monster? I heard you right? You guys were just talking about sea monster? Where is it?"
Annie directly supported the railing and looked out of the ship, trying to find the sea monster the other party said.
Little Annie had been fiddling with the rudder and the seagulls on the bridge. When she was bored and was about to go down to her captain’s room, she unexpectedly heard the two people’s voice on the ship’s edge on the deck below. The conversation, it seems, what sea monster did they talk about?
So she hurried to the side of Jack and Barbosa, holding on to the guardrail and looking out to the sea, but unfortunately, there was nothing on the sea.
"Where is the sea monster? Where is it? Where is the sea monster?!"
Seeing this little witch so excited, Barbosa gasped.
Looking at the excitement of the other party, he felt that this witch, she is really not afraid of sea monsters? Could it be true that Jack Sparrow escaped this catastrophe?
Must think of a way!
He just wanted to step forward to provoke a divorce, and talk ill of Jack Sparrow, it is better to get the witch to agree with him: leave this Jack Sparrow!
Unfortunately, Barbosa was still a step slower. He saw that Jack Sparrow had approached the little witch at a faster speed, and then began to smile flatly.
"The most powerful sorceress, the great goddess of fire, the respected Lady Anne Hasta!"
Jack Sparrow leaned close to Little Annie's side with the utmost flattery, and after a nondescript manner, he looked at each other with a certain face.
"I found that we may have been targeted by a group of evil creatures, and they are not good!"
Isn't that David Jones and the monsters under him just evil creatures? Of course, and his big octopus! Therefore, this statement by Jack Sparrow is not wrong.
"He is talking nonsense! He..."
Barbossa just wanted to come forward to refute and let the witch recognize Sparrow’s shameless face, but unfortunately, he was immediately pushed to the side by Jack Sparrow with his back, blocking the sight of Little Annie from looking at him. .
"Furthermore, there is a huge sea monster in the hands of those evil creatures!"
Since this little witch likes to find trouble with the big monster so much, Sparrow must certainly try his best to satisfy him. He believes that the big monster will definitely come.
"Is there really a sea monster? Don't lie to me!"
Little Annie looked at Jack Sparrow with some suspicion. A few days ago, he said that a sea monster was coming, but until now, there was nothing.
She likes these weird things or monsters. The stronger the opponent, the better, the more brutal the better!
"It's huge! There are several ships that add up to that big!"
Jack Sparrow exaggerated gestures with his hands, that big octopus can easily swallow a big sailing ship, even if it is the Intrepid, I am afraid it will be dragged to the bottom of the sea by the opponent?
If there are no witches on this ship, that's for sure.
"It's so big? It couldn't be better!"
Annie clenched her fists and waved vigorously.
There really is such a big sea monster? that is really good! If it looks pleasing to the eye, you must grab it and turn it into your own toy! Tibbers bear?
"By the way, there is one little thing! Those monsters seem to want to catch me! So... As your capable man, I don't know, can I seek your protection?"
Jack Sparrow once again strongly blocked Barbosa, who wanted to say something, to prevent the opponent from having a chance to speak.
"This is very simple, don't worry! I won't let them catch you, hum!"
Annie raised her fist and promised.
She went to sea to play this time, and the pirate hired by her seemed to have helped a lot, so she decided to help him.
"Aha! Thank you so much for your generosity!"
Jack Sparrow took off his captain's hat this time, and gave Annie a heartfelt gift.
Although, it also knew that its own behavior was a bit contemptuous, but now that, by relying on the witch, it was about to escape the fate of being caught as a coolie, that was enough.
"No! Lord Witch, don't be fooled by this shameless villain!"
Barbossa finally pushed away Jack Sparrow who was in front of him, snatched it in front of Annie, and began to say hurriedly.
"It's true that a group of evil creatures are chasing him, but they just want to catch this Jack Sparrow! You don't have to shelter him at all, he is a shameless bastard! He wants to use you!"
Now it was Barbosa's turn to block Jack Sparrow who wanted to say something.
"So... Then, do they really have sea monsters?"
Annie bit her finger and thought for a while. She decided to ignore this for the time being. She just wanted to know if there was any kind of big monster under the other's hand?
"Sea monster? This...there is indeed a huge and evil sea monster, but..."
Barbossa wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Annie's wave.
"Is there really a sea monster? That's a problem!"
Annie walked onto the bridge happily, and then shouted to the sailor:
"Half the sail! We have to go slower, maybe the sea monster can catch up with us! I want to see what it looks like! Hurry up! What are you doing in a daze? give an order?"
Now that Annie has discovered something interesting, she is no longer in a hurry to go back. Anyway, it seems to her that it has been so long since she has been out, and it doesn't matter if she is late.
"Ah? Yes! Obey! Your lord!"
When the sailor heard that the little witch said that he wanted to reduce the ship's speed to see some sea monster, he was shocked for a while, and then he reacted and began to turn around and give orders to the sailors.
Since Master Witch wanted to see some big monsters deliberately, and she was so powerful herself, let her go.
"Hurry up, hurry up! Put away half of the sails! We are going to start to slow down!"
Below the bridge, after the officers on the deck repeated the order, the sailors began to climb up the mast and get busy. They need to put away the normal sails and sail at a slower speed.
"Aha! The weather today is really good."
Jack Sparrow glanced at Barbossa triumphantly. He was very happy to see the other person slumped.
"Maybe, we have something to add to dinner tonight? What do you think of barbecued octopus? And, it's still a big octopus!"
Jack Sparrow stretched out ten fingers and made an octopus-like grimace opposite Barbossa, gasping for breath.
"Humph! Just continue to be proud, I have a way to mess with you!"
After a cold snort, Barbosa thought for a while, gritted his teeth and took out a notebook from his pocket.
"What's that? Show me?"
After seeing Barbossa take out a notebook, Jack Sparrow was stunned for a moment. He just wanted to reach out and grab it, but was avoided by the other party.
"I think, instead of letting you confuse the little witch to accompany you to find some big monster, it is better to let her find another interesting and not dangerous thing. What do you think?"
Barbossayang touched a notebook inlaid with red gems in Yang's hand. He had never understood or understood this thing.
Originally, he wanted to keep this thing, but now that he needs valuable items to distract the little witch, there is nothing more suitable than this.
So, after teasing Jack Sparrow, but not telling him what it was, she sneered and walked to the little witch on the bridge.
"Hey! Barbosa? What is the thing in your hand?"
Jack Sparrow hurried forward, on the one hand wanting to know what the notebook was in the other party's hand, and on the other hand, he wanted to stop the other party and prevent this from ruining his own affairs.
"Wait, why don't we have a discussion?"
Jack Sparrow, who always feels that things are not easy, is a little uneasy. She always feels that what the other party is holding is not easy.
Therefore, he hurriedly stopped in front of Barbosa, accompanied by the smiling face vigorously, while blocking the opponent behind him, as if trying to prevent him from approaching the little witch.
"Step aside!"
After arbitrarily pushing Jack Sparrow away, Barbosa walked up to Little Annie with a smiling face.
"Great Sorceress, I don't think there is anything interesting about the big sea monster. Why don't we turn to it now and look for an artifact easily?"
After speaking, Barbosa respectfully handed the notebook inlaid with red gems with both hands.
Originally, he was reluctant to bear this thing. Even if he didn’t understand it, he wanted to leave it to his offspring as a family heirloom or think about it, but now he can’t take care of that much anymore. Mom, I don't know where it is. He has only just recovered from a human body, so this matter is not in a hurry.
"Artifact? Really?"
Little Annie took the other's notebook suspiciously, and began to frown.
Of course Annie likes artifacts!
However, she didn't think that in this world with very low magical elements, there would be any valuable artifact, this beard, wouldn't she just take a magical item to fool herself? With their superficial knowledge of magic, will they know what kind of artifact is and what kind of only enchanted item?
"Master Witch! I Hector Barbosa swears to the sea, what I said is true!"
In order to add chaos to Jack Sparrow, Barbosa also went out, not only took out a heirloom artifact to find a guide, but also swore to the sea.
"This is an artifact! According to the legend, it should be the trident of the fallen sea Poseidon at dusk! With it, you can have the power to rule the entire ocean! Hold it and use it correctly. People will completely rule the oceans of the entire world!"
Barbossa believes that this little witch should be able to use this kind of magical item, provided that she can find this trident.
"It is said that as long as you have it, even the mighty sea goddess has to surrender to it!"
This kind of artifact that sounds scary to death, Barbosa said it is impossible not to be jealous!
However, after owning it for so many years, Barbosa still has no clue, the strange star map above and the secret words like riddles and poems, he really can't understand! Therefore, in the face of such a tastelessness, he can only reluctantly contribute to the witch, and it is good to be able to add a bit of chaos to that Sparrow.
Hearing this, Jack Sparrow took a breath.
This thing, he has indeed heard a lot of legends, of course, it is just a legend, he does not think that there will really be such a magical thing that can rule the entire ocean.
But he never thought that now, this Barbosa, could still come up with this kind of thing? Look at the look of the little witch quickly flipping through it, seems to be really reliable? That is not true, is it? If it is true, Barbosa that will contribute?
This is very unreasonable!
"Respect Lord Witch, this book must be fake! He is deceiving you, I'm sure he will never be so kind!"
Jack Sparrow hurriedly stepped forward and said bad things about the other party, no matter what, no matter whether it was true or not, he would make trouble for Barbosa, and could not break his own affairs.
Snapped! With a bang, Xiao Annie closed her notebook abruptly.
"Captain sailor! Pass the order, full sail, southeast direction, full speed ahead! We are going to find the artifact!"
Little Annie gave Jack Sparrow angrily. Is it true or false, can't she tell?
And, if it's true or false, don't you know if you look at the place where the treasure is buried? As long as it is true, then the trident must be buried under the ocean floor at that location, so it’s okay to see it in the sea nowadays?
"Huh? Yes, yes..."
The sails have just been stowed, and it has only slowed down soon, but now it is going to go full speed again? This kind of little witch who changes the order of the day is really hard to serve!
In desperation, the sailor could only agree and do the grieving sailors again. They climbed up the masts and put down the sails that had just been put down again, so that the ship could run at full speed.
"That... Master Witch, don't you need to wait till night to compare the star map to determine the location of the artifact?"
Barbossa knew that the place where the artifact was buried seemed to be related to the location of the stars in the sky. Then, that gem seemed to be the key to breaking the game, but he had no idea what to do.
"Huh? Waiting to see the stars at night? Where does it take so much trouble?"
Little Annie looked at this illiterate pirate chief with anger, but, considering the other side's contribution to such a good thing, she decided to explain it to him.
"I tell you, no matter how complicated and mysterious it is written in the book, in fact, one thing will never change!"
Little Annie raised the ruby-studded notebook in her hand.
"What will not change?"
Neither Barbosa nor Jack Sparrow understood what the witch wanted to say.
"Of course it is where the treasure was buried!"
"Anyway, the location will not change. Then, as long as you infer the distribution of stars more than ten years later based on the above tips, you can of course know the specific location where the artifact was buried!"
"As for the distribution of stars, I've seen it the other night, and it's quite simple to infer it a little bit."
Still ask such a simple question?
Annie looked at these two pirate bosses with contempt. Still asking such a simple question? Moreover, the content written in this book is too superficial, there is no technicality at all, even a prisoner who has studied astrology can crack it, how could it be difficult for Xiao Annie herself?
If Annie writes the secret language of the buried treasure herself, she will definitely use magic patterns, inscriptions, and magic traps to make a protective shell. The contents inside will also use ancient magic language, special magic knowledge, and some Uncommon secret codes are used to disguise, and finally, a magic device is added to blow up all the who can't understand the secret words and mess up!
"Push... infer the distribution of stars ten years later?"
Or is it based on the stars seen a few days ago?
Quite simple?
Barbossa and Jack Sparrow are already petrified...
Sure enough, witches can not be easily practiced. The reason why this little witch is so powerful is not unreasonable! Let's take a look, she can actually use the stars she saw a few days ago to infer the distribution of stars ten years later? Can you accurately infer where the artifact is buried?
This... Is this something that ordinary people can do?
Do you still look at us with that kind of contempt?
We know that we are stupid, but you shouldn’t compare yourself with us in this way, right?
Jack Sparrow was a little better, but was slightly shocked by the horror of the witch, he was used to it anyway. And Barbossa received almost ten thousand damages to the psychic crit. You know, he has studied this notebook for several years... In the end, he couldn't match the rough glance of a little witch?
Is the gap between these mortals and real witches really that big?
Sure enough... It's not unreasonable for the church to burn witches... If they don't burn them, where is there a way for mortals to survive?
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