Chapter 188: Encountered the Flying Dutchman (1)

As night fell gradually, after the end of this ordinary journey to find the artifact, the Intrepid was dragging two Spanish ships, slowly driving on the quiet and stable sea.
The trident of Poseidon, the of the sea, has been successfully obtained by Little Annie. Now, it is nothing more than a masterless thing. It is obviously not difficult for her to rely on its own defensive measures.
In this world, Poseidon, the of the sea, has fallen for a long time, just like those ancient gods. Now, the one who rules the entire ocean is said to be a sea goddess named Cripso.
And the ability of this sea goddess, in the eyes of Little Annie, is not very good. Because the other party was sealed into a witch by a group of pirates. It is said that they are all much better?
In Annie's view, this is just a joke!
As a tall ocean goddess, she will be sealed by a group of mortals? Then, he is either a fake or an idiot!
On the contrary, it was the trident of the sea Poseidon. It was a good thing. In the eyes of Little Annie, it was indeed a weapon of the gods.
Because, she discovered that this trident has the natural power of manipulating sea water. As long as it is held, even an ordinary person without the slightest magic power can easily manipulate the power of the sea, such as manipulating the sea, dividing the sea surface, and creating a large vortex. , Control the weather on the sea and cast and lift certain curses, etc.
This is only the ability when the magic is not used, and once the magic is used, it can display more powerful powers!
Before, those people said: owning it can have the power to rule the entire ocean. This is not wrong, but it can only rule the ocean. Once on the shore, it will be a tasteless existence. .
Little Annie also discovered that this trident seems to be able to exert its greatest effect only in the ocean of this world. Once the world is changed, it is estimated that its power will be greatly reduced, and it is not even reduced to an ordinary magic scepter. impossible.
It’s a pity to eat without meat, but to abandon it.
It has been integrated into the rules of this world, so it has this magical power to control the ocean. Maybe, when Little Annie leaves this world, maybe she will give it away to others?
Tonight, there is surprisingly no sea breeze or big waves in this sea area. The sea in the night looks unusually calm.
In the night sky, stars of various colors are shining, dotted on the dome covering the sea, and the calm sea, like a mirror, also reflects the sky full of stars.
Above is the sea of ​​stars, and below, is the sea reflecting the stars.
The three sailing ships are walking slowly on the mirror-like sea in this windless night. If you look at it from a distance, you will find that the three sailing ships are moving at a constant speed without wind. The advancing sailboat is like flying in the void of the universe.
No matter where you look, in the up, down, left, and right, front and back of the fleet, where you enter your eyes, there are the glimmers of stars flashing, like a dream, like a fairyland, the scenery is breathtakingly beautiful...
At this moment, Little Annie was lying on a small crane, swinging slightly as the battleship advanced.
This hang was hung directly by Annie on the horizontal bar of the tallest mast, so that she could see the beautiful stars and the night of the surrounding sea clearly. Now, she is holding her little bear in one hand, her head pillow. On the other arm, half-squinted, calmly looking at the stars in the sky.
The scenery reminded her of the time at home.
At that time, she also liked to run to the roof of the castle with the highest gray order on a clear and moonless night, just like now, just lying down and watching the countless stars in the sky.
They are the same as the ones here, they are all flashing and flashing, so beautiful...
Every time, she could see sleepiness surge, and then just slept on the roof. Then, every time she woke up in the morning, she could always find that she was lying on the soft and comfortable little bed in her bedroom.
Little Annie knew that every time, it was her mother, Amorine, who appeared silently after she fell asleep. After she carried her back to the bedroom, she left silently.
Thinking of this, Annie's eyes are moist. It seems that it has been a long time since she left home!
How long has it been? Is it a year? Or two years?
Little Annie really wanted to rush into the warm embrace of her mother, Amorim, to act like a baby, and miss the delicious food she would seriously go to the kitchen every day to prepare for herself.
Speaking of food, Annie has to complain, the food here in this world is really unpalatable, especially at sea!
They ate bread and salted fish soup in the morning, bread and salted fish fillets plus a thick fish soup at noon. In the evening, the staple food was fish soup, bread and salted fish. At most, it was just a little cheese or an apple?
Moreover, the bread is as hard as a stone!
It is said that the chefs on the lower deck used an ax to cut the bread directly?
There are no delicious ice creams, no delicious salads, no cream cakes or burgers, and no mushroom soup or magic meal made by mother!
Little Annie felt that if this continued, she herself would be hungry alive!
Of course, there is a prerequisite for being hungry and thin, and that is: after she finishes all the various delicacies stocked in her space bag.
"Very sleepy……"
Looking at the stars in the sky for a long time made Annie's eyes feel a bit astringent, so she had to turn around on the hanger and turned into lying on her side.
Huh? That is... what is the pirate captain of Sparrow?
When she turned sideways, Anne found that on the deck below the mast, the strange uncle named Jack Sparrow was walking around nervously with his sailing compass, looking anxious. .
Of course Annie knows the compass in his hand!
It is said that it can still point to the location of the place that users most want to know or want to go to.
However, Annie felt that they must be bragging, that thing should have been broken, it didn't work at all!
Because, every time she took that thing into her hands, the compass on that nasty compass would only spin indiscriminately and at a high speed, completely unable to point to the place she wanted to go most-Valoran World!
"Master Anne, are you asleep?"
Suddenly, Jack Sparrow on the deck below gently raised his head and shouted at the hanging witch lying on the top of the high mast.
Annie was not asleep, and now she was half-squinting her eyes! It's just that she didn't want to pay attention to the strange scorpion below.
Can't I say anything tomorrow? Must come and quarrel her at this time of night? Look, how beautiful the night is now? The sea breeze is small, blowing on her face, making her drowsy, this is the right time to sleep.
"Master Anne...Help! It's sea monsters, those sea monsters, they are here!"
Jack Sparrow called to Annie from under the mast, and after seeing no response, he hesitated.
Then, when he was holding his compass and preparing to look again, he suddenly yelled in surprise, his exaggerated action, like a scared rabbit.
Because, Jack Sparrow found that the compass in his hand was spinning around randomly, instead of pointing in a certain direction he was thinking of as before.
According to his past experience, this situation can only show one thing: the things he fears the most, at this time, are really right under their fleet!
That's right, just under the surface of their Intrepid!
"What! Are there sea monsters?"
Little Annie was about to fall asleep in a daze, but she was woken up by Jack Sparrow below.
He yelled strangely and yelled at the same time. The most damning thing is that he even sounded the battle alarm bell on the ship!
The sharp and rushing sound from the small bronze bell made Annie pretend she could not hear the other party, but her plan to continue sleeping was lost, and she had to sit up from the hanger angrily.
This villain named Sparrow is really hateful!
"If I find out that you are lying to me, then you will definitely regret it!"
Annie floated down after she got up, threatening Jack Sparrow viciously.
She had just thought about it, if the sea monster was not found this time, she would tie up the monster and throw it into the sea and drag it away!
During the day, he had said that a sea monster was chasing after him, but he had waited for a whole day for nothing, and he didn't even see the shadow of the sea monster! Originally, Little Annie's heart was very dissatisfied, but now, he actually disturbed her sleep again?
Does he think he has such a good temper?
"What on earth happened?"
"What the is going on here? We were attacked?"
"Jack Sparrow! Why do you sound the alarm at this time? Where is the enemy?"
After hearing the battle alert, Norrington, Barbosa, and the sisters Cecilia and Christina quickly walked onto the deck.
After seeing clearly that it was not the soldier on duty but the Jack Sparrow who sounded the alarm, both Barbosa and Norrington, who was the captain, began to speak out.
At this time, the other sailors and soldiers were disheveled and took out muskets, swords, or axes, pouring up from the cabin, one by one, struggling to prepare for battle.
However, at this time, no one cares about those cannons, because at this time they are almost reduced to decorations.
In order to save enough load to carry those countless treasures of gold and silver ~ ~ shells and gunpowder, they have long been thrown into the sea!
Anyway, in the eyes of everyone, there are still three witches living on the ship, even if the artillery is out of shells and ammunition, they will not be counseled at all! If there are really short-eyed pirates or other ships who have the courage to rob them of these three ships, in the end, it is not certain who robs and who.
"Because... I found David Jones! Of course, and his flying Dutchman!"
Jack Sparrow opened his special compass again, and after another glance to confirm that it was correct, he nervously pointed to the sea under his feet and said to everyone:
"Now, you must not think of it? They are under the surface of our ship at this moment!"
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