Chapter 196: Vast starry sky

Here, after Annie walked out of the space portal, she found that this place was actually in a void?
There is nothing at all in this place where she is, up and down, left and right, and front and back!
She is actually in a vacuum universe?
Looking at the past, in addition to a few huge earth-yellow, brown, and green giant planets that are relatively nearby, some are just the countless stars and strange-shaped nebulae shining in the distance?
At this moment, Little Annie is staying in a very powerful magical protective shield. This is what she put on herself the first time after she found out that it was wrong. In addition to being filled with magical elements to keep her under pressure, she also isolated The harmful rays around her and the vacuum hurt her body.
Even if she herself was already a powerful demigod, she would feel very uncomfortable if she directly exposed herself to vacuum and cosmic harmful rays without any protection.
Therefore, Little Annie is now staring at the fast-turning square space gem in her hand with bad eyes.
This must be a bad thing!
She felt that this space gem was really getting more and more arrogant recently, and she was getting more and more with her!
The previous few times were not bad either. She ran to three earths and one planet of Azeroth, which hadn't had much impact on her basic survival.
But now?
Look, now it actually got itself into this piece of emptiness, vacuum universe all at once?
If it wasn't for a strong enough demigod mage, I'm afraid that if you were replaced by someone else, you would have been killed by it for playing this way, right?
Where is it here?
Little Annie turned her head and looked at the space up, down, left, and right, okay... Actually, she found that there is no such thing as up, down, left, and right.
Even if she was inside the magical protective shield, she was in a state of weightlessness. She couldn't feel the effect of gravity when she was standing on the ground. This feeling, for a while, made her feel very novel.
So, she started to slowly rotate within the shield, then opened her eyes wide, looking at the strange planets around and their beautiful star rings.
(My little master, don’t play for now, hurry up and find a safe place? If you stay here again, once the time is long, you will definitely have big problems!-Finally, see Little Annie started playing unconsciously. Tibbers couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly reminded her.)
According to Tibbers, in this vacuum universe, not only is there no food and air, but there are also a lot of deadly rays. If it weren’t for its Master Anne is strong enough, if it’s a different person, it would still be alive. ?
This kind of vacuum cosmic environment, as a shadow creature, Tibbers must be fearless. But its little owner Annie, she can't do it!
Although in a short time, there is not much problem, but once the time is long, plus, this magic shield will continuously consume her own magic power, and there is no oxygen to breathe. , To maintain the energy supply of the body, it also needs to consume her own magic power, even if her magic power is strong, it will really happen for a long time!
"Huh? Right! You show me! You want me to admit it? There are no doors!"
Little Annie cursed bitterly, and took the broken stone directly into her space pocket.
Tibbers...Where shall we go now? Is it... want to go to any planet?
After holding her own little bear, Annie looked around, the huge planets. Soon, she picked one of them. That planet looked pretty, although the distance seemed a little away. Far, but if she casts a spell to teleport a few times over a long distance, it is estimated that she will be able to reach it?
(None of those planets are suitable for life, and it’s useless to go! Let’s go over there first, the floating warship wreckage!-Seeing that Little Annie is going to go to those planets, Tibor Si hurriedly stopped.
In its view, none of those planets are life planets at all. What's the use of looking beautiful? What is the difference between going to those places and staying in a vacuum? It might as well go to the wreckage of the battleship directly over there, maybe, what clues can be found, or know where to survive nearby? )
Huh? Battleship? !
After Tibbers’ reminder, Little Annie finally took her gaze back from those beautiful planets. Then, she also discovered the other side, in the dim space of the universe, the one with a hideous breach was quiet. The wreckage of a warship floating quietly and slowly moving along a certain track.
"It's really an interstellar battleship...Tibbers, let's go now, otherwise, it will drift away!"
The battleship is definitely much more fun than the planet!
Therefore, Little Annie immediately grabbed her little bear Tibbers and began to cast the spell. After a while, when the spell was completed, an ultra-long-distance teleportation floated to the spot in front of her field of vision. The wreckage of the battleship flashed past.
Soon, after several long-distance teleportations, Little Annie finally arrived in the wreckage of this huge battleship.
Even she herself didn't expect that the wreck they saw before seemed to be quite close, but when she really came here, she would have trouble with her nose! It's more laborious than transferring between continents on the planet!
After that, Annie carried her bear cubs and wandered around in this broken battleship. For a long time, they barely strolled around and learned about the basic structure of the battleship.
It's just that they didn't have any valuable discoveries, except for the one in front of them, it seems... an escape capsule that can still be used?
Could it be that this was left behind when the aliens escaped?
"Hey! Tibbers, tell me, this is called a rescue capsule, can it really be used?"
After arriving inside the dilapidated starship, Annie walked for a long time, and finally found a small cylindrical spaceship in a corner that had not been destroyed too badly. She was constantly fluent in language through her body. , Allowing her to easily recognize the alien text beside the button next to the small spaceship's door.

The rescue cabin can be used for emergency escape.
Limited to ten crew members, equipped with standard Aiur pressure oxygen environment and emergency dormant cabin.
Protos, manufactured by XXXX space station in XXXX year.

(My little ancestor, now you have no choice, open it, and go in and nest! Anyway, it says: It is equipped with oxygen, and you have food for yourself, so ah, you should go in and stay honestly. Month! I just don’t know, is it okay to create water in the universe? Tibbers directly persuaded Little Annie without even thinking about it.
At the beginning, when they were in New York, they didn't watch various TV dramas, science fiction or movies less. Now, when they came here, they also got a seemingly intact lifeboat, so be content! )
"Okay, then, I'll press it down? There will be no strange cosmic monsters in it, right?"
After speaking, little Annie pretended to be scared, and timidly pressed the button that was marked to open.
(Tibbers rolls his eyes at Anne’s behavior and doesn’t say much. She pretends to be scared like that, but her eyes are full of excitement. Who else is she trying to lie to? Hey! Maybe, she still wished that What kind of monster, right?)
"Wow... What a beautiful spaceship... It's a pity that there is nothing in it..."
There is no alien monster in the alien spaceship? Negative Ratings!
Little Annie curled her lips in dissatisfaction, pressed her feet slightly, and floated in.
After sensing the vacuum environment outside the rescue capsule, the automatic hatch behind her quickly closed automatically.
Then, this magical rescue capsule began to directly infuse the chamber with oxygen that can be breathed by living organisms. It also adjusted the pressure in the capsule and created a weak gravity field, so that Xiao Anni would not be everywhere. Fluttering.
Stepping in, after strolling around in this five-square-meter warehouse, Xiao Anni found that here, except for five emergency dormant warehouses on each side, a console, and a metal chair, it seems, Nothing at all?
" bathroom...this spaceship is really terrible!"
Little Annie murmured twice in dissatisfaction. Are aliens cutting corners like this? Build more bathrooms or sofas, they won't die!
(Oh... it's just a rescue capsule. You can find this small spaceship that can still be used here. It is already very good. Please don't expect too much-Tibbers sighed, this little ancestor of his family , After being two queens, it seems that they have all been naughty?)
"Huh? What does this button mean? Launch?"
In boredom, after Xiao Annie walked to the console and finished it, she saw that there seemed to be a whole row of buttons on it? Then, she saw the largest and most conspicuous red button on it, and what was written on it seemed to mean... launch?
What is it going to launch? Weapons? It looks so fun!
(Don't press... well, when I didn't say anything, just continue to play slowly by yourself!-Tibbers sighed inwardly, but it's a pity that it was still speaking slowly just now.
When it was just about to dissuade it, Little Annie was already dead, she reached out and pressed the red button, and then, the rescue capsule, with a whistling sound, rushed directly into the boundless universe outside...)
"Wow! It's so cool, it can still move?"
Annie was a little surprised. She started to stand up from the driver's seat eagerly, and then began to look at the console. What other fun things, weapons, or something else?
It's a pity that this spacecraft is just a lifeboat for emergency escape. Just now, Little Annie, who didn't understand anything, didn't even set the coordinates, so she directly pressed the launch button.
So, now, where exactly this ship is going to fly, I guess you don’t even know the spacecraft itself, right? Once its propulsion energy is exhausted, I am afraid, it can only wander in the universe?
" seems...nothing fun."
Annie looked carefully at the various buttons on the console. In addition to some buttons that mediate the indoor environment or request to connect to a certain spacecraft, there is also a green help button?
Well, that's it!
So, after Xiao Annie pressed the green button that sent the distress signal, she began to lie on the metal chair, took out the food in her space pocket, and started to eat.
(Master Anne...You are like this, just press the distress signal casually, is it really okay? What if... when it comes to a group of alien monsters, what should I do?-Tibbers no longer wants to Let's blame it for its unreliable owner's outrageous behavior, but...necessary reminder, it still has to do it.)
"Alien monsters? That's great! When that happens, we will their big spaceships, and then we will have fun!"
Little Annie's eyes lit up when she heard of alien monsters.
Then, she raised her little greasy fist holding the roast leg of lamb and waved it vigorously.
Now, she was already imagining: when the time comes, how should we clean up those aliens who plan to disadvantage her? Is it to destroy them first, and then their spaceship? Or do you the spaceship first, and then enslaves them?
This is something worthy of careful consideration. Little Annie decided that when the time comes, she will look at the performance of the other party first.
(Well, when I didn’t say anything, you’d be happy!-Tibbers decided that it would sleep for a while, and ignore the messy mistress for now.)
In 2229 AD, science and technology were extremely developed, and the earth, which had already begun to colonize the universe, was due to the uneven distribution of religion, language, culture, and benefits among countries, and the people on earth who had already started to colonize the universe finally No longer afraid of the outbreak of a world war and the threat of nuclear weapons, so naturally, on the earth, in the cradle of mankind, the third world war broke out!
At this time, the people on Earth want to come, anyway, they have begun to colonize the universe on a large scale, anyway, they have enough fleet to transport all the people on Earth, so ah, even if the earth is destroyed, does it matter? Just hit it!
In the end, after the end of the third world war on the earth, a new coalition government UL appeared here on the earth. They controlled most of the population and began to implement New Deal reforms.
However, this new coalition government on Earth is a terrifying government. In the era of cosmic navigation, they only need one voice and are committed to eliminating all religious beliefs and the uniqueness of different civilizations!
Therefore, they destroyed all religions and different languages. After the hibernation technology, the speed engine, the artificial gravity and the suspension technology were mature, they passed a very humane resolution: to remove those dissidents who do not obey their rule and Their family members crammed into several huge immigrant ships together, and after setting a wake-up time, they directly exiled them into the distant interstellar space...
The idea of ​​this coalition government is very good. Since those people are unwilling to surrender and since the other party makes troubles with the government all day long, then, very well, they don't commit killings and exile those people to the far side of the universe.
Put all the opponents into the immigration ship, and then set the destination and arrive at the specified time before waking up again. At that time, the opponent has reached the other side of the distant universe. Even if you want to return to Earth again, return to the solar system to make trouble Is it all gone?
Therefore, after the resolution took effect, the coalition government packed all these dissidents into four huge immigrant spacecraft, and provided them with enough technology and colonial command centers to survive, and then sent them to some place in the universe. Lost in the remote direction, let them fend for themselves.
Originally, this plan was very good!
It can not only solve the discordant voices on the earth, but also contribute to the mankind's space colonization plan. It can be said to be multi-tasking!
It's a pity that the technology of the brain and navigation system they made seems to be a bit too good. The navigation system will turn off automatically? As a result, the destinations of these colonial spacecrafts disappeared together with the coordinates of the earth... which turned their original one-year journey into 28 years of aimless speed navigation...
This is the origin of the human race in StarCraft at the beginning. Actually, they can't represent the entire human race because they are just a small group of criminals exiled by the coalition government.
These four huge space migration ships are the origin of the human race in StarCraft. These exiled earthlings, when they woke up from a long frozen sleep, they were shocked to discover that they were on the star. Domain, but is being threatened by two powerful alien forces?
Therefore, while they are working hard to develop themselves, they have to choose to fight!
Only by fighting can we fight for their poor people who have been exiled to survive!
Because, those coalition governments, they actually calculated the energy and materials of the space migration ship accurately? At this time when they woke up, all supplies and energy were exhausted, which made them want to move to a safe place.
If you think that Little Annie's trip took place on the side of these four colonial ships, then you are wrong. In fact, it is not...
This is another story. If there is no little Annie, these people would probably not appear in the plot of StarCraft I, but now, little Annie, the butterfly, has stirred up another storm?
You need to know that where there is oppression, there will be resistance. This is an eternal law.
And the brutal new coalition government UL, after ruling for a period of time, a new discordant voice once again appeared on the earth: a small group of people, once again gathered together for a common pursuit, they tried to report to the coalition government Make a different voice of your own, protest and demand improvement of your living environment.
However, there were probably tens of thousands of dissidents among them. In the end, all of them, including their families, were arrested by the coalition government.
Since it has been said before, after the third world war, the brutal and new UL Earth coalition government appeared, then how could they still tolerate this small group of newly emerging dissidents?
Therefore, it is certain that these people were arrested.
Of course, if you kill them all, it will be too cruel, too bloody, and too easy to provoke people and cause chaos.
In the end, after the discussion, they could only pick up the original exile resolution once again. Since there is a precedent, it would be much easier.
Therefore, in the end, it is natural that these more than 100,000 insurgents and their families were once again stuffed into another larger space colony ship.
In 2333 AD, when all the prisoners entered the freezer and set the time and conditions for their wake-up, this poor spacecraft was once again set by the coalition government for another remote course that was different from the prisoners previously exiled. After they merged with the criminals before, they were kicked to the other side of the universe...
Regarding such matters as exiles, the coalition government with experience has been very proficient. In this case, they did not even try to control the other party, and just threw them out.
For these dissidents, they did not kill anyone or imprison any of them!
But just a simple exile can completely obliterate the opponent in space and time! When these annoying criminals woke up more than a hundred years later, on earth, who would remember them?
Look, how harmonious and civilized is their union? This can almost be called a model in the moral world! Who dares to say anything about the coalition government? Their sixth colonial ship to exile prisoners is already on standby!
If you want to live in, please come and sign up. The United Government UL welcomes them!
This is really no threshold, no requirements, and it also includes board and lodging. If one person signs up, the whole family is glorious and the whole family has a share!
At the beginning of 2334 AD, this fifth medium-sized space colony spacecraft, with two standard interstellar colonization command centers and more than one hundred thousand exiles, moved in a different direction from the previous four colonial spacecraft, after flying out of the solar system , Entered the speed of sailing, and embarked on a lonely and long journey again...
More than a hundred years ago, the fifth exile spacecraft thrown by the new coalition government of the Earth, numbered NO.5, has now reached its destination, fact, there is no destination at all!
In this unfamiliar star field, here, there is no star map for navigation, nor any valuable information. Everything depends on their lonely colonial spacecraft to explore and seek development and survival.
In the end, whether they can survive here depends on their own ability.
If, accidentally, these people are all dead, maybe, it will really be like the will of the coalition government at the time, right?
Now, more than a hundred years have passed, and I don’t know whether the UL on the other side of the earth has collapsed? What has become of their earth?
The Captain Michelle Yeoh of Hope, at this time, was sitting on the captain's command seat of this giant colonial spacecraft, waiting for the crew to be busy and collecting various data.
Originally, this colonial ship was not called Hope. This was the new name she gave to her as the captain after they awakened from the more than 100,000 people who were exiled and oppressed.
It means that it will lead people like them to hope in this unfamiliar star field, and find their hope of survival for more than 100,000 people!
Because, those arrogant and bureaucrats, they just brushed a NO.5 symbol on the outer bulkhead of the spaceship, the identification number is five, which means: exile the spaceship, the fifth ship!
As for other official names? Sorry, they will not waste their precious brain cells on this kind of spaceship that is destined to be discarded.
They have just awakened today. As the captain, she, and the other crew members, have all just gone through a short period of simple training before being stuffed into the dormant cabin.
They can only make sure that this ship will not be driven into a certain planet by themselves. As for the others, you really can't count on those co-bureaucrats who have already regarded them as dead.
In the eyes of their UL co-bureaucrats, an expensive colonial ship has been prepared for these criminals. What do you think of them? Send someone to help them drive?
Do not make jokes! What is it about the life and death of these people? Before waking up, they can be turned on by a smart computer. As for after waking up, if they have been trained anyway, if they can’t drive, they’ll be knocked down and overwhelmed!
"Captain, the approximate data has been collected!"
The current female chief mate of the Hope, Doug Jones holding a transparent glass-like portable smart terminal about six inches in size walked to the Captain Ziqiong's body and stood there, and then gave a fairly standard military salute.
She, like the others on their bridge, was not a professional soldier before entering the dormant warehouse. They were all forced to be trained as warship officers by the group of gangsters. You know, before that, she Doug ?Jones is an artist who loves freedom.
"Read it..."
Michelle Yeoh looked at the various control consoles in front of the crew members who were hurriedly in front of the instructions and sighed.
She felt that it was too embarrassing for her to lead these people to find a planet that could survive and survive to grow and develop.
After another salute, Doug looked awkwardly on the smart terminal for the documents he was going to report.
This approach made Captain Zi Qiong's heart sigh again.
"At present, all 136,000 of us have awakened, and most of us have adapted to it. However, there are also more than 3,121 who have experienced violent reactions and died! More than 6,000 have been admitted. In the ward, there is a serious shortage of medical staff. They can only rely on intelligent medical robots to maintain the status quo. This is all the information of our ship’s personnel."
After swiping a few times on the holographic screen in his hand, First Mate Doug quickly listed the personnel information reported from other posts.
Suddenly killed and injured so many people. Obviously, UL’s dormant warehouse technology does not have the ability to sleep for a long time, but the other party forced them to sleep for more than a hundred years. The other party’s intentions were obviously obvious. !
"The following is the energy and material situation: the energy inventory of our ship Hope is already seriously insufficient. According to the situation sent back by the chief engineer, at most, it can sail for about 60 earth days!"
"Moreover, the most important daily necessities are not only in a single category, but the reserve inventory is also seriously insufficient! According to the estimation of the logistics department, the inventory... at most is enough for our 130,000 people to eat for less than 40 days. After that, only I can continue to rely on synthetic food for a month or two..."
Speaking of this, Doug's face is also a little bit gloomy, the bureaucrats of the UL Union, it is too much!
On the colonial spacecraft, there was only a small food breeding room? It was only a few years before they awakened that they were manipulated by smart computers to cultivate several batches of food crops and raw animals, so that they only discovered that there was a serious shortage of food?
"It seems... we must find a suitable planet to resume production as soon as possible, and this task must be done before the energy is exhausted!"
Zi Qiong mumbled to herself, then took a deep breath and turned to the direction of the navigator.
"Navigator, use the fastest speed to collect nearby star maps. We need to find the nearest and most suitable planet. This is the first priority! You must be as fast as possible!"
She sternly shouted at the navigator Anthony.
"Ah, ah? Yes! Me, I will do it as soon as possible!"
Her stern expression made Anthony, who was a novice, even more flustered.
Then, he hurriedly held the glasses on his eye sockets, and then quickly turned over the thick paper manual, but, actually, he can search with a smart terminal. In this case, can it be more convenient?
But, you have to be considerate, he is a novice...
"Captain, I scanned and found a strange rhythmic signal! It looks like it should be a strange lifeboat, and it seems to be very close to us?"
Radar Sonia, who was in charge of radar observation and signal collection, turned around and reported to their captain in a somewhat puzzled tone.
She had only seen it in the textbooks in the current situation. This was the first time she had actually encountered it.
"Immediately turn on the active quantum radar of the Nozomi, and conduct a comprehensive scan of the surrounding star field! Perform it immediately!"
It was discovered by a man-made object so close? Captain Michelle Yeoh exploded immediately!
Who knows if that thing is a lifeboat? Or is it the attack weapon of some alien creatures? Moreover, listening to the report of the chief radar, the other party seems to be so close to the ship Hope? Is that pretty good?
This matter must be taken seriously, and sufficient vigilance must be maintained!
"What are you doing in a daze?!"
Michelle Yeoh was angry when he saw that Chief Radar was still in a daze.
Sure enough, these newcomers are all unreliable!
I am afraid that among the 130,000 people on board, there are less than 100 people who have received formal military training, right? Not to mention the various positions of officers with experience in boarding.
"Huh? Okay... Okay!"
Sonia regained her senses, and began to manipulate it in a hurry. After a while, after turning on the more energy-consuming active radar, she quickly got concrete results.
"Report to the captain! The other party... should indeed be an unfamiliar lifeboat! I didn't observe any energy response. The other party seems to have lost power?"
The head radar said uncertainly, then turned his head and glanced at the data on the holographic screen.
"Now, it is relying on inertia to move towards us at high speed along a predetermined trajectory. The distance is...less than 30,000 kilometers! Moreover, according to the life signal, the sitting on it...seems to be a human?"
Sonia was also surprised by the signal displayed on the interface.
In this place, in this remote and unfamiliar star field, how could there be other human beings besides them as the ship? Could it be that the instrument of this spacecraft that has flown for more than a hundred years is malfunctioning?
"Are you sure, you read it right?!"
Captain Zi Qiong was shocked. What international joke is this? How can this be?
In this remote and unfamiliar star field, even those who are exiled, they have been floating in the speed of war for more than a hundred years before arriving here!
So, what is this human being in an unfamiliar rescue capsule now? Encountered this kind of situation here, this is a bit weird, right?
For a time, Captain Michelle Yeoh was also a little undecided in his heart.
She doesn't know, what should I do?
To be honest, she only served as the captain of a small warship. She has no experience in large-scale colonial ships like now... She has the expectations of more than 100,000 people, like this situation. , What should I do?
"Captain? What should we do now? In twelve minutes and twenty-one seconds, it will drift past us."
Radar Sonia asked again.
Based on the computer's calculation data, she quickly figured out the opponent's orbit and the specific time of passage. Their Hope must respond before then. Otherwise, the opponent may be drifting away along the orbit.
Michelle Yeoh didn't care about the radar asking again, but frowned fiercely, not knowing what she was thinking.
"First Mate Doug, let the Marines prepare, equip them with an armored transport spacecraft, let them be fully armed, and go and capture the rescue capsule. Only after confirming that the other party has no threat to our door can we let them They return!"
After thinking for a while, Captain Zi Qiong finally gave the decision to capture the rescue capsule.
She is also very curious now, in that unfamiliar lifeboat, will it be a human as shown on the radar? Or other alien creatures?
Although rushing to capture the other party and risking her own Hope, she decided to do so.
Moreover, she has also taken corresponding insurance measures. Before she is sure that the other party is absolutely safe, she will definitely not let the lifeboat enter her Nozomi!
When the time comes, let the Marines inspect it before the transport spacecraft gets on board, right? Even if it is really dangerous, is it just the loss of a marine squad and a transport spacecraft?
"Yes! Captain!"
Doug immediately responded, UU reading www. began to pick up the communication equipment in hand and began to issue orders to the Marines who had just awakened.
On their huge immigrant spacecraft, currently there are only two teams of Marines, each team has ten members, equipped with the old style CMC-300/400 power combat uniform, 8mm caliber C-15 The piercing electromagnetic gun is well equipped.
It's just... what worries Mate Doug the most is: these Marines, all of them, including the captain, are all recruits...
Is it a bit too much to let a group of recruits who have just woke up to perform this kind of task?
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