Chapter 200: Ghost Agent: Annie

Planet jno.3, this is the only mysterious planet with its own atmosphere detected by Hope’s quantum radar. It not only has a thick layer of atmosphere, but also covers up to 80% of the entire planet, and even more. A little more huge ocean.
However, if you think that it is a habitable planet, then you are wrong!
On the contrary, among all the planets that are expected to colonize within the range detected by Hope, I am afraid that planet jno.3 is the most dangerous environment planet that is not suitable for human survival!
Because the ocean that covers more than 80% of the planet is not water, but a strongly corrosive and strongly acidic liquid ocean!
According to preliminary inspections by the first-launched exploration satellite, it seems to be a mixture of some unknown strong acids similar to sulfuric acid and other types. So, of course, in its atmosphere, except for carbon dioxide and a very small amount of oxygen. In addition, it is also full of this strongly corrosive acid steam!
According to the evaluation of the Nozomi technical team, humans only need to be exposed to this environment for more than ten seconds, and the atmosphere will cause irreversible severe burns to the eyes, skin and respiratory mucosa!
And if the exposure time exceeds 20 seconds, it is very likely to die!
Moreover, its atmospheric environment will accelerate the corrosion rate of various human facilities, greatly shortening the service life of various machinery and buildings.
Therefore, it is definitely not a planet suitable for human survival!
And now, the reason why the space colonization ship on board more than one hundred thousand humans abandoned all other detected planets, Hope chose to fly towards it, because it was only the strong energy response detected on it. !
That is what they desperately need on the Hope-energy! Are those high-energy crystals and special gas with extremely high energy
At this time, Little Annie and Galen’s Cobra Squad, Dreyus’s Viper Squad, a total of 21 people from the three parties, are on the battlefield simulated based on this planet, and they are engaged in a three-strong competition. !
That is the match where First Mate Doug laughed out loud before watching! It's just that it's a rebroadcast now for them to watch Leona, the captain of the HMS Hope.
"Come out, come out quickly, where are you"
If you look closely at a strange stone that has been pitted and pitted by strong acid, you will find that the light above the stone is slightly distorted.
But if it was swept away from a long distance, it would definitely be impossible to find out that there was a small figure lying on the stomach, and she was really little Annie wearing a ghost agent suit!
Now, Xiao Annie has turned on the stealth function of her ghost suit, and she is lying in a pile of rocks on this alien island. She is using the super on her 9mm caliber b-46 stinger modified sniper electromagnetic rifle. The long-range automatic sight is searching for the location of her enemy in the deserted alien battlefield-the most important soldiers of the twenty Marines!
It's a pity that, as a layman ghost sniper, little Annie's name, she didn't choose a good position.
The height of the small rock pile she is on is not high. On this pitted and rugged island about five kilometers in diameter, whether it is her scope or the one she carries on the panel, the detection range is only less than The one-kilometer single-soldier passive radar, at present, has not been able to detect any shadow of the other two teams.
After continuing to lie on this rock pile for almost five minutes, Little Annie finally got a little impatient.
She decided that for her great victory, she would adopt a little unusual means so that she could easily find the position of the enemy. This should be...not too much.
"Hey, dear Tibbers, you are outside right now, right? I know the uncle referee called the technical officer. He must be watching our game. You shared those 3D holographic images with me, directly in your mind. Just transfer it through the link, don't let them find out!"
This is the extraordinary method that Little Annie is going to take after she cannot find the enemy!
Although, if she casts a spell, she can also see other people's location information. However, since her little bear Tibbers was thrown on the table outside by her, it would be better to let it directly share the view of the 3D holographic image to herself, so as to save the trouble of casting spells, Anne is the most annoying trouble Of it!
(Master... It's just a game, is it really good for you to cheat like this-Tibbers can't help but vomit.
Yes, it is indeed outside now, and it is clearly seeing all the positions and dynamics of the three parties. But... it always feels that doing so, it doesn't seem to be very good. This is just a game... Don’t overdo it.)
"Stop talking nonsense, will you give it or not!"
Little Annie is angry, the master has spoken, this little bad bear dared to talk back
Her patience is limited. Asking it to share its vision is to give it face, otherwise, she would have just forcibly shared its vision, hum!
(Well...I can't offend you... The vision has been shared, I wish you a good time.-Tibbers sighed, and directly shared the 3D image he saw from the heart link. Then, It started to doze off.
Originally, it was still interested in watching their three-way game, but now, after Xiao Annie decided to cheat on the map, it hasn't watched anymore. In the God's perspective mode, Xiao Annie, who has all the information and dynamics of the enemy, is difficult to win or not)
"Very well, Tibbers, you are so good!"
When she saw the holographic image that the technical officer uncle was watching in the hall outside, Xiao Annie was shocked, and she immediately discovered the specific location of the other party and herself.
It turned out that the bad uncle technical officer outside, he even divided the three teams into the three farthest sides on the island.
Could it be that she has been on this pile of rocks for a long time without seeing the shadow of the enemy, it turned out to be like this!
"Um... how hot is it..."
Little Annie discovered that the nearest wave of enemies to her, the Viper team of Dreyus, were all two kilometers away from her left.
"Well, that's a happy decision!"
Little Annie decided that she would go and clean up the bad guy named Dreyus first! Who made him always having trouble with himself before? And, he is usually so stingy
Then start with their Viper Team!
After the decision was made, Xiao Annie quickly cancelled the stealth mode of her ghost suit, and then quickly put the sniper rifle that was a little taller than her height on her back.
Then, when she squatted slightly, she jumped gently, and quickly jumped to the opposite rock crevice. After holding the rock crevice with both hands, she twisted and bounced and jumped easily to the commanding height on the left.
"Is it over there"
After Xiao Annie reached the top, she stopped first. After seeing the direction of the Viper team, she thought for a while and started running quickly among the rugged rocks. She needs to reach the enemy as soon as possible. Ambush at a favorable location in the direction.
Therefore, after she moved at high speed, she often jumped over a distance of more than ten meters.
"This... this little girl, she is so amazing"
Watching that little girl swiftly advance amidst the rocks on this island, Captain Leona, who was watching the replay of the game on the bridge outside, was a little shocked.
This holographic simulation countermeasure device is not simple!
It can roughly simulate the real personal ability according to each person's physical fitness and condition. That is to say, this little girl, she can make such actions in a simulated confrontation, then, in reality Under the circumstances, she can definitely do it! Maybe even better
After all, no matter how good the equipment is, no matter how advanced it is, it will always be lacking, and it cannot detect and simulate all the information 100%.
Seeing this, Captain Leona frowned. She seemed to remember something.
It seems... after the little girl’s rescue capsule was captured by Planck’s armored transport ship, Captain Galen of the Cobra Squad, when they opened the hatch and went to wake the little girl, the Galen, he was still bad Grimacing at the little girl he just woke up
Then... he was kicked by a smooth white little foot and hurt his neck. It is said that it took two or three days to raise him.
At that time, Captain Leona also saw this, but she thought that Galen accidentally fell to the ground in order to avoid the opponent's feet.
And now, if Galen was really kicked by this little girl, then the true power of this little girl is really terrifying.
Is the strength of aliens so powerful?
Captain Leona knew very well that the CMC-300/400 armored power suit of the Marines had a huge weight. In a standard earth gravity environment, when the propulsion device was not turned on, It comes with armor and weapons, but it weighs nearly a ton!
Such a heavy Marine was kicked by a little girl barefoot
Then, the strength of the little girl Annie seems to be absolutely not as simple as having certain abilities and active cell energy as stated on the personal information registration form.
I'm afraid... it seems that you can tear the power armor suit by hand...
Captain Leona looked at the magnified 3D holographic image, and started to think about the vigorous posture of Little Annie.
Fortunately, after a lot of contact over the past few days, Leona knew that the little alien girl rescued by them seemed to be no enemy of their Hope, at most, she was just a bit mischievous.
Otherwise, Leona will probably give the order to lock up the little girl alone and keep it under strict control.
After Little Annie arrived at the predetermined location and began to hide in an ambush again, nearly three minutes later, Dreyus's Viper team finally entered their preset battlefield carefully.
At this time, Little Annie, who had already entered stealth mode, did not appear on their personal radar.
"That, head! What should we do now"
Viper Team, the Marine No. 015, asked their captain Dreyus muffledly.
Now, they have advanced a certain distance. According to their map, they should almost reach the center of the island.
I believe that soon, their radar will be able to detect and spot the enemy. Of course, when they can spot the enemy, the enemy will definitely be able to spot them at the same time.
"It's still the old rule: now, you immediately go to lay out the minefields, bury all the spider mines you carried, and then make a little movement to attract Galen and his team here. Remember to turn on the radar chain and monitor well. In this area, we are going to fight a beautiful ambush!"
Dreyus's Viper team, like the Cobra team led by Galen, most of them carry a portable spider mine.
This kind of small landmine has a friend or foe identification system. Once the enemy gets close, it will excite and rush towards the target and detonate the powerful explosive in its body. The power is very impressive!
Of course, if it is severely attacked or pressed by heavy objects, it is likely to explode. After all, it is a bomb filled with explosives.
"Yes! Sir!"
After hearing the order issued by Dreyus, the other Viper team members responded one after another, and then they began to disperse separately, looking for their own suitable ambush spots and starting to lay those spider mines.
"Aha! I finally waited for you, so... let's start with you first"
Little Annie, who had been ambushing here a long time ago, started to smile triumphantly when she found that the player number 015 was walking towards her.
When she used her 9mm caliber b-46 spike improved sniper electromagnetic rifle with the super long-range automatic sight lens crosshairs set on the opponent's helmet, she could even clearly see the opponent's face .
When Xiao Anni moved her finger to the trigger and was about to take the opportunity to kill the Marine closest to her, she suddenly saw that the other party took out a landmine from the backpack behind her and began to bury it on the ground.
Seeing this, Little Annie thought for a while. She seemed to have thought of a brilliant idea that would kill the other party without revealing herself.
If you fire directly now, although you can kill the opponent with a headshot, after all, their current helmet does not have the armor mode turned on. Now the 9mm b-46 electromagnetic sniper rifle in her hand can definitely penetrate the opponent. There is no doubt that the thin bullet-proof special glass killed the opponent.
But at the same time, it will definitely expose your own existence.
Although Xiao Anni is confident and will not let the other party find out her specific position easily, she can definitely make her guard vigilant. If that's the case, it won't be too fun!
"Captain, I have buried it!"
When the Marine No. 015 planted his spider mine, he waved to Captain Dreyus, who was more than a hundred meters away, indicating that he was now ready.
"Buried, go find a place to ambush yourself, pay attention to each other!"
Dreyus dropped his mine on the ground at will, without even burying it with gravel.
Because he was going to detonate it directly for a while, and then, the movement of making the explosion attracted the attention of Galen's Cobra team, and when that time came, he would wait for work and eliminate the invading enemies one by one.
boom! ! !
After a scream, and a huge explosion, the roar and smoke.
Dreyus, who turned his head, only found that the player number 015, he had been blown into a pile of bits and pieces by spider mines. After a puff of dust and flames, his corpse was blown up everywhere.
"All alert! What the is an enemy attack? Where is the enemy?"
No matter what happened, after announcing everyone's alert, Dreyus quickly found a shelter for himself, took out his 8mm pierced electromagnetic rifle C-15, and started searching in the direction of the explosion. Up the enemy's position.
"Captain... seems to have no enemies... 015 should have slipped and lost balance and fell directly on the mine he just laid..."
Another player who was closer to 015, after hesitating for a while, began to report truthfully.
Just now, he seemed to see 015 planted a landmine, and greeted the captain. When he was about to turn around and walk to an ambush, he didn’t want to. He staggered under his feet, and then fell directly on the landmine he planted. Only on
With human armor, the weight of a Marine Corps member fell directly on the spider mine. Under heavy pressure, it should be normal for it to explode.
"This idiot! Forget it, don't worry! Now that we have been exposed, we will retreat immediately, get away from here, and quickly enter the back fighting position! The Cobra team, they are coming here soon, you all act fast! "
Inexplicably lost a combat power, it is absolutely impossible to say not to be angry!
However, it was not the time to pursue the other party's responsibility. Dreyus decided to retreat quickly and lure the enemy into this minefield.
"Hehehe... the first kill is complete!"
Except for the hapless 015 who was killed by the bombing, no one knew that just now, it was actually Little Annie who made the shot.
She shot it just right and hit the heel of 015's left foot that was about to step on a gravel, and then, the huge kinetic energy instantly made his left foot and the stone slide up at the same time, and then, just right 015 lost his balance and fell straight on his back on the mine that he had just laid...
Of course, ordinary people can't learn this kind of skill. This is something that Little Annie's unique eyesight and strong anticipation as a demigod mage can do, just like she helped Galen win a boxing match before.
"Asshole! Captain Dreyus, there is an ambush! It's that little ghost girl!"
This video should have been recorded by the technical officer who was acting as the referee at the time. Therefore, after being declared dead, 015 quickly ran out of his simulation cabin and screamed towards their Captain Dreyus’ simulation cabin. Shouted, as if to remind their captain
"Don't shout, they can't hear it, just stay and watch the game."
The weapon technician reluctantly shook his head towards the opponent, a little bit dumbfounded.
They are all still in the simulation warehouse, even if the other party shouts to the sky, the people inside cannot hear the slightest information! They are in a holographic simulation state, as if they are asleep, where they can be contacted by roaring
"Damn it! That little girl, she is so despicable!"
015 from the Viper team still complained dissatisfiedly.
He was really unwilling... he was killed by the mine he planted somehow. Presumably, the captain thought he was accidentally caused it.
It's good this time, if no alarm was sent out, it was overcast! Next, the situation of their Viper team, I don't know how bad it is!
After Galen's team heard the explosion, they would definitely be investigating soon.
Then, when their Viper squad was fighting with the Cobra squad, there was an invisible ghost lying beside them. Just thinking about it made 015 feel terrible!
Sure enough, when he turned to look at the holographic image in the middle of the hall, Galen's team was in an attacking formation, quickly moving in the direction of the Viper team.
"Captain, the investigation has been completed. One person from the Viper Squad was blown up. Fragments of his body and armor were scattered all over the ground! It should have been attacked by Little Annie. Now, I saw that they were retreating and lying in ambush. Behind a pile of rocks on a high ground."
After hearing the voice, No. 09, who was responsible for the advance investigation, quickly returned the specific content she had seen.
"Ha! Little Annie did a good job! Now everyone listens to my orders: attack at full speed, take the opportunity to kill the Viper squad, and go back to clean up the little ghost of the missile! Remember, open the armor of the mask, don’t be kidnapped Annie fished in troubled waters!"
In this way, under the order of Captain Galen, the members of the Cobra team pulled on the bulletproof armor under their masks, and then began to rush towards the predetermined battlefield at high speed.
The battle between the two sides quickly started. Under the bombardment of a metal storm on both sides, whether it was the Cobra or the Viper team, there were many casualties soon.
Of course, those unlucky ones, who killed them specifically, is worth discussing.
"Hey! Galen in front, let's stop the fight or else, let's unite first and find out the evil little girl ghost and kill it."
There were only two people left. Dreyus, who was hiding behind a huge rock, was a little uncomfortable. After dodge a cold shot from someone who didn’t know, he immediately began to move towards the cover of the three remaining people Lun team shouted loudly.
Just now, the battle between the Cobra team and the Viper team has been going on for almost half an hour.
In the battle that lasted for half an hour, the members of the Galen team were killed by accidentally entering the minefield, and three people were killed. Then, due to the ghost's disturbance and shooting, they were directly or indirectly shot by the members of the Viper team. Four died, and now, there are only three of them left, and one of them is still a female medical soldier with poor marksmanship.
"I agree! Let's find out Little Annie first, or she will be the winner in the end! I just discovered her energy response when firing, at the eleven o'clock direction, right at the top of that hill!"
Without even thinking about it, Galen quickly agreed to Dreyus' correct suggestion.
Just now, he also found little Annie who was fishing in troubled waters.
This slippery little ghost is really disgusting! She actually fights on both sides and helps on both sides
Seeing that there is an advantage on the other side, she helps the weaker side suppress the other side
Until now, the two Marines of the two of them have only five people left and if they continue to fight like this, the little ghost who can stealthily shoot cold guns will sooner or later give them people alive!
"Very good! A wise choice! Now, when I count to three, we will rush over at full speed, lock her, and don't let her run away"
"one two Three!!"
After the negotiation, the remaining two-person team of Dreyus and the last three-person team of Galen began to output the energy of the power armor with all their strength, rushing toward the small mountain bag in front of them at the fastest speed.
In order to speed up as much as possible, they even did not hesitate to waste energy, and started a ski jump approach.
"Everyone charge together! Kill the ghost first!"
"Come on!!!"
Two teams, five people of different colors began to rush out of their respective hidden locations.
Da da da! ! !
While they charged, they also started shooting with full force at the hidden spot of Little Annie.
Numerous metal storm-like spikes hit Annie’s surroundings in an instant, and two even hit Annie’s body. Although they failed to penetrate the armor of the key protection, they also instantly made her invisible. Typed in the pattern.
"Ha! Good job, catch up with her, don't let her run away!"
After seeing the ghost being shot, Galen and Dreyus cheered at the same time. When they were about to cheer their teammates and temporary teammates, there was a muffled noise.
Then, the visor of the medic next to Galen shattered, and blood shot out. Then, the female soldier fell straight on her back.
Obviously, Little Annie opened fire just now, and she accurately hit the medic’s visor gap.
"Don't worry about it! Let's catch up with her!"
While Dreyus was happy, he did not forget to greet Galen.
Now that they are two to two, no one takes advantage, so there is room for continued cooperation! First kill the ghosts together, and then they can turn around and continue to fight with peace of mind.
"I can't go on like this, her skill is too vigorous! Quickly speed up, and can't be dropped too far by her, otherwise, she will enter the stealth mode again!"
Seeing the agile figure in front of him, jumping up and down among various rugged rocks, and dangerously avoiding the little silver-white figure shot by the four of them, Galen was also anxious.
After he notified Dreyus, he stopped shooting and increased his speed regardless, and ran at full speed.
As a result, the sixteen Marine Corps members and weapons technicians who had been killed outside the hall and began to watch the battle saw an interesting scene: the little Annie ghost, she actually took the four people behind and slowly walked in a circle, and then, Little by little, he led the opponent into the minefield originally buried by Dreyus...
"Oh... it's over!"
The members of the Cobra squad watching the game outside sighed, because they found that the direction of their captain Galen was marked with a red mark on the holographic map: There was a spider mine buried there!
"Be careful, there are mines over there!"
Dreyus just had time to prepare to notify Galen, because his radar just gave him a hint that there was a minefield that they had originally laid.
It's a pity... they ran too fast, and the range of their radar detection was too short. Just when they received the radar prompt, the two of Galen had already ran next to the mine. Si didn't even have a chance to remind!
He Dreyus dare to swear: He absolutely does not want the other party to be bombed to death right now!
boom! ! !
After Dreyus' horrified reminder, Captain Galen and his last team member accidentally ran to the mine.
Then, under the horrified gaze of the two of them: a spider-like mine suddenly jumped up from the rubble. Then, after a burst of flames and smoke, the last two members of the Cobra team became A pile of bits and pieces fell on the ground...
Snapped! Snapped!
The sound of two consecutive shots sounded. When another member of the Viper team had to lower their speed because they entered the minefield and saw the two Galen being blown to pieces, the two shots fired accurately. Hit the same spot on his visor and knock him out directly.
"Damn it, take your life!!"
De Laus, who was the only one left, roared violently and began to use full firepower, and instantly forced the nasty little silver-white figure in the distance to a corner.
It's a pity that when he cautiously trot over and pointed the muzzle at the corner, the opponent was already gone. Obviously, the opponent had successfully entered the stealth mode just now after leaving his line of sight.
"Aha...Then, big black, now you guess what, where am I"
On the public channel, Xiao Annie's unbridled, crisp voice began to ring.
She had a great time today and successfully killed a considerable number of people. Now, from the initial 1:10:10 pattern to the final 1:1 life and death duel, the fate of the other party is already doomed!
It's just that she has the advantage now!
In the 1:1 situation, how could she be afraid of a big and stupid Marine Corps opponent trying to find her as a ghost, it is absolutely impossible! Just relying on the other party's clumsy armored power suit, it is impossible to catch up with her!
Now, having been playing for so long, Little Annie decided to end this duel sooner.
Anyway, it’s almost time for dinner now. She doesn’t want to delay time with this stupid guy, so she picked up a small rock and threw it away from her in the blind spot of the opponent’s vision. Past.
There was a sound of a stone falling to the ground.
"where is it!!"
Hearing the sound of falling rocks, Dreyus lifted his spirits!
Da da da! ! !
He thought it was accidentally hitting a falling stone during the ghost action
Therefore, he yelled, and immediately stood up from the bunker, using his 8mm piercing electromagnetic rifle, a large number of piercing bullets rushed in the direction of the falling stone, and his fingers pressed firmly. With the trigger, all the stones over there were blown into smoke.
He must push the opponent out again, otherwise, he will lose!
"I'm actually... not over there."
Snapped! Snapped!
The thief voice of Little Annie rang again on the public channel, and then, with two consecutive shots, the bulletproof glass on Dreyus' cheek who was shooting upright quickly shattered.
His visor, which had been attacked many times, was finally smashed by Annie's 9mm sniper electromagnetic rifle...
"Haha! You are so sharp, lost to little Lolita!"
Little Annie, who won the final victory, slowly cancelled her invisibility and began to show her position.
Then, she walked to Dreyus' "corpse" and took off her visor directly in the simulated battlefield, and then began to put a big shame on the sky.
She knew that those who were defeated by herself were watching the battle outside at this moment!
"Wow! I'm so angry!"
Soon, in the viewing hall outside, Dreyus roared into anger, as well as various screams of men and women from other Marine Corps members.
They were defeated in the simulated battlefield and planned to catch the little kid who just slipped out of the simulation cabin. They planned to catch her today and give her a slap in the ass!
"She is over there!"
A sharp-eyed female Marine member quickly spotted little Annie who was about to sneak out.
"Little Annie, don't run if you have the courage!"
Twenty men and women roared one after another, and ran away after the little Annie who had slipped away.
"Hehe... This is really, a funny little girl..."
After watching the video, Captain Leona looked at the military zone with emotion. After losing the game, the large group of twenty Marines who were running around with the little girl was a little bit dumbfounded. .
"First Mate Doug, go to the equipment department to make a tailor-made set of the most sophisticated ghost agent suit for Little Annie, which must be prepared before we reach planet jno.3!"
In any case, in the view of the captain, the combat effectiveness of this little girl seems to be a little better than their twenty unreliable marines.
Then...she must do a little bit of But...she is not a human being on earth..."
First officer Doug was also taken aback by the captain's order.
Could it be that their captain still needs a little girl and she is still an alien girl
You know, the other party is just eight years old after all... Are they going to send an eight-year-old girl to the battlefield?
"Go, this is an order!"
For some reason, Captain Leona's instinct told her: This will be the most wise decision in her life!
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