Chapter 202: Landing on the planet (1)

"Hope, this is the heavy armored transport ship ys001. I am Captain Planck. I am a member of the Cobra Marine Squad and the Ghost Agents. Now that everyone is in place, they can land on the planet at any time and request permission to leave the port. "
Above the Nozomi, an airport located in the belly of the colonial spacecraft.
After this armored transport ship is equipped with the fully armed Captain Galen's Cobra squad and the foreign ghost agent Little Annie, they are now ready to take off and land on planet Jno.3.
As a space age military heavy armored transport ship, ys001 has the ability to take off and land between the planet and space by relying on its own power.
It can be said that it is also a short-distance space shuttle vehicle for navigation in galaxies. When in the solar system, it can even transport materials and people between the earth and the moon, or between the earth and Mars.
"The bridge has been received. This is Hope. Captain Planck, you can take off now. After testing, the weather conditions near the landing site are good. Good luck!"
A navigator on the bridge who was responsible for information processing and coordination, after hearing the report from Captain Planck of the transport ship, turned around and asked about Captain Leona who was sitting in the position of captain.
After getting permission, she immediately responded to Planck who was ready.
This action is a major event related to the life and death of the Hope. Everyone is more concerned about it. Even the colonial cities inside the Hope have been broadcast live. Therefore, this matter cannot tolerate the slightest sloppy. .
"Transport spaceship ys001 received! Now, I am going to take off, please open the gate of the port!"
After seeing the heavy metal gates in front of the transport ship slowly rising, Captain Planck pushed forward abruptly. Then, behind his interstellar armored transport ship of several thousand tons, there were two huge The Titan Propeller began to violently eject two streams of blue high-energy particles.
Subsequently, under the action of huge thrust, the armored transport ship boarding the landing team and the ghost agents directly rushed out of the airport located in the belly of Nozomi, and drove directly to the planet Jno.3 below.
"Hey, Galen! You are ready to make a forcible landing on the planet without me, you have to grasp it!"
In the channel inside the transport spacecraft, after laughing and talking to the marines of Galen, Planck, regardless of the opponent’s reaction, directly increased the spacecraft’s energy output, allowing this heavy military armored transport ship to be able to It rushes to the planet’s atmosphere at a faster speed.
He likes this kind of powerful guy, and the small broken ships he drove when he used to smuggle Planck, which is simply not a level thing!
"Strong, forcibly land! You are crazy Planck, this is no joke!"
When Galen heard the other party’s words and subconsciously grasped the metal handrail on the landing warehouse, the transport ship suddenly plunged towards the planet jno. The momentum of rushing to the landing site at full speed
"Hurry up, slow down! Are you crazy? You will crash, you will definitely crash! Hurry up, slow down, you lunatic!"
Although the transport ship has closed all the windows, Galen can still clearly see from the camera equipment inside the ship that the outer armored wall of the transport ship has rubbed against the planet’s atmosphere. It turned out to be slowly reddening. Once it melts due to overheating, this is no joke!
You know, if you continue to accelerate in this reckless manner, once the composite heavy armor outside the spacecraft is overloaded, their transport spacecraft will no longer be a spacecraft!
At that time, it will catch fire and burn, and then it will become a metal meteorite, lose control and crash into the surface of the planet...
In that case, all people would be burned to death by the high temperature before hitting the ground!
"Hahaha... Captain Galen, don't worry, this spaceship is very sturdy! You may not know that when I drove the smuggling spacecraft, I did even crazier things!"
Planck laughed wildly without caring, not knowing where he uncovered another flat metal wine bottle.
He really didn’t say this. Planck still remembers that when they smuggled a bunch of scarce cargo from Mars back to Earth, in order to get rid of those anti-smuggling boats, he had manipulated his spacecraft and plunged into it. In the atmosphere of the earth, the terrifying speed made the other party think that their spacecraft would crash!
But the result
He Planck is still alive and well. The spaceship was only damaged by more than 50% of the hull. When the local anti-smuggling department found their dilapidated spaceship, they were already there. Under the response of the ground personnel, all the goods were taken away.
"Captain Planck, please be cautious. This action is very important to our HMS Nozomi. You can't make the slightest mistake."
When Planck was laughing wildly, ready to continue to accelerate, and then forcibly landed on the planet.
In the channel, there was a stern female voice. Obviously, it was the voice of Captain Leona of the HMS Hope. She was paying attention to this matter from the bridge.
Captain Leona, who had served in the regular upl army, of course also knew that Planck's approach was indeed a normal behavior during forced landing.
This heavy armored transport ship No. ys001 is a military ship. When it was designed, it existed for combat purposes.
The opponent's speed is indeed within the spacecraft's tolerable range.
If it is in a state of war and forced landing, the heavy armored transport ship can indeed carry a large number of troops and at a higher speed than it is now, directly rush into the atmosphere at high speed and break through various defense measures of the planet, and finally force the troops to airborne. Above the surface of the planet.
It's just that it's not a state of war after all, and Captain Planck dared to play this way, which made Captain Leona who was staring at the operation on the bridge of Hope in the rear a bit unbearable.
Since no enemy has been found below for the time being, and it is not in a state of war now, then there is no need to waste energy and the armor of the transport ship like that.
After all, there are only two transport ships on the Hope now, there is no need to toss like this.
"Now, your transport ship is equipped with self-defense weapons! If the temperature outside your spacecraft is too high, it is likely to cause unnecessary trouble to the weapons!"
Captain Leona frowned again and reminded him.
Because, in order to provide necessary air support for the airborne troops and the command center, this armored transport ship ys001 had some armor removed and installed a multi-barreled electromagnetic gun.
If this Captain Planck is really messed up like this, maybe, after the outer armor is overheated, it will be newly installed, and the weapon system that has not been debugged too much will cause unnecessary failures.
"Okay, okay! You are the boss, you have the final say!"
Now that the captain of the Hope has spoken, Planck finally dared not mess around again.
So, he had to mutter a few words, reached out his hand to pull back the energy output of the propeller, and switched the manual operation mode directly to the boring automatic navigation system.
"It's really boring!"
He looked around and found that there was nothing wrong with him for the time being, then he secretly took out a bottle of wine from his pocket and started to take a sip.
Anyway, it is auto-cruising, automatically cutting into the orbit, and also auto-landing. Then, there is nothing to do with his captain. Drink a few small drinks, this should be fine
"Hey! Galen, now the speed has dropped, you can open the Xuan window to see the scenery!"
After giving a reminder to the marines in the cabin below, Planck was bored, so he leaned his feet directly on the console and sat slanted in the driver's seat and started drinking.
This is already his old habit. As long as he drinks his head, he will feel that he is full of energy, and he will be able to fly the starship out of the cool stunts like performing airplanes.
"Wow... what a big planet! It's a pity... it looks pretty yellow and ugly!"
After hearing that the captain of the transport ship said that she could see the scenery, Xiao Annie couldn't wait to press a small button next to her Xuan window.
Then, when the outer armor plate slowly moved away, she lay down on the transparent special glass Xuan window and looked at the planet jno.3 where they were about to land.
This planet is just like what Annie just said. Seen from space, it is a huge yellowish earthy yellow planet, without any vegetation, and without any animals, as if, just like the rest of the universe. The planets in the harsh environment are so lifeless.
Little Annie suddenly felt that under this planet, it seemed...not very fun
"Huh! This lunatic, finally slowed down."
After Galen breathed a sigh of relief, he began to directly control the power combat uniform, and suddenly sat down on a solid metal seat.
Then he began to look at the little Annie who was wearing red and white tight armor opposite him.
Galen suddenly felt that the big guys above were really premeditated!
Look, even the other party’s armor is secretly prepared. This is definitely not a sudden intention, right? I’m afraid they had already prepared and tailored this special ghost suit for Little Annie a few days ago.
Then, he looked at the special 20mm caliber, super electromagnetic sniper rifle specially made by the flame goddess I ss-01, which was leaned by Annie and fixed on the bulkhead of the transport ship. Galen couldn’t bear it. Live in a cold sweat!
This thing, can it still be called a rifle
This is obviously... just a handheld electromagnetic gun, okay!
Look at its caliber: That's a full 20 millimeters!
If a shot comes over, no matter where it hits, Galen believes that their Marine Corps cmc-300/400 armored power blessing will definitely be directly beaten into a pile of fragments by this terrifying murder weapon.
The terrifying recoil of such a large-caliber weapon, I am afraid, can only be used by Little Annie, a non-human alien girl who is non-human.
By the way, what is the caliber of the multi-barreled electromagnetic gun modified on this heavy armored transport ship? It seems to be more than ten millimeters.
Therefore, the caliber of her individual weapons is larger than the caliber of the carrier weapons of this transport ship...
It is said that she seems to have some powerful abilities. Is it that the humans on the planet Valoran are so powerful? Otherwise, how could a little girl abuse their marines?
In any case, Galen still has a lot of opinions on the fact that he agreed to take a little girl to land on an unknown planet!
No matter how great little Annie is, she is only a little girl. Since she is saved, she can be honestly raised on the Hope as a mascot. She can eat as much as she can, and she will be given it. Is Hope working hard?
There is still a population of more than one hundred thousand people on the No. Hope. Didn’t they recruit many recruits?
At that time, sending a lot of Marines down will be more useful than a little girl.
Galen thinks that Little Annie is just playing a bit more simulative confrontation, with a little more strength, and a really special physique. However, for real combat, they still rely on the Marines who can fight hard. !
"Little Annie... can you stop looking at a broken planet, nothing good! Don't you need to get familiar with your weapons first?"
Seeing the little girl still lying on the Xuan window on her side, continuing to stare at the outer planet and watching the scenery, when Galen checked his weapons again, he finally couldn't help but vomit.
If he remembers correctly, the other party’s weapon is a special weapon like an electromagnetic cannon. It seems to have just been sent to her today. The time for them to change up is so fast, there shouldn’t be much time to go. Familiar with the live ammunition operation of weapons
So, why don’t you get familiar with your weapons while there is still some time now, do you have to rush to manipulate them when you encounter an emergency?
"Why is it necessary to be familiar with a weapon? The muzzle should be larger and the recoil should be larger. The others are almost the same as the weapon in the simulation confrontation. There is no competition to get familiar with it!"
Hearing Galen's questioning, Annie suddenly jumped from the Xuan window.
Bang! With a bang, her metal armored shoes stepped directly on the deck of the same metal spaceship, making a huge noise, which attracted the nearby Marines who were checking their weapons and ammunition for the last time.
"You... have fired live ammunition"
Hearing what little Annie said, Galen couldn't help being stunned.
It stands to reason that when the two of them ran to change clothes, there was not much time before and after. In that little time, she had already fired live ammunition.
"Yeah! We tried it, and Aunt Doug also said that my shooting is steady and accurate, and it's much better than you stupid Marines!"
At that time, Xiao Anni was in the shooting range next to the equipment, and she blasted out a standard magazine in one go. There were twenty rounds of standard 20mm bullets, and all of them were ten rings!
At the time, even the Aunt Doug who took her to dress up was stunned by her own fright.
"Who is Aunt Doug?"
Galen was confused by what he said to Little Annie, but he never remembered anyone he knew who could be called an aunt.
Whether it’s the Marine Corps, or the staff on the bridge, or the technical department, it seems that there is no woman who can be called an aunt.
"Ahem...Little Annie, you talk too much!"
Suddenly, the voice of First Mate Doug, the command center commander Doug Jones of this operation, came from the communicator.
Then, this made Galen suddenly remembered: It turned out that the aunt in Little Annie’s speechless was actually this Doug.
This is really a bit...
"Ah! Sister Doug, I wasn't talking about you just now!"
Talking ill of someone behind, caught a glimpse on the spot, Xiao Annie quickly opened her mouth and tried to explain.
It's just that her explanation is so pale and feeble. You know, on the entire Hope, the only one they knew and called Doug was the chief mate.
She is only in her twenties now, and she is about to be called an aunt by Annie
There was no further reply from the channel. It seems that First Mate Doug is also getting very angry by Annie.
"By the way, Annie, should you take this teddy bear with you around your waist, or else, you put it here and let Uncle Planck bring you the Hope back to me. It's in your room, isn't it, Planck"
After Galen looked at the teddy bear pinned to Annie's waist, he finally couldn't help but ask.
You know, the ghost suit can be invisible, and if she wears this toy, she will be invisible as if she was not invisible.
With this little bear pinned to her waist, the enemy will know where she is hiding without much thinking! This is probably detrimental to her actions and safety.
"Yes! Little Annie, you can just throw the teddy bear in your seat. When you go back, I will ask the crew to send it to your room."
Captain Planck, who was drinking, also heard the conversation between Anne and Galen, so his drunken response soon came on the channel.
He should remember to remind the crew of teddy bears.
At that time, after they return to the Hope, the crew will be asked to help the little girl throw the teddy bear back into her room.
"No! Tibbers is my favorite toy! I will never leave it!"
This big guy, Galen, actually wants to let himself abandon his little bear Tibbers
This is absolutely impossible! Little Annie will never do this. No matter where she goes, Tibbers must follow her. It's useless to persuade anyone!
"But... if you take it with you, it will reveal your position when you are invisible!"
After thinking about it, Galen still truthfully stated his concerns.
If because of this, the stealth function of Little Annie's ghost suit is restricted, then it is really too much for the loss!
After all, this toy is not too big, but if you are not blind, you can probably find it.
Anyway, in Galen's search radar, the target of this teddy bear is too easy to find. If Xiao Annie carried it when she was invisible, then she would never escape her lock!
"You don't need to worry about this, I have magic, so I can make it invisible together!"
Little Annie patted the bear on her waist and said triumphantly.
Who is she? She herself is a powerful demigod mage. It's easy to hide the bear for a while!
In the eyes of Little Annie, she knows more invisibility spells! When the ghost’s invisibility function is turned on, is it difficult to hide Tibbers by the way?
This is just a matter of convenience, Cai doesn't need to worry about this!
"Okay...Is this also your ability, but what use can you bring with this toy bear?"
Galen thought that invisibility was one of Little Annie's abilities, and couldn't help being a little curious.
However, he is still a little bit skeptical about bringing a teddy bear to the battlefield. This kind of thing that is stuck on his waist and obstructs his feet, even if there is a way to hide, will always hinder certain military actions.
At critical times, if you are not careful, big problems will occur!
"I don’t know how to have powers! I’ve told you many times, it’s magic, magic! And, Tibbers is much more useful than you Marines. When it gets angry, a hundred you I can't beat it!"
This big guy even dared to say that Tibbers was useless. This is a legendary peak of the shadow flame giant!
Annie turned her head away disdainfully. If she really let the bear out, it could even carry armor with people and bite off the big one in one bite!
Her little bear Tibbers is much more useful than the unused Marines like them.
"Okay, okay, your little bear is useful! Then, you are not afraid of accidentally, and you lose it when you run, and if you can't find it, you will cry!"
Galen thought that what little Annie was talking about just now was angry.
Anyway, it's just a teddy bear, whatever she wants. Therefore, he didn't get much annoyed, just taking advantage of the landing for a while, he continued to tease the other party like this, just as a relieved tension.
"My little bear Tibbers will not lose it! Even if it is really lost, it will come back by itself, or I can call it back!"
It's completely impossible for the bear to lose it!
In the past, during a fight, no matter how far the bear ran away, as long as Annie called, it would quickly run to his side.
Besides, Tibbs Bear is her own summoning contract creature. Even if she loses it, she can cast spells and summon it to her side. How could she lose it?
Only this Galen, who doesn’t understand magic, is too big to say such nonsense words.
(Okay, Master Anne, don’t chat with this idiot. The spacecraft should be landing on the planet soon, you have to be careful! I feel an evil and chaotic atmosphere here, the planet below is not simple Now!
When Annie wanted to say something, Tibbers quickly reminded her in the mind link.
Although the danger of this planet is not too great, but it felt that something was wrong, and it reminded its little Master Anne in time. )
This means that later, there will be a fight under this planet.
This is great!
After hearing Tibbs's reminder, Little Annie was shocked. Then, she stopped worrying about Uncle Galen, who still planned to talk to her, and ran to her weapon.
After grabbing her special weapon from the bulkhead, she also vigorously loaded the whole large box into her dimensional space pocket, which is estimated to contain tens of thousands of special sniper bullet magazines.
"This, this... what little Annie is this, is that your ability"
After seeing the little Annie on the opposite side, she cleared all the ammunition from the entire ammunition box for a while. Galen, who was looking at her, finally felt a little uneasy.
That was a standard ammunition box, a full of more than 10,000 rounds of 20mm special bullets... It was gone by her in twos and threes.
Where did she hide those bullets? Is there such a convenient ability? Special space Folding space Storage tank space
"Oh, I've said it all, this is magic! Forget it, just leave it alone, you don't understand it! Uncle Galen, you have to be careful, my little bear said, on the planet below, it has eccentric!"
After finishing her ammunition, Xiao Anni held the 20mm caliber Vulcan I SS-01 special super electromagnetic sniper rifle in both hands, which was not taller than her, and was stationed on the deck.
Then, she looked at the big guy who was sitting across from her with a serious face.
"Your... the little bear that the little bear said... well, I already know, thank you for your reminder."
Originally, UU read www.uukanshu. When Com heard that Annie said that there was danger on the planet Jno.3 below, Galen was a little nervous.
However, when he understood that the little bear she was talking about was Tibbers, the toy bear that she pinned on her waist, Galen rolled his eyes dumbfoundedly, and then treated the warning as a little girl. He was a prank.
There is a danger on this planet that is absolutely impossible!
Haven't the early detection satellites already displayed it? On this planet, no life signals have been detected, and there is no infrared display of life!
Like most ordinary planets in the universe, this is just a strongly acidic planet with a harsh environment!
Galen felt that instead of worrying about the unnecessary danger, it would be better to pray, hoping that there is no terrifying natural climate below.
For example: a big tsunami... Or, strong acid rain and the like () "The Journey of the Shadow Bear Tibbers" only represents the viewpoint of the author, Shadow Bear, if it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts. , Please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!
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