Chapter 203: Landing on the planet (2)

When the YS001 heavy armored transport ship successfully entered the atmosphere of JNO.3 smoothly under the automatic navigation system and reached an altitude of more than 10,000 meters from the landing site, Captain Planck finally drank his place. A metal bottle of vodka switched the automatic cruise mode to manual operation mode again.
Now, he was impatient, ready to get close to the ground and let the marines in the cabin land early.
"Are you ready? Boys of the Marine Corps? We are about to land on the ground soon, you must hold onto it!"
Master Planck of the armored transport ship very much disliked that this automatic navigation mode of hovering and lowering altitude was too time-consuming, and he was already a little impatient.
Therefore, when he switched to manual mode, he turned off the mode of hovering and slowly lowering altitude during automatic cruise, and directly pressed the joystick severely, so that the armored transport ship was almost in line with the ground. At an angle of ninety degrees, he dived down at high speed.
"We have already prepared, but, Captain Planck, can you trouble you to sail a little more smoothly? You slowly descend to the ground and then open the hatch!"
Fortunately, Galen had quick eyes and hands just now, and he grabbed the handrail of the bulkhead of the transport ship, and didn't let the drunk fall into the corner.
But even so, at this time, under the accelerated dive of the armored transport spacecraft, he felt a sense of weightlessness.
He swears that after one hundred days, when he completes his mission and returns to the HMS Hope, he must complain about the drunk captain!
If there is a choice, people like Galen definitely don’t want to take the transport ship driven by the captain anymore, because it’s almost like they are playing their lives at any time. It’s a test of their heart’s ability to bear it. !
"Haha! Landed on the ground? No, no, no! I think you must have made a little mistake? I won't land on this planet! I will fly over from the ground about thirty to fifty meters high, and then , And open the hatch at the same time, when that time, you people, you can jump down by yourself!"
Captain Planck continued to dive, while grinning badly in the channel.
Because, when he looked to the ground through the Xuan window in front of the transport ship, somehow, he always felt a palpitating feeling?
This is a unique, exclusive intuition of an old driver!
In the past, when he was still smuggling, he used this intuition to avoid many dangers in the universe.
After many years of smuggling career, I told Planck that the planet JNO.3 below is definitely not simple, even... it seems dangerous?
Whenever he stared at the ground gradually approaching below, it was as if... a certain terrifying cosmic beast was hidden on the planet below?
So, he will never land easily on the ground!
Because of this, now he only intends to skim over the ground at high speed, so that the Marines can jump out of the open hatch by themselves. This must be all right?
" it's not in a combat state, and it's not a war zone below. Are you tossing us like this?!"
Captain Galen is a little angry, this Captain Planck, his approach, is it a bit too much?
Although their Marine Corps’ CMC-300/400 armored-powered combat suits allow for forced landing at altitudes of more than 100 meters, the armored-powered suits are designed with perfect shock absorption buffer and emergency speed reduction. Features.
However, if you are really forced to jump down later, where is the comfort of running out of the cabin slowly after landing on the ground?
Besides, there are no enemies on the ground below, and there is no anti-aircraft artillery that can shoot down the transport ship. Therefore, Galen felt: Captain Planck, this old bastard, he deliberately spoofed them! This alcoholic bastard, he just wants to save trouble!
Just like when he entered the planet’s atmosphere, if Captain Leona hadn’t talked about it, this nasty guy would have rushed to the landing field by force? Is he not afraid to burn out the armor plate of this transport ship?
"Stop talking nonsense! Now, I'm ready to reach the predetermined height! Not far ahead is your scheduled landing site. I will pass by about 50 meters above the ground, and then you will only have about 20 seconds to jump. The landing time is out of date!"
After squinting his eyes and saying something in the channel, Captain Planck snorted his mouth full of alcohol, and firmly grasped the control lever of the spacecraft with both hands.
When the spacecraft dived and approached the ground at a height of almost fifty meters, when the red impact warning light on the console kept flashing to warn, he slammed the joystick to make the spacecraft three to fifty meters off the ground. Flew parallel at the height of meters.
He just ignored Captain Galen's feeble protest!
Now, I am afraid that he can be controlled, and it is probably only Captain Leona of the Hope? How could the captain of a small Marine Corps affect his behavior as the captain?
"Okay, now you have arrived at the scheduled location, and the hatch has been opened. You are running out of time. Get ready to jump off the plane! Boys of the Marine Corps, I wish you a good time on this planet!"
After opening the hatch, Planck didn't know where he uncovered a small bottle of wine. Then, without even looking at the Marines in the cabin, he unscrewed the bottle cap and drank with his head up.
The height of the spacecraft from the ground is only 30 meters, less than 50 meters? They only have twenty seconds. If the time comes, if he doesn't jump yet, he will have to raise his height!
Moreover, Planck is not afraid of the other party complaining to himself!
Because, according to the landing manual: When the transport spacecraft passed the landing point at low altitude, the Marines jumped and landed by themselves, which was in compliance with the wartime regulations.
If there is a war below, he can even fly directly from an altitude of about 100 meters? And now, only about 30 meters high, he is already very compassionate, he loves to jump, he doesn't jump, he doesn't let him down!
"Oh, my god! Captain, how do you look so tall? Or... Captain Galen, would you give us a demonstration first?"
Although they had even conducted similar forced landing combat exercises from an extreme altitude of more than 100 meters during simulation training, the armored-powered combat uniforms they wore were designed with this situation in mind. The landing operations in the next stage also have perfect shock-proof and shock-absorbing landing functions, and these people are no strangers to this.
But... the situation is different now. This is not simulation, but actual combat...
After all, it is not a simulation training exercise that is not afraid of casualties. In case, if you accidentally land on the ground when you jump down, it will be a major event!
"Okay, stop talking, jump! That Planck, he only gives us twenty seconds, if you don't jump, wait a while for him to rise, you will have to play bungee jumping over 100 meters !"
Galen had just finished speaking, before he took the lead or urged the players to jump down.
A petite figure wearing a tight-fitting power armor with red and white colors squeezed the crowd first, and jumped directly from the open door of the transport ship, and jumped to the ground vigorously.
"Wow~! Nice job! What a beautiful jumping action, I like this little girl named Annie!"
When the Marines were still dawdling by the hatch, the little alien girl named Annie was the first to jump down? In this situation, Captain Planck blew a big whistle, and at the same time, he did not hesitate to praise.
"Are your Marines all a bunch of trash? What are you still rubbing?! Are you really worse than a little girl? Let me see, you now have the last ten seconds!"
After praising Little Annie, Captain Planck turned a black face and roared at the Marines who were still hesitant.
These really lost the face of human beings on earth!
Are they even worse than an alien girl? At this height, you will not die if you jump down! Are they still afraid of an egg?
"Quick, quick, quick! Everyone, jump on the plane and log in immediately!"
Galen also felt a little blushing, so he quickly stepped forward and urged his opponents to push.
After seeing someone take the lead and jump down for the first time, the other Marines, under the supervision of their captain, ran a few steps, rushed directly out of the cargo ship’s hatch, and headed straight to the hard ground of the planet. Jumped down.
Bang! Bang! Bang! ...
After the eleven dull sound of heavy armor landing and the smoke of the eleventh regiment being smashed, Captain Galen and his cobra team, as well as Little Annie, a foreign aid ghost agent, they represent the hope of mankind. It was the first time I landed and came into contact with this peculiar planet that still seemed a bit strange to them.
The place where you enter the eyes is bleak, except for the yellow-brown sky and the rocky ground of almost the same color. Here, there is no other color, and there is no breath of other animals, plants and life.
Except for the dust that was aroused by the eleven of them when they just landed, there is only the strange flowing wind that the planet was still blowing...
"Attention all Marines! Each follow the original arrangement and go to your own predetermined location to detect and alert! If you find any abnormalities, report it as soon as possible! Hurry up, and move more quickly! This is not a drill, repeat! This is definitely not exercise!"
With a click, Galen severely loaded his electromagnetic rifle after giving orders to the players on the channel.
After confirming once again that the 8mm-caliber spiked electromagnetic rifle in his hand was in good condition, he immediately followed the instructions on the electronic holographic map on the panel and quickly walked to the predetermined location previously arranged on the Nozomi.
call! call!
While panting quietly, Galen ran quickly. The metal feet of his huge and heavy armored power suit, after stepping on the gravel, left behind the giants belonging to the human beings on this planet. Footprints.
"Everyone should move quickly, pay attention to the surrounding situation, and keep an eye on your radar at the same time!"
As Galen ran, he reminded the players that he continued to perform his duties as captain.
This was the first time their Cobra team landed on an alien planet to perform a combat mission. Although he himself didn't think there could be any enemies here, he still issued various orders in accordance with the original mission arrangement.
Because, after they have completed the investigation and confirmed the safety of the surrounding area, the huge and expensive command center will detach from the Nozomi and land slowly.
Galen quickly climbed to the top of a small hill he assigned, and this was his surveillance guard point.
In the far left of him, there is a huge, strong acid ocean that cannot be seen at a glance. On his right, there is a large area of ​​high and low, which seems to have been corroded for a long time, with obvious traces of pits and pits. Stone Plain?
Seeing these scenery in front of him, Galenzi shook his head secretly in his heart. Sure enough, this is really a planet with a harsh environment and not suitable for human living and survival.
Had it not been for the high-energy crystals and gas that the HMS Hope desperately needed, I am afraid Captain Leona would not insist on landing on this planet, right?
"Everyone, report what you saw separately, remember to turn on your portable video recorder and upload the image to the Nozomi account in time."
After carefully observing his position for more than ten minutes, Galen quickly completed his preliminary investigation mission.
In his position, there is currently no abnormal situation. Whether it is his naked eye observation or the personal radar that comes with the armored power fu, it shows that everything is normal.
"Report Captain! Everything is normal here on 02!"
"Report to Captain! Everything is normal here on 03!"
"No. 04 is also normal here!"
"Hello? Annie? How is your place? Are there any special findings?"
After all the members of his subordinates reported, Galen began to inquire about the ghost agent Xiao Anni who was hiding in the highest point.
Although this supernumerary ghost agent is not actually under the control of him, the captain of the Marine Corps, he still needs to ask about it now. After all, the opponent has the highest position and the equipment in the ghost agent suit is also the most advanced.
"It's not fun here at all... I only saw the rocks and the sea... Huh? Just now, was that a fish?"
After Xiao Annie complained for a while, she suddenly screamed.
Just now, she just relied on her sharp eyes, on the seashore in the distance, at the line of the sea level, as if she saw something suddenly surfaced?
Then, it sank again soon?
When she picked up the sniper rifle in her hand and was about to measure the distance and see what happened, the opponent quickly disappeared on the sea?
"Fish? What fish? There is really something here?! Did you just turn on the video equipment?"
Galen immediately became nervous when she heard Xiao Annie suddenly say such unexpected words.
Hasn't this planet been detected and no life has been found?
Moreover, how can there be fish in the strong acid ocean? Even the Marines wearing armored power combat uniforms, if they dare to run into the sea, it is estimated that within ten minutes, those terrible acid seas can corrode the armor and the crew inside. ?
"Just now, at a place far, far away, I seem to have seen a fish... With the video equipment, it seems that it can't be seen that far, right?"
Little Annie was very sure that she had just seen something like a big fish in the distance, on the edge of the sea level.
It's just that it only took a head and disappeared very quickly.
Annie felt that she must have read it right now! You know, with her own strong strength, whether it is magic or all aspects of her body, she is very good!
Even if she didn't use the Eagle Eye Technique, as long as she was willing to use her heart, with her keen perception or eyes, she could see far, far away.
"Well... Hope, this is Captain Galen of the Cobra Squad. We have successfully arrived at the landing site. After preliminary investigation, there is no abnormality around the landing site! Now, the command center can be airborne."
After hearing Little Annie's answer, Galen shook his head a little bit dumbfounded.
Since it is a place that cannot be seen by video equipment, how could she see it with naked eyes? Don't be kidding, it must be her illusion!
Therefore, Galen decided to ignore Little Annie's words, lift the alert, and at the same time send a safe reply to the orbiting Nozomi, indicating that the huge colonial command center can now officially detach from the Nozomi and land. .
"Hope has been received. The command center has officially separated and is expected to arrive at the designated location in 30 minutes. Please be prepared and maintain necessary vigilance."
Soon, a reply from the navigator of Hope came from the communication device.
She also informed Captain Galen: The Colony Command Center has now officially separated from the Nozomi and is slowly entering the planet's atmosphere.
From now on, the humans of their Nozomi, the landing and gathering operation on the JNO.3 planet, can finally be said to officially begin.
"Yes! Galen received! Don't worry about the Hope, we will continue to maintain a high level of alert and will definitely ensure the safety of the command center!"
After finishing talking, Galen began to pace to a relatively open and flat height, holding his electromagnetic rifle, retracting the mask armor plate, and only through the glass mask of the armored power combat uniform, alerting and observing everything around him.
The ten members of their Cobra squad have now formed an encircling circle around the command center's scheduled landing point. The intensive firepower can ensure the safety of the colonial command center that has landed at any time.
"Gailen is big...I really didn't lie to you, just now, I really saw a fish..."
Little Annie still used the scope of the sniper rifle unwillingly, and began to keep patrolling the sea where she found the abnormality, hoping to find the thing she just saw again.
She swears, that is definitely a strange fish? It will definitely not be her dazzling!
Moreover, her little bear Tibbers had just sensed the existence of that monster, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.
"Okay, little Annie... we are now on an important military mission, not a good time to be joking."
Galen sighed, turned his head and looked in the direction of the ocean. Where could there be any strange fish?
Everything is normal here!
Except for the sea breeze and the surging acid waves, everything is normal. How can there be fish here? Do not make jokes!
If you really throw a fish in, even if it is a huge whale, it only takes a few minutes. It is estimated that there will not be much bone residue left?
"Annie, you must know that it is impossible for any creatures to survive in this kind of strong acid ocean, so don't make trouble!"
After the last conversation with Annie in private, Galen began to switch to the team's public channel.
He also needs to exchange information about their discoveries with his team members and assign other people's guard tasks after the command center has landed.
"Huh! Why can't there be creatures in the strong acid ocean? What's so strange? In my land of flames, there are still flame creatures in the hot lava pools! You wait for me, wait, After seeing it, I will definitely catch a fish to show you!"
After hearing the reply from Galen's big guy, Annie snorted and began to mutter dissatisfied.
It's a pity that Captain Galen, who has switched channels, won't care about her playful thoughts anymore.
In Galen's view, in the strong acid ocean, there will never be any living things! Let alone what lava pool she was talking about, but also flame creatures? How could there be such a creature? nonexistent!
Therefore, after Xiao Anni complained, she could only continue to cat above her highest point, and began to search the seas far and near, trying to continue looking for the strange fish that she had just seen.
Time passed quickly. While Captain Galen was still arranging his Marines to decide their guard time and position, while Annie was still persevering in searching for the sea, the sky began to spread. There were rumbling noises.
The Human Colony Command Center of the USS Nozomi finally arrived on time.
When the marines on their ground looked up at the sky: a huge steel fortress began to break through the cloud layer created by the early friction with the planet’s atmosphere, from the flame-like cloud layer, slowly appeared on their ground. In the field of vision.
That was their colonial command center, and now, it finally broke through the thick atmosphere of the planet, ready to land on this scheduled landing site.
"Captain Galen, what's the situation under the landing field now? Have you found anything unusual?"
Suddenly, there was a holographic image of First Mate Doug in Galen's communication interface.
Oh, no, it should be the question and images of the ground commander of the current colonial command center. Now Doug, she has opened a video call and asked the captain of the landing team face to face to make final preparations for the upcoming landing.
Now, the height of their command center from the ground is less than 10,000 meters. As long as Captain Galen is sure that everything below is normal, she will order to descend directly.
"Report to Your Excellency Commander Doug! The conditions on the ground are now normal and the weather is good. No abnormal conditions have been found for the time being. You can now come down."
After turning around again and looking around at the sea and the plains of strange rocks, Galen was sure to give his final answer.
Now here, everything is normal!
This is the conclusion that Galen concluded after analyzing and summarizing the feedback from the previous Marines: on the ground of this planet, no abnormal situation has been found for the time being!
Of course, except for the irresponsible nonsense of the little alien girl Annie!
"Okay, please continue to be vigilant, we will be down soon."
After speaking, Commander Doug nodded in satisfaction, and then she quickly closed the holographic video communication between the two parties.
Finally, the huge, round cake-shaped metal fortress began to slowly rise above the high school, and its engine sprayed a huge stream of particles, slowly adjusted its direction, and gradually began to fall.
"Oh, what a big discus..."
Seeing the huge steel command center gradually descending, Xiao Annie couldn't help but sigh with emotion.
This is really a big guy, that size, is about half the size of her palace in the City of Fire, right?
Little Annie feels that the humans in this world are really amazing! Although, they seem to have no magic and no powerful martial arts, but they use wisdom and technology to do these incredible things!
Boom boom boom...
Soon, not long after Xiao Anni sighed, the command center finally landed.
Then, after bursts of loud and piercing roars, when the smoke and dust around the tall and big discus dispersed, she only saw that the command center put down its four octopus-like arms The ordinary and equally huge pillars began to take root firmly on the earth of this planet.
After it opened the huge hatch and walked out several T-280 SCV space engineering vehicles at once, the humans of the Nozomi were working on the colonization, development and production of this planet named JNO.3 by them. Finally announced the official start.
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