Chapter 204: Landing on the planet (3)

Today is the first day that human beings exiled by the upl of the Earth Coalition Government officially landed on planet jno.3...
Captain Leona of the Nozomi is on the bridge of the space colony ship, through dozens of simple civilian and communication satellites launched, constantly watching the various landforms of the planet, the distribution of minerals, and climate change. And other information.
So far, they have basically mastered all the geomorphological information and the distribution of surface mines of the entire planet jno.3, whether it is basic metal minerals and rare minerals, or those more rare high-energy crystals and high-energy gas. Now, they have obtained all the important information they need through satellites.
Of course, this information is only a map of the mineral distribution in the shallow layers of the planet. As for the deeper minerals or the minerals distributed in the strong acid ocean, they have no effective way to detect it.
In this matter, you need to wait for a period of time. After they have completed the production and commissioning of the military satellites of the Hope, they can obtain deeper planetary information.
This kind of thing is definitely not anxious and needs to be done step by step.
It's just that the more information the satellites return and the more comprehensive the information, Captain Leona's brows become tighter. She can't imagine why there is no extraterrestrial power like this energy-rich planet. Discover and develop
This phenomenon makes her subconsciously feel very abnormal!
Before thinking about it again, the wreckage of the huge alien warship floating in the distant orbit that was calculated and detected in this star universe, Captain Leona felt that she seemed to be a little bit necessary. Clarify the context of each event again
They discovered that there is a planet rich in minerals...
Then, in the distant star field, there is an alien warship that has been destroyed for an unknown number of years...
In addition, a strange little alien girl, the lifeboat she boarded was captured by her own humans on the Nozomi...
So, if all things are combined, where does the restlessness in my heart come from?
Is it this planet or...
"Dawn, you can summarize and analyze all the information about the little alien girl Annie."
When she called out the holographic picture of the landing site, Captain Leona looked at the jno.3 planet and began to officially start the command center for base construction.
Except for those dozens of scv space engineering vehicles that are busy initially collecting exposed high-energy crystals and constructing the first supply station, there are only ten Marines who are on alert and the clamoring and making noises. The little alien girl going down to play, the only ghost agent of Hope: Annie.
On the schedule for the construction of the ground base on planet jno.3, within the scheduled ten standard Earth days, they need to build three supply stations, two barracks, a high-energy gas mine collection and processing plant, and a heavy-duty production plant. Equipped engineering station.
At that time, the Hope can dispatch more Marine Corps recruits, as well as various engineers, and gradually expand the entire base. While collecting various resources, it will also build and produce the various warships and ships they need. Weaponry.
Captain Leona is now a bit suspicious under the inexplicable sense of crisis. This is the nature of human beings: suspicious and fickle!
Especially those with high authority, or herself who bears important responsibilities...
"Yes, Captain!"
As soon as Captain Leona finished speaking, a 3D holographic character and an information panel appeared in front of her. The character model of the Wise Brain Dawn of the Hope recorded various information of effective Annie on the information panel.
"Anne Hasta, a Valoran star, has a physique that is more than ten times or more than that of a normal earth adult. She has very good physical coordination; she also has some special powers, and her mental power is very high, which is extremely rare. , The upper limit is temporarily undetectable; it is said that she can freely travel through time and space, and has the ability to survive in space without protection; with a certain dimensional space power or equipment, she can freely ingest many materials, and she also masters multiple languages... …"
"Stop! I know all of this. First, evaluate her specific combat effectiveness."
The information that Suguang Zhinao just reported back was basically the gifts of the other party’s life on the Hope. They observed and summarized the information, Captain Leona already knew almost, she now needs to know. It's something else.
"Report to the captain, if you give an ordinary Marine a one-star rating, the ability rating of Ghost Agent Anne Hasta will be five stars temporarily."
Zhi Nao Shuguang quickly gave its assessment of Xiao Annie's combat effectiveness, which was calculated after comparing the data it has collected so far.
"Five-star... is it so high? If you are an ordinary elite ghost agent, you can usually get a few stars."
Captain Leona was stunned, she suddenly couldn't digest the information.
An ordinary Marine has only one star, but that little girl, she actually achieved five stars! So, she needs to make a comparison before she can roughly understand what this five-star is.
"The report captain, according to the previous data of the Earth Coalition Government, shows that an elite federal ghost agent, in the database, their individual combat capability rating is generally three stars, a few of them are four stars. However, they had There has been a tenth level of Nether Energy rating records, and there are not many records of Nether Energy in the database on the Hope."
After the report, Shuguang put away Xiao Annie's information list, waiting for the captain to respond.
Hearing this, Captain Leona frowned and didn't say much.
She just turned her head and looked at the holographic map information of the ground base on the other side. Above, in addition to the ten green signals indicating the life of the Marine Corps, there was also an orange signal. The opponent was standing still on a commanding height not too far from the base.
"Dawn, Annie's phantom energy level, can you detect it"
After thinking about it, Captain Leona stretched out his hand and clicked on the holographic map. The satellite's line of sight began to be shortened rapidly. Then, she finally saw the one lying on the top, wearing red and white tights. A's little figure.
The other party hadn't turned on the stealth mode now, so he was lying under the corroded by strong acid all the year round, looking a bit strange, and it seemed that it was almost turning into the top gravel pile like glass.
"It's a pity, Captain! I can't even judge whether the other party's ability is the Nether Energy Hope or not, and there is no special equipment for detecting Nether Energy. After all, it is the top secret of the Federation! So, according to the current intelligence. , I can’t provide you with Anne’s phantom power level."
The captain's words were a bit embarrassing to the dawn, so it made the female holographic image that it showed itself, barely learning the appearance of a human, and made a helpless shrug.
"How could it be that she just...what was talking about!"
When Captain Leona was staring at the little Annie, who was lying motionless on the gravel pile, the other party suddenly turned around, revealing a big grimace from her transparent mask. Then, he raised his hand and waved to the sky, as if he had said something
"Captain, the other party's mental power is extremely large and sensitive, so the other party should have discovered the satellite's lock on her just now. The original words she just said were: Hello, please don't stare at me like this all day long, I will I'm nervous!"
Although Annie Ghost’s channel did not switch to the Hope Bridge, Sugon Brain soon used the authority to learn what she had just said from other channels and replayed it.
"How could she know that we are monitoring her now, it shouldn't be..."
Captain Leona still had no way to understand such an unthinkable thing.
If you are standing behind a person and staring at someone, maybe you might be felt by the other person. After all, there are still many unknowns about human research, even if the technology is extremely advanced. .
However, now they are observing through satellites in the orbit of the planet... That little girl, how could she have sensed her performance? It is a bit too exaggerated.
"I'm sorry, Captain Leona! This has involved abilities, mental powers, and occultism! These are areas that we humans cannot study in depth at this time. According to the existing information and intelligence, I cannot Perform any effective analysis here."
The situation described by Suguang Zhinao is also true. So far, human beings on the earth have been hesitant to study the mysticism.
They just know and record various abilities and their performance and utilization value, and there is no way for more in-depth research.
And Nether Energy, this is a kind of more in-depth research by them, and has always been regarded as a treasure in secret. There are not many relevant records in the Hope database.
Of course, the information on the Hope now is not too comprehensive. After all, they are just prisoners who were exiled more than a hundred years ago. These confidential things were definitely not given to them! Moreover, it has been more than a hundred years, and what happened to the specific situation on the other side of the earth, and the Ship Hope has no way of understanding.
"Well, then, Shuguang, can you really be sure, this little girl, she is harmless to our Hope"
Captain Leona didn't know why, and always felt that there seemed to be some danger watching them and the humans on the Hope.
However, she just couldn't figure out where the danger was coming from, so she unconsciously focused her attention on the little alien girl they rescued.
After all, this little girl, now arguably the only anomaly in the Nozomi, can always make her draw her attention unconsciously.
In her opinion, even if the other party does not have any malicious intent on the Nozomi, is it related to her that some kind of danger is coming?
This time, she acquiesced that Doug let the little alien girl land on planet jno.3 together, and she also had the fluke idea of ​​letting the source of danger leave the Nozomi.
This is also no way. After all, after contacting these days, they found that the fighting power of this little girl seems to be a bit too strong... If the other party is allowed to stay on the Hope, in case, it will appear at that time Some uncontrollable situation is not easy to handle.
However, even now, after the little girl has left the HMS Hope far away, Captain Leona still feels the malicious maliciousness in it... It seems that the danger does not come from the little alien girl.
That's why she asked Suguang Zhinao again.
"Report to the captain. According to the results of my analysis, Anne Hasta currently has a safety index of three stars for the Nozomi, which is temporarily the same as most Nozomi citizens."
This is the result of the analysis of the little girl's words and deeds based on the Dawning Brain in a few days.
It believes that although this little girl has a strong physique and strength, she did not have any hostile behavior that exceeds the standard of a human age! Her every move fully meets the daily standards of a human little girl, so it gives a three-star safety rating.
You know, this level is already very high!
Above the Nozomi, most human beings are just this standard. Some thugs and criminals even only have a security level of one to two stars, and military personnel with strict discipline and obedience or Captain Leona himself are only four stars in the database of Sugon Brain. The safety index is only.
"Okay, I hope I'm worrying too much... Then, Dawn, you continue to use those satellites to monitor the jno.3 planet for 24 hours! Now, I will go to rest first, if I find Any abnormal situation, please notify me as soon as possible! This matter is listed in the first priority of the calendar!"
After really not knowing where her perception of danger came from, Leona could only sigh and shook her head to give up.
She plans to go back and rest for a while, hoping that sleep can free herself from this unrealistic perception of danger
I hope all this is just her illusion
Therefore, after she handed over the captain's acting authority to the second officer on duty, she turned around and left the bridge, and assigned a first priority task to Zhi Brain Dawn.
"Okay, Captain! It's now on the top priority schedule."
When Captain Leona turned and left her captain's position, the various holographic icons and map information that were originally unfolded here finally began to disappear one by one.
In the end, the second officer on duty took the position of the captain and began to act as the captain of the Hope, coordinating the affairs of the Hope and monitoring the construction of the base on the Jno.3 planet.
Two hours later, near the ground base of planet jno.3.
"Wow! Just now, I just slept on my stomach for a lazy night's sleep. They have already built two so big supply stations and their people are all hardworking bees."
On planet jno.3, after little Annie took a nap, and when she woke up again, the engineers called scv had already built two, about an eighth of the command center. A large and small colonial supply station.
Little Annie called up her data and began to check the two newly established supply stations.
It is said that this replenishment station can store and produce all the materials and tools needed for human daily operations. There are also some leisure and entertainment facilities, single suites for rest, and a small efficient ecological farm.
To put it bluntly, it is a place where you can eat, drink, live, and produce all kinds of human food. Therefore, it will be built in the first time. After all, engineers and marines working here always need to rest and Food, and if the ground base can produce it by itself, it is better than transported from the Hope.
"Of course it's fast! That's because: A considerable part of their assembly modules have already been manufactured on the Hope, so they can be assembled so quickly."
Standing guard and boring, when Galen heard little Annie's muttering voice on the channel, he smiled and chatted with her.
These people, it has been more than two hours since they first landed here.
Those scv engineers, they really worked hard enough. In less than two hours, they set up two replenishment stations. Then, in addition to leaving a construction truck for the final debugging, other , I’m probably going to start building that huge barracks
Just now Galen discovered that the two armored transport ships had already boarded and backed twice, and had transported two batches of scv engineering vehicles from the Hope.
"Well, then, can we already enter this supply station and rest in it? There should be my room, you know, I am very tired now!"
After hearing that the thing was going to be fixed soon, Little Annie began to complain.
She has been in this place for two hours! And now, where she wants to go to the supply station, have a good time to see if there is anything interesting in it
"I'm afraid not! Little Annie, the place we are going to live in is a huge barracks that is being built. It can house about a thousand people by then! And your room is probably not built yet, so continue to be vigilant. At their current rate, it will probably take a few more hours."
Galen turned his head and looked at the barracks being built on that huge site. All of its modules were originally produced on the Hope, and a lot of Hope’s inventory resources were used.
Now, only the scv engineers need to move the modules back and forth, and step up the time to assemble and splice them together. Then, they will start large-scale energy harvesting and production and construction of other buildings. At that time, the speed of pruning is expected to decrease.
At that time, a large number of recruits and more engineers on the Hope will be recruited and airborne.
Galen felt that after the barracks were set up, the first Marines from their squad should be able to go to the barracks to repair and rest. This was originally planned.
So now, it's better that everything is going according to the original plan. The idea of ​​Xiao Annie going to rest is probably a bit difficult.
"There are still a few hours left, but... I feel like sleeping now, what should I do? I also want to eat something and take a bath... And, what if I want to pee when I have a urgency for a while."
Little Annie was so bored that she started to think about it again on the Marine Corps public channel.
"By the way, I've always wanted to ask: Are you wearing thick armor that is so hot and troublesome, what should you do if you want to poop, does anyone bring a paper?"
Little Annie suddenly thought of a very interesting question. Actually, she wanted to ask it a long time ago.
Their Marines wear so much thickness that they need mechanical assistance to put on and remove their armor. So, what should I do if I want to pee or have diarrhea?
Are they going to be pulled directly into the power armor suit? But in that case, will it be very dirty and smelly? It feels disgusting to think about it...
Moreover, in the armor, you need to know if there is a short circuit or something, but the inside is charged... If they are charged by their own armor when they come out of the poop, will it? A lot of fun
When I think about it, I’m looking forward to it... Do you want to try some laxatives in their food?
Originally, the other Marines were still chatting on the public channel one after another, but when they heard this, they suddenly lost their voices collectively.
"Um, there are a lot of drinks in my space pocket, do you need some?"
Little Annie’s idea is: Give them a little more water, and then, if you are in a hurry, see what they should do
Unfortunately, the Marines still didn't care about her for the time being.
"Hey, here, there are roasted Raptor legs with Sansho pepper and live Raptor eggs! Who of you can cook this but I brought it out of the world of Azeroth, I swear, you must have never eaten it!"
Also Velociraptor, liar!
The Marines of the Cobra team listened to Little Annie's words without knowing it, and they kept slandering.
"Ah! I feel like sleeping again... After standing guard for so long, you really don't want to pee."
Not knowing what was going on, Little Annie started to talk nonsense a little regardless of discipline.
She didn’t say it’s okay. When she talked about it, many Marines felt that the bladder was a little swollen, and then unconsciously contracted their lower abdomen, as if... they all wanted to relax.
But the problem is: the barracks have not been built yet, and they can't easily take off the armor without the help of the equipment in the equipment area!
If you are really in a hurry, I am afraid, it can only be solved in the armor
That was a terrible experience! Especially...when eating the wrong food and having diarrhea
"If you are urinating, you will be holding back! When you are sleepy, just lie on the ground and sleep. Anyway, you have slept for a long time just now, and no one will say you if you sleep for a while!"
Galen felt that he himself was really crazy just now! It’s okay to go and talk to a kid
Forget it, Captain Galen immediately decided: Let's leave this little Annie alone, let her go!
Anyway, they only need to hold on for another three hours. After Dreyus's Viper team and the recruited recruits come down to change shifts, they can go to have a good rest.
When the time comes, it's time to eat, sleep, and pull!
"Hey! Little Annie, you said, do you have real or fake Velociraptor eggs, how big is it to eat"
After a while, a female marine finally couldn't help but asked.
She understands the terms velociraptor and velociraptor egg, but she really doesn’t believe that this little girl can come up with something that has been extinct on earth for countless years.
Therefore, she was just teasing this little girl who made her love and hate with a joke tone.
"Of course I can eat it. This is a living Raptor egg! This was what I saw when I was adventuring with a bearded dwarf on the continent south of the world of Azeroth. At that time, I took hundreds of them. One! Each one is as big as your head! I still remember that at that time, a large group of velociraptors chased us both for a long time, but it was fun!"
As soon as she talked about this, Little Annie immediately began to twitter.
At that time, she felt that the northern continent was too cold to be fun, so she left the City of Fire by herself and went directly to a place called Stranglethorn Vale in the south.
Then, she ran into a bearded dwarf who was almost caught by the troll, and after she saved the opponent, regardless of the opponent's persuasion, she forcibly took away all the Raptor eggs she saw.
"It sounds like it's true or false, it's not you who made it up?"
At this time, another female Marine also intervened and began to question curiously.
She listened to what this little Annie said so eloquently, as if there was such a thing, she almost believed it!
But she also knew that this was probably just a little girl’s random fabrication. How could there be any planet of Azeroth in the universe, nor could there be any Velociraptor eggs, it is probably just a little girl’s fantasy.
"You're a puppy! You wait. After that barracks is built, I will give you! Forget it, there are too many two, um...just one!"
Originally Annie wanted to give two away, but think about it, they have ten people...
If one person gives two, that would be a full twenty...that's a bit too much!
This thing, every time one takes away one less, so she decided that it is better to save a little bit, and they must also let them exchange something delicious!
(Master Anne! There is a situation, northwest, on the beach side, something seems to be climbing up from the sea!-While Annie was chatting with other team members, her bio-radar bear Tibbers was the first to spot the anomaly , And then quickly reminded Little Annie.)
"Hey, it's great if there is a situation! Everyone pays attention, there is a situation!"
Little Annie is never afraid of looking for trouble, she is afraid of being bored!
So, after hearing her reminder from Tibbs the bear, her eyes lit up and she immediately refreshed! Oh my god, now, finally something fun is about to happen
Annie quickly loaded her own 20mm caliber, the super electromagnetic sniper rifle specially made by the Goddess of Flame I ss-01, and at the same time unlocked the insurance, and then directly moved forward and aimed at Tibbers. The direction just mentioned.
"Little Annie, there is a real situation, I can warn you, don't talk nonsense when you are on the mission..."
After Galen heard what little Annie said, he was taken aback.
Then, he quickly checked his radar equipment. Fortunately, it showed that everything was normal! It seems that this is the little Annie who has nothing to do with her
When he just wanted to teach a lesson...
Bang! ! !
Before Galen had finished speaking, a huge-caliber gun fired.
Galen knew that it was the sound of Little Annie's sniper cannon. Just now, she hadn't put on the muffler at all, so the sound was so loud!
"Aha! I hit it on the head!"
Annie's shot just now accurately hit the head of the hideous monster in the scope, causing its brain to explode into a pool of red and green flesh.
Originally, if you follow the formal process: after discovering alien creatures, first make preliminary contact to judge whether the opponent is wise, and only if the opponent is strongly hostile, can you shoot the opponent.
However, Little Annie doesn't care about that much!
Besides, her Tibbers has already said that the other party has a strong hostility, sneaking out of the sea, and looking so spicy and ugly, he must have no good intentions! So, little Annie was extremely disgusted, so she shot it over!
Who made it look hot and ugly and didn't beat it
"Don't grab it, it's my prey!"
After speaking, Little Annie jumped directly from the pile of rocks.
Then, she directly and quickly picked up her exaggerated caliber weapon, and started running at high speed from the top to the distant beach.
Her vigorous red-and-white figure moved quickly between the rugged rocks. The speed was even faster than when she was in a simulated confrontation!
She wants to go there quickly and drag the monster to the base. The big guy in the province, Galen, said she was dizzying and making trouble all day long!
This thing should be the strange fish she saw just before.
"Damn it! There really is a situation"
Galen followed the direction where Little Annie shot. Sure enough, on the beach side, a monster with red and green blood on its neck really fell.
"Everyone is on the spot! Is it the base command center? I’m Galen! We just discovered alien Yes! That’s right! Little Annie has just shot and killed the opponent, please do as necessary Prepare, I will go and see the situation now!"
Galen, who was the closest to the beach, when he saw the alien monster that was shot and killed by Annie, he had no time to talk to all the team members and the command center on the channel, and then he quickly gave it to himself The electromagnetic rifle was loaded again, and started running towards the beach.
Now, the big-hearted little Annie, she is about to run over there, so he must go over and take care of it a little bit. Who knows if there are any other monsters like this in the sea.
This time is really terrible!
It seems that this planet is not as simple as he imagined. If you think about the warning from Little Annie before, it seems that... what she said has always been the truth. She is indeed not messing with the planet, it is dangerous () "Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Journey" only represents the views of the author, Shadow Bear, if it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. It is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!
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