Chapter 205: Landing on the planet (4)

"Oh oh... my head is beaten..."
Next to the glassy sandy beach of the acidic liquid ocean, Little Annie was standing next to the headless monster with her head down.
She was a little curious and gently pulled this monster with red blood and light green disgusting body fluids with her feet. Unfortunately, its head was just shattered by a single shot by her, completely turned into a pile of pulpy. .
Now, even if you want to take a closer look at what it looks like, there is no way.
Just now, this monster sneaked up to the shore from the sea, and Anne’s little bear Tibbers told her: This monster is very hostile! Therefore, Little Annie didn't even think about it at the time, so she sent a 20mm electromagnetic sniper bullet to her disgusting head!
The power of this 20mm caliber, the super electromagnetic sniper rifle specially made by the Flame Goddess I SS-01, really feels great!
She did not install the troublesome silencer on purpose just now, so when the shot was fired, the shocking sound sounded a thief!
Then, she shot it, and the monster's ugly head instantly turned into a cracked watermelon, with disgusting red and green blood flowing all over the place, or: a mixture of brain plasma and blood is more suitable?
Little Annie didn't really care too much about whether the things splashing on the beach were brain or blood, or body fluids.
Anyway, she only knew that it had been beaten to death by herself!
Moreover, I have also proved to the big guy: When she just jumped off the armored transport ship, she really did not have dizziness, let alone mischief. What she saw at the time, seemed to be such a thing?
This...should be what she saw before, right?
With the sound of preheating electromagnetic rifle bullets coming from behind, a Marine wearing a power armor suit with red paint No. 01 on his chest began to walk carefully to Annie's side, and kept pointing with the muzzle. An alien monster lying motionless on the ground.
"Annie, what kind of monster is this?"
After holding a gun on guard for a while, and seeing that the monster was motionless and should be completely dead, Galen was slightly relieved and asked.
When Little Annie was about to turn the monster over and look at the strangeness, Galen finally had time to take a sigh of relief, and tried to adjust his breathing, slowly recovering his strength.
Although the power armor combat uniforms make the members inside do not feel any load, when their marines are running, they still consume their own physical strength, just like running with the marines without armor. It is basically the same when moving, or will it feel a little bit harder?
Furthermore, the gravity of this planet is slightly higher than the Earth's gravity environment simulated on the Hope spacecraft by zero three Earth's standard gravity.
"I don't know, anyway, it just crawled out of the sea. Isn't this a fish?"
Annie originally planned to stretch out her hand and hold the opponent's body and turn it over to look at it. She didn't know if she sensed something, her hand stiffened, and she quickly retracted when she was about to touch the opponent's body. .
She began to frown, looking at the disgusting red and green blood flowing out of the other party's body. It seemed that this thing was not a good thing?
Therefore, she was unwilling to let her beautiful ghost armor be damaged by the blood on it.
"Haha! Little Annie, you can really be kidding! Where does this thing look like a fish? This should be more like a praying mantis? Or, it can be said that it is an alien sea prawn?"
Galen didn't think much about it. When he saw that Annie didn't want to do anything, he went straight forward and grabbed one of the other's hideous forelimbs, intending to turn it over to see what happened.
Galen felt quite heavy when he first started, this is really a big guy! The weight shouldn't be much lighter than the self wearing power armor, right?
Gee! Do sea prawns on alien planets grow so big?
It seems... it actually has two pairs of wings that are not completely degraded? Galen was a little puzzled, do marine life also need wings? Or is it a primitive creature? Not completely evolved?
"Hey! Don't touch it! Otherwise, your armor will break!"
Annie quickly reminded her when she saw the movement of Galen's big man.
There was actually a reason why she was reluctant to touch this monster's body just now.
Because she discovered: The blood of this monster seems to have a certain similarity with the acid ocean next to it. Both are strongly corrosive?
If you wipe it rashly, it will end up like this big guy!
"Ah! It, its blood, is also very corrosive? Damn it! It corroded my hand armor!"
When Galen heard the red signal from his hand in the panel and heard the alarm sound, he quickly threw away the forelimbs of the alien monster.
Fortunately, there was not too much blood on this part of the opponent. It only corroded a layer of Galen's hand armor, and did not damage his palm armor to important parts. Otherwise, he would just You can only retreat first to repair it?
"Hey! Galen is big, didn't I just tell you not to touch it? Look, the armor is going to be broken!"
After seeing the end of Galen's rash touch, Xiao Annie hurriedly laughed and backed a few steps, a little farther away from the monster.
Now that this monster was completely dead, and the liquid on its body had the same corrosive effect as the ocean over there, and even the metal armor could corrode, then Annie didn't plan to go and toss again.
If you accidentally break your beautiful armor, it won't look good! Moreover, it may also affect the optical stealth and other effects.
"Captain Galen? What the is going on over there? What kind of alien monster is that?"
When Galen finally used the dry alien sand around him to get rid of the corrosive monster liquid adhering to his hand armor, the communicator began to sound a little hasty voice from the base command center Commander Doug.
Just now, after discovering that Little Annie was shooting and hearing Captain Galen of the Cobra team reported that there was a situation, she was really nervous for a while!
After ordering everyone to increase their vigilance and arranging a series of defensive measures, she now has time to inquire about what happened.
"Uh...this, you should see for yourself, I am not too clear."
After speaking, Galen turned on the scanning and observation equipment on his armored power suit, and carried out preliminary photographs and scans of the monsters still flowing red and green disgusting liquid on the ground.
"It's this monster. It seems to be integrated with the environment. No body temperature was found. It should be a cold-blooded animal? Or is it an indigenous prawn living in this ocean?"
"Furthermore, I also discovered just now: its shell does not seem to be afraid of strong acid corrosion, and even its body fluids are also strongly corrosive. Just now, my hand armor has been corroded by a layer. "
Galen uploaded the data while scanning, and then gave some insights.
He is a little worried now, wondering if this monster has a virus or infectious stuff that is fatal to humans? Regardless of whether or not, after the construction of the barracks is completed, it is necessary for him to conduct a comprehensive disinfection.
"As for the others, you should watch it yourself."
After uploading the video and data, Galen stopped his explanation.
He is just the captain of a Marine Corps, and he is not a biological scientist. Where can I know other detailed information about the native creatures of this alien planet?
Galen glanced at his communication equipment, and he saw that after he finished transmitting the data, Commander Doug in the command center didn't say anything. He just hugged his arms, frowning and staring at the scanned and transmitted data. 3D holographic image.
"First Mate Doug? Your Excellency Commander? Excuse me, what should we do now? Do we need to drag it back?"
After waiting for a while, Galen finally asked, a little impatient.
Anyway, it seemed to him that he was killed now, and it was too late to say anything. Although Little Annie's response seemed a little bit fierce, she couldn't be said to be wrong.
So, it's not a problem to lose this stuff here. Should you postpone it back and study it slowly, the commander should always give it to you?
"You managed to drag its corpse to Area C, and then order all the Marines to shrink the guard range and pay close attention to the surrounding dynamics, especially the direction of the ocean!"
On this planet, there are still indigenous marine life? Moreover, still living in a sea of ​​strong acid liquids?
Have such creatures? The Creator is really strange...
Commander Doug felt that the planet they landed on this time might be in trouble? Sure enough, Captain Leona’s initial worry was probably not without a target. In this star field, I am afraid it will not be too simple!
"Yes, your commander! I will try to drag it back now!"
After hearing the order, Galen carefully walked to the monster's side and looked around.
Then, he planned to grab the opponent’s stubby tail with bone spurs that was not splashed by blood, and drag it directly to the relatively empty area C in the base, so as to wait for Hope to send more professional personnel down. Perform deeper analysis and sampling inspections.
Area C is the planned third phase of the construction area for their ground base. It is a relatively flat and small plain area, which should not be used for a long time.
Because that was originally intended to be used to build research institutes and large starports, but now, they have just begun to land and build barracks, which is too far away from large research institutes or airports!
"Annie? Annie?! Are you listening? Please answer when you hear!"
After giving the command to the captain of the Marine Corps, Commander Doug found little Annie who was watching Galen grabbing the monster's tail and dragging it away.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh? I'm listening, is there something? Sister Doug?"
Picking up her large-caliber sniper rifle, Little Annie was walking back with Galen's big guy, while answering casually in the communication.
This kind of alien monster does not seem to be many...
They have been here for so long before they found such a pitiful one, so that she could only shoot one shot, which is not addictive!
It would be fun if there were hundreds or thousands of them all at once. Annie believed that with the tens of thousands of ammunition she stuffed into the space pocket, she would be able to kill all these monsters alone. of!
"Annie, your task will be very heavy next! I need you to return to the highest vantage point just now and take full vigilance on the surrounding area!"
Just now, Little Annie has used her actions to prove her value.
Without the Marines noticing it, she unexpectedly found and killed an alien monster that sneaked ashore? Therefore, Commander Doug intends to let the little girl continue to be vigilant, a little harder, at least, to be able to persist until the arrival of the reinforcements of the Hope.
"Well, I already know."
Did you hear that? Tibbers, your next task is very heavy, so keep your eyes on the surroundings!
After answering the Aunt Doug's cry, Little Annie quickly confessed to her little bear Tibbers in private.
She wouldn't bother to guard herself, how boring?
So, she decided, after a while, after she ran to the top of the mountain, she would continue to sleep there for a while. As for alertness or something, just let her little bear stare at him. Her little bear is the best awesome!
Huh? You have no opinion, do you? Tibbers?
(Master, what you say is what you say. The little one dare not have any opinions...-Where does Tibbers dare to have any opinions? It says that it is very used to this kind of thing.)

Ding dong, ding ding dong dong ding ding...
After Captain Leona had just fallen asleep for less than two hours, she was suddenly awakened by the brisk music playing.
Then, when she opened her eyes, a virtual holographic image of a female character began to appear on her bedside. It was an image of an intellectual woman wearing glasses, and the other person looked at her with no expression.
Leona knew that this was actually one of the set images of Wise Brain Dawn of Hope.
Looking at an electronic alarm clock on the bedside, the time displayed on the line indicated that she had just fallen asleep for less than two hours?
It came to wake itself up at this time, could it be... something big happened?
This kind of subconscious thought made her heart suddenly chuckle, and instantly she was completely drowsy, and she began to become nervous.
"Your Captain, are you finally awake? I'm sorry to disturb your sleep at this time, because now I have received the latest situation from the ground base, and a major event has occurred. This event belongs to the first you have explained. A priority."
Seeing Captain Leona opened her eyes and sat up from the bed, after the soft quilt slipped from the other's healthy and energetic plump body, Zhi Nao Shuguang hurried forward and said.
"I'll take a wash first, now, you go on."
Regardless of whether things are good or bad, Leona decided: first go to the bathroom to wash her face with cold water, take a shower, and let herself wake up completely as soon as possible.
She felt that only a clear brain could enable her to make accurate judgments about the next thing.
"Okay, Lord Captain!"
When Leona walked to the luxurious bathroom dedicated to the captain's convenience, the holographic image of Shuguang Zhinao followed in.
It just stood by the captain's side, and did not shy away from it, watching the captain after removing his clothes, walked under a shower head, and turned on the cold water switch.
"The Hope just received the latest news from the ground commander, First Mate Doug: an alien creature appeared on a beach around the ground base. It was discovered by Ghost Agent Anne and killed for the first time. So far , The colonial base on the ground has no casualties for the time being, and no more such alien creatures have been found."
Zhi Nao Shuguang still stood beside Captain Leona and reported.
If it weren't because it was a smart computer, and the other party appeared as a woman, I'm afraid, Captain Leona would be going crazy, right?
Hearing the report of dawn, Leona frowned imperceptibly, and let the cold water from the shower head wet her long golden red hair and Miaoman's body.
Alien creatures?
Sure enough, she had already sensed that there must be something wrong with the planet below! Her perception of danger will never be groundless!
Think about the wreckage of the alien warship in the distance. This made her unconsciously burst into a chill from her heart and rushed straight to her forehead. Then, she had to change the cold water to warm water. It dilutes a little bit of her mental chill.
"Show me the images of alien creatures!"
After wiping the drops of water on his face, Captain Leona gave orders to Zhi Nao.
Since Little Annie had killed the alien creatures, she couldn't say anything. Now, she wanted to see first, what does this alien creature look like? Then, she can continue to analyze.
"Okay, Captain, please have a look."
Soon, in the next instant, a holographic image of a headless alien monster that was killed appeared in the captain's bathroom.
Its hideous and terrifying appearance formed a sharp contrast with the white and slender figure of Captain Leona.
"Dawn, can you restore its specific appearance?"
With such a headless monster, how could she see something?
This Dawning Brain is also true. At least, it should show the whole picture of the other party. What's the use of just such a headless body?
"Of course, Captain! Now, this is its complete form! At that time, the satellite had captured it for the first time."
Soon, after Leona gave the order, a horrible monster with a fierce head, a sharp mouth full of fangs, fierce limbs, two huge scythe-like forelimbs, and a long tail like bones. Appearing in this bathroom, the captain was shocked.
A monster of this shape is obviously a kind of predator, right?
It seems that there was nothing wrong with Little Annie's temporary handling at the time. Since this thing was sneaking ashore, it must be unkind!
If Captain Leona knew that the little Anne knight at the time was just because she was very boring and she found something to fight, so she would shoot at the first time, then she would definitely not think so.
"What specific characteristics does this creature have? Is there any preliminary judgment?"
After turning off the shower head, the captain grabbed a towel and began to wipe the water droplets on his face and the wet long hair.
"According to all the current information, the following analysis can only be drawn roughly: This is a cold-blooded predatory extraterrestrial creature, living in an acidic ocean, the body shell has strong anti-corrosion and anti-strike ability, body fluids and blood They are red and light green, and are extremely corrosive. Their body temperature seems to be able to adjust with the environment, and there is no obvious infrared signal. Therefore, they have not been detected by satellites before. The specific number is temporarily It’s unclear. We can only wait a few days later for military satellites to install life-detection instruments for this creature before further detection."
Sugon quickly gave the only biologist on the Nozomi and its own Generally speaking, it is fairly reliable.
"Now, how is the training of recruits on the Nozomi?"
After wiping her hair for a while, Captain Leona threw away the towel and walked straight out of the bathroom. After taking out a set of captain’s special clothing from the closet, she asked what she cared about most. problem.
"A thousand newly recruited recruits are already undergoing intense training! Although they have learned to use armored power combat uniforms and various weapons proficiently through simulated countermeasures equipment, you can’t expect them to have too much Great combat effectiveness. They are just a group of recruits who have been trained for less than five days. I suggest that you don't be too eager. They need more time for training!"
Wisdom Dawn was of course able to judge what Captain Leona wanted to do when asking these questions, so while reporting, it also gave out its own suggestions, which was also one of its duties.
"Dawn, I have an intuition: we don’t have too much time now! So, let them select the two hundred with the best performance among the thousand people, and inform the Viper team of Dreyus at the same time. , Let them lead those recruits, ready for landing operations at any time!"
After putting on the clothes, Captain Leona, ignoring the damp long hair, directly tied it up.
Then, she picked up her captain's cap and clamped it in her arms, opened the automatic door of the captain's lounge, and walked out quickly in the direction of the bridge.
Now, she needs to go to the bridge and stare.
She can't worry about just letting a second officer be on duty there, especially when the current ground base is about to happen.
Today, Monday, I’m a bit busy, so let’s just six thousand words
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