Chapter 207: Landing on the planet (6)

Da da da……
The fierce fire of several c15-type spike electromagnetic rifles in the hands of Captain Galen and several players on his side began to explode on this originally desolate planet.
Numerous 8mm supersonic spiked nail bullets of electromagnetic rifles, after being shot out of the muzzle at a super high speed, in the special atmosphere of the jno3 planet, they traversed a special trajectory like white steam, and moved at an extremely high speed. The kinetic energy easily shredded the hard shells of those insect monsters, and then deeply submerged or penetrated the opponent's body. At the same time, it also brought out a stream of red and green blood on its hideous body.
"Damn! Shoot, shoot with all your strength! Be sure to stop them!"
Da da da! ! !
The fragile front consisting only of Galen and a few members of his team in this direction is now at stake...
There were horrible sounds like a beast's whispering roar, and then more insects appeared.
With so many insects and monsters, they are constantly climbing up the beach from the acidic liquid ocean. Then, they don’t care about the viscous, strong acidic seawater on their bodies, and when they are on the shore, they move away from the four thick ones. The powerful limbs began to charge against the fragile line of defense of Galen's Cobra team!
Their strong vitality makes them often have more than ten shots in their bodies, and they do not necessarily cause fatal injuries.
Even if at every moment, countless companions suddenly fell to the ground and rolled in a ball, or were killed by bullets, but they were still roaring, still speeding up trying to cross the loose beach. , Rushed at high speed to the members of the Cobra squad at various commanding heights ahead.
Fortunately for all Marines now, these bug monsters do not seem to be able to attack from a distance. They can only rely on their own decompression and claws? Therefore, this allows Galen and the others to be able to shoot them unreservedly at a distance of three to four hundred meters, and temporarily worry about being attacked by this monster before the opponent approaches.
Although, several Marines of the Cobra team were still attacking with all their strength. They had finished shooting one after another in a short period of time, and the high-intensity shots that were overloaded made the barrels a little red.
However, those monsters, they are still running regardless.
Except for those bug monsters that were hit by multiple bullets or shot through and lost too much blood, they fell on the way to charge, and more bugs, they have now begun to cross the beach, ready to be at the commanding heights of the pile of rocks. The Marines of the Cobra team jumped and climbed away...
Da da da……
"Dreyus, come here! There are so many of them, we can't stand it anymore!"
After Galen replaced a magazine again, he continued to shoot at high speed.
He has emptied more than half of the magazine he carried with him! There are too many of these monsters. He doesn't even need to aim at all. He just needs to point the muzzle at their dense formation, hold the trigger, and keep shooting away. Sometimes, one The bullet can even penetrate two or three bugs directly?
Then, until the magazine is empty, just quickly replace the next magazine.
Now, the barrel of the 8mm piercing electromagnetic gun c15 in his hand has begun to become redder and hotter, and hot air is beginning to come out from above.
This is caused by high-intensity shooting in a short time, and it has been seriously overloaded!
At the same time, Galen just turned on a button on the barrel. Then, the heat sink of the barrel began to emit bursts of white steam. It was the special refrigerating liquid of the gun that was playing a role and was helping the gun. The heat sink of the tube was cooled in an emergency, so that the rifle could persist until the Marines had finished shooting all the standard base magazines they carried.
As for after the magazine is finished?
Then there will be no refrigerant. By then, either the owner of the rifle is dead, or the battle is over...
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Unlike the fierce burst of gunfire from Galen and the Marine Corps, on the battlefield, there was also a dull and heavy single-shot sound of a large-caliber rifle.
It turns out that this is the special sound of the 20mm caliber of the ghost agent Xiao Anni hidden in the highest point, the super electromagnetic sniper rifle specially made by the flame goddess I ss01!
She is now firing her special sniper rifle at a high speed of almost two to three rounds per second.
Under Anne’s control, this ultra-large-caliber and powerful 20mm special rifle can always accurately hit behind the body of the first monster every time the launcher is ejected, and strung out in the insect formation behind it. A long red and green blood line will not stop until several or more than a dozen bugs behind it are crushed at the same time, the seriously deformed bullet penetrates the ground or completely loses kinetic energy.
"Eighteen... twenty-five... thirty-six... seventy..."
Every time Xiao Annie launches, she always mutters a series of numbers in her mouth.
That was she was secretly recording the number of her enemies killed. By now, she had harvested the lives of dozens of insect monsters in just over ten seconds.
Maybe, the record of all the Marines of Galen's Cobra team is not as much as that of Annie? After all, the caliber and power of her rifle are there.
With every bullet hit by her, except for the first insect that was hit in the head, which can retain a relatively complete body, the ones behind, as long as the body is hit, are all torn apart by the tumbling large-caliber bullets. It became a pile of twisted pieces of flesh and blood, or a red-green blood hole as big as a face was drilled directly in the body?
Bang! Bang! Bang!
The special and dull sound of the large-caliber sniper rifle continued. The bugs that rushed the fastest were named by Annie. Then, their bodies suddenly broke apart, behind them, or horizontally. , Or be torn apart a horrible string of flesh and blood in the formation.
"Seventy-two... Seventy-eight... Eighty-five... Haha! Now there are a hundred!"
Little Annie was still shooting at high speed, and at the same time, she had not forgotten to count her record.
Perhaps, apart from Little Annie, no ghost dared to use this large-caliber sniper rifle, let alone shooting at such a terrifying rate of fire!
After all, its reaction force must be proportional to its caliber!
Even with the cushioning and protection of armor, no one dared to shoot bursts at super high speed like Little Annie? If anyone dares to do this, it is estimated that he will be killed and injured by the strong back force first!
Ordinary people on Earth, even those ghost agents who have been strictly trained by the Nether Energy School since childhood, it is estimated that no one can have the powerful demigod physique from an alien plane, right?
"Hurry up, Dreyus! We need support!!!"
The battle is now, and in a short time, Galen's Cobra team is almost unable to withstand it.
Just now, there were even two ferocious insects that ran past their sparse firepower blockade net and rushed directly to the high ground of Galen.
If the little Annie who was sniping in the rear reacted fast enough, suddenly two large-caliber bullets hit the bug directly into pieces, I am afraid he will face the bug's fangs and claws?
Looking at the two tentacles-like arthropod blades and the sickle-like hooks that the insects were waving when they charged, they could even cut those tough rocks into smooth halves inadvertently? !
Therefore, Galen felt that the power armor made of stainless steel on his body did not seem to be a barrier to protect himself.
boom! ! !
When the group of insect monsters rushed into the front of Galen and their defense line nearly a hundred meters away, suddenly, there was a violent explosion!
The fire and thick smoke soon covered the area. At the moment of the explosion, twenty or thirty insects in a radius of tens of meters from the explosion point were swept away, turning them into a pile of broken debris and making other insects. The momentum of their charge was a pause.
"Damn it! Good fried!"
Galen took two breaths and quickly took the opportunity to replace it with a new magazine.
He knew that it was the small spider mines that the monsters had stepped on before they stepped on the area near the beach outside the guard circle.
boom! boom!
There were two more explosions, and two large circles of flesh and blood were exploded in the insect swarm in an instant.
It turned out that Galen and the others had planted more than 20 small spider mines in the direction of the beach two hours ago after they discovered that there were alien creatures here. This time, they only carried so many. There is no more.
However, just relying on this number of minefields, obviously can't effectively stop the mass charge of the least thousands of monsters!
"Haha! Lots of monsters! Little ones, open fire with all your strength and drive them all back!"
Dreyus's wild laughter suddenly rang in the channel.
Finally, when Galen and the others were about to be unable to resist, a large group of Marines finally rushed to this side, and began to join the ranks of attacking and shooting in the first time.
A chain of flames of pierced metal bullets sprayed out facing the insect swarm, so that the momentum of the insects and monsters charging was severely blocked, and they were finally suppressed in front of the Marine Corps’s strange rock pile defense line for about one hundred. At a distance of about meters, I can no longer get closer.
The beach is about a kilometer away from the site where the command center just landed the Marines.
Therefore, it is pretty good for Delius and the recruits to arrive so quickly! This was only possible when Commander Doug issued an order, ignoring the energy loss of the armor and asking them to force their boosters to accelerate.
"Who has a magazine? I need more bullets!"
The magazines that Galen carried with him were now all empty. He ignored the rifle barrels that had turned red and shouted at the recruits who ran next to him.
Originally, under this situation, after the support arrived, their Cobra squad could already retreat slightly to replenish ammunition or change weapons.
However, Galen found that there are more insects crawling from under the sea to the beach, so now he feels that he can't retreat, he wants to continue fighting here!
"Magazine? Oh! Here, here you are!"
After hearing this, a new Marine was stunned for a while, and then he hurriedly took out several magazines from his tactical backpack, and then threw it directly towards Galen.
"Fool! You don't need any aiming, just shoot in the direction with the most bugs!"
After taking over the magazine, when Galen saw these recruits, they were still aiming carefully in accordance with the requirements of the Marine Corps Code of Practice, while starting to make short bursts of unpleasant shots. He was angry. Hastened to shout loudly.
"Huh? Shooting? Okay, okay, yes!"
Da da da……
Under the scream of the commander, the recruit quickly switched to the burst mode, directly learning from Galen’s support, holding on to the trigger, and letting the barrage of his weapon, like a chain, swept toward the swarm. go with.
After gaining more than two hundred marines to join, countless bullets finally burst out again, like a metal storm, directly hitting countless red and green blood rains in the team of bug monsters, and it was dead. Stopped their charge momentum.
boom! boom! boom!
A few more explosions sounded, clearing a small swarm of insects.
However, even if this is the case, even if the number of enemies has suddenly increased countless times, even if the enemy's attack density has become denser than ever before, the insects are still charging at high speed regardless of whether they run faster. It also detonated several spider mines planted in advance by the Marines.
More swarms of insects are constantly emerging from the sea. They do not care about casualties, they have no fear, they need to eat the blood of the enemies who invaded their territory!
Therefore, they kept up against the metal storm of more than two hundred Marines, while roaring, while using their powerful four hooves, they roared and rushed up.
The distance between the Marine Corps and the insect swarm, even under the deadly charge of the insects regardless of casualties, has become closer...
"Oh no!!!"
Suddenly, a scream sounded in the channels of all the Marines.
When everyone looked over, they saw that on a certain line of defense, a few bugs actually broke through the defenses of the Marines. Several of the monsters suddenly rushed to the Marines, and they were unlucky. The egg's head and the one-piece helmet were cut off together...
Suddenly, the blood of human blood began to appear on the human front, and one after another Marines fell.
One of the Marines was more fortunate. The bug that hit him only smashed the glass shield of his helmet. When the opponent's hideous head was about to pounce on and bite, he shot early, roaring It was beaten into a pile of broken meat.
It's a pity... just after he killed the enemy, he suddenly changed his face and threw away his rifle. The two huge mechanical arms were holding his throat, and he staggered back and ran a few times. After a step, he fell to the ground and stopped moving...
Without the protection of the glass shield, he was quickly killed by the highly toxic acid vapor on this planet!
Bang! Bang! Bang!
The sound of the firing of the sniper rifle unique to Annie rang again. Then, after a series of rapid shots, the bugs that broke into the Marines' defenses were quickly named one by one. Kill.
"One hundred fifty... one hundred sixty two..."
Soon, with her help, the Marines in that line of defense finally eased their breath, regained their formation, and once again used intensive frenzied blasts to take their heads and taste the first results. The swarms were pressed back hard.
"These bugs seem to be a bit powerful..."
Just now, she just took the time to replace her own magazine.
Unexpectedly, the recruits, under the insects' desperate charge, immediately panicked, and directly let the insects catch the opportunity to rush up, causing them a lot of casualties.
Little Annie made a rough estimate. Just now, at least several hapless guys had lost their lives!
At the same time, she was also secretly frightened: these bug monsters in this universe, their power and speed are not low, and once they are approached, they often only need to gently wave the pair of their arthropods. Can a sickle-like bone and sickle weapon easily chop off a Marine’s head?
This kind of decent damage, in her opinion, can almost catch up with the middle and high-level fighters in the world of Azeroth?
Of course, it's just that. They also have fatal shortcomings: their armor is not high, they can only rely on their own flesh to resist bullets, and the speed of running is not too fast, as long as the distance is enough, one The Marines, at least how many bugs can I have?
Moreover, the most important thing is: they don't seem to be able to attack from a distance. They can only rely on their own numbers to forcibly assault forward, trying to rush into the Marines' defenses and conduct close-range combat operations?
If it weren't for the new recruits who had just messed up their positions, with the high-rate weapons in their hands, how could it be possible for the bugs to get close?
"Hold on, they are running out of numbers, work harder! Squeeze the momentum of their charge down, don't mess up yourself first, be sure to stabilize!"
After seeing that the horror bugs that broke through the front line were dealt with in time by Little Annie alone, Galen was a little relieved, and on the channel, he began to encourage the recruits loudly, and at the same time ordered them to be sure. Hold your footing.
In his opinion, these indigenous alien insect monsters, who can only fight with their limbs, are basically not a big threat.
As long as the soldiers of the Marine Corps are not chaotic themselves, under the metal storm formed by bullets, no matter how much they come, at this distance, they are not enough to kill!
"Everyone, pay attention to alternate attacks! Don't change the magazines at the same time, keep the firepower output, and don't give them the opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes!"
Dreyus on the other side also yelled out. He just seemed to see the specific reason why they were caught by the bug and came up.
Blame the group of stupid recruits over there, they can even light up their magazines together at the same time?
Then, in the short time when they were hurriedly changing their magazines to stop shooting, the bugs caught the opportunity and rushed directly, killing many of them.
"One hundred eighty-eight... one hundred and ninety-six..."
At this moment, Little Annie was still calmly looting and counting the number of her dead enemies. Now she was about to complete the number of two hundred kills.
This is a great contribution, and Little Annie feels that Aunt Doug or that pretty big sister Leona, they will definitely give themselves a big medal!
In this battle, her contribution is undoubtedly the greatest, even the number of enemies killed, she believes, must be the greatest!
Those big guys in the Marine Corps, they sometimes couldn't kill a big bug with several shots. How could one of them pass through several of them quickly?
"Two hundred and three...Two hundred and twelve...Haha, I have killed more than two hundred bugs!"
After completing her two hundred kill targets, Xiao Annie started yelling excitedly in the channel happily.
Huh? and many more……
There seems to be something new?
Little Annie started to stop shooting, and she frowned as she watched the escaping bugs and the sea in the distance.
Those bugs with at least one to two thousand who came to commit the crime, after most of the deaths and injuries, finally began to quickly retreat under the sea in a hurry.
At this moment, the entire beach and the vicinity of the piles of strange rocks were full of corpses full of bugs and those highly corrosive red-green blood. They all covered the front of the battlefield?
This makes the Marines, even if they have won the battle, dare not charge forward and pursue them without authorization, so that the monsters can calmly retreat under the sea and gradually disappear without a trace.
"I'm exhausted! Galen, should we be considered a victory?"
After seeing that there were no enemies, Dreyus put away the protective armor in his helmet that was painted like a snakehead and began to call Galen in the channel.
There are too many bugs. At this moment, the weapon in his hand is already so red that it has begun to gasp, and it has also begun to enter an overload state.
"Should be considered?"
Galen looked at the calming sea and sand, while answering a little uncertainly.
Now, in front of them, there were no more active enemies. Those bugs that were still groaning and struggling were shot and killed indifferently by the Marines.
Looking at the corpses of insects all over the floor, and then at the scary red and green blood and pieces of meat, Galen felt that this should be considered a victory for them?
"Long live!"
"We won!"
"Yeah! Mankind will win!!!"
"Hahaha! It turns out that being a soldier is so enjoyable. It seems that everyone must go for a drink tonight!"
A large group of Marines began to shout loudly in the channel. While enjoying the victory, they were also venting the tremendous psychological pressure they had just faced the Swarm Sea.
"Hey! I remind you now: under the sea, there seems to be a big guy, it's about to climb up soon!"
After changing her 20mm ammunition, Xiao Annie started to suppress those noisy voices with her permission on the public channel, and reminded them a little bit.
Big guy, ha ha ha...
Little Annie is very excited now, the big dog-like bugs just now are not enough for her to fight!
Well now, it seems that a big guy is coming soon? This is really great! She just likes that kind of big and cruel monsters, and when they fight, they are especially enjoyable!
"Doug? Now the battle on the ground is over? How about our loss?"
From the observation equipment of the satellite and Hope's own, Captain Leona also saw the fierce battle, and even the terrible casualties caused by the bugs when they rushed into the defense of the Marines.
Therefore, after the ceasefire for a while, she had been following the ground battle on the Hope, so she immediately contacted the commander of the ground command center, Doug, and asked what she was most concerned about.
"Your Excellency Captain, we currently have a total of six Marine Corps soldiers killed and 27 injured. Among them, three have suffered severe acid corrosion and may need to be transported back to the HMS Hope for further treatment as soon as possible."
The battlefield rescue efficiency on the ground is very efficient. In less than three minutes after the end of the battle, Commander Doug sent medical soldiers to treat and collect the approximate data.
After this battle, she also saw the combat effectiveness of alien insects and monsters as well as the shortcomings and disadvantages of humans.
She decided to write a report shortly: I hope the scientific experts in the colony spacecraft can quickly develop a special armor coating against strong acid corrosion on the synchronous orbit of the planet.
Otherwise, even if her Marines won the battle, they would not dare to chase the enemy casually, and let the bugs escape calmly. The blood of those monsters with strong corrosiveness scattered on the battlefield is really too much. In trouble!
Of course, she also knows that this estimate is a time-consuming project. In a short period of time, they estimate that they will not be able to come up with reasonable and effective measures. For the time being, they can only plan for a long time.
"After the new batch of Marines complete the training, I will dispatch reinforcements to you as soon as possible! Doug, you have to step up the construction of defense facilities and energy collection, this is the top priority!"
Although Captain Leona also knew that her command seemed a bit unsympathetic, but it must be done right now!
They now have no better choice. They must withstand the various attacks of alien worms, forcibly develop, and gather enough energy and develop the necessary military forces to strive to leave this dangerous star field as soon as possible!
You can try to see if you can fight and survive directly in this star field?
"Yes! Captain!"
"Wait... I'm sorry, Captain, I'm going to take command of the battle! Ghost agent Anne just issued a warning: A large alien creature is about to float up from the sea! So, I suggest that we should step up to replace the satellite Now, we are too passive!"
After speaking, Doug hurriedly cut off the communication and let her holographic projection disappear from Captain Leona.
Because, she just received a warning from Xiao Anni on the whole channel that there are even more powerful alien monsters who are about to climb up from the sea, and they are still huge monsters?
In view of the fact that Little Annie discovered the behavior of alien monsters twice before, Doug can now be almost 100% sure that this little girl, she is absolutely not talking or making trouble!
Therefore, when he heard the news, while surprised, Doug immediately ordered all the Marines to enter their positions again, waiting for the giant monster to emerge from the sea.
This is really terrible...
Now, the large barracks have just been built for their ground base, and the heavy factories and engineering stations have not had time to enter the planning!
Okay now, the alien monster is about to appear? Without the heavy weapons such as large ground tanks or siege tanks produced by heavy factories, what would they do to deal with such large monsters?
Hey! Tibbers, is that monster? It’s not too clear to see... It looks pretty big, but I don’t know. Has it survived the fight?
Just now, Annie was reminded by Tibbers before she started to cast a spell and probed the situation under the sea from a distance.
Then, she found a monster with a huge outline, which was slowly crawling above the sea.
So, Little Annie is a little excited now. She hopes that the big guy who is about to appear will not be like the big octopus that popped up in the Caribbean Sea. It doesn't look good. Don't be killed all at once?
(But it’s just a monster with size and strength, but no corresponding special abilities. Tibbers curled his lips disdainfully. It looked down on this coming soon, with size and strength, but no corresponding extraordinary. The monster of strength.)
"What's the situation? Why do we need to be alert again?"
"Yes! Didn't we win the fight? The bugs have been driven away by us..."
"Is there a big guy coming up? How big? Is it as big as an elephant?"
"Your elephant is actually not big at all!"
"To shut up!!!"
After receiving the reminder from Ghost Agent Little Annie and Commander Doug’s battle schedule, the men and women of the Marine Corps began to look at each other and talked in the channel and laughed.
In their view, the insects have been defeated and driven away by them, even if a big guy comes up from the sea, what can they do? As for the nervous preparations?
Just leave a few people on guard and kill the monster that dared to come up and show off. Other people should go back to celebrate the victory now, or can they have a celebration party?
"Stop talking nonsense! Everyone, immediately enter the combat position and check your weapons and equipment!"
When the Marines started bragging and shirking, Dreyus couldn't stand it anymore.
Then, he annoyed and kicked the teammates who were still chatting next to him, urging them to hurry to their predetermined positions and prepare instead of chatting here like this recklessly!
In his opinion, the state of combat has not been lifted yet, but here is still on the battlefield. If you are not careful, you will die!
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