Chapter 215: Interstellar Edition Chicken Eating Contest (4)

Well, it is finally over.
Captain Leona is in the personal preparation room of the game platform, patiently observing the little ghost, Major Anne and other citizens of the HMS Hope, the first wit and courageous chicken eating contest.
Oh no! The correct statement should be: the survival challenge of the interstellar version.
In the end, of course, little Annie, who is resourceful (streak and cunning) and has superb individual strength, and who has reached the human limit of device scanning, won the final victory!
Leona also saw: When the huge electromagnetic shield gradually shrank into the final safe area, the little kid got a lot of supplies from an airdrop supply, divided it several times and sneaked in. In a house in the middle of a map, a large number of explosives were hidden.
In the last five minutes, she assembled the last group of people, and after more than a dozen people who tried to encircle her were introduced into the big house, they successfully detonated those strange bombs...
Then, she naturally lived to the end, allowing her personal rating to increase by several points, which made her already look up to the score, and once again opened a little distance. .
"Dawn... this survival challenge... can you still play like this?"
After watching a game, Leona began to have a little doubt about whether she could survive to the end.
Who are the participants in it? All sorts of conspiracy and weird tricks are simply full of tricks!
You will never know, walking on the road, will suddenly shoot a bullet from somewhere? In the pile of corpses, someone is aiming at you with a rifle? Or a spider mine was planted by someone on the ground? Or, on the door frame of a certain house, there is a high-explosive grenade that was opened by someone unscrupulous?
"Your Captain, as long as you want, you can play this survival game in any way! Because it is originally a highly simulated survival challenge mode, not a confrontation between two armies, and it is not as simple as you think."
After Zhi Nao Shuguang replied to the captain, he quickly put away the original holographic viewing image.
Because, the first survival challenge game that ghost agent Annie participated in tonight is now over.
"Captain Leona, now Major Anne has been matched and entered the second game. Excuse me, would you like to enter the game room now? Or go to rest? At present, the number of people in the game room will soon be full."
After canceling the video of the spectator, Sugon Brain quickly listed the data of a room, and now the number of people has shown 299/300.
Had it not been for Sugon Zhinao to take care of Captain Leona, and forcibly reserved a place, now, the game is estimated to have begun?
"Well, now, let's enter the game room, I think... I'm ready enough!"
After taking a deep breath and calming the chaotic thoughts in her mind, Leona nodded to Zhi Nao.
This time, she will definitely devote herself to this game, and she will never be stunned by a sinister kid just as she just landed!
Following Leona's nod, she soon disappeared from her game preparation room and appeared in a huge transport ship.
In the same huge and magnificent interstellar armored transport ship, the three hundred people who are participating in the second game are also crowded in the cabin of this transport ship. Basically, most of them are still the original one. The men and women who play games, as well as the old and young, are tall or short, or fat or thin.
It’s just that the armor that all of them wore this time is no longer the basic life-sustaining armor that was originally used in the earth’s battlefield environment. Instead, they’ve been replaced with a tightly-enclosed body. In addition to a paratrooper device, there is an extra can of compressed oxygen cylinder on the back of the armor that is resistant to acid corrosion?
"This equipment..."
Leona squinted her eyes. This kind of equipment gave her a little impression. It seemed to be a general life-sustaining armor that had just been developed, specifically for the special atmospheric environment of planet JNO.3?
Looking at her and other people's equipment, she quickly nodded thoughtfully and understood something.
So, the next game environment must be planet JNO.3, right? This is not bad!
Thinking of this, Captain Leona nodded in satisfaction. After all, their Hope will definitely be on this planet for some time to fight against the bug monsters that may appear at any time. Then, it is necessary for these people to adapt to this environment. This kind of map is more meaningful than going to the inexplicable earth battlefield!
After all, these people on their Hope, it is very likely that they will not be able to return to Earth in their lifetime...

Attention all players!
The game environment of this game is:
The rocky islands of JNO.3 have a diameter of about eight kilometers.
In addition to the fact that a certain amount of weapons and equipment have been scattered on the island, five minutes after the game officially starts, the transport spacecraft will randomly drop supplies of different sizes.
At the same time, the strong acid ocean will gradually rise five minutes after everyone touches the ground, and will completely flood the island thirty minutes later!
Therefore, you must decide the final winner as soon as possible within the prescribed time...
I wish you a happy game!

It was the original kind of unsentimental mechanical sound. After it introduced the game map and precautions, a red thirty-second countdown began to appear over the spacecraft cabin crowd.
This indicates that the game has 30 seconds left and it will officially begin.
Ten seconds!
Nine seconds!
"Attention everyone! In the last game, among our group, there is likely to be a little kid who is the Red Devil! Therefore, this time, we must stay vigilant and remember our slogan: competition You can lose, but the kid must die!"
The voice of a rough man suddenly shouted in the public channel.
Judging from the other's tone, in the last hand, he must have been killed by the Red Devil in some insidious way? So, this time he can't wait to jump out to entice other players and give them hatred?
Eight seconds!
Seven seconds!
"This brother is right! I suggest: Whenever you see a place where a kid is haunted, let go of your prejudices, set the fire to kill the kid first, and you don't have to worry about whether she is a red devil or not. !"
As soon as the voice of the big man fell on the public channel, another voice rang.
"Yes, yes, yes! I agree with this too!"
"Well, it makes sense..."
"I agree too!"
Obviously, these days, the Red Devil has almost aroused public outrage, so now, they would rather kill a thousand by mistake, and will never let any kid who is suspected of the Red Devil player!
Therefore, after hearing this, the crowd expressed their approval and reached a consensus: Everyone, when they see the figure of a little kid like the red devil, they can temporarily put aside their prejudices and give priority to killing the suspected target. Enemy!
Five seconds!
Four seconds!
"Wow! You are so unreasonable! I am a man, I am not a red devil! You must not target me like this!"
At this moment, after hearing the people's discussion, a little boy's voice immediately appeared. It sounded like he was about to be scared to cry?
With his ability, once he is targeted, he will definitely die and be ugly! At that time, maybe the score in the game will be lowered again? He still wants to save a high enough score to get some benefits!
The crowd became silent, not shaken by the little boy's helpless protest.
Three seconds!
Two seconds!
One second!
Games start!
Finally, the huge rear hatch of the spacecraft slowly fell amidst the crowds, and then the spacecraft began to whizz by about 10,000 meters above the game island.
At the same time, after the siren urging to jump off the plane sounded, the three hundred players on the spaceship began to swarm out of the huge hatch, like a goddess scattered flowers, one by one. The ship's cabin door jumped directly down from the place more than 10,000 meters high.
Soon, after jumping off the plane, a group of people began to disperse quickly, and fell towards their respective preferred positions on the island below.
"Huh? This person..."
Captain Leona, who was walking at the back, was just about to step forward and jump down, but she suddenly discovered: Behind her, there is still a little kid?
With this situation, she couldn't help staring at each other with suspicion.
Could it be... this person is that little boy Annie?
Look at the other person's height and body shape, it seems a bit like?
But... what did she want to do when she was last? Could it be...what's the conspiracy?
Some thoughts flashed in her mind for a moment, and then Leona shook her head somewhat self-deprecatingly.
Now, but still on the spaceship, here, the game program is not allowed to do any kind of attack, maybe, this must be my own random thinking, right?
The other party, must be just a little kid who was scared and dare not jump off the plane? Where is there any conspiracy? Forget it, let's just leave him alone for the time being, I'll go down now and find a reliable safe point.
"Ohhhhh~! Everyone has jumped down, so now, it's my turn!"
Seeing the big sister who was behind, she finally couldn't help but jumped down first. Little Annie came to the hatch thiefly, watching the ones below are either descending at a high speed or using the atmospheric environment. Game players who are swiftly skimming, or are slowly sliding down while opening the paratrooper device.
After watching for a while, Xiao Annie quickly chose the direction with the most people.
Then, hiding her delicate and delicate face behind the helmet, she gave a big smile.
Actually, Captain Leona just guessed that it was right. The one who fell last, she was Little Annie!
Moreover, the reason why she was deliberately left at the end was indeed brewing her new conspiracy!
"Aha! Are you idiots ready? Queen Anne, now, I'm going to teach you a lesson!"
Humph! Let you target me!
While humming her heart coldly, Xiao Annie jumped and plunged directly into the bottom of the cabin.
Originally, she didn't want to use the next tricks, but who asked them to unite against themselves? Who told them to give themselves an unpleasant nickname?
Red devil? It's terrible!
Little Annie herself has always been very vengeful, and will never stay the next day if she can report on the spot!
So, she decided: she must not spare them lightly!
Since they dare to call themselves the devil, let them take a good look at how terrifying the devil's methods are?
Whoosh! !
When the spacecraft began to turn back, Xiao Anni spotted a place in the airspace with the most people below. Then, after she put her paratrooper device into manual mode, she swished directly and put her hands together. The front, like diving, reduced the help of the planet's atmosphere, allowing one's speed to become faster, and rushed directly toward the place with the most people.
"Aha! Then, the first target next, I will choose him!"
Not far below, there was a big guy who was falling horizontally and spreading his limbs, seeming to be trying to use the resistance of the atmosphere to slow down his falling speed, Xiao Annie thought for a while, and directly adjusted her flight. The direction, rushed towards the other party.
When Annie approached slowly, she suddenly opened her paratrooper device, let it help her slow down, and quickly approached the opponent.
"Hahaha! Stupid kid? Are you going to play? You opened the paratrooper device so early? Later, when it runs out of energy, if it falls, it will definitely kill you directly!"
The big guy saw that Xiao Anni turned on the paratrooper device and controlled it to slowly approach him, he couldn't help but turned his head. After connecting to the other party's private chat channel, he began to laugh loudly and unscrupulously.
Because, at least it is still about 10,000 meters high, if you turn on the paratrooper device to slow down at this time, the opponent will definitely be hit badly later!
"Idiot kid, you must have used manual mode? Don't you know, the distance is still very high now?!"
The big man looked at the little kid who kept approaching him, thinking to himself, the other party must have used manual mode, right?
Hey, these little ghosts are really stupid recently! It's like turning on the paratrooper device early and leaning towards you; and the powerful ones are very powerful, just like the red devil who has never failed in the rumor?
"Of course I know!"
A little girl's crisp voice sounded in the private chat channel between the two of them, and the big guy couldn't help but be stunned.
"You know? Then why did you turn on the paratrooper device so early?"
This kind of contradictory behavior made Dahan very puzzled just now!
Then, he looked at the little girl who was slowly leaning toward him, wondering what she wanted to do?
"Hehe! That's because..."
Annie leaned in hard while laughing cutely.
After speaking the two words, after getting close enough, Annie suddenly stretched out her hand, pressed a button on the opponent’s back, and immediately grabbed the opponent’s paratrooper device. .
Then, she twisted her body and gave her a fierce kick, and put it directly on the back of the other party, instantly pulling the distance between the two sides.
"That's can also use your paratrooper device! Haha! How is it? Are they very smart?"
Little Annie laughed presumptuously, while watching the other party lose her balance and start to fall quickly. Of course, she didn't forget to use a bad tone to ridicule her and the other two's private chat channels.
The big man screamed, and after being kicked and lost his balance, he rolled at a higher speed and went directly to the ground under ten thousand meters...
"Okay! Now, let me see, next...who should I choose?"
After throwing away her opened paratrooper device and re-pressing the opponent's paratrooper backpack, Xiao Annie smirked and swiftly swept towards the next target below her.
At an altitude of about 10,000 meters, with the gravitational acceleration of the planet and the resistance of the air, plus the safe landing time left for herself, she can probably have about a minute or so to carry on this event. Hunting of people in the air.
What happened to the person who just fell?
Below the big man, a young young woman with a slender figure was looking at the big man who had just screamed and fell in doubt.
Although she did not connect to the other party's channel, she still heard the dull and heart-piercing screams coming from the opposite side cover in this atmospheric planet JNO.3.
She didn't understand, what the was the other party screaming? Isn't it possible to open the paratrooper device and land safely? Can't fall him again! Howling?
So, it's decided, and the second one is you!
After kicking the big guy who uttered bad words, little Annie opened the new paratrooper device thiefly, and manually controlled the big sister who looked like a bump from behind.
This big sister must look pretty, right? Then, Little Annie decided, she was her second goal! Who made her look so foul?
How hot is your so round and so big? He must not be a good person!
"Hi~! Big sister! How are you? That...may I ask you to borrow something?"
After getting close to the other party, Xiao Anni repeated her tricks after linking to the other party's private chat channel, and asked thief again.
The young woman looked confused and puzzled.
This little girl, what does she want to cause trouble when she comes here?
Still borrowing something? Where can I lend her anything? She hasn't landed yet, and there are no other extras all over her body, and no extra weapons or supplies have been found. Where else can she lend her?
"Don't speak? Then they will assume that you agree by default?!"
After speaking, Little Annie gave a cheer. Before the opponent could react, she stretched out her hand and snatched the opponent’s paratrooper device. Then, before the opponent could react, she gave her a fierce kick. The other party's fleshy round and big kicked over!
A scream suddenly sounded.
Then, this young woman finally knew why the big man just now rolled and fell down, and made that kind of penetrating scream...
It turned out that he, like himself, had just been snatched from the backpack by the little girl and kicked? !
Can this game be played like this? In this case, would it hurt if you fell like this? Will you have nightmares in the future?
I can’t think about it anymore!
Then, this young woman closed her eyes while screaming, and clasped her head tightly with her hands, hoping that the pain of falling to death would not be too realistic by the simulation chamber?
At this time, she had forgotten: this game can actually admit defeat in advance and quit directly...
"Okay, next one, who should I choose?"
After changing the backpack again, Xiao Annie started to look around again to see under her, which one is better to start with?
"Huh? What the is this? Why did one fall again? This is the second person, right?"
A fat man with a huge body scratched his head a bit and looked at the two men and women who were screaming and falling down at high speed. He who was below him didn't know what happened just above.
"Hi! Big fat man, how are you? I want to take one of your things, you shouldn't mind it?"
After speaking, Little Annie didn't wait for the other party to answer.
She directly stretched out her small arm that was still wearing armor, and from behind the opponent, she arbitrarily snatched the opponent's backpack, and then repeated the same tricks, with one foot facing the opponent's body full of fat, the same thick water tank Kicked over his waist.
This fat man unexpectedly didn't scream.
He just turned his head and looked at the little figure in the sky above who was sensitively changing his backpack.
Now, he finally understands, it turns out... the two people who just fell from him, that's how they screamed...
"Haha! These people are really dumb!"
After changing the third backpack, Annie flew towards the next target.
She had already seen two good friends who were not far below, grabbing hands with forehands, and they lined up, using the resistance of the air to fall together.
"Hmph! It's them!"
Little Annie, the lone ranger, hates this kind of bad guys who come up in teams and bully others!
Therefore, Xiao Anni decided that she would take over all the backpacks of the paratroopers on behalf of the sky, and not give them the opportunity to gang up and bully others!
"Hey! Kid! Go away, we've already formed a team! And, we won't form another kid who doesn't use farts! Go away, go away!"
The two young men who were holding hands forehands and falling with their legs bent impatiently drove away the little Annie who was trying to approach.
"Oh...Then I'm leaving, what are you so fierce?!"
After getting close to the top of the opponent's side, Xiao Annie repeated the same trick again, reaching out on the backs of the two of them, and skillfully snatching the two backpacks.
Two screams rang out again. This pair of good friends are holding hands and falling together to be friends!
Of course, Xiao Anni still didn't forget. After grabbing the things, she gave them a kick to make them fall faster and make a bunch of mandarin ducks with the same fate?
Then, she quickly discarded one of the backpacks and the one that she had opened on her back, and continued to replace herself with the fourth one with ease.
At this time, everyone's falling distance is close to the dangerous area, and every game player has automatically turned on their paratrooper devices. At this time, those who are closer have already landed on Little Annie. Above, they also clearly saw Little Annie's behavior against the two team members just now.
Thinking about it this way, the three that just fell must be the other party's handwriting, right? Could it be... that little kid is the Red Devil?
It must be! Apart from the Red Devil, who else would have thought of this cruel method of killing?
Thinking of this, a group of people couldn't help but start to tremble with cold sweat, and fortunately looked at the little figure preparing to aim at the next target.
Fortunately, they are now above each other, is she definitely unable to attack herself? After all, the paratrooper device can only slow down the speed of falling and change the direction of travel, but it has no ascending function!
"Attention everyone: I found the Red Devil! She is robbing someone else's backpack. Five people have already fallen off. Everyone must be careful!"
Finally, one of the people who fell on the top really couldn't pass it. He began to shout heartbreakingly on the public channel, and when he vented the panic in his heart, he also made the people below to be vigilant!
This Red Devil is indeed well-deserved... Before everyone has landed, she has already won the five kills?
Captain Leona was sliding down on her own. When she heard the shouts from the public channel, the brows behind the mask couldn't help but frowned.
She just saw the five hapless guys who fell. Originally, she thought it was a mistake in the operation of the other party, and she didn't take it too seriously.
However, when she heard the reminder, she realized that behind her, there seemed to be something wrong with Ye Ye? Are you approaching yourself at high speed?
Then, when Leona turned her head to look, she saw a little kid, who also didn't open her backpack, was rushing towards herself?
Is that... the red devil? Little Annie, that slick? She...Is she here to grab her own paratrooper device? !
Damn UL...
Thinking of this, Leona's heart suddenly exploded. She twisted her body quickly, controlled her sliding direction, and swiftly swept in a different direction. Soon, she opened the distance between the two sides.
"Damn it! Let her run away?!"
Originally Little Annie wanted to catch up.
However, after seeing the opponent's skillful and agile skills and her approach to the height of the ground, she decided to give up temporarily and land safely first!
Otherwise, if you keep chasing you like this, maybe one will throw yourself to death, right? After all, in this game, there is no way to use magic!
"Tsk! Forget it, the Lord has a large number of adults, so I reluctantly let her go!"
In no way, Xiao Anni had to give up the chase, and then, she also changed her direction, and began to rush downwards.
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