Chapter 232: Brewing (2)

To everyone’s surprise, after more than a month, on the planet JNO.3, here on the ground base, everything was normal...
The insect nest that was previously destroyed by the nuclear fusion device, except at the beginning, a group of flying insects attacked and retaliated against the Marines and the armored transport spacecraft who went to perform the mission. There was no more movement, even , On the map, there is no trace of them.
It seems...the bugs have completely disappeared?
So far, the ground base has more than 300 siege tanks with heavy support firepower, hundreds of various tanks, more than 3,000 Marines, a little girl from a ghost agent and colonel, and 500 Wraith fighters. One.
Um... you read that right, originally there were only 500 aircrafts scheduled, but now it is indeed the one with Annie!
There are countless other ground defense machine gun fortresses, more than 200 missile launch towers, and hundreds of thousands of anti-aircraft missiles and ground-to-surface missiles in stock, enough to conduct a super-large-scale high-intensity battle with insects.
Of course, in the missile silo next to the base, a full three tactical nuclear fusion intercontinental missiles were installed on standby. As to whether they will be used, it is temporarily unknown.
In this period of more than a month, on the human side of the Nozomi, two major events have happened that are worth talking about!
The first one is: on the asteroid belt, the five heavy battlecruisers at the No. 2 base, the giant battleships that represent the ultimate space force of mankind, finally left the production line as expected in everyone's expectations!
This terrifying war weapon, this large heavy battleship, is a veritable aerial fortress, with thick armor, energy shields and terrifying turret firepower of various sizes and calibers!
Especially the Yamato Cannon in front of its bow, this cannon is a terrifying weapon that scares the enemy!
Its principle is generally to explode the nucleus through a high-density magnetic field, concentrate it into a beam of energy and emit it...
Therefore, under normal circumstances, cannons need to store a huge amount of energy before they can be launched, which depends on the power supply of the giant reactor inside the battleship.
In battle, each shot of Yamato cannon requires a long period of energy reserve and the cooling of the equipment after the launch. Compared with its amazingly destructive effect on the target, its only shortcoming may be It's just that the cold and regrettable launch speed.
But now, they were born to maintain peace on the human side of Hope, and to bring destruction to human enemies!
Of course, they are still a long way from being able to truly enter the army's combat sequence and actually go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.
After all, their crew is just a group of recruits trained on the holographic simulation platform. They can barely move the warships and launch weapons, and they certainly cannot adapt to high-intensity battles.
The other thing that Nozomi is concerned about is that the ghost agents, the two elite marines trained by Colonel Anne, have initially formed basic combat effectiveness after one month of real-world training and simulation training.
So far, the two Marines, who had suddenly announced their name changes to the Demacia Team and the Noxus Team, acted relatively low-key, except that they were usually seen carrying their precious weapons training all day long. It seems that no one has seen their shots?
However, according to people familiar with the matter, it is said that the combat effectiveness of these twenty of them is unexpectedly strong?
When training on the simulation platform, twenty of them were said to be able to use their rifles without using a rifle. With their big swords and great axes, they were able to get a total of zero casualties when they slammed thousands of dog bugs in the front. Win?
Moreover, it doesn’t stop there. It’s said that with the tacit understanding of the situation, the twenty of them were able to kill a terrible bug like a giant mammoth elephant in hand-to-hand combat, without the support of any heavy firepower. ?
Of course, this is just a rumor. Everyone, during this period of time, apart from seeing them carrying their cold weapons all day, they don't know too much.
And the records of their usual training are said to be listed as high-level secrets of the Hope. People with insufficient authority are prohibited from accessing them?
It was precisely because the other party was so mysterious that it was paid attention to by the entire Hope, and apart from a limited number of bigwigs, it seemed that no more people knew about it.
And those who only knew a little bit of it became more and more mysterious during word of mouth...
It's just that none of this has much to do with Little Annie. If she knew that the battleship of the Hope was launched, she might really grab one?
However, now she is not on the Hope, nor is she fooling around in the ground base. Instead, she has taken up an expatriate mission and is preparing to destroy a group of emerging crusts and dare to build an open-air insect nest on a resource-rich island. Swarm of insects.
There are not a lot of insects in this group of insects, there are many insects: whether it is a puppy-like insect, or the kind of Hydralisk that emits bone spurs, or those flying dragon-shaped flying insects, and even the like Like a huge brain, a giant flying, balloon-like worm can be suspended out of thin air?
They have a wide variety and a clear division of labor. They are developing the resources on this island in an orderly manner and are constantly building their terrifying huge monster buildings.
Obviously, they are a kind of intelligent creature with clear purpose!
Therefore, after the military satellites detected this situation, Doug and Captain Leona on the Hope quickly discussed a preliminary plan: to send their only ghost agent to perform the mission and eliminate the group in sufficient numbers. There are tens of thousands of insect swarms and their nests that are still developing!
At first glance, it seems that this mission is outrageous. A ghost destroys tens of thousands of bugs?
But this is not the case, because now the base can have a full three long-range tactical fusion nuclear missiles, and the ghost agent has the authority to order the missile launch and guidance. In addition, the ghost agent Xiao Annie has another special aircraft. The wraith fighter is installed, so, there is no more suitable than her to perform this task!
The CF/A-17 Wraith fighter is not only an excellent air dominance fighter, it has a very high flight speed and range, but also is equipped with many air-to-air missiles and ground laser cannons. In addition, it The built-in concealed position of the main power palace, combined with the armor of the ghost agent who can also have the concealment function, so that, except for the ghost agent Xiao Annie, there is no more suitable person who can go to perform this task. .
If it weren’t for this bug’s nest that first appeared on the ground, or it’s on the other side of the planet where the ground base is located and the bugs seem to have some kind of interference measures, and the base’s nuclear bombs are currently too few. And if you have to send a ghost agent, it is estimated that it does not need Little Annie to guide it to destroy it, just the guidance of military satellites is enough?
"Crack? The base command center? I saw the bugs' base! It's a big piece, there are so many bugs..."
At this moment, on a high mountain on this island, Little Annie turned on the invisibility function of her ghost suit and tight armor. She was lying on a large rock, through her sight, while observing the situation in the distance, she gave the ground base. Reporting.
Not far behind her, her special plane also turned on stealth mode, and it was parked under a slightly hidden cliff, whether it was a flying insect in the distance or a passing patrol. The puppy can't be found easily.
"Okay, the base has received it! Colonel Anne, you are ready to guide the nuclear bomb, your nuclear bomb launch permission is now activated, please open your own interface and follow the process!"
In the ground command center, a liaison officer responsible for following up on this matter, after seeing the images from the ghost device and the insect nest confirmed in the satellite and the location of the ghost outside the safe range of the explosion, he followed the prescribed procedures , The link between the ghost agent and the base nuclear bomb silo was officially connected.
Now, the eight-year-old ghost agent, she has officially become an existence with a nuclear weapon launch button in her hand.
"Huh? Nuclear bomb?! Wait a minute, I'll look for it first!"
Annie already knew what a nuclear bomb was. Whether it was bombing the undead in the world of Azeroth, or in a simulation game, she didn't use it less, it smashed, and it was exciting!
"Nuclear...Nuclear...Where are you?"
Soon, Little Annie muttered to herself, while using her eyes to operate in the holographic interface of the helmet.
After flipping through a lot of holographic interface frames, she finally found the interface that linked the nuclear bomb silo next to the ground base command center.
"Wow! Tibbers, hurry up, we're going to enlarge the mushrooms to play again!"
After finally finding the control interface, Xiao Annie hurriedly called her little bear in her soul connection.
Last time, the nuclear bomb she dropped in Silvermoon City was dazzled before he could see clearly. This time, she, who has a ghost mask to protect the horizon, must take a good look.
That kind of big fireworks, throw it down by yourself, and wait for it to explode, it will definitely be very enjoyable, right?
(Okay, I'm ready. Let's take a closer look. How powerful is the nuclear bomb in this world?
After hearing that Master Anne was preparing to grow mushrooms for fun, Tibbers was also excited.
It seems to have been thinking about it: If these nuclear bombs are powerful enough, should they continue to persuade their little master to secretly get a few treasures stuffed into the space backpack as the bottom of the box? Or as a killer? )
"Hmm...This description is the same as in the game, then, I think, I have learned how to use it!"
After looking at the instructions on the operation interface, it seemed that they were almost the same as those she had made in the holographic game, so Xiao Annie was very impatient and skipped the instructions directly.
Then, the interface quickly jumped to the operation she was familiar with.
"Aha! I found it, it was here!"
After cheering, little Annie hurriedly operated her weapon.
Under the muzzle of the 20-mm caliber, flame goddess I SS-01 specially made super electromagnetic sniper rifle, there is an embedded low-frequency laser guidance device, which emits only low-frequency laser The special eyepiece of the ghost agent can see clearly.
Therefore, when using it to lock the target, apart from the ghost agent himself, only the guided nuclear bomb can search for this low-frequency laser with a special frequency that is invisible to the naked eye and ordinary equipment.
" said...where should we blow up?"
Looking at the huge and hideous Roshan-like insect nest buildings in the distance, the seemingly movable things made Annie look very uncomfortable, and she wanted to blow them up with a nuclear bomb!
But, look at the other side, those bugs who are huddling together, little Annie wants to blow them up too!
Looking at them, they are so spicy and densely packed. Once they are blown up among them, it must be fun, right?
(Um... Master Anne, the biggest bug building over there, do you see it? It's the red and purple one!
Tibbers felt that that building was the largest and must be the best value!
Moreover, it is in the middle of the entire insect swarm base. If it explodes wherever it is, no matter the buildings or the insects scattered everywhere, it will definitely be affected!
I used to play this kind of fireworks in the world of Azeroth. Of course, I know the approximate power of the explosion. I want to come, the nuclear bomb in this world will not be worse, right? )
"Huh? The biggest insect nest? Okay, then choose it!"
After taking a closer look, Little Annie also nodded and agreed to Tibbers' suggestion.
Who makes that building the biggest? Who made it right in the middle of the bug base? Who made it covered in sarcoma, sacs, fangs and claws, and it looked meaty and ugly?
So, she decided now: choose it to blow up!
After turning on the special frequency low-frequency laser of her electromagnetic rifle muzzle and firmly locking the big meatball group, Xiao Annie quickly clicked the button to confirm the launch in her interface.
Permission check...
Ghost agent,
Colonel Anne Hasta...
The authorization is confirmed, the nuclear bomb has been launched...
Colonel Anne Hasta, please be sure to keep the low-frequency aurora locked, the missile is coming soon...
Soon, less than half a second after Little Annie clicked on the launched Annie, a list of data was swiped up in her holographic interface, and the information on it had already shown that the nuclear bomb had been launched.
After pressing Launch Annie, Little Annie and Tibbers, with their eyes wide open, eagerly awaited the upcoming big fireworks.
One minute……
Two minutes...
Well, three full minutes passed, and nothing happened!
It's been so hot for so long, and Little Annie has been very impatient! She felt that her hands were a little sore, but now, what about the nuclear bomb? What about big fireworks, big mushrooms? Why hasn't it come until now?
In the simulation game, Little Annie played this kind of nuclear explosion many times!
Every time, as long as she presses the confirmation button to launch, usually, within one minute. The big egg will smash down with a whistle, and then rumbling, a big mushroom emitting a fierce white light will rise on the ground!
But now? It's a full three-pointer in the past!
Could it be... I didn't press it just now?
So, I thought it was Little Annie who didn't launch or pressed something wrong, she quickly switched back to the launch interface and clicked the launch button again!
Permission check...
Ghost agent,
Colonel Anne Hasta...
The authorization is confirmed, the nuclear bomb has been launched...
Colonel Anne Hasta, please be sure to keep the low-frequency aurora locked, the missile is coming soon...
"Well... this time, it should be correct, right?"
After confirming that she really clicked the launch button this time, Xiao Annie finally nodded in satisfaction, and once again used the low-frequency special laser on her weapon to lock on the distant target, and gradually calmed her impatient mood. Began to wait patiently.
One minute……
Two minutes...
However, another five minutes passed, and nothing happened...
"Tibbs! This thing, is it broken? Why haven't the missiles come yet?"
(...I'm sorry, little master, I don't know. Tibbers himself is still wondering, why is it that a good firework has passed for several minutes, but it hasn't arrived yet? Is it possible that it is really broken? Up?)
In desperation, Xiao Annie opened the operation interface again, and madly pressed the launch button.
Permission check...
Ghost agent,
Colonel Anne Hasta...
The authorization is confirmed, the nuclear bomb has been launched...
Colonel Anne Hasta, please be sure to keep the low-frequency aurora locked, the missile is coming soon...
The inventory of nuclear bomb silos was insufficient and the launch failed...
The inventory of nuclear bomb silos was insufficient and the launch failed...
The inventory of nuclear bomb silos was insufficient and the launch failed...
After furiously pressing the launch button for at least a dozen times in a row, Xiao Annie stopped in anger. Now she is very angry! Angry!
Originally, she was looking forward to it, but who would have thought that those tattered things would drop the chain at a critical time?
She pressed so many times that none of the missiles came? Almost ten minutes have passed!
"Hello? Colonel Anne?! Why did you fire so many nuclear bombs just now? Is something wrong? Hello? Hello!"
Finally, when Xiao Annie was sulking alone, she remembered the anxious call of the communications officer in her channel.
Just now, he was responsible for this action of staring at Little Annie. Originally, everything was fine. Under his instructions, the little girl ghost agent successfully launched the first nuclear bomb.
From the window, he saw that outside the base, the nuclear bomb silo was flying into the sky, and he nodded with satisfaction. The operation of the ghost agent was in compliance with the specifications.
Now that the intercontinental nuclear missile has been launched, it should be able to cross half of the planet JNO.3 in ten minutes. At that time, the large-yield tactical fusion warhead should be able to smooth the ground base of the bug. Right?
Then, while he was idle, he quickly took advantage of this gap and ran to the back of the command room. He brought a glass of functional drink and planned to drink it comfortably while waiting for the big mushroom cloud that was about to light up.
However, what he never expected was that he had just brought a drink over, and when his hadn’t touched the seat, the nuclear bomb silo outside swished again and suddenly launched a second one. Intercontinental nuclear missile?
After that, he was just stunned, thinking it was the ghost agent who felt that one nuclear bomb was not safe, so he directly fired two nuclear bombs, so he didn't go into further details.
The act of launching two nuclear bombs at once to strike a target cannot be said to be wrong.
Because the bug’s base is obviously an important strategic goal, then, as a ghost agent, Colonel Anne has full authority to decide whether to launch one or two. This kind of insurance is in contact with him. According to the official, it still complies with the regulations.
After another five minutes, when the nuclear bomb silo outside the base once again launched the last intercontinental nuclear missile, when he saw a series of messages requesting the launch of nuclear bombs on the interface, he was as dull as he was , And finally discovered that things didn't seem to be what he thought?
Therefore, when the matter was urgent, he hurriedly called the ghost agent who was still lying still in the interface. He wanted to know, that little girl, why did she just do that?
"Humph! Your nuclear bombs are fake! It's been so hot, they haven't come!"
This person even dared to question himself, so of course Xiao Annie would have to give it a go!
The nuclear bombs are all fake!
Pressed so much spicy, waited for a long time, no one came, it must be fake!
"Oh... UPL..."
The communications officer who finally knew the reason couldn't help cursing.
"Colonel Anne! It takes at least fifteen minutes of flight time to launch a nuclear bomb! Now, you immediately re-lock the target you want to bomb! Hurry up! You have two minutes left! The first nuclear bomb is about to arrive! Faster!!!"
Then, he began to shout loudly in the command room regardless of his image, causing the other staff and Commander Doug to look at him.
"what happened?"
Doug came up suspiciously.
She didn't pay attention to the situation outside the window just now, because the soundproofing function here is good. She didn't know that Xiao Annie had fired all three nuclear bombs in one go without looking outside.
And other officers who saw this abnormal situation obviously had no right to intervene.
"Hurry up! Colonel lock your target now! Now! Hurry up!!!"
Even if the commander came over, his communications officer still yelled loudly in the communications regardless.
Now that his eyebrows are on fire, how can he care about the commander behind him?
The reason why he is doing this now is because he found that little girl, she left her weapon aside casually?
What's more terrible: the low-frequency laser of that weapon happened to be pointed at her own feet?
So, can he not get nervous? !
"Huh? It turned out to be Jiangzi..."
Little Annie scratched her head awkwardly when she heard this.
Realizing that she had misunderstood something, she picked up the weapon she had thrown on the ground again, and once again pointed the low-frequency laser that was invisible to the naked eye to the target she had originally decided...
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