Chapter 238: Haven Star (3)

An armored transport spacecraft, painted with paint on the outer wall of YS001-Hyun, is rubbing the atmosphere of the planet Haven, sliding down at high speed along a predetermined orbit.
Under the action of friction in the planet’s atmosphere, the high-strength armor plate on the outside of the spacecraft has begun to glow slightly. From a distance, it looks like a meteorite, dragging a hot tail flame towards the planet’s ground. Pierced.
This very auspicious transport spacecraft that was originally Captain Planck, but now its former captain is no longer Planck, but has been replaced by another veteran who doesn't know the name and has decent skills.
And Planck, who has now been promoted to the flagship of the Führer of Führer, is unlikely to be the captain of this heavy battlecruiser coming back again to drive this basically unarmed transport spacecraft.
Therefore, this spaceship was directly matched to the name of another captain.
At this time, this auspicious mission to rescue humans in the Haven Star colony was used by this auspicious ship that had retrieved Little Annie’s transport spacecraft, carrying Galen’s Demacia team and Delaeus’ Norman The Texas team parachuted towards the ground station of Haven Star!
"Hey! Galen? How's it going, are you nervous? If you count it, this is the first actual battle since our two teams have successfully trained, right?"
Looking at the scene outside the spaceship Xuan's window and the height displayed in the holographic interface, Dreyus, who felt that there was still a little time, joked to Galen who was opposite him.
Seriously, Delius himself is really a little nervous!
If he talks about fighting alone, Dreyus will never counsel anyone! I think at the beginning, when he was fighting with the bugs on the planet JNO.3, the bone spurs he got stuck in didn't take a step back!
However, thinking that this will be the first battle since the training of people like himself, and thinking that this time he might engage in close combat with the enemy with cold weapons, he is excited as his blood is boiling. , I also felt a trace of tension.
"I don't know, are the aliens under the planet really powerful?"
On the metal seat against the wall of the cargo warehouse of the transport spacecraft, on one side, Captain Dreyus and his nine members of the Noxus team were sitting.
Their equipment, in addition to the armored-powered combat uniforms changed into blood-red paint and a standard C-15 electromagnetic rifle in their hands, everyone’s back, in the buckle, is also tied to a handle. The huge two-handed battle axe is the hand of Noxus, the ten battle axe powered by high-energy crystals that Little Annie enchanted for them!
Opposite them are the ten members of Demacia's team sitting on Galen.
The equipment of the other party is basically the same as that of Delaeus and the others, but their armor coating is more conspicuously golden and looks even more handsome? Moreover, behind their power armor is a two-handed sword Demacia Justice!
"Nervous? No, no! Delaeus, you may not know that the righteous power of Demacia is watching us all the time, so I firmly believe that we will be invincible!!"
Long time exposure to this holy light, oh no! After being exposed to this kind of justice power of Demacia for a long time, Galen and his nine team members have a deeper and deeper understanding of this kind of justice power, and they are more and more able to resonate with this golden energy. At the same time, they naturally began to produce and store this magical power in their bodies.
Of course, the ten of Galen and the others were more or less affected by this righteous force.
"It's you, Dreyus, you who have no faith, but those who should be nervous and afraid?"
In normal times, Galen and the others even regard this golden light called justice as their new belief, and they adhere to the concept and norms of justice in every word and deed.
humble! honor! sacrifice! heroic! mercy! honest! just!
These dogmas, which were not known where Galen came from, were even painted into the huge dedicated training room by them.
Maybe... they have been successfully fooled by the righteous power of Demacia (Holy Light)?
In the same way, Delaeus and others, who have been training anger, are more and more likely to become violent and angry when fighting, and they are all the masters who will kill you when they fight...
"Hey! Nervous? Scared? No, Galen, you think it's bad!"
After shook his head slightly and waved his hand with a smile, Dreyus directly reached out and took his huge battle axe from his back.
"My big axe is now hungry and thirsty! Galen, I can feel it: it has been eager to guzzle the enemy's blood, the real blood!"
He hummed coldly, and after he stationed the big axe heavily on the metal deck with one hand, Dreyus' body began to flash with blood-red anger energy, which looked abnormally violent and bloodthirsty, just like a At any time, a beast that eats people may be violent.
Just like what he said, he really can't wait to catch up with the enemy in a real fight!
In Dreyus's opinion, staying in a simulation copy all day or doing boring exercises in a spaceship has no meaning at all. In that case, it is absolutely impossible to train a real fighter!
"Okay... but you have to be careful later!"
Seeing the behavior of the other party, Galen was a little stunned for a while, thought about it, but continued to persuade him.
"After all, this time we are actually fighting, not training in the game! Our opponents, but a group of aliens of unknown strength, although our behavior is just, it is to protect those who cannot Fighting humans...but you still have to protect yourself first!"
I remembered that in the game, Delaeus and the gang often beat and beat them. When they didn’t pay attention, under the blessing of their anger, they desperately rushed into the undead piles to kill the Quartet, and then they were soon killed Submerged...
Therefore, Galen is still a little worried.
In case, if they died accidentally on Haiwen, they would not be able to resurrect indefinitely like in the game!
"Haha! Don't worry, Galen, I have power that no one can match!"
I remembered that when he was on the Stratholme game map, in the normal mode, he defeated a small elite death knight in a one-on-one battle!
Thinking of that, Delius felt confident in his heart.
If they didn't receive this kind of melee special training, even if they were a hundred Marines, they wouldn't be able to beat that elite death knight, right?
And now? He, Dreyus, only needs one person to go head-to-head, and he can beat the opponent in the end!
Seeing the other party's arrogant and unreasonable appearance, Galen was still a little worried.
The power of righteous Demacia told him: Humility, compassion, honor, and bravery are the virtues that a fighter should possess. Excessive confidence and rashness are absolutely undesirable!
However, after thinking about the fact that what the other party took was actually a violent and fighting power path, Galen opened his mouth without saying much.
Just as Dreyus didn't understand their righteous power, he Galen also couldn't understand the and violent anger of the other party.
"Sir! We have just received ground intelligence information from the battleship Head of State."
"Now, there is a forward of the Protoss force, marching towards a human colony on Haven Star, and on our route. Do you want to stop them?"
The captain of the armored transport ship, while reporting information to the senior commanders of the two marines in the cabin, also directly transmitted detailed information such as ground map information to the holographic information bar in the opponent's helmet.
On the map, it is showing: Outside the human colony of Haven, about ten kilometers away, there is a group of Protoss fanatics with about 30 people, rushing towards the colony at high speed, following each other. Estimated the speed of the march, it will probably arrive within ten minutes.
And the route of their transport spacecraft happened to pass through this colonial gathering place. If it needs to land for combat, it should be able to directly intercept the alien force called the Protoss at the gate of the gathering place?
"This world needs hope!"
"Whether it is us or the human beings on this planet, we all need this habitable planet that can thrive and thrive! So, Captain, you can just let us down before the gates of the gathering places of human beings!"
After estimating the opponent's marching speed and the flying speed of his own transport spacecraft, Galen quickly marked a red coordinate point in front of the gate of the gathering place on the map.
Here is the best place for them to intercept the Protoss forces!
"Okay, the coordinates have been received and are being calculated..."
"Sir? If you land here, maybe the aliens pounced upon us just as soon as we landed...or else, are we a little bit behind?"
After calculation, the captain of the transport ship directly exclaimed.
In his opinion, this position is too embarrassing. If the calculation of the smart terminal is correct, when their spacecraft has just landed, the enemies have already pounced!
Therefore, he felt that this did not meet the safety regulations for landing operations! The location chosen by Captain Galen is not good!
"You don't need to change it, it's here! At that time, you don't need to land, just open the hatch, pass by at low altitude, and we will jump down by ourselves!"
Soon, Galen set the position and height, and sent it to the captain of the transport ship.
"Okay, sir! I have received the order..."
Seeing the message from the other party, the captain looked at it, frowning a little.
He felt that this height seemed a bit higher? It's more than a hundred meters...Are they going to play high altitude landing?
However, after thinking about the Marine Corps armored power suit design standards, he nodded generally.
"Sir! A group of Protoss fanatics is attacking colony No. 1. The people there have not had time to retreat. Would you like to send some Viking fighters to support them? It may be too late!"
At the same time, Commander Jim Reynolds, who was coordinating and commanding troops at the main base, suddenly heard a reminder message from Captain Matt on the Huberian.
"What is the number of their Protoss Fanatics? Are there any anti-air forces?"
After hearing Matt's words, Renault suddenly felt a bit tricky.
He knows that fanatics are hard to deal with! Ordinary ground forces can't help them at all!
And if the other side has other support and cover for the air force or air force, it will be even more difficult for him.
If you send a large army on the ground, it must be too late to send over, the journey is a bit far away.
Moreover, his planned combat plan does not allow him to send too many troops. But the air force alone can only disperse the opponent. It is not a good choice to deal with the kind of agile fanatics, the air force alone.
The Viking fighter that Matt just said is feasible! However, Renault needs to focus on using them, striving to destroy the energy gathering hubs of those Protoss in the shortest time, that is, the main control base of Protoss. Only in this way can the Purifier's shield be broken and shot down. other side!
"The number of them is about thirty, and they will arrive at the battlefield in about two minutes at most. You'd better make a decision early... Wait! Sir, the new fleet, they seem to have sent an armored transport spacecraft. , Is rushing towards colonial gathering place No. 1 at high speed..."
Matt, who was just about to remind Renault to make a decision earlier, suddenly exclaimed.
Because, he actually saw from the radar screen: The Hyun 001 armored transport spacecraft is opening the heavy steel door at the back of the spacecraft, while flying towards the colony settlement gate at high speed. .
When it reached the open space in front of the gate of the gathering place not far above, from above, from the height of more than 100 meters, it was like a dumpling, and it jumped off a red or gold, heavily armed land. Team members...
"Heh... this looks a bit interesting!"
Renault's eyes narrowed involuntarily when he saw the neat and uniform land movements of twenty Marines from the radar map.
As a member of the Marine Corps, he is actually no stranger to forcibly landing by jumping from a high altitude.
He himself can also carry out landing operations at a distance of more than 100 meters!
However, if like the other party, if they forcibly jump on a high-speed transport spacecraft, I am afraid they will not be able to do their movements neatly and comfortably.
This guy a group of masters? Or are they at least a group of elite veterans?
"Matt, I have seen them! I think we can look at the situation first and make plans later?"
Renault felt that the opponent’s twenty elite veteran marines against thirty Protoss fanatics, even if they were really lost, would at least be able to hold on for a long period of time to win the evacuation for the people in the colony. Time?
He even thought maliciously: Best, all of their twenty Marines were killed by the Protoss?
Then, those stranger fleets on the planet's orbit, furiously turned into anger, directly engaged with the Protoss fleet? Or bombarding the ground or something?
At that time, he Renault, maybe he won't have to worry about the messy things here in Haiwenxing?
"Understood, sir!"
Now that Renault knew about the colonial settlement No. 1, Captain Matt stopped to say more.
After nodding, he, who was busy on the Huberian bridge, turned his head again and focused on other things.
"This... are you here to support us? Excuse me, do we need to do something?"
Colonial Base Haven Star One, a militia captain wearing a gray-brown simple Marine Corps armored powered combat uniform, after seeing twenty blood-red and gold-painted Marines descending from the sky, he was originally fanatical because of the Protoss The imminent sense of urgency of the reader was immediately diluted.
Then, he hurriedly led his own militiamen, stepped forward and asked kindly.
They have just seen the neat and domineering landing action of the other party, red or gold figures, crashing directly from a height of more than 100 meters, making a loud landing, making them, the militiamen, see the blood. Excited!
In addition, these mighty and majestic armored-powered combat uniforms, you can see at a glance, they must be specially customized high-quality goods!
Then, these people must have come to support the elite troop of colonial gathering place No. 1!
If they were replaced by militiamen like them, let alone landing more than 100 meters high, even if the spacecraft ran directly out of the hatch after landing, it might not be as neat as the opponent?
Seeing the elite of the Marine Corps in this row, he didn't seem to hear what he said, so he couldn't help but step forward and asked again.
Originally, in their No. 1 colonial gathering place, apart from his squad of ten-man militia, basically there was no more protective force.
Many militiamen left with the people who had evacuated earlier. They need to stay here until the last group of people leave.
Just received information that when a group of Protoss fanatics were attacking here, they almost exploded, and they didn't know what to do!
And now, when they decided to escape, somehow a group of elite marines finally came to support them by airborne support. This made their panic and calmed down a lot in an instant.
"No, you don't need to do anything now, just keep a good guard on the side!"
Galen looked around and found that his Demacia team and Dreyus's team had jumped smoothly. After no accidents, he waved to the cowering militias behind him. .
As far as the other side bears, and those thin militia-style armored powered combat uniforms, he doesn't expect the opponent to help him. As long as they don't shoot randomly to interfere with the offensive of himself and others, then he would be thankful!
"Aha! Galen is right, you guys, just watch it on the side! Believe me, we have an unmatched batch, and their aliens will regret doing it with us. enemy!"
After he loaded his rifle with a click and checked it was correct, Dreyus walked over and replied with a big grin.
Although, they are mainly focused on close combat now, but if he can solve the enemy with a rifle first, he will certainly not be stupid enough to rush forward with an axe against the enemy's bullets.
Now, here, they can already see the figures of the Protoss troops running at high speed in the distance.
From their respective armored radar cross-sections, Dreyus clearly saw the red dots of thirty-six enemies. From this point of view, the number of the opponents seemed to be a little bit higher than the previous ones shown in their intelligence. Thirty-six?
Although there are a lot more, but that's it!
It's just thirty-six enemies, and Delaeus doesn't care much about it. If the opponent's combat effectiveness is just the same as those of the bugs, then he will be enough to clean up the opponent alone!
You know, when the ground base of their JNO.3 planet was submerged by the Sea of ​​Insects, Dreyus, who had to retreat without a worm in his hand, had been suffocating in his heart for more than two months. Well, he urgently needs to find some decent enemy for him to vent the anger he has been suppressing and unable to vent!
"Ok...Okay! We see..."
Now that these allies who came for reinforcements said so, the militia captain also borrowed a donkey to go downhill, and quickly waved his hand to make his men retreat further into the colony.
Fighting against the powerful and terrifying Protoss forces that are more terrifying than bugs, he was already trembling! Now, since there is a group of people who are willing to come out to fight thunder, of course he must raise his hands in agreement.
In his opinion, even if these people can't beat the Protoss troops, at least some of them can be consumed, right? I hope these people are strong enough, and it is best to fight most of the enemies! At that time, they can take advantage of the fisherman's profit and beat the remaining Protoss?
"Did you see it? Galen? They...they are called Protoss, they don't even have long-range weapons? Or, let's have a good time with them?"
After seeing the enemy clearly, Dreyus laughed. He was a little nervous holding the rifle, but now he simply carried the rifle on his shoulder casually.
Because, in the time when the human militias in the Haven Star colony had just retreated, the 36 Protoss fanatics had already rushed to the outside of the wall gate of Colony One.
Then, when seeing the blue-skinned aliens standing in a row, and shaking out the energy blades on both sides of their boxing armor, Dreyus suddenly laughed.
They are... want to play close combat with their own Marines, their Noxus team and Galen's Demacia team?
Delius felt that there was nothing better than this! That's what he thought!
"Well...I also think we can have a fair fight with them!"
Seeing the enemies on the opposite side, each of them exposed the energy blades in his hands, Galen was also a little bit unable to pull his face down to shoot the opponent with a rifle.
Therefore, he nodded along the way, agreed with Dreyus' suggestion and put away the muzzle that was originally aimed at the enemy.
Now that there is a chance, it is time for them to test their training results these days!
Since there are not too many enemies on the opposite side, and it seems that they are still a group of guys who specialize in melee combat, there is no better and more suitable target than this.
So, after finishing talking, Galen simply dropped his electromagnetic rifle first, and instead leaned on his back with one hand and grabbed the two-handed Demacia sword that had been behind him.
After hearing the dialogue between Galen and Dreyus and seeing Galen's actions, the other Demacia team and Noxus team members began to drop their rifles one after another and switched to them. Respective tomahawk or big sword.
"Oh! Damn..."
"What are you guys thinking about? Are you crazy?! You still want to play close combat with the Protoss fanatics? Don't you hurry up and pick up your weapons and shoot those fanatics directly? Hurry up! Or else? , You really don’t have the slightest chance!"
In the radar screen, after seeing the outrageous actions of the twenty seemingly elite Marines, the Chief Sergeant Renault, who was originally preparing to command the Viking fighters to raid the first Protoss hub at the main rear base, saw this. , Directly scolded in the communication channel, and at the same time quickly connected to the other party's communication.
You know, their enemy is the core power fanatic of the Protoss race who is best at melee combat in the entire Kepulu region!
Moreover, it was still a full thirty-six fanatic squadrons. As long as they were not surrounded and besieged, the opponent could almost slice thousands of bugs little by little!
But now? Renault unexpectedly saw the twenty second-hand Marines with good electromagnetic rifles in use, so he wanted to play close combat with the Protoss instead? !
Is it because of their clunky and ridiculous power armor?
No matter how thick the armor is, once it is chopped by a fanatic, no matter how thick it is, it will be cut with one cut! That kind of pure psychic blade is no joke!
If the blade is not too short, they might even be able to cut it to you!
Therefore, in Renault’s view, the best solution now is: taking advantage of the distance between the two sides, using the powerful shot rate of the electromagnetic rifle, form a metal storm wall formed by spiked bullets to prevent those fanatics from rushing forward. Come!
Then, during the time when the opponent is charging, use the best effort to kill a few! And when the opponent rushed into his own formation, he switched to cold weapons and went forward melee!
In this case, maybe there is still a little chance?
And if you play melee from the beginning, there is definitely no chance at all! In terms of the technique of melee combat alone, in the entire Kepulu region, no race is the opponent of the Protoss!
Even if it was replaced by him, Sergeant Lei copied the knife, I guess he would have to kneel?
"Bring your horse here, you will die very glorious!!!"
Galen didn't care about Renault who was yelling on the channel.
Because he thinks that people like him and Dreyus himself are not in the control of each other, so why should they listen to each other? !
At the same time, after grasping the big sword in his hand, he walked a few steps forward alone, holding the big sword in one hand, and pointing the tip of the sword at the most prominent Protoss fanatic to challenge.
Originally, he wanted to challenge the opponent's captain, but to Galen's eyes, these aliens called Protoss seemed to be exactly the same? The humans of their Hope, to these horse-faced aliens, are obviously face blind...
Therefore, when he couldn't tell which was the boss, he had to point to the most unexpected one.
The fact that Galen and the other Marines had acted hardly caused the Protoss who had bent their bodies slightly and planned to attack and charge, and had to postpone their actions.
"Hey! Newcomers, don't you care about your bastards? Hurry up and don't let them go to melee combat with the Protoss, that's just dying!!!"
After seeing that the Marines were not under their control and ignored, Renault hurriedly contacted the bridge of the battleship Führer in space.
He really couldn't stand it anymore, and he didn't understand what the Twenty Marines were thinking. Good thing, there is no electromagnetic rifle, but I want to play melee with the Protoss. Can they afford it? !
Just talk about the melee ability, even the insect swarm is not the opponent of the Protoss, let alone humans!
"What happened to melee? I think it's pretty good!"
Little Annie frowned, looked at the anxious uncle, and looked at Galen and Delaeus in the hologram on the other side.
Anyway, she didn't see anything wrong...
Anyway, the twenty of them, in addition to the twenty elite Marines veterans, are still a group of knights and fighters who barely reach the upper level of the intermediate level, and they barely meet Xiao Annie's expectations!
Now since they want to play close combat with the enemy, she definitely has no objection! She gave them these enchanted weapons and the special training map, didn't she just want to see such interesting things? Then why bother with them?
She feels that it's pretty good now, it's fun. As a soldier, you can't have a single weapon!
This is just like the shield infantry of the New Lordaeron Kingdom in her previous Flame Alliance. They are not playing with knives, but also like to chuckle out those large-caliber short artificial shotguns and blast a shuttle at the enemy. ?
So, it's normal for her own Marines to draw out their knives to play This is how it should be!
"You... are you all crazy?!"
Sergeant Lei suddenly felt that he was dealing with a group of lunatics?
How could he not understand the opponent's thoughts and actions, from the high-level heads of state to the lower-level Marines?
"Huh! You are crazy! Want you to be nosy?!"
Then, Xiao Annie didn't care about the other party's reaction, and slapped her, shutting down the communication channel of both parties.
Looking at the communication screen that was forcibly closed by the other party, Renault suddenly felt that today, shouldn't he come to Haiwenxing?
Why are all weird guys that I met here today? !
Those of them, aren't they just some of their opponents, specially sent to make trouble for themselves?
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