Chapter 246: After the war

Now, in this livable green star of Haiwen with forests and oceans, when the war between the humans of Hope, Renault’s Rangers, Agria refugees, and the Protoss has just ended, women’s school Dr. Ba Hansen has successfully developed a special antidote for the Mainhoff Zerg Virus and hit the stars in the face fiercely!
Fortunately, the Protoss had already leaped away. Otherwise, when they knew that the Zerg virus, which even Protoss could not solve, was easily solved by a young human female student, I don’t know. What do they think of the Protoss experts who have a life span of hundreds of years?
At this time, Ariel not only successfully used the special drug she developed to get rid of the zerg virus infection in her own body, but also sent relevant information to the colonies to make antidote, so that the people of her colony immediately started large-scale synthesis Antidote and prepare to save yourself.
Therefore, after eliminating the threat of possible infection, Renault’s Huberian, a huge behemoth-class battlecruiser, was able to land safely on the surface of Havenstar and stopped in a forest. On the periphery, prepare to supply basic food and other living materials.
At this time, in the 36th safety valve of the Huberian, Jim Reynolds and Ariel Hansen are making their final farewells.
Because after Ariel Hansen helped Renault upgrade the medical equipment of their warship, he planned to leave Renault's Huberian, leave their ranger forces, and return to her people.
She will lead her people to rebuild their homeland on this remote and finally settled Star Haven.
Just like the planet Agria destroyed by the insect swarms, they plan to build this place into a livable home planet focused on agriculture.
"It seems that it's time for us to say goodbye, Doctor! I know, you still have a lot of important things to deal with."
Seeing Ariel, who was still wearing a white coat, glasses, and a gentle dress in front of him, Renault felt a little bit reluctant.
But he also knew that since the opponent was the leader of the Agria refugees on Haven, he couldn't just nest on his anti-thief battleship and become a small medical expert like before. of.
During this time of getting along, this female-level medical doctor fully demonstrated her personal abilities and played a major role in the improvement of their medical facilities and medical plans on the Huberian!
She not only kept the promise, helped them upgrade the outdated medical facility, helped them develop a lot of weird things, and successfully saved the lives of many wounded soldiers!
Actually, let’s be honest. For this girl who wants to be beautiful, knowledgeable, and temperamental, and the key is not to work hard and work hard, there are 10,000 unfeelings in Renault’s heart. The other party just left the Huberian!
For a good employee like Ariel Hansen, he estimated that he might never find a second one...
"Thank you, Jim...Speaking of which, you have saved our people in Aglia twice. We really don't know how to repay you..."
Standing in the empty cabin of the safety valve, Ariel Hansen was a little hesitant, looking at Renault who had come down to see him off with a complicated look.
This guerrilla leader who resisted the Tyrannical tyranny of Mengsk's Tyronnian Empire, after a long time in contact, she discovered that the other party was not a villain, a traitor, an interstellar thief, as the UNN TV station said. On the contrary, he is a middle-aged man with a peculiar charm and a fatal attraction to her!
At the moment of separation, looking at the other person’s smiling face, her heart that was originally focused on learning has been restless and unable to calm for a long time...
"Haha! Thank you, no need! Your colony also provides us with a lot of supplies? That's good!"
Renault smiled and looked at the suspended convoys transporting supplies outside the valve cabin window.
There, the people of Ariel Hansen are replenishing his Huberian with a large amount of fresh water, food, vegetables, meat, or ordinary minerals and other essential materials.
These things are still in urgent need for them who have been wanted by the Empire for many years.
"Moreover, in a strict sense, we actually only saved you one and a half times! Today's battle, most of the credit, can be regarded as the heroes."
Renault waved his hand indifferently, indicating that Ariel didn't need to take these things too seriously.
In fact, what he said was not wrong. This time, they just raided and destroyed a power supply hub of the Protoss, that is, the main control base of the Protoss, before the Viking fighter squad led by him had time. When the remaining two hubs and the Purifier spaceship were destroyed, the new humans had already done everything.
"Also, above, this new group of people will probably stay here and not leave. You have to take care of yourself! If you can, try not to conflict with them! Or... you just go early. Move away from this planet?"
Pointing to the sky, Renault lowered his voice and said pointedly.
Thinking of the scene when the magical little girl released a giant flame bear to shoot the Protoss Archon, and then used unbelievable means to capture a huge Protoss mothership, Renault felt uncomfortable.
He just wanted to leave this Haiwen star early and stay far away from the heroic company after the arms and technology trade between the two sides was completed!
Renault even thought more than once: if the other party is ruthless enough, can he eat the black, can he swallow both himself and his Huberian?
After all, the Huberian, which has landed on the surface of the planet, is not an opponent of the opponent's large fleet that is still stuck in space!
"We will take care of ourselves, you should take care of yourself first! I only hope that you Rangers can stay out of the matter. This time, the Protoss will definitely be very upset..."
Ariel shook her head, she had no plans to leave the Star of Haiwen.
Moreover, from this transaction between the other party and the Huberian, she could see: The new gang should not be a brutal person, let alone betray their promises.
Otherwise, they don't need to trade with Jim, they can just grab them directly. Where do they need to pay so much high-energy crystal and high-energy gas to exchange for those military technologies that are not too valuable?
"It's okay, don't worry! I still have some friendship with the senior leaders of the Protoss... I have helped them several times before... Maybe, they will let me freely this time?"
Renault smiled non-committal, and took out a pack of cigarettes, opened the lid of the carton and picked up one, and said in a lazy tone.
Regarding this matter, Renault is still quite confident. He believes that those Protoss should not embarrass himself for such small things.
Besides, if the Protoss are really angry, and if they are really looking for trouble, they must be troubled by that heroic company first, right?
Anyway, when the sky fell, there was a tall one who stood up first, and Renault didn't need to worry too much about it.
Moreover, after the material supply and the transportation spacecraft of the Heroes Company to transport energy are unloaded and handed over, their Huberian will take off and leave this barren planet in the first time! At that time, even if Protoss wants to trouble him with Renault, there is probably nowhere to go, right?
He doesn't believe it, the Protoss will not persevere in hunting down their Huberian for such a small matter? Renault, who has been in contact with the Protoss, is very clear. There are still a lot of unresolved problems in their Protoss!
Whether it is their home star Al, occupied by the Swarm, or the faction within the Protoss, it is enough for the Protoss to suffer!
"You know? Jim, you can actually stay, settle down, and then start a new life..."
When the door of the 36th valve finally opened, Ariel Hansen took two steps outside. When she was about to reach the door, she stopped again, turned around, and slightly cramped. He took off the myopia glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said a little bit twitchingly.
This hint is already obvious!
Her Ariel is here now. She believes that with Jim Reynold’s emotional intelligence, he should understand what he means. So, after speaking, she stared at Reynolds with piercing eyes, expecting Follow his next reply.
"A person like me has no choice! Honey, you should understand that you must have a beginning and an end in doing things..."
Renault pretended not to understand what the other party was saying, and began to grin wildly.
At that moment, he actually moved a little.
However, he thought of his Sarah...thinks of Mengsk...thinks of those subordinates who have been following and trusting in themselves, and who are striving to pursue that lofty goal together...
Therefore, what Renault said is correct, he really has no choice, he can only go to the dark one by one!
Until death...
"Also, what is it like for me to stay?"
"Don't be kidding! Am I going to join you and grab the ownership of this broken planet with that heroic company? Or, be swallowed directly by them? I'm a bit sick and can't stand the control of some strangers! "
Seeing the clear and painful complex look in the opponent's eyes, Renault could only continue to pretend not to understand, lit the cigarette in his mouth and took a deep breath.
"I used to think you were a vicious interstellar bandit, but recently I discovered: You are actually a good person, I am very happy to meet you, Jim Leno..."
Disappointed, Ariel could only pretend to continue wiping her glasses with a slight embarrassment.
Then, after thinking for a while, she finally made up her mind and walked straight forward towards Renault.
After grabbing the cigarette that was still burning on the opponent’s mouth, she suddenly leaned forward and took a light peck, then quickly turned around, put on her glasses, and walked out of the door of the No. 36 valve. Walked out towards the Haiwenxing land outside.
"Jim, goodbye, and good luck..."
After saying her final farewell, Ariel left without looking back.
Her tentative confession just now was just a final attempt at the moment of parting. After all, this universe is so big, after today's parting, she and him will probably never have the chance to meet again.
In fact, she knew early in the morning that the good man behind her, his heart, was already crowded with a certain figure, and could no longer accommodate her Ariel's position...
"Heh... not as good as you said... and good luck to you..."
He was given a good person card and was forced to kiss again. Renault, whose expression looked a bit awkward, could only scratch his head, bent down and picked up the unextinguished cigarette on the metal deck, and continued to put it in his mouth and smoke. stand up.
Actually, he himself thinks that this doctor chick is pretty good in all aspects!
It's a pity that no matter how good she is, she really is not her own dish...
Everything is okay now, and things here can finally be over. He will continue to work with his subordinates and his group of friends to find the Raoshi artifact, and then, see if there is a chance, find Kerrigan The trail?
He had heard that Sarah seemed to be leading the insects to fight everywhere... Is she looking for something?
"Hello? Matt, how's it going? I just saw their transport spacecraft fly away. How much energy did the heroes send this time?"
Renault, who was smoking in the No. 36 valve and thinking about things, dropped a few cigarette butts before he saw the unloading warehouse door far outside the window. The heroic transport ships took off and Leaving his Huberian.
Therefore, Renault quickly stopped the chaotic thoughts in his mind and immediately contacted Captain Matt who arranged affairs on the bridge.
"Sir! I think you will be very happy! This time, we may be taken advantage of! You must not guess how much energy they sent us?!"
Seeing the stored energy reserves recorded in his terminal, Captain Matt's mouth was about to split with joy.
This time, their Ranger forces have really become rich, at least in terms of energy!
This transaction of Chief Renault is really beautiful!
Just using the goods that are available everywhere and some of the advanced technology of the Huberian will be enough for them to squander the energy for several years. If all this is replaced by money, how much will it have?
"Oh... that's good..."
Renault suddenly felt that when he listed the bill himself before, did he offer a little bit less?
That hero Lianbang, really doesn't bring a counter-offer? !
How rich are they? Could it be that the other party is really a group of local tyrants who just slipped out of the remote star area in the countryside?
On the ground of Haven Star, outside of the No. 1 colony of Agria, there are hundreds of Marines of Hope, dozens of heavy siege tanks, and a large number of SCV engineering vehicles on a large number of armored transport ships. Under the transportation, landed from the universe and turned this into a landing field.
Except for a small part of the staff who are carefully collecting the armor fragments of the Protoss in the battlefield outside this gate for research, starting with a few heavy siege tanks, countless Marines and SCV engineering vehicles, A large group of engineering vehicles turned around and headed towards the Protoss Mothership Purifier that crashed in the distance.
In addition to the gate of colonial gathering place No. 1, apart from the establishment of a temporary base, only a small number of medical personnel are left, and the Marines who were injured under the attack of the Protoss Archon are being removed from the colony gathering place. They were lifted out, and using professional equipment, they were picked out of the armor for the first time for treatment and rescue.
To the surprise of the members of the medical team dispatched from the Nozomi, the twelve wounded in these two teams, except for four minor injuries, were able to stand up, the remaining eight, Didn't even die? And it's just a corona or a scalp?
They checked the damage of the armored power combat uniform. When the armored equipment could be burned by a powerful lightning attack, the crew inside were not dead? Is this still human?
The Demacia team and the Noxus team, what kind of changes did their magical powers have on their bodies?
Sitting boringly on the tracks of a heavy siege tank, watching Little Annie, who was cleaning the battlefield by her subordinates, when she saw two medical staff, lying on a suspended stretcher with blood on her face, passing by Dreyus. When she was in front of her, she frowned and kicked it abruptly.
This violently kicked little foot shocked the medical staff pushing the suspended stretcher so much. After looking at the crooked stretcher and Captain Dreyus who was lying on the ground, her face was pale. , Turned his head and glared at the little girl who was still sitting on the tank track.
She didn't know why this little girl, the new head of state, would do such an outrageous evil to a seriously injured person? !
"Don't pretend to be dead! Don't you hurry up and work?!"
Little Annie ignored the medic who was glaring at her, but just glanced at the Dreyus who continued to pretend to be dead on the ground. Is a person in a coma or a coma, can she fool herself?
The Dreyus, he was already awake when the engineers used equipment to get him out of the damaged armor suit! He didn't know what thought he had just pressed, but he continued to pretend to be dead and let the nurses go to serve him.
Therefore, when the nurse pushed him past by his side, little Annie, who was really blind to see, kicked it over.
He was only electrocuted and his face was cut, bleeding a little, and he was in a coma for a while.
It seemed miserable, but Annie knew very well that with the physique of the opponent's mid-level warrior, this little injury would not be a hindrance at all!
"Ahhaha...what, we just want to take a nap, are you kicking here like this?"
Under the stunned expression of the nurse, Dreyus got up directly from the ground like a corpse, grinning and patted the dirt and grass leaves on his body.
Seeing his alive and kicking look, apart from the blood on his face that looks scary, really there is really no big problem?
"Huh! Please let me!"
Upon seeing this, the female nurse of the medical unit who finally knew that she had been tricked, with a cold face, grabbed the tilted suspended stretcher, directly hit Dreyus’s shoulder, and angrily moved towards the medical tent. Bian quickly walked over.
Fortunately, she just waited on the other party to wear pants, and she has been worried about the body injured by the heroic battle of the other party, but who would think, this bastard, he is pretending to be unconscious? !
"Hey! Sister, don't rush away? You haven't helped me deal with the wound on my face..."
After Xiao Annie, who was dangling her calf on the tank track, smiled a bit, Dreyus hurriedly ran after the female nurse.
"Little... sir! How did you find that Dreyus' was playing dead?"
Galen, who had already taken off the armored-powered combat uniform with the help of the equipment, saw that there was nothing wrong with him, and walked towards the tank while eating an energy biscuit.
After seeing Dreyus' actions, he also felt a little curious. Just now, he himself went to help get the opponent out of the armor, but why didn't he find that the opponent was pretending to be dead?
"Breathe! And heartbeat! Forget it, you don't understand even after you say it..."
As a powerful mage, he is very sensitive to the surrounding environment!
So, how could Dreyus's awkward feigning skills just conceal Anne's own perception? nonexistent!
"I'm going back first, so let's play slowly here, see you again!"
After speaking, Annie directly cast a teleportation magic, which instantly disappeared into a burst of arcane blue light.
Now here is a big construction site, a mess, and it doesn't seem to be fun, so she decided to go back to the battleship first and take a good rest.
Galen had just had time to reach out, and he could no longer see the small figure on the tank track.
He was still thinking about letting the other party take him on the way. After all, teleportation is far more sophisticated and comfortable than taking a transport ship!
It's a pity that the opponent ran too fast, and then they could only let an armored transport ship carry them back...
"Your Excellency! Are you back?"
After seeing the blue light transmitting magic suddenly light up in the bridge, Doug, who was busy with something, exclaimed, and soon saw the figure of Little Annie.
Although she had seen this magical and convenient teleportation magic many times, she still felt very surprised.
If those scientific researchers can analyze and make use of it, it will definitely play a significant role in their technology and navigation technology?
After Xiao Annie sat down in the captain's position, she took a curious look at the list in Doug's hand, and then scratched her head in wonder.
It seems that she herself has nothing to do when she comes back here, so why did she send it back here...
"Oh, this is a list of technologies traded with those humans. Would you like to go over it?"
Seeing that Little Annie seemed a little interested in what she was holding, Doug quickly handed it over.
Just now, after receiving the sensitive technology from the Raiders, Viking fighters and some of the Huberian battleships from Renault, Doug kept his promise to let the three transport spaceships full of high-energy crystals and high-energy gas. , Sent to the Huberian that landed on the ground of Haven Star.
In Doug's opinion, this transaction with the other party is still very useful to the human side of their Hope!
Whether it is a heavy-duty unit bald looter, or a Viking fighter with amphibious warfare and deformation capabilities, they can complement and inspire their military power!
In particular, some of the advanced technology of the Huberian, that powerful armor formula, shield technology, and the ability to forcibly fold in battle can all play a huge role in the development of their next-generation capital ship!
So, now Doug is still secretly proud: Those idiots, even dare to sell this important technology? Is the price so cheap? It's almost like giving away for nothing!
Because of this, at that time, Doug didn’t waste time bargaining with the other party, he just agreed to the price offered by the other party, and then he just picked up some inconvenient leftovers from his fleet’s countless energy reserves. Go and send them.
Now, they lack everything here, but they don't lack energy!
After seeing this kind of boring list, Annie turned her head in disgust.
If she has time to watch these things, then she might as well go back to sleep, or... go to Haven Star below to play?
"That's right! Your Excellency, Galen and Dreyus, how is their situation? Their casualties..."
Seeing that Little Annie was so nervous and she didn't seem to want to take care of herself, Doug quickly asked about the casualties of the Marines.
She was in charge of military affairs on the bridge, and Ai didn't have time to check the report submitted by the medical team, so now after seeing the face of Annie, she thought that some of Delius had died!
If that were the case, it would be a pity!
After all, it is not easy to train those twenty elite marines. At this time, when their training has just yielded results, if there are heavy casualties, they can be even lost!
"Don't worry, none of them died..."
After continuing to glance at Doug, who was worrying, Anne replied a little listlessly.
With her staring at her, how could it be possible for the thugs she worked so hard to train to die easily? nonexistent!
Besides, those of them, who have been soaked and transformed by anger and holy light for a long time, how can they die so easily after a few electric shocks? But she still expects these people to become strong, and then come to be a dogfighter for herself!
"Oh! All right? That's good!"
Doug breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that none of the twenty Marines had died.
The twenty of them can be seen from the actual combat on the ground with the Protoss. They can now be regarded as the most powerful group of members of the Marine Corps of Hope. They are almost like special forces, and they can be cultivated. It is not easy, and it will certainly be of great use in the future!
"By the way, when will we land on Haven? It's really boring to stay in the universe all day long!"
After seeing that there was nothing left and right, Little Annie asked about it.
Although the space battleship is very fun, she has been there for two or three months. She just wants to hurry to the ground and take a good rest in a house with planetary gravity, without having to spend all the time. Staying in a battleship, even if there is an environment simulated by gravity equipment, she, who is sensitive, can always feel that she is following the battleship in the universe when she sleeps...
Of course, it must be a beautiful and comfortable big house with a garden, and definitely not the big construction site where she just stayed! That kind of broken place is not as comfortable as inside a battleship!
"This matter, we have just communicated with the colonial humans on the ground: Except for the continent they currently occupy, they have vacated all the rest of the space above Haven."
While talking, Doug jumped out of a holographic model of Haven Star, and then pointed to the continents above to explain to Little Annie.
"We have selected several suitable locations for the city to be built, and we just wait for you to make a final decision! Then, at the latest tomorrow, we can land the Nozomi and other buildings!"
"Then, as we begin construction on the ground, our fleet will also build a military port satellite city on the synchronous orbit, which will be used as a turret to defend Haven and as a base for the interstellar fleet."
"and also……"
Doug had already thought of these things long before the protoss began to retreat.
Therefore, after hearing Xiao Anni's inquiry, she immediately stated her plan and gave several feasible solutions.
Of course, these are only her current thoughts. As for specific matters, she still needs to discuss with the staff and the parliament, and finally let Anne, the head of state, come and sign.
"So troublesome..."
With so many messy things, Little Annie just wanted to doze off.
"These laughter matters, you can decide by yourself, I will go back to sleep first, goodbye~!"
She, who hated these chores the most, didn't give Doug time to react. She just flickered and disappeared from the main seat of the Führer Bridge.
When Doug was about to tell her plan for building a city, and stretched out her finger to point to a place on Haven Star, he did not expect that Master Anne suddenly disappeared and slipped away. This made the hand she just stretched out instantly. Frozen in midair.
"Uh...ahhaha! Nice job, little girl!"
When Little Annie, who was the head of state, flashed away, the authority here on the bridge automatically returned to Captain Planck.
Therefore, when he saw the little head of state disappeared and half-talked, and then the adjutant Doug who had no report object, he hiccuped a big wine, carried a bottle of wine, walked over and sat down at the captain’s. Location.
"Planck! As a fleet commander, please pay more attention to your image!"
Doug, who was in a fire, had to cast his anger on Captain Planck, who was not disciplined and often drunk.
For this person who has no image of a soldier, UU Reading often drank in the bridge, which made the whole bridge cabin smoked and alcoholic old bastard, her dissatisfaction in her heart, but hoarding it for a long time of!
"Oh? Do you want to have a couple of drinks too? Here, uh... Adjutant Doug?"
After taking two indifferent sips, Planck tried the wine bottle full of his saliva toward the other party.
Anyway, there are no enemies here anymore. He is fine for two drinks. As long as the head of state does not blame him, no one can control him, right?
Uncle Planck, he is now the captain of the great Führer’s flagship, the commander-in-chief of the First Fleet of the Hero Company, and Adjutant Doug, who are of equal rank. Who dares to take care of him? !
Seeing the appearance of this drunkard, Doug felt angry.
So, after seeing that she couldn't help each other, she had no choice but to face her coldly, walked to the other side, and continued to be busy with a lot of things that little Annie didn't want to manage and had to push herself.
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