Chapter 247: The little head of state for private use

In the Huberian’s bar, Jim Reynolds continued to drink his alcohol, alcoholism has become his daily routine, and he likes to hang out here when things are all right.
The good wines he had now were freshly supplied from the colony of Agria on Haven, and the taste was pretty good.
Dr. Hansen and her Agria people gave back everything they could repay for the help they gave to Renault.
Therefore, Renault is very satisfied with these fine wines. This is not only the fruit of the victory, but also the affirmation of the Aglia people. This makes Renault feel that their great cause seems to have taken a step forward and gained. Part of the heart?
Therefore, while tasting the wine, he watched with interest the huge TV hanging on the bulkhead of the bar, which was broadcasting a piece of news:
"I am Donny Vermillion of UNN. I am the first, last, and only spokesperson of the truth! Tonight, Kate Rockwell will expose the mysterious Shadow War by the brave ghosts of the Tyronn Empire Agents are the protagonists, silently guarding us and fighting against the cruel enemies..."
At the beginning, it was the head of UNN Studio Hua Dan Downey, this funny guy full of lies, after he finished speaking, he quickly switched to another scene.
"Thank you Donny! I’m the reporter Kate Rockwell. I’m talking to Toot... (shielding tone), the Toot of the Tyronn Empire... With your partner, have been fighting some beep... beep... can you tell us something?"
On the TV screen after the switch, in addition to UNN’s beauty reporter Kate Rockwell, another small screen behind her shows that the person talking with her is a dark shadow with no specific appearance. Obviously It was done, not wanting to expose the true face of the other party to the public.
"Okay, Kate, but I can't leak too much..."
Soon, Sombra began to talk endlessly, and then, whenever he went to a keyword, he would always be cut off artificially and added a shielded beep.
"Knowing that the empire's army will guard us, I think everyone can sleep more peacefully at night? This is Donnie Vermillion of UNN, see you tomorrow!"
Seeing that those who were going to tell the truth on TV were blocked in time, but those who were telling lies were full of benevolence, justice and morality, which made Renault sneer disdainfully while drinking.
This kind of fake news, I don’t know how that Downey dare to say that he is the only spokesperson of the truth?
I'm afraid, he actually served the Mengsk, right?
Look at him just now, at the critical moment, he was so proficient in cutting off other people's live broadcast conversations. This matter must not be done once or twice...
After thinking about it, Renault, who felt that he had drunk enough, stood up slightly shaking and started to walk outside the door of the bar.
"How is it, Matt? What's the matter with our supplies?"
After finishing his routine drinking in the battleship bar, Renault swayed back to the Huberian bridge and asked Matt, who was sorting out material information.
Three full days have passed since the battle with Haven. Now, Renault and his Huberian have already left the barren agricultural star where the bird does not shit, and have re-jumped into the universe. Sailing on a remote route, ready to move on to the next step after trimming.
"Sir, we have sufficient living supplies at the moment, and we don't need to replenish them in a short time! And the energy, because of the deal with the Hero Federation, in exchange for the high-energy crystal and high-energy gas that we can use for several years, so we There is no shortage of energy at the moment!"
After looking at the list of supplies displayed on the smart terminal, Captain Matt Horner quickly reported.
"That's great, why do I see you still a little sad?"
This is where Renault is puzzled. Look, now they don’t worry about eating and drinking on the Huberian, and energy, what a good thing? I should be happy, why does this Matt still look like this?
"Sir! Because...we are almost out of money now..."
After looking at the list of supplies in his hand, and then at Jim Reynolds, who was standing opposite him, who almost never asked about these chores, Captain Matt could only helplessly speak.
Although he also knew that his own chief would certainly not want to hear the bad news, he still could only say it.
If anyone thinks that they don't need funds for the Huberian to build Mengsk, then they are wrong!
On this warship, except for some like-minded people who are willing to follow Jim Reynolds in this big risky and profitable business, a considerable number of people are those mercenaries they hired at a high price for money and death!
Only the mercenaries who put their heads on their belts these days dare to fight against anyone after receiving the money!
Whether it's Protoss, Insects, or Mengsk's imperial army, as long as they have money to take, they dare to copy guys to the battlefield and him!
And once there is no money, when the contract expires, some of the fighters on the Huberian are likely to shrink by a half or even more in an instant?
"Why are you out of money so soon?!"
Hearing that it was about money again, and I didn't know if Jiu Jin was on his head, Renault suddenly felt headaches and heartaches...
Over the years, they have been hunted down and squeezed by the Mengsk empire, and they have not had a good life. It is common to lack money and materials, and it is normal.
And now, with great difficulty, they have made a fortune of energy from Haven Star, and after receiving a large amount of free supplies from the people of Dr. Han Sen, Renault, who originally thought they could live a good life for one or two years, But never thought that they would be short of money at this time?
"How about...Should we sell some of the high-energy crystals and high-energy gas first?"
Thinking left and right, Renault, who had no good solution, immediately got the idea of ​​the batch of energy that had just been put into the warehouse.
When he thought about it, these energy sources should be relatively easy to sell, and the price is too high. If a part of it is sold on the black market, it is estimated that they will be happy for a while?
"Sir! I don't recommend you to do that! Those energy sources are very important to us on the Huberian. You shouldn't have this idea!"
As soon as he heard that Renault was about to resell energy, Captain Matt became anxious!
In the past few years, their Huberian has often been in a distressed state of insufficient energy, often there is no rest, so they have to do some housebreaking transactions, or recycle tattered activities!
You know, the monster-class super battleship has a huge appetite for energy consumption. Once a fierce battle is encountered, the energy consumption will be even more terrifying after a big battle!
Although the Huberian has a giant fusion reactor, a clean energy with fusion reaction as the core, it can be used, but when ultra-high power output and bending are required, where is there a good use of high-energy crystals?
Now, they have finally become more generous, and no longer have to worry about energy. This is a good thing that has never happened in the past few years. How can they resell the precious materials that have been difficult to obtain and pay back?
Anyway, he Matt would never agree to Renault's plan to sell energy for money!
"Well, what do you say we should do? Or, do you have any good ideas?"
Seeing that his friend Matt was unwilling to do this, Renault had no choice but to sigh slightly and sat down on a chair.
At the same time, he was thinking in his heart, do you want to go to the trustee to do those unprofitable transactions? Last time the also said that he wanted to go to the Bell Stone planet of the Protoss, to fight those Protoss Relic Crystals?
Gee! Renault thinks, this matter is a bit embarrassing...
You know, Renault had just offended the Cerlandis executive officer on Haven. If he went to fight the god-given gift of the celestial spirit with Toshi now, grab the "breath of the creator" "The state of cyanide...
Then, Renault, he really became the thief of the universe!
Then, after the Mengsk Empire, I am honored to be included in the Protoss wanted list again?
At that time, he might really have to sneak to Haven Xing sneakily, and live with that beautiful doctor, the kind of reclusive life of a wife and a child...
"Of course, sir! Because, I just happened to receive a message!"
With that said, Matt directly clicked on the holographic strategic map of the Huberian bridge, and called up a holographic model of the planet, its orbit and some other information.
"This is Santanis?!"
After seeing the planet called by Matt, Renault said immediately that he was very familiar with this planet!
It is the capital administrative star of the old federation of the Tyrannian Federation.
Once a beautiful planet with high economic and population prosperity, it is also the most prosperous administrative star ever to appear since human exiles established a colony in this Kepulu region!
Of course, this is all in the past...
When Arcturus Mengsk formed the son of Keha and led the terrorist organization to grow and develop into a full-fledged interstellar rebel army, the invasion of the zerg quickly caused the internal and external difficulties of the Tyrannian Federation. Sunnis was eventually captured by Zerg and was severely damaged.
It is estimated that at least two billion humans on this planet died in the catastrophe of the insect invasion... But soon after, the Zerg gave up the planet that was captured by them, as for the specific reason. , Is not known to outsiders...
It was at that time that Sarah Louis Kerrigan was limited to the hands of the Swarm and was transformed into the current Queen of Blades! It was also at that time that Mengsk's abandonment of the army caused a mutiny in the army. Renault and many people who were loyal to Mengsk left angrily, and instead started an anti-Mengsk business...
Soon after, when Arcturus Mengsk successfully overthrew the old Tyranian Federation and established a new Tyranian Empire, the refugees of Tarsonis (now the Mengsk constitutional monarchy) were dispersed. In other colonizing planets, this planet itself did not undergo recolonization activities.
The Tyronn Empire imposed a strict military blockade on Tarsonis. Only the official recovery team searched the ruins for the technology and military secrets left by the old federation. Even Renault did not know that the Mengsk blockade was washed away by the nuclear explosion. What kind of crooked ideas do you want to make on this planet?
"You read that right, sir! This planet is indeed Santanis!"
After nodding, Matt manipulated the holographic map to zoom in on the planet Santanis, and finally locked one of the empire's excavation sites.
"We inadvertently received the latest excavation report of the Tyrann Empire in Santanis: There are now many supply trains in action, but their defenses are very weak!"
"If we intercept the imperial military train and obtain the contents before the goods are sent to other planets, I think we will be able to make huge profits?!"
To put it bluntly, it was Matt who suggested that Renault go for a non-profitable business, intercepting the military supplies of the Tyronn Empire, and use what can be used by himself, and sell what is not for money! Such a thing is much more reliable than reselling precious energy!
Moreover, the defense of the opposing army is very weak, and they are still wanted criminals in the Tyronn Empire. If they don't rob the military material of the Tyronn Empire, can they still rob those civilians or merchant ships?
If they really did that, their Ranger forces would really become like a rat crossing the street, and everyone would be a star thief.
They are now, but a group of freedom fighters, definitely not some star thief! Moreover, robbing Mengsk's army and robbing civilians are completely different in nature!
"Okay... Then it's up to you! It seems you are prepared... So, Matt, do you have any plans?"
After thinking about it, Renault felt that since Matt felt that robbing the empire's military supplies would be more affordable than selling his own energy, he might as well go for this vote!
"Of course! As far as I know, the Tyronn Empire has restored the energy of the suspension railway system of the old federal period. They used trains to transport those heavy recyclables to a central processing station."
"Our information: An excavation site in the Tyronn Empire found a very important thing. I heard it is valuable?! After two days, they will transport it to the processing station. So, at that time, it was us. The best time to act!"
"Moreover, that thing is probably very valuable! Otherwise, the Imperial military would not install anti-scanning protective carriages on the train? So, we had better intercept enough trains and try to get the The nervous thing...I hope we will be lucky enough then!"
Soon, Matt pointed to the floating railway lines on the holographic map, and then an uninhabited area in the middle was designated as their landing battle site two days later.
He intends to land at this location and intercept the military trains that raid the empire and get those valuable things.
"Hope we are lucky enough?! Matt, this is not like a plan you would say..."
Turning a combat operation to luck?
Renault, who had never heard Matt say such a thing, was a little surprised now.
Matt’s style of planning military operations has always been known for being rigorous. If he is not very sure, he has always come up with plans, but now, he wants to go for luck like a gambler?
"So, sir, do you have any good ideas? I'm listening!"
That thing must be very valuable, or very important, otherwise, the imperial military will not block information so strictly, even the trains are equipped with anti-scanning carriages! So, apart from hitting luck and trying to intercept as many trains as possible, Matt has no good way.
They don't have enough money to buy accurate information, and, even if they have money, they may not be able to buy such core military secrets!
"Very good! convinced me!"
"Okay, I listen to you, let us go and rob the train in two days! I think Old Tycus will love this job!"
There was no good way, and Renault, who was unwilling to say more, nodded, and generously responded to the action.
Isn't it just robbery, this is Renault's old line of business, he promised: then, a train will not miss!
Haiwen Star, on a continent close to the planet's equator, on a tropical plain with a suitable climate and abundant resources, a huge human colonial spacecraft, Hope, has landed here from space.
Then, with this spacecraft as the center, the humans of the original Hope, and now citizens of the Hero Federation, are in full swing and with the efforts of countless SCV engineering vehicles, they are starting to build on this huge construction site the first of their federation. A terrestrial colonial city, but also their new capital city of hope!
At this time, Little Annie was not in this bustling construction site, nor on the small and boring cabin of Hope or the heavy battlecruisers patrolling in the sky.
At this time, she was leading the two elite marines, Demacia and Noxus, who had recovered from their cultivation, on a heavy armored transport ship, and after forcibly conquering two Wraith fighters, they moved away from construction. A savanna on the other side of the field is undergoing combat training initiated by her!
"Hey! Galen, please pay attention! The enemy is moving at high speed to your side. Our fighters drove the enemy over. Hurry up, you must step forward and stop it!"
Next to an armored transport ship parked on the landing ground, in a military tent, Little Annie was squatting on a metal stool, looking at the holographic map in front of the military combat table in front of her and vigorously commanding Galen. Fight with Dreyus and the others.
Behind her, the two technical staff members also stared nervously at the holographic combat map on the table, and wanted to step forward to give the little head of state a hand, but they didn't dare to stand up in a hurry.
"No way, sir! This goal is too big! We can't beat it, and we can't eat it! Unless, you tell us to go back and put on the armored power suit first! Or give us a gun?"
Outside of the encirclement, Galen and two of his men struggled to grasp their Demacia swords. After seeing the enemy that was driven by the fighter plane in the distance, they didn't even think about it, and the three directly dragged their own. The big sword ran to the side, letting the opponent's escape route dangerously, without being hit by any means.
Wearing only the civilian uniforms of the officers and not wearing the armored power combat uniforms, the three of them really have nothing to do with the enemy who just rushed past...
"Huh! You guys are really useless!!!"
Seeing that the other party had let her go so easily that she finally chose the target, Xiao Annie muttered very dissatisfied.
Then, she hurriedly squatted on the battle map to operate, and soon she found a slightly weaker enemy.
The size of this enemy seems to be weaker than the one just now? In this case, they will definitely be able to fight, right?
"Please pay attention to the second fighter plane. The target is found: It is at your seven o'clock direction, at a distance of 486. I have already marked it. You should hurry and drive it to Delaeus and the others! Make no mistake!"
Now that Galen and the others had let go of the first goal, there was no alternative, Little Annie could only choose a slightly smaller one.
"The second fighter received, I am turning...I have seen the target, the mission is confirmed! Now, I will drive it over immediately!"
In the encirclement, a Wraith fighter jet made a backflip and turned around, then dived towards the target marked by Annie on the radar.
"Hey! Big black! The enemy is running towards you, you must stop it! Otherwise, I won't give you food later!"
The big guy just now has been let go by the useless Galen, and now this one, she will never miss it again!
In any case, she must ask Delaeus to defeat the enemy and drag the opponent's body back to the skin and cramp to relieve her hatred!
"Sir, sir! Can't you pick me a good enemy? This guy is obviously tougher than the one just now..."
To be honest, seeing the enemy who was being chased by the fighter plane and rushing towards his five-man team, Dreyus almost didn't get frightened.
Look at the opponent's strong claw-shaped hoofs, dense and hard scales, majestic body and protruding muscles. Without an armor suit or a rifle, he looks a little bit off...
If he was put on an armored power combat uniform, Dreyus would dare to go up and kill the opponent alone!
However, now all of them are dressed in civilian clothes, plus a battle axe or a big sword, which not only has a serious shortage of power points, but also obviously belongs to the configuration of high offense and low defense, which is really not suitable for combat!
"I've decided! That's it! If you dare to let it go, I will close all of you in the little black room for a week!"
Today, they have been preparing for this battle for a long time, and now, Xiao Anni can't afford to miss that goal, that enemy must be won in the first time!
If they dare to let go, they just defy the order, then they will wait to go back to confinement, no one can persuade them!
"I'm going! Everyone, shrink the encirclement, and immediately run to support Dreyus, but don't let the enemy run away!"
Galen was also anxious when he heard that Little Annie said this. If the enemy was really let go, the little boy could really say that he could do it!
Therefore, he didn't want to be locked in a small black room for a week. After greeted the other players on the channel, he carried his big sword and rushed into the Haven Star grass field that was almost half waist high.
"Yes, sir!"
"Received, we are passing now..."
After responding in twos and threes on the channel, all twenty Marines, carrying their weapons, quickly encircled in the direction of Dreyus, intending to unite and knock down the enemy.
"Your Excellency! How about I use a machine gun to help them?"
Hovering in the air, looking at the underneath of his own fighter plane, those Dreyus and others who were fighting hard with the enemy, the pilot on the second fighter plane hesitated and asked.
"No shooting is allowed! Otherwise, I will close your little black room for a month, and then transfer you to the engineering team!"
Hearing that the other party was actually planning to shoot, or use an air cannon?
Little Annie was anxious immediately, got up from the metal stool in front of the holographic map, and warned loudly. If she could shoot, would she toss and laugh for a long time?
The enemy must be hacked to death alive, and, as far as possible, the enemy's body must be intact!
"Adjutant Doug, now the head of state and the others seem to be engaged in an important military battle? Maybe, we can go there later?"
In the sky, the officer sitting in a position in the cabin of an armored transport ship listened to the shouting command of the head of Anne and the combat shouts of the Marines from the channel. He thought for a while. He turned around and proposed to Doug, who closed his eyes and calmed down.
He thinks that what they are going to do in the past with the heads of state is not as important as what the heads of state are doing? The opponent seems to be fighting the enemy. Wouldn't it be bad if you rush to disturb the opponent?
"You are still too naive..."
Doug opened his eyes and looked at the second lieutenant officer beside her a little unexpectedly. Then, the corners of her mouth twitched for a while before she barely said something that made the other party unknown.
The officer scratched his head a little, and looked at Doug who continued to close his eyes and was not talking. He didn't quite understand what the other party meant.
"So this is ah……"
After almost half an hour, when Doug and their armored transport ship parked next to Little Annie and the others and opened the hatch, the ensign officer who came out finally understood the sights in the distance. The words that Adjutant Doug said to him before...
It turned out that in the distance, outside the military tent, that group of Marines were happily grilling a huge six-legged Marine Star animal on a large fire?
These people... At this stall where everyone is busy building, not only do they go out lazily and go out in groups, they play hunting and barbecue tricks, but they also recruit two military ghost fighters to help them drive away their prey? !
So, where is the anonymous report box for complaining to the Supreme Head of State? He thinks it, he seems to be able to write the last anonymous report letter with 10,000 characters in his left hand?
Doug, who had been prepared for a long time, glanced at the dumbfounded ensign beside him, then walked forward with some documents a bit funny.
"Oh! Aunt Doug! I have said many times, if there are things, or things that are not very important, please don't bother me!"
Sitting on a military map table, wearing silver casual clothes and dangling two light military boots, little Annie is commanding Galen’s Marines to apply the delicious spices and various barbecues to the prey they just hit. Special powder seasoning.
Then, when she saw Doug holding a file terminal coming down from the armored transport ship that was flying, her face quickly collapsed.
It's so boring!
This Aunt Doug knows all day to take some trivial things that seem to her, and ask her to sign or authorize it. It's annoying!
For things like building a capital, building a space station, building a military port, where is it important for her to play happily?
Wouldn't they discuss it by themselves? !
There is also the matter of persuading the glasses sister and her Aglia to join the Hero Federation, and asking her to participate in the meetings and negotiations all day long, it is annoying!
In her opinion, where do these things need to be so troublesome?
Drive the battleship directly over the opponent’s continent, aim at their colonial gathering place, threaten them, and directly order them to surrender. Do you still need to negotiate all day?
The thought of the representatives of both sides staying in that kind of misty conference room all day long, listing the treaties one by one, and the people on both sides arguing about such small things for a long time, she felt a burst of fire!
"Yes, I understand! But these files still need your authorization!"
Doug handed over the instrument in his hand angrily, and after opening the files on it, he motioned to Xiao Annie to use her authority to authorize it.
She already knows the temperament of this little girl.
In her eyes, as long as it is something that is not of interest, no matter how important it is, it seems to her to be something trivial!
Just like now, as the supreme head of the Hero Federation, every week, there are usually only two days off. Today is also a working day, but... she was forced to change in the name of going out for exercises. It's a day off...
But now? This little girl, not only does not have an office, nor does she bring office equipment, she just pulls the gang of Galen and Dreyus to come to this grassy place to have a barbecue meeting?
This is the exercise? What is the exercise? hunt? !
Not only did Galen and the others wear civilian clothes and risked being attacked by wild animals to hunt in the dense tropical grasslands, they even dispatched two Wraith fighters to drive them away?
Look, it's making this place jump. They have eaten a lot of wild animals these days, right? !
Think about the luxurious ocean yacht with anti-gravity flight capability that the head of state privately ordered in the heavy factory. She Doug can already imagine the other side's future life in Haven...
It's nothing more than hunting in the mountains or fishing in the sea, right? I hope they don't eat any poisonous animals! After all, the work of Havenstar's collection of animals and plants, establishment of archives and epidemic prevention has just begun.
After receiving the instrument reluctantly, Xiao Anni held a roasted animal hind legs that Galen had just handed over in her mouth, and she opened the files with her oily little hands, without even looking at them, she quickly counted. The ten documents were drawn across.
It may take others a day to read the completed workload, but she turned it into a boring clicker game, and it only took less than ten seconds to complete it.
"Well, you can take it away now!"
After finishing, Xiao Anni threw the equipment into the other party’s arms and rushed to the barbecue rack. On it, the huge Havenstar specialty and the six-legged predator were being caught on it. After the skin was cramped, it was roasted, constantly bubbling with attractive grease and aroma.
Today, they have shot a lot of prey, big and small, to ensure that everyone can get enough food!
Seeing the most important power device of the Confederation that became full of grease in his arms, Doug had no choice but to roll his eyes, then took out his handkerchief, wiped it and carefully put it away, then took out another one. instrument.
"Huh? Are you still going? Is there anything else?"
Little Annie, who had just cut off a smaller front leg from the body of the six-legged creature, couldn't help but ask curiously when she turned around and saw that Aunt Doug hadn't left.
Do they also want to join their own barbecue conference?
But... She Doug has always been disgusted, and even Galen and Dreyus have been reprimanded by her several times!
"One more thing, we need you to record a declaration of the founding of our Hero Federation, and in a month, when our capital city is about to be established, it will be released to the entire Kepulu region!"
After speaking, Doug waved his hand to let the staff in the transport ship, brought out a set of holographic camera equipment, and once again handed them a draft of the declaration to their heads of Anne.
"Where does it take so much trouble? Just now, right here, you can record it!"
After taking a look at the manuscript, Xiao Anni threw it away with Want her to change clothes? Memorizing the manuscript? !
She is very proficient in making speeches. Where is the trouble? It must be simplified and cost saved! In this difficult time, when they just started to build on this planet, no one can waste manpower and material resources casually, yes, that's it!
Then, she grabbed the front leg of the roasted animal that had just been tested with one hand, with her little bear Tibbers pinned to her waist, and pulled the steaming meat with the other hand and stood directly. Arriving in front of the camera, while gulping for delicious food, signaled the dumbfounded TV station staff to start working.
"Your Excellency, is it not so good?"
After seeing Xiao Annie's dress and what she was holding, a female reporter asked a little uncertainly, and then at the same time, she also asked for help and looked to the side of the head of state adjutant in silence.
But what disappointed her was: Doug just glanced at her, but said nothing.
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