Chapter 248: Assault on Haven Star (1)

"Dear viewers in front of the TV, good evening! This is the Hero Federal National TV Station. I am the beloved female anchor Jana. Welcome everyone to watch UHL Studios!"
"Today is a good day for our Federation of Heroes to complete the construction of the City of Hope in the capital city of Haven and issue the administrative declaration of the founding of the nation in Kepru District! At the same time, today is also the first day of our UHL studio! Below, Please watch the impromptu speech of the Supreme Head of our Hero Federation, Her Excellency Anne Hasta!"
Today, within the territory of Kepulu, whether it is the territory of the Tyran Empire, or the sphere of influence of the Protoss, or even the lingering camps of various refugees in the Zerg-raging sector, they have received a stranger. The TV broadcast signal, the other party forcibly squeezed the channels of other TV stations: a UHL studio allegedly by the National Television of the Hero Federation?
Obviously, this so-called Hero Federal TV station must have used some illegal means to forcibly cover all TV signals.
Then, the audience discovered that what appeared on the TV screen was a full-bodied, blonde host with golden glasses. The other party suddenly appeared on all the TV channels without warning.
The Hero Federation she was talking about, except for a few humans and protoss who had heard of it, everyone else had no idea about it!
They don't know at all, which human power is the Hero Federation? What kind of third-rate TV station is UHL Studio?
A force that has never heard of it, an anchor and TV station that has never seen it, dare to squeeze the channel of a legal TV station and at the same time issue what declaration of the founding of the country? I'm afraid that I have lost my mind, right?
"Huh? It's all recorded now? Okay, why didn't you remind me earlier?!"
After the beautiful female anchor switched the interface, on the TV, there was a cute little girl with a mouth full of grease and holding an animal's roasted hind legs in one hand.
Then, when she found that the camera had been aimed at her and had already turned on to record, she hurriedly hid the barbecue behind her, and at the same time wiped her greasy little girl with another free hand. mouth.
"That... Hello everyone? I am the head of the Hero Federation, you can call me Annie!"
"Then, starting today, our Heroic Federation is officially established! Here, Star Haven, from now on, will be the capital administrative planet of our Heroic Federation! The surrounding area and several nearby planets are all ours If you’re all right, don’t make trouble! Otherwise, I will definitely beat you up!"
The little the TV raised her small fist and threatened.
Then, when she found that her raised fist was still holding the Havenstar animal’s roasted hind leg, she hurriedly retracted and replaced it with another empty hand, using the same full The greasy little fist threatened fiercely.
"Our planet is very good! They asked me to tell you that if anyone wants to settle here, we will be very welcome! Then, I can take you hunting and barbecue at that time! The wild animals on this planet are very It’s delicious, just like the big six-legged guy in my hand. It took us a lot of effort to grab it..."
Soon, the little girl's more and more partial speech was cut off in time, and she switched to the interface of the beautiful host.
"Haha... everyone should have seen it? The above... is the declaration of our federation..."
"Our head of state is still so funny! However, her ability is beyond doubt. Under the leadership of our great head Anne, our people got rid of the worms and came to Haven Star, and began to live and work in peace and contentment. His happy life is getting better every day!"
While quickly explaining to the live footage, Jana also secretly became dissatisfied with the staff responsible for recording the heads of state's speech.
They prepared for a month, but now they have recorded such a messy video? Can't you be a little more serious in a formal speech like this?
"Welcome everyone to settle in our Haven Star! We welcome any free immigrants or unemployed people to settle on our planet and become legal citizens of our country! There is only one premise: as long as you are willing to abide by our laws!"
"Our welfare is very generous, and the tax is very low!"
"Anyone who came to settle here in Haiwenxing as a family unit, our Federation will send hard-working SCV engineers to build a three-story villa with a courtyard and a garage for you, and provide you with suitable jobs and excellent performance suspension vehicles. One is free of charge!"
"How is it? Are you moving? What are you hesitating? Hurry up and immigrate to our Haven Star! Here, you will find that the beautiful Haven Star is about to become a paradise for human settlement..."
"Please remember our TV channel: FM 666.233! We will show you various interesting TV programs and news every day..."
Countless humans or celestials in front of the TV stared at the female anchor who was bragging the TV.
Those viewers who are still confused, don't even know what the Heroic Federation is, or even hear it!
Under this circumstance, most people even thought that this was just a joke made by some bad tasters! At the same time, they felt a little puzzled: the other party illegally squeezed the communication channel of the regular TV station, what is the point of publishing such speeches and TV programs? !
Therefore, not long after watching this newly emerging TV station, more humans and protoss in the stellar zone switched channels one after another, not paying more attention to it...
At the same time, on the Huberian...
About three weeks ago, Jim Reynolds' ranger forces successfully raided the Imperial Excavation Site in Tarsonis, intercepted several trains and intercepted a lot of supplies, they were hunted and killed by several imperial squads.
It took them nearly a month after they slid several times in the Kepulu region and leaped several more places. Until now, they were barely free from the pursuit of the empire.
"Ha! This is really interesting... It seems that Mengsk might not have to focus on us for a while?"
On the bridge of the Huberian, Renault, Captain Matt, Tykes and others are watching a rebroadcast of this recently received TV show.
This has been a few days ago, and now, when they are free and watching it, Renault is immediately happy.
Before he thought about it, this heroic federation actually publicly issued such a declaration of independence in the Kepru region. Perhaps this has seriously provoked the bottom line of the Tyronn Empire, right?
As the other party is the only human united nation in the Kepulu region, they probably won't just sit back and watch the development and growth of Haiwen Star? Not to mention that the other party now uses the signal of the TV station to issue declarations and publicly goug people to engage in immigration activities!
Renault can already predict what his old rival Mengsk will do next: it is nothing more than to defuse the rumors, block the news, block the other party's TV signal, and then block the other party both economically and militarily?
As for sending troops to attack Haven, Renault felt it was impossible.
After all, Haiwen is just a remote planet that doesn't shit, not the territory of his Mengsk Empire, and the other side's location is next to the Protoss territory, which is too sensitive.
As long as the heroic federation of Haiwenxing didn't go to his Mengsk's Tyran Empire to make trouble or dig people to occupy the planet, he wouldn't be too troubled, right?
"By the way, Matt, the old robot adjutant from the Autonomous League period, how is it going to crack it now? Does it still refuse to say anything?"
After watching the TV show, Renault remembered the tattered robot adjutant.
A few days ago, the big deal they did at the time: they raided the abandoned planet Tarsonis and intercepted many military trains of the Tyronn Empire. After they finally intercepted one of the most heavily guarded trains, Obtained a seemingly worthless special thing is actually an old robot adjutant from the Autonomous League period? !
It is precisely because of this that their Huberian was madly chased by the Imperial warships for a long time...
Renault thought at the time that the Empire had spent so much frantic pursuit of itself, coupled with its tight defenses, even the carriages were equipped with anti-scanning devices, there must be some special secret hidden in it?
Therefore, Renault decided to figure it out in person!
At that time, after they retrieved the old adjutant, they placed it in the laboratory to charge it, and when Renault went in to interrogate it, the opponent refused to answer?
Because, in its database, Renault's identity is still a criminal! And criminals have no human rights! Therefore, before the artificial head of the garbage robot was cracked, how could he refuse to say anything of value to Renault! If you change to other people, the other party also refuses to answer because of the question of authority.
As a result, this matter was dragged by them until now under the pursuit of Mengsk's imperial warships.
"I'm sorry, sir, our current deciphering ability has nothing to do with it! Unless, we are willing to risk completely destroying it, otherwise..."
Matt shrugged, looked at Renault and replied helplessly.
They have everyone on the Huberian, but they just don’t have experts in cracking electronic devices! Therefore, there is really no way for the former machine adjutant of the Autonomous Union who does not eat hard and soft and only follows the logic of computing power!
"Hey! Guys... I think we can actually try our luck in the Dead Port? Where, as long as you have money, you can find someone to help you do anything!"
After seeing Renault and Matt at a loss, Tycus thought for a while and said what he knew.
"That's right! That's right! Tycus, what you said reminded me!"
Matt seemed to remember something suddenly. He thought of an old mercenary specializing in electronics in Port of the Dead.
"I know that there is a colonel named Oulan. He is an expert in cracking the federal code! We should be able to find him in the dead port called the mercenary paradise. Although he is not very trustworthy, this is the best choice at the moment. Up."
In addition to these mercenaries who can sell everything for money, Matt really can't think of anyone else who will help them, the most wanted criminals of the empire?
Moreover, if you go to the Port of the Dead, you can also take out the stolen goods that are backlogged in the warehouse and snatched from the Tarsonis excavation site?
"Okay, okay, then, start acting now! Matt, you can order to go now! We managed to get rid of those annoying imperial lackeys!"
Now that there is a way to crack the broken robot that is charging in the laboratory, Renault is not willing to waste time here, and it is better to solve the matter earlier.
He had to take a good look. What important information is in the robot's brain that deserves Mengsk's big fanfare to block the planet and dig out the ruins to find it? And also because of this greatly enhanced the intensity of hunting oneself?
You know, in the past few days, they have been chased by the other side's warships. If they hadn't stored enough energy, maybe they would have been caught by the other side long ago?
Gee! Fortunately, they made a small fortune on Haven a month ago! Now they lack everything, but they don’t lack energy!
"Okay, sir!"
After receiving the order, Matt turned and walked to the position of his captain, preparing to order the leap. On the side, Tycus, with a pale face, grasped the metal chair, trapped in this special armored-powered combat suit, he has not been too comfortable with the transfer method of leaping.
"Very good! Then you first prepare, and then just start the leap. Now, let me go back and drink two glasses."
After Renault looked at Tycus, who was looking bad in the bridge, he smiled and turned away.
He has decided, and now he has finally gotten rid of the chasing of those doglegs in Mengsk, should it be worth going to the bar to drink a few glasses to celebrate? The prohibition of alcohol this time, can be regarded as really greedy him!
"Huh? Who is this? Matt turned over from the bridge?!"
Renault, who was walking towards the bar in the corridor of the battleship, suddenly found that the communicator in his own hand was lit up at this moment.
After thinking for a while, Renault felt a little puzzled and pressed the button to receive.
"It's you? Trust...You are still looking for me at this time. Is there anything important? I remember clearly, our transaction has been completed, right? I don't owe you anything!"
Renault frowned unnaturally when he saw the holographic image of the cold-blooded killer illuminated by the communicator on his arm.
He doesn't like to deal with such unscrupulous people all day long. The previous cooperation with the other party was just a last resort... Renault thinks, this trust, the other party has no bottom line in doing things, and it does not meet his Chief Lei. style of!
You know, Renault is now a freedom fighter, fighting for freedom and rebelling against Mengsk's tyranny. Isn't he a cruel and vicious interstellar thief?
Although they Huberian occasionally did some pirate acts, looting materials and transport ships of the imperial military, but that was also a last resort! There is a fundamental difference between a villain like Toxu, who is purely for robbery, sabotage, and murder.
"Hey, buddy! Don't be so nervous, didn't we have a pleasant cooperation before?"
Seeing the displeased expression on Renault's face, Tosh smiled indifferently.
"Let's talk, you came to me at this time, what is the matter?!"
Renault, who was unwilling to make false claims with the other party, asked straightforwardly.
With people who don't speculate like this, Renault won't have too much friendship with the other party. The previous cooperation was just mutual use. Presumably, the other party must think so too?
"Okay, then I'll just say it?"
After discovering the impatience on Renault's face, he was reluctant to continue wasting time with the begging promise, and went straight to the subject.
"It's like this: I just received a secret report and discovered a big deal! Are you interested in joining forces with me again? I promise that we will make a fortune this time!!!"
Toxu in the communication interface mysteriously approached the camera and whispered.
"Heh! What's the big deal again? You might as well talk about it first?!"
After chuckling, Renault asked noncommittal.
Now, they just robbed the imperial military train, they just made a small fortune, not so short of money, and those excavations, they have not found a chance to let go until now...
Therefore, they are planning to go to the Port of the Dead. On the one hand, while disposing of the stolen goods, they are also looking for someone to help decipher the stubborn and old robot adjutant during the Autonomous League, and see why it is worth the old Mengsk. tension?
Therefore, Renault and the others really don't have time to accompany this ghost villain to make a big deal! But if you just listen to it, it doesn't hurt.
"I swear, this will definitely be a big deal: the news TV station not long ago, the UHL TV station of the Hero Federation, presumably, have you seen it too?"
Seeing that the other party did not refuse or agree, Tox felt that there might be a way for this matter?
Actually, if he could do this transaction alone, he would not find Renault to cooperate in anything! If he can eat alone, how can he find someone to share it?
It's a pity that the power of the target seems to be a little bit stronger this time, maybe it's a little bit difficult?
Therefore, he reluctantly found Renault again after thinking about it again and again. According to Tosh, Renault, the most wanted criminal in the empire, was relatively reliable, and his credibility was not so bad. Therefore, he intends to partner again to get this vote together!
"Hero Federation..."
Renault, who never thought it was this matter, was a little surprised.
This trust, how dare you ask yourself about this? Don't the other party know that they were in Haven Star a month ago? Did he really not know that he had a little friendship with the Hero Federation?
Then, you might as well listen to, what the is this making? !
"You are talking about the news... We just watched the replay just now, but what about it? Does it have anything to do with me?"
Renault pretended to be indifferent, and asked him with a hint of wonder.
"Just read it!"
Now that the other party knows about this, it saves him having to worry about it.
"Because, I just received a piece of information! A piece of information secretly sold to me by an Agria: that hero federation, they reserve a large amount of high-energy crystals and high-energy gas on Haven Star! That amount is simply overwhelming. As you imagine! Brother, I think you should also know that those things, that kind of crystals, they are money! A lot of money! Uncountable money!"
With a trembling tone, Tosh whispered to Renault, and at the same time gestured exaggeratedly with both hands.
This piece of information was obtained by a greedy Aglia who contacted him today and sold it. There are pictures and the truth! That hero federation has established several large storage warehouses on the ground of Haven, which is definitely worth his risk!
Once he succeeds and snatches a part of the high-energy crystal and gas, he can be guaranteed to enjoy wealth for dozens or hundreds of years! There is simply no such thing as a more cost-effective and profitable business!
"Well... can I take the liberty to ask, do you know what we did on the Huberian ship a month ago?"
Renault was a little curious, didn't the other party really know that he only fought Protoss on Haven a month ago and had friendship with those hero federations? Coupled with Dr. Han Sen's face, how could he not be able to do a surprise attack on Haven Star?
So, he was very puzzled, how could this trust daring to tell himself this kind of robbery? Why does he dare to come and find his own partnership? !
"You Huberian? A month ago?!"
Tosh didn't know why Renault brought up this matter at this time.
"A month ago...Oh! Are you talking about the mess that you robbed the military train on the planet Tarsonis of the Empire and were hunted down? Hey! Man! What's the value of the mess?"
"Please believe me, Brother Renault, as long as you join me in this vote, it will be enough for you to eat and drink for years!"
Tosh suddenly remembered a message that had recently circulated: Renault and the others raided the broken planet Santanis, and also snatched some of the excavations carried by Mengsk's military train. After that, it was said that they were also taken by the fleet of the Tyranian Empire Crazy hunting for a long time?
Now, the other party probably just got rid of the entanglement of the imperial army, right? This Renault is really true. The more he gets mixed up, the more he goes back, he has fallen to the point of grabbing some unearthed garbage...
"Very good! It seems that you also know..."
Hearing this reaction from the other party, Renault suddenly understood. This trust, it seems that he didn't know that he had been to Haven Star?
Think about it, too, except for the parties involved, not many people seem to know about the matter of fighting with the Protoss? At that time, the Protoss fleet blocked all of Haiwenxing's external communications!
As for the Agria who sold information to Tosh, if the didn't specifically talk about this matter, could Tosh really not know about it?
"Seriously, Toxu...I don't think it would be a good idea to attack the capital administrative star of a force! Even if it is just a new force..."
Knowing that the opponent was actually playing this idea, Renault finally understood what the big deal was.
He even wants to raid Haven and steal the energy inventory of the Hero Federation? This is really interesting...
Moreover, what is even more interesting is: the other party doesn't even know that he has friendship with the hero confederation on Haven Star? This is really interesting...
From this point of view, the Agria twentieth or five sons who sold information to Tosh did not say in the intelligence that he was in Haven at the time, and he was fighting side by side with the Federation of Heroes against the Protoss, right?
"Of course I know this is not a good idea! However, as far as I know, the opponent's space fleet is only five old heavy battlecruisers! Moreover, they have to scatter and patrol a star field in Nuo Da. , There must be a lot of loopholes! If my ghost subordinates cooperate with your Huberian, then we have a great chance of success!"
Soon, after seeing Renault's seemingly moving look, Tosh told his general plan.
He planned that, in three days, Renault’s Huberian, capable of turning in battle, would attract and entangle the five old battlecruisers. Then, his ghost force would take a transport ship and a A medium-sized fast cruiser directly forcibly assaulted Haven, and before the opponent's battleship returned to defense, grabbed enough energy crystals and gas storage, and then ran away!
Tosh believes that as long as Renault can help him entangle the five battleships for twenty minutes, or even ten minutes, then they can get a huge wealth that they can't imagine in their entire lives!
Therefore, it is precisely because of this that Toxu feels that this risk is proportional to the income of the business, it is very worthy of their vote!
"I'm very sorry! Dude... Our Huberian has more important things to go to Port of the Dead, so... I don't want to interfere with your big business..."
Renault pretended to think very seriously, and then turned down the other person with a pity on his face.
"Besides, you also know that we only made a vote on Tarsonis not long ago. Recently, we have been able to make a living. We are not short of money and do not want to conflict with other forces. So, we I want to avoid the wind temporarily..."
Renault knew that he was talking about it. He believed that this promise should wink and retreat.
"So...that's really a shame! It seems that I can only do this good business by myself! Originally, you could also make a fortune from it..."
Come in joy and return in defeat!
Originally asked Xu to believe that a safe win-win cooperation, but did not expect it to end like this? If you don’t feel lost in Toxu’s heart, it is absolutely impossible!
"I'm really sorry, we have more important things to go to Port of Dead now, so good luck to you?"
After speaking, Renault did not wait for the other party's reply, and directly turned off the other party's communication.
"Ha ha……"
This is really interesting...
With this trust, the intelligence work was not done well, so I hurriedly wanted to come to cooperate with me, and what big business do I want to do? ! He must be crazy, right? Still want to trouble that hero federation?
Didn't they know that even the Protoss, even the opponent's Golden Fleet squadron, in a strict sense, had been scared away by the Hero Federation?
As for the fact that the Hero Federation stocks a lot of energy crystals, he Renault knows better than anyone! Now in his warehouse on the Huberian, the high-energy crystals and gas that were enough for them to use for several years were traded with each other!
However, Renault has never thought about the idea of ​​going to beat the opponent's wrong idea!
Think of the opponent's weird and powerful melee marines, and then think of the incredible means of attacking the Protoss mothership, the strange bear that tears the Protoss archon, and the technology that also has individual teleportation?
So, in general, Renault, who knows the details of the other party, absolutely does not want to go to the Tosh in this muddy water...
Furthermore, think about that Dr. Han Sen, the beauty school tyrant who had a crush on him and confessed that he had failed, Renault felt that at the time, although he had clearly rejected her, he was not scumbag enough to turn his head. He turned his face and didn't recognize people, and made a robbery act like raiding Haven star and robbing people's planet, right?
Therefore, after walking a few steps in the corridor of the battleship, after thinking for a while, Renault simply took out his own communicator and used an encrypted channel to directly give it to Ariel Han who is far away in Haven Star. Sen, sent a message requesting a secret call.
"Hello? Doctor? Yes! It's me, Jim, no, no! Don't get me wrong, I actually have other more important things to look for you..."
"Yes! It's like this, here I have just received a very important piece of information: a group of innocent and conscientious interstellar bandits, they have calculated that they will raid your Haven star in the last three or two days! That's right! The enemy is a group of invisible ghosts!"
"That trust, you should have an impression, right? Yes, yes, yes! That's the bad guy who used to wander around in the Huberian all day long! So, you'd better try to inform the leaders of the Hero Federation, Let them be prepared in advance..."
"Hahaha...Dear Doctor, you still know me better!"
"Yes! This message, I’m now price one! I want three thousand standard units of high-energy crystal! You ask their group to prepare the goods first, next time, if I pass by Haiwenxing, I Just drop by and take it away! That's right, that's it!"
"Okay, okay... I get it"
"Next time, when I go to Haven Star, I will definitely remember to visit you specifically! Okay, that's it..."
"If it's okay, then I'll hang up first? Okay, okay...bye!" Renault thinks, he and the Tosh are definitely not the same!
So, Renault didn't have a burden at all to tell the news about selling his former teammates!
Tosh and Ariel Hansen, which one is closer to yourself, can you know this with your toes?
Look, how good is it now? You can easily earn 3,000 standard units of high-energy crystals without having to send a soldier or offending the heroic federation yourself. Where can he find such a good deal?
"Hehe... In this case, things will definitely be more interesting, right?"
After turning off the communicator, Renault's mood suddenly became more comfortable.
It seems that he can go to the bar to drink a few glasses of fine wine, and then take a comfortable nap? As for the trust...Anyway, he has long looked at the other party and is not pleasing to the eye. Now that he has the opportunity to stab him, why not do it?
It would be better if the other party directly planted somersault on Haiwen Xing and killed him!
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