Chapter 249: Assault on Haven Star (2)

Keha Star, the birthplace of the children of Keha, is also the administrative star of the capital of the Tyranian Empire founded by Emperor Akturos Mengsk.
Today, in a large conference room at the headquarters of UNN TV, the Emperor Mengsk of the Empire will hold a special reception for all reporters here, in a place he regards as a powerful tool for his rule. Mengsk himself will also conduct a live broadcast of the face-to-face format here and answer some questions from reporters.
The main content of this reception will be stated. Apart from praising the achievements since the empire came to power, the rest is mainly about the new one that emerged before, invading all TV channels without authorization and issuing a declaration of the founding of the nation. , The heroic federation that solicits immigrants and a series of related questions!
"Well, everyone, if you have any questions, you can ask questions now, I am very busy! So, you have a total of ten minutes. As long as I know, I will not hesitate to answer!"
Before the live camera of UNN TV station, Emperor Akturos Mengsk first gave a long personal speech eloquently, praising his own and the empire’s achievements, and once again emphasized what he had gained since his ascension. After countless accomplishments, the reporters who had long been impatient sitting in the conference hall tentatively stretched out their hands.
"Hello, Your Majesty Mengsk, this is UNN reporter Kate Rockwell. I would like to ask you about the fact that in that remote stellar region, it suddenly popped up and occupied Haven Star and announced its establishment as An independent heroic federation, what do you think of it?"
As soon as Mengsk's voice fell, this female reporter from UNN, who specializes in revealing the shady of the empire, couldn't wait to stand up and say her first question loudly.
This question is also the subject of today’s press conference. Therefore, after seeing her starting to ask questions, the other reporters did not have much dissatisfaction with her preemptive speech. This kind of news equipment was aimed at Mengsk, looking forward to his next answer.
"Haha...According to the analysis of our Tyronn Empire think tank: We all agree that the new heroic federation is actually just a small human force who does not know where the new immigrants came from! Presumably, you guys before. Also knows about UED, right?"
After asking a rhetorical question, Mengsk smiled and continued.
"We humans, the colonization and expansion of this vast universe, the pace has become faster and faster... Four years ago, the UED expeditionary force came to our Kepulu region, and also with our humans, The Protoss and the Insects fought a battle... Now, there is another group of new forces that have come here to colonize. Don't be too surprised by this!"
"The Hero Federation, they are nothing more than a group of colonists of more than one hundred thousand people. Compared with the tens of billions of people in our Tyronn Empire, it is simply not worth mentioning!"
"What's more ridiculous is that their head of state is a little girl who doesn't understand anything? Therefore, we don't really care too much about their so-called heroic federation, and our huge Tyronn Empire In comparison, they are just a group of country folks who have never seen the world!"
"Therefore, we will hold this press conference today to refute the rumors and condemn the other party's use of illegal means to forcibly occupy the channel of the TV station some time ago!"
"I believe that the citizens of the empire will treat this matter rationally, and don't be tempted by the other side's false remarks! The other side is just a small force of more than 100,000 people. The nonsense promises they made are completely It's a false phantom!"
Think about the performance of the little girl head of state when the other party gave a serious speech that was supposed to be. At the time, she almost amused Mengsk!
At first, he thought it was an entertainment program from a certain TV station.
In order to attract immigrants, also provide free housing, vehicles and jobs? Even Mengsk wouldn't dare to make such empty invoices casually!
Only not long ago did the empire’s intelligence personnel obtain specific information from Haven Star, knowing that the so-called heroic federation of the other party only possesses a basically unarmed colonial ship and five heavy old-style battle cruisers. That’s all, apart from the fact that they have a larger number of troops and their strength may be stronger, it’s not obvious that they are stronger than the proliferation of interstellar pirates or mercenary organizations!
Therefore, Mengsk really looked down on each other in his heart.
This kind of small force dared to make any declarations casually, unless the other party was not within the territory of its own empire, and was too close to the territories of the Protoss, and did not express any special thoughts against his Tyronn Empire. , He had already sent a fleet to clean up the opponent!
"But as far as I know, they are UED, the second group of criminals exiled by the former Earth Coalition Government UPL. It was a coincidence that they arrived in the Krupp region and came here more than two hundred years ago. The colonial ancestors can be said to have the same origin. I wonder what attitude do you have towards their arrival?
Originally, as usual, a reporter could only ask one question, and then he had to change the question.
However, Kate Rockwell, a female reporter who likes to provoke and tell the truth, did not care about the dissatisfaction and angry eyes of the people around him, and continued to stand and ask questions.
Different from the imperial military’s first investigation of the opponent’s military intelligence, UNN reporters also used their own methods and channels to obtain those Hero Federation updates from Haiwen Star. Detailed first-hand information.
You know, news is time-sensitive, so at this time, Kate took it out and used the opportunity of Emperor Mengsk to answer reporters' questions in this live broadcast, and published it directly!
In this case, presumably, that Downey wouldn't cut off or blocked her speech casually, right?
"The Krupp region is huge and there are many livable planets... So, for any new humans who come to colonize here, no matter where they come from, no matter who they once belonged to? We, the Mengsk Empire, welcome Attitude! We welcome them to join the family of our empire, and enjoy the protection of our empire’s powerful army!"
After a pause, Mengsk suddenly increased his tone and stretched out a finger.
"However, there is a prerequisite here: they must announce the abolition of independence, cancel the security forces beyond the necessary size, and agree to merge into the empire's territory and pay the annual tax for the empire's financial bureau! Only then, our empire's army, To protect citizens who abide by the laws of the Empire!"
To put it bluntly, that is, Mengsk can accept the opponent, but the opponent must disband the excess army or hand over the heavy military equipment!
Like the remote and barren Haven star, where even pirates don't bother to visit, a full five heavy battlecruisers are too much, even the old models! Mengsk will never allow any autonomous planet in its own country to have such a large fleet!
If the opponent really wants to join his Tyronn Empire and get the protection of the Imperial Army, then he must surrender the five battleships and reduce the size of the army, while accepting the supervision of the Imperial military!
Now that you join the empire and become an autonomous planet, you must look like an autonomous planet, and training a Marine Corps to maintain law and order is so-so. A large-scale army of standard format is absolutely not allowed! He Mengsk didn't want to have another force repeating his old path and then creating his own opposition!
"Your Majesty Emperor Mengsk, I'm sorry to interrupt you!"
When Mengsk was still thinking about it, and wanted to continue to say something, Kate interrupted the other party without giving face.
"Although you keep saying that the empire's army will protect the citizens of the empire, as far as I know: the refugees on Haven who have joined the heroic confederation and accepted the asylum of the other side, they were originally Agli who was destroyed by the swarm. Residents of subagricultural planets!"
"At that time, because the soldiers of the empire took the initiative to abandon them and took the lead to escape, those helpless Agria had to turn to the star thief Jim Reynolds for help. Then, with the help of Jim Reynolds, they were I was able to escape from the poisonous mouth of the insect swarm and leave the planet Aglia, and evacuated to settle on the more remote Haven star..."
"Your Majesty, may I have this matter? Are you aware of this? How do you feel about the actions of the imperial military at the time?!"
The female journalist Kate, regardless of the increasingly angry eyes of other reporters and Mengsk's increasingly impatient expression, still gushed out all the inside information she had gotten out and questioned.
At the press conference, there was a burst of noise soon.
Hearing this, the other reporters who were originally dissatisfied with Kate seemed like sharks that smelled a fishy smell. They turned on their various devices and once again aimed at Mengsk on the rostrum and the audience seats. There stood a female reporter asking questions.
Such a breaking news is much more interesting than what they originally intended to ask!
The planet Aglia was captured by the Swarm. People like them already knew about this matter, but they only knew the rhetoric that the military came up with. They always thought that the hapless planet was also the same as the other one that was captured by the worms!
And now, if this new news and Q&A between the two parties can be recorded and retrieved, it must be more capable of attracting the audience's attention than their original groaning questions?
In that case, it will be a big help to their major TV stations! Therefore, at this time, they both had their own dissatisfaction with Kate's breaking the rules, looking forward to the next answer between the two sides.
"No! That's a rumor! The soldiers of our empire will never abandon any legal citizen easily! Absolutely not!"
Hearing this, Mengsk's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost. Originally, he was only slightly dissatisfied, and immediately chilled.
While staring at the female reporter in irritation, he also secretly felt dissatisfied with the military who did not succeed or failed. Those who do some stupid things, are greedy for life and are afraid of death, and who make it difficult for them to step down now!
In Mengsk's view, those cowards, those who eat and earn money but don't work, even the handful of criminals running around by Jim Reynolds, they dare not fight, they just see bugs. Just run away?
Their forces on the planet Agria should have been stronger than that of Jim Leno? A little resistance, can't help those civilians escape? !
Look, the mess they have left now is that the emperor himself wants to wipe their ass?
This is really outrageous!
After he finishes his work and goes back, he must dismiss the military chief at the time for investigation and deal with it, and pull it out as the culprit!
"However, we now have tangible evidence to prove this, and there are related videos to prove it: At that time, the entire imperial army on the planet Aglia did abandon them in the first place, and there was even no notice to withdraw. The worms were sent to encircle their colony! In the end, the passing star thief Jim Reynolds rangers helped them, temporarily resisting the worms, and those Agria can retreat in time and avoid them. The swarms are poisonous!"
"Excuse me, do you know about this? How can you explain this?!"
After seeing Mengsk's face getting worse and worse, the female reporter Kate Rockwell became more and more excited, and her tone of voice became higher and higher.
After telling what she knew and sending out two questions, she even directly took out a device and played the scene of the imperial army first abandoning the people and fleeing alone.
Seeing that the other party was clearly prepared, and when there was evidence in the picture, Mengsk took a slow breath and stared at the female reporter for a long time. He explained:
"I'm here to emphasize one more point: the army of our empire will never abandon any imperial citizen easily!"
"This matter, after all, is a military secret, originally I didn't want to say more! But since this reporter Kate brought it up, I might as well explain the fight a little bit: the army of our empire retreated at that time because, Those people on the planet Aglia are all mobs!"
"They have an affair with Jim Reynolds, a thug, and they often provide weapons and other supplies to the other side. Therefore, our army has to retreat in order to avoid being trapped inside and outside and unnecessary losses!"
"And now, presumably you all know that, in addition to the star thief Jim Reynolds, their Agria also hooked up with the heroic federation of unknown origin! This is naked treason!"
"So, what our army did at that time was very correct! Here, I repeat one more point: Our empire's army will only protect those imperial citizens who are law-abiding!"
After speaking, Mengsk's expression improved slightly.
He now scored an eighth for his quick wit! Although the explanation seemed a little reluctant, but in this way, he finally succeeded in reversing the image of the imperial army among the people, and poured dirty water directly on the mobs. There is no better explanation than this!
Presumably, these reporters won't ask any more tricky questions, right?
"I'm sorry, but as far as I know: the army of the empire at that time abandoned the inhabitants of the planet Agriya first, and those Agriya people sent out a distress signal for help! At that time, many people accepted it. It came to the other party's signal! At that time, only the wanted criminal who happened to be passing by, Jim Reynolds, went to rescue them! I even have their communication records at that time!"
"This is inconsistent with what you just explained: the claim that those people had been in contact with Jim Reynolds earlier!"
"We seem to be more willing to believe: At that time, the army of our empire ran away shamefully! Then, the villains wanted by the empire and scolded by the people did what the military should do. I don’t know you. How do you explain this?!"
This news, these video surveillance and communication videos at the time, were all obtained by Kate through special channels. The other party also reluctantly gave this information free of charge because Kate was willing to tell the truth. To her.
So, at this moment, she was at this live broadcast booth and took out all of them directly!
After seeing Mengsk's face that had just improved on the rostrum deteriorated again, Kate knew that her goal today was probably achieved?
Today, she succeeded in exposing another shameful crime of the imperial military. Under the threat of the swarm, she took the lead to escape and abandon the people of an entire planet!
"Huh! Military secrets, no comment! Okay, that's all for today's press conference, goodbye everyone!"
Mengsk waved arbitrarily, turned to leave the podium and terminated the live press conference early.
When he saw that this female reporter named Kate came prepared, not only there were pictures and evidence, but also the video of the army running away and the time when the Aglia issued the distress signal and the record of the conversation with Jim Leno , Mengsk knew that today, it seems there is no way to round it again?
Therefore, he decided to end this live broadcast first! When they think of a better way and excuses, they can send a broadcast to clarify it!
Anyway, the UNN TV station covering the entire Kepru region is under the control of his Mengsk, and the dominant power of public opinion is also in his own hands. He is not too worried about what will happen!
At most, when the time comes, the garrison officer of the Agriya planet will be pulled out to shoot targets to vent their anger as a scapegoat for the people. Today, apart from getting a little bit of skin, he didn’t suffer much. I'm not happy at all.
If the female reporter just now wants to cause serious trouble to herself with these, then she is still too tender!
"Ha! I like that female reporter! What is her name? Kelly?"
Jim Reynolds, who was drinking in the Huberian pub, laughed out loud happily when he saw Mengsk hurriedly leave with a dark face on the TV.
"Sir, her name is Kate Rockwell! She is a reporter who dared to speak the truth and expose all the evils of the Empire."
Matt, who was standing by the side, smiled rarely after watching TV.
However, he was a little puzzled, why this female reporter who often confronted the officials of the Tyronn Empire was still alive until now? According to Mengsk's nature, wasn't it long overdue to send a ghost force to kill the opponent secretly, let him evaporate, or simply find a crime to imprison him permanently and put him in prison?
Why are you still letting him wander outside and often talk bad about the empire? Mengsk shouldn't be so generous, right? Could it be that what background does that female reporter have?
"Ha! No matter what her name is, in the future, if we have any hot news, might as well give her a copy?"
Renault suddenly thought of such a good idea.
"Sir, I don't recommend you to do that, it will only kill her!"
Matt thought for a while, and immediately rejected Jim's idea.
Although I don't know why Mengsk didn't let people act against the female reporter, but if he and others, who are wanted, really contact the female reporter secretly, then the other party may really be dead!
At that time, Mengsk can even blatantly send people to arrest the other party, and even Matt can figure out the reason right now: to contact the imperial wanted criminals privately, with the intent of rebellion!
Then, waiting for her fate, apart from being executed or permanently imprisoned, there will never be any better!
"Okay, okay, you are right!"
After thinking about it, and feeling that his idea was not so good, Renault sighed in frustration.
"By the way! Counting the time, at this time, the Tox should be almost ready to raid Haven, right? Do you think he will succeed?"
Apart from mentioning this matter with Matt, Jim didn't even talk about that old friend Teckis Finley!
After all, he can be regarded as an overcast promise once, so it is best to know as few people as possible!
In the unlikely event that the other party escaped his life from Havenstar and knew that he was telling the news, wouldn't he Renault be waiting for an opportunity to retaliate? !
"Counting the time, it should be almost the same? Or, let's send a message and ask about it?"
Thinking about what his chief had done before, Matt also secretly regretted that hapless trust.
He didn't find someone to cooperate well, and even hit the Huberian here! Wouldn't the other party inquire more? The Huberian just helped Havenstar, and his friendship with the Hero Federation is not too bad. Why didn’t he even do basic investigations, so he hurriedly ran here to find his officer to cooperate. Make a fortune?
This is great. His plan has just been revealed. When he turned his head, he was sold out by his own chief. He also used the other party’s intelligence to rob Havenstar in exchange for the promised three thousand standard units. High-energy crystals, this transaction, even Matt secretly applauded!
It would be even better if that fellow hero federation could be killed directly by Toxu!
"Ha! No need to do this! At most one or two days, Dr. Han Sen will send us a message! Now, the colonel of Olan is almost done deciphering, right? Go ahead and ask! Then urge it? "
After taking another sip of wine, Renault suddenly mentioned to Matt about deciphering the old Tyronn Federal Adjutant Robot.
Now their Huberian has stayed outside of the Dead Port for more than two days, but they can’t continue to waste time here, and dare not stay here for a long time! In that case, if you are not careful, you will be targeted by the empire's fleet, and then the trouble will be big!
"Okay, sir! I will go now."
Haven, the planet occupied by the Federation of Heroes, has not changed much except for the construction of a new city and the re-planning of the colony of the Agria.
Now this place is still in a busy construction period. Whether it is in space or on the surface of the planet, countless projects are under construction intensively. There is still a long time before the hero company completely controls this place.
At this moment, in the basically completed City of Hope, near two ground warehouses, a large group of staff and SCV engineers are secretly installing various concealed anti-stealths in the name of overhauling equipment. Instrument in order to counter the coming threat of interstellar pirates.
"Hey! Galen, you say, that guy interstellar pirate, why doesn't he come to rob us now? I'm so bored lately!"
At the Führer’s Mansion, under the roots of a native Broadleaf Tree of Haven Star, Little Annie was sitting on a swing tied to the trunk, and she glanced a bit boringly at Galen and others who were acting as the Führer’s guard.
They are now fiddling with some skewers on an electric stove, and the chef serves as a guest to prepare today's lunch.
"Uh... if it's boring? Maybe we can go out hunting and relax?"
When will interstellar pirates come to robbery, and where does Galen know?
Even this information was conveyed through that Ariel Hansen. It is said that the other party is still a group of invisible ghosts? Whether it is true or not is still to be discussed, and it will not be known until the other party actually comes to rob.
In recent days, the delicious or edible animals on the Haven star sphere are basically not bad for them. They have almost eaten it before and after. Therefore, during the recent period, Little Annie doesn’t think much about it. Going out, I don’t want to hunt in the name of collecting animal information.
The main reason is: those animals have been fed up by her...
"How about we go fishing after lunch?"
Galen, who is on duty today, serving as a guard and accompany, quickly gave another suggestion.
"No... the yacht has not been repaired... Aunt Doug also transferred all the transport ships away..."
The newly built yacht dedicated to the head of state, not long ago, when Little Annie and the others went to sea for fun, because she insisted on attacking a huge Haiwen star marine creature, she was almost sunk by the opponent's dying thump before her death. , Until now, they are still lying in the repair shop!
When I think of this, Annie feels upset!
She didn't even think that the big guy who was about the same as a whale was so strong that he still had bone spurs on his body? All of a sudden, her new yacht was pierced into a big hole, but the danger is that her yacht has its own flight function, and finally did not sink into the sea...
Now, if you drive a transport ship, it's not impossible.
It's just that... Adjutant Doug, who guards against Little Annie like a thief, has already dispatched all the transport ships out to transport supplies during this busy period, and not even a free one has fallen!
"Then let's change the gameplay? Use the Wraith Fighter to fight the dinosaur-like monster?"
In the sky of this star of Haven, there is often a dinosaur-like creature flying and hunting on a huge wing membrane. Their meat is very delicious. Galen, who has eaten it once, has long wanted to try to get another one or two. Let’s go!
However, the number of them does not seem to be very large. After some of them were killed before, the Federation issued a decree to list them as a rare species, and it is strictly forbidden to hunt them at will!
He might not dare to go poaching by himself, but if he fooled his little head of state, no one would dare to make irresponsible remarks, right?
The supreme officer ate a rare animal. Forgive them that the government officials didn't dare to come out and talk about it, right? At most, they will eat secretly when the time comes, so that those people will not find out!
"No! The dragon that was smashed by lasers or electromagnetic shells is not delicious at all! You guys can't fly!"
After a disdainful glance at Galen who was smiling flatly, Little Annie gave a cold snort and turned her face away.
This actually wants to trick himself into catching flying dragon!
She also knows that wild flying dragons are delicious, but the opponent can fly, so it's not easy to catch! If you use an anti-air weapon or a rifle to kill directly, the blood will coagulate in the muscles, which will seriously affect the taste!
Last time, she flew directly out of the armored transport ship, and caught one of them with magic to taste the deliciousness.
Although their meat is delicious, it is also very tiring to grab...
It was troublesome to think about it, so she didn't want to go!
Little Annie, who was dangling in a princess dress on a swing, suddenly sensed something, raised her head, blinked, and looked at the sky above her head.
There, she seemed to perceive a trace of malice that seemed to be innocent? The feeling is very weak, there is no threat... But, there should be some bad guys beating their own ideas?
"what happened?"
Seeing the reaction of his head of state, Galen also looked up at the sky.
Then, he felt very puzzled. There was only a blue sky above, and there were no clouds... Today’s weather is very good. It is a good weather suitable for barbecues and picnics in the courtyard, drinking and chatting and bragging. What's so great about that? surprised? !
" go to tell Auntie Ge and say: tonight, that bad guy is coming to rob us! Let her get ready!"
Finally, little Annie, who was panicking idly, discovered something from her perception, and jumped off the swing excitedly, and ordered to Galen who was inexplicably.
This is really great!
Just when she was Did a bunch of desperate bad guys come to play for her? So, tonight, she might have fun to watch?
"real or fake?"
After being stunned for a while, Galen quickly put down the skewers in his hand, and then kept his head up and looked up.
The sky is still that sky, Haiwenxing is similar to the earth, and it also has a blue sky; the clouds are also those clouds, he didn't see any difference? How can Little Annie dare to be sure that the bad guys will come tonight? Is a humanoid radar like a magician so powerful?
"Hello? Chief Doug? I'm Galen! It's like this..."
Although he was puzzled, Galen honestly took out his communication equipment and directly contacted Doug who was working in the command center of the military base outside the City of Hope.
"Yes, it should be the group of ghost pirates mentioned before, I am not sure... Anyway, it was Head Anne who asked me to inform you... That's right, it should be that way!"
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