Chapter 250: Assault on Haven Star (3)

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In a chaotic asteroid belt that is not too far from the outer periphery of the planetary system where Haven Star is located, a medium-sized fast cruiser is stubbornly jamming several of its external cables in a piece just large enough to cover it. On the large asteroid that lives on it.
Later, when it used several cutting-edge heavy-duty Titan engines at its rear to slowly push the asteroid away from the chaotic gravel belt that was easy to be hit, it turned its rocky side toward a little more orbital. The direction of Haven star to prevent it from being observed by interstellar detection radar and optical instruments. At the same time as the main engine is extinguished, the semi-invisible signal shielding camouflage function is turned on to slowly adjust the speed of this asteroid. It is mixed with countless asteroids, and it revolves around the star on two parallel orbits at the same speed as Haven.
If it is not specifically approached for investigation, no one will be able to find out. This large rock slightly far away from the asteroids and gravel belts, on the back of this very ordinary, inconspicuous rock floating in the universe, unexpectedly hides a A battleship, right?
"Report! Our trajectory has been set as planned, and now our ship is entering a silent state!"
"Head! I believe that in a short period of time, absolutely no one can spot us! Now on the other side's radar, we are one of countless asteroids, one of the very ordinary!"
On the bridge inside this medium-sized fast cruiser, when the one sitting in the captain’s seat was wearing a gray-brown ghost suit, his hair was tied into thick braids, and some religious ornaments hung on his neck, while still staying When the middle-aged man with a beard and beard waited impatiently, one of the navigators of the warship finally stood up and reported to their leader after having controlled everything.
Now that their medium-sized fast cruiser has been camouflaged, it is almost ready to launch the raid on Haven Star that they planned long ago.
"Oh well!"
"I'm getting a little impatient now! Little ones, how are we preparing for the special transport spacecraft? Are there any problems?!"
After hearing the navigator's report, the sturdy man with ghostly eyes shining with phantom light fiddled with the butterfly knife in his hand, letting it spin quickly between his fingers, while sneered from the seat. The chair stood up.
Then, he turned his head to his side, and asked a standing subordinate who also wore the same ghost suit armor.
This person, Gabriel Tosh, is a mysterious human called a "pseudo-Rastaman". He is used to a sniper electromagnetic rifle and a special butterfly knife. He has good endurance and a strong phantom energy level. He is a skilled military artist!
Moreover, he holds a high level of his own telepathy ability, and is there some magical witchcraft?
Of course, at the same time, he was also the one who was going to partner with Renault before, planning to cooperate and raid Haven Star!
It's a pity that what made him wonder is that Jim Reynolds, who talked about rebelling against Mengsk, but would only hide everywhere, would actually reject his deal this time?
This caused them to stop the warship here secretly, turning the originally planned forcible raid and robbery into a sneak attack special operation using a stealth transport ship!
"Head, we have installed the same built-in invisible force field as the Banshee fighter in ten armored transport spacecraft, and increased the power. It should be enough for us to fly to Havenstar quietly from here and be in the dark. Land on the planet under the circumstances!"
"However, when we return, it is very likely that we can only forcefully fold back...the temporarily modified concealed force field cannot theoretically be used for a long time!"
Hearing Tosh's question, the ghost hurriedly bowed before replying loudly.
Ten armored transport ships equipped with a hidden force field and a 30-person ghost force, as well as the coolie robots in the cabin full of cargo handling tasks, the mine donkeys are also ready, waiting for their boss to give orders let's go.
"Insufficient duration?"
Tosh frowned and thought for a while, then laughed quickly.
"It doesn't matter, as long as we can sneak into Havenstar, kill the guards guarding the warehouse and fill our transport ship, we can jump back in the first time!"
"I believe that with the old-style and heavy battleship of their Hero Federation, it will never catch up with our fast cruiser!"
If it weren’t for the lack of manpower, and he was worried that the target would be too big and easy to be exposed, he would even be able to get dozens of transport ships out, and all the crystal inventory of that ridiculous Hero Federation would be removed!
Thinking of this, Tosh became even more dissatisfied with Renault who was not pursuing and timid!
Maybe he has to find an opportunity to take down the opponent's head and send someone to exchange it with Mengsk for some change?
Gee! Thinking about it, it's really a bit messy?
After all, so far, Jim Reynolds' heads have become more and more valuable. It is worth a lot of bounty, and it is simply a small mobile vault!
"Hmph, now you listen to me, immediately arrange the manpower and calculate the time required for the voyage. I only have one requirement: when the other party’s city starts to enter the night, our stealth transport ship can just appear Over the other city...Go!"
After thinking for a while, Toxu temporarily suppressed other mixed thoughts in his heart, and coldly began to give orders to his subordinate.
And only in the dark, their temporary modification, the ghost agents that can be temporarily invisible, and the armored transport spacecraft that can be temporarily invisible, will have a greater advantage!
Maybe they can even slowly evacuate those ground energy warehouses without disturbing the enemy after they kill those useless warehouse guards?
"Yes, sir! I will prepare now!"

Tonight, the night in the hemisphere where the City of Hope of Haven Star is located is particularly bright.
Above the night sky of Haiwen Star, under the shining of the two large and one small moons, the night looks like daylight. They are like two jaspers with soft white light hanging in the sky, so that the heroic federation capital Those wirelessly powered street lights in the street seem a bit redundant?
This is the advantage of the dual-satellite planet: on a clear night, you absolutely don't need any lighting tools to go out! Of course, the shortcomings are not without.
Under the dual-satellite system, the tidal motion of the planet's ocean will be more complicated, so that the average height of the waves of the Haiwen planet is much higher than that of the earth's sea!
Fortunately, in this interstellar era, in this era when anti-gravity engines and particle engines have become popular, there is not much need for backward ocean transportation...
At this time, on the straight and spacious floating roads in the City of Hope, because this new city has just been established, the citizens of the Federation have not completely moved out of the inner colonial city of Hope, plus the various cities in the city. This kind of entertainment facilities and commercial facilities have not been fully established, making the road conditions a bit deserted at night.
If someone were to go out at this time, they would find that on these spacious roads, they often did not see a vehicle that relied on suspension or wheels to walk for a long time, but occasionally some of the convertible chariots of the landing team roared and patrolled. However, for this quiet new city night, a little bit of popularity has been added.
"Head! Their third patrol team has just passed by. Based on their patrol route and patrol speed, it will be about 30 minutes before they return here next time."
At this time, after a team of levitating chariots from the Federation of Heroes roared and galloped past, adding a bit of hustle and bustle to this quiet and spacious street, right above the road, in the empty sky that seemed to have nothing, suddenly There were bursts of light distortion, it seemed that there was something invisible, and it was slowly sliding down silently from above the sky.
It turned out that these were the ten armored transport spaceships of Tosh that had passed through the hidden force field and flew from the asteroid belt to Haven, and hovered quietly into the midair of this street in the City of Hope.
In order for this operation to go smoothly, the ghost boss promised a lot of effort!
He not only obtained expensive, modified large-scale hidden force field devices and forcibly modified ten armored transport spacecraft, but also in order to avoid being detected by the various radars of the Hero Federation, he directly used the Babadi asteroid belt. The spacecraft's own power just took more than three hours to fly here slowly, instead of directly using the method of leaping.
"So, we will now proceed according to the original plan: For units 1 to 5, you go to the temporary storage warehouse in the upper left corner of the city; for units 6 to 10, follow me to the headquarters warehouse in the middle of the city!"
Just now, Toxh also saw the patrol security personnel equipped by the landing team members who were passing by at high speed under his own spacecraft, but he did not take it too seriously.
If it weren't for worrying about fighting the grass and frightening the snake, the large number of soldiers, their ghosts, would be able to kill all the opponents without knowing it, without leaving one!
"You can listen carefully to me: we only have less than 30 minutes! So, after you kill the guards in the warehouse, you should hurry up and act quickly. What's inside is what you can move!"
This time, their ten armored transport ships, in addition to carrying two teams of 30 ghost agents in total, are all intelligent robots used to carry materials in the cabin. Those mine mules— These inferior things that direct the handling of materials are the disposable items he brought this time, and he has no plans to bring them back!
Their plan is very good: the spacecraft arrives near the warehouse, waits until the ghost force jumps down at a low altitude, and kills all the guards, and then directly tries to open the warehouse door and use those The smart robot mining mule vigorously transports each other's inventory of energy.
"I warn one last time: This action must be foolproof! If anyone messes up and alarms the enemy, I think you should also understand my methods?!"
Seeing on the radar that the other five invisible transport spaceships had flown in the direction he arranged, Tosh was in the channel, reminding the other party and threatening with an overcast tone.
In this secret operation, they can only succeed but not fail!
Otherwise, the money for buying and modifying these armored transport spacecraft alone would be enough to make him painful for a while!
He promised that this person has only two or three hobbies in his life: one of them is that he hopes that one day he can kill Mengsk with his own hands, use the butterfly knife on his waist, severely cut the bastard’s neck and cut the opponent’s head. Cut it off and use it as your own witchcraft props! And the other one is money! He likes money, a lot of money, more money!
Apart from that, there is nothing else except something that he does not want to be mentioned and cannot be achieved in his heart...
"Understand! Head! Guarantee to complete the task!"
After hearing the threat from the ghost leader Toxh, the leader of the other team, while feeling awe-inspiring in his heart, also hurriedly promised loudly in the communication channel.
"Huh! I hope..."
After all the things that should be said and those that should not be said have been said, Toxu no longer bothers.
The place where their team is going now is in the core area of ​​the Hero Federation. In addition to the many troops on the periphery, there is also a small military base not far from the warehouse. Therefore, he must be vigilant and concentrated now. Spirit, ready to go all out!
Can you achieve perfect success in this action?
Otherwise, once the troops are alarmed, it will be really bad luck...

"Crack? Dreyus is big! You should have seen it too? Five transport ships are passing by your side, but don't let them run away! Otherwise, you will be fined one. The little black house of the week!"
At this time, near a headquarters warehouse in the middle of the city, the head of the Heroic Federation's Anne and Adjutant Doug and some other high-level military leaders of the Heroic Federation are gathering in a large machine gun bunker that is used as a temporary headquarters. Using a temporary military holographic radar to observe the signal and position of the enemy spacecraft.
At this moment, Xiao Annie seemed a little bit excited. She even supported the edge of the military holographic radar imaging instrument with both hands, and directly stared at the flashing red dots marking the enemy's location.
She waited for this day. She had been waiting for a long time. At noon, she almost thought that these bad guys were not coming to rob her federal capital!
If that's the case, it would be a pity.
Perhaps, what the ghost boss Tox would never think of is: they planned for a long time, and determined to win the action, in the eyes of a little girl, is actually just a fun game worth looking forward to?
The ten armored transport spaceships that he spent money and effort, finally tossed out with stealth for a certain period of time, unexpectedly, under the advance notification of an unscrupulous sergeant, made them what they thought was a secret operation. , At this moment, they were all exposed to the military radar of the Hero Federation, which they hadn't seen very much?
If he can run out alive in the future, he will definitely use his witchcraft to pierce the villain every day, right?
"With just such a few transport ships, how many people can they hold? Why do they come to make trouble in my site? Humph! You must look good!"
After staring at the holographic map for a while, Little Annie frowned her lovely brows in disdain.
The size of the enemy was a little different from what she had imagined, which caused her to fly for a long time before setting up preparations, and almost all of them fell through!
The Adjutant Doug Führer on the side was also a little puzzled. She originally thought that the other party might use a warship to rush directly to the sky over the city, and then robbed it and ran?
But now, their group of high-ranking officials staying in the temporary headquarters found that the enemy came to the Federal Capital City, but there were only ten stealth transport ships in total?
Moreover, they dare to divide into two teams?
One of the teams is heading to the temporary storage warehouse in the upper left corner of the city, and the other half is sneaking towards them?
The hearts of these pirates are too big! Want to wipe out both warehouses?
If they know that there are still a lot of energy crystals and gas in the space station being built above the planet, do they also want to grab it?
"The Noxus team received it! We have seen them now! There are only fifteen ghosts in total. They are hiding and entering our ambush!"
"Lord Führer, please take a good look, I Dreyus here assures you: none of them can escape!"
Dreyus, who was eager to fight, had bloodthirsty and cruel red light in his eyes.
Then, he checked again in the small holographic map in the helmet panel of his armor suit, and confirmed that the enemy could be effectively detected by the covert anti-stealth device they installed in advance and covered the entire warehouse area, and then covered his armor. The face mask of the power combat uniform grabbed the giant axe behind him and waved towards the nine members of the Noxus team who were also dressed up behind him.
After the actual battle with the Protoss fanatics a month ago, these people have made great progress in this month!
Over the past month, they have been hunting with their little heads of state all day long, and they have long been dissatisfied with fighting those boring wild animals! And now, these fifteen enemies that are sneaking around, are they practicing their hands and seeing blood?
According to their head Anne, most of them have now reached the basic level of high-ranking fighters. If they want to go further in the future, they can only rely on constant fighting and life and death on the real battlefield. Fight to improve!
And if you only want to rely on holographic game maps to train safely, I am afraid that the strength of the body will hardly break through the bottleneck of high-level. It is even more wishful thinking to achieve higher levels of heroes!
Because their Noxus squad is taking the road of fighting on the battlefield!
This is different from Galen and the others. According to the little head of state Anne secretly told himself: their Demacia team is taking the road of paying more attention to faith, and physical training is second, as long as they are constantly being taken by the power of justice. Huyou, when he is thoroughly brainwashed and crippled, can he advance? !
"You five! Go around the back door of the warehouse and take down the five transport ships parked outside! Others, prepare, wait for them to crack the warehouse code and open the door, then we will directly charge out. Within seconds, kill all of them, not one left!"
After giving orders to the other five men, Dreyus, the female man of No. 018, and the other three team members, stood behind the warehouse door, waiting for the other side to open the door, carrying an axe in a grinning manner. A moment.
"Captain? Don't we need to catch the job?"
After seeing the other five people walking towards the back of the warehouse, the female man 018 turned around a little puzzled and asked.
Although she herself wanted to see blood, she was also a little worried, if she killed them all, would she be punished by the little head of state? She didn't want to be caught and locked up in a black room for another week!
"Catch the live? Has the head of state ordered us to catch the live? She was just saying: Don't let the enemy run away!"
In response to 018's inquiry, Dreyus replied with a smile without any hesitation.
The powerful ghost weapon in the opponent's hand can pose a certain threat to people like yourself! They don't have the courage shield of Galen and the others to resist damage. They can only rely on armor and anger energy to resist hard. If they accidentally hit the head, it is still very dangerous.
So, the best thing is to charge directly before the enemy is not prepared, and kill all the enemies!
"Okay! Captain, I think I already understand!"
After a daze, 018 also smiled cruelly at the same time.
Then, she tightened her battle axe in her hands, stretched out her scarlet tongue with excitement, and licked her lips behind the face mask of her armor suit. There was a more brutal and bloodthirsty light floating in her eyes than Dreyus. .
It looks like a she wolf ready to hunt and devour the flesh and blood of the enemy?
Actually, she also felt that Captain Dreyus was right. The head of state only said that the enemy could not be allowed to escape, but didn't he say that they could not be killed all?
So, if their Noxus squad directly killed those invisible ghosts outside, it would not be considered a violation of the order, right?
After all, none of the enemies ran away! At most, it can only be regarded as a lack of thorough understanding of commands? Then we can only blame their little head of state, their team is only responsible for executing orders!
"Sir! We have successfully cracked the warehouse door!"
Finally, outside the metal gate of this temporary storage warehouse, a hidden ghost agent used the deciphering device he carried on an electronic anti-theft device by the gate for a long time before he managed to crack the other party’s authority key. , Obtained the authorization to temporarily open this door.
"start to act!"
After hearing that the door could be opened, the little boss asked the other guarding ghosts to get out of the door together.
"Open it right away, then go in and check it! If there are no abnormalities, immediately notify the transport plane to fly over!"
I was wondering why the little ghost boss could not see any guards outside the warehouse. At this moment, he could only temporarily suppress all the uneasiness in his heart. After greeted his fourteen men, he Hidden, in a fan-shaped position, surrounded and used the c-10 shotguns in their respective hands, pointed at the warehouse door, ready to enter the moment it opened, go directly in for investigation.
He is not ready to think about other things anymore. It is the best if he can avoid fighting with the enemy! Hopefully, the enemy is really negligent, right?
Concentrated, he felt that he should quickly complete the task assigned by Chief Tox, remove as many energy crystals and gas as possible from the warehouse, and then quickly take off and leave the Haiwen star before the enemy finds it. Have a good life in a chic and wealthy way!
"Ding! Authorized to pass!"
After a slight electronic sound passed, these ghosts were busy for a long time, and the metal warehouse gate scanned by the heavy square finally rose slowly...
As the metal gate slowly rises, before the lights in the dark warehouse are turned on, the fifteen ghost agents have just discovered from their special eyepieces that there are five enemies inside, and they haven’t had time to decide what they are. Quietly went up and wiped the opponent's neck or risked alarming the enemy before shooting and exploding the opponent's head, the other party unexpectedly yelled at the same time, the body was full of terrifying energy response and scarlet light. , Just like that, with the momentum of the thunderbolt, in less than 0.1 second, before they did not react, they raised the huge and terrifying battle axe high and charged directly at an incredible speed... …
Due to the relatively long distance, the ghost leader Tosh, who was still flying slowly in the air of the city at this time, found from the radar interface of his transport spacecraft that their five spacecraft heading to the warehouse in the upper left corner of the city were actually entering After an area, there is no signal at all?
Tox was silent for a while. Because of his sensitive perception, he didn't hear any gunshots from there. He thought it was some kind of security facility or signal shielding method from the other party, so he didn't care too much.
He wanted to come to an important place like a warehouse, with some basic anti-scanning and signal shielding devices. That was normal. In this case, shouldn't he care too much?
Heh... I hope everything goes well...
"Little ones, pay attention!"
"There should be some kind of anti-scanning and signal-shielding protection device around the other party's warehouse! After a while, everyone will directly switch to the Nether Energy communication channel!"
After a sneer, Tox ordered the ghost agents under his opponent.
If the other party thinks that with some signal-shielding devices, they can hardly survive these elite ghost agents, then the other party is very wrong!
In short-distance communication, they have a more efficient and concealed means, that is their talent: Nether Energy! This kind of skill cannot be learned by others!

In the central main warehouse, Little Annie is standing behind the big iron gate of the warehouse with Galen's Demacia team, waiting for the pirates to open this heavy gate.
"Master Führer, what exactly was the method you just used? How can you make all those troops invisible?"
Galen, who has initially mastered the energy of the Holy Light, is very interested in any new things that the little head of Anne can use! In his opinion, if there is more art, you can learn more and count as one!
"That's invisible magic, it's similar to your invisible force field... But, it might be more hidden?"
Little Annie said indifferently while sensing the enemies who were coming here.
Her range of hidden magic can not only be optically invisible, but also conceal all breaths, sounds, and confuse human perception, ensuring that all instruments, including ghost equipment, are not detectable, comparable to those ghost fighters. 'S hidden force field is much stronger!
If you have to compare it, then it is probably equivalent to the group invisibility enchantment + Muggle expulsion?
"So amazing? Or, you teach me too?"
Galen suddenly felt that as a high-ranking knight, if he were to be invisible, how awesome would he be? Carrying the big sword and ran behind the enemy, it was a brain slash, who would not die? !
The invisible paladin can carry and fight with milk, and can sneak in stealth. Just ask if you are afraid? !
"You? You can't, you absolutely can't learn..."
Hearing that the other party wanted to learn, Xiao Annie turned around and glanced at the big guy in Galen, and then refused unceremoniously.
"Why can't I learn?"
Galen was in a hurry. He hadn't tried, so how could he dare to say this?
"I think my IQ is quite high. You may not know: I ranked in the top 100 in the last written examination of officers! Now even the knight rank has broken through to the high level you mentioned. You can't even learn a stealth technique, right?"
Galen is quite confident in himself, anyway, his IQ must be a little bit higher than Dreyus! He and that one can only charge, cut, kill squarely and behead, behead, and behead again! Going back and forth is so different from the foolish big one with two or three moves!
He, Galen, is actually playing technology!
"It's useless... You knights don't add intelligence... The attribute points are definitely not enough..."
Glancing at the other person again, Annie curled her lips in disgust.
It's really not that Little Annie herself didn't want to teach them, but that they didn't have any magic power in them, so how could they learn magic?
It is better to study and study the Holy Light well, pray a lot, and recite the lofty dogma if nothing happens! Just this kind of thing called holy light is enough for people like them to play for a lifetime!
Think about it: humanoid battery, golden light knight, invincible brain damage, from time to time you can summon a great sword that falls from the sky, or after reaching a certain level, the fresh flesh of all the dead soldiers is once again full of blood and blue. Resurrection, one by one got up from the ground and cut down those stunned star spirits or bugs. How tall is this, how mighty and domineering is this?
If you use it well, you can harvest a large group of believers and fans casually, and it can also make mortals who don't know why they pay their heads and worship, it's just like a god!
Anyway, Annie feels that people like Galen, as long as they practice hard, practice hard, and carefully consider the various applications of the Holy Light, the skills to fight to save people, and they are golden and beautiful, this is very good!
As for the others, don’t think too much!
(Yes! The little ones also think, how can these stupid paladins learn magic? They have been crippled by the Holy Light a long time ago, and they can't turn a corner!
Tibbers also agrees with the idea of ​​his little master, and he also believes that these Paladins are really no longer suitable for transfer!
Under the powerful flickering and strengthening abilities of the Holy Light, their physique, strength, agility, etc. are increasing day by day, and the Holy Light in the body is gradually surging... However, the only item of intelligence is always in place. Stepping? Even, some of the people who have been fooled are still going backwards slightly?
Besides, if you want to learn magic, you must first question the world and all talents! Including the way of light they believe in! And once they do this then wait for the holy light in their bodies to collapse on their own!
The holy light thing is very snob! Once you don’t believe in or question them, don’t think about them and respond to you!
In comparison, Tibbers felt that their shadow energy was much better! Those who learn the shadows will not only not decline in intelligence, but will increase! Moreover, when necessary, can you switch with the Holy Light?
In the world of Azeroth they have been to, the priest who does not know the shadow, he is not a good bishop!
Only those paladins who have been crippled and crippled remain loyal to the Holy Light, and those priests, which one does not have the power of shadow?
Do you think they hide so deep that Tibbers can't see it himself? You know, it is a shadow bear itself, how can it be hidden from the traces of shadow power?
Anyway, the shadow energy thing, at most, just sometimes makes people a little weird and cold-blooded? Hmm... Maybe, sometimes a little bit evil? However, these are just side-effects, don't care too much, just endure it and pass! )
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