Chapter 251: Assault on Haven Star (4)

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"Head! Now it is still impossible to contact the squad heading to the northeast corner of the city. The identification signals of the first to fifth units have all disappeared. There is no response to multiple calls. Should we just cancel the action?"
In the high altitude in the middle of the City of Hope, five stealth armored transport ships are hovering above a large warehouse with their anti-gravity engines.
At this time, a crew member of the spacecraft operated on his console for a while, and found that all the calls had not received any response, and then a little nervously reported to their leader Entrust and asked.
Now, even his little soldier feels that this situation is very unusual!
He felt that this situation was too strange. The best thing to do now is to leave here quickly, then jump back directly to the cruiser in the asteroid belt, and escape the star field of Haiwen Star at the fastest speed. range?
"Until now, I still haven't heard any gunshots..."
Toxu, who narrowed his eyes slightly, with a faint light flashing in his eyes, quickly made up his mind.
No one can stop making any noise, and then instantly subdue the other group of ghosts he sent out! Although the hidden ghost troops are not invincible, at least, they are by no means able to solve them all quietly!
"So, we will continue to act!"
After being silent for a while, Tosh carefully perceives the quiet city below, and without discovering any abnormalities, he thinks about it. He still can't stand the mountains of high-energy crystals in the huge warehouse below. And the temptation of high-energy gas.
"All ghosts switch the communication channel to the nether energy mode, now lower the altitude, and start preparing to jump!"
Although he was a little uneasy in his heart, out of absolute trust in the ghost power of another team that had already begun to act, he could not restrain his desire and decided to proceed according to the original plan.
After all, they are ghost troops with special abilities. Each member, strengthened by special drugs, is at least at the level of the sixth level of ghost energy. Even if they are in ambush, they can never be shot without firing a shot. If the enemy is killed or subdued, this is absolutely impossible!
What's more, he promised to need money, more money!
To get rid of Mengsk, this may just need a bullet or a throat cut? However, if it is to destroy the hypocritical Tyronn empire of the other party, it is definitely not something that can be done overnight!
This requires a lot of manpower, a strong army and slowly hoarding enough deep space fleets!
And all this requires money! More money, countless money, is the guarantee that he can successfully complete this ultimate goal!
Therefore, he is now more willing to believe that this is actually the signal interruption caused by the other party’s warehouse security measures. After all, the other party here stores a large amount of precious minerals. The security is slightly stronger, and all signals are also blocked. Excuseably, he shouldn't have too many doubts about this.
"Yes! Sir, we are descending now, please pay attention!"
Now that Tosh has ordered, the crew of the transport spacecraft did not dare to speak any more, and directly lowered the height of the spacecraft slowly, and then opened the door at the rear of the spacecraft at the same time, making it look empty from the outside world. In the sky, an interior scene of the cabin suddenly appeared in vain.
Then, in the cabin of the spacecraft, the ghosts quickly turned on the invisibility function of their ghost suits, and followed their leader Tox, and jumped directly from the air that was tens of meters high.
They landed gently on the ground, with only an indelible sound when they landed slightly.
"Everyone, follow up! Watch out for your surroundings!"
As soon as he landed, Tosh quickly leaned over to a bush in front of him.
"Report what you saw!"
After looking around attentively for a while, he did not find any abnormalities, and quickly issued an order in the ghost energy communication channel dedicated to the ghost force.
Now, in his vision, everything around is still normal!
Whether it was his keen phantom perception or the vision glasses equipped by the ghost, he did not find any living figures nearby. Except for the automatic guard guns scattered around, this hero federation did not have Send anyone to station here in the warehouse?
Are they so confident? Or are they the newcomers who have no sense of defense at all, and do not know the chaotic situation here in the Krupp region?
"Head! Everything on the left is normal, nothing is found!"
"The inspection on the right side is completed, but there is no discovery!"
"Report! Everything is normal behind!"
"Sir! I have cracked the security gun and monitoring equipment, and we now have 18 minutes of work time!"
After only a short while, the ghosts who were well trained and scattered their guards quickly checked the surrounding conditions. Even the ghosts who dispersed to crack the guard cannons and scan the surveillance equipment successfully completed it. Their mission.
What surprised them all was: there really are no extra living guards here?
"Very good! The cracking expert hurry up, go up to me and crack the door switch! The others will continue to be on guard!"
Although the uneasiness in his heart is gradually increasing, since they have not found any ambushing enemies from the surrounding so far, Toxu can only bite the bullet and continue.
I hope this is all his illusion...

At the same time, in the large bunker not far from the central warehouse, in the facility that served as the temporary headquarters, the Führer’s adjutant, Doug, was frowning and watching the group sneaking through the warehouse door and being inside the warehouse door. The Führer and the ten Marines of the Galena de Marcia team waiting for the opponent to open the door.
Somehow, in Doug's heart, there was still a faint dissatisfaction! She still felt that the Führer and Galen had done so, it was a bit too foolish!
With such a good situation of catching turtles in the urn, there is absolutely no need for them to risk themselves!
If it is her Doug who is in charge of full command, where does this trouble need to be?
According to her thoughts, once the enemy enters the encirclement, she immediately reveals the surrounding troops, and then directly threatens the enemy to surrender. If she dares to refuse, she will directly shoot to death or fire directly into the dregs. Give them no chance!
Where do you need to face the ghost pirates? In the unlikely event that the opponent's dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, regardless of a burst of random gunfire, there will be any casualties, it is always unnecessary!
Although the head of state is very capable, although the courage shield of the Galen team can also protect against most of the damage, what if something unexpected happens? What should I do then?
"Are the Wraith Fighter units ready?"
After thinking about it, Doug, who was a little uneasy, directly asked a liaison officer beside him.
No matter what, coming here today, she is not going to let go of the interstellar pirates who are planning to fight their Hero Federation!
"Sir! Forty Wraith fighters have become invisible and ambush at the periphery, ready to attack and shoot down enemy transport ships!"
The liaison officer determined the location of the fighter plane and the enemy transport ship, calculated that the opponent was within the attack range of the fighter plane, and reported it as soon as possible.
"Very well, you continue to watch those five spaceships!"
Now on the northeast corner of the warehouse, Delius and the others have easily solved all the enemies, and even the five transport spacecraft parked in the hidden corners were smoothly controlled by them. Therefore, she has no reason to let go of the five remaining ships now!
It’s just that now the opponent is still hovering high in the air and did not dare to land, so she can’t send someone to touch it and capture it directly. Therefore, once she finds that the opponent has the idea to escape, she can only directly order the resentful fighters. Shoot down those transport ships with missiles!
She wants to let everyone who wants to beat their heroic minds know that whether it is a pirate or something else, here, their Haiwen star, not just anyone can come round and squeeze the flat soft persimmon!
"Yes! Sir!"

"Head! The gate permissions have been cracked by me!"
While Doug ordered the fighter formation to prepare and watch the other five transport ships, in front of the gate in front of the main warehouse, those fifteen ghost agents led by Tosh hidden and hidden outside the gate. , And finally waited for the reply from the cracking expert.
"Very good! Open the warehouse door now!"
It's useless to think too much, and I urged him, who was already impatient.
At the same time, he also contacted the transport ship in the sky and asked them to land as soon as possible, and leave the place earlier if they finished moving earlier.
Until now, everything has gone too smoothly, which makes Tosh feel a bit weird instinctively. Maybe, this can be attributed to their actions too hidden? Now, it can only be such an explanation.
In the past, when their ghost agents went to steal money, assassinate, or perform other missions, they were rarely found by the enemy or had a large-scale exchange of fire. Thinking about it this way, this time is so smooth, right?
"Ready to act!"
Although the uneasiness in his heart still exists, he no longer doesn't want to, and there is no time to think about other things.
As the metal gate was slowly retracted to both sides, Tox raised the muzzle while secretly alerting to the situation in this huge warehouse.
Since there is no guard outside, there must be something inside, right?
In this case, they must continue to be invisible and sneak in quietly. When the guards found that the door of the warehouse opened by themselves, but was puzzled because there was no enemy outside, they walked behind the other party and then sternly. He wiped the opponent's neck!
This kind of thing, he entrusted and his subordinates, have done very skillfully.
"Huh! Sure enough, there are guards inside!"
This guy's hero federation really played a trick of loosening outside and tight inside!
"Everyone, hold on, keep quiet, don't move, they should still not see us now..."
When he saw the Marine Corps members standing in a row of golden paint in the warehouse, Tosh suppressed his restless heart and raised the muzzle of his C10 electromagnetic shotgun to aim at those Marine Corps members. At the same time, he didn't forget to use the Nether Energy communication device to order his surrounding subordinates in a low voice.
In fact, what Tox said just now is not wrong. The ten Marines in the warehouse, apart from finding fifteen hidden ghosts standing outside the front door on the radar of their helmet interface, they only rely on With their naked eyes, they really couldn't see each other.
"The old rule: one target per person...slowly touch it with me, don't make any noise, fight for one strike!"
After thinking about it, Tox felt that the enemies in front of him seemed to be within the range of his pre-estimation, and he whispered in their phantom energy communication equipment.
As long as they touched it quietly and killed the ten Marines guarding the warehouse, then their action tonight would be almost perfect!
"Be lighter... Try to keep your steps light... Don't worry, they can't see us..."
Leading his subordinates, Tox with a little nervousness and excitement, while aiming his gun at the enemy in front of him, while gently moving forward step by step, he quickly moved forward several meters. Distance, entered the warehouse gate.
They were getting closer and closer to the Marines who were holding their rifles and looking suspiciously outside the gate...
They came here today, a group of elite ghost agents, many people. He has even had at least three or more mission experiences. Therefore, in this stealth situation, approaching the opponent to make a killing blow will never make a sound. For this, Toxu is very confident. !
"Hi! How are you guys, invisible bad uncles?"
When the ghosts of Toxu and the others gradually walked into the warehouse and slowly approached the ten Marines inside, the distance between the two sides was less than 20 meters, an accident occurred.
A little girl wearing a light nightdress and holding a teddy bear doll in her arms suddenly got out from behind the Marines, waved at them, and acted as a Big grimace? !
Damn it! What is going on here? !
Tosh knew that at this moment, although I don't know why the little girl who suddenly appeared could see her and others, no matter what, they have been exposed. There is no doubt about this!
Within the narrow range of the warehouse gate, they were exposed to the muzzle of Marines armed with high-rate electromagnetic rifles, and the distance between the two sides was less than 20 meters! ?
There is nothing worse than this...
Huh! ! !
So, subconsciously, after seeing the little girl saying hello to herself and making a grimace, Tosh raised the muzzle directly, and immediately opened the eyebrows of the head of the 01 Marine Corps member opposite. gun.
Then, without looking at the result, he went back for the first time, and rolled and leaped in the direction of the gate. While landing, he tried to reduce the area of ​​his body facing the members of the landing team, trying his best to avoid being picked up. There is a possibility of a rifle shooting attack.
Huh! Huh! Huh!
With the firing of their leader, other well-trained ghosts, within the first time, before the reaction time of the team members pulling the trigger, they moved towards the helmets of the remaining nine Marines with precision. They fired out the c10 shot rifle bullets in their hands. A special bullet with strong kinetic energy and penetrating ability immediately shot towards the heads of the marines on the opposite side.
The fourteen ghosts of theirs did not quickly evade after firing like their captain, but just squatted slightly in place, ready to enjoy the beauty when the opposing face mask was shattered and blood brains burst out .
This has been proven through countless actual battles: in such a close situation, the masks of the armored power combat uniforms of the Marines, the thin special glass and simple visors, are absolutely impossible to withstand the ghosts. Transfer equipment-these c10 shotguns are shot at close range!
It is inevitable to be shot through the head, the glass is broken, and the hood is pierced!
However, in the next moment, what surprised all their ghosts was: Those Marines didn't fall down unexpectedly? But after a layer of golden shield flashed across the body, those bullets were just bounced away? Still at such a close distance?
That golden... is a shield? It really looks like a shield?
When did humans have mastered the core technology of the Protoss, the kind of shield that can be used on individual soldiers? !
Even these cannon fodder Marines can be equipped in batches?
This is the last thought of this group of ghosts, because, in the next moment, the Marines who were attacked, although they still can't see the enemy not far in front of them with naked eyes, they are still in the first place. Inside, raised their respective muzzles and moved towards the approximate position of the enemy displayed in the individual radar interface on the panel, and began to fire frantically.
Da da da! ! !
Numerous scorching nail bullets began to spew frantically from the muzzle of the Marine Corps C15 electromagnetic rifles, instantly covering the narrow passage of the entire warehouse gate.
"Damn it! Everyone is shooting! Don't stop, hit his mother!"
When Galen saw that he was being attacked by the starter, he was immediately angry!
Just now, it was obviously the little head of state Anne greeted them and made faces at them, so why are they going to shoot themselves in the head? Does he have a mocking face?
If he didn't have the courage to shield him, he could resist bullet shooting to a certain extent, wouldn't he just get a headshot inexplicably like this today?
So ah, this is absolutely unbearable!
Soon, under the metal frenzy formed by the spiked bullets, countless blood spattered out of thin air, and after the invisibility devices of those ghost suits were pierced and destroyed by bullets, a total of fourteen pirates wearing ghost equipment, He fell in a pool of blood, and fell into the safe passage of this narrow warehouse gate without any shelter...
Being fired at close range by such a group of Marines wearing golden shields, those ghosts and ghost agents with the same weak and tight armor are obviously unable to withstand this crazy shooting!
Compared with the thick and heavy armor of the Marines, the equipment on their bodies is more focused on agility and stealth functions, instead of just playing with each other's bullets and lining up to shoot them!
They are a group of elite ghost agents! But now, just like that, died here, under the hands of ten major Marines...
"No! The number is wrong! Where is the other one? No, he wants to escape? Hurry up! Who will stop him?"
When Galen and the others emptied a magazine frantically and stopped, he had time to lower the muzzle which was still smoking gunsmoke, lower his head to count the ones that fell on the ground, almost all of them were beaten into honeycombs. Pirates one by one.
Then, he quickly discovered something wrong!
There were clearly fifteen enemies who had just entered, but now, why are there only 14 corpses that were beaten to pieces? Or is it one? Where is he?
Therefore, when he quickly looked at the individual radar in his holographic panel, Galen discovered that there was a red dot, which was moving away from the warehouse gate at a super high speed, and was rushing towards the city center with complex terrain. ? !
So Galen quickly yelled loudly on the general channel.

Bastard! Was ambush!
The enemy has been prepared? Seems to know they are coming today? How could this be? Who revealed the news?
Tosh rushed madly towards the residential area of ​​this city, while rushing through various mixed thoughts in his heart. He did not understand why these people came here today and plunged into the enemy's ambush. within?
This shouldn't be...
How did the enemy know their actions this time? He didn't seem to reveal it to outsiders...
No... not right!
In addition to his promise to himself and some of his men, there seems to be someone who knows that they are coming to Haven Star and are preparing to rob?
That person is-the famous Jim Reynolds!
That's right, that must have betrayed him! Only the will know that they will come to this Star of Haiwen in about two days!
Thanks to him, he believed the other party so much before! But he never expected that Renault was such a person? !
well! very good!
That Jim Leno will definitely pay the price!
He promised that today, he has remembered this account, and when he returns, he will definitely find an opportunity to retaliate back!
Maybe? Is it a good choice to organize a group of ghost troops and mix into the Huberian to carry out sabotage?
What if their monster-class battleship is more powerful?
Once they sneak into the battleship by their ghost troops, those bastards, those betrayers, those shameful scumbags, they will definitely wipe their necks in their sleep!
He promised to swear! This will definitely happen!
Tosh, who was running wildly, was about to rush through a residential square and wondered how to retaliate against Jim Reynolds, suddenly stopped his forward momentum and stopped moving.
Because, he discovered that a dozen searchlights suddenly appeared on his invisible body, and these beams shone on his body.
Under the irradiation of these powerful and special frequency beams, the stealth function of his ghost suit was quickly overloaded, and then he was photographed alive from stealth.
"Haha... Um, please, please don't open fire first, we have something to discuss..."
Looking ahead, the large group of Marines with at least a few hundred people were pointing at themselves with their guns.
Moreover, behind them, there were huge heavy siege tanks, or tall armed mechas, all of which aimed their large-caliber weapons at themselves, and Toxh could only lose sight of it. He lowered his c10 shot rifle and the butterfly knife on his waist, and at the same time raised his hands high.
"Well, you have won... I now ask for surrender..."
Seeing that the indifferent army on the opposite side did not respond at all to his intentions, Toxh quickly confessed verbally.
What else can he do with the current situation?
Do you still want him to escape forcibly?
Do not make jokes! He promised that he was just a ghost, not a superman, and he didn't have the teleportation ability like the Protoss!
Once he gets fat and dares to act rashly, he believes that the silent army on the opposite side will open fire for the first time! Then, he would be like the five transport ships in the sky behind him that were going to escape but were blown up by the volley. There was no dead left!
"Huh! You are really useless! How about sending such a small number of people? This is not fun at all!"
After hearing a little girl's voice behind him, Toxu continued to hold his hands high and turned his head stiffly. Then, behind him, he saw a little girl standing on the shoulders of a Marine Corps member. She was staring at herself with contempt, as if she was dissatisfied with the defeat of these people too quickly?
That should be the little girl head of the Hero Federation, right? At the same time, the one who just made a face at him in the warehouse and scared him?
Tosh said that he knew this little girl!
Because he had seen this unreliable little head of state's speech on that strange and unfamiliar TV station. At the beginning, he even thought that this hero federation was just a bad joke, just like others!
Until later, after receiving the news that the Agria had sold it, he was still a little skeptical.
But now, look at the other side's arrogant behavior, and then look at these troops faintly waiting for the other's orders, maybe she really is the head of this small country, right? Is this so-called hero federation?
"Honorable Führer, I, Gabriel Tosh, a ghost agent, now unconditionally surrender to you..."
In this situation, not surrendering is a death! What else can he do?
"Oh? Surrender? What use are you?!"
Frowning slightly, after looking at the opponent up and down, and sensing the strange energy in the opponent's body, Xiao Annie seemed a little hesitant.
She didn't know, what is the use of this ugly guy? The hair is still in a defensive way. How long has it not been washed? Disgusting!
How about... just set him on fire, as a punishment for his attacking his city at night and making him unable to sleep well?
But... he has already said that he has surrendered. Wouldn't it be a bit bad if he burned it again?
This is a bit nerve-racking...Is it going to be burned... or is it going to be burned?
Hmm... this thing is a bit difficult, so let's just do it!
"Hey! Galen! Tell me... Opposite, how many Marines are there?"
After thinking for a while, the undecided little Annie squatted down directly on Galen's shoulder, tapped the other's steel head with her small fist, and then leaned in and asked in a low voice.
"Uh? Why are you asking this?"
Galen tilted his head slightly and looked at the little head of state squatting on his shoulders.
He didn't understand, now the enemy on the other side had already said that he would surrender, catch or kill, all relying on her words!
But now, she is asking such an inconsequential question, what is she going to do? Isn't this thinking jumping too far?
Bang! !
A small fist suddenly slammed into Galen's helmet, and at the same time it made a loud noise, the huge force even directly caused the armor on the back of his head to sink. Made a small fist mark.
"If you ask, just say it!"
Little Annie raised her fist again and threatened impatiently.
Is it necessary for her to say that she has to decide whether to burn the ugly villain in front of him based on the number of singles and doubles of the Marines opposite?
"Oh! Little ancestor, don't be angry! I will count now, I will count immediately!"
The loud noise made by the other party just now made Galen feel a ring of tinnitus in his head now. If he hit it again, would it be worth it?
Therefore, he hurriedly compensated and turned on the holographic radar in his panel, intending to use the energy supply in the identification friend or foe system to count the specific number of the marines on the opposite side...
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