Chapter 253: Operation Inverted (2)

After finishing communication with Renault’s Huberian, soon, less than three days later, Tosh’s medium-sized fast cruiser passed many short-distance jumps and an ordinary sailing journey. Came to an asteroid in the synchronous orbit of a huge barren planet.
This is a meteorite massive asteroid less than five kilometers in diameter, and one of Tosh’s nests.
After years of painstaking efforts, he hollowed out the asteroid and built it into a small space station with camouflage capabilities and limited navigation capabilities and a training base for ghost agents.
On this, in addition to the necessary facilities for training ghosts, such as Zhulin storage, hydrogen gas tank, and phantom energy infusion device, there are also a large number of factories, maintenance workshops, machine gun bunkers, anti-aircraft missile towers and nuclear bomb silos. and many more!
There are also many defenders here, all of which are his direct descendants and some mercenaries hired by him. In addition to the few ghost troops left behind, there are also a large number of Marines, medics, harvesters, marauders, siege tanks, nighthawks, etc...
Of course, most of them are armored units, and there are fewer heavy machinery units and flying units. However, the total number of various defenders and staff members is roughly as many as 1,000.
It can be said that this base transformed from the use of rock asteroids is one of the rear bases for Tosh to cultivate ghost troops and fight against the Mengsk Empire. It has a huge effect.
"Welcome to my secret ghost base, the great head of state, and everyone! This is one of my most important industries, Afnos, my dedicated base for cultivating ghost troops!"
When Tosh’s medium-sized fast cruiser carefully adjusted its trajectory and gradually docked in the airport of Efno Base, it took the lead to step down from the battleship Hyun Ti’s Tosh, leading an unknown subordinate, humbly Introduced to the head of state Anne who stepped off the cruiser and the guards of the heads of state.
It can be said that Avno Base is his proudest masterpiece in these years!
This base, which he built over many years on his own, can not only be used to train ghost troops, but also has a certain mobility. The few particle engines that were removed from the large battleships installed at the bottom of the asteroid, although There is no way to make a leap, but it is enough to push the asteroid to continuously change its orbit, so as to avoid any possible enemy's pursuit.
"Master Führer, take care of your steps..."
"The gravity device on this asteroid base is not very easy to use. Therefore, compared with the surface of some planets, the simulated gravity environment may be a little messy..."
Seeing that the Marines who came down were a little uncomfortable with the gravity environment here, Toxu, who had already put on the ghost protective gear, hurriedly smiled and ran to the little girl who had also put on the ghost suit to remind him. .
This pocket-sized asteroid does not have an atmosphere. The gas leaked from the building was quickly captured and taken away by a huge planet in the distance, and the simulated gravitational environment was simply unable to attract enough mass to encompass the entire asteroid. Gas, so if you want to breathe when outside the building, it’s best to wear the necessary protective gear.
"I don't like it very much..."
After looking at the huge deserted planet in the distance, Little Annie murmured dissatisfiedly.
Looking at the slightly rotating sky above, even though she was still up and down under the simulated gravity environment, she still didn't like it very much.
In Anne's own keen perception, she could feel the whole world turning around all the time, which made her very uncomfortable! Here, it's worse than staying in the battleship!
"Forget it, you'd better find me a comfortable place first, and let me rest for a while!"
Anyway, I stayed in this place for a while, and Annie plans to fix it here for two days. If the ghost agent named Nova does not come here to sneak attack, then she will probably leave here to go shopping elsewhere.
"Yes! Your Lord, I will definitely prepare the most comfortable room for you."
After speaking, Toxh led the way, leading the little girl and twenty Marine Corps members in gold and red to the inside of the base.
Here, inside this asteroid, he has basically hollowed out and built various factories and residential or recreational facilities. On the outside surface, except for some dangerous equipment that is not suitable for moving inside, the rest are all kinds of defensive facilities, just like a small military fortress.
Later, after arranging the rest of the head of Anne, he asked him to seize the time to re-arrange the defensive and guard positions of his subordinates! After all, no one knows when the ghost agent Nova will come here, presumably, she will definitely not let herself wait too long, right?
Thinking of that girl from Nova, Tox led the way while silently falling into his own memories...
At that time, Tosh joined the Empire’s Ghost Academy as a recruit with superb psychic potential and telepathic abilities and served as the leader of the blue team of the recruits. It was also at that time that he met the little recruit with the same potential. Nova? Tyra.
The next thing, even Tox could not predict...As the oldest of the blue team, he fell in love with that pretty little girl from Nova...
It is a pity that their relationship is not allowed by the academy. Later, in order to protect her, he had to cruelly interrupted this seemingly beautiful relationship.
Later, during a mission, Nova's mind exploded and Tosh was accidentally involved. Later, affected by Nova's ghost power, Tosh's eyes turned into white psychic appearance. Moreover, it was from that time that Tosh was completely immune to the brainwashing procedures of the Ghost Military Academy and the mind-reading skills of other people, and could hardly be perceived by psychics.
It is precisely because of this that after he broke away from the control of the empire, he directly led some of his subordinates to resist Mengsk and made killing the hypocritical politician his ultimate goal!
Thinking about the days when I was with Nova, Tox couldn't help feeling a moment of sadness. Presumably, the other party has been brainwashed many times and can't remember himself, right?
Otherwise, based on the old friendship, no matter how bad, Nova will not deliberately come to assassinate herself...

At the same time, whether it is in the Huberian’s bar, in Tosh’s Efno Base, or any place in the Kepru District, all areas covered by UNN TV signals On the day when Annie arrived at Tosh’s base, a shocking news was broadcast: the fall of Tarsonis, the reason why it was attacked by cruel insect swarms, is it actually caused by Mengsk's conspiracy?
Even, in order to succeed in his conspiracy, he brazenly launched an attack, raided those Protoss troops that came to stop and can launch the device, and provoked a war between humans and Protoss?
This message quickly spread like crazy and spread throughout the entire Kepulu region...
Subsequently, although Mengsk also responded and sent people to refute the rumors at the first time, this still unavoidable the spread and brewing of this information throughout the Kepru region. Countless TV stations and countless people began to discuss this publicly Things.
Then, seeing the uncontrollable time when the noise began to grow, Mengsk had to come to the UNN TV tower again the next day and held an urgent press conference to refute the rumors.
At this time, after seeing the black material of Emperor Mengsk played by UNN yesterday, now, Annie is once again nesting in this entertainment bar in Efno Base with her Marines, Tosh and others. , Watching Emperor Mengsk who is performing eloquence on TV.
"The Great, what is your response to these allegations of genocide? Use the alien creature Zerg to capture Tarsonis?"
On the TV screen, a reporter stood up from the crowd and angrily asked Mengsk on the podium to take the lead.
"I assure you: Those slanders against the monarchy seem to have no basis at all! They are nothing more than irresponsible slanders!"
How could the thick-faced Emperor Mengsk admit this kind of thing? Therefore, in the TV screen, he was arguing calmly with a righteous face.
"Sir! Will you still uphold the spirit of selfless dedication and putting people first as your basic principle?!"
At this time, Mengsk had just finished speaking, and the camera turned, Kate Rockwell, a female reporter who specializes in exposing various shady empires, stood up for the first time and asked with her crisp voice.
"This is unquestionable! What I pursue has never been a personal right, because I have a greater ideal, that is: to fight for the well-being of all mankind!"
Seeing that it was this little girl again, Mengsk instinctively felt a wave of anxiety, but he still exercised restraint.
After all, the ability to open your eyes and tell lies is one of the skills that Mengsk, a qualified politician, must have! Therefore, he was able to say this seriously under the TV camera without blushing and heartbeat, without even the slightest sense of disobedience.
"Then, how do you explain the content of this passage?!"
Obviously, Kate Rockwell, who had been prepared for a long time, obviously didn't want to let Mengsk go so easily.
Therefore, she quickly took out a device from her pocket and immediately played one of the insider stories that swept the entire Kepulu region yesterday:
"No one can stop me! I swear, whether it is the Tyrannian Federation, the Protoss, or anyone! I will rule the entire star area, or, watch it turn to ashes in front of me..."
Obviously, the recording of this passage is what Mengsk himself said on the podium!
Therefore, countless reporters began to make noise. Once again, they used their cameras to madly press the shutter of Mengsk on the podium, causing each flash to emit strong light, constantly shining on the stage. Mengsk's body.
"I won't tolerate this kind of thing! You running dogs, thought you could come here to question me? Humph! The interview is over!"
The other party was well prepared, and the power of the broadcast yesterday seemed to exceed one's imagination?
Therefore, in annoyance and anger, after Mengsk pointed at the reporters on the podium swearing, he hummed and wrestled and left the scene.
He Mengsk was the founding emperor of the huge Tyranian Empire, how could he be afraid of these unarmed little reporters? Therefore, impatiently, he simply shook his hand and left, intending to quickly find a think tank to discuss a specific solution to this crisis.
"Heh... It seems that the Renault and the others are not bad? But, what is the point? It's better to try to kill the pleasure and pleasure that Mengsk is about to come!"
After holding a glass and swaying the clear yellow-orange-orange drink inside, Toxh snorted nonchalantly while watching the news on the TV.
In his opinion, Renault's despicable whistleblower, the other party's behavior is meaningless!
Rather than wasting time to do this, the Renault, they might as well just drive the Huberian over, and then blast the Mengsk palace from a distance. Maybe they can get the chance to kill the so-called Great Emperor Mengsk?
"Huh? That ghost is here!"
Little Annie, who was playing the flat thunder and lightning fighter game on a game console in the bar, suddenly stopped.
Then, after thinking for a while, she jumped directly from the metal seat and walked to the Toxu who was holding wine and not drinking.
"Hey! The braid is strange, hurry up, the female ghost who is going to kill you is about to come, go out and prepare, and directly attract her to the big factory building with no one!"
Now, this place is nominally owned by Little Annie’s Hero Federation. Therefore, if she doesn’t want her to be damaged too badly by the battle, she wants to ask her to go out and attract the ghost agent who is attacking. A suitable place to fight and capture each other alive.
Anyway, there are still many vacant places on this meteorite asteroid. Just find an open space to attract the female ghost, and then grab the other party. How simple is it?
"She... Nova really came? Then why didn't I receive the report from the guard?"
After putting down the wine glass, Toxu was a little skeptical.
Now, even the guards who are responsible for detecting the bending fluctuations or the Nether Energy near the base have not returned any information. Then this little girl, how did she know that the other party is coming?
"If you let you go, hurry up! What nonsense?!"
Seeing that the other party dared to talk back, Annie glared dissatisfiedly, then stepped over and kicked the other party's seat directly, causing her to fall face to the sky immediately.
"If you don't hurry up, I won't help you catch her!"
Master Anne is very busy now!
It’s already pretty good after barely staying here for more than a day! When the matter before her is resolved, she still has more important things to do! Where can I stay in this small and broken meteorite base all day?
Her goal, but the entire sea of ​​stars...
Especially, after watching the TV shows for these two days, she felt that something more interesting was going to happen?
Like that hateful Mengsk, he could have an empire that was so big, how could his heroic federation only have a poor Haiwen star? This is right, she must do something, the best, can try to grab all the other planet colonies and the like?
"Hey! Galen! And Dreyus..."
"You guys! Get out of here, now, I have some fun things for you to do..."
After seeing Tox holding her head reluctantly and walking outside the bar, Annie beckoned to the Marines who stopped drinking and bragging and slapped their farts and looked at her.
Annie wasn't very worried about the ghost agent who came, but the next task was more important, and if she didn't want to take it casually, maybe only their group could easily complete it?

"Nova is here..."
I am about to start operations now...
Tosh, is your head ready? I am now, but I am going to cut it off...
In the Evno base, in a remote and unmanned rock pit, an invisible single-soldier shuttle landed here quietly and slowly. Then, its small hatch opened gently, and without seeing anyone or anything else walking out of it, it was closed again.
After that, in this empty place, there was a whispering voice that seemed to be something that seemed to be nothing, a low female whisper.
This single-soldier shuttle, which is still invisible, is an expensive invisible space shuttle device developed by the empire specifically for ghosts who go out to perform special tasks.
It can effectively evade the scanning of most types of low- and medium-power military radars currently known. In addition to its small size, it can only carry one or two ghost agents at a time and expensive manufacturing costs. It does not have many disadvantages. A reliable infiltration vehicle, loved by ghost agents.
Nova did not get out of the shuttle and hurriedly started her invasion. She is now squatting, hiding behind this higher rock, condescendingly observing Afnos in the distance. Some basic conditions in the base.
"So few guards?"
"Even the fast cruiser is gone...Could it be that the villain Tosh knew he was coming, so he ran away early?"
Seeing the base below, except for a few deployed defensive turrets, detection stealth equipment, anti-aircraft missile turrets, and fewer fighters and tanks, she didn't even see too many ghost agents and cannon fodder Marines.
This kind of weird situation makes Nova feel something is wrong!
It stands to reason that Toxh was only breaking two small teams of less than 30 elite ghost agents on Haven Star. Why is it that here, in this base, except for a few ghosts, she actually watched Less than more troops? !
According to the information she had obtained before, there were at least about a hundred ghost agents in this Afno base, plus more than five hundred regular troops and other staff!
Could it be that the villain Tosh really carried a lot of troops and belongings and drove the fast cruiser directly? !
He didn't even escape early?
Soon, Nova was in a large factory that seemed to have been idle and isolated, and detected a strong phantom energy response. When she put on her special eyepiece, she was in that large factory for the first time. , Found a special figure.
The figure in the eyepiece, the feeling, and the special psychic sensation deliberately radiated from the other party's body all made her Nova feel familiar...
That's right, that must be the Tosh!
"What's the matter? Toxu...what the are you doing?"
Seeing that there was only one person's psionic response in that large vacant factory building, Nova was a little puzzled.
Where did I go to do alone? As the once powerful ghost agent, now the ghost killer, he will never fail to sense danger at all, right?
Then, that damn, infamous Jim Reynolds must have managed to reveal the news that he was coming to assassinate Tosh, right?
Then why did he ask him to stay alone in an empty factory? Is there anyone around to protect him?
It stands to reason that, in this case, Toxu should be hiding in a fortress surrounded and protected by his subordinates, and strictly guarding against his upcoming assassination. Is this reasonable?
"Heh... interesting!"
Are you thinking about me declaring war? Tosh?
After testing the surroundings of the large factory building and the underground conditions with its various equipment again, Nova finally made an accurate judgment based on her rich experience: that factory itself has no problems, and the surroundings of the factory are also There is no guarding power!
In Nanuo's factory building, there is indeed only one person who is standing and waiting for Xu Xu. The kind of phantom energy reaction on the other person is absolutely true!
So, now the situation is obvious: Tosh sensed his arrival, and then, where was he waiting for him alone, wanting to have a one-on-one personal contest with himself? Fair matchup?
Toxh, why are you so confident, sure to beat me now?
So, let me see, what are you capable of?
You must not let me down is...
After the detection was completed and confirmed again, Nova turned over and rushed towards the base below at high speed.
This time, she did not intend to alarm any defenders, nor did she intend to attack any person or building. She needed to reserve enough physical strength and the phantom energy in the body, and first went to the trust who was already waiting for her in the workshop for a while.
After successfully killing the opponent, she will turn around again to destroy all the remaining people and the entire base to ensure that the chickens and dogs are not left!

"Master Führer, are you sure that Nova will come?"
Standing in the factory building, Tosh, who only wore simple armor, felt the arrival of his former lover, the little girl Nova.
Then, while fiddling with his butterfly knife, he looked thoughtfully at the factory door that was still closed.
The gate of this factory building was not locked. Anyone, including Nova who had sneaked into the base, could easily press the switch and open the metal gate to walk in if she wanted to.
"I'm not sure...but, she has rushed over here now!"
Little Annie didn't even look at Toxu who was in the factory building. She sat on a pile of metal ingots by the gate with great interest, sensing the ghost agent who was coming at high speed from a distance.
The opponent's skill is really good, quick and flexible. She rushed all the way. She didn't make much noise or alarmed any defenders. She also easily evaded the automatic devices that detect invisibility. The super high speed, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard, ran over here at high speed comfortably.
At first glance, this ghost agent named Nova is indeed the number one trump card of the ghost force of the Tyronn Empire...
It's a pity, that's all, her energy level is really a bit low, even without magic, Xiao Annie herself has absolute confidence and beat her to death with her small fists every minute!
So, this time, she didn't plan to make a direct shot. Let the Toxu fight with the other party for a while, and she herself should have the right to watch a scene.
Gala, noisy...
Nova did not let Tosh and Annie wait long in the workshop. Less than a minute after the conversation between the two of them, the hidden ghost agent opened it in the boring time after the conversation between the two was over. He closed the steel door of the factory and walked in quietly.
"Hi~! How are you, invisible weirdo?!"
After the other party walked in, Xiao Annie thought for a while, and immediately shook her hand to say hello to the other party.
Hearing a voice greeted herself by her side, Nova immediately raised the electromagnetic sniper rifle in her hand and pointed her muzzle in the direction of the sound.
At this time, Nova, who no longer wore special ghost agent eyepieces, discovered that in this place, on top of this unremarkable pile of metal ingots, she was sitting with dangling feet and a plush in her arms. Little girl with teddy bear?
When this little girl was investigating by herself, she didn't find it? Is it because the Nether Energy level of the opponent is really too low?
Thinking about it, it's really possible. If the distance is too far, the special eyepieces really can't find some small units with weak vitality or weak psychic energy levels.
After pointing the gun at the opponent's head, I don't know how, Nova, who had just been washed with memory, always felt that the little girl in front of her looked a little familiar?
It seems that where I have seen it?
"Little girl, how did you find me?!"
After thinking about it, Nova slowly lowered her muzzle, lifted her invisibility and asked at the same time.
She has scanned the little girl several times with the device, and has not found any fluctuations in the phantom energy on the other party, nor any weapons or equipment on the other party. This is just a little girl holding a teddy bear. It should be Will not pose any threat to yourself?
However, she was still a little wondering, why is there such a little girl in this base of Tosh, where villains, killers, and mercenaries gather together? Is she the daughter of some killer or villain?
Then, more importantly, how did she discover herself just now?
"You are so stupid! Of course it is because of the footprints!"
While holding her little bear Tibbs, Annie pretended to be very innocent and blinked her big cute eyes, and then pointed to the series of footprints behind her.
This plant has been idle for a long time, so under the action of gravity equipment, a thick layer of dust accumulated on the ground, and when Nova stepped on it, of course, a series of footprints were left behind.
Of course, Xiao Anni wouldn’t tell her that even without footprints, she could perceive the other party’s existence casually. This kind of pure optical stealth ghost equipment did not work very well. With her own ability, she wanted It is simply the easiest to perceive the other party!
After looking back at the footprints behind her, Nova finally took the muzzle of the rifle back in embarrassment, and stopped pointing at the seemingly harmless innocent little girl.
I was really anxious just now, and I didn't even notice this. Maybe, after I completely destroyed the base, I can show kindness and take this little girl away by the way?
"Nova... we finally meet again..."
Seeing that Nova finally abandoned the unscrupulous Führer who was sitting on the metal mine ingot by the door and planned to watch the show, and walked to stand 50 meters in front of him, Toxu smiled and hit him. Say hello.
After so many years, the former lover met again, but it turned into a point where she wanted to kill herself and then quickly... And she, apart from being her assassination target, I am afraid that she can no longer remember who she is. Right?
Huh! ! !
Without even thinking about it, Nova didn't say a word, raising her hand was a shot!
A hot electromagnetic bullet, after rubbing the barrel and the air inside, directly whistled and shot out, directly towards the opponent's black head.
As a cold-blooded ghost agent, coupled with the fact that she has been purged of memory many times, and only knows that the other party is her primary assassination target, how can she go to tell the other party or talk nonsense?
Therefore, after seeing that the opponent did not seem to have any guns on her body, she directly fired her fastest shot and hit the opponent's black-headed brow.
She believed that with her own skill, the other party would have absolutely no way to evade above this distance. That trust, he was dead!
Bang! ! !
A bullet hit the shield with an abnormal sound, and then, under Nova's slightly surprised gaze, a thin transparent shield flashed out of the body of the opposite Toxu, and she just shot herself in an instant. The bullet bounced off.
Shield? But what kind of shield is this? Plasma shield? It seems, it's not like...
No wonder, it's no wonder that the other party dared to stand so upright on the other side, it turned out to have something to rely on! Gee! She just thought that she could easily harvest the other's head. It seemed that she was taking it for granted...
"Nova, you are still the same... young, beautiful, energetic and... cold and ruthless..."
After shook his head and glanced at the metal bullet that flew to the side, Tosh laughed contemptuously.
Seeing the other's face and beautiful figure, Tox seemed to be caught in some good memories. On his ferocious and hateful face, a rare trace of tenderness was revealed.
"Heh! Shield? Is this what you rely on? Trust?"
After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party's reaction, Nova directly threw a small electromagnetic pulse bomb towards the other party.
This special weapon of the ghost agent can create an electromagnetic pulse area, causing a devastating blow to the energy shields of all units within the target range, and at the same time causing a fuzz effect on the energy in the enemy's body, and if the opponent is invisible If the target is hit, it will temporarily appear for a short time.
Originally, this weapon was specially developed by the empire and was specially prepared for the Protoss clan who had shields for almost every unit. But now, since the Tosh in front of him also has such a shield, of course Nova also Don't be stingy, just reward the opponent with an EMP pulse bomb!
Huh! Huh! Huh!
While the pulse bomb exploded near the opponent's side, Nova raised her muzzle again, and it was a rapid three-shot combo, making the three sniper bullets almost the same trajectory, directly towards the opponent's. An ugly head shot away.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
In the next moment, what surprised Nova was: After the three equally rapid impacts, the three combos she just launched were still bounced off by the opponent's shield that was supposed to be weakened or cracked?
How can this be? What technology is this? How can there be a shield that can't be cracked by a pulse bomb? !
" don't need to waste your energy...this kind of shield is different from the ones you have seen before. A simple EMP pulse bomb is not effective for it!"
After looking thoughtfully at the unscrupulous head of state who was watching the excitement in the distance, Tosh returned his gaze to Nova again.
"Maybe, the two of us can have a good talk?"
This time, his goal is to capture Nova alive!
The unscrupulous head of state had already made a statement to him. This time, as long as the opponent doesn't run away, the head of state will not do it easily. He can only ask him to find a way to capture her alone! Therefore, he plans to try first, can he persuade the other party directly with words?
"Of course I will have a good talk with you, but that object... will only be your bodyless head!!!"
Seeing that the opponent's shield seemed to be a high-kinetic attack specifically for firearms, and some dust and splashing mud seemed to be able to get close to the opponent's body, Nova quickly dropped her rifle, right hand directly from the waist In the meantime, he drew out a slender energy narrow sword with blue-white light, similar to the psychic blade of the Protoss Fanatic.
Then, she went invisible and began to accelerate, rushing towards Toxu from a distance of fifty meters.
puff! ! !
The psychic blade and the special butterfly knife that Tox pulled out from his waist instantly collided, and under the collision of the phantom energy of the two sides, there was a dull impact.
Then, Nova's figure had to emerge from invisibility.
"This is useless, Nova! Although your skills have improved, don't forget that I used to be the captain of your recruits!"
As Tox spoke, while pushing the opponent away with force, his right foot directly kicked a whip leg towards the opponent's chest and abdomen.
It's a pity that Nova's vacant left hand pushed forward with this powerful and heavy kick, and then the huge force from the other kick made her body tumble back and retreat deftly for a long time. distance.
"Heh! That's not necessarily true!"
Then, at the moment Nova just landed, after she smiled and cast a wink at Tosh, her vigorous legs were slightly bent and kicked hard, jumping into the air again and waving her spirit. The sword blade, like a predator cheetah, directly pounced toward Toxh, and at the same time activated the invisibility function of the ghost armor again, making his body disappear into the air.
When she appeared again, she had already appeared directly above Toxu, and the slender psionic blade was slashing straight towards Toxu's head.
"Nova, maybe you may have forgotten..."
Seeing Nova and the terrifying blade in the opponent's hand from directly above, Tox didn't evade or resist, but instead raised his butterfly knife to swing to his right.
puff! !
When Nova in front of him slashed her head, the opponent's blade and entire body passed through Tosh’s body in an instant, and did not cause any harm to Tosh. Instead, it was on his right hand. An identical Nova appeared, and the opponent was struggling to resist Tox's violent blow.
After all, although Nova is very powerful, compared to her size and strength, she does not have much advantage when competing for strength.
"Have you forgotten? My eyes were thanks to you at the time... Although they have become a little ugly now, any disguise is invalid for me! Your invisibility and your holographic bait are for me like water off a duck's back!"
While talking, Tosh stretched out his hand again, and grabbed the tight right thigh that swept across.
"Nova, we should really talk about it! You may not know that before, we were still lovers..."
Tosh just wanted to continue to say something, but when Nova found that her right leg was tightly caught in the arms of the opponent, she twisted and kicked, and her left leg slammed towards the opponent's face and chin. .
This forced Tuo Xu to not let go of her left hand to return to defense, and watched that Nova, who was almost subdued by herself, dexterously, with the strength of kicking, made a light backflip and fell to the ground more than ten meters away. After knelt on one knee to cushion the strength, he stood up again calmly.
"Can't believe it, I just remembered something..."
"Unexpectedly, I even kissed you who are so disgusting? Have my memories been cleared? Why should I think of such things that make me feel nauseous at this time?!"
After standing up again, Nova did not attack again.
She knew that it was an extremely stupid thing to blindly attack the prepared Toxu without the help of guns!
Moreover, at the moment when the two parties were in close contact, it seemed to remind her of some very bad things. Maybe the opposite Toxu said it was really correct? He and himself, it seemed that the relationship was really a lover before? !
Nova felt uncomfortable all over when she remembered that she seemed to have kissed or even rolled over the sheets with the ugly man opposite!
She couldn't believe why her previous taste was so bad? Actually fell in love with such an ugly thing? Could it be that in the previous ghost school, apart from this trust, there was no male animal? !
With a sigh, Tosh looked a bit complicated when looking at Nova, who was standing still more than ten meters away, and did not do anything again.
At present, the two sides are basically evenly matched. With a defensive situation, the general situation is that no one can do anything!
"Nova... listen to me!"
"Trust me! The man Mengsk is sinister, cunning, and unscrupulous! He is not worth your allegiance! You can join us and fight against his rule... Strictly speaking, he and his empire, even yours Enemy, you may not know that your memory was washed away, he was..."
When Tosh was about to say everything he knew, he was arrogantly interrupted by Nova.
"Shut up!!"
"If you think that my faith can be shaken with just a few words, then you are wrong! I was voluntarily washed out of memory, and your separation is of no use to me!"
Seeing that the other party was full of nonsense, not only spreading rumors to slander Emperor Mengsk, but also slandering the Tyranian Empire for which she was loyal to her life, Nova's face became gloomy again, and at the same time she put the psionic sword across her chest, slightly Crouched down, ready to launch the second round of attacks.
Because her memory clearly told her: she was voluntarily purged of her memory, so she did not accept the other party's rhetoric!
After sighing again, Tosh could only squint his butterfly knives, ready to concentrate on dealing with Nova's subsequent more violent attacks.
Of course he knows why Nova would be willing to be automatically cleansed of memory...
It's nothing more than the family tragedy in childhood, and the miserable experiences suffered when he fled to the slum...
However, Tosh felt that her nova was still immature, and she was just evading herself and deceiving others. It was useless.
Besides, he promised that whether it was before or now, he doesn't care about her Nova's past or what she has experienced. What he cares about is actually only her!
Beep! !
When Tosh was preparing to take precautions, and when Nova was preparing to attack, a communication device placed on the ground suddenly rang.
This caused Tosh and Nova, who were in the factory building, who were about to continue their fight, who fell in love and killed each other, couldn't help but stunned, and then turned their heads to look at the equipment at the same time.
"Hi! Are you okay?"
The communication device began to release a holographic communication screen, and then the golden figure of Galen and the proud face with his big mouth in his helmet appeared inside.
"Are you still preparing to fight? Well, let me tell you the good news first: the warship that the ghosts of the empire hid on the back of this planet has now been successfully boarded and completely occupied by us!"
"Moreover, you'd better send someone to take over as soon as possible, because almost all of the crew on this ship have been killed by Dreyus's cruel and bloodthirsty men!"
Carrying on his shoulders an electromagnetic rifle with a slightly red and smoking barrel on his shoulders, Galen stood in the bridge command room with bullet holes on the wall behind him, and said to the three people who were fighting and watching the show in the factory.
"What cruel bloodthirsty? I warn you, Galen, don't slander our Noxus team all day! It's not like you can use shields to block bullets, except for those with guns and those who don't want to surrender. What else can we do besides killing it?!"
When Galen had just finished speaking, a crew member of the 011 Marine Corps in scarlet paint squeezed over. Then, he smiled, punched his fist on the communication device, and arbitrarily turned it off. Instant communication between the two parties.
Seeing this, and seeing that in the communication screen just now, the scene behind the Marine was indeed her own ship, Nova took a breath of air, and then turned her head quickly, looking at the opposite Toxu. Slowly began to back away.
Now, she was unable to defeat her opponent in a short time with a frontal attack, and the battleship she had hidden on the back of the planet was captured by the opponent, she had no longer continued to fight.
At this moment, the best choice for Nova is to retreat quickly, use her stealth shuttle boat capable of short-distance navigation, leave here quickly, and send a signal for help or find the nearest one before the energy is exhausted. The colonial base belonging to the Tyrann Empire!
"Surrender, Nova..."
"We have a way to remove the phantom energy emission sources and nerve suppressors that the empire has imposed on your ghost agents, and then help you restore your memory. Then, you will be free..."
Seeing that Nova was slowly retreating, Tosh did not push forward after standing up straight. He just put away his butterfly knife and signaled that he did not intend to attack the other party. Talk to the other party and yourself.
"Huh! Do you think I will believe you?"
Now that the situation is very bad for her, Nova plans to try to escape here first.
As for how to successfully escape from here under the opponent's eyelids, she probably had a good way, so she stared at the opposite Toxu while slowly retreating towards the steel gate.
Seeing that Nova had gradually retreated to the door, and did not heed her advice at all, Tosh had to frown, and once again drew out her butterfly knife, intending to go forward and try her best to stop her. leave here.
Otherwise, once the other party leaves the confined factory, it will not be so easy to catch her again.
"Don't come here! Otherwise, I'll kill her right away!!!"
When she saw Tosh pull out her weapon and speed up to step forward, Nova turned dexterously, left the door switch, and quickly rushed to the little girl who was sitting in the metal mine.
Then, she directly used her psychic blade to lay it under the white and delicate neck of the other party.
Now that she has a hostage in her hand, if the opposite person dares to act rashly, she only needs to wave her hand gently, and the little girl will instantly fall to her head!
"Wow! I'm so scared! Uncle Toxu, hurry up and save me..."
After pinching Tibbers severely, Little Annie barely managed to accumulate so little tears in her eye sockets. Then, she turned her head and looked helplessly at Toshi in the distance, and said at the same time. Cry for help.
"Miss Sister, take this knife away, I'm afraid of pain..."
After clenching her fists, shaking her whole body and firmly hugging her little bear, Annie raised her head and looked at Nova's eyes expectantly with her misty eyes with tears.
Seeing this little girl's performance, Nova frowned, and for a while, she suppressed her softened heart and stopped looking at the little girl.
Seeing that the other party was not planning to open the door to escape, but changed the route and caught the hostage, Tox was stunned, but secretly relieved.
"Oh? If you really think so, please!"
Tosh smiled indifferently, did not stop his pace, but walked forward again for several steps.
"Stop right away and step back! Don't think I dare not!!"
Seeing that Tosh still didn't mean to stop, Nova hurriedly brought her sword closer to the little girl's neck, and sternly shouted at Tosh.
"If you think that part of my memory has been cleansed, you don't know the identity of this little girl? I think she must be important to you?"
"Your sight just stayed on her at least several times! In the communication just now, the two Marines also looked at her at least three times! I think her identity, for you, must be Isn't it simple?"
Thinking of this, Nova smiled triumphantly.
Maybe, today, she did not completely fail? At least, she caught an important person of the other party. Although her methods are a bit despicable and unreasonable, she would not care about these details in order to be able to escape here successfully!
"Yes, her identity is really important! Because she is the head of our Hero Federation..."
What went beyond Nova's expectation was: After stopping, the opposite Tox, not only did not quibble, but also generously stated the true identity of the little girl?
This caused Nova while she was stunned, but her heartbeat could not help but beat a few times!
She unexpectedly, at this time, in this place, caught the head of the Hero Federation? This person's identity seems to be more important than Tosh!
If she was able to capture him alive, she would definitely remember a big credit, right? At the very least, it can at least assassinate several targets like Tosh!
"I think you might have misunderstood something... But, Nova, I was right. You had better stay away from this little girl, otherwise..."
Bang! ! !
In the next instant, a small white fist hit Nova's chest and abdomen in an instant!
Then Nova found that her inner-flexible ghost suit, which claims to be able to withstand certain impacts and bullet shots, was directly sunken into the beating. Then, a burst of great power came to her chest. When she struck, she stared her eyes so wide, under the unbelievable look, she was hit by the opponent's punch and soared into the air. After rolling around in mid-air, she fell headlong. On the dusty metal floor of the factory...
" will regret it..."
Speaking a little slower, Tosh looked at Nova, who was lying on the floor and twitched, and she stood up and stopped moving. She turned her head and looked at her little fist waving with excitement, she was addicted to it. Beating the little girl in pleasure, he could only sigh and shrug his shoulders helplessly.
"I said, let you stay away from our head of state..."
Two steps forward, after confirming that the other party had just fainted, Tuoxu slightly bent over, hugged him, and gently rubbed the dust off his face.
That’s good, it’s better to be stunned by a punch than to be burned to ashes by a fireball...
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