Chapter 256: Zeratul and Kerrigan (1)

A few light-years away from the main star of Keha, next to an abandoned mine on a mineral planet that has become barren due to over-mining, a large warship is mooring on the huge dust-filled mine plaza. It The jamming instrument is working at full power, and at the same time it releases jamming signals of various frequencies, shielding all external communications here.
And at this time, in this abandoned mine, a battle of annihilation with more bullying and less is going on quietly.
"Master Nova, this base has been cleaned up!"
A ghost agent suddenly emerged from the empty door and walked in two steps, reporting to Nova, who was sitting on a chair in the communication cabin and stepping on the corpse of an emperor.
"So far, the empire has compiled more than 10,000 ghost agents, except for hundreds of ghost agents in the capital Kehaxing and the capital star area, as well as a ghost school and a main base. We have all controlled it!"
"Excuse me, what instructions do you have now?"
Now, except for a small number of contract failures or unwillingness to surrender and were killed, and then marked on the personal files of the unlucky people who failed to perform missions, were killed, or disappeared, etc., the entire Tyronn Empire exceeded 100% The ninety ghost agents and their secret base spreading over half of the Kepulu region were just like this, without knowing it, they were all collected by Nova using some incredible methods.
Perhaps, Emperor Mengsk would never have thought that these ghost agents, who were carefully selected from an empire of tens of billions of people, and trained for many years, turned out to give others a wedding dress for nothing? !
Up to now, in addition to the capital star area, there are still a small number of ghosts belonging to his empire organization. Except for his Mengsk command, the other ghosts have been quietly, all of which he had previously looked down upon. A group of foreign human forces managed to get it right?
"Are the psychic emission sources and nerve suppressors in all of you now relieved?"
Sure enough, a very magical thing, this is the kind of soul-related magic that the head of state said?
Sitting on a metal chair, Nova casually lifted her tight and slender legs to the side console, studying a red contract gem in her hand, and asked that lazily. The ghost captain standing at attention and saluting.
According to the current situation, her first plan is almost complete. She is considering whether to observe for a while, first to see the reaction of the empire, and then decide whether to implement the second step immediately. plan?
"Yes, my lord!"
"Through the props you provided, we have all got rid of the control of the empire! Thanks to the blessing of the head of state, we now no longer have to suffer from the pain of cleaning memories and worry about being destroyed at any time, we are now free!"
I don't know whether it was true or false. While reporting excitedly and loudly, the team leader also bowed deeply to Nova.
"Huh! Freedom?"
In her opinion, the so-called freedom is nothing more than moving from a small cage to another larger cage...
Nova did not care whether the team leader was careful, she just looked at the red gem she was holding between her fingers, pointed it at the lighting source on the ceiling, and squinted her eyes. Looking at the weird and charming flocculent energy cluster inside.
She has seen this thing many times in this period of time, and even tested it with an instrument, but still can't analyze the reason.
"Do whatever you want, what else do you have?"
Anyway, the other party has become someone else's slave just like himself, and can no longer jump out of the palm of the little girl. As for whether they are sincere, what does it matter to them?
As long as the other party still obeys his own orders and can complete the tasks assigned by the above, that's it!
As for other things, she Nova doesn’t, and doesn’t want to care about them...
"My lord, there are currently hundreds of diehards whose contracts have failed are still being held in various bases. What should I do with them?"
After seeing that the Nova in front of him was only admiring the gem, after thinking about it, the team leader bit the bullet and asked.
Those diehards who failed the contract and were unwilling to surrender, he didn't know for a while whether he should deal with it or not.
Now it is a critical period, he is afraid that if too many people are killed at once, it will attract the attention of the top of the empire, which is not conducive to the secret plan of the head of state.
And if you keep it closed and don't deal with it, if you accidentally run out one or two, it will cause a big problem!
"You should know that due to the unn TV incident, the current empire is making rebellions everywhere, and it's not normal for us to cause some disturbances in our ghost troops?"
Nova took a look at the ghost, and didn't say directly how to deal with the prisoners, but smiled and said such an endless sentence.
"I see, my lord! I think, I already know what to do..."
Nodded, the ghost agent squad leader said nothing more, and after giving a final military salute to Nova, he turned around and retreated.
After a sneer, after watching the ghost disappear outside the cabin door, Nova stretched out her hand and clicked a button on her wrist to stop the communication light that had been flashing.
It was Toxh's communication using a secret channel to contact her. After finishing her work, she transferred it to the communication station of her base.
"What's the matter? Tosh? Heh! How do you... dress like this?!"
Frowning, Nova suddenly felt a little puzzled.
She first looked at the decent suit and black sunglasses that appeared in the communication interface, and then asked with a sneer.
She didn't know what the was going on with this trust, why was she dressed like this when going out to perform tasks?
It stands to reason that this should have taken on another task, ready to be responsible for secretly collecting some star areas outside the territory of the Tairon Empire, right? Why don't you go to work hard now, and instead become like this successful person? Is he trying to please himself? !
"Oh... Are you asking about this?"
Seeing that Nova was surprised at her outfit, Tosh triumphantly adjusted the wrinkled suit on her chest, and tightened her burgundy tie a little bit.
It is said that this all-hand-made custom-made clothes was made by the old president of the Terrado Chamber of Commerce who asked a well-known designer to tailor it to him. It is an expensive luxury, not more expensive than his ghost suit. Come cheap!
These things, in normal times, I am afraid that only those rich and powerful people can enjoy it? And now, he promised a rare extravagance.
"Ahem, Nova, let me introduce it to you first: I am now called Gabrieltosh, and I belong to the Terrado Chamber of Commerce Group. I am a senior business salesman in the Chamber of Commerce! The district military, political and business executives promoted our chamber’s leading product: Crimson Energy Gem!"
"Moreover, a few days ago, I have completed all sales in Terrado, and I am now on my way to the next region!"
Toxh has always been very proud of this wonderful idea that he can think of himself, which has saved him a lot of things!
Think about it a few days ago, when the military, political, and business leaders in Terrado were all swept away by themselves, and in a short banquet, they almost conquered an entire star area without blood. Amazing handwriting, I'm afraid no one can imagine it?
Actually, this method was obtained after he had inadvertently learned from the other party's head of state's governing skills when he had been drinking and bragging with Galen in the base of Efnoskie Little inspiration.
Now that I think about it, what the little head of state Annie said is really good!
If you really want to govern a country well, it is not too easy! As long as the high-level people who can and can do things become their own people, they will naturally handle the rest of the matter for themselves!
Based on this idea, he asked him to try to find a good influential target in the Terrado region.
At that time, he selected Hanks, the old president of the Terrado Chamber of Commerce! Then, after contracting and successfully controlling the other party, he asked it to send out a large number of invitations in the name of the Chamber of Commerce to invite those military, political and business leaders.
In the end, this plan really received a miraculous effect: in less than a week, he promised to control the entire Terrado star area quietly!
At this time, although the Terrado region still belongs to the Tyran Empire in name, the people who died loyal to Mengsk have either already reconciled, or been dismissed or evaporated! By now, in Terado, I am afraid that Emperor Mengsk's handwritten orders may not necessarily have a word he promised to work, right?
Thinking of this can make him feel excited!
He never thought that he could be like an invisible moth, quietly and slowly, step by step emptying out the vast empire of Mengsk. This strange pleasure of revenge made him feel extremely fulfilled and full. Satisfy! This is much more exciting than just stabbing that Mengsk!
Now, even in his sleep, he imagined more than once: When they suddenly had trouble and caused this huge Tyronn Empire to fall to the Heroic Federation in an instant, the old Mengsk's expression at that time , What will happen? It will be wonderful, right? !
"So, Tosh, are you here to show off to me now?"
After the initial surprise, Nova's face quickly became cold again.
Originally, Nova thought that in the past few days, she had almost tirelessly traversed the entire star area and conquered almost all ghost agents and secret bases. This was already a very remarkable thing!
But where did she think that this Tox was even more outrageous than what she did?
Did you just conquer a large star area with billions of people? Terrado? Compared with him, his current progress is a bit trivial...
"No, no! Nova, I think you misunderstood me!"
Seeing the face of the former female ticket opposite, Tox explained quickly.
"The thing is like this: after the success of Terrado, I suddenly have an immature idea here. I think it seems that we can work together to merge the two plans of the head of state?"
"Then, I want to second some ghost agents from you. I need more manpower! In this way, I feel that the things the head of state confessed will definitely become more smooth!"
After speaking, Tosh hurriedly stated his new plan briefly, and then looked at Nova opposite in anticipation one or two, waiting for her final answer.
"Oh? Interesting..."
After listening, Nova was noncommittal, but thoughtfully tapped on the armrest of the chair with her finger, and after a while, she suddenly took it up.
"Then do what you just said, after a while, I will temporarily hand over the command of my ghosts to you!"
After the decision was made, Nova ignored the astonished Tosh in the communication interface and walked straight to the corridor outside the communication command room.
Now, she is also ready to speed up her pace a little bit.
Maybe she can return to the capital, Kehaxing, in the name of reporting the progress of the mission? Anyway, in his original plan, he should have returned after killing Tosh.
Ah! Just pretend to ask them to cleanse their memories again?
Seeing the cabin that had become empty, Tox thought for a while, and he had no choice but to turn off the communication.
Haven, the City of Hope, the capital of the Federation of Heroes, located near the planet's equator, has now become a different look.
In this more than a month, the hard-working sv engineers finally built the capital of Haiwenxing, the capital star of the Heroic Federation, into a relatively prosperous city!
Here, the floating and wheeled roads in the city are extended in all directions. Not only can they lead to several ranches and resource gathering towns on the periphery, there are also several high-speed passages that lead directly to the original Age on another continent Several small colonial cities built by the Leahs.
And now, almost all the citizens of the HMS Hope have moved out of the small city inside the colonial ship and began to live in the bright and spacious urban residential areas, plus those Agria who have officially become legal citizens of the Hero Federation I also relocated part of it here, finally making this empty city start to become a bit popular.
Now in this city, all kinds of commercial shops, service industries, freight and catering, etc., have also begun to appear in the streets of the city.
Thanks to the free floating car donated by the heroic federal government to every adult citizen, the traffic in this city has finally become busy. It is no longer the empty road with a few patrols or military vehicles. Up!
"Next time, before you come in, please remember to knock on the door!"
At this time, when Doug, the head of state adjutant, who was working in an administrative office in a white building in the middle of the capital city, planned to continue to deal with some irresponsible heads of state’s backlog of documents, a government clerk pushed the door in a panic. Coming in, she glared at each other dissatisfiedly.
"Let's talk about it, what trouble has the head of state caused again?"
What is so urgent that you don't knock at the front door when you come in?
Therefore, Doug stared at the other party with a bad face for a long time, until the clerk was so scared that his face turned pale before he turned his eyes to the file in his hand.
"Sir! It's not good! Head Anne... She, she took someone out again!"
First, he glanced at Doug with a bit of fear, and made sure that the other party didn't seem to blame him too much for not knocking on the door. The frizzy federal government clerk hurriedly reported the matter.
She knew it would be like this!
Doug first rubbed his temples with a little headache, and then sat up slightly. Regarding Führer Annie's playfulness and non-doing business, she had already taken offense.
"Didn't she run out to play every day? What's the fuss about this?"
For his little head of state, Doug really doesn't want to take care of it anymore. Anyway, if he really forced the other party to come here to work, it would only add confusion!
So, as long as the other party takes time every day to authorize the various things that he has handled in a timely manner, then let this little head of state to toss it!
It doesn't matter if she wants to go hunting in the mountains or fishing in the sea, whatever she wants! As long as she doesn't open the battleship and use her main guns to blow up Haiwenxing, other things can't really be expected...
"No! Today is different!"
"A staff member just came to report: Just now, she took the two Führer Guards from Galen and Dreyus, and flew out directly on the Führer battleship that had just been refitted in these two days!"
Thinking of this, the female clerk jumped in a hurry!
She is a clerk who is responsible for the daily schedule of the head of state, but if the head of state runs around and causes an accident, who is the responsibility? !
If, as usual, the head of state is just playing wild on Haven, then she will definitely not be as anxious as she is now. After all, if her head of state is on Haven and protected by two guards, she will never There will be any security issues.
However, if she ran to other star areas, ran into the territory of the Tyronn Empire or the Protoss, things would be different!
"All the battleships went out? Is it to debug?"
Doug also knows very well that her head of state has been busy modifying the "Head of State" these days, and she is also paying attention to this matter.
Calculating the time now, judging from the progress, it should be almost completed within one or two days. So, should it be a trial flight? I don't know, what is the effect after the modification?
"It's not debugging!"
The clerk was a little anxious, if it was really just debugging, she wouldn't be so anxious.
"After the Führer ordered the supply of ammunition, energy, and other materials that were sufficient for about three months, he was gone!"
"The Capital Fleet just reported back that the Führer directly used the fold to leave the star system of Haven Star, and its whereabouts are still unknown!"
Just because she couldn't contact the other party and didn't know where the other party went, she hurriedly came to the head of state after receiving the feedback from the fleet. Lieutenant Doug reported on the matter.
Doug pushed the table with a headache so that her chair slid back a certain distance, and then she sighed and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the peaceful and beautiful new city outside.
Got it! This time it's okay, last time I just ran out to play for a while, somehow I could keep in touch.
But this time? I ran out in the battleship, and immediately disappeared. Think about the situation of the other party's supplies. Before the energy materials or ammunition is exhausted, surely he will not return, right?
"I see. I will let the fleet pay attention to this matter. You can withdraw first..."
What can she do with Doug? What else can be done besides letting the fleet pay attention and waiting for communication from the other side? !
I can only hope that the little girl can come back soon after playing enough? No matter how bad it is, it's okay to maintain communication...
At this time, outside of a broken planet with a green atmosphere, an invisible heavy battlecruiser was mooring in orbit.
"Report to the head of state! The stealth function of the battleship is normal, the energy loop is smooth, and the magic circle? The link is also normal! No problems have been found for the time being!"
A warship observer stood in front of a holographic interface, manipulating the messages returned by the half-skilled and half-demons who had been changed beyond recognition by the head of state. It took a long time before he hesitated to report Tao.
Now this battleship looks very tall, both externally and internally, which is great!
But the problem is: these crew members who are already familiar with the daily maintenance and operation of battleships have become rusty! If it weren’t for the internal contours of the battleship to be the same as before, they almost thought it was on another battleship of the latest model!
And just now, after a long-distance leap, the Führer, this heavy battlecruiser came to this unfamiliar star field with a crew of only more than two thousand men and twenty Führer’s guards. Continue their original warship trial work.
What they did before was a forced leap in stealth mode. Under this technology called magic stealth, any detection waves or signals from the outside could not easily find the Führer battleship, which is why Haiwen Xinghui couldn't contact them temporarily, and didn't know why they went.
"Haha! I love this warship, it looks great!"
"Hurry up, navigator, immediately check and compare the star maps. I want to know, where are we now?"
The Captain of the Führer Planck, after seeing that Mr. Anne had no special explanation, he began to perform the basic duties of a captain.
"Okay, sir!"
" seems to be Ulan Star?! That's right, report sir, I must be within the star system of Ulan Star now! Now the Star of Haiwen is...about eighty light years away from us!"
After comparing the star maps, a navigator quickly came to his own conclusion.
They really walked far enough this time, and they ran from one side of the Kepulu region to the other! It seems that they have to continue to work hard to get acquainted with this magically modified battleship.
"Sir? I detected the reaction of the Protoss spacecraft, and I am flying towards this planet!"
Suddenly, after a radar officer confirmed his position, he reported loudly from his position.
"The Protoss spaceship?! How many? Is this within the Protoss' sphere of influence?"
Planck was a little puzzled, did they accidentally ran into the sphere of influence of the Protoss?
If that's the case, you have to be prepared to leap and leave at any time!
After all, their Hero Federation is not very friendly to the power of the Protoss! During the Battle of Haven at the time, Galen and the others not only killed more than 30 other templars, but also headed Anne also destroyed a Protoss mothership. Once they found this head of state, Surely they will come to siege, right?
Anyway, Planck felt that if he were a Protoss commander, he would definitely not let go of this opportunity to fight a single spacecraft!
"Report sir! The enemy only has one small space shuttle! And, according to the introduction on the star chart, although this is the traditional sphere of influence of the Protoss, they should have abandoned this place long ago..."
After the chief radar reconfirmed the information and star map fed back by the radar, he reported again.
"Sir, you said, what shall we do now?!"
After fully understanding the enemy's intelligence and the current location of Ulan Star, Planck thought for a while, and got to sit in front of the captain, who was not knowing what was thinking.
If Planck is in charge, maybe he will let the magic warship sneak a bombardment to try it out, and then run after the fight?
But it is a pity that although he is the captain of this warship, he is not the one who has the final say!
"Continue to stay invisible and follow up secretly!"
I don't know if I found something, little Annie quickly got up from her chair and gave orders.
"I also found a very powerful bug on this planet. I want to see what the are these badass stars and bugs doing here?!"
Anyway, I’m Since I found a lonely Protoss spacecraft here, and found traces of bugs on this deserted planet, she must go to join in the fun Ah!
Isn't the reason why she modified the battleship and opened it out to be able to play happily?
And now, on this planet called Ulan, a powerful bug unit and a strange protagonist appeared, so what she said was going to join in the fun!
"Yes! My head of state!"
"Hurry up! Boys! Have you seen the small Protoss battleship that looks like a flat fork? Quickly, follow up quietly! Be careful! Don't hit those meteorites and expose our battleship!"
"My uncle would like to take a closer look. What the is there with these aliens when they go to a place where birds don't shit?!"
Hearing that the order from the head of Anne was in line with his own appetite, Planck, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, immediately responded loudly to the order, and then hurried to the side to let the crew members act quickly.
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