Chapter 281: Balrog (2)

As if exhausting all the energy in his body, after Gandalf found that there was a tough shield between himself and the Balrog, so that each other couldn't help each other at all, he collapsed in this place, full of coldness. Snow covered platform above rocky ground.
Then, he dropped the long sword in his hand and dissipated the power of the lightning above, letting the thunder and lightning roar in the sky intertwined in his ears, and the cold and violent winds blew himself messy and even condensed. Beard and long hair with a thick layer of hoarfrost.
After breathing for a long time, he had the strength to look up at the little girl Annie standing on a large stone pillar with a toy bear in her arms. The other party did not look at him at this time, but just looked at him. , And stared enthusiastically at the frantic Balrog on the other side of the shield wall.
"Are you... Annie? How did you appear here?"
After knowing that he was coming to support him and might no longer be in danger, Gandalf only felt that fatigue was coming. If there was a warm big bed here, he felt that he could at least continue to sleep several times. Of heaven?
As for the huge Balrog who is not far away, separated by the little girl's magic, who is madly slashing the shield wall with a phantom flame sword, Gandalf no longer wants to pay attention...
After fighting for so many days, from the bottom of the endless abyss to here, he now has no strength to stand up and continue fighting!
"You ran to such a high place to fight, and I found it far away from the White Goose River! So, I sent it over to join you in the fun!"
Well, these are not the main points. Now Annie only cares: how can she conquer this big, murderous, and fun flame monster?
Do you want to catch him and beat him up, until he is convinced?
Or, grab it and dig out its brain, and then remodel it a little? Change it to no matter what time you have to listen to the owner, Annie, to be a well-behaved and likable puppy?
"Pass and teleport spells?!"
Hearing this word, Gandalf froze for a moment.
The magic of Middle-earth is not flooded to the point that even teleportation can be used casually. Even as Maya, when they come to Middle-earth, they use boats and rarely use teleportation or other shortened journeys. Such spells, because they will mislead mortals and cause prying eyes!
For example, Gandalf himself, he prefers to summon a white horse to be a handsome white horse wizard! And if you need to fly, you can also summon a giant eagle? In doing so, even if they are seen by the mortal race, they will only be envious, and will not cause other unnecessary troubles.
Only Maya, a traitor like Sauron, who does not follow the rules and does not respect the gods, will use the powerful magic similar to the teleportation spell of the Evil Eye Portal to carry out the distance across Middle-earth. Distance and forcibly reach where he wants to go?
"Annie... why are you using magic again..."
With a sigh, Gandalf shook his head helplessly.
But, no matter what, now this little girl, she finally saved herself in time, didn't she? Let him, Mai Ya, whose strength was limited, did not fall into the hands of this ancient flame demon, and luckily did not return to the kingdom of the gods.
At this time, the Balrog who was violently slashing the magic shield wall finally found something wrong.
When it knew that its fire spells or physical attacks could not help this strange magic shield wall for the time being, it turned its head and looked at the stone pillar. It was talking to the old man who had been fighting with him for days and nights. little girl.
Then, it didn't even think about it. After an angry roar, it pulled out a long whip made of entangled and condensed flames with its hand, and violently pumped out a huge and sharp blast in the air. , Shook the whip, making it like a flexible long snake, swept straight towards the little girl above the stone pillar.
"Little...heart...well, old man, I still don't care..."
Gandalf, who wanted to remind Annie to be careful of the whip, saw that the little girl stretched out her little hand and gently grabbed the end of the whip, but she didn’t seem to be scalded or pulled by the other party. After going down the stone pillar, he just had to choke back with the reminder he was about to speak.
He almost forgot, this little girl, but a powerful existence who did not enter his heyday! Moreover, according to what she said, seems to be particularly good at fire spells?
If she thinks so, she is indeed unlikely to make such a low-level mistake.
Just now, when his flame whip easily entangled the little girl's arm, the Balrog was very happy at first.
However, what it never expected was: when it roared wildly, it began to violently pull the whip, intending to pull the little girl off and grab the other person and swallow it, to taste the kind that has not been tried for a long time. When it was delicious, it suddenly discovered that it could not pull the other party?
How can this be? It itself is an infinitely powerful Balrog, not the half-orcs in Moria's mine!
Then, this Balrog was a little confused.
It first looked down at the whip in his hand, then looked up at the human little girl standing on the stone pillar, and then it couldn’t figure it out: there was nothing wrong with his whip, and the little girl looked weak. Yes, why can't it be pulled?
The flame demon, whose mind was in a chaotic state, became ruthless in his mind, and began to pull again with great force!
This time, the force it used was so great that even the rocky ground was pushed into pits by its hooves! At the same time, the huge stone pillar on which Little Annie herself was standing was also wobbly and shaken by the opponent. Seeing that it would fall in the direction of the Balrog in the next second?
"Huh? Do you want that? Then I...I will give it back to you now!"
Looking at the thick and hot whip woven from flames in her hand for a while, Annie seemed to be thinking about something interesting, and then she looked at the one below that was still pulling desperately. After a glance at the big flame demon standing at his feet, as well as the stone pillar that was already unable to hold on due to the huge force being pulled, it seemed that he had made a certain determination.
Afterwards, she slyly blinked her big beautiful blue eyes, and when the Balrog continued to exert her strength, she suddenly released the flame whip in her hand, causing the Balrog to lose its huge Under the action of the force, he instantly lost his balance and rolled away in the direction of the cliff behind!
After knocking over a few skewed small stone pillars and a few rocks, the Balrog was staggering, and finally grabbed a few protruding rocks on the edge of the platform and hung himself dangerously from the edge of the cliff. Living!
At this time, the Flame Demon could see, that little girl, was she actually playing with herself? Almost make yourself play again and fall? !
After finally climbing up from the edge of the cliff, and then looking at the big rocks that had fallen below the high mountains and clouds, and seeing the shadows again, the Balrog suddenly roared furiously and threw it away. He opened the non-functional whip in his hand, and then opened his mouth toward the little the stone pillar.
In its huge horned head and smokey mouth and nose, countless turbulent white flames flashed in its chest and throat, and even the muscles of its upper body began to gradually become red. , There seems to be something extraordinary, condensing and brewing in its body?
"Annie! Be careful! It's about to breathe flames!"
Seeing that little girl was still standing on the tall stone pillar, she looked at the Balrog who was preparing to breathe flames so defenselessly, Gandalf, who was sitting on the ground, was a little anxious.
The flame breath of this ancient flame demon is sometimes even more terrifying and violent than the dragon flame of the giant dragon! No matter how strong this little girl is, it is always necessary to resist or avoid a little bit?
No matter how bad it is, it’s good to step forward and attack the opponent and interrupt its breath, isn’t it? Instead of just waiting for the opponent's attack as it is now, but indifferent?
"Fire-breathing? Of course I know it is going to breathe fire, isn't this waiting for it to spray!"
After looking at the old man Gandalf with a strange look, little Annie waved her hand without mind, and said without mind.
She is not stupid, how could she not know that the other party is planning to burn herself?
Besides, what she is most afraid of is flame! And this Balrog, the most powerful is the flame attack, right? So, what is she worried about?
As long as the other party doesn't rush up to play hand-to-hand combat with herself, then she can stand here and let the other party burn all day without a problem!
Before Gandalf, who was paralyzed on the ground, had time to say something, the Balrog slammed the pair of demon wings and stood up straight.
When its wings were completely opened, and the endless flames of billowing black smoke began to burn all over the body, a fiery red flame soaring to the sky violently spewed from the huge mouth of the Balrog Out, like a long fire dragon, directly from Shirakxigil Peak, from the top of this world, slanting upwards and whizzing in the direction of the little girl!
The long tongue of fire, even after licking where Annie was standing and completely enclosing the huge stone pillar, went up to the sky, and roughly estimated the length of the huge tongue of fire. It seemed to be at least Dozens or even hundreds of meters?
Anyway, in the eyes of the gray-robed wizard Gandalf, who lost his strength and collapsed on the ground, those terrifying flames seemed to have almost completely burned the thundercloud above the sky?
Under the super-high terrifying flames, the temperature of the air near Siraxigir also gradually increased. Except for the snow that was gradually melted and turned into raindrops, the giant root that was mainly hit by the flames just now The stone pillars, under the terrifying flame breath of the Balrog, were burned into billowing hot magma and began to drip and splash down. Gandalf hurriedly backed up and climbed a few steps away with horror. Avoided the fate of being scalded by those hot magma.
Now, in the blazing flames, Gandalf could no longer distinguish the little girl.
Looking at the Balrog who was still breathing frantically, Gandalf could only open his mouth, a little speechless.
He felt that the behavior of the little girl just now was a bit too big.
Such a terrifying flame attack, even if it was replaced by Gandalf himself with all the strengths of Maya, if he dared not hide or resist, he would definitely be burned to ashes! Without that Mai Ya, he would be stupid enough to be burned directly by the breath of the Balrog!
Soon, when the flames that were burning fiercely on the Balrog's body finally gradually extinguished, only the handful of mane-like flames on the back were still burning weakly.
And its upper body, as well as the bright red skin inside its chest, gradually returned to its normal gray-black color. At this time, its breathing ceased completely.
Then, it was so startled that it didn't even remember to close its open mouth, letting embers of flames and a little thick smoke come out of its mouth and nostrils, staring blankly at the one that was still floating on the top of the pillar just now. Location, a little human girl who didn't seem to be hurt at all?
Next, the flame eyes of the Balrog began to flicker violently. It did not understand why this was!
The flames he had just now clearly included the opponent and the pillars, and he was very sure about this! Because now the stone pillar under the opponent's feet has been burned by it! Moreover, the other party did not use any countermeasures or protective measures at the time, so it was so drowned in flames...
But now, that human little girl, why does she seem to have nothing? Is this still human? !
"This... how is this possible?!"
Gandalf on the side said what the Balrog actually wanted to say the most!
It's all already burned, but that little girl, why can she hang hippiely on top of the stone pillar that has already been burnt and cracked?
Just take a look at her. She is still good all over her body. When the rocks under her feet were burned, the surrounding air was even boiled by the high temperature and the light began to shake violently. Not to mention she was injured. Not even a trace of burnt on that beautiful blond hair blowing in the wind? !
Moreover, her hands and body are still burning with strange clusters of flames? Those flames actually seemed to have life, beating on the little girl's body, like an elf, still cheering and jumping for joy?
"You may not know..."
"Flame, but my favorite toy! It's certainly useless if you burn me like this!"
Annie grinned and grabbed a fireball the size of an orc's head on her free right hand. Then she threw her hand at the dazed Balrog's head.
"Although people are not afraid of your flames, but... the smell of sulfur on your body is too stinky! So, give this back to you!"
boom! !
A shattering fire blasted directly on Balrog’s dazed head. While blowing it up and staggering back, Annie didn’t stop her hand. The backhand was just one fireball after another, just like no money, no Stopped and smashed the opponent's head!
"Let you just blew me stink!!"
boom! boom!
After the two shattering fires exploded on the opponent's back, they directly hit the Balrog on the ground.
"Let you not learn, let you play with fire!"
The Balrog who just wanted to stand up was hit again by a fireball that exploded on it...
"Didn't your mother tell you that children who play with fire at home will wet the bed at night?!"
"If you wet the bed, you will be spanked by your fire demon mother!"
Another fire of fragmentation exploded!
In this way, Little Annie continued to throw fireballs at the other side fiercely while talking all kinds of crazy things.
Before long, countless magical flames that were too late to disperse began to spread on the top of this Shirakxigil peak. They are like a huge volcano erupting, slowly spreading from the top of the upper wind...
If it weren’t for the wall-like lava shield that Annie released at the beginning, and it continues to play a role, I’m afraid Gandalf, a gray-robed wizard who had not died under the hands of the Balrog, would be thrown by the little girl at this moment. The act of throwing fireballs like crazy burns to ashes, right?
After all, Gandalf does not have the ability of Balrog or Annie to not be burned in the Seed of Fire!
Seeing this, watching the raging flames that have completely ravaged the entire Shirakxigil Peak, the flames that have burned up to tens of meters high, and even the terrifying flames and the molten rock lava that continue to spread down the mountain, In fact, Gandalf really wanted to get up and ask the little girl: Who is the real Balrog, she and the Balrog?
Just now, the Balrog, after spraying the flames for a while, had to rest for a while, but what about this little girl, fireballs one after another, just like no money? Seeing this little girl's face is not flushing or panting, still throwing a fireball excitedly, there is a tendency to not stop burning the entire Misty Mountains into a land of flames? Does her magic really have that much? !
Suddenly, the little girl yelled again, a flame that was more terrifying than the breath of the Balrog, just like a waterfall that vented down, slamming down on the Balrog, and pressing it hard. While on the ground, more hot magma began to splash continuously!
Now, except for the place where Gandalf stood, which is still intact, the entire Shirakxigil Peak has become a sea of ​​flames and magma...
"Great Eru... Is she the demon king who came out of the flame hell?!"
Gandalf didn't know what to say anymore, as if he was in the flames of hell, he felt that the little girl in front of him was definitely more like a flame demon than the flame demon! Perhaps, she is actually a beautiful flame monarch draped in a human skin and a little cute? !
Otherwise, how could she do such a thing that is about to burn a whole mountain?
That poor Balrog is just breathing fire and playing with flames, swords and whips, but what about this little girl? If there is a disagreement, will this Shirakxigil peak be burned into a red piece? Gandalf swears, it is estimated that the current grand occasion here, at night, if other people in Middle-earth see it, it will definitely be more dazzling than Mordor's Doomsday Volcano, right?
After all, this Siraxigir Peak is the highest peak of the Misty Mountains. Regardless of the northeast, southeast, northwest of Middle-earth, people can definitely find the abnormality here when the weather is clear or at night!
Suddenly, the Balrog, who had been crushed and beaten by Little Annie for a long time, finally couldn't help but erupt.
Regardless of the painful wound on its body and the surrounding flames, it insisted on holding several fireballs that the little girl had hit on it, and it exploded. Then it raised a hand with a flame sword, vigorously fanning its wings, and carrying it all The flames and the molten blood gushing from the wounds directly flew up, exhausted all their strength, and waved down at the little girl's figure!
The bright red flame sword, under the full swing of the Balrog, dragged a long afterimage, like a huge red ribbon, with a strange red light, directly towards Xiao Annie That small waist cut across!
Unfortunately, the Balrog didn't perceive any sense of stagnation from its weapons! It knew that it was not that its flame sword was too sharp, but that it had not cut any enemies at all.
Sure enough, when it turned around and roared lowly, the figure of the little girl in the sky flashed and disappeared soon...
After that, the other party quickly appeared in another higher sky. She, that little human girl seemed to have the ability to fly at will? !
This is already obvious: what it cut just now is actually just a mirror image afterimage! This is the kind of trick that wizards often use!
In the sky, that little girl seems to continue to throw fireballs?
At this time, the Balrog finally felt a little timid...
Just now, this little girl’s bursting fireball has already caused a lot of injuries to itself. Although the flames did not hurt the Balrog himself much, when they exploded on its body, the tearing wound was still Inevitably!
In addition, it had been fighting with the old white beard for several days before, and now it was a little tired, it was finally afraid and planned to retreat! It didn't want to be here anymore, and continued to fight with this little human witch who can fly at will and is not afraid of flame attacks like their Balrog.
However, it still needs to think carefully about how to leave here and escape back to Moria Mine. It must find a good opportunity, otherwise, this little girl who can fly will definitely not let it go easily!
"Aha! If you can't beat me with magic, you want to play melee? I'm not afraid of you!"
Looking at the Balrog Queen with countless wounds on her body, standing in the flames, looking a little pitiful, Annie felt that it would be better for herself to conquer it earlier? Otherwise, if she was accidentally beaten to death by herself, would she have wasted her time before? !
"Come on, Tibbers! Go and beat it for me!"
what happened? !
When Annie picked up her little bear and planned to look around at the bottom, as if it was the Balrog who was trying to find a way to escape, she was surprised to find that her little bear, Tibbers, had a face to hug. Holding his arm, seems reluctant to fight? !
(Little master, this flame demon is about to be beaten to death by you. You can work harder and just accept it directly? Don’t I want to go out and bully him? I’m sorry... …
Tibbers felt that his shadow bear was completely immune to fire and physical damage, but what about that Balrog? The other party just knows only fire and physical attack ability, so, today this life is not challenging at all, it is a bit reluctant to shoot!
Moreover, the most important thing is: this mountain is a bit too steep, and it can’t fly by itself. If you stumble and fall, even if you fall, you won’t be able to kill yourself, but that would be embarrassing. ,Right?
In the end, Tibbers felt that today's time is not right and it is not suitable to fight! In addition, the battlefield is not ideal, and the opponent is definitely not its own opponent, so just go on strike? )
"Either you go down and catch the Balrog for me, or when you go back, you will spend a month in the Swan River. Choose one yourself!"
This is really the opposite. This little bear is so courageous and fat, dare to bargain with himself?
So, Annie squinted, raised her hand, and looked at this bear clinging to her wrist, still rubbing her palm with its bear head, trying to please her little bear. Threatened.
(Uh...Little master, don't be angry, we are really just joking with you...
There was no way, Tibbers, who had failed to sell cute, had to let go of his hand, and rushed towards the poor Balrog below! )
Then, something that made the gray-robed wizard Gandalf even more horrified appeared:
On the other side, the teddy bear that he had always thought was an ordinary toy and was held in his arms or carried by the little girl, suddenly became huge, and even became quite taller than the Balrog. Two heads, after the huge flame bear with dark red flames all over, roared directly from the sky, pressing down on the flame demon who was about to retreat!
At the moment when the Balrog was frightened, the opponent’s huge bear claws, after grabbing the Balrog’s demon horns and dragging them to the ground and slamming them with their feet, they waved the chubby bear claws and began to bow left and right. Fist to the flesh...
"Ah! Gandalf!!!"
Suddenly, a scream sounded, and on the way to Mordor, Frodo, who was sleeping under a rock under a shelter from the wind, suddenly woke up from his sleep.
He had just dreamed of Gandalf, of course, and that Balrog!
They are constantly falling into the bottomless abyss, and then, in the process of falling, Gandalf is still fighting desperately with the flame-filled Balrog, even if he knows that he is bound to die, he still doesn’t Stopped fighting and fighting...
His long sword kept making gaps in the Balrog's body, and at the same time he was constantly being scorched by the flames of the Balrog.
"What's wrong? Frodo...?!"
After hearing Frodo's scream, Sam, who was not sleeping well beside him, was also awakened in an instant, and then he hurriedly came and asked.
He seemed to have heard Frodo call Gandalf's name just now?
But... he knows, Gandalf, obviously has fallen into the bottomless abyss for many days...
Prior to this, after the eight of them left the Moria Mine, they also went to the Golden Forest. At the same time, they also met the lord of the elves of Loslorin, the most powerful and beautiful elven leader, Lady Galadriel. .
Then, they rested for a night, and when they left the next day, they received many gifts from each other, and they took a boat along the Anduin River south to leave the golden forest of elves and left that beautiful place.
In the days that followed, Sam didn’t even want to remember
They just came ashore, but they were attacked soon! The strong orcs who followed them all the time, from Iseng Saruman's subordinates, mercilessly ambushed them...
In the following battle, Borromir, the eldest son from Prime Minister Gondor, was counted arrows, and his life was unknown...
Their friends, Pippin and Melly, seem to have also been caught by those strong orcs? Then, Frodo, who was dispersed, planned to go to Mordor alone in order not to drag his teammates? And Sam himself, after many pleadings, even jumping into the river regardless of life and death, finally convinced Frodo and obtained the qualification to walk with him.
By now, even the two Sams don’t know, except for Gandalf, is there anything else, the fellows of the Lord of the Rings expedition?
"No... nothing..."
"Go to bed early, Sam! We have a long way to go tomorrow..."
After a while, Frodo, who knew that he was only dreaming just now, fell back and slowly lay back on the cold hard ground.
"I just had a dream...I dreamed of Gandalf..."
Enduring the frigid mountain breeze, Frodo tightened the elven cloak on his body, looked at the dark night sky, looked at the Doomsday Volcano of Mordor in the distance, and didn't know what he was thinking.
"Master Gandalf is dead... at the hands of the Balrog..."
Sam looked at Frodo's back in silence for a while, and when he turned his head to look in the direction of their approach, he was suddenly taken aback.
"Also, look! Even here, we can still see the vision over the Misty Mountains. That must be done by the Balrog..."
At this time, at Sam's reminder, Frodo finally sat up again and looked in the direction of the Misty Mountains.
Sure enough, as Sam said, in the dark night, they can still see the distant sky, the reddish volcanic eruption, the highest peak of the Misty Mountains~www. seems to be on fire?
The fire is so fierce, even if the two of them are located in the Great Wasteland Mountain Range, they can still see the terrible scene in the night, vaguely through the fog...
It's like the peak of the Misty Mountains was completely burned red by the flames, even, at the same time, the clouds were burned into red?
Obviously, besides the volcanic eruption, the only thing that can cause this kind of scene is the ancient Balrog, right?
If he hadn't known that the Doomsday Volcano was in his direction, he would have almost thought that they were in the wrong direction!
And now, since the Balrog is good enough and can go to burn the mountain to play, then Gandalf must be dead!
That's right... After falling from a place as high as the Namoria Mine Bridge into the bottomless abyss, there is absolutely no way for anyone to survive except for mythical creatures like the Balrog!
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