Chapter 282: Battle of Rohan (1)

Within the territory of the Luohan Kingdom, the terrain here is mainly a plain with mixed grasslands and strange stones, which is very suitable for cavalry to gallop. This is also the main grazing area for Luohan herdsmen. Of course, in normal times, the herdsmen graze cows and horses. In addition to livestock such as sheep, a small amount of grain is also grown.
This is still a border area, and it has not reached the lush land of the Luohan Kingdom with many pastures and lush rivers, indicating that it looks like a thousand miles away, and there is no gathering place.
If in the old days, few forces other than the Luohan Kingdom dared to come here to go wild. After all, the frontier cavalry of Luohan would often patrol this area in the usual way. If the evil Existence or other forces, whether they are half-orcs or others, as long as they don't want to face a group of terrifying knights on the grassland, they will subconsciously stay away from the territory of these Rohan people.
But today, there is actually a large group of strong orcs here. It is estimated that at least a hundred strong orcs are marching blatantly in the daytime. These strong orcs, they all have steel helmets and iron armor, holding ferocious iron blades or hard steel bows. Arranged in several sparse formations, and seem to be tirelessly running fast! And on the backs of two of the strong orcs, there seem to be two small hobbit prisoners tied up? !
Now they have all begun to penetrate deep into the Rohan border, but they have not encountered the Rohan cavalry who patrolled the border in the past. I don't know what the current state of Rohan is like?
Suddenly, a leading strong orc who was leading the team suddenly stopped, and at the same time he clenched his fists to signal to the subordinates behind him, ordering them to stop behind him and began to guard the surroundings.
Its face was patted with a white handprint, and its nose was constantly beating, as if it smelled an unusual smell around...
"You are too slow, my master can't wait!"
Afterwards, a group of half-orcs who were half head shorter than the strong orcs came out from behind the pile of rocks. The leader of the half-orcs with animal fangs on their necks was impatiently approaching. The strong orc leader roared.
"He is coming now for the little people from Shire!"
Half-orcs may have face blindness, they can only distinguish the difference between elves and humans, but cannot distinguish the difference between human populations! Therefore, they collectively referred to those who were shorter than those tall humans as dwarves, regardless of whether he was a real dwarf or a hobbit from the Shire.
For example, humans can't tell the difference between Modo half-orcs, Wushan half-orcs, goblins and Gundaba half-orcs. Although they can all be called half-orcs, they are not the same species.
"Huh! I don't remember that I did something for you half-orc maggots!"
The leader of the strong orc looked at the half-orcs who had blocked his way with disdain, and snorted with a grin.
Obviously, the master of this strong orc and the master of this group of half-orcs are not the same person, and they are not under the control of Demon Lord Sauron!
It can be seen from here: Saruman seems to be defensive against the demon Lord Sauron. He obviously also knows the absolute principle of power out of the barrel of the gun. Therefore, the power of the strong orc is used by him to death by magic. Hold it in his own hands, and let these strong orcs listen only to Saruman alone.
Hearing that this strong orc, this kind of who had just crossed out, dared to speak to himself like this, the leader of the orc immediately became annoyed!
Then, as its face became more and more ferocious, it also made a whimper of anger in its throat, and slightly squeezed the curved bone blade in its hand, and it tended to rush forward to dry it if there was a big disagreement.
"Master Saruman will get his captive, and we will offer it personally!"
Once again, he looked up and down disdainfully at these half-orcs who were not as tall or strong as their own. After a glance, the strong orc sneered and turned away. It didn't think the opponent had the guts to fight with him.
They are strong orcs, only loyal to the most powerful white-robed wizard Saruman!
Not the master Sauron in the mouth of these half-orcs! Therefore, it will never give the captives who waited for someone to grab their hands to these half-orc idiots!
After provoking two roars of unknown meaning at first, the half-orc weighed in his heart, and after comparing the physique and number of the two sides, after all, he did not dare to attack the strong orc without authorization.
From its point of view, these strong orc hybrids now have a large number of them, they are large in size, and Li Qiye is even bigger. If they really fight, it must be the half-orcs on their side who suffer? Therefore, it can only temporarily admit counsel.
"Merry? You wake up!"
At this time when the strong orcs stopped for a brief repair, Piping, who was tied to the back of a strong orc, finally had time to care about the situation of his partner Melly on the other side.
He saw it, and now Melly was moaning weakly on the back of that strong orc, with blood still bleeding on his forehead, it seemed that he was in a bad condition?
"My friend is sick, he needs some water! Please, give him some water..."
Seeing Meli's mouth still half-opened and moaning over there, Pippin finally couldn't stand it anymore, so he quickly pleaded with one of the strong orcs who seemed to be drinking water.
"Oh? Are you sick?"
At this time, the strong orc leader who had already negotiated with the group of half-orcs finally came over. When it heard Pippin's words, he smiled grinningly and pointed at Meli in Pippin's mouth and shouted:
"Come on! Give him some medicine, boys!"
Then, another strong orc rushed over with a water bag, and after holding the Hobbit Melley’s head in one hand, he broke the other’s mouth, and directly stood upside down the water bag, removing the'water' inside. Pour into Melly's mouth vigorously.
"Look! He looks better now, right?!"
At this time, Piping was surprised to find that the stuff in the other's water bag was actually not water at all, nor was it medicine! But some tissue fluid with yellow and red blood that precipitated after a long period of storage? !
What he didn't know was that these liquids were ordinary animals? Or is it of human biology?
Seeing that the hobbit finally started to cough loudly and looked much better than before, the big group of strong orcs laughed loudly with their leader.
"Stop! Let go of him!"
Pippin was anxious. If you pour this liquid that is obviously not a good thing, even if there is nothing wrong with Meli, it will become a big problem, right?
"Hahaha! Why? Can't you drink it?!"
After pouring a small half bag of blood, the strong beast reluctantly stopped, leaving the Hobbit Melly to cough and moan there.
"Stop! Please don't touch him again!"
Pippin finally understood now that the two of them were captives of these cruel orcs, and these strong orcs were already great without eating them on the spot, and really couldn't be too demanding.
"Do you want to come and drink a little too? Otherwise, just shut your mouth obediently!"
After he pointed his fingers at the talkative hobbit with his own gloves that he didn't know of what kind of leather he gave a warning, the strong orc leader turned his head angrily and continued to the front of the team.
These two hobbits ran comfortably for three days and three nights with them on their backs. Had it not been explained by their owner, Saruman, that if these hobbits were needed to live, it would have eaten the two of them and headed back to the exchange!
"What's the matter? Did you smell something?!"
Before leaving the front of the team, the leader asked a strong orc with a particularly developed nose.
At this time, this shows the brilliance of the white robe wizard Saruman’s biological transformation project: while he used magic to transform ordinary strong orcs, he did not forget to specially transform a small group of strong orcs with particularly sensitive noses to let them be He acts as a humanoid self-propelled radar or scout in his army?
"It's human!"
This strong orc with huge nostrils, it just smelled a human scent...
Obviously, it seems that humans have discovered them now, and are approaching them continuously? Because, it smelled the strange smell of sweat from the opponent's body from the air.
"It may be the group before, they have followed..."
"Go! Go ahead at full speed!!"
The strong orc leader yelled in irritation, then waved his hand to make his men start again and run.
Although, it doesn't know whether it is Rohan's cavalry who is chasing up, or the small group of powerful humans, dwarves and elves who were ambushed by them in the woods before? But no matter what, speed up your marching speed, leave here early, and escape back to their nest Isinger is always right!
Ranger Aragorn was lying on a rock and listening carefully. Rangers like them who wandered in the wild all year round have more or less practiced some skills in tracking prey and searching for enemies.
Especially his Aragorn, an old ranger who has lived for more than eighty years, listens to the ability to distinguish positions, he has already practiced thoroughly!
He just heard the dull footsteps of strong orcs from the rock formations and the slight vibration from the earth! The other party has started to act again, and is still accelerating?
It seems that the other party is probably because they have discovered the three of them who have been following them?
"Hurry up!"
Then, Aragorn stood up from the rock and urged both Legolas and Jinli behind him.
Now that the strong orcs have begun to speed up, the three of them must also speed up at the same time, otherwise, every time they delay, the two Hobbits, Melly and Pippin, will be in danger!
"Hurry up, Jinli!"
With a bow and arrow on his back, Legolas, the elf prince who remembers to be handsome even when he ran, stood on a rock. Catch up with the ranger Aragorn leading the way.
For the elves who are already full of agility, this kind of thing is too easy! Moreover, he even still has time to enjoy that kind of fairy delicacy-the fairy biscuit Rambas?
Therefore, Legolas is still physically strong now, except for a long time unable to sleep and a little mental fatigue, he does not have much discomfort! If this is not a plain, but a dense forest, maybe, his own speed could be even faster?
"Huh! Huh!"
Gasping for breath, Jin Li held his long-handled battle axe in both hands, so tired that his eyes turned white...
"I ran for three days and three nights..."
"I didn't eat... and I didn't rest... Except for rocks or rocks, there is no trace at all!"
After taking a few breaths and habitually complaining, Jin Li sighed and gritted his teeth, took his short steps again, started to bury his head and hurry, seize the time to catch up with the two long legs in front Guy.
He is now at least tens of yards behind. If he doesn't catch up quickly, he will most likely be completely dropped and left behind.
After the three of them sacrificed their lives to chase them, after a short while, they came to the small canyon where the strong orcs and half-orcs would meet.
Then, Aragorn, who was good at tracking, quickly found something belonging to the two hobbits in the footprints on the ground: a pin with a squashed elven cloak?
"Lorian pins will never fall down for no reason..."
Looking at the elven leaf-shaped pin that has been deformed in his palm, Aragorn knew that they were not far from the enemy now. Looking at the freshness of these footprints, at most, it was only half a day away?
And, more importantly, the three of them are not chasing in the wrong direction. The group of strong orcs who have taken away two hobbits are right in front!
"Maybe they are still alive?"
Legolas also speculated aloud after leaning over to look at the pin.
Since the pin, which belongs to the hobbit, only appeared here, and not before, it really means that those strong orcs should not have killed Pippin and Meli, otherwise, their objects or clothing should be It's been scattered everywhere!
"These footprints are still very fresh, it should be less than a day away, let us be faster..."
Now that the other party's tail has been knocked on, Aragorn is not willing to waste any more time, and just stood up and continued on the road.
Now, the three of them are already very tired, but he also knows that those orcs must be more tired than them! After all, they can still take time to eat two bites of Rambas, this kind of magical dry food that contains the vigorous vitality of Amen Island, those strong orcs do not have this kind of treatment.
"Ah! Wait for me..."
When Aragorn started to run again, on a small hill behind, a chubby thing rolled down. It was actually... the dwarf Jinli?
"Hurry up! Jin Li! We are about to catch up with them soon!"
"Our dwarves are not good at traveling long distances!"
"We dwarves are all born sprinters...Of course, not necessarily in comparison with you guys with long legs!"
In fact, Jin Li has always complained about the long-distance attack. For him, the disadvantage is too great!
"I saw them... northwest, they should be going to Isengard?"
After running up a high hill, Legolas quickly saw a very conspicuous dust on the horizon in the northwest direction, floating in the air for a long time!
Obviously, it must be the dust that the orcs trampled on and floated when they marched on a large scale in a hot environment, and now, after three days of endless chasing, it is finally the first time they really saw each other. Figure out.

"Hey! I said, old man Gandalf!"
"What are we doing here? This forest looks gloomy, damp, wet, and dirty. I don't like it very much!"
After beating the Balrog severely at the peak of Wushan Mountain, and asking Tibbs the bear to teach him how to be a qualified pet with his fist, Annie forcibly sealed it and stuffed it into her own person. Within the dimension space.
Compared to the super high-standard treatment that his little bear can follow him all the time, the new Balrog is going to be more aggrieved...
If Annie doesn't summon it out, then it may sleep in the dimensional space forever, don't want to come out to let the wind out or stretch the bones and bones.
"There is nothing interesting in this forest! Bored to death!"
Originally, after cleaning up the Balrog and saving the half-dead Gandalf, Annie planned to send it back directly to continue playing her war game. However, when she saw that Gandalf had summoned a few funny giant eagles, she felt that the big birds that could hold people flying were a bit curious, and she followed up again with a faceless expression.
Annie herself actually has a bigger, fiercer and more beautiful Fire Eagle, but it's not in this world. However, she was still a little curious about the kind of giant eagle that Gandalf had summoned, and of course she would not let it go when she felt that she could reluctantly sit and try.
In the following time, they went to the golden forest and got a lot of fun and super delicious things, and then under the eyes of the beautiful elven aunt, they came to the Fagong forest. .
"Well, I don't really like it here, but we have to try and see if we can convince the old shepherds here..."
Gandalf, who still looked a little embarrassed on his face, was now wearing a white robe. It was the beautiful elven aunt in the Golden Forest before, who was given to him by the hot queen named Galadriel!
Now he is walking slowly under the damp and dark shade of a giant tree with almost no sunlight, and at the same time chatting with the little girl behind him who has to follow him everywhere. Tao.
After learning about the fact that Fredo and their expedition team had been broken up by the strong orcs from the elves of Loslorin, Gandalf was very sad at first. The Lord of the Rings expedition team led by him just left. Only half the distance?
But when he knew that Frodo and Sam had left the team alone through the Anduin River and planned to continue to Mordor, and Aragorn seemed to be chasing the strong orcs who had captured the Hobbit, Gan Astoria thought for a while, he definitely couldn't wait for him all day long, so he planned to try his luck here in the Fargon Forest.
He wanted to see if he could persuade the powerful tree shepherds to resist Isinger's Saruman? If those big guys join, maybe it will be easier to defeat Saruman by then?
"The shepherd?"
Treeman Annie can understand, but shepherd or something, Annie seems to have never seen it...
Then, feeling a bit funny, she quickly looked up and looked around, trying to see the clues of the so-called tree shepherds from the big trees around.
"Where are they now? Are they the big trees around?"
Annie herself could see that these big trees around had definitely grown for thousands of years!
Their canopies are so high that they are so dense that the sun can't shine! Over time, in this woods, except for their tall and strong, thick and large trunks, those corrupted fallen leaves, and those green moss that like a humid environment, the other flowers and plants can't be here. Growing, making the surroundings look, except for those gray-brown tree trunks, everywhere is bare.
However, Annie did not find those so-called treants. Although the trees she saw had strong vitality, they were still far from the kind of activity and ancient wisdom treants that the old man Gandalf said. So a little bit worse?
Tree shepherd or something, shouldn't it grow like this?
In Annie's own imagination, could the tree shepherd in this world be the kind of weird man with a few heads, green hair, and skin like bark? Maybe they can still jump between the big trees? Just like the big monkey?
"No, these are just ordinary trees, not tree people..."
"Tree people, also called tree shepherds, are one of the oldest and most mysterious races in our Middle-earth world! They are said to be born at the same time as the dwarves, but they walked between the continents earlier than the dwarves."
As Maya's Gandalf, he began to recall the past, some things, due to the long history, he himself can't remember too clearly.
"They... were born after Velayavana asked Manvi, the king of the gods."
"The purpose is to protect the ancient trees in Middle-earth! Although they have not appeared in the sight of mortals for many years, I believe that here, in this ancient Fargon forest, they must be still There are a lot of survival!"
Using his wand as a walking stick, Gandalf walked staggeringly while turning his head around to search.
"However, when they sleep, they are generally similar to ordinary trees. Therefore, we need to be patient and look for it, and we need to be more careful..."
"But there is also good news, because I know that there are at least hundreds of tree shepherds living in the Fargon Forest. Therefore, our chance of finding them is actually quite high?"
The current Gandalf didn't know how to summon the treants, so besides searching slowly, he slowly walked through the Fargon Forest, but there was no good way.
"Find it slowly?! Gandalf, are you crazy?!"
"Look, there are so many spicy trees here! How do you find it? Do you still want to find them one by one?!"
Listening to the meaning of this old man Gandalf's words, knowing that he actually wanted to find a needle in a haystack in this huge Fargon forest, when looking for it tree by tree, Annie immediately exploded.
She wouldn't do such a stupid thing with this old man!
There are ancient trees everywhere in this Fagong Forest, such a large ancient forest, there are at least hundreds of thousands or even millions of big trees and ancient trees, right?
If you really look for him one by one, when will you find it? !
"In fact, that's what I thought just now...or else, Annie, do you have any good ideas?"
After sighing, Gandalf leaned on his wand and turned to look at the little girl with an expression of unwillingness on her face.
For his stupid method of finding a needle in a haystack, Gandalf himself is actually a bit embarrassed. It seems that this method is really stupid! But other than that, he has no better way.
Those shepherds don't have a very good temper. If he casually makes a loud noise to wake them up, it will easily be counterproductive. After all, now he wants to win over the other party to help him fight.
At most, he can only try his luck in those places where trees are suitable for growth, and the land is wet and more hydrated? Now that the tree-man brought the word tree, Gandalf felt that they would definitely like the kind of place suitable for tree growth, fertile soil, and sufficient water?
Otherwise, what else can we do? If the tree people stayed still and closed their eyes without making a sound, he really couldn't easily recognize it.
"Huh! I won't look for them so stupidly as you are!"
Complaining complained, but when Annie squinted her eyes and looked around the towering trees that seemed to have the same vitality, she actually had no good way.
In her sight, these ancient trees grew strangely and looked like a sleeping treant? Or not like it?
"Hey, Gandalf... You just said, those tree people, their job is to protect this ancient Fargon forest?"
Her eyes rolled, and after her little bear made a bad idea, Annie quickly knew how to make the tree people come out by themselves.
"This... seems to be like this. Have you thought of any good solutions?"
Of course the tree shepherd is here to protect the trees. You have to ask about such simple things?
Therefore, Gandalf didn't quite understand what the little girl wanted to do, but when he saw the cunning expression of the other party, he felt a little uneasy.
This little witch must be planning some unmarginal ghost idea again!
"Aha! Of course I have a good idea!"
After speaking, Xiao Annie grabbed a big red ball of fire directly in her hand, and then looked at the surrounding trees with a weird smile and said:
"If I burn this piece of forest now, their tree gates will definitely come out?"
With a weird smile, Annie slowly made the fireball in her hand bigger. It seemed that she really had the urge to burn this small piece of Fargon forest nearby?
"Please do not!!!"
Without even thinking about it, Gandalf quickly turned back and reached out to the little girl two steps to persuade him.
"Anne...we are here to ask the tree people for help, not to make enemies...Please, please don't do things that make the tree people angry..."
Gandalf knew a little about the temperament of those ancient shepherds.
After all, in Middle-earth for so many years, he has seen many treants more or less, and the treants in this Fargon Forest can be considered familiar with him?
If this little girl, she really used the method of burning trees here to draw them out, then Gandalf believes that what he wants to do will definitely not be discussed! Those angry tree people will definitely attack them madly until the two arsonists are driven out of the Fargon Forest?
"But, I think this method is pretty good!"
Frowning her lovely brows, Annie was a little undecided.
On one side is this old man Gandalf who begged herself not to set fire, and on the other, is Tibbles the little bear who is still trying to encourage herself to burn the forest in private and scare the tree people out to play. She feels very embarrassed about this... …
Is this burning? Still going to burn...
"It's a big deal, when we introduce their kind of tree people, we quickly put out the fire, and then deny that someone else did it?"
It looks pretty good like this?
As long as you don't admit it to death, forgive those tree people for nothing they can do, right?
Anyway, Annie herself would definitely not go looking for it tree by tree like this old man Gandalf said. It would be too stupid to do that! In comparison, it is more reliable to burn the forest to lure them out to fight the fire.
As long as they are not seen on the spot, she believes that the wood-bumped heads of those tree people must not have so many bends. Can they still believe it? !
"Well, that... uh..."
When Gandalf suddenly wanted to say something, he suddenly stopped talking.
Then, he looked up awkwardly at the sky in front of him, and then looked down at the little girl who was eager to try, and planned to burn the forest to attract the treants and deny, and sighed deeply.
"Little witch... I heard what you just said..."
Suddenly, an old and slow voice sounded behind Annie.
When Little Annie turned around in surprise, she found that the big tree she had seen before had opened a pair of huge eyes and removed its two foot-like roots from the damp. Pulled out from the ground full of green moss?
Is this really a tree man? It's amazing, she didn't even find each other just now.
"Immediately extinguish the evil flame magic in your hand...and leave our forest as soon as possible...otherwise...I will squash you..."
After looking at the awkward white-robed wizard Gandalf in the distance, Treebeard once again stared at the one in front of him and below, the little witch holding a fireball that made him feel very disgusted.
The tree whiskers have already felt it. The energy intensity in the fireball in the opponent's hand is very strong, which makes it feel very uncomfortable. It feels that their Fargon Forest is threatening...
Once this dangerous spell is exploded in the Fargon Forest, if one is not good, it may easily burn a large area of ​​ancient forest!
Therefore, this is something that their tree-herders absolutely cannot tolerate, absolutely not!
"Wow! You dare to threaten me? You step on it and try!"
After looking up at the tall and big tree man, Annie ridiculed her annoyingly. What she hates most is that she is threatened by someone who is growing up.
"You should step on it and try! At that time, if I don't burn up all the forest, I won't be Annie!"
After making the fireball in her hand bigger and brighter, Annie stared coldly at this courageous and fat tree if they had the courage to such things.
Don't think it's great when it grows up. This big and dumb guy is no different from the world of Azeroth. Is it great? Don't their brains know that their flame magic is specifically designed to restrain plants?
Now it's going against the sky, and dare to even threaten to trample yourself? Give it a hundred courage to try!
"and many more!"
Gandalf became anxious when he saw the tendency of one big and one small, one person and one big tree, if they didn't agree with each other.
"Annie, there is tree whiskers. Don’t be impulsive. This is actually a misunderstanding, really a misunderstanding! Tree whiskers, please believe me!"
Then, he quickly ran over, stretched out his hands and stopped between the two sides, trying to get the little girl Annie, who was playing with fire to death, and the tree-herd who was angry when he saw the fire. Calm down temporarily.
He Gandalf came here today and came to this Fargon Forest. He really wanted to come to the tree people to discuss major issues, not to be an enemy of the tree people!
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