Chapter 283: Battle of Rohan (2)

The night has gradually started to darken. In the Fagong Forest, which was originally dim because of the luxuriant trees and leaves, it was difficult for the light to come down. If the flickering and beating fireball in Annie's hand hadn't provided enough light, I'm afraid here , Has already become invisible, right?
"Annie! And tree whiskers! Please, can you two calm down temporarily?"
It had been so long, and seeing the little girl and the old tree man's whiskers still facing each other, Gandalf had to sigh and exhorted again.
Now, when neither party is willing to take the lead in admitting counsel, he has no better way other than continuing to work hard as a peacemaker.
Unfortunately, his persuasion didn't seem to have any effect?
Because, the two in front of me: one is the lawless little witch who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, but also fears that the world will not be chaotic; and the other is the wooden head, which is not very flexible when admitting death, and the brain is a little overwhelming. Old tree man?
So, even if he has reached out and stopped between the two sides, Gandalf has been talking about it, but he still failed to persuade any one of the other to stop first.
On his left, that little kid, Annie, still holding the fireball in her hand, staring fiercely at the ugly face of the Shepherd, he might smash the big fireball over at any time!
And what about the tree's whiskers? They are also doing their best to use the few natural spells of their tree-herders: attracting countless water vapor around this place, so that the branches, leaves, and even the moss on the ground are accumulated A thick layer of dew.
Obviously, it is trying to prevent this little witch from setting the forest on fire! But what it doesn't know is: Little Annie's flame, as long as she thinks about it, ordinary water must not be easily extinguished!
"Gandalf... my old friend..."
"You let this little girl extinguish... the evil flame magic in her hand... Then... I will... let you... leave us... this Fargon forest..."
Finally, the old Treeman Treebeard who had been silent for a long time began to speak again.
It's just that it speaks slowly, stuttering, and sometimes a sentence is not finished for a long time, and it sounds like it is not awake or weak? Perhaps, this is the real reason why it has confronted the little girl for so long? The communication between the two parties is not smooth?
"I...have...summoned more companions...they are...coming..."
It took a few minutes for this tree to barely finish its demands and threats. Even Annie was a little anxious when she heard it, wishing that a fireball slammed directly over and pulled it down.
Actually, Treebeard didn't want to make his old friend, the wizard Gandalf too embarrassed, but he just didn't like this little girl who threatened to burn their Fargon Forest, and didn't like it at all!
"Humph! Do you think it's great if you have more people?"
When the other party dared to call someone, Annie became even more annoyed at the moment!
"If it really annoys me, be careful I let the Balrog come out and let it burn up your entire forest! And my little bear Tibbers! It can hit you at least 100!"
Regardless of the quality or the quantity, Annie will not persuade them to create these bad guys!
Tibbers, my own little bear, won't talk about it, letting it out is just to bully them and these treants! It was just the Balrog that was newly subdued by her, if she really threw it out, she could burn down this forest casually, right? She didn't think that these treants would be the opponents of her second fool, Balrog.
It is simply too easy to use the Balrog to burn the forest! If you just wander around the Fargon Forest, it's almost finished here.
"The flame demon... really is... an evil... witch!"
Hearing these two words, the tree beard became angry on the spot.
Then, it began to tremble all over, and made a low voice again, as if it was waking up more treants to help out? In this way, during the War of the Ancients, their treants seemed to have formed a bridge with the Balrogs under Morgoth? !
"You are an evil tree man! Bad guy!"
Seeing that the other party actually called out again, and the forest in the distance also responded faintly at the same time, Annie knew that the other party must be calling for help again? It's just that she herself wouldn't be afraid of the other party calling a helper. Anyway, burning one is burning, and burning one hundred is also burning!
Therefore, she herself snorted coldly and made the flame in her hand burn more vigorously.
Annie has already decided. When the fight begins, she will use torches to burn the surrounding area into a sea of ​​fire, then release the Balrog, and create a lot of small fire elements. If the forest is not burned, she will Never give up!
"Stop it! Two people..."
Gandalf, who reached out between the two, was trembling anxiously.
If he knew that things had turned into this way, he shouldn't have agreed to let this little girl follow...Look, it's good now. Not only did the other party not help, but they also got into trouble with the trees?
If it wasn't for the other party who had just saved his life on the top of the fog before, Gandalf would really have a little doubt now, this little girl, she wouldn't be with the people like Saruman, right? Then, did you deliberately make trouble and add to yourself?
"You let it apologize to me, and I won't burn their forest!"
Annie, who feels good about herself and feels very reasonable, just speaks frankly.
You see, she has already given way first. As long as the tree person apologizes to herself and contributes some local products in the Fargon Forest, then she will reluctantly let him go!
"Evil...little witch...I...tree beard...nothing wrong..."
Treebeard also felt that he was reasonable, and of course he would not take the lead in admitting counsel!
Think about it, they were arrogant. They fell asleep well in this Fagong forest. They didn’t recruit anyone and didn’t provoke anyone. If this little girl threatened to burn the forest, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be easy. Was the ground awakened?
This kind of person sits at home, and the disaster comes from heaven, how can he admit his mistake first? Is there any truth to Middle-earth? !
So, Treebeard felt that it was not wrong at all! Everything was provoked by this evil little witch. It should be the other party who apologized, and then quickly left the Fargon forest where they were treed by the people, instead of letting it, the master, go and apologize to this evil little witch playing with flames. !
"Huh! Gandalf, you heard it, dare it still say it's not wrong?"
"My mother, Amoryn, told me before. Those bad guys, when they are trying to quibble, they stutter very easily. Just like it did, they couldn't say a word for a long time! So! Now, the facts have already proved: it was this villainous tree who was wrong first!"
After speaking plausibly what she thought was reasonable, Annie nodded in satisfaction. You see, she herself is a good girl, with evidence and evidence, and can stand scrutiny!
Anyway, no matter what, she just feels that she is not wrong, there is no!
All of this was caused by the tree who opened her mouth and smashed her. Want her to apologize first? That is absolutely impossible!
Instead of that, she is more willing to set fire to all of the forest. If all these ugly trees are burned, no matter who is wrong or right, no one will dare to point to herself. Right?
"I beg you two, can you take a step back from each other?!"
The helpless Gandalf is almost crying, can't he give himself face...
Coming to Middle-earth, and guiding mortals to be good for so many years, this is the first time he has encountered these two guys who can't beat and beat, scold but dare not scold, and are rational and unreasonable!
If it was an existence that he could easily deal with, how could his Gandalf still be here with them for so long? He rushed up and drew out his staff long ago, knocked a crit on the back of the two of them, and then waited until the two of them were convinced before he slowly reasoned with each other?
"No! You must let this ugly big tree apologize to me first!"
Annie, who walks the world logically, will never give in under such circumstances! Now, she is the one who is reasonable! On this point, the fireball in her hand can testify.
"The tree whiskers... there is nothing wrong..."
The tree beard who thinks that being big is the truth, and that many brothers don't need to be counseled, is of course not willing to give in easily.
Especially for such a bad witch who wants to burn the forest all day long! Had it not been for his old friend Gandalf who was still standing in the middle, it would have been an honest shepherd who was not good at quarreling and spoke too uncomfortably, would he have already stepped on it?
Suddenly, when the two sides continued to confront each other and Gandalf was also desperately trying to persuade both sides, behind a big tree, suddenly two small...Hobbits rolled out?
"Are you... Gandalf? And Master Anne Witch?!"
Pippin, who rolled down and gnawed a mouthful of mud, just got up and saw in the distance, the little witch Anne who was holding a ball of fire? And, the white-robed wizard who is standing by-Gandalf? !
The gray-robed wizard Gandalf, who fell into the endless abyss of Moria Mine with the Balrog, is not dead yet? Moreover, the other party not only lived well, but even changed into a new outfit?
It should be... Gandalf the white-robed wizard? !
"Master Anne? And Gandalf! Great! It's really you? Hurry up and help..."
Then, due to a fall together, Meli the Hobbit, who also gnawed moss, also found two old friends across from him at this time. Then, he jumped up quickly and was still in a daze. Pippin, who began to throw his feet forward desperately, rushed towards the position of Annie and Gandalf in a lifeless manner.
As for the tall tree man, because the other party didn't speak, and didn't make any movements, they didn't even look at it. They just thought about other things, thinking it was just an ordinary big tree!
"Ha! An old man with little meat, and a...a little girl with delicate skin?"
Then, when the two hobbits hurriedly ran behind Gandalf and Annie to hide, the three orcs who were holding sharp blades, chasing Pippin and Melly into the Fargon Forest, ran out grinningly.
The look in their eyes is a bit unpleasant, and they thought that the little girl was holding a torch in her hand!
Therefore, when it was discovered that there were two more prey, these brainless half-orcs started clamoring and licked their dirty black mouths. They feel that the other party seems to be someone who has no ability to resist?
"Guys, our food tonight is getting more and more abundant..."
"Yes! That's great."
"That little girl belongs to me! The rest belongs to you, how about? I think her meat must be very tender and tender. She doesn't need to be boiled, it's best to eat it raw?
After the faint red light of the fireball slowly dispersed and approached, the three half-orcs were still interested in discussing the distribution of prey? One of them was even speaking with disgusting saliva at Annie?
As everyone knows, they seem to have provoke certain existences that even their masters can't easily provoke? Here, it is a little girl who loves to play with fire, a violent melee mage Gandalf, plus the old tree whiskers of a group of tree shepherds!
A little girl's cold snort suddenly sounded.
Then, the fireball that she had been holding in her hand quickly flew towards the orc who planned to eat himself raw! After a dazzling flame trail appeared on the fireball, it instantly ignited the opponent's body.
When the orc began to wailing, her next words rang:
"People think, burnt meat might be better, and it won't get sick, right?"
Annie didn't increase the power of her flame magic, so she let the other party turn into a human-shaped torch, and then watched with interest the other party screaming constantly on the wet moss ground, and at the same time rolling frantically.
Sashimi or something, the most annoying!
Therefore, Annie must burn slowly, little by little, first to burn off the skin, then the muscles and veins, and finally the bones and internal organs! She wants to prove to these half-orcs who don't know the cooking skills: only the cooked meat, which is charred on the outside and inside, is the most delicious and delicious!
At the same time, before the half-orc who had been burned with the human-shaped fire cabinet stopped rolling and wailing, another huge tree root and the soleplate suddenly slammed over, and the other side was due to his companion. The half-orc who was startled by the encounter and was stunned, stepped on a pool of meatloaf...
Not to be outdone, Gandalf stepped forward two steps, the staff in his hand smashed Huashan with a force, the head of the staff hit a critical blow, and the last half-orc was opened on the spot...
"It's great, it's nice to see you again! Pippin? And Melly?"
At this moment, Gandalf was startled by the sudden action of the big tree. He glanced at the two hobbits Melly and Pippin who were undetermined, and then looked at those who seemed to have died out and were unwilling to confront the little witch anymore. After the tree beard, he finally let out a sigh of relief.
"Sure enough, it's not unreasonable that I prefer Hobbits, old man..."

In the early morning of the next day, in the area close to the Fargon Forest within the border of Luohan, on the hills somewhere in the prairie, three figures moving quickly appeared again.
After chasing them all night, Aragorn, Jinli and Legolas are still running chasing their enemies. After this night of chasing, they feel that they should be getting closer and closer to those strong orcs. Up...
"The red sun rises... Last night, there must be a killing near here..."
When the red sun rising in the early morning slowly, the superstitious elf prince Legolas, who is good at observing the sky, has a vague premonition in his heart.
In the eyes of the Middle-earth elves who like to watch the sky at night, when the morning glow appears in the morning, something bad must happen?
So far, they have chased those strong orcs for three days and four nights. At this time, when they were about to catch up with the enemy and rescue their companions, they had such a bad omen?
For example... a big battle?
After all, the color of blood is red, and so is the morning glow... Therefore, the elves naively thought: must be the blood from the battlefield that stained the clouds red?
If Annie knew what this fairy little white face thought, she would definitely spit on him, right?
Because, if it's on the earth, even those elementary school students know that Zhaoxia is just an ordinary physical phenomenon that appears after the morning sun is scattered by excessive water vapor.
Besides, how could the blood on the ground be contaminated to the sky, superstition, it really is a harmful thing!
"These footprints..."
While Aragorn was carefully observing the enemy's footprints to identify the direction when they were passing by, suddenly, they heard the trembling sound of horses running fast, and the opponent seemed to be getting closer...
It's a large group of cavalry! And, are you galloping towards them? !
"Quick! Hide!"
Without thinking about it, Aragorn hurriedly waved to the two companions who had also found the wrong behind him, and then quickly concealed in a huge boulder next to him.
Soon after they lurked in the half-human tall grass in the crevices of the huge rocks, the rumbling of horseshoes became louder and louder, and the terrifying tremor from the earth became stronger and stronger...
Then, as if in the next instant, countless Rohan cavalry, wearing heavy armor and cloaks, holding Rohan's galloping flag and all kinds of lances, began to turn up from the bottom of the hillside, and followed the place where they stood before. At the gap, it galloped directly to the far place below the hillside.
Aragorn quickly stood up and looked at the back of the cavalry.
It's so dangerous. The other party didn't see them just now, and it didn't seem to be directed at the three of them. It seems, those cavalrymen, are they just passing by?
"Cavalry of the Luo Khanate, is there any new news from your hussar country?!"
After looking at Legolas, Aragorn felt that the regular army of the Lokhanate should not embarrass the three of them, right? Therefore, after standing out from the hidden place for a while, he shouted loudly to the hundreds of cavalry who had run down the hillside.
Aragorn took it for granted that they seemed to be able to get some help from these cavalry or the intelligence of those strong orcs? Since the other party appeared here, maybe they would know the trace of the small group of strong orcs they were chasing before?
After all, in the territory of Luohan Kingdom, those Luohan cavalry who are the masters are always more familiar than outsiders like themselves.
As soon as Aragorn's voice fell, the cavalry who had not ran far away quickly dispersed.
They did not slow down at all. They just made a small circle on the prairie in a skirmish pattern, and began to transform into a semi-arc encirclement net. After completing the U-turn, they went straight to the three on their hillside. People galloped up and encircled!
Countless cavalry began to gallop by the three of them. The other's superb riding skills did not even require them to perform extra movements. After that, they continued to ride their horses and run, circle after circle, and three Groups of people are surrounded in the middle...
In the end, when the speed of the horse slowly slowed down, the knights were pressed against Aragorn from the encirclement circle one by one with a sharp lance. The sharp spears stuck the three of them to death. Can't move in the middle.
"An elf, a human and... a dwarf?!"
"Say! What do you want to do when you come to Reedmark of the Luo Khanate? What is the conspiracy!"
After Rohan's heavy armored knights completely controlled the three men, a cavalry wearing a full body armor with golden patterns and other decorative patterns on the armor squeezed in from the outside with a very serious tone. Asked badly.
"Say it!!"
Obviously, this cavalry commander with a semi-enclosed helmet on his head seems to be in a bad mood? Therefore, after scanning the three of them with sharp eyes for a while, he asked sharply again.
"Show your name first, commander of the cavalry? Then I will tell you who I am!"
Jin Li, the dwarf who was pointed at by a group of cavalry and spears, was the first to speak out uncomfortably. He held his long-handled battle axe like that, and looked up at the arrogantly looking at the three of them. The cavalry commander.
As a dwarf, Jin Li's height suffers again here!
Originally, human beings are much taller than them? But now, the opponent is still riding on a tall horse, which makes him have to raise his head higher. Only in this way can he let himself see the opponent's face and eyes. This action makes him weak only in momentum. A lot of each other.
Hearing that Jin Li, who owed his mouth, had the courage to say such a thing at this time, Aragorn was a little bit dumbfounded and felt speechless for a while.
He couldn't figure it out a bit. Could the dwarf Jinli not see the situation clearly? What a mess! The diplomacy of their dwarves must be negative, right?
Now, it's obviously a man made a knife, I'm a fish! The three of them themselves are still besieged by hundreds of cavalry regiments. Those spears and lances are still not far from their bodies. Where did he have the courage to say such things at this time? ?
In case of encountering a general who has a slightly bad temper, people simply don't ask, and if they directly order those spears to be pierced, then the three of them will die in vain!
Hearing the words of this dwarf, not only Aragorn was speechless, but even the cavalry commander was stunned.
"If you grow taller, little dwarf, I can easily chop off your head on horseback!"
Then, after the opponent handed his spear to a follower, he turned back and jumped out of the saddle, and walked straight to the short, staring at the beard that made him look uncomfortable. He pressed his hand on the hilt of his waist, and at the same time he did not forget the vicious threat.
"If you don't wait for you to do it, my arrow will shoot through your head first!"
As soon as the voice of the cavalry commander fell, the elf prince Legolas, who was also unhappy in his heart, quickly bent his bow and pulled an arrow. Before all the cavalry could react, they had already aimed the full bow and arrow at this. It seemed to be the brow of the knight of the leader.
In the next instant, countless long lances or spears were swiped, all came together and stopped around Legolas's body. If the opponent dared to shoot arrows, he would definitely be given by countless spears. Stabbed into a broken body full of bullet holes!
"Wait, Legolas..."
At this moment, Aragorn who was on the side finally reacted, and quickly pressed down the elf prince's bow and arrow, and at the same time comforted Jinli, the dwarf who was about to raise his axe to slash people.
He didn't understand, where did the courage come from these two people? Even if you don't agree with others, you just start with others?
Didn't they see the situation clearly? He just wanted to call these Rohan cavalrymen, and by the way, to help them find those strong orcs. As for the situation like this, is it endless?
What didn't say, the diplomacy of the elves must not be very good.
Aragorn, who has been wandering in the wilderness for so many years, has long understood a truth, that is: multiple friends and multiple paths, as long as they are just or kind races, there is no need to get to the point where they meet and fight! It is the right option to connect the relationship between the two parties well. Maybe it will be used someday?
Look at himself, the current elves, dwarves and other longevity races, who doesn't know him Aragorn?
Seeing that this human stopped his companions, some cavalry finally stopped being nervous and began to slowly withdraw their respective weapons, but there were still some spears and lances, and they remained as unstable. The elves and dwarves dangling around.
"Hello, I am Aragorn, son of Arazon!"
Yes, the situation is critical now, and Aragorn can't care about other things.
Therefore, he directly started the daddy-fighting mode. For fear that the other party would not know his name, he quickly took out his cheap daddy who had been dead for many years, and directly told the other party that his father was So and so...
Although he Aragorn is still a lonely ranger, he has a good father, doesn't he?
You know, in name, he Aragorn is an ally of the Luo Khanate-the legitimate heir to the king of the Kingdom of Gondor! With such an invisible glamorous protective film, the general of Luohan in front of him can't even give him this little face, right?
"This dwarf is the son of Groin, Jinli! And this one is the Silvan Elf Prince Legolas from the Dark Forest."
Fortunately, the three of them have a good dad with a resounding reputation, and, by all accounts, they are still the best official second generation in Middle-earth! As long as they are not the rebels under the demon Lord Sauron, then people in other kingdoms, after knowing their identities, if they don’t want to cause conflicts between nations and races, they will more or less sell a bit of face. !
"We are friends of the Luo Khanate and Hussar King Xiuton, you don't need to be so hostile to us!"
Aragorn knows the hussar King Hidden, and the relationship is very good! However, he doesn't know the young and strong general in front of him...
When he wanted to come, when he was wandering in the Luo Khanate and worshipping Hidden, this general, probably didn't know that he was in that corner wearing open pants to pee and play in the mud, right? It should be normal to not know yourself.
This may be the sorrow of the short-lived race, but also the sorrow of Aragon...
I think back then, he spent countless hours and energy operating in the entire Middle-earth world, and almost all the heads of state or bigwigs from the non-Sauron forces knew him Aragorn, and the relationship was white. , Also mixed a familiar face! But in the end? When he was not ready to reveal his identity and was ready to rule the king and accept the inheritance, those who knew him in the human world were almost dead...
Sure enough, after Aragorn carried out the names of the three of them, the cavalry commander's complexion finally looked much better, and there was no longer the urge to order the three to be chopped up immediately.
"Friend? Huh..."
"Where does Hiurdon have friends now? He has no distinction between us and the enemy, even his six relatives don't recognize him!"
The cavalry commander took off his helmet, and after revealing his face, he waved his hands at the same time so that his knights put away their respective weapons.
"The evil Saruman has bewitched the king's mind, and Isengard has almost taken over this land..."
While complaining bitterly about his own king, he gritted his teeth and cursed the white-robed wizard of Isengard. From the view of the cavalry leader, the situation in the Luo Khanate was so bad that even he himself did not know what to do. Up.
Now, their seemingly powerful Rohan Hussar is actually incredibly weak...
The king's inaction, but also controlled by the enemy, let the half-orcs, strong orcs and the wild people of Dunland wreak havoc and slaughter his people on his land!
Seeing the country's decay, this commander seems to have seen the final fate of Rohan being destroyed?
"We all vowed to guard Rohan, so we were all expelled..."
"That white-robed wizard, he's scheming, he's fascinated... and, I heard, his spies are still everywhere?"
Having said this, the cavalry commander still looked at these human beings, elves and dwarves with suspicion. He was only dubious about their identities, and he was not stupid. It was impossible for him to believe what the other party said.
"We are not spies!"
The dwarf Jinli mumbled immediately, but when he saw Aragorn's face, he had to shut his mouth again.
"We crossed the plain to the west and were tracking a group of strong orcs with tall bodies. They caught our two hobbit friends and we must rescue them! So, this is how we came here and called out just now. Next, why are you planning to listen to the news!"
Aragorn said sincerely, if they were spies, just now, he would not voluntarily dedicate his life and call down these cavalry! He believed that the other party should be able to understand this.
"A strong orc with a tall body...?"
Hearing this, the cavalry commander seemed a little convinced.
"I can tell you: those strong orcs, they are all dead! We wiped them out completely last night!"
Last night, they did clean up the disgusting group of guys who were planning to camp and rest on the edge of the Fargon Forest!
In the dark night, he and their cavalry encircled on three sides, just a charge, they used a torrent of steel to disperse the opponent's formation, and then the next step was wanton hacking, and he didn't see how big the strong orcs were. Awesome.
"There should be two little hobbits, have you seen them?"
The dwarf Jinli came out again impatiently.
"Yes! They are very short, they look like our human children."
After Jinli asked, Aragorn hurriedly added that in order to track down and rescue his two hobbit friends, they worked tirelessly for three days and four nights!
"We didn't keep alive... not long ago, we just piled up the bodies and burned them..."
This incident made the commander of the cavalry a little embarrassed. Last night, they were under the charge. Where did they even care if the opponent was a hobbit or a half-orc? Under the dark and chaotic battlefield, as long as there is no riding a horse, they will all be killed!
As for whether there were other successful escapes, he was not quite sure.
Anyway, they were surrounded on three sides and none of them could run out, and the only side that was not surrounded was the ancient Fargon Forest. If those half-orcs, strong orcs or hobbits dared to run into the forest If you go inside, the final outcome should not be much different from being hacked to death by their cavalry.
"All dead?!"
Jin Li's body is relatively short, so he looked into the distance through the gap between the horse's legs, where there seemed to be a thick white smoke produced by burning an object? Just now, he had always thought it was a gathering place for the Rohan people!
"I am Rohan's former third marshal Iomo. I am sorry for what happened to your friends. It was very dark at the time, and we did not pay attention to whether the enemy was a half-orc! So..."
After seeing the expressions of the three men, Iomo expressed his apologies to the three men, but did not say much. He believed that these people would be considerate. After all, it was a chaotic battlefield, even the most heroic knights. May die at any time, let alone two hobbits who were captives by orcs.
Then, UU reading www., he thought about it, and while waving his hand and blowing a whistle, he called for two masterless horses that had lost their masters.
"Forget it, you'd better go and see for yourself... I hope these two war horses can bring you good luck instead of being like their original owners?"
After handing the reins of the two horses to each other's hands, Iomo put on his helmet and stepped straight onto his horse. Last night, when they wiped out the orcs, they also lost two of their comrades-in-arms. Those two were also the masters of these two horses...
"Let's go to your friends, but you'd better not hold too much hope, because this land has been abandoned by the gods..."
After looking bitterly at the territory at his feet that originally belonged to Rohan, Iomo directly turned his horse to lead the team away.
This is Rohan! But now, he was abused by the so-called god's messenger, the white-robed wizard Saruman, and his strong orcs! Therefore, Eomo and the gods are all hated together.
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