Chapter 284: Battle of Rohan (3)

"Their tracks left the battlefield... ran into the Fargon Forest..."
In this battlefield near the edge of the Fargon Forest where the Rohan cavalry burned the corpses of the strong orcs and half-orcs, Aragorn, Jinli and Legolas were walking along the chaotic footprints on the ground, looking for them to find The hobbits, and then they found out that the two little hobbits took advantage of the chaos and ran into the Fargon Forest?
"Fagon Forest..."
"Are they crazy? How dare you run into such a place?!"
Carrying their long-handled battle axe, after knowing that Pippin and Meli might have ran into this ghost place called Fargon Forest, they looked at the strange and ancient twisted ones not far away. Giant Wood, Jin Li could not help but exclaimed.
In the past, Jinli had heard a lot of rumors about this place. It is said that many daredevils or rash men who were not afraid of death had entered this forest, and then they never came out again...
You know, the history of this Fargon Forest is very long, and there are many ancient legends that are not known to ordinary people.
In fact, as early as the First and Second Ages, this Fargon Forest was spread over the entire Iliyad and Kalanahon areas. It can be said that it was the largest forest in the entire Middle-earth before. ,none of them!
It is a pity that, except for the existing Fargon forest, other places were destroyed by the wanton logging of the Numanor people who landed in the founding of Middle-earth in the wars of the previous two epochs. !
Then, when the demon Lord Sauron fought with the Numanor and the elves, a considerable part was destroyed again...
So, now, the only thing left is this Fargon Forest in the northwest corner of Arhat Territory, south of the Misty Mountains! Here is the territory of the oldest tree-herders of the tree whiskers, and it is also the last habitat of the tree people...
It is precisely because of this that the tree people who think they have been persecuted do not welcome any intelligent creatures to enter their territory! Whether it is elves, humans, dwarves, orcs or hobbits? Anyway, as long as they enter the Fargon Forest and be discovered by them, none of them can come out alive!
In the eyes of those tree-herders who love trees and nature, as long as they can use metal tools and cut down trees, they are all their enemies! Of course, if it were to cut down the forest in other places, then they would definitely not be able to control it, but if they were to cut down the Fargon forest to death, it would definitely not end well.
"Aragorn, what should we do?"
Legolas looked at Aragorn and asked, he didn't know what to do now.
Even as the prince of the dark forest elves, Legolas, who has been dealing with the forest all day long, would not be willing to break into this Fargon forest casually! The elves of the longevity race know the old-fashioned and hard-heartedness of those tree people better than anyone, and they have almost the same attitude towards all sapient races, even the Silvan elves!
Of course, it is said that they have a good relationship with the Loslorin Elves of the Golden Forest? But this is just a rumor, and Legolas is not too clear.
But judging by Queen Galadriel’s skills, and the Golden Forest and the Fargon Forest are not far apart, the other party should be able to have a good relationship with the treants. This rumor should not be false. Anyway, the Golden Forest The lady of is also a perfect and ancient elf.
"Let's go in! We must find those two hobbits!"
After thinking about it, Aragorn made a decision.
They will never leave those two hobbits! Anyway, I've been chasing for so long now, so I shouldn't give up at this time!
Moreover, counting the time, the two hobbits Pippin and Meli should have entered the forest last night, and now it has only been one night. If they are lucky, maybe it is true. Can you find each other again?
"Let's go! We better be careful!"
After speaking, Aragorn tightened his equipment and took the lead in walking into this dark and ancient Fargon forest.

To the northwest of the Middle-earth Continent, to the southeast of the mountains of Lake Ivandin in Anuminas, to the south of the Fornosti Plain, Queen Ofina of the United Kingdom of Alicia is wearing gold armor and riding Her tall white unicorn mount stopped under a huge red-bottomed white vulture flag with a golden border, and she was watching the auxiliary militiamen who were cleaning the battlefield with sharp eyes.
This is here in this flat terrain. In the evening of yesterday, she personally led the new first regiment of the United Kingdom of Alicia. There were a total of 1,000 new musketeers who hadn’t been trained and more than five hundred. People’s auxiliary militiamen faced off here and defeated the 3,000-odd-armed coalition of Anuminas and Frost’s Iliad Free Council!
It took a lot of time when the two sides of the battle lined up, but when the fight really started, what was unexpected by the Liberty Council: It was just one round, and the Musketeers of the United Kingdom of Alicia took a thunderbolt. Not as long as they could hide their ears, they instantly defeated the coalition that they thought was very powerful!
In the eyes of Queen Ofina, this battle was not too suspenseful!
She had long guessed that under the horrible volleys of Mini rifles, no mortal could withstand that metal bullet, even the plate cavalry and infantry of the Free Council!
Although the opponent was brave at first, but also tenacious! However, the opponent was not able to get close to the 100-yard area in front of their Alicia United Kingdom formation, so they were beaten by platoon guns and dispersed...
After the battle last night, their United Kingdom’s First Corps stayed in this open area that was conducive to the defense of the Musketeers and set up camp. It was not until the dawn of the morning that the auxiliary militiamen were dispatched to clean those areas. A messy battlefield.
"Your Majesty!"
"The results of the battle have been preliminary statistics. We won an epic victory last night! This will definitely be recorded in the history of Middle-earth!"
Just as Ofina looked at the battlefield where enemy corpses were lying, her eyes flickered and she didn’t know what she was thinking. A female officer who was riding a steed and carrying a cavalry-only short-barreled rifle on her back turned towards She galloped over here.
Then, the other party reined in excitement, stopped not far in front of the Ofina unicorn and reported loudly.
With 1,500 people against the enemy's powerful coalition of more than 3,000, it is estimated that fewer than 600 people actually went into battle? Then, not only can they easily defeat the enemy in one fell swoop, but they also have almost no casualties. What is this not an epic victory? !
"In the battle yesterday evening, based on the corpses left on the battlefield, we killed a total of 632 enemies and captured 417 people!"
While reporting excitedly, the female officer raised the parchment in her own hand.
"So far, no one has died on our side! It's just that... two Musketeers did not follow the standard procedure to operate the rifle, so they were injured in their eyes. I am afraid they are no longer suitable for continuing to participate in the battle..."
Having said that, the female officer was a bit ashamed. The two who did not operate the rifle according to the rules happened to be her men. Not only were they blinded alive, but also caused other musketeers to have an inexplicable sense of fear about the muskets, and even became a little cowered when loading the bullets.
In fact, she thinks that those of them don't use their own brains to think about it?
Those two idiots, they dare to tear open the fixed charge pack and stuff it into the barrel when there are sparks in the barrel? And also look at it with your eyes? Those deflagration gunpowder, if you don't blow them up, who can blow up? !
Fortunately, they didn't load the ammunition. Otherwise, they might have two bodies headshot by their own weapons!
"In other words, at least one thousand to two thousand soldiers escaped back to Anuminas and Fornost?"
Seeing her soldiers cleaning the enemy's corpses and seeking to bury them, Ofina asked thoughtfully. They fought a rout battle yesterday evening, so it is not too surprising that so many enemies escaped within her expectations.
"Yes, Your Majesty!"
"According to our'Lark' musketeers' report: Most of the disintegrated enemies fled back to Frost to the north along the road, and Anuminas in the northwest, due to the rugged mountain road, went there. On the contrary, not many escaped."
"Some of them were simply scattered to the surrounding villages. We don't have enough troops to hunt them down right now!"
For these things, the female officer who was the queen's guard knew better.
Most of the musketeers who set off overnight and fell behind the enemy’s rout have already returned. They brought back a lot of news about the enemy. It is said that they also captured a lot of prisoners along the way?
"Go! Find a few enemy officers among the prisoners. I need them to help me bring two letters to Anuminas and Fornost!"
After speaking, Ofina pulled out two autographs placed in the bamboo tube from the shoulder bag of her mount, and passed them directly to the female officer.
"Find a few reliable prisoners, give them some horses, and let them tell the council noble lords in the city: As long as they hand over the army and Kaesong surrenders, I can promise that they will continue to keep their Wealth and land!"
For unnecessary trouble, Ofina didn't want to do too many murders here in the original land of the Kingdom of Arno.
Now, the newly appointed second legion commander of Renas in the south has already hit Tabard on the south bank of the Swan River and has begun contact and war with the savages of Dunland! Therefore, she must not continue to waste time here. She needs to go to the south as soon as possible to attack Isinger's forces. This is the important task of her master Anne.
"But, Your Majesty..."
"We have the chance to win now. We have muskets, and we have even more powerful artillery! Isn't it too generous to give them this kind of treatment? We can blast their city gates directly with artillery, and then occupy the north. Two important towns..."
"They can't withstand our offensive! Maybe, when we reach the city, they will be broken by themselves?"
Hearing that their Majesty Queen Ofina was going to give those people the right to wealth and land, this female officer was a little anxious.
The reason why they gave up their lives to join the United Kingdom of Alicia is not for land and money?
And the victory of the war is their guarantee of obtaining these things! She believes that as long as the opponent's city is captured and enough military merits are accumulated, they can be granted fiefdoms, titles and a lot of money, etc.!
Then, in the future, they will be able to live the luxurious life of the aristocratic masters that they only dared to think about before?
"Okay, no need to say more!"
"Kelly, you should know that our focus is not the North, but the South! Do you understand?!"
Looking at her bodyguard, Ofina shook her head a little funny.
What she has to consider is how to rule this place well, instead of turning it into a mess and destroying those aliens, it will only push their Alicia United Kingdom to the opposite of everyone! Therefore, when necessary, it is feasible to use some gentle policies.
As long as that council is willing to surrender power and army, and ensure that there will be no troubles in the north, what can she let them continue to enjoy the life of those decadent nobles?
"Isinger's strength is gradually increasing. Now even the Dunlanders have joined them. I believe that the Rohan people will definitely not last long..."
"Once Isengard wiped out Rohan and attacked the Kingdom of Gondor with Mordor, our situation will be very passive in the future! Our kingdom is not enough behind us, and there are some things, even if we use money. The solution!"
"Okay, just follow my command just now, and you can execute it!"
After thinking about it, Ofina waved her hand and asked the female officer to accept her own letter, and then went to execute her order.
She hopes that within five days, the turmoil in the north can be completely calmed down, and after ensuring that there will be no major problems in the rear, she will incorporate the opposing army's troops, and then make preparations to go south to Luohan!
In fact, in Ofina's own plan, not only Anuminas and Fornost, but also Shire, Yagunde, and Salonfde, she also planned to deal with it in this way.
As long as those local lords are willing to surrender the army and accept the leadership of the United Kingdom of Alicia, then she can promise to retain their wealth, land or even title and governance within a certain period of time!
After taking another look at the and messy battlefield, Ofina frowned, patted the unicorn under her crotch lightly, and made it turn back to the military camp behind.
She was not surprised by the outcome of this battle. After all, a group of cavalry and infantry with cold weapons faced a group of musketeers, even a group of musketeers who had not been trained for a while. This kind of result is normal. Weapons of both sides , But it's quite a few generations away!
In fact, since the so-called Eliad Freedom Council's messenger ridiculed her in Bray's castle a few days ago, she was ready for war!
Those arrogant aristocratic lords may still be immersed in the glory of the so-called Arno Kingdom. They really think that the world is still the same as before?
Even without their Alicia United Kingdom, and once the war in the south appears, no matter who the winner is, waiting for the end of these little lords in the north is already doomed!
Think about it at that time, that messenger, he even dared to make a request to order him to surrender the mine and pay compensation, Ofina almost didn't laugh at that time!
"If you don't hurry up, it is estimated that the war situation in the south will be one-sided..."
From Ofina’s point of view, Isengard and Mordor in the south have taken an absolute advantage, and the barbarian Haradrin and the Luen tribe in the south have joined the Mordor Alliance. At that time, they will definitely also She fought against Gondor, so she is not optimistic about the situation in the south. Gondor's defeat is only a matter of time!
So, now she wants a prisoner to take her letter of persuasion to go to the other party’s free council. She doesn’t want to stay in the north for too long. When the north is settled a little bit, she will take the legion directly to the south and return to Bray to replenish her strength. After getting the supplies, go directly to Isinger and Rohan!

"Wow! What a big squirrel!"
At this time, in the Fargon Forest, Little Annie was eating happily with two hobbits Melly and Pippin, knocking on the pile of nuts she didn't know where she got from.
Then, after a while, a chubby squirrel about the size of a kitten came down from the tree after a while, screaming at the three people who were eating dried fruits. Then, jumping around, seemingly anxious?
"Look! Melly, what does it seem to say to me?"
Pippin looked at it for a while and felt that this squirrel seemed to be very human. Maybe there was something to say to the three of them?
"Huh? I guess, he wants to join us?"
Meli's and Pippin's views are different. He thinks that this squirrel should also want to join after seeing them eating. Maybe it's because there are few living people in the Fargon Forest, so it is not afraid of people?
"What a cute squirrel... I don't know if it will be delicious if it is cooked?"
Little Annie's eyes flickered, she looked at the small pile of nuts on the ground that had almost been eaten up by her, and then she looked at the naïve, fat and fat squirrel, and suddenly said something like this.
Then, when the squirrel sensed the little girl’s malice, it was so scared that all the hairs exploded. Then, it ran to the side as fast as possible and the one who was talking to Gandalf in a low voice The tree shepherd leaned on the top of his head and hid.
She actually knows why this squirrel is in a hurry, so she really wants to eat the other party as early as possible and destroy the corpse!
"It just said... you little girl... ate the nuts it hid..."
After comforting the little squirrel hiding behind the canopy of his head, Treebeard glanced at the evil little witch over there.
"You bullshit! I didn't steal it from it!"
"How does it prove that these nuts belong to it? It doesn't have its name written on it, so why can't I eat it?"
Anyway, it has been eaten up by her now, so Annie will never admit that she just found this thing in a dry tree hole and came along!
Besides, there was no squirrel in the tree hole just now. How did she know if these dried fruits and nuts fell from the branches by themselves? Therefore, Annie felt that it must be the squirrel who wanted to frame herself!
It's a pity that I didn't find it in the tree hole just now, otherwise, Annie must have been eating roast squirrel by now! Nuts or something, there is no oil or water at all, so dry and unpalatable!
Yes, now, everyone probably knows what is going on...
"Huh? Three more people have come into the forest!"
Just about to say something, or to lure the chubby squirrel down to grab Annie, who was roasting, suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction.
"Gandalf! Those three good friends in your family have come to you!"
After sensing the other party's breath, after knowing who it was probably, Annie yelled at the distant old man Gandalf who seemed to have finished talking with the old tree man.
"My family...good friends? What does that mean?"
Gandalf couldn't understand what the little girl said, Ge? Friends? What does this mean?
"Oh... that's what the people on earth say, which means you are very close friends! That's right, that's it!"
Staring at the head of the tree man for a while, and found that the fat squirrel easily refused to come down, Annie had to give up the plan to eat the fire-roasted squirrel.
"Very good friends? Well...who would it be?!"
Gandalf felt a little baffled. He always felt that the little girl didn't seem to be telling the truth, but he didn't know what was wrong.
"It's the old man playing the sword, the son of the old man Ge's family, and the little boy who likes to play bows and arrows!"
Actually, in Xiao Anni's view, those three people are all senior uncles!
Whether it is the human, the dwarf, or the little white-faced elf, the youngest of them is dozens of years old! What is it if you are not an uncle?
"Uh... I think, I probably know who it is..."
After a long pause, Gandalf reacted and knew who the three of Annie were talking about. Then, he turned his head to look at the two hobbits Pippin and Melly who were doing nothing there and said:
"Pippin, and should stay in the Fargon Forest for this time."
"The tree whiskers have promised me just now, and it is willing to protect you for a while! Don't worry, please trust me, with the tree whiskers, you will be safe here!"
What Gandalf will do next may be a bit dangerous, so he doesn't plan to take these two hobbits in the way.
Aragorn, Jinli and Legolas have now penetrated deep into the Fargon Forest. They are following the footprints of the Hobbit and the Orcs, and they have been advancing into the depths of the forest.
"Bah! These are the blood of orcs..."
The dwarf Jinli found a few drops of dark brown sticky substance on some leaves, and then when he dipped it with his hand and tasted it in his mouth, he quickly vomited it out again.
Obviously, this is the blood of the Orcs! Because the fishy and smelly nausea that came straight from the taste buds to his forehead was familiar to him, he was a half-orc, he would never admit it!
"We may have to speed up again...Three half-orcs chased Pippin and Meli into this forest! We must save them before they are caught again!"
After seeing the clear footprints and other traces on the ground, Aragorn said anxiously.
Thanks to the special environment of this forest, the traces left by hobbits and half-orcs walking here are very obvious, and the three of them can ensure that they will not be easily lost!
"Come on, those half-orcs are here!"
Suddenly, Legolas, who was investigating in the front, shouted at the two people behind him, and then Jin Li and Aragorn hurriedly drew their weapons and rushed over.
"You didn't tell us that they were dead!"
Jin Li, who originally thought there was a fight, when he ran to Legolas and saw that it was indeed a half-orc whose head had been smashed open, he couldn't help but muttered annoyedly at the opponent.
"But I didn't say that they are alive?"
After Legolas was complained, he could only reply with a dubious cry.
"This... was the head smashed by what blunt tool? Its broken skull plunged deep into its brain... This shows that the attacker's strength is very strong. It shouldn't be Pippin and Melina. Two hobbits did it, they don't have the strength!"
After squatting down and pulling a branch a little bit on the head of the orc whose brain had been squashed for a while, Aragorn quickly came to his own conclusion.
"We have to be careful. In addition to the hobbit and the orcs, there should be other people here..."
After slowly standing up, Aragorn held the long sword on his waist with his hand, and he was ready to go into battle at any time.
"Oh! Come and see! Here, there is another scorched... Orc?!"
At this moment, Jin Li, with a loud voice, suddenly found a thin figure leaning on the side of the tree trunk. The opponent's body was curled up and twisted, and it was almost burned into a ball of coke.
However, from the outline of the opponent's head, he can barely recognize that this is undoubtedly a half-orc!
Seeing this, Aragorn and Legolas looked at each other and took a breath of air-conditioning!
Because, they know, to burn a half-orc like this alive, there is nothing but magic! Then, thinking about the half-orc whose head was smashed before, it is not difficult to infer: the other party should be a wizard? !
However, what they don't know is, this wizard, who will he be?
"Oh... guys, you better come and see this again!"
At this time, Jin Li, who walked around the tree to check, screamed again.
Because, he has made a new discovery: In a large pit like a sunken footprint, there is a flat orc corpse that has been trampled and deformed? The opponent's body was deeply plunged into the ground, his head and torso were stepped on and burst open, and the black blood stained a large area of ​​moss directly...
What kind of existence is this, capable of stepping on such a big pit?
Moreover, just because the footprints are so big, then how big should its body be? What kind of existence is there in this ancient Fargon forest?
"These footprints are strange... I have never seen a creature with such footprints..."
After pondering for a while, Aragorn still shook his head. Even if he is an old ranger with decades of experience, he still can’t tell what kind of race or those who can leave such a huge footprint. biological?
"No matter what it is, I think we better pray right away not to let us touch it?"
Jin Li is most disgusted with encountering those big monsters! For example, the trolls encountered in the mine of Moria almost killed them! And now the monster that left this footprint seems to be much bigger than those terrifying trolls?
"This forest is very old...they are full of memories and anger..."
"The old trees are talking to each other..."
At this time, Legolas began to listen attentively. After a while, he quickly heard some important information from the abnormal noises of those trees swinging.
"These ancient trees, they are saying...the white robe wizard is here?!"
After speaking, Legolas hurriedly winked at the two companions and asked them to be careful.
And Jinli and Aragorn heard this, and after a pause, they quickly became vigilant on the spot. Then, they all sensed the sound of someone approaching behind them at this moment? !
A wizard who can set fireballs to burn half-orcs, plus what Legolas just heard, it seems that the conversation between the old trees before, the white-robed wizard they said must be Refers to the white robe wizard Saruman, right?
Therefore, when Jin Li secretly grasped the small axe on his waist, Aragorn also slowly put his hand on his side, where there is a short sword that can be used as a throwing knife.
"Shut up his mouth for the first time and don't let him chant a spell!"
Then, Aragorn whispered to the two companions who were also tight.
Now, he finally knew why there was a half-orc who was burned to charcoal. It turned out that it was the white-robed wizard Saruman who appeared in the Fargon Forest?
If you think about it carefully, Saruman should be the only one who can appear here at this time!
After all, Isinger is next to the Fargon Forest, and it is not normal for the kind of evil wizards who are not dead and whereabouts to come to the Fargon Forest when they are idle and nothing to do.
It's just that, so hard to die, Melly and Pippin, the hapless hobbit who just escaped from the strong orc's palm, seem to have been captured by the other party again? Then, the three of them also directly hit each other's hands?
"Remember, move fast..."
After speaking, Aragorn took a deep breath, and when he realized that his companion was also ready, he suddenly turned around and shook his hand vigorously. He gave a choking sound without even looking The dagger shot directly at the direction of the enemy he felt!
At the same time, the dwarf Jinli also roared and threw the hatchet he carried with him directly towards the figure in the white clothes!
At this time, Legolas was not far behind. One of his sharpest long arrows also made a sharp piercing sound, and then shot straight towards the opponent's head...
At this moment, they turned around and could see clearly. The other person's figure under the light magic mapping is probably white clothes with a white stick. It must be Saruman, so he won't be able to cut him. wrong!
It's a pity that the hand axe that Jin Li threw out with all his strength seemed to be a shield-like existence, and it was broken and bounced off on the spot! And Aragorn's dagger was gently picked and flew aside by the opponent? As for the long arrow that Legolas shot towards the opponent's head, he didn't know what magic hit it, and then it shattered into a ball of powder in the air, and there was no more threat...
When Aragorn was about to rush up to slash people with his long sword, his weapon suddenly became red and hot, which forced him to abandon his beloved weapon.
Finish, it's over...
Aragorn sighed in his heart. All of the attacks that the three of him broke out in an instant were all cracked by the opponent. Then, he probably knew that in the face of such a powerful existence, the three of them must be There won't be any chance again!
"Ha! It's a pity, this old man Gandalf is obviously injured, and none of you can kill him? It's really useless!"
Suddenly, the voice of a little girl came from above the heads of the three.
"Bearded dwarf, your hand axe should be thrown directly to his lower body, because his shield is hemispherical, it just protects his upper body!"
"And the little white face of the elf, you should have used three consecutive shots just now. In that case, the old man Gandalf would definitely hit two arrows, because his protective arrow was used too badly. Protect an arrow!"
When the Aragorn three people covered their eyes with their hands because of the dazzling white light on each other's body, the little girl's voice that made them feel very familiar continued to talk about it.
"Uh...Is that Lord Anne?"
Hearing the voice of a familiar little girl, Aragorn said in surprise on the spot.
The little witch named Annie is familiar to him! After all, when they were in Rivendell, did that naughty little guy mess with himself?
"Well, old man Gandalf, don't pretend, your light technique is so dazzling!"
Annie didn't care about the three friends below at all. She didn't answer Aragorn's words, but snorted dissatisfiedly at the human-shaped light bulb Gandalf.
"He is Gandalf? Not Saruman? How is this possible?!"
After looking up and seeing a tall tree branch sitting cross-legged with a little girl who was smashing nuts and eating, the Aragorn trio looked in front of them in amazement and looked at the white-robed man who had just been attacked Figure.
How could it be Gandalf? Didn't Gandalf fall into the bottomless abyss with the Balrog in order to cover their retreat when he was in the mine of Moria? !
"Ah... well, I said Annie, can't you keep silent? I just want to surprise them..."
Shaking his head, Gandalf had no hope for the little girl's temperament.
He felt that this little girl must be a little girl who was badly treated by her family. Her quirky personality is totally different from other little girls in Middle-earth!
"Also, Annie, do you really wish me something wrong? Give them three tricks?!"
Gandalf, who had been identified twice, could only sigh, and slowly dissipated the bright spells from his body, allowing the shocked Aragorn three to clearly see his appearance.
Originally, he still wanted to play with these three old friends slowly, should they make their expressions a bit richer?
"That's for sure, think about it: in case, if you accidentally pretend to be too much and you get beaten to death by your own people, isn't that super fun?!"
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