Chapter 286: Battle of Rohan (5)

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Everything is okay. Facts have proved that the name of the gray-robed wizard Gandalf is still very useful in this Middle-earth world.
Therefore, when he and three of his companions rushed up, stopped the Rohan cavalry who tried to confiscate the little girl’s mount, and made clear their respective identities, they finally did not get embarrassed anymore, allowing the five of them to chase away After two days' journey, he finally entered the capital city of the hussar king of the Luo Khanate.
"This Rohan's capital city, this Andoras, it looks like a tomb? No! Maybe even the real cemetery is not so dull..."
Seeing the people in this city reticent and lifeless, Jin Li couldn't help frowning and muttering.
Here, he did not see the laughter of children or citizens. The pedestrians bowed their heads one by one, coming and going in a hurry, as if they were afraid of something, each suppressing their emotions?
This is like a lonely city dying?
"Mountain Edoras...I've been here before, at that time, it wasn't like this..."
At this time, Aragorn also silently looked at the capital of the Luo Khanate.
It can be called Andolas or Edoras. This is just the difference in spelling of each race. He also discovered that this city is different from when he came here before...
What happened here? !
Is it true that as Gandalf said before, the evil white-robed wizard Saruman used an evil secret method to control King Hiurdon and gradually plunged the country into death?
"Hey! Are we going to live in the big palace above tonight?"
Little Annie herself doesn't care if the people here are dull or laughing, she only cares: Is there a welcome banquet with delicious food tonight? And... In the peculiar palace above, is there a comfortable big bed that will allow her to sleep well?
"Oh! That's right!"
"If we can get rid of Saruman's spells later, I think, Hussar King Hidden, will definitely welcome and treat us!"
For this, Gandalf is quite confident, after all, he and Hidden are quite familiar, as is Aragorn!
He only hopes that everything goes well later? Because he found that there are many unfriendly eyes in the city that are hostile to them. I hope this action will not be too bad, right?
"Then what are you waiting for, let us speed up and get up!"
Little Annie was sitting sideways on Jie Ying's generous horseback, and her two feet in small round-toed leather shoes dangling around the left horse's belly.
When she finished speaking, she suddenly slapped the white horse's under her hips, causing it to start running fast in the streets of the city. She was going to rush directly to the palace gate on the top of the mountain.
"do not……"
"Well, let's hurry up and follow up..."
Gandalf, who just wanted to stop aloud, saw that the little girl had taken the lead to rush out a long way, he could only helplessly shook his head and quickly followed.
"Who? Stop! Horses are not allowed in front of the palace gate!"
When the four of them finally rushed to the gate of the palace of King Hussar of Luohan Kingdom and followed the little Annie who was walking in front of them, they rode a total of five people on three rides. They were soon caught by a Luohan who had been waiting here. The general led a group of elite guards with fish scales and heavy armor to stop him.
Then, the other party looked at the five guys who asked to meet the king with a suspicious look.
At first glance, this guard general felt a little incredible!
He felt very puzzled: Why did the four big men squeeze on two thin horses, but instead let a little girl ride a tall and strong horse alone, at least a white horse that is one in a thousand. ?
After thinking for a while, the general came to his conclusion: these four men must be a bunch of weird guys! Or are they just the kind of ‘partner cavalry’ in the rumor? !
"Before you see my king, please remove your weapons, Gandalf the gray-robed wizard..."
Of course, it wasn't his control whether he was a companion cavalry or not, he was just a guard general of King Xiurton and was responsible for stopping the wizard.
"This is Grima's command, please don't embarrass me!"
After seeing the puzzled look on this Gandalf's face, he quickly explained.
In fact, this general also knew that it was a very rude and cowardly behavior for a foreign VIP to ask for the removal of the opponent's weapon when meeting the Hussar King! Rohan Hussar, who advocates force, has never been afraid that someone will try to assassinate the king, so there is no precedent for asking guests to remove their weapons!
It's just that this is Grima?'s clever command. Now the other party is very trusted by the king. In this special period, the other party's command is equivalent to the king's command, so he has to bite the bullet and come out to execute it.
"Oh alright……"
After probably understanding a little reason, Gandalf nodded to Aragorn, Jinli and Legolas beside him, indicating that they could hand over the long sword, bow and arrow or axe on his body first.
Anyway, he Gandalf is now confident!
When he enters later, he will see if he can cast spells to lift the spell prohibition on King Hiurdon. If it doesn't work, he will simply come hard? Or... let the little girl try?
It doesn't matter if they all fail, as long as there is this lawless little Annie around him, he feels that at least they can run out safely and worry-free.
Even though they were very upset, Aragorn, Jinli and Legolas still had to hand over all their weapons to the guards who came forward.
"Gandalf the wizard, your walking stick..."
After seeing the human, the elves and the dwarves handing over their weapons, the guard general turned to the wizard Gandalf, and then he fixed his suspicious eyes on the white cane in the other's right hand.
This thing, even if it is made of wood, should be considered a weapon, right? So, he thought for a while, felt that he still asked the other party to hand over this cane or crutches?
"Oh, what..."
"You Hussar, won't you even take away an old man's crutches?!"
When he found that the other party wanted to take away the guy who was eating, Gandalf was not happy on the spot!
Then, he pretended to be stupid, and then stared at the guard general in front of him with an incredible and contemptuous look. His meaning is obvious, that is: Has your Luo Khanate degenerate to this point? !
The magic wand in his own hand, but he will use magic to fight against Saruman who is far away in Isengard later! If it fails later, it can also be used as a mace in its turn, and it can definitely help them out of the siege, so how could he easily hand it over?
Hearing this kind of rhetoric from the other party, the general felt very embarrassed for a while, which made him feel a bit difficult to advance or retreat. If this broken piece of wood is confiscated, if it is publicized in the future, it may really be bad for their Luo Khanate's reputation! If he doesn't accept it, he seems to have violated the order above?
"One of my most powerful weapons is this little bear! Do you want to take it away too?!"
After blinking, Annie saw that everyone handed over their weapons honestly, she thought about it, and then sproutingly towards the general, she handed out the little bear Tibo who had been in her arms with both hands. S.
And at the same time looking at each other with very expectant eyes, it seems that he wants this bearded uncle in iron armor to quickly reach out and take away this toy bear?
(Master... If he dares to confiscate me, they will definitely regret it! If they don't demolish their palace into a flat ground, we won't be called Tibbers!
Little Annie never likes others to touch her toys. Similarly, Tibbers also doesn't like others to touch her casually! Especially the male creature in front of you!
Therefore, it has already decided: if these Luo Khanate people dare to really take themselves, it will immediately explode, go out directly and beat them all down! Then, he went directly into the palace and caught the guy named Hussar King directly and beat him up. Finally, he gave it to Gandalf to deal with it? )
"Are you really going to take away my old man's crutches?"
Gandalf looked down at the little girl speechlessly. At this time, why did she add confusion again? This kid, isn't he making a bad idea again?
"Well, you can come in with me now..."
Seeing that this cunning old man was using such aggressive words to block himself at this time, the guard general could only be embarrassed with a trace of discomfort, and quickly turned his eyes away and finally compromised.
This matter is indeed not very authentic by their Luo Khanate, so he can only give it up.
Finally, he glanced at the little girl next to Gandalf who was wearing a beautiful little dress and holding a toy bear, then waved his hand to let them follow him to the king's castle hall.
Two human men, an elf and a dwarf, they really don't have any metal weapons on them, so even if his mission is completed?
As for the little girl, except for a teddy bear, there is no weapon hidden in the pocket of the skirt. Therefore, he never thought about searching her at all, let alone. To confiscate that teddy bear!
"Oh! Thank you very much!"
After tacitly looking at Aragorn, Gandalf held Legolas's hand along the way, pretending to be supporting him, and walked in toward the gate of the palace.
"It's a pity! Don't believe it, Tibbers is really a very powerful weapon!"
Little Annie was still muttering unwillingly as she walked in.
The Tibbers in her family are so spicy, these people have eyes and no beads, they don't want to confiscate it, but they want to confiscate the broken copper and iron? Humph! A group of ignorant guys generally can't survive three episodes on TV!
"Your hospitality is going backwards lately, Theoton Hussar..."
Gandalf has no time to worry about a little girl who wants to make trouble.
When he discovered that the five of them had just entered, and the guards couldn't wait to close the two thick palace metal gates behind him, they spoke very dissatisfied.
Gandalf felt very uncomfortable with this approach like preventing a thief from escaping!
Therefore, while walking forward, he spoke loudly for the first time, and ran against the king Xiuton who was sitting on the throne at the end of the palace hall.
"Why should I welcome you...Gandalf the gray-robed wizard..."
The pale old man sitting on the throne finally spoke.
This made Gandalf, who saw the situation of the other party, feel a thump in his heart. It is obvious that the original strong body and should be upright and mature, the King Xiyudun Hussar was turned into this appearance by Saruman’s evil magic. ?
Fortunately, it shouldn't be too late for them to come. If they are later, after the other's vitality is over-swallowed and corroded, they will be dead, right? !
Take a look at the other person's current appearance: look wilted, pale skin, and weak in speech. When people look at it, they feel as if they are seeing a centenarian with a dying year. A dignified heroic hussar who was in his prime, was tossed into this ghost look by Saruman?
"That's right, Lord!"
"As far as I know, this gray-robed wizard Gandalf, he usually only brings bad news, he is a very unwelcome guy!"
At this moment, the man who had been sitting next to the hustle king Xiyudun whispering, wearing a black coat and looking very wretched, stood up.
"It's so late, it's still at this time, you strangers come uninvited, what is the plot to come to our royal court of the Luo Khanate? Gandalf the Bad News?!"
Standing in front of Gandalf with a grim face, and after a glance at the other party's staffing, Grima Qiaoyan asked with a bad tone.
At the same time, some of the people in black who are directly under his command around the palace also stared at the four men who came in with a gloomy expression. They had already received Grima? Qiaoyan's order: once he waited for it to issue Signal, just step forward to capture these opponents who are sent to the door from the dead end!
As for the little girl who was curiously looking at the roof of the palace building, they just ignored it.
"Shut up! You fanatical, clever idiot!"
"The reason why I came here today is not to cheat with you, Saruman's lackey! Get out!"
After speaking, Gandalf directly showed the staff hidden in his cloak, and forced away the disgusting guy who had troubled the Luo Khanate with a sharp expression.
"Fa, a staff!?"
Grima Qiaoyan was taken aback. While ordering his subordinates to do something with his eyes, he did not forget to viciously question the guard general who had just gone out to execute the order:
"Didn't I ask you to confiscate all their weapons? What happened to this wizard's wand!?"
Sure enough, Grima had long felt that these kings' direct guards were not very reliable, he had actually thought about removing the other party's position and replacing him with his own person! But because the other party has always been more obedient, he hesitated and didn't do anything, but how could he think that today, they were behind him and secretly stumbled himself?
After watching his group of subordinates received the order to rush towards the other side to prepare for action, he secretly made up his mind: After all these people were captured, he also removed the guard leader by the way, and then Change into his own person immediately!
"Everyone go up together! Take them down!"
Suddenly, a large group of people in black standing on both sides of the palace suddenly passed the guards, and rushed towards Gandalf and the other four. They planned to capture each other directly!
Unfortunately, they seem to have done a stupid thing too! Because they didn't even carry weapons? In this way, want to take down four heroic powerhouses in Middle-earth with bare hands? !
No, they don’t have enough weapons to attack, and they don’t have enough armor to protect them. They don’t need Gandalf to take action. The dwarves fought the Golden Rider, the ranger warrior Aragorn and the hunter Legolas directly beat their respective opponents in three or two. In an instant, they all lay down on the ground groaning and couldn't get up for a long time.
"Now, where do I see you going?"
After solving the thugs, Jin Li rushed over for the first time, knocking the Grima that he had long been displeased with? Qiaoyan to the ground, and stepped on the opponent's chest.
At this time, when the heavily armed king's guards planned to take down these rude outsiders, the former guard general who went out to meet Gandalf and others promptly suppressed the hand of his lieutenant who planned to draw out the weapon. At the same time, he shook his head at the other guards, stopping their intention to do something.
In fact, he had already known the matter of their King Xiurton being controlled or bewitched by the enemy!
Now that the friends of these kings are here, it seems that there is a way to get their King Xiuton out of control? Then he felt that he might as well look at the situation first, maybe their method worked?
"Syurdon, son of Sejer... you have been in the shadow of the shadow for too long, and it is time to wake up!"
Stretching out his staff, Gandalf walked into Hidden on the throne step by step with a serious expression. Today's success or failure depends on whether he can break the curse magic on the opponent next!
"Please look at me, I'll save you..."
Gandalf began to hold his staff in one hand, and slowly stretched out one hand in front of Hidden, closed his eyes and began to chant the spell.
At this time, most of the officials and guards of the Luo Khanate in the palace surrounded them unconsciously, but they did not do anything, they were just waiting, wanting to see what the gray-robed wizard Gandalf did. it does not work?
"In front of me, your mana is not worth mentioning!"
"Gandalf the gray-robed wizard! Do you naively think that when you don't know where you get a white robe, you can beat me?!"
Suddenly, King Xiyudun Hussar, who had been sitting on the throne, laughed loudly.
He had opened his pale and godless eyes, staring at the Gandalf in front of him maliciously, and at the same time saw the white wizard robe under the cape of the opponent.
Obviously, Gandalf, who had never died once, even if he put on a white robe by chance, but his own strength had not changed the slightest, so he was completely ignored by Saruman.
"You are...Saruman...?!"
Seeing this, Gandalf suddenly screamed awful in his heart!
Originally, he thought that King Xiuton was at best cursed or a certain spell, and then let Grima? Qiaoyan came to control it!
But where did he think that the Saruman, the other party was so crazy that he was directly possessed and controlled remotely?
From this point of view, Saruman's fall is definitely not a matter of a day and a half, right? The other party must have set up a long time ago, and had already controlled Hidden long ago? !
"Gandalf... your plan will not succeed! Luo Khanate, he is already mine!"
Suddenly, Hidden, who was possessed by Saruman, abruptly stood up from the throne and stretched out his hand directly at Gandalf.
Immediately after Gandalf was stunned, the magic wand in his own hand flew into Hidden's hand suddenly, and then, the other party just waved the magic wand and knocked Gandalf into the air directly. The ground hit a stone pillar in the palace, and at the same time it was tied to it with something invisible?
"Go! He is not Hidden, he is Saruman! Get him!"
At this time, Aragorn, who found that something was wrong, suddenly greeted the two companions and asked Jinli and Legolas to be with him. The three immediately formed an encircling formation and raided toward the throne. They planned to control each other. And create opportunities for Gandalf.
In the next second, the'Hyurdon' who was holding a wand waved the wand again so lightly, and directly threw the three of them onto the same pillar as Gandalf, and was also invisible to the rope. It is firmly tied to it.
"Asshole! Evil wizard, coward! Quickly put me down, I will fight you!"
After being stuck with the invisible rope head down and toe up on the stone pillar of the palace, the dwarf Jinli roared angrily.
What they never expected was that Saruman, who was standing on Isinger's Osanco Tower, could still display such terrible strength at such a distance? Not only easily countered Gandalf, but could also capture the three of them instantly?
Saruman, who was possessed by Hidden, didn't bother with the dwarf who was roaring and cursing at him. He just glanced at the officials and nobles and guards who had just gathered around to watch.
Just this glance scared them all back again, and only shrank on both sides of the palace.
From this point of view, Gandalf, the gray-robed wizard, did not save their king back as they wished, and Hidden is still under the control of the evil Saruman. They now have no other way but to continue to compromise.
Perhaps, for most of them, it is actually a good choice to take refuge in Isinger, who is getting stronger and stronger, and save his life and wealth?
"Aha? How is it?"
"Have you seen the mighty power of my master? I tell you: You are all over! You all must die!"
At this time, Grima, who had re-climbed from the ground, said ingeniously, while covering his chest that had just been trampled on by the dwarf, while threatening the dwarf on top of his head and feet.

When the four of Gandalf missed and were captured alive in the Golden Palace in Hiurdon, on the banks of the White Goose, Queen Ofina of the United Kingdom of Alicia led most of her Musketeers and as many as three thousand people. The mixed forces from the town came together outside the small town of Tabard on the south bank of the Swan River.
"Welcome Your Majesty the Queen!!"
On the edge of the military camp outside this small town, the commander of the Second Army of the Alicia United Kingdom, Lenas, is leading her one hundred musketeers and thousands of mixed troops. This place has not been completely cleaned. The battlefield greeted the main force of the United Kingdom, the first army of Alicia.
"You are... Lenas?!"
"Heh... the changes are really big, I almost can't recognize you! Why, is the war here bad?"
Looking at the other party's haggard face and the smog stains, and then looking at the distance of the barracks, those enemy corpses that didn't seem to have time to clean up, Ofina felt a little puzzled.
Judging from the previous battle reports, the Second Army to the south should have been going well...
On the way down south, after her master Annie left, this Renas even broke through several counties, experienced dozens of battles, and never had a defeat!
Her reputation as the victorious general, the king of siege, and the conqueror Lenas, is very resounding in the southern region! It is said that in many small places, just look at the wind just after seeing the flag of Lenus?
"The war is not too bad!"
"Your Majesty! Those enemies, they are just harassing us all the time, and we are just annoying!"
"In the south, there are three gathering places for the Dunlanders, Dunerland, Duneld, and Barryta! They are not strong in combat, and their weapons and equipment are poor!"
"However, almost all of them are soldiers, and the three places are horns to each other! And the musketeers under my command are really too few. There is no way to use them for the time being, and they can only stay here temporarily."
When it comes to this matter, Lenas bit her teeth with hatred!
Those savages, someone must be behind them! The opponent is probably watching the guns and cannons in their hands! After being frustrated many times, the opponent launched a strong attack against the scarce weaknesses of their Second Legion Musketeers. Once they almost succeeded!
She still remembers that at that time, the opponent cut down two musketeers and robbed them of their weapons and wanted to run. If she hadn't had a dozen musketeers with good marksmanship under her, maybe they would really have let them. Did it succeed?
Moreover, during this period of time, the opponent has died near this defensive position, let alone two to three thousand? But the result? Those savage Dunlanders, they are still pestering...
She tried to clear or drive each other point by point, but after she moved, they repeatedly attacked her back and Tabard and other places, eventually forcing her to set up a garrison directly outside Tabard. Camp, fighting with each other to toss to this day!
Although their casualties were small, the opponent's forces were too much, and they were basically taking turns in battle, which made them very troubled, so she seemed so embarrassed now.
After all, she only had a small group of Musketeers and a cannon in her hands.
"It turned out to be like this!"
Ofina nodded, she saw those elite "Goddess' Fury" Musketeers who had experienced blood and fire training in a neat formation behind the other party. Indeed, they are still a hundred now, not one is missing!
It's just... some people seem to have suffered serious injuries?
"Don't worry, Lenus... This time, I brought you a total of 1,800 Musketeers and a hundred Cannons of the Nemesis! And... a mixed army of more than 3,000 people. , Are you sure to eliminate those Dunlanders?"
"Your Majesty! Give me ten days!"
"Just give me ten days, I can conquer them all, or drive them to Isengard in the south!"
The troops behind her Queen Ofina who seem to be unable to see the end at a glance, Lenas had already seen it!
Therefore, when she heard that the queen seemed to intend to hand over the battle to destroy the Dunlanders to herself, she knelt down on one knee again and gave a fist military salute, and at the same time gave a loud military order! If there were so many Musketeers before, she could even fight Isengard in the south? !
"Very good! You can now go to make your battle plan! Tomorrow, at the latest tomorrow afternoon, the army you need will be on standby!"
After seeing Renas' murderous eyes, Ofina nodded.
Now, there are too few generals available in the United Kingdom of Alicia. Like Lenas, who was born as a ranger, her commanding ability has been proven and her own affirmation! Therefore, Ofina is relieved to hand over the army to the other side to command!
And if the other party can complete the task brilliantly this time, maybe he can teach her some suitable extraordinary powers? Whether it is light, anger, or even magic?
"Yes! My Majesty!"

"What the should I do? Gandalf? What should we do to get rid of this thing?!"
Aragorn and Legolas struggled with all their strength for several times. After failing to break away those invisible ropes, they could only ask for help. They looked at the same person who was also firmly trapped on the stone pillar. Gandalf.
Since it is magic, this Gandalf, who is a gray-robed wizard, should always know some methods, right? Now that the other party looks calm and unhurried, there must be a way?
"It's a pity! In fact, we can't get rid of this shackle ourselves..."
The face of his own wand was snatched by others, and the other party's power was beyond his own imagination, so Gandalf could only shake his head at Aragorn and the others with a wry smile.
Now at this point, unless the other party stops casting the spell, otherwise, wanting to use the four of them to break free of this magic, it is simply wishful thinking!
"Then we can only wait for death like this now?!"
Aragorn was stunned, a bit unwilling in his heart! He never expected that they would end up like this in the end? That white robe wizard Saruman, is he really that powerful? Can you be so good even if you are not present? Saruman is like this, and what kind of existence is that Sauron, who is said to be more terrifying? !
"No... we haven't actually lost..."
After speaking, Gandalf suddenly laughed.
Then, he motioned to Aragorn and the others to look at the little girl who was standing on the side watching the play.
Fortunately, they brought her here today, didn't they? Gandalf thinks, the practice of always preferring to do things by yourself is indeed very correct! Look now, doesn't it work?
"Very good! I have taken care of all the guys in the way now!"
"Then, it should be your turn now, right? You little witch of unknown origin?!"
Saruman, who is possessed by Hidden, also saw Gandalf’s gaze, so he also looked at the little witch who was holding the teddy bear and was acting innocent, as if everything had nothing to do with her. .
He actually found this little girl a long time ago! Before this, the little witch who was able to invade him and the Demon Lord Sauron on his own strength alone did not forget about it so quickly!
"Huh? What do you want to do? Do you think you can beat me?"
After discovering that she couldn't continue to pretend not to exist, Annie hugged her little bear Tibbers, took two steps forward, and stood up in such a beautiful manner.
Then, she took another look at the four useless guys who were pitifully tied to the pillar. After making a face at them, Annie looked at the throne with an indifferent expression. The white-bearded wizard Saruman who is possessing someone else?
"Humph! You swear to submit to me now, and I will forgive you! Otherwise..."
Otherwise, this'Hyurdon' did not say clearly, he just waved to one side, and then the large group of heavy armored guards who were in the palace silently drew out their long swords and turned towards Xiao The girls gathered around.
Gandalf failed to rescue the king, and now they have no choice but to continue to obey the other's orders! After all, they have sworn an oath, no matter what, they will be loyal to King Xiurdun Hussar! Because here in Middle-earth, it pays great attention to the power of oaths!
This is just like the Rohan cavalry led by Iomo that Aragorn encountered before, those people have sworn allegiance to the Kingdom of Rohan and fought for Rohan! Therefore, instead of swearing loyalty to the king, they were designed to be expelled by Grima, and the remaining ones can be controlled by the Saruman side using King Xiuton!
"Huh? Are you crazy?"
"Want me to surrender to you? Look! Have you seen my big fist?!"
After looking at the guards who were surrounding her, Xiao Annie smiled disdainfully. Then, she suddenly raised her white and tender little fist, but threatened the Saruman:
"I warn you, if you surrender now, I might not consider beating you!"
Annie was a little curious, she didn't know that Saruman, where did he come from, this belief can get rid of her confidence? He is not here, so he is so crazy?
Sure enough, anyone who can be a villain is either a lunatic or a fool!
Looking at Annie herself again, she would easily not be the villain of any kind of trouble! Even if she really has to be, she herself is secretive, never letting others know that she is actually a villain?
"Go on all! Kill her for me!"
Seeing the failure of the surrender, Saruman, who possessed Xiurton, was so angry that he pointed his stick at the little girl and chanted the spell quickly, while giving orders to the Rohan guards.
He felt that in order to avoid long night dreams, it would be better to kill this seemingly powerful little witch first! In any case, never give her the slightest chance!
During this period of time, he Saruman investigated a lot about the north, the so-called United Kingdom of Alicia, but he was very jealous!
Especially those gunpowder weapons in the opponent's hands are extremely powerful!
Although he probably knows the principles of those weapons, the imitation work has never been smooth. The things he made are specious, and the power and range are not satisfactory! Either it is easy to blow up or it is too time-consuming, far from reaching the level of the enemy's mass armed forces!
Therefore, he Saruman must destroy the Luo Khanate as soon as possible, and then draw a part of his troops to fight against the Gondor Kingdom with Demon Lord Sauron, and at the same time send a part of the main force back to deal with the rising United Kingdom of Alicia!
And according to the information he obtained, this little witch, she is precisely the master of Queen Ofina? Therefore, after Saruman fails to persuade her to surrender now, she will not be able to keep her even more!
"Wow! I'm so scared!"
Seeing the soldiers and the bright swords approaching her, Xiao Annie suddenly screamed.
puff! !
When the little girl's scream just fell, a muffled sound rang!
The walking guards of Rohan were surprised to find that the little girl who had just been surrounded by them ~ ~ suddenly disappeared?
Then, when they heard the abnormal noise behind them and turned their heads, they saw the little girl waving her small fist and sitting on the throne of their original king. And at this time, King Xiurton, who was controlled by Saruman, fell face down, twitched and lay on the carpet on the king's steps?
"Haha! Aboriginal wizards who have not even seen the scintillation technique dare to let the head of state surrender you?!"
After clapping his hands, watching Saruman (Syurton) who was hit by a punch to the back of the head with satisfaction and then fell to the ground and twitched, Annie snapped her fingers and cast a spell to put down the four of Gandalf.
Her task has now been successfully completed!
If Gandalf and the others do not want to release the Balrog or let Tibbs the bear razed this place to the ground, then they had better clear up the mess here early!
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