Chapter 287: Battle of Rohan (6)

Here in the Golden Palace of Hidden in the Luo Khanate, where he was fighting with the remote-controlled white-robed Saruman earlier, the Hussar hosted a small reception for the guests from afar.
At this time, Eowyn, a member of the Eow family and the niece of Rohan Hussar King Xiuton, was taking care of the two filial sons to eat.
Just this evening, the two filial piety rode a horse alone to Edoras for thousands of miles, and passed on information about the northwestern border area of ​​Rohan to their king.
Today’s reception did not have any laughter and seemed very dull. After all, the king of Rohan just woke up and found that his son was dead. Therefore, it is impossible for him to celebrate the arrival of Gandalf and others. of.
Therefore, the atmosphere in the palace hall is not very good now. Most people try to keep quiet, it is not like a banquet at all.
Aragorn, full of food and drink, was holding his arm while biting his pipe and shrank in his seat. He didn't know what he was thinking, but just glanced at the king's throne; while the fairy prince Legra Si, is fiddling with his beloved bows and arrows, and they were handed over to the guards today. Therefore, he has to re-adjust when he has time to ensure that they will not appear during the battle. problem.
As for the pseudo-white-robed wizard Gandalf, he was sitting beside the throne in the distance, sitting side by side with Guo Xiyuton. The two seemed to be discussing something in a low voice, while Xiyuton shook his head from time to time, revealing With a look of rejection, it was obvious that the other party didn't seem to agree with some of Gandalf's opinions.
Little Annie, who is heartless and ate the most, is playing with the building blocks with the animal bones that she has leftover under her boring life.
I don’t know what she did during this period of time. When people focused on her, the pile of bones, already under her skillful hands, turned into several hand-held bones. A bone rack like a strong orc soldier with a shield and a bone blade.
"Sister, what are you doing? What use are they?"
The little girl among the two herdsmen’s children who had come to report, who was eating, was quickly attracted by what Annie did. After watching it for a while, the one who was smaller than Annie The little girl couldn't help but ask such a sentence.
"They are the strong orcs under that bad guy Saruman. They can be used for fighting and playing!"
After looking up at the two dirty kids on the opposite side, Annie blinked and said indifferently.
This is what she made out of boredom and intended to use it as a pastime and to kill time. After all, in this Middle-earth world, after eating at night, besides preparing to sleep, there seems to be no fun pastime? So, she just put up some bone blocks to play with!
"They can still fight?!"
Hearing Anne's words, the little girl from the herder couldn't even take care of only half of her meal. She directly supported the long wooden table with her hands and looked at the little strong orcs built of bones in surprise. .
"Ahem! Little girl, don't believe her, it's just a few skeleton models, you can't fight!"
On the other side of the long table, the dwarf Jinli is holding a large ale barrel in one hand and a hardwood cup in the other hand, drinking and drinking.
He had never cared about business, after seeing the little witch trying to coax the innocent girl of other people's home, he quickly corrected the yelling.
"Huh! Don't believe me Bearded! If they can really fight, what will you do?!"
Originally, this was just a little trick for Anne to entertain herself, but after being said so by the bearded dwarf, she was a bit more real.
This unseen bearded dwarf dared to question his own things? Wait, when he regrets it!
"If you can make them move, then I will drink up this big barrel of ale!"
In anger, Jin Li didn't even think about it, patted the big wine barrel beside him and swears grinningly.
Although their dwarves are good wines and drink a lot, if they really want to drink up this big barrel of ale, then he must be drunk!
"Very good, are you there yet? You can start fighting now!"
Annie first sneered and glanced at the bearded dwarf, and then looked at the big wine barrel as high as the other party, then suddenly said slyly to the several bone shelf models on the table.
When Little Annie’s words just fell, something stunned everyone happened: on the long wooden table, the so-called strong orc models made of bones actually held their bone shields and The bone sliced ​​knife, caught each other one by one on the long table.
They are looking at me with a knife, I kick you; the blade cuts over, swings the shield to block it; just like this, they crackle on the long tabletop, and from time to time they will fly out one or two arms made of bones or Head?
Then, almost everyone's gaze was attracted to him, wrapped in the distance, Gandalf, who was muttering discussing matters beside the throne, and King Hiurdon who was wearing a bandage on his head beside him.
"This, this, this..."
Seeing this, Jin Li's eyes went round!
He always thought that magic was used for combat, such as the kind of curse, fireball and lightning, or something like the invisible rope used by Saruman before?
Before he had seen the wizard chess at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, how could he imagine that magic could do something like what is happening on the long table now?
"Okay! You win!"
His lips trembled for a while, guessing that the battle of the little people on the table wouldn't be over for a while. If he was willing to lose the bet, he could only turn his head to look at the big wine barrel next to him and stretch out his hand. Shake vigorously on the edge of the barrel.
Soon, there was a sound of ‘puffing’ and ‘puffing’ wine sloshing in it. Obviously, this barrel of ale was almost full!
"Aragon? And, Legolas..."
Thinking that one person might not be able to finish the barrel of ale, he can only look at his two partners with help-seeking eyes. It seems that he wants them to share part of it for himself?
It's a pity that Aragorn shook his head with a simple smile, indicating that he himself had drunk enough! On the other side, Legolas, the elf who was neither good at nor drinking, turned his head without mercy.
"Brother, look!"
"Look! They can actually fight!"
At this moment, the two children who came to report didn't care about eating their food, so they just leaned on the table, seeming to want to get closer and look more closely?
"Okay" children, hurry up and eat your dinner! "
Eowyn, wearing an exquisite black evening dress with brown collar, glanced at the gadgets that the little witch had made, and then stared at each other dissatisfiedly. Then, she hurriedly greeted the two children and continued. eat.
Eowyn didn't like that little witch very much, even if this little witch had just saved her uncle king earlier today?
This is because when the other party was in the palace today, the punch that hit her uncle Xiuton was really too hard! She couldn't even imagine that the other party's small fist would have so much strength? It just made the back of her uncle's head swell up so big, and until now, Siyudun had to wear a bandage!
"Uncle! Our citizens of Luohan, they haven't received any alerts, and... unarmed!"
Seeing Hidden who was still hesitant on the throne, Eowyn didn't quite understand.
"The Dunland barbarians who took refuge in the evil white-robed wizard Saruman. They have passed through the Rohan Pass and through the West Valley. They are driving straight in, burning and looting along the way. No one can escape..."
"Uncle, it's time to make a decision! We have many gatherings of people scattered across the vast prairie. Once the barbarians continue to go deep, they will never let them go!"
After greeting the two children to continue eating, Eowyn stood up and continued to persuade King Hiurdon on the throne. She herself also hopes that her uncle can make a decision sooner, cheer up, gather soldiers, wage a full-scale war on the evil Isengard, and protect their citizens of Rohan!
However, her uncle still held his forehead, leaning on the throne, saying nothing.
I don’t know, is it because the little girl’s fist hurts him too much? Or was it because after waking up from the magic shadow, he found that his son was killed by someone in a bad mood? Or... Is it because you found your powerful Rohan Hussar turned into a mess and felt burnt?
"Believe me, King Haydon... The news we hear now is definitely just the tip of the iceberg where Saruman committed his evil deeds!"
"Once he breaks through the territory of Luohan, joins forces with Demon Lord Sauron and meets the Anduin River, then that will be the most terrifying thing!"
After taking a look at Eowyn, Gandalf once again joined the ranks of persuasion.
Now, the Kingdom of Gondor is being fully attacked by Sauron's Mordor forces. Gandalf believes that even with the dangerous guard of the Anduin River, they will not last long! A few days ago, he had heard the news that the eastern city of Osgilius was captured by Mordor, and once the western city of Osgilius was also captured, the entire Anduin River defense line of Gondor would be defeated!
At that time, Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor, will be completely exposed to the front of the Mordor army!
And once Saruman’s army breaks through the territory of the Rohan, joins forces with Mordor on the Anduin River and starts to attack Gondor from the north in multiple lines, then this Middle-earth world will really be completely over...
At that time, as long as the gods, those Airu or Vera do not intervene forcibly, then this Middle-earth world will really become the demon Lord Sauron and let it go! And these humans, elves or dwarves who resist Mordor, except the elves who can flee to Amen Island, everyone else will be finished!
"Syurton, it's time to make up your mind! Gather your army, fight against your enemies, and confront Saruman's army head-on!"
"Don't let them continue to hurt your people, burn your pasture... you must fight as soon as possible!"
After seeing Theoton seemed to be a little moved, Gandalf continued to work harder.
He intends to persuade this Hussar King thoroughly! He believed that on the grassland, Saruman's army of strong orcs or the rabble barbarians should not be the opponents of Rohan's elite cavalry.
"At this moment, we still have more than two thousand elite soldiers active in the northwest. Although Iomo has been banished, he is still loyal to Rohan and loyal to you, the king! He also knows that you are controlled by the enemy! "
"I believe that as long as you summon you, he and his soldiers will definitely come back and fight for the king!"
At this time, Aragorn, who was smoking a pipe on the side, also came in and joined the ranks of persuasion. When they were looking for the Hobbit, they had seen Iomo with their own eyes and probably knew the character of the Rohan general.
"No! Iomo and the others are three hundred miles away from here. They can't make it back. It's too far..."
"Even if they are all cavalry, at such a distance, even if we send people out to find them and find them now, it will definitely be too late! So, Eomo... he can't help us!"
No one knows better how much time it takes for the cavalry to reach the capital city than Hidun, who is proficient in cavalry warfare. Therefore, he does not support fighting against Saruman's mixed army in the capital of Edoras because there is no danger here Can be guarded!
Moreover, the most important thing is: due to Grima’s misbehavior during this period, there are not many warriors who can fight in Edoras now. Theurton knows that their remaining strength is absolutely persistent. Come here without reinforcements!
"No! Gandalf, you don't need to say more..."
After pacing in the hall for a while, Xiurton quickly reached out and stopped the old wizard who was going to go forward and continue to persuade him.
"I know that you are here to save me! I also know that you have expectations of me!"
"But, during this period of time...Too many things have happened here in King Rohan's capital Edoras! I will not bring any casualties to my people! I will not let them treat me again. Disappointment! I will never risk another war..."
If everything is in the heyday of King Rohan here, then nothing is said, Xiyudun will definitely dare to lead his troops out and play head-to-head field battles with Saruman's infantry on the grassland!
"It's useless to escape, Hidden!"
"Saruman's war against Middle-earth has already begun. Whether you want to take risks or not, they will come to you!"
Seeing Hidden still in this hesitant look, Aragorn had to say something more emphasized.
"Oh? As far as I know, the king of the Luo Khanate is Hidden, not Aragorn! Therefore, my decision cannot be questioned by you!"
If it weren't for the fact that the other party had done a great job in understanding and rescuing himself, maybe Xiyudun would have driven out the guys who tried to interfere in Rohan's internal affairs and his own decision!
Don’t they think about their identity?
A wizard, a nameless heir to the king, plus a dwarf and a prince of Silvan elves who will definitely not participate in the war, how useful can these four of them be for the upcoming war?
If one of them is a lord with thousands of elite soldiers, then Hidden will definitely respect their opinions! Otherwise, please close their mouths earlier.
"Then King Hidden, what is your final decision?!"
Gandalf sighed, stood up, approached Hiurdon, and asked slowly.
The current situation is actually very obvious. Saruman's mixed army is under pressure, and there are only three options left for Hiurton: surrender? This is destined to be subjugated and extinct. Presumably, the Hussar King would not choose this; and if it is a frontal war, he has just rejected it; in the end, there is only one option left to escape, right?
However, Gandalf felt that escaping was nothing more than lingering, and it would be of no benefit to the war in Middle-earth! Instead of that, it is better to take a risk and have a head-on battle with Saruman! After all, on the grassland, the cavalry that comes and goes like wind still has an advantage over the infantry, isn't it?
Hidden was silent for a while, he first closed his eyes, and after a sniff, he suddenly opened them suddenly. However, when he was about to announce his final decision, an untimely voice rang again, rudely interrupting what he was about to say next.
"I almost forgot. If you guys want to fight the bad guy Saruman, maybe I can help!"
It turned out that it was Little Annie who came in just now.
Just now, when she was so bored that she watched a game of wizard chess performed by the bones little people, she once again had nothing to do. When she heard that the group was discussing the war, she It suddenly occurred to me that her army of the United Kingdom of Alicia seems to be about to hit the border of the Luo Khanate, right?
So, Annie felt that she herself seemed to be really helpful! It's just that you can't help this Luo Khanate in vain, you have to pay some price for this kingdom!
"It's you……"
Turning around suspiciously, when Hidden saw this little witch who had punched herself and successfully saved her, she couldn't help but wonder, what can this little girl do to help herself?
Could it be that she wanted to use her kind of strange magic? However, is magic really that powerful in a large-scale battle? Can you control a battle? Anyway, Hidden was still skeptical about whether magic could influence the battle.
At the same time, Gandalf stared at the little girl nervously, and shook his head quickly.
His meaning is also very obvious, that is: you are not allowed to use large-scale magic to help them in the war between mortals, and you are not allowed to release the Balrog, let alone the little bear called Tibbers!
"I have a country called Alicia United Kingdom! My subordinates, they are very tired!"
Little Annie, who didn't know where to find a bottle of drink, said vaguely as she drank it.
"Wait, you were talking about Alicia United Kingdom... I'm sorry, Little Annie, why I never seem to have heard of this name?"
Gandalf thought about it seriously, and searched for more than two thousand years of his own memory of planting Middle-earth. Then he was finally convinced that in Middle-earth, there is no such thing as the United Kingdom of Alicia. !
This, could it be made up temporarily by this little girl? Don't irritate the King Xiu Dun Hussein later, after all, the other party is now in the pain of losing his son and the anger of being on the verge of extinction, he can't listen to persuasion, let alone others to tease him!
"Of course you haven't heard of it! Because, I just founded it not long ago!"
Little Annie rolled her eyes angrily, she thought, it would be weird if Gandalf and the group really heard it!
Her Alicia Kingdom was created when their group just went on an expedition to the Lord of the Rings! Moreover, the development time was also within the two months of the opponent escorting the Lord of the Rings on the way. And now, these people have been wandering around Luo Khanate to the east of the Misty Mountains, and they would definitely not know what happened to the west and north of the Swan River.
At this time, Annie felt that her army of Alicia Kingdom should have almost reached Isinger's vicinity, right? If their progress is too slow, then she herself will be angry!
"Founded not long ago? When was it!"
Gandalf is still very puzzled, a kingdom can be created not long ago... Is this surely a joke? It seems that the date they separated from this little girl in Rivendell was less than three months, right? Why did she make a kingdom?
By the way, and the old dwarf Groyin that I met when I was in Rivendell. At the beginning, the other party also promised myself that it was this little girl, she would definitely not mess things up? !
"It was when you went to the Lord of the Rings expedition! Um... I do the calculations, that's right, on the third day of your departure!"
Annie broke her fingers and calculated it carefully, and quickly got the accurate time.
Although she had forgotten the exact date, she knew that after leaving Rivendell, it took them three full days to get to the outside of Bray Town and take down the small town. .
"Our Lord of the Rings expedition team, it seems that they have gone for more than two months? In such a short time, you can build a United Kingdom?!"
Gandalf still thought it was a little weird. Can this kid really do things like this?
In just over two months, what can you do in such a small amount of time? Counting in Gandalf, if you travel slowly from the capital of Gondor to Rivendell, it will take more than two months, right?
"It's less than two months? That's already a long time!"
Annie curled her lips in dissatisfaction. You should know that for more than two months in the Kepulu sector, it was almost enough for her to plan and occupy the entire sector!
And now, she has just created a small United Kingdom with a population of only a few hundred thousand. What's the fuss about this? A group of unseen guys, because they are still so old, they are all so shocked, really hopeless!
Gandalf didn't know what to say now, he felt that he was not very good.
Thinking about himself, it took more than two thousand years to slowly guide humans and other intelligent creatures in the direction that Vera wanted, but now, this little girl has established a kingdom in just over two months. , Is there such a high efficiency?
"Really? Where is your country? Uh..."
Before Jin Li had time to ask, he gave a big alcoholic hiccup.
Obviously, he is drinking too much, and now his eyes are about to become cross-eyed! He barely drank a small half of the barrel of ale that was almost full before it. It is estimated that there will be a long time before drinking it.
"Of course it's on the Shire side!"
"Now the town of Bray, Ystad, Metres, Anuminas, Frost, and the Swan River Basin, they are all the territory of my Alicia United Kingdom!"
After thinking about it for a while, after contacting the magic messages she had recently received from Ofina to herself, Annie quickly said a long list of place names. In terms of time, Ofina and their troops should have arrived near Isengard on time?
"Wait! If I remember correctly, the places you just mentioned seem to be the site of the Illiyad Freedom Council?!"
Aragorn is really not calm now, so he immediately asked.
In fact, what he wants to say more is: those places should be his Aragonese territory! Her so-called Alicia United Kingdom cannot occupy the place of his home, he is the legal king of the Arno Kingdom! He is the warchief of the Dundan people!
That is the territory of the Illiyad Free Assembly. In the past, all were the inherent territory of the Kingdom of Arno! That is the territory of Aragon that should belong to him!
"Illiyad? But it's not theirs anymore! It's mine now!"
As far as Annie knows, the Eliad Freedom Council has been disbanded a long time ago!
Some of them directly joined the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Alicia, some became wealthy big landlords, and the others who did not know good or bad were simply killed!
"Please be quiet! Now, you can stop discussing these insignificant things in my palace!"
After scanning Gandalf and Aragorn with dissatisfaction, Hidden looked at the little witch who had just said that she could help herself.
"Your Excellency Anne Witch, what I want to know now is: how can your so-called Alicia United Kingdom help us? Or, can it help us!"
Staring at the little girl sitting on a wooden chair with dangling feet, Hidden asked with a serious expression.
This is what Hidden is concerned about.
After all, their current Edoras is already helpless! And the entire Luohan Hussar country is in danger of life and death. If you are careless, it is very likely to enter the desperate situation of subjugation and extinction!
It would be the best if a powerful foreign aid could come and lead an army to rescue Rohan.
As for whether the Alicia United Kingdom occupied the territory of Aragorn or occupied the territory of the elves, Heyudun didn't want to bother about it!
"Well, you should talk to Ofina directly by yourself!"
After thinking about it for a little bit, Annie felt that for some things, it would be better for Ofina to have a face-to-face interview with this cunning-looking old man, so that they would not suffer!
After speaking, she waved her hand directly and used a spell similar to the communication magic that she had used when she invaded the True Knowledge Crystal before, creating a big magic light curtain directly in the palace of Rohan.
"Yeah? Ofina, are you there?!"
Then, when others were curious or surprised, Annie called out into the light curtain.
In the next second, this magical light curtain was lit up, and then there appeared a young man sitting in the main seat of the tent, wearing golden armor, and a huge red-bottomed white condor flag hanging behind his back. woman.
"See my lord!"
Seeing the magic light curtain appearing in front of her, Ofina quickly stood up, and respectfully gave a grand courtesy to Little Annie.
"What's your order?!"
Ofina feels a little strange. On weekdays, her little master, when there is something, will send direct messages to the matter, but why is she talking so seriously today in the form of a magic meeting?
Then, Ofina started to stand up straight and looked at the opposite side of the magic light curtain in doubt. She saw humans, dwarves and elves on the opposite side? It seems that there is another wizard who is not too weak?
"Oh... is she an elf? Actually, she is younger and more beautiful than Galadriel, and more charming..."
Jin Li, a dwarf who was drinking, his eyes straightened again at this moment, and then he fell straight and started to fall asleep. Obviously, he was really drinking too much and thought he just appeared. It's an illusion!
In fact, it was more than him. Now in the lobby of the entire Rohan Kingdom, except for Xiao Anni herself, almost everyone looked straight. They couldn't imagine that there should be such a character in the world!
Unlike the surprises of others, Gandalf stared at the woman in gold armor opposite the magic light curtain in doubt and shock.
As Maya, although his ability has been greatly restricted, his vision and insight have not changed.
So, of course he can see: The woman in front of him is not an elf, nor a human being, or even any creature in Middle-earth or Amen Island!
When he first saw this woman, Gandalf almost thought that the other party was an existence summoned from the outer world by that dishonest little Annie, who was an innocent kid!
However, when he looked at the past carefully, he discovered that this existence, which was almost as powerful as or even more than the average Maya, had a strong Middle-earth aura on his body?
Gandalf was very puzzled. In addition to feeling the powerful power of the opponent, he actually felt another kind of holiness and vast aura! With that kind of powerful vitality and the power of light, Gandalf will definitely not admit his mistakes!
Because that was the beginning of the birth of Middle-earth, and it was the breath of the two double sacred trees before Arda had not turned round...
How could they appear on this strange woman?
He Gandalf is sure that there is absolutely no such a woman in Amenzhou! The opponent is definitely not Maya created by the gods! So, where did she emerge from?
"The thing is like this: This is called Hidden, the king of Rohan, he seems to want to ask our Alicia United Kingdom for help! So... forget it, you should talk to him yourself."
After saying a few words or explaining clearly, Annie walked aside for herself, she didn't want to worry about these troublesome things! Anyway, she believed that Ofina would handle it well.
"I understand……"
After slightly nodding to Annie, who turned to leave, Ofina turned her head to look at Xiurton, who was still a little surprised.
"Then, you are King Haydon of the Rohan Hussars? Come on, what are your conditions for me to send an army to rescue you?"
With an exquisite long sword holding her waist, Ofina looked majesticly at Hidden, who was frowning across her through the magic screen.
"By the way, I'm giving you two pieces of information for free. The good news is: Our more than 6,000 troops are now blocking Isengard's gate, and they have no way to increase their troops to your Rohan territory for the time being!"
After seeing the joy that appeared on the face of King Xiuton Hussar, Ofina smiled and said the next news.
"The bad news is that at least 10,000 heavily armed orcs have advanced into your Rohan territory. Of course, there are also the Dunland barbarians who have not had time to be eliminated by us? They estimate that there are at least two or three. Ten thousand people?!"
After seeing Hidden's originally beautiful face turned pale again, Ofina knew that her goal had been achieved!
In this upcoming negotiation, their Alicia United Kingdom has completely taken the initiative! If the King of Rohan didn't want to subdue the country and the species, she believed that the other party would obey the rules in a while.
In fact, there are still some things she hasn't said clearly, that is: Although their army is indeed blocking Isengard's door, the fact is that neither of them can do anything for the time being!
The strong orc army that rushed out of Isengard will soon be shot back directly by their muskets and cannons, and if their army dared to approach the attack range of Isengard’s tower, it would be easy to receive each other. Magic attack, so before Little Annie didn't contact Ofina, they had been confronting the white robe wizard Saruman here.
And the arrogant white-robed wizard Saruman didn’t even order the army of strong orcs that went deep into the Arhat to return. His intention was already obvious, that is, after he wanted to destroy Rohan and respond to Mordor’s offensive, Go back and clean up their Alicia Kingdom?
Anyway, in the eyes of the white-robed wizard Saruman, even if the guns of the United Kingdom of Alicia are powerful, it can't help his Isinger!
The fact is indeed the case. In Opheina's view, the combination of the Oshank Mage Tower and the White Robe Wizard would be too difficult to deal with! The range of their "Vengeance" cannon, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is actually not farther than the opponent's mage tower.
After listening to the two news from the other party, Hidden didn't speak immediately. He just looked down at the ground and didn't know what he was thinking about.
"Let's talk...what do you want to send troops to rescue our Luo Khanate?!"
It took a long time before he took a deep breath, and then, the hussar king of Rohan, Hidden, asked every word to the charming and cunning queen opposite the magic light curtain.
He knew that with the power of the current Luo Khanate alone, it would absolutely not be able to deal with an army of 10,000 strong orcs and at least 20,000 or 30,000 Dunland barbarians! Even if Saruman gave him plenty of time to slowly summon soldiers, his current Luo Khanate would definitely not be able to make up thousands of cavalry!
"Reflection, our request is actually very simple..."
Looking at each other's expressions, Ofina knew that their goal had been achieved today.
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