Chapter 301: Little Annie is very capable (3)

On the afternoon of the day after Annie left Middle-earth and arrived in New York, the newly promoted seventh-level agent Grant Ward drove the C-17-CXD-23 specially equipped for Coleson's special operations team by S.H.I.E.L.D. The special plane'TheBus', together with physical engineer Leo Fitz and Doctor of Chemistry Gemma Simmons, arrived at Anne’s villa by the sea, and landed vertically on the flat lawn beside the beach of the corrupt capitalist’s manor villa. .
They are coming here to greet the commander of their special operations squad-eighth-level agent Phil Coleson and Melinda May, the default pilot.
Of course, there must be some little girl who is idle and has nothing to do, and she has to plan to play with them, and she is a little sleepy because she just woke up because of her lazy sleep!
"Annie, take a look! What do you think of our plane? Isn't it great?"
After the huge spaceship-like plane took off slowly, Coleson took Xiao Annie to stroll around the plane before proceeding with the formal task arrangement and began to introduce it proudly.
For some time in the future, this plane will be the special vehicle for his Coleson Special Operations Team!
Except when they are on the ground performing tasks, at other times, they have to stay on the plane, and be ready at any time to deal with any emergencies with the fastest speed.
"You see, inside, there are all the complete facilities: including several sleeping compartments, a special cell and interrogation room, a task meeting room, a large laboratory on the lower deck, and a living room and supporting small rooms. bar."
"Trust me Annie, it's definitely more comfortable than your previous "Princess Anne"!"
"Of course, if it's okay, you'd better not drive it casually...well, at least, you can't drive it while I'm still on this plane!"
Of course Coleson knew that Annie, the little girl could fly fighters.
It's just that he also knew that the little girl's flight control technology was very unfriendly to the crew except the pilot...very unfriendly...
Anyway, Coleson, who has been forced to try it once, absolutely does not want to experience it a second time!
The magical special Kun-style fighter plane of Annie was now lying in the special research institute of SHIELD and was dismembered. It is said that until now, those researchers have not understood the magical magic circuits added by the little girl above, let alone how they work?
Moreover, if Annie wants to return to the plane, it is estimated that those researchers will not be able to make it back for a while, right? Therefore, Coleson intends to divert the little girl's attention a little bit and show off his super large new fortress plane.
"It looks quite big, but it's actually average..."
Master Anne, who has seen and possessed something better, has long looked down on the aerodynamic vehicles on these planets. They flew too slowly, the noise was too loud, and the airflow was still turbulent and not very stable, so she just took a few casual glances and didn't want to make too many comments.
If you really want to compare, she won't talk about her new battleship Führer. Just taking out a large heavy transport spacecraft, it is estimated to be many times larger than this, right?
As for the Kun-style aircraft, it is even more incomparable! The current Annie, just taking out a Banshee fighter with interstellar navigation or the kind of deformable air-ground dual-purpose Viking fighter, can throw away the mainstream equipment of SHIELD for several blocks.
"So so?!"
"But I think it's great! Look: it has 6 turbojet engines, has vertical take-off and landing capabilities, and has long aerospace capabilities. It can even reach any place on the earth without refueling. a place!"
Coleson nodded while introducing the performance of the aircraft.
It is precisely because of its excellence that S.H.I.E.L.D. will equip his team with this super plane, so that they can have the ability to accept tasks anytime, anywhere and arrive at their destination on time! Looking at the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D.'s current equipment, there is no better one, but now, there is really no more suitable.
"Uncle Coleson..."
"Without lengthening its fuselage, it dared to install small wings and engines directly on the tail, which seriously affected the focus and position of the center of gravity of lift, and its ability to fly does not seem to be very good. kind!"
"Also, the air intakes of the two engines behind it are basically covered by the exhaust gas of the four engines in front. When flying again, most of the intake is exhaust gas! This makes their use. The rate is extremely low, and it will also lead to inconsistencies in front and rear thrust, so it is better not to install it!
"So, the man who designed this plane is actually an idiot!"
Little Annie, who had participated in the modification of the battleship New Führer on Haven, had mixed with those heavy factories at the Federal Academy of Sciences, and had seen many fighter aircraft or battleship design drawings. Therefore, for these related technical things, she Although not proficient, but also no stranger.
Therefore, she can roughly judge what kind of thing it is after just glance at the schematic diagram of the aircraft structure on the bulkhead in the laboratory.
Originally, Coleson just wanted to show off in front of the little girl, so how could he think that the other party unexpectedly said so many high-tech judgments?
Therefore, he stunned for a while before he quickly turned his head and looked at the physical engineer Leo Fitz and the chemistry doctor Gemma Simmons who were also startled by the little girl's words.
"You are the physical engineer Fitz? I asked you, Annie must have been talking nonsense just now, right? Why do I think she seems to make sense?"
Coleson was a little puzzled, this little Annie, isn't she a magician? Is it just throwing that kind of unscientific magic fireball, or will they use those inexplicable magic circles?
But now, take a look! When did she change her career to become an aircraft design commentator? ! Moreover, what she said just now seemed to make sense?
It’s not long, right? It's just that he hasn't seen each other for two years. Why does Coleson feel that whether he is on the magic side or the technology side, he is left far behind by this little girl? A magician came to talk to himself, a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. about technology, but he didn't even understand everything?
Moreover, Little Annie's current age is a little over ten at most, right? And what about Coleson himself? But they are all over middle-aged, and they are in their forties...
"Fitz, what do you think?"
Gemma Simmons was in chemistry, and was really not good at designing airplanes, so she could only turn around and ask her physics classmate and partner next to her.
But, when she just listened, she felt that what the little girl said was very reliable. It sounded reasonable and well-organized, and it didn't seem to be the kind of rhetoric.
"This... the layout of the engine is indeed a bit unreasonable. The exhaust from the front four turbo engines does increase the burden on the next two engines... The thrust is indeed not even... As for the center of gravity and lift..."
"Well, what she said is right! I will send a feedback report to the R&D department after I sort out the analyzed data in a while!"
When Fitz, a physics engineer, hurriedly operated on the computer instrument and simulated it for a while, he barely reached a conclusion similar to what the little girl just said, so he could only confirm the other party's words hesitantly. Planning to make a report to the R&D department of SHIELD?
In any case, this aircraft is just a test aircraft, and it is not dedicated to combat. It should be understandable that there are a few flaws.
It's just that Fitz now seems to have been hit hard...
Originally, he thought that his skills were very good, and he completed most of the S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. courses at a young age. Then, he could be recruited to this special operations team exceptionally if he failed in combat. What do you think, this little girl who emerged now gave herself a blow?
"Well...Hey! Annie, wait for me first!"
Since physics experts say yes, it must be!
Therefore, Coleson could only smile awkwardly, but before he could say anything, Little Annie turned and ran along the spiral staircase to the second deck upstairs.
"Hey! Who is that little girl? Are you S.H.I.E.L.D. that corrupt? Can you take your family members to travel for free when you come out to perform tasks?!"
When Skye, who had just been released from the interrogation room, saw a little girl running up from the first floor and ran straight to the living room to play something up, he couldn’t help but curiously asked the Wo next to him. Agent De.
Before the morning, Skye was still in East Los Angeles, California, and continued to invade S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. as usual, and expressed those provocative S.H.I. , The agent Ward next to her opened the door of her car on the spot and put a headgear on her to be caught. Even the people and the car were brought on the plane!
And only just now, after she explained everything and expressed her willingness to cooperate, was she temporarily released from the dark cell.
However, when she came out of the small dark room, she saw at the first glance that there was a logistic reserve room on the side of the living room that was pulling over the living room. It seemed that she was looking for something to eat? !
"Why, doesn't your ‘Rising Tide’ organization claim to know everything?"
Agent Ward did not directly reveal the little girl's true identity, but instead asked the female hacker of the "Rising Tide" organization named Skye.
He knew about the little girl boarding the plane when he went to pick up Coulson and the others. In fact, Ward didn’t like the little girl himself. He always felt that the other party might get in the way at some point. !
However, the identity of the other party is very special. Not only is she a core member of the Avengers, she is powerful and weird, but she also has a very high level of authority in S.H.I.E.L.D., which is higher than his own field service, who has just been promoted to level seven. The agents are too strong, plus, this special operations team belongs to the eighth-level agent Phil Coleson in charge of command and management?
Therefore, Ward does not have any right to speak on the matter of judging whether the little girl has the right to board the plane.
Skye was so choked that he could barely speak, and could only glared at him angrily.
Sure enough, none of these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are good things!
They not only tried hard to conceal all kinds of truths, but also confiscated those mutants or mysterious objects everywhere. In this way, they still dare to say that it is to protect ordinary humans?
Maybe, just now, she shouldn't admit counsel so quickly and agree to cooperate with each other?
"You will know in the future, come over for a meeting first, and remember what you promised before!"
Ward didn't want to talk about anything about that little girl! Because he felt the threat from the little girl...
I don't know if this is his illusion. Before, when I went to the beach house to pick up the two of Coulson, this little kid seemed to stare at himself several times, intentionally or unintentionally?
At that time, Jean Ward was like a prey spotted by a hunter and was staring at him. The sense of suffocation that his life would be deprived of at any time made him almost couldn't help taking a gun on the spot! Although the weird feeling disappeared quickly, but in any case, that matter made Ward's heart vigilant!
Anyway, the feeling of the party is very bad!
He doesn't like being with these non-human beings, especially those freaks in the Avengers!
They are all monster alliances made by the old fox of Nick Fury, and they only obey the orders of the black charcoal head. This seriously hinders their Hydra career. Therefore, Ward has been on the mission, those Avengers , Shouldn't exist in this world, we should try to catch them all and put them in the freezer warehouse of SHIELD!

"Okay! Are you all here? Come and have a look! This, he is the first target of our mission. The level of danger is very high and requires special attention!"
When everyone arrived in the meeting room, Coulson would get the ID of the person they were looking for from Skye, the female hacker and pickpocket! When he put it on the multifunctional desktop, the instrument automatically scanned it, and quickly retrieved all the file information about the other party from the S.H.I.E.L.D. database.
"Look! This man is named Michael Peterson."
"He used to work in a factory, he is married, and has a three-year-old son! It's just that... he was fired from the company after suffering a work injury before, and then, his wife seemed to run with others?"
Speaking of this, Coleson paused, and said in his heart: Sure enough, the hateful person must be pitiful!
Had it not been for so many changes, the current Michael would definitely have a harmonious and perfect family, and still work tremblingly in his factory from eight to five places, relying on his own efforts to maintain his life. With family?
"According to his record, he should be pretty good, without any criminal record! However, his temper seems a little grumpy. It is very likely that this is one of the reasons his wife ran away with someone else?"
Thinking about it, Coleson thinks this inference is reasonable.
If it wasn't for this person's temper that is too violent, or his wife who often violent domestic violence, how could his wife abandon him shortly after his work accident?
But anyway, the root cause can only be attributed to him. After all, in this world, there is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason.
"I guess that the reason why he has changed so much from a semi-disabled ordinary person to a superhero-like existence is that someone told him: There are ways for certain people to become Stronger, even... become almost like Superman now?"
Soon, Coleson finished his analysis.
All signs have shown that the other party did not have this powerful ability at the beginning, otherwise, he would not have a work accident, and his wife would not run away with others!
Judging from the information obtained: All changes of the other party should start from the moment when the accident and life began to despair! Someone must have helped or lured him...
"Who would do it? Why would you help him like this?"
Melinda didn't understand, this kind of Dingxi, which can make an ordinary person instantly become like a superman, must be very unusual, right? Who would give it to Michael, who is obviously an ordinary person, so kindly?
"I don't know yet! Maybe, it's for experiment?"
"But obviously, the changes on the other side are amazing! Look: when he attacked the foreman of the factory, he destroyed a steel machine worth nearly tens of millions with his bare hands, so he pushed a ton of cargo and returned I broke the steel alive with my hands..."
After speaking, Coleson opened another video, which was the monitoring of the factory and the news broadcast. The performance of the other party's strength was amazing.
"It's impossible! I know him, he wasn't like this before, he couldn't do such a thing..."
Looking at the picture on the monitor, Skye wanted to speak for the other party to explain, but before the conclusive facts, he appeared very weak.
"By the way, Fitz? Can you be sure of the exploded laboratory surveillance video?"
What happened in that laboratory was an abnormal explosion. Fitz and the others had already confirmed this before.
So, since where this Michael appeared then, is there any connection between the two? So, Coulson wanted to know what happened in the laboratory before the explosion? Maybe they can get some useful information from it?
"This won't work... The image is very blurry, I can't perform 3D modeling, let alone insert the time code..."
After looking at the video on the monitor, Fitz shrugged helplessly.
Although he is right in physics, this kind of low-pixel blurred image, coupled with the destruction by the explosion, he is powerless, and in the case of insufficient data, there is really no way to carefully restore it.
"What if I can give you audio?"
"Before the explosion, I had been monitoring the laboratory and installed a bug in it! Those recordings, it was in my car, but I installed GPS encryption, and I needed to drive out first... "
At this moment, Skye interjected in time.
She knows a lot of computer knowledge, and she is also a senior female hacker of the "Rising Tide" organization. Of course, she is not too unfamiliar with the work of image data processing, so she grasped the key point when she spoke.
"Wow! I lost again!"
While everyone was discussing the task, outside the airplane meeting room, there was a burst of clear complaints from the little girl.
When people like them were attracted and turned their heads out, they only saw a little girl lying flat on the sofa in the small living room, holding a game console in her hand, and venting her feet constantly on the leather sofa. Obviously, that is the little girl playing games and losing!
"By the way, I have never understood, why do you S.H.I.E.L.D. have to let such a little girl stay in this plane? You should be on a mission, how can you bring your family?"
Seeing that the originally serious combat meeting was interrupted by a little girl, Skye asked Coulson dissatisfiedly.
A group of special agents are out on duty, and they are carrying out murder, arson, and kidnapping missions, but they bring a little girl? About this matter, she always felt that there was a weird smell everywhere, but she didn't say anything about it, it looked mysterious!
" will understand later!"
"Well, Melinda will accompany you to drive the broken car out to decrypt it. Now, Fitz, you will arrange it immediately and prepare to receive the audio signal sent back."
Coleson smiled knowingly, he didn't want to explain too much about Annie! Anyway, after a while, if this female hacker from the ‘Rising Tide’ organization is willing to join her team and become a temporary worker for S.H.I.E.L.D., then she will definitely understand it!
And if she doesn't join, it's better not to tell her casually.
After all, Annie's level of confidentiality in S.H.I.E.L.D. is also very high. Except for a small number of people who know her true appearance, the previous media announcements of the New York War are just blurry scenes shot from a distance. And other ordinary people who know the truth have long been ‘required’ to keep secret by SHIELD!

In Skye’s RV, she was operating a computer and other hacking equipment. After she decoded the audio file and sent it back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. plane, she secretly went to Melinda when she was not paying attention. A small chip was stuffed in his chest.
That is a kind of gadget commonly used by their hackers, specially used to decrypt or crack some advanced equipment!
And now, she hid first, just in case. If she can enter SHIELD, when will she be able to use it and crack more secrets in the SHIELD database at close range?
Just thinking about this matter, she felt a little excited. You know, this can be said to be the ultimate dream of all members of the "Rising Tide" organization!
"By the way, Agent Melinda, here are the two of us..."
"So, I still want to ask, why do you have to take that little girl out without fear that she is in danger? After all, you are engaged in a very dangerous job?"
While hiding his little things secretly next to him, Skye turned his head and asked again.
"Have you decoded the stuff? Go home as soon as you finish it!"
The other party is not qualified and has no authority to know the identity of Little Annie, so Melinda has no time to talk nonsense with members of the ‘Rising Tide’ organization who likes to hack into the S.H.I.E.L.D. database to steal data.
If the audio decryption and transmission work has been completed, then she just drove the broken RV back to the airport, where is there time to grind with this female hacker?
Suddenly, just as Melinda was about to enter the car and closed the door, a black man who did not know where he came from jumped off from a certain height and subdued Melinda three or two times. Grabbing her back collar and arm, and slamming it hard, she threw the S.H.I.E.L.D. cavalry onto an iron gate of a warehouse!
Bang! With a cry of the earth, under the action of that huge force, Melinda didn't have time to resist much, and was fainted in a short moment...
"Why are you? Michael, what have you done?!"
He was taken aback, but when the other party turned his head, Skye recognized him.
Then, she felt a little bit weird. Now that the people of SHIELD were looking for him, how could he dare to show up here and attack a female agent of SHIELD? Isn't he crazy?
"Of course I am to save you! From the hands of evil men in black suits!"
"Moreover, I really need you to help us now..."
After confirming that the woman had indeed been stunned by himself, Michael panted and said to Skye who was looking at him in surprise in the car.
"Wait, you mean I...we?"
Skye felt a little puzzled. Listening to Michael, he didn't seem to be alone?
"Don't cry, okay? My dear, be strong, boy, we are a team!"
Then, Skye was stunned to see Michael pulling a little boy from one side, and he kept comforting him. She knows this little child, it seems, is his little son Ace?
It seems that he is really crazy, even taking his son to escape?
Don't he know how dangerous his current situation is? Maybe, he was like the one that exploded in the laboratory before, killing his son too!
"Sky! Hurry up and drive, we need to get out of here first!"
After Michael carried his son into the car, he urged Skye in a daze.
He knows that those in black suits seem to be from government departments, and there are a lot of manpower, and there must be a lot of powerful weapons, which is definitely not what he can openly confront! What's more, now he is still taking his son, so he just wants to leave the city early and stay far away!
Of course, he also needs Skye’s hacking methods. He needs her to help him delete all criminal records and then create a new identity. At that time, he can safely go on the train and leave the city. Find a place where no one knows them and take his son to live again incognito!
He still naively thought that as long as he did that, the federal government personnel in black clothes would definitely not be able to find both of them!
"That... she, she..."
When Skye was preparing to respond to the party’s request and walked to the driving position to leave here, she was horrified to find that next to Agent Melinda who was in a coma at the door of the warehouse, she didn’t know when, a little girl appeared. girl?
And the other party seems to be the little girl who was lying on the sofa playing the game console in the living room of the S.H.I.E.L.D. plane? When did she follow?
This shouldn't be...
Skye remembers clearly that when he and Melinda drove out from the airport, the other party was still nesting on the leather sofa, fighting with a game console! Why are you here in a blink of an eye now?
"You are miserable! You dare to stun Aunt Melinda in my house?!"
Annie hugged her little bear, and squatted carefully next to Aunt Melinda. After confirming that the other party had only been knocked out, she lost her breath and nodded. Then she stood up with bad eyes and looked at the one who had just hit The black corn of her'family'.
Originally, Annie was indeed playing her game console on the broken plane of S.H.I.E.L.D., but the next moment, when she sensed that Aunt Melinda was attacked and might be in danger, she instantly teleported to here! As a result, she saw this scene before her eyes: a bad guy, black sorghum, stunned her aunt Melinda alive?
So, this black corn must be that kind of bad guy, right?
"She? A little girl?! Forget it, leave her alone, let's go!"
Seeing Skye's reaction, Michael hurriedly turned his head. When he found that it was just a little girl, he turned around again with a little relief and hurriedly urged Skye.
Although he was also a little puzzled, he didn't know where the little girl got out of, but now the situation is urgently treated, if he doesn't have time to talk with a child, or he should leave here as soon as possible.
"Huh! Did I tell you to go?"
This bad guy actually runs away when he wants to hit someone. Where is there such a cheap thing?
After finishing talking, Annie didn't do much nonsense, and she waved her hand directly, and the other party was like being caught by an invisible giant hand, and was violently dragged, directly onto a wall on the other side of the street. !
The huge impact force caused the weak wall to collapse directly, and the fallen bricks instantly flooded the opponent's figure...
"Oh! No, God!"
Seeing this exaggerated performance of the little girl, after Skye exclaimed, he quickly bent down and hugged the little boy Ace.
The other party was crying now, and seemed to want to rush out to find the Michael who was thrown far away. Now it was so dangerous outside and there was a terrifying little girl, so Skye hugged him tightly to prevent the other party from breaking free.
Then Skye had time to look up again at the little girl outside the car who was holding a teddy bear and looked harmless.
She never expected that those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who took the plane were such a non-human monster? Look, she just waved her hand, and she flung a powerful superhuman into the air all at once? !
In this short instant, Skye thought a lot, such as: this little girl, who is she? Isn't S.H.I.E.L.D. that claiming to specifically catch such mutants? Why now, still allow the opponent to run around casually? Is this different treatment? Or, this little girl, the human biological weapon they transformed? !
"Asshole! I am going to kill you!!"
At this time, Michael, who was thrown away and buried in the brick rubble, finally got out again.
At this moment, there were patches of fiery red energy shining on his face. Obviously, under the anger, the strengthening potions in his body began to burst, making him infinitely powerful, and at the same time making him become It became increasingly unstable.
"We must kill you!!!"
After roaring again, Michael, who was already dazzled by anger, threw two bricks at the little girl fiercely, and when the bricks flew only half the distance, he charged at high speed regardless .
Under the tremendous power, he seemed to have broken through the sound barrier. With every step he took, he could always make huge fragmentation footprints on the concrete floor and burst out terrifying and rapid abnormal noises. The ground speed gradually caught up with the bricks in the high-speed flight. It seemed that he could destroy the little girl with the weapon that he just threw at the same time.
"Huh! Close fights or something, the most annoying!"
boom! ! !
After a little girl's cold snort, there was a roar that followed!
That Michael, when he smashed the bricks deeply into the ground and smashed, he slammed a punch to the place where Annie stood just now! It's just that the little figure he was about to attack completely disappeared the moment he was about to touch it...
This made his titanic fist hit the concrete floor in vain, hitting a big crack and pit, and flying out some rubble, breaking the glass of several sides of the RV, causing trouble. Skye in the RV screamed.
"Aha! I'm actually here!"
Fortunately, the other party didn't hit Aunt Melinda who was unconscious on the ground just now. Otherwise, Xiao Anni felt that she would definitely not continue to play with the other party, but would just burn the other party directly?
"Go to hell!!!"
Seeing his opponent floating in mid-air fifty meters away, Michael screamed again and pulled off a street light pole next to him with one hand, and then jumped in such an incredible way. After passing an exaggerated distance of fifty meters, and holding the hollow steel lamp pole with both hands fiercely, he slammed straight down at the little girl!
Boom! ! !
A bell-like roar sounded, and then, in his anger, Michael was also shocked to discover: his attack just hit the little girl's body around the transparent shield?
When the tremendous force counter-shocked his hands numb and directly broke the steel light pole into two pieces, the little girl inside was not only unscathed, but even grinning at herself?
drop! drop! drop!
Suddenly, just as Annie was about to continue playing with this strange bird, a communicator in her pocket rang quickly.
This surprised her a little, but at the same time, she could only wave her hand, clink the already poor, but still intend to destroy the public property, and take another street light pole to smash her own black corn into the air.
It's not too easy for Annie to deal with such ordinary people with powerful strength!
Take a look, now, she just needs to use an invisible mage's hand casually, and lift it into the air, so that he can't use her strength, she will stop cooking in an instant, right?
So, this cruel fact tells us: To be a fighter, one's own magic resistance must be high, and it must be resistant to fighting and fighting! Moreover, it must not be partial to the discipline or the development of too single attributes, otherwise, it will be like this strange scorpion with only power attributes in front of him. With nowhere to borrow, no matter how much strength he has, he will only I can stare!
"Crack? Oh! It's Uncle Coleson..."
"Do you have any business? I am very busy now. If there is nothing important, I will hang up the phone!"
After glancing at the strange bird who was being carried in mid-air comically by herself, unable to exert strength up and down, and could only wave her arms and legs in vain, Annie opened her communicator and saw the Cole inside. Uncle Sen's anxious Mediterranean-style big back head and a holographic portrait of the upper body.
Didn't you see that she is busy fighting now? Why do you want to call yourself at this time? It's a real dumb thing, it's like what Tibbles said, he deserves to be a bachelor in his 40s!
"Annie! Please stop playing, and quickly find a way to clean up or subdue him!"
Once connected to Annie's communication device, Coleson hurriedly urged loudly.
He is very clear about the little Annie's ability, but even the Hulk Banner has to go around after seeing it. How could this little strengthener Michael be her opponent?
And now, the short battle between the two has already disturbed many satellites and been observed! Now, whether it is the Ministry of National Defense or the headquarters of SHIELD, they are probably watching the show, right? Therefore, Coleson could only urge Anne anxiously.
"No! Annie, he's going to explode soon! Think of a way!"
At this time, Coleson, who was also monitoring the situation from the satellite, suddenly discovered: That Michael, who was carried in mid-air by Anne didn't know how to use, turned red all over? Seems to reach a critical value and explode soon?
"Oh, OK……"
Originally, Annie wanted to play for a while, but she didn't think that this black scorpion was so unbeatable, only two shots, and she wanted to play blew?
So, she thought for a while, and after curiously watching the increasingly violent power in the opponent's body, she stretched out her little hand:
Well, the opponent is not a mage and has no mana, so you can only change to another one.
Energy imprisonment!
After the silence technique failed, Annie took an energy imprisonment and directly suppressed and imprisoned all the violent power in the opponent's body! Then, the strange bird who was still yelling loudly and waving his hands and feet trying to break free from his control, finally, like a puppet that had lost his control, it withered all of a sudden and fell into a coma at the same time...
"Okay, finish work!"
After dropping the opponent casually on the ground, Annie turned her head to look at Coleson in the communicator:
"Um... Uncle Coleson, do you want me to send them all back? Or do you take them away by yourself?"
Looking at the two unconscious aunts Melinda and the black corn, and then at the car, there was also a terrified big sister and the little kid crying loudly, Annie thought for a while, Asked Colson's Mediterranean back.
"No! Annie, you have done very well now!"
"At this time, you don't need to do anything first, just wait there! Don't worry, our support will be here soon! Soon, please!"
Hearing that the other party was planning to use that magical teleportation spell again, Coulson became anxious on the spot.
Now, various satellites over this area are probably staring here. If Annie uses that kind of teleportation magic again, she might be able to predict what the subsequent clean-up work will be worse and worse! So, now it's better not to cause more troubles, and don't show more power to the outside world!
"Well...Huh? It's weird!"
Annie nodded reluctantly. When she just turned off her communication device, she was surprised to find that it rang again? And look at the number again, it shows an unknown one? Isn't it the uncle Coleson just now, nor the black head chief?
"Hi! Hello kid! How are you doing recently? Why don't you tell your brother when you come back?"
"Those S.H.I.E.L.D. guys, it's really damn! You little girl won't notify me when the movie comes back! If it wasn't for Jarvis to monitor that you were fighting, I'm afraid I still have been blinded by now. In the dark!"
At this time, when Annie turned on the communication device again, she was surprised to find that the big face of the Iron Man Tony Stark appeared inside?
"Oh... it turns out that it's you, uncle tinkerbell...has your building been repaired?"
The other party is not polite. Of course, Annie will not give the other party the slightest face. Anyway, her relationship with this strange uncle is not very good, so let's do it for the time being!
"I warn you, little girl! Don't charge me indiscriminately! When have I been bothered?"
Tony Stark seemed to be scrupulous about someone. When he carefully turned his head and looked behind him twice, he approached the camera of the communicator on his side and whispered a warning.
This is why he doesn't like this little kid! He is Iron Man, the handsome and cool Iron Man! It's not the tin man in her mouth! Moreover, Tony Stark has always been a dedicated person, caring for his little peppers wholeheartedly, how could he bother? !
As for the Stark Mansion in his house... he doesn't want to discuss this matter now, this matter has passed, the building has been rebuilt, the stock of his house is also rising, and everything is getting better!
"If you have nothing to do, then I will die!"
Annie didn't have time to connect with this tin man grotesque. If he only came to irritate himself, then his goal has been achieved!
"Well, there is one thing like this: the strange bird holding the iron hammer in your mouth, he has come to New York! I think you better come back tomorrow?"
While talking Tony Stark vigorously winked at the little girl opposite his communicator. Obviously, Tony Stark was here except to inform the little girl to express In addition to the feeling of longing, it is very likely that she came to block her on purpose?
Snapped! At the moment, little Annie turned off the communication device bitterly!
Sure enough, she knew that the lingering Uncle Hammer would definitely come to trouble herself!
This is good, she just came here one day, the other party has already come to the door? Are you still waiting for yourself at her home by the sea? This is really outrageous!
They really thought that her Master Anne would be afraid that they would not become Asgardians? It's not that she blows, and now she doesn't persuade anyone in singles or group fights!
If singled out, she and her own little bear, Erhei and Xiaopang will definitely be able to teach each other how to behave! In the case of a group fight, she would just pull hundreds of millions of bugs from the interstellar world and scare them to death!
Hum...Tomorrow, wait and see!
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