Chapter 32: flame! It is my favorite toy!

   Hawkeye, Black Widow, Captain America and Iron Man Tony, who arrived at Stark Daxia for the first time, are already in a hard fight! The four of them are too few compared to the endless Cheritas emerging from the space gate! It's a drop in the bucket! Compared with Cherita's crowd tactics, all they can play is to stir up a few waves!
   "Hey! Tony, the big guy is over to you!!" Captain America threw out his shield, and after knocking off the Cheritas on several aircraft, the shield spun back to his hand! A shield that did not fit the aerodynamic layout was actually played like a boomerang. It really deserves to be a senior defense battle with full talent points!
  At this time, the space gate at the top of Stark Daxia expanded a little more. Not only did countless Cherita aircraft continue to rush out, but also a huge spaceship came out of it! Do not! In fact, it is not a spaceship! Perhaps it can be said that it is a super large bug that can fly without wings? Captain America took a look, confident that he could not deal with this kind of guy, decisively greeted Iron Man Tony from the newsletter to come and help! They are driving each other in the dark now!
"Wow! Captain! You can really pick an opponent for me! Jarvis, can you analyze its weaknesses?" Iron Man Tony tried to use lasers and small missiles on his shoulders to deal with this big bug, but But I found that its thick armor can't be helped!
   Tony has no good way to deal with this kind of big guy with armor. After several more attacks and found that it was still invalid, he could only use his body as a bait to lure the monster into a circle while trying to get Jarvis to analyze and analyze it quickly!
   "I'm sorry, sir! There is not enough data to find its weakness!" Although Jarvis is powerful, it is a bit too difficult for him to analyze the weakness of such a species that has never been seen before! It is just a smart program! "I suggest you lower the height and lead it into the street. I found that its cornering performance does not seem to be flexible."
   It may be Tony's attack that angered the big flying insect! It is also possible that Iron Man is now the only hostile target that can fly in the sky! Too eye-catching! So the flying insects roared directly at him without having to lure Tony!
   "You are right! Jarvis! I'll take it away first!" Seeing the menacing flying insects, Tony felt a little bit off! After considering it for a while, it's better to avoid the striker for now!
   Tony turned and flew down! After shouting with Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye who were fighting in the channel, they hurriedly circled the tall building Daxia! Behind him, the flying reptile is still chasing after him! Flying insects hovered all the way and smashed many buildings. Broken building materials, reinforced concrete hit the streets, and many unlucky people who didn't have time to escape died as a result!
   Seeing that Tony finally led away the most ferocious and biggest monster, before the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, more Cheritas gathered around them! The blue laser weapon hit the car as a cover, causing explosions! The policemen next to the three dared not shoot back anymore, one by one began to scurry! This kind of high-intensity battle is obviously not something that they, as ordinary policemen, can participate in!
   "I can't go on like this! They are getting more and more! Must find a way!" Black Widow Natasha found that her pistol had no bullets!
   She had to throw away her pistol and twisted her waist, and kicked off the neck of a Cherita soldier who was attacking from the side! Then he flew in the other direction by sending out elastic force, twisted the arm of another Cherita with both hands, and exploded its own head with its laser weapon by the way!
   After she managed to solve the two enemies with a lot of effort, she found that more enemies were constantly surrounding her! There are so many of them! As if endless! It will definitely not work if you continue to fight like this!
   "I don't have a bow and arrow anymore!" The two-fifth eagle eye also ran out of ordinary bows and arrows. This kind of close-range and high-intensity combat is obviously not his best, he should snipe the enemy from a distance! Instead of playing close combat as it is now!
   No, he has run out of quiver before he can play a few times! Close combat is still too reluctant for him! Although he tried his best to stun a few enemies just now, compared to the number of enemies, it made no sense at all! This is an advanced interstellar war! Look inside the portal in the sky, the endless warships and huge motherships! The number of opponents is at least in 10,000! Even if the other party is standing still, they will not be able to kill them if they are exhausted!
   "This is troublesome!"
   Captain America is also forced to retreat step by step by more and more enemies! In the end, he, Black Widow, and Hawkeye could only stand back to back, watching the layers of Cheritas surrounding them! The muzzles with gun blades are flashing blue, it seems that they should be ready to shoot at any time! Maybe they will be shot into a hornet's nest in the next instant?
   "Magic: Shock!" Just when the three of them were almost desperate, a little girl's clear voice rang!
   Then they only felt a violent shock wave swept over them, and the three of them were smashed into a freight car! And those hundreds of tall Cheritas who surrounded them layer by layer were all shocked into the sky!
   As a strong, a member of the Avengers, this level of impact will of course not really hurt them! Seeing that things were turning around right now, they couldn't take care of the pain in their bodies, so they quickly got up and looked up. It turned out that Xiao Anni saved them!
   At this time, Annie is floating in the air, her left hand is still clutching one of the legs of her little bear Tibbers, and her right hand is opening a small palm forward. Obviously, the method of shaking the enemy into the air just now was her hand!
   "Annie!" Captain America just wanted to say hello to each other, to express his gratitude. But she didn't expect that Annie didn't pay attention to him, but continued to hold her right hand open and flat, and the fierce fire energy gathered in the palm of her hand.
"Oh! God! Get down!!!" Captain America only had time to inform Hawkeye and Natasha. He used the fastest speed to protect his head with the shield, and then lay down tightly. To the ground! The instinct that has experienced many battles tells him that he must do this if he wants to survive now! Whoever dares to stand up will be dead and ugly!
   "Super Magic Technique: Gather Energy!"
Annie ignored the three people lying on the ground and gave a soft drink. A red magic circle appeared under her feet and spinning at a high speed. More and more magical energy gathered in her hands, watching her being shaken flying in the air and losing her balance. The enemies struggling to fall, Annie's open right hand aimed at them.
   "Magic: Burn!" The fierce magic flame sprayed out from her palm in a huge fan shape, covering the sky of the entire street, and swept towards the hundreds of enemies!
When Captain America and Hawkeye jumped up to help Natasha put out her ignited hair, they saw white ashes in the sky. They fell like snow, covering the ground and the surface of abandoned vehicles. Thin layer! Is that the ashes left over after the enemy was burned?
   The three turned around and looked at Annie in shock. They didn't know what to say with their mouths open. Annie's move frightened them! They had always thought that no matter how strong Annie was, she would be limited! And the reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. let her join the Avengers is probably because of her powerful pet bear Tibbers!
   But where did they think that it is Annie herself that is really powerful! And it seems so strong! Hundreds of Cherita soldiers were so easily solved by her! Even the atmosphere does not take a breath! How much did the three of them wipe out just now? One hundred or two hundred?
   "Hey! Guys! Help! Come and help!!!" At this time, the embarrassed Iron Man Tony who was chased by the flying insects returned!
   A huge flying insect is following him! Now I can't tolerate him not calling for help! He just tried countless times! Countless attacks hit all parts of the flying insects! Of course! Flying insects don’t seem to have anything! Still continue to chase him so hard!
Before the three people below figured out how to help Tony, Annie, who was still floating in mid-air, didn't look at the situation behind her. She threw a shattered fire behind her, and the fireball got into Tony's back. In the roaring fly visor! After the magic exploded, the fierce magical energy melted the flying insect's head directly into a skeleton burning with flames! Then the flying insects that lost their signs of life fell directly into a building, smashing the more than ten-story building directly into ruins...
   "Oh! Okay! You're great! I take it!" Iron Man Tony, who had been at odds with Annie, saw that the reptile who was chasing his helplessness was solved by Annie, and he couldn't help but soften. That flying insect is already very fierce in his opinion! But I didn't expect this little girl to be even more brutal! Can't afford it!
   But Annie ignored their thoughts, she looked up at the portal on top of Stark Daxia! There seems to be a device that is continuously supplying energy to the portal! Maybe that is the key to her going home!
   Because she felt that there was a space treasure there! That kind of powerful space power is something she has never seen before! That must be a space gem! Can't be wrong! And, most importantly, she found that the fluctuation of the space gate was very similar to the one when she came to earth! It must be related to this treasure when I came to the earth? As long as she obtains this treasure, UU reading www.uuká may she be able to go home? It must be so!
   Annie made up her mind! Must get that space gem! She announced: That thing is now owned by her! If anyone dares to stop her from robbing her, she must resolutely burn it! Burn it! Burn it all! ! !
   The earth is fun though! But it's not her original home after all! Don't mess with the girl who misses home! Especially when this girl has great power! Had it not been for there were many innocent citizens here, Annie would have burned the neighborhood into purgatory with a torch! And as long as purgatory is formed, under the bonus of the flame field, letting those bad guys down is not enough for her to burn!
   It's useless for those bad guys to want to play crowd tactics with her! She is a real demigod mage! If Tibbers couldn't fly, it would be enough to throw it out and block the exit of the space door! What a useless little bear! Even to make her take the shot herself! Humph! Now we can only temporarily wipe out the bad guys nearby!
   While thinking wildly, Annie began to accelerate towards the top of Stark Daxia! Layers of burning flames began to emerge on her body, and red flames wrapped her around her, and countless fireballs emerged and hovered around Annie in the center! You can't see Annie now! The members of the Avengers in the distance can only see like a giant fire dragon! The fire dragon is leaping towards the top of Stark Daxia! Any Cherita aircraft that dared to attack or approached her was overtaken and destroyed by the circling fireball one by one!
   Writing a book is really not easy~ Two chapters a day are like a reminder~ Seeking various recommendations~ Seeking votes
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