Chapter 304: May the holy light fool you

The next morning, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s C-17-CXD-23'TheBus', a huge special service plane, was still flying in the sky, carrying Coleson's special operations team and two new aliens. The passengers were the plate knights and cloth priests summoned by the two little Annies.
They are now flying over the Atlantic Ocean, heading to a certain large desert in Africa, and reporting to a secret S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. base called the Sandbox. They plan to store the dangerous Cherita helmet that was confiscated there. In a special base!
Because, that ‘sandbox’ is a secret base for isolating and graduating dangerous alien items!
"Renault, look! Our current Iron Bird aircraft can fly so fast, it can fly much faster than those goblin aircraft, and it also flies higher!"
Sally Whitemane was excitedly with his good brother Renault Mograine, leaning in front of a Xuan window, looking at the vast white clouds outside the plane and the endless sea below.
"The technology on this planet is really good! In Azeroth, I don't think I have ever encountered a better aircraft than this..."
Renault Mograine also nodded in agreement. In Azeroth, there is no bigger one. It's just that those are all driven by magic or magic power, not like this one. It is said that it is all Use technology?
If it’s a large hot air balloon vehicle like the goblin, there are fixed schedules and routes in the capital of Lordaeron, the City of Fire (formerly Stratholme), the Eagle's Nest Mountain of the Wildhammer Dwarves, and the New Silvermoon City of the High Elves The two brothers and sisters who have taken them know very well that apart from carrying more passengers, being faster than riding on land, and being able to fly in a straight line at high altitudes, they are actually not very good, nor do they fly too fast.
Anyway, they will never have the current big iron bird named the plane.
Even if you don't consider comfort, the dragon hawks from the Griffin of the Eagle's Nest or Quel'Thalas are much faster than the goblin airships! Of course, if it is compared to the current one, whether it is comfort, height or speed, it is far worse, and there is no comparison at all.
"Right! Renault, and Sally? Are you really from another world, Azeroth? Why do you all speak English again?"
At this moment, Simmons, Doctor of Chemistry, finally couldn't help but approached and asked.
She thinks, since these two people are from another world, why do they speak the language of the earth so fluently? This is unscientific!
"English? Ha! I'm really sorry, we don't actually speak any English..."
After Renault and Sally looked at each other, they suddenly laughed together.
"You may have misunderstood a little bit. Now, the reason why you can understand our words and the reason we can understand your language is actually because of a kind of magical magic-‘knowing the language’."
"Think about it, whether it's language or writing, their role is ultimately to enable people to communicate and communicate better with each other, right?"
"Then, I don’t know when to start. In order to save time for speaking, those lazy magicians developed magical spells that directly affect the soul, which can make people’s communication faster and more efficient. ! Sometimes, you don’t need to speak at all, you only need a certain fluctuation of your soul to understand some magical theories that may take days to explain clearly?"
"Then, the more simple and convenient spell of'speaking of the language' was born and popularized! Although it can't rely on a glance to make each other understand and communicate with each other, it does not require language translation. The trouble is because it directly uses the soul fluctuations when speaking to allow both parties to understand each other."
Seeing that the earthlings in front of them did not understand the knowledge about magic, Sally Whitemane smiled and explained it patiently to the three of them.
"Is there such a magical spell? So, can you give me a try? You may not know that in order to learn a lot of foreign languages, we even had to recite words in the toilet!"
Hearing that there was such a good spell, Simmons' eyes flashed directly, and he moved towards the priest named Sally.
When she thinks that she will be able to be like the other party soon, can understand all languages, can communicate, and travel around the world without an interpreter or interpreter attack, she can't help her feelings of excitement.
"I'm sorry, although I want to help you too, but...I'm actually a holy priest, not a wizard who studies arcane arts. The language in our body is actually last night, and Her Majesty Queen Anne gave us a constant ."
Seeing that the other party wanted to let her holy priest perform arcane magic, Sally Whitemane quickly waved her hand and refused. Their priest and mage are two different professions. In a sense, they are even opposites!
Because their holy light professionals generally rely on firm belief and prayers to the holy light to gain strength!
And those arcane wizards? They tend to doubt everything, then study everything, use knowledge to gain power and serve themselves. They are a group of unbelievers. They only believe in their power to find me, and even want to steal and study the power of gods?
The two are not a system at all, and it is even more impossible for her to use Sally Whitemane to perform a high-level arcane spell!
"In fact, even a mage is divided into many factions. For spells like language, there are very few mages. At least we don’t have one in the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Maybe it’s possible for the newly built Dalaran. There will be..."
Sally Whitemane thought about it seriously, as if that was indeed the case.
Anyway, for so many years, she seems to have never seen or heard of a spellcaster as powerful as the first lord of their Fire Alliance.
Simmons looked suspiciously at the sincere face of the other party, and she didn't understand a little bit. Aren't those mage priests all weird spellcasters? Why are there so many differences among them?
"I listen to your tone, you seem to admire your flame queen? She is not really a queen, right?"
At this time, Skye, who was enjoying listening to it, also came over. This kind of opportunity to obtain some top-secret information, she will definitely not let go.
"Of course! Your Majesty Anne is the queen of the powerful Flame Kingdom, the lord of the Flame Land! I also heard that she was still outside the old Stratholme city and smashed a powerful evil god!"
"It's like this..."
Seeing these people seem to be very interested, Sally Whitemane didn't mind, anyway, she was idle, she began to introduce these people to the great achievements of their first leader of the Flame Alliance.

Now, when the group of people outside the living room is talking about something happily around the alien friends, in a small personal office belonging to Coleson on the top of this huge plane, he is using a special communication channel Talking secretly with Director Nick Fury of their SHIELD.
From the communication screen, it can be seen from the expression of the black charcoal head, it is obvious that their Director Nick Fury may be a little unhappy now. And Coleson was in a seven-pointer embarrassment with a three-pointer anxious expression, carefully speaking about something, for fear of accidentally touching the other side's mold.
"Director, what happened at the time was probably like this..."
"At the time, I just wanted to ask Little Annie to see if I could help. You know, after all, that is an innocent life, I can't bear it, so..."
"But who knows, Annie actually summoned two from the so-called Azeroth world... well, it seems that they are aliens called the Holy Light Knight and Holy Light Pastor?"
Soon, Coleson gave one of the three members of their field team who attended the New York Fire Department last night and asked the magician little Annie in the Avengers to help and finally summoned two alien helpers. I elaborated it bit by bit.
This matter was indeed an act of assertion by Coleson. He himself knew that this should be regarded as a violation of the relevant regulations of S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury on the use of Avengers members. Therefore, he has done a good job. I was mentally prepared to be scolded.
In the video, Nick Fury is holding his hands together and propped on the bridge of his nose, staring at Coleson helplessly, staring at his confidant, and he doesn't know what to say for a while.
The Avengers, it is to protect the earth or when there is a very serious crisis and S.H.I.E.L.D. can not solve it by itself, it can summon them instead of letting them save the life of an innocent person! There are many innocent people killed on the earth at all times. Where can they be saved?
Besides, the Avengers are not arbitrarily commanded by S.H.I.E.L.D., and there are conditions for using them!
Although some members of the Avengers can be directly ordered by S.H.I.E.L.D. to do certain things unconditionally, such as Hawkeye, Captain America or Black Widow Natasha, they will unconditionally execute the order. Never compromise!
However, more other members, like Tony, a rich man, or Banner (Hulk), if they don’t give a proper reason, they won’t necessarily follow SHIELD’s orders. ?
Others are completely unorganized and undisciplined! For example, a naughty little girl, or a hammerhead prince of God's Domain, even if there is a suitable reason, there is also a formal order. Whether the two will eventually go out depends on the mood!
Therefore, Nick Fury felt that they should not use the Avengers for a little bit of things. In his opinion, the Avengers are more like a strategic deterrent. Most of the time, they should Put it there and deter the enemy and some wicked people!
Moreover, the reason why Nick Fury does not abuse the Avengers is a deeper concern, because sometimes, a member of the Avengers Alliance can cause more harm than they are encountered by SHIELD. The trouble is even more difficult!
Let's talk about a big guy who is green to toe. As long as the reason is sufficient, that guy will definitely be happy to do some justice for S.H.I.E.L.D. or settle some minor troubles! But if you let the Hulk come out casually, Nick Fury felt that the damage that the other party could cause and some uncertain factors and bad influences would definitely be enough for SHIELD!
Just like last time, before the Battle of New York, the Hulk had a big fight on their S.H.I.E.L.D. air carrier, and almost didn't take down the entire huge spaceship!
Then look at this time, Agent Coulson blatantly violated discipline and invited a little girl's help without authorization. In the opinion of Director Nick Fury, this behavior is very bad and not worth promoting!
Although the relationship between Xiao Anni and them is pretty good, it shouldn't just trouble her just because of little things! Besides, Nick Fury felt that the little girl was a big trouble in her own right. She didn't go to stir up the wind or make any mess, they should be thankful, and where would they dare to ask her to do anything?
Look now, that little girl, although she agreed to take action and helped them solve a small problem for S.H.I.E.L.D., and also saved the life of a firefighter, this thing does not seem bad? But now, a bigger trouble has appeared again: the little kid, relying on the space gem, which has one of the infinite gems, summoned two from other different worlds at will, and it looks like a superhero!
Looking at the holographic desktop in front of him, the two profile profiles that Coleson had just conveyed back, Nick Fury looked so big!
These two reports are a helper summoned by a little girl to save people. It is said that she originally only wanted to summon one, but I don’t know why, so she would buy one, get one free, and two came at once?
Just before they talked, Coleson and the other party were chatting with each other and obtained a lot of information through side-by-side knocking. On the two forms, the information of the two people was clearly written and the two of them were wearing strange clothes. Full body photo.
One of them, wearing silver plate armor all over, holding a huge silver hammer in his hand, looks majestic and majestic. It is the Paladin who uses the Holy Light.
Then, his information registration form read like this:
Name: Renault Mograine Gender: Male Age: 22 years old?
Race: Azeroth Human Marriage: Single Nationality: New Kingdom of Lordaeron/Fire Alliance
Occupation: Knights of the Light/Knights of the Silver Hand Knight Faith: Way of the Light/Exercise Justice
Home Address: Second Lane, Eastern Garden, Shengli Kaixuan Street, Noble District, Capital City, New Lordaeron, Northern Continent, Eastern Kingdom of Azeroth, House Number: NO.6
Identity code: No interest for the time being: Spread the Holy Light/Sister Sally?
Family status: Father: Alexandros Mograine, mother: dead
Work experience: Currently serving in the Knights of the Silver Hand of the New Lordaeron Kingdom, serving as the High-ranking Knight Commander of the First Battalion.
Special abilities: the application of holy light and related derivative skills, infinite power, strong endurance, excellent physique, firm belief, good at riding assault, curing all injuries and diseases, and expelling evil?
Combat power evaluation: A+ (tentative)
And another young woman in a beautiful red robe, who looks a bit like a priest of a medieval church, is the so-called holy light priest? Holy Light Knight and Holy Light Pastor, Nick? Fury is a bit confused for a while what is the difference between the two, maybe one is field work, and the other is internal work?
Name: Sally Whitemane Gender: Female Age: 18 years old?
Race: Azeroth Human Marriage: Single Nationality: New Kingdom of Lordaeron/Fire Alliance
Occupation: Priest of the Holy Light/Priest of the Knights of the Silver Hand Faith: Way of the Holy Light/For Justice
Home Address: Second Lane, Eastern Garden, Shengli Kaixuan Street, Noble District, Capital City, New Lordaeron, Northern Continent, Eastern Kingdom of Azeroth, House Number: NO.6
Identity code: No interest for the time being: Spread the Holy Light/Brother Renault?
Family status: Adoptive father: Alexandros Mograine Adoptive mother: dead
Work experience: Currently serving in the Silver Hand Pastor Group of the New Lordaeron Kingdom, temporarily serving as a high-level prosecutor.
Special abilities: Holy Light and other related derivative priest skills, strong endurance, excellent physique, firm belief, good at healing wounds, diseases, protecting companions, and purifying evil?
Combat power evaluation: A (tentative)

Although these two reports seem to be quite good, the other party should also be some positive characters, and they will not mess around on the earth if they want to... But, some of the information revealed in them made him think about I think I shudder, my scalp is frowning!
Well, if there is still hair on his scalp, he will definitely...
Because, Nick Fury discovered that these two must be superhero-like existences just by looking at the report, but they are just ordinary middle-level military officers in the alien world. What is this kidding? !
Is it possible that the Azeroth world is another Asgard realm like Thor, an extraordinary world of high magic? In case Annie that little kid can't think about it one day, or is bullied by someone, and then suddenly pulls a lot of troops from her Azeroth or the interstellar world she said, is it the Earth? Will it be over?
If this is the case, then Nick Fury will rethink the attitude and treatment of the little girl again.
Now, if all the news from these two new aliens and what they heard from Little Annie a few days ago are all true, then they S.H.I.E.L.D., it seems that they should provide the little girl with the head of alien power. High-level treatment? !
"Well, Coleson, let's not talk about other things..."
"Could it be that you have never thought about asking Little Annie to open a portal again and send these two siblings back to their Azeroth world? Trust me, Agent Colson, I have a hunch... let them go. In the case of the earth, it is very likely to cause trouble!"
After tapping the two reports on the desktop monitor with his fingers, and then staring at the opponent's special ability and the combat effectiveness evaluation given by Coleson, Nick Fury felt that these two guys with such high combat effectiveness should not just put them casually. It's better on earth.
You know, among the Avengers, the current combat effectiveness of Thor and Hulk is only SS and SS+ in the private assessment of S.H.I.E.L.D., and their most powerful ordinary human agent Hawkeye With Black Widow Natasha, their current assessment of combat power is only B-.
And now, suddenly there are two combat powers that may be A and A+, and then there is a guy with a strange ability called the Holy Light, that is obviously not a good sign!
"Sir! I asked Annie about this, and I also asked these two humans from the world of Azeroth. They said, I don't want to go back in a short time?"
In this matter, Coleson tentatively asked this question after the other party had easily treated the firefighter Dias. It was a pity that Little Annie's reply was: The two men she summoned, they thought Whenever they go back, she will send them back when they go.
Because she had promised to let them play on the earth for a while, as a queen, she can't just break her promise!
And those two brothers and sisters? They were even more straightforward, and they said in unison, but they didn't plan to go back within time, just stay on this earth and serve their great former leader and the flame queen?
"Furthermore, Chief! According to my observations, the relationship between their brothers and sisters seems to be very difficult! It is possible that they ran away? Therefore, it is likely that they will not leave the earth easily in the future... "
After speaking, Coleson turned his head and looked at the small living room in the middle of the second floor of the plane. The two dog men and women who were cuddling and sitting together, with happy faces, ran into their group of bachelors to show their affection. This is really outrageous!
These people from S.H.I.E.L.D. were not blind, and they knew the general relationship between them at a glance, but that was obvious!
Think about it before, when Coleson was talking to the other party and asked when they wanted to go back, the two guys thought about him, and they didn’t want to talk about when to go back, so they probably eloped. , That's right!
"Very good! Colson, you finally added another big trouble to me!"
"Okay! After arriving at the'sandbox' base, you can apply for a set of certificates for them yourself, and then explain some of their precautions in the earth, find a relaxed job'arrange' for them, or you can also They threw it to New York and let the little girl take care of it?"
"That's it, you watch and deal with it!"
After finishing talking, Nick Fury, who had been torn apart by other things, turned off the communicator angrily.
This matter is all his Coleson's pot!
Well, isn't it just that an ordinary firefighter was dying of the virus? He insisted on letting the little girl help, but it's okay now, a problem has just been solved, and a bigger problem has appeared! I only hope that next time she will not summon any monsters out!
Therefore, Nick Fury, who was busy with the Hydra business, simply waved his hand and handed the matter to Coleson to deal with it, and let him wrestle with the little girl.
Seeing that the director had already shut down the communication first, Coleson could only scratch his head helplessly, and then looked at the outside living room. The two were chatting with Simmons, Fitz, Skye and Ward. Azerothian, after thinking for a while, there is no good way, he can only helplessly push the door open and walk towards the crowd.
Actually, he didn't have time to tell the director just now: Those two warriors from the planet Azeroth, their flame queen Little Annie didn't want to bother them!
Because, a certain little girl muttered in her mouth, dismissing them as dragging oil bottles? So, after throwing them to Coulson, one teleport spell disappeared, and I don't know where he went crazy again. Until now, the other party's communicator is still off!
So, in the end, when Director Nick Fury didn’t want to take care of it, and the initiator deliberately avoided responsibility, in the end, Coleson could only come forward and try to think of a suitable way to arrange it. These two VIPs from the world of Azeroth.
Otherwise, what else could he do? This really responds to the old saying of a big country in the East: It’s easy to ask God, but it’s hard to send God...
"Hi! How do you feel? Now, how do you understand the condition of our planet?"
With a sigh, Coleson quickly walked out of his office and smiled and said to the two alien friends.
In any case, the other party helped them a lot. You can't kick others away after you run out, right? !
Moreover, just after arriving on this plane earlier, the two of them also helped the infected Simmons purify the static virus from his body, making Coleson feel that he seemed to owe the two of them a favor?
Therefore, he has decided that he will send the two men to New York again after the ‘sandbox’ base has confessed the mission. He seems to have thought of a good way to relocate them.
"It's okay! Your earth world is really good, it looks very peaceful!"
Renault Mograine, who had been chatting with the other three for a while, and had also read some common sense of the earth, discovered that this world seemed suitable for the two of them to run away.
Because the world seems to be relatively peaceful, and there are not too many wars between countries, but the living environment is too congested and the air quality is slightly worse? But this does not affect them to continue to practice the way of holy light, and to live in peace here.
Anyway, he and his sister Sally Whitemane liked it very much, because, at least, there is no bad old man who interferes with their feelings! If it is an ordinary old man, it may not be terrible, but a certain force exploded, a terrible old man with military power in his hand, and a divine weapon in his hand, is extremely terrifying...
"Your Excellency, I also like the food here! These snacks, these ice creams, puddings, fruit salads and cakes, I like them all!"
At this moment, she was sitting on the sofa very ladyly, and after she had eaten some snacks she didn't know, Sally Whitemane also nodded with satisfaction to Coleson who was sitting opposite.
"Just like it, we still have a lot on the plane!"
"By the way, it's like this, don't you really think about it, join our S.H.I.E.L.D. team? I think your Holy Light will definitely come in handy!"
Although he knew that the other party might not accept it, Coleson still wanted to try harder.
After all, the opponent's special ability to treat injuries and diseases is simply too useful for their team! Although, he himself knows that putting these two alien friends on their plane as private doctors seems a bit unkind?
"I'm sorry, sir!"
"My sister Sally and I just want to rest quietly for a while... and Sally feels a little dizzy on your iron bird flying mount, which is bad for her health!"
After Renault heard what the other party said, he quickly refused.
He had been chatting with these people for a long time, and he knew that the other party seemed to be a fighting team, so he didn't want to join them. This was one of the reasons.
And another more important factor is that the two of them came out to elope, not to fight! They just want to live a life with only the two of them in this world without the interference of some bad old man, instead of participating in the battle in this other world!
"Of course, you don't have to worry, if you need us to use the Holy Light to help, please feel free to come to us!"
"The Holy Light is kind, and we will help everyone who needs it for free!"
As a Paladin, Renault certainly wouldn't refuse certain things related to saving the dead and healing the wounded, so when he saw that the opponent's face seemed unsightly, he quickly made a promise.
Anyway, with the abilities of him and Sally, a high-level peak priest, let alone injuries, even if it is not long after death, as long as the body does not rot and the soul does not leave, then they really have a way to give Pull it back again! Especially Sally, the power of the Holy Light in her body is unexpectedly powerful, and it is estimated that she is not far from breaking through the high-level.
"Well, we will send you back to New York after we arrive at the base and get your documents."
"Where, we have a small church in S.H.I.E.L.D., where you should be able to find a job, and then slowly begin to adapt to our world! Of course, there is also a two-story small house in the community, I think , You will definitely be satisfied then!"
This is the way Coleson can think of relocating the two!
According to his thoughts, since these two are a paladin and a priest, they should arrange the two show-loving dog men and women to their secret church stronghold of SHIELD! Let them adapt while working, and then they can be used as their secret treatment base for SHIELD.
"There is a church? It's great! We are very satisfied with your arrangement. Thank you very much. May the Holy Light protect you, sir!"
After seeing this Coleson actually arrange a church job for the two of them that they are familiar with, Sally Whitemane and Renault Mograine looked at each other, thinking that the church here is also the world of Azeroth. She stood up quickly and happily bowed to the other side after she was in the same place as the Bright Cathedral.
As a senior pastor, she is very familiar with the matter of presiding over a church!
"Thank you, as long as you are happy!"
Seeing that the other party seemed very satisfied, Coleson also nodded with satisfaction, and then he was about to mention another important thing:
"By the way, do you know what money is? I think, you definitely don’t have our earth’s coins now? Do you want me to apply for some? Trust me, if you want to live more satisfactorily in our world, You must prepare some banknotes."
Anyway, the funds applied for are reimbursed by SHIELD headquarters, and he doesn't feel distressed when Coulson spends it! In any case, the funds for the activities of the alien friends are definitely not his Coleson's money, so it seems that he can apply for a little more for the two and take good care of it?
"You said money? Oh! By the way, we have one!"
"Last night, Her Majesty Queen Anne gave us a little bit before leaving, and also told us that we were looking for you to exchange the coins here, I almost forgot!"
After finishing talking, Renault Mograine quickly grabbed a large gold ingot the size of a turning head from his small pocket of less than one cubic meter, and then clicked on it. On the metal tabletop in the small living room.
Their Queen Anne has said that in this world, gold is also currency, but it seems that they need to be exchanged first?
Looking at the large piece of gold on the table, at least hundreds of kilograms, exuding a charming, golden gold bar, these people in the SHIELD special operations team were stunned. They don’t know what to say anymore...
"What's wrong, aren't these enough? Then we have a little more."
After speaking, the straightforward guy Renault Mograine thought that this piece was not enough, so he quickly took out two identical large bricks from the space pocket!
Renault felt that the gold, in the world of Azeroth, would be enough for the army of the Knights of the Silver Hand for one or two months! In this world, it should always be enough, right?
If the price of the earth here is too high, then he can't help it, because now only some Azeroth's gold and silver currency and some replacement weapons and clothes are left in his space package.
"No! This is enough, one piece is enough!"
He almost forgot that Coleson almost forgot that Annie was actually a little rich woman. She was just gold coins or gems. Where did she need to spend their S.H.I.E.L.D. money?
"From now on, we will find a way to help you exchange it into our world currency in the first time. Then, I think you will have a very comfortable time by then..."
Looking at the three big bricks on the table that were big enough to trigger a team fight, Coleson thought for a while, then groped his chin and began to ponder.
He suddenly felt that his relationship with Xiao Anni was so good, he wondered if she could help herself a little bit? Allow yourself to have enough money to buy a bigger ocean view villa with a private beach when you retire?
Thinking about himself, he has worked hard for S.H.I.E.L.D. for so many years. He has experienced countless bullets and bullets. Now he just wants to live a bit of corruption after retirement. Isn’t that too much?
"Then trouble your Excellency, may the Holy Light protect you!"
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