Chapter 33: Poached egg bomb

   Thor is actually not dead! After being imprisoned by his younger brother Loki in the special prison of SHIELD and thrown down from a high altitude, he escaped from the prison in time when he landed in the prison! This is where the protagonist’s immortality is in effect! As long as it is the protagonist! He can't die!
   Now, look at it. When Sol was in SHIELD, the special glass in the prison that Sol could not break with a hammer was so easily pierced by him at the moment of landing! This is the protagonist effect! Not accept it!
   Of course, what happened here in New York cannot hide his perception of Sol, so he has already come! Originally, he wanted to go below to help the captain and them first, but after seeing Annie take action, he first found his brother, the evil Loki, on the top floor!
"Loki! Go ahead and close the portal! Let's stop early! While it's still too late! I will intercede in front of the father for you!" At the top of Stark Daxia, Thor, the Thor, is talking to his brother Cthulhu Rocky fight!
   He slammed his brother Loki's staff with a heavy hammer, and after pushing back the opponent, he began to try to persuade the opponent with words and brotherhood, so that Loki would wake up! It is best for him to close the portal himself to avoid causing more serious and irreparable errors!
   Things have reached this point, no matter what the result, after he captured Loki back to Asgard, severe punishment for Loki's crimes is inevitable! Saul just wanted him to wake up sooner and reduce some sins! Instead of just making mistakes and making mistakes!
   However, Sol’s kindness was not accepted by his brother Loki! Instead, Loki used Thor's hammer to jump back onto a small platform higher on the top of Daxia, and then he looked down at Thor and smiled and said: "It's too late! My brother? Can't shut it down anymore? Lost!"
   As for whether it really can't be turned off, maybe only Loki himself knows! Or maybe he doesn't want to turn it off at all, right?
   For Loki, who has been thinking about becoming a king all day, there must be no hope for the Kingdom of Asgard! Odin's eccentric old stubbornness won't let him have the slightest chance! Therefore, he had no choice but to go back and choose the earth here!
   Now it took him a lot of effort to open the door of space and let his army of Cherita come! And right now, when he thinks he has the chance to win, when he is about to reap the fruits of victory, how could he give up because of Sol's short words?
  'S desire for power has long lost his eyes on Loki, all he can see now is the supreme authority that is about to be acquired! With Cherita's army as the backing, he is about to rule the earth and become the only king of all humans here! He will rule here forever! Countless humans will crawl under his feet! And he Loki, will become a true god!
   "Stop it! Loki!" Seeing that Loki was still unrepentant, Thor was anxious, jumped up and rushed towards him! But he didn't notice a tricky smile at the corner of Loki's mouth standing on the edge of the platform.
"Go on! My good brother!" Seeing Thor swooping towards him regardless of the Thor's hammer in his hand, Loki didn't panic, but pretended to block, but turned and avoided the moment of contact. , The staff drove the hammer and brought Sol to the edge of the platform, and then kicked Sol on the back waist, kicking Sol directly down the Starco Building!
   Thor immediately lost his balance and fell from the top of Stark Daxia! Although this height does not pose a fatal danger to a powerful Asgardian like him, it is always unavoidable to feel dizzy and uncomfortable for a while after falling down! Maybe you will get a little bit more injured!
   "No one will come to hinder me now!"
   Loki looked at his brother Saul who fell down proudly! As long as he stays for a while, the portal expands to the point where the Cherita mothership can pass. After tens of millions of Cherita troops arrive on Earth, the ultimate victory will belong to him: the evil Loki!
   "This is not necessarily true!"
"who is it?!"
   Hearing a crisp little girl's voice coming from behind, Loki hurriedly turned to guard! It turned out that it was a little girl floating not far behind him! The opponent's body is surrounded by a layer of fiery red lava shield! This is naturally Little Annie!
   "Are you? A magician?" Loki was a little shocked! The strong magic wave on the little girl opposite told him! This little girl is a powerful mage! When did the people on earth have such a powerful wizard? Why has he never heard of it?
   He just fought with his brother Thor, the of thunder, and the energy reaction of the space gem above was too strong, so that when the little girl got in there, he couldn't find out in time!
   "Flame! Fragmented Fire" Annie didn't give him a chance to think too much!
   Annie knew that this man named Loki was also a mage! Although the last time he saw the opponent's battle video, he did not act like a qualified mage! However, it is always right to act first! But my mother said that the best way to deal with a mage is: the other party has no chance to release any spells! Only the mage who can't release spells is the best to deal with!
So, Annie directly threw a few fragmented fires over. Before the fireball arrived, she opened her palms to the opponent, her palms surged with magic power, and she spewed fierce flames and followed the fireball towards Loki. Swept away!
   These two are Anne’s fame stunts! After the powerful magic flame compresses the energy, it can burn everything in front of you! She believes that after the two moves, the opponent should be almost burnt, right? Then she can grab the space gem with peace of mind?
   "Huh? It's okay..."
"Damn it! It's dangerous!" The flames dissipated, and Loki leaned on the staff in both hands, half-kneeling on the ground. The staff sent waves of blue magic power, and a blue circular translucent membrane shield was used The staff is the center, and firmly protects him!
   Even if the surrounding reinforced concrete walls and ground were melted and crystallized by Anne's flames, they couldn't hurt him in the slightest! For Loki, it was really dangerous just now! Had it not been for his staff to activate the shield in time, I am afraid he would have been burned to ashes?
"So! I'm going to fight back!" Standing up, Loki squinted at Annie, then he slammed his staff forward and pointed it forward. A dozen blue arcane flares shot out, they It exploded around Annie, and the violent blue magic energy instantly flooded Annie.
   "Are you an arcane mage?" The energy dissipated, and Annie didn't suffer any harm.
   An attack of this level did not hurt Annie, and she was also covered with a layer of lava shield made of strong flame power! It's just that in Annie's eyes, the energy of the mage named Loki is very similar to the arcane energy she knows, but it seems to be a little bit different! That's why I asked.
   "Huh!" Loki didn't answer Annie's words. He waved his hand and it was another arcane barrage, and more arcane bullets directly overwhelmed Annie's position!
   He tried to smash Anne's shield and kill this little wizard girl who suddenly appeared! Otherwise, maybe in a while, his brother Thor, Thor, might climb up after he recovers! At that time, Loki has no way to deal with Sol alone and a powerful flame mage!
   "I'm here! Watch the trick!" After the arcane barrage was over, the top of Stark Daxia was flattened by Rocky's spell, but there was no Anne there! She wouldn't be so stupid to stand there and beat him!
   Annie, who had flashed to another position a long time ago, threw a fireball onto Loki's body, but this time the fireball was even bigger! At least five times the size of ordinary Fragmenting Fire! And it's not over after you lose one! More huge fireballs were constantly thrown over by Annie, and the entire top of Stark Great Summer, on the side where Rocky was standing, was flooded with flames!
   Annie is never afraid of powerful enemies! In her opinion, if one fireball cannot solve the problem, use two! If two are not enough, then five! If five fail, it must be that the fireball is not big enough! You must change to a bigger one! A fireball as big as a washbasin came towards his face and asked if you were afraid?
   "Ahhhhhh! It's okay? How could it be?" Annie looked at each other in disbelief! Even if the half of the roof on which he was on was burned into a molten metal by Annie's magic, Loki still stood there with a wicked smile, his body was still the blue magic shield!
   "Ha! I see! It turns out that your wand is weird!!!"
   Seeing that her several attacks were ineffective, Annie was surprised at first! After all, this kind of thing has never happened before! She knows that no matter how powerful a shield is, there should always be an upper limit! Including her own lava shield! In her opinion, the attack just now was absolutely impossible for the other party to withstand! Either you can only run! Either it will be done!
   But now she unexpectedly discovered that the other side's several attacks on her forcibly were all right! This is very strange! Annie was taken aback at first. If the other party is really that strong, maybe she will find a way to run away first!
   After she felt it carefully again, she realized that something was wrong! That shield is actually not strong! The powerful one is the staff that produces the shield! It can continuously provide energy for the shield! As long as there is energy supply, the shield will not be broken! But that shield also seems to be limited! That is: it cannot be moved while in use!
   Now that the reason is found, Annie has a way to deal with him! That's right! Isn't it just an arcane mage carrying a turtle shell? Think about it, there is always a way! She has to figure it out first, how can she play for a while! She hasn't encountered such a fun opponent for a long time! Recently Anne has thought of several strange fire spells! Now it happens to be an experiment with him!
   "Annie! Nuclear bomb!!!" A voice familiar to Annie came from the top of the building.
   Annie was just about to change a spell to deal with this difficult Loki, but she did not expect that Coleson, who sneaked into the space device and tried to close the portal, was shouting at her anxiously! While shouting, he pointed to a small bright spot in the sky flying towards Stark Daxia at high speed. Behind it was Iron Man Tony, but in terms of speed, Tony seemed reluctant. I don't know if he can catch up in time!
   "Poached egg? Poached egg?!" Anne wondered why Uncle Coleson is still thinking about something to eat at this time! She is fighting the enemy seriously! If you want to eat poached eggs, can't you wait for Aunt Melinda to make them?
   "It's not a poached egg! It's a nuclear bomb! Ah! No! It's a nuclear bomb! Big bomb! Over there!!!" Coulson was confused! Can only continue to point in the same direction, motioning Annie to look over!
   That was a tactical nuclear bomb that the Security Council forced to launch! From the Cherita attack to the present, the military has been slow to respond, and the Avengers are still resisting. When it seems that they are still fighting, some people suddenly jump out and ignore the civilian casualties and force orders to be in New York City. Lost a nuclear bomb in the core area! The doorway inside is very intriguing! Maybe they want to kill the aliens in one fell swoop? And then even kill the Avengers by the way?
   "Ah? Oh! It turned out to be a bomb with a poached egg flavor!" Coleson's words made Annie a little confused! But probably the meaning is understood!
   Annie frowned and looked at the missile that was flying closer and She didn't know what a nuclear bomb was, but she still knew about bombs! But why do bombs need to be divided into flavors? The earth’s world is so incomprehensible!
   Look at the way Uncle Coleson screams in a panic. Is this kind of bomb dangerous? Ok! If that's the case, then take it away by yourself? That should be enough, right?
  Magic: Exile!
   Annie pointed at the missile, her exile technique took effect and she directly exiled the missile to a demiplane she was familiar with! Where, there is no concept of time, and space is stagnant! The missile was frozen the moment it entered!
   These exile spells, generally speaking, can directly expel alien monsters such as demons, and they also have special effects on some summons! Can exile them back to their original plane! It is also possible to exile certain inanimate items directly into the space-time cracks such as random exoplanets or designated demiplanes!
All right! Get it done! After Annie solved the bomb, she didn't even want to flash to change the position, the original position was submerged by an arcane barrage! The evil Loki wanted to attack her just now? No doors! Now that she has solved the poached egg, she can turn around and deal with him with peace of mind! Humph!
   The nuclear bomb that suddenly disappeared caught the Iron Man Tony who was holding it off guard. Before he could slow down, he crashed into the Stark Tower! Fortunately, this is his building, so don't worry about someone asking him for compensation! But he probably still needs to pay for the maintenance!
  ~~Seeking a recommendation ticket~~
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