Chapter 327: Is it legal? Fist has the final say!

In the lunar city of Attilan in the blue zone of the moon, the black bat king of the Inhuman race Blake Card? Bertgang, the queen Medusalis? Amarquiline? Poltagan and other royal family members, in a certain meeting moment With the help of the big dog moved, he brought Captain America Steve, Hawkeye and countless Bear Shield Marines wearing armored power combat uniforms back to this city.
An ambitious coup d’état may never think that after he successfully drove away his brother and the royal family members who opposed him, before he had time to stabilize the political situation of this ultra-small country and promote his own During the New Deal, his elder brother and other members of the royal family returned to Attilan with a lot of reinforcements, and hit the palace directly like a broken bamboo...
This is actually impossible. After all, his current position has not yet been secured, and the diehards of the Gene Council who supported the original king have not had time to eliminate them. In addition to the amazed people, he would never think of it. At this time, his elder brother, the Black Bat King, came back so quickly after only a day? !
Therefore, at this time, Maximus, who was embroiled on all sides and surrounded in a garden, had no helpers beside him except some diehard guards...
His guards who were loyal to him, the superheroes who had been brought back by the Black Bat King, and those armored soldiers were killed or subdued, and the rest of the rest of the wall grass, after seeing the return of the king, they were all honest Put down the weapon and was disarmed.
" brother...this is the end of the matter, you should surrender and stop resisting..."
After looking at the four men trapped in the middle by the Marine Corps of the Bear Shield, the Black Bat King sighed, took a few steps forward, and passed the reinforcement leader Steve and others who were about to command the army’s attack. Stand defenselessly to the front of the team.
"Heh! My brother, you can still speak?"
"I see... is it the reason for that strange device on your head?"
"These people... it seems that you have been in collusion with humans? No wonder you can counterattack back so quickly... and no wonder you have been reluctant to mention returning to the earth. Every time you make a proposal, you refuse. Or wait a minute... It turned out that you had colluded with them a long time ago!"
The current coup loser Maximus finally understands a little bit, the real reason why his brother Black Bat King has not been much interested in returning to the earth.
"No, you were wrong..."
The Black Bat King sighed blankly and shook his head slowly.
"I didn't have any collusion with humans like them before... Although, today I reached some agreements with them, but this is not the same as you think!"
"Furthermore, Maximus, you have also seen their human strength... your stupid plan to counterattack the earth will only cause misfortune to our alien race in vain... So, you should just take advantage of it. It is not too late, and I will promise you a fair trial!"
For the cooperation between himself and the Bear Shield is suitable, the Black Bat King does not want to say more here.
He feels that the cooperation between the two parties can actually be regarded as mutually beneficial and win-win!
It can not only prevent the Inhumans from being brought into an invincible situation by Maximus, but also improve the increasingly embarrassing living environment of the Inhumans in the city of Attlan Moon. All they need to pay is only with the Bear Shield. Just start cooperation.
For the neighbor on the back of the moon who is determined to protect the earth, the Black Bat King and other members of the royal family, such as Medusa, Gore, Carnike, etc., have carefully discussed together, and they also feel that the conditions of the other party are not actually It is so difficult to accept, it should be conducive to the harmonious coexistence between humans and aliens, and it provides a better way for their alien races to return to earth or directly appear in front of ordinary earthlings.
Therefore, they generally accepted most of the conditions put forward by the director of the Xiong Shield Bureau!
This is also the reason why they are able to lead these Bear Shield Marines back to Attilan to fight the rebellion. This provides a good foundation for them to build mutual trust and work together in the future.
"A fair trial? I am. You will definitely put me in a small cell and let me spend the rest of my life alone in the dark. Am I right, my brother?"
"Don't be happy too early! There is one thing you might want to know..."
Maximus sneered at his brother, preparing to reveal his hole cards.
"When I discovered through our stranger's monitors: you unexpectedly appeared in the human steel fortress base on the back of the moon, and are likely to attack me, I activated an insurance system!"
After pushing away the royal guard Oran who was guarding him with his hand, Maximus graciously stood up to his brother Black Bat King and the one behind him who had his head shaved. , Can't wait to eat and eat her own Queen Medusa, stand in front of these two people.
"If I die, or if I don't disarm the device by the deadline, the shield above our city will be destroyed! At that time, the entire Attilan will be buried with me!"
"Think about it, here it is the moon, not the earth suitable for survival in the distance!"
"Once the protective cover above our heads is destroyed, then, in the harsh cosmic environment of the moon, all of us will become a pile of weathered dross on this planet!"
Seeing the other's incredible expression and angry eyes, Maximus suddenly laughed again.
It now appears that he saw that the machine was bad before, and this precaution to install it promptly is quite reasonable! Now, at least the lives of these few of them will not be threatened for the time being.
"So, I think your best choice right now is to let that big dog send us to Earth right away! Then, I will definitely tell you how to get rid of that..."
Maximus didn’t finish his words. Captain Steve, who had been standing behind the black bat king, stepped forward and slammed his fist on Maximus’ abdomen, causing him to bend over in pain. While falling to the ground and groaning, he continued to throw out his shields at the three foreign guards who were about to shoot. After knocking off their weapons in an instant, they quickly stepped forward, just a few simple and neat ones. The tactical action overwhelmed the resistance of the last three stubborn guards, and let the Marines step forward together, with weapons against the heads of these rebels, so that they did not dare to act rashly.
"Captain, this is..."
The Black Bat King was suddenly a little surprised. Now that his younger brother has the trump card that can threaten him and others, then why does Captain America dare not let himself continue the negotiation and directly win the opponent?
"King of Inhumans, you have to understand one thing: Never negotiate with a group of terrorists! Because, the more you make concessions, the more they will get better!"
The captain remembered a bit of their own experience with the former S.H.I.E.L.D., that organization that had been in operation for decades was also disintegrated by a group of Hydra terrorists from internal rebellion.
"But... what about that shield?"
Looking at the shield above his head that might collapse at any time, the Black Bat King was very worried.
As the king of the alien races, he must be responsible for the safety of the tens of thousands of alien races in the city of Attilan. This Maximus, although he is not sorry to die, but what should other strangers in this city do?
"Don't worry, there seem to be more than a dozen sets of large shield generators in our base. It is certainly not a problem for Director Nick Fury to make one set for you, but it seems that it cannot be invisible?"
This is the real reason why the captain dared to directly hit this Maximus on the ground, because their Bear Shield is now a big business, and a set of city shields and other things can still be easily obtained.
"You are dead! In fact, we are all dead!"
"I won't give you time to reinstall the shields. Let's just wait and see, at most half an hour... You will go to with me! Maybe a small number of you can escape, but most of them People will be buried with me!"
Suddenly, Maximus, who was lying on the ground and moaning, began to laugh wildly.
At the same time, as if verifying the other party's words, the entire Attilan began to faintly vibrate. Obviously, something was beginning to damage the shield over the city.
"Thirty minutes left? That's enough!"
"Black Bat King, please don't worry, I will call for support now! You may not believe it, we build the shield very fast! Believe me, in fact, it only takes about five minutes before we can give the new shield Stand up again!"
After Wen Yan gave a voice to comfort the Black Bat King, Captain Steve quickly took out a communicator and started contacting their Bear Shield Director Nick Fury.
When they built the Iron Bear Headquarters base, it only took ten minutes before and after! But now, if you just prop up the shield for this alien city, Attilan, even if you add the time for the modules to fly from the back of the moon, it is estimated that it will take less than 30 minutes. After all, this moon does not have an earth. So big.

When the simple warfare in Attilan, the city of aliens on the moon, began to come to an end, after fighting for more than an hour in the Lake Michigan area, the Bear Shield Marines who paid a serious injury and a few minor injuries, Under the leadership of Natasha and Melinda, they quickly packed up their things and re-boarded their "Little Bear" medium-sized space transport ship, and under the eyes of everyone, they jumped and disappeared, returning to the back of the moon. Headquarters here.
In this way, they left a big mess for a certain unlucky and sad initiator Tony Stark and the military and state policemen who were late to deal with it.
After returning to the base, the people in this transport spacecraft were quickly disbanded by Coleson. They went back to their dormitories to rest, or were arranged to go to the infirmary to treat their injuries. There should be no plans for the next mission in a short time. Up.
"She hurt so badly..."
"It's also fortunate that we now have better medical conditions. If we change to the previous S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D., then she may not be able to survive.
After looking at the unrecognizable female team member in the medical warehouse, the physical engineer Fitz sighed and said to Simmons, who was busy.
In the medical room of this headquarters base, the female Marine who was hit by a steel armor in the chest, then severely burned her upper body muscles, her face was disfigured, and her left arm was completely necrotic just now. In the medical warehouse, the debridement and basic repair operations of the automatic medical procedure have been completed.
Later, Fitz will match her with a robotic arm, and then, after waiting for a week or two, Simmons will give her the disfigured face and upper body of the robotic arm and the opponent, using her own cells to cultivate it. The biochemical skin of the patient is covered with repair, and then, the wounded is basically cured!
"Look, Fitz! What do you think of her with this plastic surgery plan I made for her?"
At this time, after having been busy for half an hour, Simmons, who was finally busy, cheered, moved the two naked holographic human images to Fitz's face without any hesitation, and asked like offering treasures.
This is the new job of Dr. Simmons of Biology Double Material: specifically for the injured agents of the Bear Shield Bureau to carry out post-injury cosmetic repair and the cultivation and covering of the biochemical skin of the mechanical limbs!
She uses the same high-tech as the skins of the biochemical robots in the base. This technology makes her feel very novel! It is said that it is a new application of the Hero Federation based on the characteristics of the Zerg?
So, after the first attempt, she went all out to make a new face that was too beautiful for the female team member who belonged to her first test subject!
"Simons... are you sure they are actually the same person?"
Seeing the two holographic female images moved in front of him by Simmons, Fitz swallowed a bit unnaturally.
He felt that his body seemed to react a little bit?
This is no way. Who told Simmons to give this woman after plastic surgery so perfect? If it is said that the sturdy female player on the left before plastic surgery can barely pass a 60-point appearance, then, the goal plan on the right, she can at least have 95 points or more?
"Of course! Tell me, how is this plan of mine? If there is no problem, then I will directly enter this treatment plan into the automatic treatment operation room!"
This is the result of Simmons using smart computers to synthesize and modify them based on the characteristics of those beautiful women's faces recognized by most people on the earth, and it took half an hour to get it! She felt that this plan, even her own woman, seemed very satisfied.
"Isn't it a bit too beautiful? Or, let's just follow her original appearance?"
After looking at the original shrew-like model on the left, and then looking at the horrible beauty on the right, she seemed to be a little more beautiful than the female demon Lorelai who was captured back to Asgard, Fitz After thinking about it seriously, he suggested to Simmons.
Fitz felt a bit unacceptable to plasticize a shrew's face to look like Miss World.
"Isn't it good to be pretty?"
"This is the first time I have performed this kind of magical treatment. If I have enough time, I should be able to make it better and more beautiful.
After hearing Fitz's refusal, Simmons suddenly hesitated, not knowing which plan to follow.
Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!
At this time, the surgical treatment chamber behind the two suddenly rang. It seemed that someone was tapping the glass with his hand?
Then, when Fitz and Simmons turned their heads, they found out that it was the disfigured female player lying in the treatment cabin with blood-red muscles on his face. Hand, pointed effortlessly at the beautiful plastic surgery plan Simmons made.
Obviously, the other party just woke up and heard the conversation between them.
"Look, Fitz! She also agreed to my new plan!"
At this moment, Simmons no longer has to ask for Fitz's opinion. Since the parties have made their own choices, it proves that her plan and aesthetics just now are very recognized!
"Fitz! I suddenly felt that with these equipment and the type of biochemical skin reconstruction surgery I can perform now, if I run to open a plastic surgery hospital on the earth, it will definitely be better than Tony in less than ten years? Stark still has money!"
"And, if I can, someday I can give myself a little plastic surgery? I think my jaw may be a bit too flat, and the plastic surgery technology in the hospitals on the earth is too backward. As a doctor of biology, I, I would definitely not believe in their broken techniques! Therefore, it is better to use your own cells to directly cultivate tissues that are not conflicting and not allergic to yourself, and then use them for plastic surgery. "
As if remembering something interesting, Simmons entered the treatment plan he had just made into the treatment cabin, and excitedly told Fitz next to him.
"Uh... Maybe you can really make a lot of money..."
"But, Simmons! I think you are very beautiful now, and you don't need to go for plastic surgery at all. I actually like the way you are now!"
Hearing that even Simmons wanted to rectify himself a bit, Fitz hurriedly dissuaded him.
He didn't understand, why these women wanted to have plastic surgery on themselves? If the skin has scars or birthmarks, he can still accept it, but what good is that kind of net red face that looks the same? The chin is as sharp as a snake spirit, not only does it look unnatural, it also has almost no special features!
Fitz thinks that Simmons is very good now. This is the type he likes for the technical house. It is not only lively and pure, but also feels like a girl next door. This is perfect, and there is no need to mess around. Whole, ruin your body and face alive!
"Huh? Fitz, did you just say something?"
Simmons, who was busy inputting data, suddenly froze for a moment, then turned his head a little blush, looking expectantly at Fitz, who was busy playing with his robotic arm.
"Uh... No, it's nothing, let's hurry up... Please pass me the thing over there, yes, it's the test thing, thank you!"
After Wuxin had just said what he liked about Simmons, Fitz seemed to feel a little unnatural, so he quickly changed the subject.
He is not yet ready to confess to his classmate and childhood sweetheart Simmons... For a super technical house like Fitz, his IQ is obviously much higher than his EQ, the high-tech of the heroic federation. Technology, he has broken through and thoroughly understood one problem after another! However, for the emotional problem next to him, he has not made up his mind when to break it...
Therefore, it decided to maintain the status quo for the time being...
Simmons blinked and glanced at Fitz, who was immersed in work, with a slightly disappointed look, he could only sigh slightly, and began to bear the different emotions in his heart, learning from each other, and continuing to work on himself. Live in hand.
At this time, in the Viking fighter hangar at the Lunar Headquarters Base, some Bear Shield ground crews are assisting the biochemical robots, learning to disassemble and overhaul the Viking fighter that Annie drove before.
After the Viking fighter was driven by Annie for a lap, it was worn out, whether it was the power circuit of the engine reactor, the missile launching nest and the six-tube Gatling electromagnetic cannon, or the adaptive hydraulic device on the leg. , There have been various degrees of overload or damage, and a major repair must be carried out. It is certain that they will not be able to go to the battlefield in a short time.
"Hi! Annie..."
"Have you ever thought about teaching your driving skills to other pilots?"
At this time, after reporting on the task, Coleson, who was finally free, smiled and walked to the metal guardrail of this hangar. While watching the ground crew busy, he was sitting on the guardrail, knocking on some kind of Little Nutty asked the little girl who watched others busy.
After a great battle over Lake Michigan, Coleson was completely convinced by Anne's battle posture skills! Of course, convinced, convinced, if you want to let him sit in the flying machine driven by this little girl like before, it is absolutely impossible!
Originally, he thought that in addition to her magical powers, Little Annie was actually just playing around.
This is just like the previous Kun-style fighter, she will drive out all day long to toss around, but how can he think that she can really forcefully defeat and destroy a full two with a Viking fighter Thousands of steel armor plus a squadron of f22 Raptors?
This kind of record, even the super ace is not enough to describe...
So, he really hopes that the other party can teach other drivers that kind of driving skills or some tricks, so that they will not be like a Viking fighter operated by a bio-robot. Not long after flying out, I was beaten back...
"Our pilots, they haven't graduated in the assessment until now..."
This is also the reason why Coleson feels worried. Now, the pilots of their Bear Shield are only barely able to master the flight attitude of this fighter. When training in the simulation cabin, under the human form, that is. There are so many ugliness that even the most basic actions are not fully grasped, let alone actual combat.
Therefore, he tentatively asked this matter.
Moreover, he could see clearly that when Little Annie was manipulating the fighter, in a human form, she could delay with Iron Man Tony for a long time, and finally used magic to defeat the opponent! The kind of manipulating the heavy mecha when dodge and move on the ground, the agility can simply throw away the other pilots for several blocks!
"Can't teach, they definitely can't learn..."
After dangling her legs and looking at the ground crew below who took down the fighter jet for a while, Annie jumped down boredly.
It's not that she doesn't want to teach, but she is really telling the truth!
Where does she have any driving skills or tricks? Like that kind of Viking fighter, even Annie opened it for the first time today! She even read the manual on the spot, so what's the trick?
Anyway, she relied on her surpassing mortal reaction speed and physical fitness, while avoiding vigorously, while driving vigorously, driving as fast as possible, driving the engine to the maximum, and then she herself Win somehow...
In fact, it's really that simple. There is nothing to teach, and they definitely can't learn it!
Coleson scratched his head a little, wondering what little Annie said about learning? She hasn't taught this before, so she dare to say that others can't learn it, surely she doesn't want to teach because of trouble? !
"Uncle Coleson... you know, he is the most powerful genius!"
"And the things that are genius, most people will definitely not be able to learn! Therefore, I am going back to the earth to take a good nap now, if nothing big, don't come to me!"
If you work hard to be useful, what can you do with genius?
Anyway, yesterday and today, Annie has had a lot of fun following them on missions, so in the next time, she plans to take a good rest for two days by herself. Other things, let's talk about it later!
Colson originally had something to say, such as a meeting in the evening.
However, when he saw Annie disappear instantly in place, he could only put down his hand that wanted to hold the opponent in vain. Now, he suddenly felt that the mage or something is actually not good at this point, when the other party wants to leave, you can't stop it!

Soon after Annie left the moon base, at the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident headquarters, here, the head of the Bear Shield, Nick Fury, is brewing and forming the currently chaotic leader of the Skyhammer, General Ross, the International Security Council A group of bad old men committee members, as well as the head of the National Security Emergency Center of the United States, etc., they all gathered in this large conference room and started a secret meeting.
Of course, with the exception of General Ross, they did not actually arrive at the meeting site in person, but a remote meeting using the projection of the holographic device.
"Well, everyone is here now."
"Then Nick Fury! Don't you want to explain it to us?"
When all the attendees arrived, General Ross, who had been waiting impatiently, was finally the first to speak to Nick Fury about everything that happened today, or is it a question?
"Explain? Huh..."
"Explain what? I'm sorry, I don't seem to understand what you just said, General."
Of course Nick Fury knows what these people are asking for in this meeting today, but for some things, he still needs to pretend to be confused! Otherwise, it is too easy to fall into the passive, which will not be conducive to the future development of their Bear Shield.
Besides, now I feel that I have a backing, a base that belongs to him, and Nick Fury who belongs to his own powerful armed forces. There is no need to look at the faces of these people and act. He is very confident now!
No matter what they think they have, it is impossible to affect his decision when he is about to do what he is going to do. This kind of freedom and unfettered feeling, he really likes and enjoys the current state and feeling!
Because no one can influence what Nick Fury is doing or will do anymore.
And a certain little girl who can influence his decision never cares about things, or is it disgusting to take care of things? And the other one, that Tony Stark, his own industrial empire is so busy, where can he squat on the moon all day? So, the current Bear Shield is actually Nick Ferry who has the final say!
"You still don't pretend, Nick Fury!"
"Today’s Iron Man wars variant fighters, and your armored soldiers and the spaceship, plus the alien moon city that suddenly appeared on the moon. You really think we are all blind. , Thinking we don’t know anything?!"
In fact, they just knew about the thing on the moon.
About the end of the battle on Lake Michigan, after Nick Fury’s men ran away, they suddenly received an emergency report from the FAA! In the videos observed by astronomical telescopes and satellites, they discovered a small city that suddenly appeared in a blue area of ​​the moon! Then, what is even more outrageous is that inside that transparent shield, there are not only many strange humans, but also a certain Captain America Steve, Hawkeye, and those armored soldiers who are exactly the same!
Therefore, they knew that that city must have nothing to do with Nick Fury!
About this matter, the more General Rose himself thought about it, the more it felt wrong! Because, he found, it's no wonder they couldn't find this black charcoal head and the whereabouts of his diehard men recently. It turned out that they went to the moon and hooked up with those weird-looking aliens?
They even left the government of the United States, the military of the country, and the International Security Council all behind, and went to the moon to do it alone? Has he still considered the countries on the earth? This Nick Fury, and the armed terrorists under him, what do they want to do?
"This matter, there is actually nothing to explain!"
"First of all, let me reiterate: The reason why we were fighting with Tony's steel armor was completely because of the charm of the banshee Lorelai! She escaped from Asgard's prison, if we hadn't dealt with it. In time, when everyone here reacts, by then, the whole earth may already be under her control!"
"So, I don't think I need to explain anything about it!"
"Obviously, we saved you and saved the earth. This thing is as simple as that! If you have any other questions, you can consult with Tony Stark and other dignitaries who have also been controlled. I think , They will definitely know the seriousness of the matter better than I am!"
To kick the ball directly to Tony Stark, who is now in distress, and those who have been controlled, Chief Nick thinks it is a very good choice!
Anyway, with Tony's ability, he must be able to settle the matter this time, right?
Besides, that battle did not seem to cause civilian casualties, but many people made a fortune based on this! Otherwise, now Tony Stark, the rich and powerful inventor, would not send anyone to try to recycle those Ark reactors at a high price!
"As for our armored soldiers and the spaceship, they were actually donated to us by the head of Anne of the Heroes Federation! So that we can better protect the earth?"
"And the city on the front of the moon is actually called Attilan. It is a city of alien races, not aliens... Yes, you can understand it as a country composed of mutants or mutants that we usually see. It's almost the same anyway! Moreover, they seem to have been on the moon for decades..."
"Our captain, Steve and Hawkeye, appeared on it because they were invited by the Inhuman King to help them settle a stupid little coup. This is the general situation!"
After spreading his hands, Nick Fury said all the things innocently, and he did nothing wrong with these things.
They didn't do anything bad in the first place, and they didn't try to be harmful to the earth. Instead, they worked hard to maintain the safety of the earth? Therefore, whether he is psychologically or by force, he will not counsel these people here at all.
"Huh! Nick Fury..."
"I'm very curious. You have so many advanced weapons in your hands and the teleportable spacecraft. What do you want to do?!"
"I warn you: You are challenging our patience... Believe me, we will never allow terrorists like you to do mischief on our land or on the land of any country! You, you must stick to us. Supervision!"
Part of the reason for today's emergency meeting is to clarify the things that were said before; and another part is to fix this cunning Nick? Fury! They must figure out, this old fox, what is he doing? Where did their old S.H.I.E.L.D. employees go to start a new stove?
If necessary, the International Security Council must come forward to receive or supervise everything the other party has!
"Oh, no! Lord Ross Jianjun, you seem to have made a mistake..."
"We are not doing anything bad, we are just protecting our earth in our own way. Today's things are proof! Can you still deny this?!"
After taking a look at the a little frustrated General Ross with a smile, Director Nick Fury suddenly felt that they were really wise to follow a little girl to build a base on the moon before! At least, they no longer need to look at these people's faces now.
What can these people do with their Bear Shield? Do you dare to build a rocket to land on the moon? What's the use of that, just rely on that kind of landing cabin that can only hold a few people?
"Ha! This is really funny!"
"Nick? Fury... I ask you, why do you protect the earth? Who gave you this right? Who authorized you? See, none! And you, how dare you organize such illegal actions without authorization?"
"So... I think it's time for you to hand over everything you have..."
"We will arrange a suitable position for you in the newly established Skyhammer Bureau. Please believe me. This may be your last and best opportunity. Don't try to challenge our patience!"
"Otherwise, when we find your base, we won't negotiate with you like this! As long as you are still on the earth, we will definitely be able to get you out. This is absolute!"
This is the ultimate goal of General Ross, the staff of the National Security Emergency Center of the United States present, and the members of the International Security Council: to force Nick Fury to hand over all the weapons and equipment in his hands, no matter the spaceships and deformations. They want all of the fighter planes or those armored-powered combat uniforms, and they can’t miss one!
Also, what alien city on the moon, like that dangerous place, must also be controlled or supervised by the International Security Council! The moon, it belongs to all mankind, not those freaks! And their International Security Council can represent all mankind!
"I'm sorry to disappoint you...because we are really not on the earth now!"
"Let’s do it, I’m here to announce one thing to all of you here: before us, with the head of state Anne of the Heroic Federation, we co-founded a galaxy security organization dedicated to defending the earth, and most of them are composed of people on earth. , We call it-Galaxy Bear Shield!"
Nick Fury, who was bragging without a draft, soon blew on without blushing or breathing.
"Our base is also located on the moon! It's just that it is not on the front of the moon, but on the back of the ground you will never see!"
"As for the alien city Attilan you saw today..."
"Well, it is actually just an accident. After a while, it will disappear from your sight again! I believe that you will find a suitable excuse to appease those people who find it, such as... …A mirage or something, you are very good at things like this, aren’t you?"
What happened to Attilan was indeed an accident, because what their alien city now uses is actually the shield of their Bear Shield! This matter will not become invisible again and disappear in the blue zone of the moon until their own damaged shield is restored.
Of course, Nick Fury will never say to these people in front of him: They Bear Shield, in fact, have formed an offensive and defensive alliance with Inhumans! If this matter is really spoken, people like them don't know how much fear he would be the director of the Bear Shield Bureau...
"Nick Fury! How dare you? You are illegal, have you thought about the consequences?"
"Or, do you think you will be fine if you run to the moon? How can you organize a terrorist organization that is not recognized by our international community?!"
"Wake up, it's still too late to look back! Even if you don't think about your family, don't you think about the family members under your hand?!"
At this time, seeing things tend to collapse, after Nick Fury still refused to confess, a member of the International Security Council stood up and threatened.
He knew that although Nick Fury and the group of people under him ran away, their family members are still on earth! These official institutions, although they generally don't use that kind of bad method...but that doesn't mean they won't use it! Politics is very dirty. If they are pressed into a hurry, they can do anything!
Although they can't do kidnapping or something, it is always possible to protect it under another name, right?
"No! You made a mistake, we are actually a legal organization!"
"We have obtained the legal authorization of your Excellency Anne Head of the Heroic Federation to rule a small half of the galaxy and have a population of trillions of universes! Therefore, I don't want to hear any more irresponsible threatening remarks!"
"Furthermore, we have also obtained some security guarantees sponsored by the head of state Anne! Maybe, before you consider threats or take certain actions against our family, it is best to open your eyes and look at this?"
Originally, Nick Fury didn't want to make the relationship between the two parties too stiff, but now he doesn't care too much. The other party has a flood of impulse, so he can only reach out in front of him, press a play button, call up a holographic interface, and show a picture to everyone here:
It was a huge steel base. From a distance, it was located in a huge crater, just like Attlan on the front of the moon, it was also shrouded by a shield...
When Nick Fury slowly zoomed in on the picture, the attendees who were meeting at the original S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident Headquarters were surprised to see the magnificent steel buildings inside. Weapons, large and small, and... that huge and terrifying giant steel space battleship!
They can't imagine that this Nick Fury, he still has this kind of thing? !
"That's actually a heavy battlecruiser... I'm sorry to tell you that with the current technology and smelting level of the earth, maybe you don't want to build the same one in a hundred years..."
"Also, don't look at it, although there is only one, but it is enough to destroy the entire solar system!"
"In short, I have no intention of being an enemy of you, and I don’t want to hear any of your irresponsible remarks again! Now, to say unceremoniously, our Bear Shield is with all the organizations or countries you represent here. , Are all at the level of equality! Even, to a certain extent, the status of our Bear Shield is much higher than yours?"
"So, after you think it through, come and talk to me again... I hope that when the time comes, both sides can discuss other things as equals! Then, see you next time, my former colleagues!"
After finishing talking, Nick Fury sighed, and after looking at the dumbfounded people, he shook his head and turned off his communication, allowing his own holographic image to disappear directly from the conference room of the Trident headquarters, leaving nothing but Next came General Ross, the officials of the United States, and the members of the International Security Council who looked at each other.
Seeing that there were no more images in the position representing Nick Fury, the leaders of the United States or the International Security Council who attended the meeting looked at each other for a few moments, and silently began to digest what they had just learned. all. Follow the latest chapters, please pay attention
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