Chapter 329: Ghost Rider (2)

In the middle of this slightly remote road, a giant teddy bear that is about three to four meters high, and then chubby, furry and burning with the raging shadow flames, just sat down to the fourth generation evil spirit rider Luo. On Bi Reyes’ body, its huge impact and pressure from the sky also smashed a large cracked hole directly on the concrete road, and at the same time it knocked Robbie, who was only about 1.8 meters tall. It slammed into the big pit.
Fortunately, Robbie is in the state of an evil spirit. If he is in the form of an ordinary human, just by being hit by this falling from the sky, he may be directly turned into a mushy meatloaf!
After a while, Tibbers got up slowly, stepping on his feet. This height is only half of his current height, less than one-third of his size, and his strength or stature is far inferior to him. Then he waved his own two flaming paws with huge slaps and sharp claws, and slammed them from left to right.
After fanning for a while, it still felt uncomfortable, and then took a step forward, stepped on the opponent's body with two feet, and began to jump vigorously for several times, and finally jumped again fiercely, toward the opponent's chest Sit up!
The groan of a certain flame skull groaned again. Before the opponent could struggle to get away, Tibbers stood up again and began to violently tear or punch his claws on the opponent's face and chest again...
"Yes! Tibbers, that's it!"
"Come on! Scratch his face, remove his ribs, take it back and give Erheizi a stew soup! Beat it hard, kick it with your foot, that's right! Just set it like this, and continue to step on it!"
Standing on the roof of an iron car that was burned to the black iron frame, Annie shouted loudly and waved her white fist, constantly cheering the little bear who was beating a flame skeleton in the distance. With.
Who made the flame skull's strange scorpion just burn himself with flames for no reason? So, letting the bear kill him is also deserved!
(Little master... this guy can't be beaten to death like this! You can simply pull out the flame spirit in him, and then, the little one can slap him to death with a single paw! By the way, it can burn him even No ash left?
After slapped dozens of slaps left and right, Tibbers stopped.
It heard the laughter of a nasty hostess behind it, and then couldn't help turning its head around and vomiting a word. Now, the guy under its own feet is obviously the kind of existence that can't be killed easily! This made it feel that it was completely useless, and it had no meaning at all.
This guy is like the kind of Hulk he beat before, the only difference is that those Hulks are fat and full of flesh, so it's very enjoyable to beat them! And this guy at my feet, just like the stepmother raised, is so thin that he doesn’t even have a layer of skin, and is all bones. It’s still awkward when fighting...
"Do not!!!"
At this time, when Tibbers turned his head and protested silently with his little master, the fire skull at its feet finally broke out after being beaten for a while.
Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes, he is very angry now, anger is beginning to fill his mind!
Therefore, while he was holding up Tibbers bear claws fiercely, he also began to burst out a lot of red fire, besides they kept stepping on this strange and huge fire toy that was stepping on him. In addition to the burning of the bear, the extra ones still continue to spread wildly to the surrounding buildings on the road.
"I can't spare you!!!"
Ghost Rider Robbie was really angry this time. It was the first time he was slapped to the ground by the enemy and slapped dozens of slaps after he became a Ghost Rider!
This humiliation, he absolutely cannot forgive each other! This was the first time he wanted to kill a person for no reason.
Although, he himself didn't seem to have suffered much damage now, but... this huge teddy bear has already broken his upper body clothes and also broke several of his ribs!
Even if they recover quickly in the state of evil spirits, he absolutely cannot accept this kind of humiliation!
He just wanted to kill the opponent, burning the giant toy bear and the little girl in front of him to ashes, and at the same time burned her soul with the flames from hell!
At this time, even though Robbie a bit remembered who this little girl who was humiliating herself was like this!
She still remembered that during the New York war, on TV, there was a little girl who manipulated the flames and crushed the Cherita invasion plot? The other party seems to have a nickname, called the Flame Goddess or something? It seems that this is the one in front of you?
However, this is not a reason for Robbie to forgive each other! Since the opponent chooses to be his own enemy, then, regardless of whether the opponent belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers, he must retaliate fiercely! After he traded with the devil and gained this power, he has tasted this kind of humiliation for the first time...
Therefore, he chose to release the fire from his body with all his strength, no matter whether he can achieve his goal or not, he must first use them to get rid of the current predicament of being stepped in the pit.
boom! !
The turbulent flame burst out violently from Robbie's body, directly overturning the giant flaming toy bear that was stepping on him with a huge bear paw.
"Can't forgive you! Go to hell!!!"
More fire erupted from his body again, like a small volcano erupting, countless blazing flames, like ocean waves, pounced back and forth to all around...
Robbie's fires are not ordinary flames. They can burn any matter at the will of the ghost knight himself, or do not harm anything the ghost knight touches or does not want to burn!
Moreover, this fire can not be bound by the laws of nature, no matter it is water or an oxygen-deficient environment, it cannot have any effect on the burning of fire!
They can also be used as a long-range attack method of the evil spirit knight, used to launch out to attack the enemy, or spread on the ground, attack the enemy according to their wishes! Just like now, under the orders of the angry Robbie, they rushed out frantically, intending to directly burn the soul and body of any enemy they touched...
"Oh oh... then this is it..."
Seeing that the other party burst into flames and successfully lifted the bear Tibbs, those flames had a tendency to spread to the surrounding buildings at the same time, Xiao Annie thought about it seriously, not wanting to hurt her innocent, so she hit directly Snap fingers.
In an instant, an invisible wave swept away, and soon she created a hemispherical magic with a radius of about 100 meters on this large road of herself, Tibbers, and the flame skull monster. The shield directly sealed the three people and the flames roaring and trying to spread out.
"Huh! You can't burn me, go away, don't get in the way!"
Looking at the flames that could not vent, and then unwillingly want to hit her, they turned into fierce beasts of flames. When she tried to pounce on her, Annie waved her hand impatiently, and then , The magic is that those flames, they are really like a group of well-behaved puppies, all driven aside by Annie.
"Stay well, don't bother!"
These flames, they couldn't help themselves, and they swayed in front of her all day long, which had seriously affected her to see a fight. Therefore, Annie shot them to stay aside and lie down.
"How is this going……"
After finally getting rid of the bear's paw and successfully standing up, Robbie is a little surprised now. It doesn't understand how the flames that he emits with all his strength listened to other people's words?
At the same time, he also discovered that now he, the giant flaming toy bear and the little girl in the distance are all locked in this enclosed area by some means, and at the same time, his fire is also Inside this enclosed shield is tumbling and burning!
Then, Robbie found desperately: his own kind of fire, which claims to be able to burn any substance, and even burn the enemy’s soul and body at the same time, is now not only incapable of the little girl who is professionally playing with fire, but even , Why can't even that extra-large teddy bear?
Take a look, the fat and hideous toy giant bear that was just successfully lifted by the flames of his own eruption, the other party was directly in the burning fire, and a carp rolled and jumped on the spot, and then it was all right. Usually, I patted my big belly with a little dirt in the flames, and finally, I hooked Robbie's bear finger with sharp black claws like a mockery.
"Shameless weird, don't set fire to us again!"
"Whether it's me or my little bear Tibbers, we are not afraid of any flames!"
The little girl's crisp voice was heard in the waves of the fire wave, and clearly reached the ears of the ghost rider Robbie.
"Furthermore, my little bear Tibbles, the shadow flames on his body are no worse than yours! When it burns its soul, it can be much faster than your strange flames!"
"Also, I warn you: I will set a fire to block my sight so that I can't watch Tibbers hit you, I will definitely be angry! At that time, be careful that the two of us will hit you together!"
Just sitting happily in this burned car with only the frame and four round wheels, and I don’t know which hapless baby parked on the iron frame of the front windshield of the luxury car on the side of the road, and Annie swayed. With his legs, he smiled and warned at the flame skeleton monster in the distance.
Although the steel of the car under her body was still scorched by some hellfire and faintly burned red, it did not affect Annie at all, even if she directly supported her little hand on the red iron sheet. Will not get the slightest burn.
"Huh...I'm not afraid of flames? It turns out to be like this..."
Seeing the giant flame bear standing in the fire of hell, nothing happened, and grinning towards him step by step, look at the flame that can command him from a distance, and now it has started. Robbie nodded clearly after taking out drinks and snacks and preparing to watch the wicked little girl fighting.
He now probably knows how to deal with these two monsters who are not afraid of fire!
"So, how about you try my skill again?"
Since the flame didn't work, Robbie planned to use other methods.
Of course, he didn't intend to use the melee and brute force he had used before. He is not stupid. From the brief confrontation just now, he can see that the giant flaming toy bear standing in front of him seems to be far stronger than himself in terms of size and strength?
So, after knowing that melee combat was a stupid idea, he planned to switch to another skill.
Soul chain!
In the next second, Robbie suddenly took out a piece of iron chain that was originally hung around his waist, like a belt. When he ignited the fire of on his body, the chain burned and turned red. He slammed hard at the giant flame bear standing in front of him in the way!
At this moment, when the one was originally in Robbie's hand, it looked like a car chain with a length of more than one meter. When he threw it out forcefully, the thing suddenly became longer by itself, and it seemed to be more than ten or two. Ten meters? Moreover, this flame chain that would grow by itself was like a sensitive python, which flew away in an instant, and the giant flame bear not far away was firmly tied up!
Tibbers suddenly felt a little inexplicable. Didn't this strange guy just say he wants to change his skills?
Therefore, in order to meet the viewing requirements of an unscrupulous little master behind him, it didn't rush to jump immediately, but walked forward slowly, leaving time for the opponent to use new skills or other new things. But how could it ever think that the other party would just throw a flame chain that would automatically lock the target, and would automatically bind itself to it?
This face is a bit too perfunctory to the audience... as I have already said, why can't the Flame Stone be its own? Why would the other party dare to throw a gadget that would make it angry?
If this is the case for the new skill, then Tibbers will continue to attack. This kind of chain is completely impossible to bind it! This time, it had to screw off the other's burning skull directly!
"Now, look into my eyes!"
Judgment Eye!
After discovering that his chain art had instantly bound the opponent, Ghost Rider Robbie was happy, and immediately before the opponent was ready to break free, he quickly stepped forward and kicked the even legs with all his strength. Both were firmly bound by his own chains, and for a while, he couldn't grasp the balance of the giant toy bear. Then he stepped on the opponent's chest, and with his eyes that started to shine, the pair of red hair that came close to the opponent was also red. Bright bear eyes, and began to activate the judgment skills that he would not easily use.
This eye of judgment is actually the ultimate use of the fire of hell!
It can directly burn the enemy's soul with the fire of through the eyes of their evil spirit knights, and it may keep the enemy in the pain and fear of the crimes committed in the past!
At the same time, it also allows the Ghost Rider to see the record of all the crimes committed by the target of his trial before! And make its soul feel all the double feedback that it has done to innocent people, so as to achieve the best effect of trial and punishment! If the target to be judged is sinful, it is very likely to be judged to death; those who are lighter should also be severely wounded to their souls by this eye of judgment!
This is Robbie's best method of attack against opponents who are not afraid of flames or hand-to-hand combat! It has been activated, even if the opponent will not die, he will definitely be seriously injured.
"How can you..."
After a flame skull and a flame bear head looked at each other affectionately and silently for a while, before the flame bear had no reaction, it was the evil spirit rider Robbie Reyes who couldn't stand it first, and staggered. Covering his head and stepping back for several steps, while shaking his head constantly, it seems that the memory of his head was maxed out by the other party's too many latest records?
After a while, Robbie opened his skull mouth in disbelief, and watched in horror at the flame toy giant bear who was calmly breaking his chains of hellfire. He stood up and patted his ass.
Tibbers glanced at the flame skull on the opposite side, who just saw a small part of his crime and was a little unbearable, then turned his head with a grinning smile, looked at his little master Annie, and pointed with a paw. Pointed to himself, pointed to the other person, and motioned to his little master to help him translate.
This is actually impossible. Tibbers only has a spiritual connection with his owner, Annie, and only talks to his own little master. If you need to communicate with outsiders, you can only rely on your own master to transfer. Taken the translation.
"Oh, okay!"
"Hey! Flame skull monster! Just listen to me, my little bear Tibbers just said: During the years he has been with me, he has done too many damaging things. Countless! It doesn’t feel guilty or guilty! Every day, it can still eat and sleep until dawn! Therefore, your judgment eye is kind of careless about it. Shadow creatures without lungs are completely ineffective!"
"So, please don't use those useless skills to me, who never does bad things, or the little bear in my family who does bad things! My little bear, he doesn't do bad things all day, and he feels uncomfortable. Yeah!"
At the strong request of her own little bear, Annie quickly translated it to the other party and said it out loud.
(Master... You used many words wrong... Those bad things were clearly done by you yourself, or you told me to do it! And, the little one is not a heartless bear... Please don't take you again Your own "strengths" are forcibly pressed on your cute little bear...
Tibbers felt that he should never let this little master play translation!
Look, she has imposed all the unpleasant things on her body, making her seem like a cute and cute little girl! If it wasn't for her knowledge of her, she might have been deceived by her! )
"Tibbers, you're talking nonsense again! I didn't do anything bad! The ones I burned before are all bad guys! The bullies are also bad guys!"
That's right! Annie never felt that she had never done anything bad! Everything she did was justified and all good things! Those who were burned by herself must be bad people!
Humph... Annie said they were, they were, and they were not!
Therefore, Annie, who has a spiritual connection with Tibbers and was also affected by the eye of judgment a little bit, has no guilt at all! She felt that only those bad guys who made themselves angry and burned themselves should be guilty!
She's so hot, cute and cute little loli, they can't bear to let it go, but they dare to bully the door? Then who else would they burn if she didn't?
As for the horrible scenes of resentful spirits coming back for revenge under the trial, Annie is even less worried! She is not afraid of the living, how could she be afraid of death? If those resentful spirits really dare to show up in front of Annie with the courage to become fat, do you think she will burn them again? It's just a matter of convenience, it is not too simple!
Don't think that the state of the soul is so great or that it can frighten Annie. Her own subordinates are all ferocious and cruel guys. What is there to be afraid of those grinning souls? So, Annie thinks, on the contrary, those who dared to avenge themselves should be afraid. They should repent and pray not to appear in front of them. Otherwise, their fate will be very miserable. awful……
As for revenge against yourself? That is absolutely impossible!
"You two demons, no... you are two demons..."
Robbie, the evil spirit knight, who was relieved after a while, looked at the little girl in the distance with a shocked face.
He couldn't imagine that there would be so many sins on this little girl? This is simply a sinful soul! If it wasn't for that he seemed to be temporarily unable to beat the two of them, Robbie would have cleansed each other out and sent his soul to to be tortured!
"Don't talk nonsense!"
"Is it cute? How could it be that kind of villain? And, have you ever seen a devil as cute as others?"
"On the contrary, it is you! Look at you, the whole body is wet, there is still a skull with fire, it looks ugly, it is not a good thing at first sight! If you go out, you may be frightened if you are not careful. What about the kids! That's why you are like that kind of very bad and bad devil!"
"No! It's not like, you are the devil! So... Tibbers, hurry up and kill the shameless villain!"
A whole body of skeletons, a guy with no face value, dare to always say that he is bad?
He must be itchy. Although he doesn't have any skin right now, Annie still decided: Let Tibbers go up and beat him for a while, let him loosen his bones first, and see if he dare to be in front of her in the future. Talking nonsense? !
Just as Annie was about to let her little bear Tibbers teach the non-talking skull for a while, suddenly, there were bursts of sharp sirens in the distance.
Now, at this critical time, the slow response of California police or other government staff have finally discovered the abnormality here, and they are coming here at high speed.
(Report to the little master! In the distance, a large wave of police cars are rushing here, can't we fight?!
Tibbers, of course, saw the police cars in the distance and the faint red and blue lights on their roofs, so it turned to ask and looked at Master Anne behind him. )
"All right! The Lun family is also a little sleepy, so let's not fight for the time being..."
Those state police or something, Annie is actually not afraid of them, she is just a little afraid of trouble! In case, if you accidentally burn them, you will definitely be regarded as bad guys! This kind of thing cannot be done blatantly, especially in this kind of open air, where it is easy to be photographed by satellites or surveillance.
So, after looking at the police cars in the distance, after calculating the speed at which the other party was coming here, Annie decided not to play with the strange creature that provokes her! But, although it may not be enough to burn the opponent, some necessary punishments are still needed, such as... now?
"Aha! Come on you!"
After deciding to make a quick decision, Annie suddenly laughed wickedly and stood up happily on the roof of the car that was burned to the iron frame, and then she heard the sirens of the police car in the distance. The Flame Skull Monster who seemed to want to retreat stretched out his little hand.
Now, Annie started to use her spells!
In the next instant, Ghost Rider Robbie was horrified to see: The countless fires around him, and the flames on his own Ghost Rider, were uncontrollably rushing into the palm of the opponent's hand. past? The kind of heart-piercing or soul-tearing pain caused him to kneel directly on the ground of a messy road.
"Oh no!!!"
Robbie Reyes instantly squatted on the ground and wailed, letting his flames keep pouring out!
At the same time, he was horrified to discover: He couldn't control his ghost knight's transformation?
"Do not……"
As the flames and power in his body were quickly plundered by the opponent, Robbie Reyes quickly recovered into a thin, black-haired man with ragged upper body.
His clothes, when he had just turned into a ghost rider, had been scratched by a certain flame bear! But fortunately, after he recovered as a human, he did not suffer any harm.
"No... how is this possible..."
"Where is my power? What have you done? You really are a devil!"
After breathing heavily for a while, Robbie stretched out his hands in vain and touched his face as a human being when the pain disappeared, and finally looked into the distance in horror: over there The little girl in, she has extinguished all the surrounding flames and turned off the strange hemispherical giant protective shield. At the same time, she also retracted her own giant flame bear and carried it back to her own left hand!
At the same time, her little right hand was holding a little flame villain. You don't need to guess Robbie to know that it must be the source of her strength! And now, his extraordinary power is struggling in vain in the opponent's hands, but he can't get away anyway?
That little girl... can actually control the powerful flame demon attached to her body, is she really the devil from hell?
"Haha! This is so easy! It turns out that this is really a strange flame spirit!"
Looking at the little flame man who was struggling in her palm, Annie stared at it carefully for a while, then laughed heartlessly. This thing, said to be the spirit of flame, is actually not very accurate, but it is the same thing anyway!
If it were something else, she might not be so easy to catch it herself, and it would take some thought. But, who makes it consist of flames? It won't be too easy for her to catch it! No matter what the world is, there is no flame that can jump in front of oneself!
The thing in the palm of her hand is a bit magical. Annie decided. After she goes back, she will do research, anatomy, and anatomy. If she understands it, she should be able to make her flames more interesting or profitable?
"No! Let go of me! Who are you?"
When the little man in the palm of his hand saw that he was pulled out of Robbie Reyes's body, he asked in horror! And at the same time I want to fly or hit to break free of the opponent's palm.
"Oh? Talking? Then, I tell you, my name is Annie!"
Since the other party has its own sense of independence and can speak, it is easier to study!
"No... whoever you are, let me go! Otherwise... Lord Mephisto will never let you go!"
After struggling desperately for a while, and found that he couldn't break free from the white and tender palm of the seemingly harmless little girl, the flame villain monster threatened Anne hysterically.
It hopes that after hearing Lord Mephisto’s name, the other party can have some concerns and consider letting it go?
"Mephisto...who is that then?"
"I'm sorry, I don't know him for the one you said! He doesn't seem to have this name in my list of friends? So... see you later!"
Biting her left and right fingers and thinking about it for a while, Annie was making sure that she had no impression of a strange name called Mephisto, and she felt that the other party would definitely not be a powerful person or one of her friends and acquaintances. After the existence of the class, he shook hands vigorously and put away the thing like the flame spirit.
It was late now, she had to go back to take a bath and sleep first, and wait until the next day to have time and interest, and then take some time to come out and study slowly!
As for Mephisto or something...
Don't say that Annie doesn't know him, even if you know him, as long as she is fancy, then she will it if she says to it. What can he do with himself? Look at that gem from Uncle Thor's Hammer's house, isn't it still robbed by yourself? I haven't seen them dare to come and say they want to take it back!
"Hey! The one over there..."
"The monster that bothered and cursed you has been taken away by me. Don't thank you, the Lun family is a good girl! I especially like to help others, so bye!"
The sound of the police sirens in the distance got closer and closer, and Annie finally said to the black and thin uncle who was still a little bit unbelievable that things would turn out to be like this. It was not short whether the other party could accept this cruelty. In fact, just a teleportation spell disappeared instantly.
"Damn it!"
Although Robbie Reyes, the fourth-generation ghost knight, didn't understand what happened just now, why his power was inexplicably deprived and transformed back into a human being.
However, now that the police are coming, and he is not planning to stay to cause trouble, he can only rush into his own Dodge War Horse, and then start the vehicle while cursing, speeding up and leaving the previous one. The fire of burned a mess...

While Annie was fighting the flame skull, the Bear Shield discovered an anomaly on this road near the suburbs of Los Angeles, California. Then, the ‘Little Bear’ of the Colson’s team was immediately ordered to reach the 10,000-meter altitude of this place, and has been paying attention to the battle below.
Then, until Annie took the shot to absorb all the flames and teleported away, Coleson and others who had been observing on the spaceship came back to their senses in surprise.
"Coelson, is it really okay for us to just look at it like this? That stranger, really don't need to be caught?"
Seeing the flame skeleton monster that was cleaned up by Annie and sucked away by the flames and turned back into humans, Melinda felt that, anyway, for such a dangerous monster, they had better set off now, taking advantage of the other's 1969. Before the Dodge Fighting Wagon of this model ran far, it caught the opponent directly, and then threw it to Attilan, so that the Black Bat and the others could tune it up?
Therefore, Melinda strongly advocated catching the skinny man who has recovered into a human body and is in a weak state! After catching it, let it be taken care of by professional personnel. Until it is determined that the other party is ‘safe’ enough, then the other party should never be allowed to return to Earth!
"Maybe you guys made a mistake, I don't think that Flame Skull will be a member of our alien land!"
At this time, before Coleson could speak, the representative of the alien race on the "Little Bear", the Princess Crystal of the Attilan family, began to speak.
Only sixteen years old this year, this lively and active girl who loves the environment and travel of the earth, after the cooperation between Bear Shield and Attilan, she joined the special operation team of Coulson as a representative and liaison officer. in! Because, looking at the whole Attilan, there is nothing more suitable than this little girl!
First of all, as a member of the royal family, she is already enough for this job!
Furthermore, because of her big dog, when catching a stranger or seeking support from a stranger, she can also send it anytime and anywhere and find a suitable helper! Anyway, while serving as a liaison officer, she also serves as a special teleporter. Apart from her, there is really no better one.
"The ability of our alien race is the result of its own mutation, although some people can indeed switch between human and alien states, such as some aliens with wings, petrified skins, and some ability to transform, etc. ! But in any case, the strength of our strangers comes from our own mutation, and that cannot be deprived of by outsiders!"
"So, I think the man who turns into a skeleton should not be our alien race... This is just my own judgment. More detailed, I need to use the genetic committee to test it before I know it."
Just now, the little girl Crystal was also teasing her big dog in this conference room. Of course, she also saw the battle between the hateful little girl and the flame skull. At the same time, she also saw the other party forcibly plundering the flames on the other party's body. The whole process of the other party becoming human again.
She looked at it seriously, the ability to transform into a flame skull is not like their alien ability.
"Sky! That man, what's his name? And, who are the three people he chased before? Check it out for me right away!"
After listening to Melinda and Crystal, after thinking for a while, Coleson didn't say whether or not to arrest the man. He wanted to confirm the identities of both parties first and figure out some other things before talking.
"I found it a long time ago: That man, Robbie Reyes, is an amateur racer. He is currently working in a garage. He seems to have a disabled brother? If you don’t count those three who were burned by him As for the dead, he should be considered as having no criminal record at the moment!"
"As for the three people who were burned to death by him, I just compared the database. They are all members of the Aryan Brotherhood!"
Skye, who served as a computer expert and data clerk in this group, quickly inquired all the information about those people and places through the Internet database that Skyhammer on Earth had opened to them. It also includes the monitoring information of the two cars chasing on the street and all the personnel before Annie's appearance.
"OK! Then I know what to do!"
"My decision is: everyone is going to leave first! Since Annie chooses to let the person go, then there is always her reason! So, let's not be nosy for now, and focus on observation and surveillance for the time being! "
After an apologetic look at Melinda who seemed a little unhappy, Coleson quickly announced his decision and announced the end of the meeting at the same By the way! Skye, I remember, you were tested for a foreign gene? "
"Don't you really want to accept the awakening ceremony of Attilan? I think this might be a good opportunity! Moreover, now that the Inhuman race has been legalized, maybe you can increase your fighting power by this?"
When he saw Skye holding the computer about to leave, Coleson suddenly asked this third-level agent of the Bear Shield with fun.
"No, thank you for your kindness!"
"Because, I don't want to change two cow hooves or some parts are huge, or have a stone-like shell? In that case, I think I will not help but kill myself!"
Knowing that Skye has the blood of an alien race, it was actually after the close cooperation with Attilan some time ago. In the Bear Shield, several of the same gene fragments were detected.
Except for only one person who was willing to accept the free awakening ceremony and became a freak after success, the others were so scared that they had been hesitating and never dared to mention the awakening ceremony again! And among them, this includes Skye.
Think about it, too, as she just said, she doesn't want to be some kind of inhuman monster!
After all, the alienation of Terrigan Crystal is uncontrollable and irreversible. No woman dares to bet what she will become after awakening, especially a woman who looks at least eighty points upward! Therefore, Skye has always resisted this matter!
"Well, next time you figure it out, remember to remind me, I think you should have great potential..."
Before Coleson could finish speaking, Skye waved his hand and left the meeting room very dissatisfied, leaving Coleson and a certain stupid dog staring at him.
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